/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class AliAstrolab // Virtual lab to correlate measurements with astrophysical phenomena. // // This class is derived from TTask, but the only reason for this // is to enable this class to serve as a base class for other TTask // derived classes (e.g. AliEventSelector) without the need for // multiple virtual inheritance. // So, this AliAstrolab class itself does not provide any TTask // related functionality. // // The lab can be given a terrestrial location via the usual longitude // and latitude specifications. // Since this class is derived from AliTimestamp, a lab can also be // given a specific timestamp. Together with the terrestrial location // this provides access to local (sidereal) times etc... // In addition to the usual astronomical reference frames, a local // lab reference frame can also be specified. Together with the lab's // timestamp this uniquely defines all the coordinate transformations // between the various reference frames. // These lab characteristics allow a space-time correlation of lab // observations with external (astrophysical) phenomena. // // Observations are entered as generic signals containing a position, // reference frame specification and a timestamp. // These observations can then be analysed in various reference frames // via the available GET functions. // // Various external (astrophysical) phenomena may be entered as // so-called reference signals. // This class provides facilities (e.g. MatchRefSignal) to check // correlations of the stored measurement with these reference signals. // // Coding example : // ---------------- // gSystem->Load("ralice"); // // AliAstrolab lab("IceCube","The South Pole Neutrino Observatory"); // lab.SetLabPosition(0,-90,"deg"); // South Pole // // lab.SetLocalFrame(90,180,90,270,0,0); // Local frame has X-axis to the North // // lab.Data(1,"dms"); // Print laboratory parameters // // // Enter some observed event to be investigated // AliTimestamp ts; // ts.SetUT(1989,7,30,8,14,23,738504,0); // Float_t vec[3]={1,23.8,118.65}; // Ali3Vector r; // r.SetVector(vec,"sph","deg"); // lab.SetSignal(&r,"loc","M",&ts,0,"Event10372"); // // // Enter some reference signals // Float_t alpha=194818.0; // Float_t delta=84400.; // lab.SetSignal(alpha,delta,"B",1950,"M",-1,"Altair"); // alpha=124900.0; // delta=272400.; // lab.SetSignal(alpha,delta,"B",1950,"M",-1,"NGP"); // alpha=64508.917; // delta=-164258.02; // lab.SetSignal(alpha,delta,"J",2000,"M",-1,"Sirius"); // alpha=23149.08; // delta=891550.8; // lab.SetSignal(alpha,delta,"J",2000,"M",-1,"Polaris"); // alpha=43600.; // delta=163100.; // lab.SetSignal(alpha,delta,"J",2000,"M",-1,"Aldebaran"); // Float_t l=327.531; // Float_t b=-35.8903; // Float_t pos[3]={1,90.-b,l}; // r.SetVector(pos,"sph","deg"); // lab.SetUT(1989,7,30,8,14,16,0,0); // lab.SetSignal(&r,"gal","M",0,-1,"GRB890730"); // // // List all stored objects // lab.ListSignals("equ","M",5); // // // Determine minimal space and time differences with reference signals // Double_t da,dt; // Int_t ia,it; // da=lab.GetDifference(0,"deg",dt,"s",1,&ia,&it); // cout << " Minimal differences damin (deg) : " << da << " dtmin (s) : " << dt // << " damin-index : " << ia << " dtmin-index : " << it << endl; // cout << " damin for "; lab->PrintSignal("equ","T",&ts,5,ia); cout << endl; // cout << " dtmin for "; lab->PrintSignal("equ","T",&ts,5,it); cout << endl; // // // Search for space and time match with the reference signals // da=5; // dt=10; // TArrayI* arr=lab.MatchRefSignal(da,"deg",dt,"s"); // Int_t index=0; // if (arr) // { // for (Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) // { // index=arr->At(i); // cout << " Match found for index : " << index << endl; // cout << " Corresponding ref. object "; lab->PrintSignal("equ","T",&ts,5,index); cout << endl; // } // } // // //--- Author: Nick van Eijndhoven 15-mar-2007 Utrecht University //- Modified: NvE $Date$ Utrecht University /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliAstrolab.h" #include "Riostream.h" ClassImp(AliAstrolab) // Class implementation to enable ROOT I/O AliAstrolab::AliAstrolab(const char* name,const char* title) : TTask(name,title),AliTimestamp() { // Default constructor fToffset=0; fXsig=0; fRefs=0; fBias=0; fGal=0; fIndices=0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliAstrolab::~AliAstrolab() { // Destructor to delete all allocated memory. if (fXsig) { delete fXsig; fXsig=0; } if (fRefs) { delete fRefs; fRefs=0; } if (fIndices) { delete fIndices; fIndices=0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliAstrolab::AliAstrolab(const AliAstrolab& t) : TTask(t),AliTimestamp(t) { // Copy constructor fToffset=t.fToffset; fLabPos=t.fLabPos; fXsig=0; if (t.fXsig) fXsig=new AliSignal(*(t.fXsig)); fRefs=0; if (t.fRefs) { Int_t size=t.fRefs->GetSize(); fRefs=new TObjArray(size); for (Int_t i=0; iAt(i); if (sx) fRefs->AddAt(sx->Clone(),i); } } fBias=0; fGal=0; fIndices=0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::Data(Int_t mode,TString u) { // Provide lab information. // // "mode" indicates the mode of the timestamp info (see AliTimestamp::Date). // // The string argument "u" allows to choose between different angular units // in case e.g. a spherical frame is selected. // u = "rad" : angles provided in radians // "deg" : angles provided in degrees // "dms" : angles provided in ddd:mm:ss.sss // "hms" : angles provided in hh:mm:ss.sss // // The defaults are mode=1 and u="deg". const char* name=GetName(); const char* title=GetTitle(); cout << " *" << ClassName() << "::Data*"; if (strlen(name)) cout << " Name : " << GetName(); if (strlen(title)) cout << " Title : " << GetTitle(); cout << endl; Double_t l,b; GetLabPosition(l,b,"deg"); cout << " Lab position longitude : "; PrintAngle(l,"deg",u,2); cout << " latitude : "; PrintAngle(b,"deg",u,2); cout << endl; cout << " Lab time offset w.r.t. UT : "; PrintTime(fToffset,12); cout << endl; // UT and Local time info Date(mode,fToffset); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetLabPosition(Ali3Vector& p) { // Set the lab position in the terrestrial coordinates. // The right handed reference frame is defined such that the North Pole // corresponds to a polar angle theta=0 and the Greenwich meridian corresponds // to an azimuth angle phi=0, with phi increasing eastwards. fLabPos.SetPosition(p); // Determine local time offset in fractional hours w.r.t. UT. Double_t vec[3]; p.GetVector(vec,"sph","deg"); Double_t l=vec[2]; fToffset=l/15.; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetLabPosition(Double_t l,Double_t b,TString u) { // Set the lab position in the terrestrial longitude (l) and latitude (b). // Positions north of the equator have b>0, whereas b<0 indicates // locations south of the equator. // Positions east of Greenwich have l>0, whereas l<0 indicates // locations west of Greenwich. // // The string argument "u" allows to choose between different angular units // u = "rad" : angles provided in radians // "deg" : angles provided in degrees // "dms" : angles provided in dddmmss.sss // "hms" : angles provided in hhmmss.sss // // The default is u="deg". Double_t r=1,theta=0,phi=0; l=ConvertAngle(l,u,"deg"); b=ConvertAngle(b,u,"deg"); Double_t offset=90.; theta=offset-b; phi=l; Double_t p[3]={r,theta,phi}; fLabPos.SetPosition(p,"sph","deg"); // Local time offset in fractional hours w.r.t. UT. fToffset=l/15.; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliPosition AliAstrolab::GetLabPosition() const { // Provide the lab position in the terrestrial coordinates. // The right handed reference frame is defined such that the North Pole // corresponds to a polar angle theta=0 and the Greenwich meridian corresponds // to an azimuth angle phi=0, with phi increasing eastwards. return fLabPos; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::GetLabPosition(Double_t& l,Double_t& b,TString u) const { // Provide the lab position in the terrestrial longitude (l) and latitude (b). // Positions north of the equator have b>0, whereas b<0 indicates // locations south of the equator. // Positions east of Greenwich have l>0, whereas l<0 indicates // locations west of Greenwich. // // The string argument "u" allows to choose between different angular units // u = "rad" : angles provided in radians // "deg" : angles provided in degrees // // The default is u="deg". Double_t pi=acos(-1.); Double_t offset=90.; if (u=="rad") offset=pi/2.; Double_t p[3]; fLabPos.GetPosition(p,"sph",u); b=offset-p[1]; l=p[2]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliAstrolab::GetLT() { // Provide the Lab's local time in fractional hours. // A mean solar day lasts 24h (i.e. 86400s). // // In case a hh:mm:ss format is needed, please use the Convert() facility. Double_t h=GetLT(fToffset); return h; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliAstrolab::GetLMST() { // Provide the Lab's Local Mean Sidereal Time (LMST) in fractional hours. // A sidereal day corresponds to 23h 56m 04.09s (i.e. 86164.09s) mean solar time. // The definition of GMST is such that a sidereal clock corresponds with // 24 sidereal hours per revolution of the Earth. // As such, local time offsets w.r.t. UT and GMST can be treated similarly. // // In case a hh:mm:ss format is needed, please use the Convert() facility. Double_t h=GetLMST(fToffset); return h; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliAstrolab::GetLAST() { // Provide the Lab's Local Apparent Sidereal Time (LAST) in fractional hours. // A sidereal day corresponds to 23h 56m 04.09s (i.e. 86164.09s) mean solar time. // The definition of GMST and GAST is such that a sidereal clock corresponds with // 24 sidereal hours per revolution of the Earth. // As such, local time offsets w.r.t. UT, GMST and GAST can be treated similarly. // // In case a hh:mm:ss format is needed, please use the Convert() facility. Double_t h=GetLAST(fToffset); return h; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::PrintAngle(Double_t a,TString in,TString out,Int_t ndig) const { // Printing of angles in various formats. // // The input argument "a" denotes the angle to be printed. // The string arguments "in" and "out" specify the angular I/O formats. // // in = "rad" : input angle provided in radians // "deg" : input angle provided in degrees // "dms" : input angle provided in dddmmss.sss // "hms" : input angle provided in hhmmss.sss // // out = "rad" : output angle provided in radians // "deg" : output angle provided in degrees // "dms" : output angle provided in dddmmss.sss // "hms" : output angle provided in hhmmss.sss // // The argument "ndig" specifies the number of digits for the fractional // part (e.g. ndig=6 for "dms" corresponds to micro-arcsecond precision). // No rounding will be performed, so an arcsecond count of 3.473 with ndig=1 // will appear as 03.4 on the output. // Due to computer accuracy, precision on the pico-arcsecond level may get lost. // // The default is ndig=1. // // Note : The angle info is printed without additional spaces or "endline". // This allows the print to be included in various composite output formats. Double_t b=ConvertAngle(a,in,out); if (out=="deg" || out=="rad") { cout.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield); cout << setprecision(ndig) << b << " " << out.Data(); cout.unsetf(ios::fixed); return; } Double_t epsilon=1.e-12; // Accuracy in (arc)seconds Int_t word=0,ddd=0,hh=0,mm=0,ss=0; Double_t s; ULong64_t sfrac=0; if (out=="dms") { word=Int_t(b); word=abs(word); ddd=word/10000; word=word%10000; mm=word/100; ss=word%100; s=fabs(b)-Double_t(ddd*10000+mm*100+ss); if (s>(1.-epsilon)) { s=0.; ss++; } while (ss>=60) { ss-=60; mm++; } while (mm>=60) { mm-=60; ddd++; } while (ddd>=360) { ddd-=360; } s*=pow(10.,ndig); sfrac=ULong64_t(s); if (b<0) cout << "-"; cout << ddd << "d " << mm << "' " << ss << "." << setfill('0') << setw(ndig) << sfrac << "\""; return; } if (out=="hms") { word=Int_t(b); word=abs(word); hh=word/10000; word=word%10000; mm=word/100; ss=word%100; s=fabs(b)-Double_t(hh*10000+mm*100+ss); if (s>(1.-epsilon)) { s=0.; ss++; } while (ss>=60) { ss-=60; mm++; } while (mm>=60) { mm-=60; hh++; } while (hh>=24) { hh-=24; } s*=pow(10.,ndig); sfrac=ULong64_t(s); if (b<0) cout << "-"; cout << hh << "h " << mm << "m " << ss << "." << setfill('0') << setw(ndig) << sfrac << "s"; return; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetSignal(Ali3Vector* r,TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref,TString name) { // Store a signal as specified by the position r and the timestamp ts. // The position is stored in International Celestial Reference System (ICRS) coordinates. // The ICRS is a fixed, time independent frame and as such provides a unique reference // frame without the need of specifying any epoch etc... // The ICRS coordinate definitions match within 20 mas with the mean ones of the J2000.0 // equatorial system. Nevertheless, to obtain the highest accuracy, the slight // coordinate correction between J2000 and ICRS is performed here via the // so-called frame bias matrix. // For further details see the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) circular 179 (2005), // which is available on http://aa.usno,navy.mil/publications/docs/Circular_179.pdf. // // The input parameter "frame" allows the user to specify the frame to which // the components of r refer. Available options are : // // frame = "equ" ==> Equatorial coordinates with right ascension (a) and declination (d), // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-d and phi=a. // "gal" ==> Galactic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-b and phi=l. // "ecl" ==> Ecliptic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b), // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-b and phi=l. // "hor" ==> Horizontal coordinates at the AliAstrolab location, where the "sph" // components of r correspond to theta=zenith angle and phi=pi-azimuth. // "icr" ==> ICRS coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b), // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-b and phi=l. // "loc" ==> Local coordinates at the AliAstrolab location, where the "sph" // components of r correspond to the usual theta and phi angles. // // In case the coordinates are the equatorial right ascension and declination (a,d), // they can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to specifiy either "mean" or "true" // values for the input in case of equatorial (a,d) coordinates. // // mode = "M" --> Input coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Input coordinates are the true values // // The input parameter "jref" allows the user to store so-called "reference" signals. // These reference signals may be used to check space-time event coincidences with the // stored measurement (e.g. coincidence of the measurement with transient phenomena). // // jref = 0 --> Storage of the measurement // j --> Storage of a reference signal at the j-th position (j=1 is first) // < 0 --> Add a reference signal at the next available position // // Via the input argument "name" the user can give the stored signal also a name. // // The default values are jref=0 and name="". // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. if (!r) { if (!jref && fXsig) { delete fXsig; fXsig=0; } return; } if (frame!="equ" && frame!="gal" && frame!="ecl" && frame!="hor" && frame!="icr" && frame!="loc") { if (!jref && fXsig) { delete fXsig; fXsig=0; } return; } if (frame=="equ" && mode!="M" && mode!="m" && mode!="T" && mode!="t") { if (!jref && fXsig) { delete fXsig; fXsig=0; } return; } if (!ts) ts=(AliTimestamp*)this; Double_t vec[3]={1,0,0}; vec[1]=r->GetX(2,"sph","rad"); vec[2]=r->GetX(3,"sph","rad"); Ali3Vector q; q.SetVector(vec,"sph","rad"); AliSignal* sxref=0; if (!jref) // Storage of the measurement { if (!fXsig) { fXsig=new AliSignal(); } else { fXsig->Reset(1); } if (name != "") fXsig->SetName(name); fXsig->SetTitle("Event in ICRS coordinates"); fXsig->SetTimestamp(*ts); } else // Storage of a reference signal { if (!fRefs) { fRefs=new TObjArray(); fRefs->SetOwner(); } // Expand array size if needed if (jref>0 && jref>=fRefs->GetSize()) fRefs->Expand(jref+1); sxref=new AliSignal(); if (name != "") sxref->SetName(name); sxref->SetTitle("Reference event in ICRS coordinates"); sxref->SetTimestamp(*ts); } if (frame=="loc") { // Convert to horizontal coordinates q=q.GetUnprimed(&fL); // Store the signal SetSignal(&q,"hor",mode,ts,jref); return; } if (frame=="equ") { // Convert to "mean" values at specified epoch if (mode=="T" || mode=="t") { SetNmatrix(ts); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fN); } // Convert to "mean" values at J2000 SetPmatrix(ts); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fP); // Convert to ICRS values if (!fBias) SetBmatrix(); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fB); } if (frame=="gal") { // Convert to J2000 equatorial mean coordinates if (fGal != 2) SetGmatrix("J"); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fG); // Convert to ICRS values if (!fBias) SetBmatrix(); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fB); } if (frame=="ecl") { // Convert to mean equatorial values at specified epoch SetEmatrix(ts); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fE); // Convert to "mean" values at J2000 SetPmatrix(ts); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fP); // Convert to ICRS values if (!fBias) SetBmatrix(); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fB); } if (frame=="hor") { // Convert to "true" equatorial values at the specified timestamp SetHmatrix(ts); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fH); // Convert to "mean" values at specified timestamp SetNmatrix(ts); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fN); // Convert to "mean" values at J2000 SetPmatrix(ts); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fP); // Convert to ICRS values if (!fBias) SetBmatrix(); q=q.GetUnprimed(&fB); } // Store the signal in ICRS coordinates if (!jref) // Storage of a regular signal { fXsig->SetPosition(q); } else // Storage of a reference signal { sxref->SetPosition(q); if (jref<0) { fRefs->Add(sxref); } else { fRefs->AddAt(sxref,jref-1); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetSignal(Double_t a,Double_t d,TString s,Double_t e,TString mode,Int_t jref,TString name) { // Store a signal with right ascension (a) and declination (d) given for epoch e. // The position is stored in International Celestial Reference System (ICRS) coordinates. // The ICRS is a fixed, time independent frame and as such provides a unique reference // frame without the need of specifying any epoch etc... // The ICRS coordinate definitions match within 20 mas the mean ones of the J2000.0 // equatorial system. Nevertheless, to obtain the highest accuracy, the slight // coordinate correction between J2000 and ICRS is performed here via the // so-called frame bias matrix. // For further details see the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) circular 179 (2005), // which is available on http://aa.usno,navy.mil/publications/docs/Circular_179.pdf. // // The coordinates (a,d) can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to specifiy either "mean" or "true" // values for the input (a,d) coordinates. // // a : Right ascension in hhmmss.sss // d : Declination in dddmmss.sss // s = "B" --> Besselian reference epoch. // "J" --> Julian reference epoch. // e : Reference epoch for the input coordinates (e.g. 1900, 1950, 2000,...) // mode = "M" --> Input coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Input coordinates are the true values // // The input parameter "jref" allows the user to store so-called "reference" signals. // These reference signals may be used to check space-time event coincidences with the // stored measurement (e.g. coincidence of the measurement with transient phenomena). // // jref = 0 --> Storage of the measurement // j --> Storage of a reference signal at the j-th position (j=1 is first) // < 0 --> Add a reference signal at the next available position // // Via the input argument "name" the user can give the stored signal also a name. // // The default values are jref=0 and name="". if (s!="B" && s!="b" && s!="J" && s!="j") { if (!jref && fXsig) { delete fXsig; fXsig=0; } return; } if (mode!="M" && mode!="m" && mode!="T" && mode!="t") { if (!jref && fXsig) { delete fXsig; fXsig=0; } return; } // Convert coordinates to fractional degrees. a=ConvertAngle(a,"hms","deg"); d=ConvertAngle(d,"dms","deg"); AliTimestamp tx; tx.SetEpoch(e,s); Ali3Vector r; Double_t vec[3]={1.,90.-d,a}; r.SetVector(vec,"sph","deg"); SetSignal(&r,"equ",mode,&tx,jref,name); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetSignal(Double_t a,Double_t d,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref,TString name) { // Store a signal with right ascension (a) and declination (d) given for timestamp ts. // The position is stored in International Celestial Reference System (ICRS) coordinates. // The ICRS is a fixed, time independent frame and as such provides a unique reference // frame without the need of specifying any epoch etc... // The ICRS coordinate definitions match within 20 mas the mean ones of the J2000.0 // equatorial system. Nevertheless, to obtain the highest accuracy, the slight // coordinate correction between J2000 and ICRS is performed here via the // so-called frame bias matrix. // For further details see the U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) circular 179 (2005), // which is available on http://aa.usno,navy.mil/publications/docs/Circular_179.pdf. // // The coordinates (a,d) can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to specifiy either "mean" or "true" // values for the input (a,d) coordinates. // // a : Right ascension in hhmmss.sss // d : Declination in dddmmss.sss // mode = "M" --> Input coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Input coordinates are the true values // // The input parameter "jref" allows the user to store so-called "reference" signals. // These reference signals may be used to check space-time event coincidences with the // stored measurement (e.g. coincidence of the measurement with transient phenomena). // // jref = 0 --> Storage of the measurement // j --> Storage of a reference signal at the j-th position (j=1 is first) // < 0 --> Add a reference signal at the next available position // // Via the input argument "name" the user can give the stored signal also a name. // // The default values are jref=0 and name="". // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. // Convert coordinates to fractional degrees. a=ConvertAngle(a,"hms","deg"); d=ConvertAngle(d,"dms","deg"); Ali3Vector r; Double_t vec[3]={1.,90.-d,a}; r.SetVector(vec,"sph","deg"); SetSignal(&r,"equ",mode,ts,jref,name); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSignal* AliAstrolab::GetSignal(Ali3Vector& r,TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref) { // Provide the user specified coordinates of a signal at the specific timestamp ts. // The coordinates are returned via the vector argument "r". // In addition also a pointer to the stored signal object is provided. // In case no stored signal was available or one of the input arguments was // invalid, the returned pointer will be 0. // // The input parameter "frame" allows the user to specify the frame to which // the components of r refer. Available options are : // // frame = "equ" ==> Equatorial coordinates with right ascension (a) and declination (d), // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-d and phi=a. // "gal" ==> Galactic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-b and phi=l. // "ecl" ==> Ecliptic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b), // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-b and phi=l. // "hor" ==> Horizontal coordinates at the AliAstrolab location, where the "sph" // components of r correspond to theta=zenith angle and phi=pi-azimuth. // "icr" ==> ICRS coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b), // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-b and phi=l. // "loc" ==> Local coordinates at the AliAstrolab location, where the "sph" // components of r correspond to the usual theta and phi angles. // // In case the coordinates are the equatorial right ascension and declination (a,d), // they can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to specifiy either "mean" or "true" // values for the input in case of equatorial (a,d) coordinates. // // mode = "M" --> Input coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Input coordinates are the true values // // The input parameter "jref" allows the user to access so-called "reference" signals. // These reference signals may be used to check space-time event coincidences with the // stored measurement (e.g. coincidence of the measurement with transient phenomena). // // jref = 0 --> Access to the measurement // j --> Access to the reference signal at the j-th position (j=1 is first) // // Default value is jref=0. // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. r.SetZero(); if (frame!="equ" && frame!="gal" && frame!="ecl" && frame!="hor" && frame!="icr" && frame!="loc") return 0; if (frame=="equ" && mode!="M" && mode!="m" && mode!="T" && mode!="t") return 0; AliSignal* sx=GetSignal(jref); if (!sx) return 0; if (!ts) ts=(AliTimestamp*)this; Double_t vec[3]; sx->GetPosition(vec,"sph","rad"); Ali3Vector q; q.SetVector(vec,"sph","rad"); if (frame=="icr") { r.Load(q); return sx; } // Convert from ICRS to equatorial J2000 coordinates if (!fBias) SetBmatrix(); q=q.GetPrimed(&fB); if (frame=="equ") { // Precess to specified timestamp AliTimestamp ts1; ts1.SetEpoch(2000,"J"); Precess(q,&ts1,ts); // Nutation correction if requested if (mode=="T" || mode=="t") Nutate(q,ts); } if (frame=="gal") { // Convert from equatorial J2000 to galactic if (fGal != 2) SetGmatrix("J"); q=q.GetPrimed(&fG); } if (frame=="ecl") { // Precess to specified timestamp AliTimestamp ts1; ts1.SetEpoch(2000,"J"); Precess(q,&ts1,ts); // Convert from equatorial to ecliptic coordinates SetEmatrix(ts); q=q.GetPrimed(&fE); } if (frame=="hor") { // Precess to specified timestamp AliTimestamp ts1; ts1.SetEpoch(2000,"J"); Precess(q,&ts1,ts); // Nutation correction Nutate(q,ts); // Convert from equatorial to horizontal coordinates SetHmatrix(ts); q=q.GetPrimed(&fH); } if (frame=="loc") { // Get the signal in horizontal coordinates GetSignal(q,"hor",mode,ts); // Convert from horizontal local-frame coordinates q=q.GetPrimed(&fL); } r.Load(q); return sx; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSignal* AliAstrolab::GetSignal(Ali3Vector& r,TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,TString name) { // Provide the user specified coordinates of the signal with the specified // name at the specific timestamp ts. // The coordinates are returned via the vector argument "r". // In addition also a pointer to the stored signal object is provided. // In case no such stored signal was available or one of the input arguments was // invalid, the returned pointer will be 0. // // The input parameter "frame" allows the user to specify the frame to which // the components of r refer. Available options are : // // frame = "equ" ==> Equatorial coordinates with right ascension (a) and declination (d), // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-d and phi=a. // "gal" ==> Galactic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-b and phi=l. // "ecl" ==> Ecliptic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b), // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-b and phi=l. // "hor" ==> Horizontal coordinates at the AliAstrolab location, where the "sph" // components of r correspond to theta=zenith angle and phi=pi-azimuth. // "icr" ==> ICRS coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b), // where the "sph" components of r correspond to theta=(pi/2)-b and phi=l. // "loc" ==> Local coordinates at the AliAstrolab location, where the "sph" // components of r correspond to the usual theta and phi angles. // // In case the coordinates are the equatorial right ascension and declination (a,d), // they can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to specifiy either "mean" or "true" // values for the input in case of equatorial (a,d) coordinates. // // mode = "M" --> Input coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Input coordinates are the true values // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. AliSignal* sx=0; Int_t j=GetSignalIndex(name); if (j>=0) sx=GetSignal(r,frame,mode,ts,j); return sx; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSignal* AliAstrolab::GetSignal(Double_t& a,Double_t& d,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref) { // Provide precession (and nutation) corrected right ascension (a) and // declination (d) of the stored signal object at the specified timestamp. // In addition also a pointer to the stored signal object is provided. // In case no stored signal was available or one of the input arguments was // invalid, the returned pointer will be 0. // // The coordinates (a,d) can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to select either // "mean" or "true" values for (a,d). // // The correction methods used are the new IAU 2000 ones as described in the // U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) circular 179 (2005), which is available on // http://aa.usno,navy.mil/publications/docs/Circular_179.pdf. // // a : Right ascension in hhmmss.sss // d : Declination in dddmmss.sss // mode = "M" --> Output coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Output coordinates are the true values // ts : Timestamp at which the corrected coordinate values are requested. // // The input parameter "jref" allows the user to access so-called "reference" signals. // These reference signals may be used to check space-time event coincidences with the // stored regular signal (e.g. coincidence of the stored signal with transient phenomena). // // jref = 0 --> Access to the measurement // j --> Access to the reference signal at the j-th position (j=1 is first) // // Default value is jref=0. // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. a=0; d=0; Ali3Vector r; AliSignal* sx=GetSignal(r,"equ",mode,ts,jref); if (!sx) return 0; // Retrieve the requested (a,d) values Double_t vec[3]; r.GetVector(vec,"sph","deg"); d=90.-vec[1]; a=vec[2]; while (a<-360.) { a+=360.; } while (a>360.) { a-=360.; } while (d<-90.) { d+=90.; } while (d>90.) { d-=90.; } // Convert coordinates to appropriate format a=ConvertAngle(a,"deg","hms"); d=ConvertAngle(d,"deg","dms"); return sx; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSignal* AliAstrolab::GetSignal(Double_t& a,Double_t& d,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,TString name) { // Provide precession (and nutation) corrected right ascension (a) and // declination (d) of the stored signal object with the specified name // at the specific timestamp ts. // In addition also a pointer to the stored signal object is provided. // In case no stored signal was available or one of the input arguments was // invalid, the returned pointer will be 0. // // The coordinates (a,d) can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to select either // "mean" or "true" values for (a,d). // // The correction methods used are the new IAU 2000 ones as described in the // U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) circular 179 (2005), which is available on // http://aa.usno,navy.mil/publications/docs/Circular_179.pdf. // // a : Right ascension in hhmmss.sss // d : Declination in dddmmss.sss // mode = "M" --> Output coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Output coordinates are the true values // ts : Timestamp at which the corrected coordinate values are requested. // name : Name of the requested signal object // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. AliSignal* sx=0; Int_t j=GetSignalIndex(name); if (j>=0) sx=GetSignal(a,d,mode,ts,j); return sx; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSignal* AliAstrolab::GetSignal(Double_t& a,Double_t& d,TString s,Double_t e,TString mode,Int_t jref) { // Provide precession (and nutation) corrected right ascension (a) and // declination (d) of the stored signal object at the specified epoch e. // In addition also a pointer to the stored signal object is provided. // In case no stored signal was available or one of the input arguments was // invalid, the returned pointer will be 0. // // The coordinates (a,d) can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to specifiy either "mean" or "true" // values for the input (a,d) coordinates. // // a : Right ascension in hhmmss.sss // d : Declination in dddmmss.sss // s = "B" --> Besselian reference epoch. // "J" --> Julian reference epoch. // e : Reference epoch for the input coordinates (e.g. 1900, 1950, 2000,...) // mode = "M" --> Input coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Input coordinates are the true values // // The input parameter "jref" allows the user to access so-called "reference" signals. // These reference signals may be used to check space-time event coincidences with the // stored measurement (e.g. coincidence of the measurement with transient phenomena). // // jref = 0 --> Access to the measurement // j --> Access to the reference signal at the j-th position (j=1 is first) // // Default value is jref=0. a=0; d=0; if (s!="B" && s!="b" && s!="J" && s!="j") return 0; if (mode!="M" && mode!="m" && mode!="T" && mode!="t") return 0; // Convert coordinates to fractional degrees. a=ConvertAngle(a,"hms","deg"); d=ConvertAngle(d,"dms","deg"); AliTimestamp tx; tx.SetEpoch(e,s); AliSignal* sx=GetSignal(a,d,mode,&tx,jref); return sx; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSignal* AliAstrolab::GetSignal(Double_t& a,Double_t& d,TString s,Double_t e,TString mode,TString name) { // Provide precession (and nutation) corrected right ascension (a) and // declination (d) of the stored signal object with the specified name // at the specific epoch e. // In addition also a pointer to the stored signal object is provided. // In case no stored signal was available or one of the input arguments was // invalid, the returned pointer will be 0. // // The coordinates (a,d) can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to specifiy either "mean" or "true" // values for the input (a,d) coordinates. // // a : Right ascension in hhmmss.sss // d : Declination in dddmmss.sss // s = "B" --> Besselian reference epoch. // "J" --> Julian reference epoch. // e : Reference epoch for the input coordinates (e.g. 1900, 1950, 2000,...) // mode = "M" --> Input coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Input coordinates are the true values // name : Name of the requested signal object AliSignal* sx=0; Int_t j=GetSignalIndex(name); if (j>=0) sx=GetSignal(a,d,s,e,mode,j); return sx; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSignal* AliAstrolab::GetSignal(Int_t jref) { // Provide the pointer to a stored signal object. // // The input parameter "jref" allows the user to access so-called "reference" signals. // These reference signals may be used to check space-time event coincidences with the // stored measurement (e.g. coincidence of the measurement with transient phenomena). // // jref = 0 --> Access to the measurement // j --> Access to the reference signal at the j-th position (j=1 is first) // // Default value is jref=0. AliSignal* sx=0; if (!jref) { sx=fXsig; } else { if (jref>0 && jrefGetSize()) sx=(AliSignal*)fRefs->At(jref-1); } return sx; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliSignal* AliAstrolab::GetSignal(TString name) { // Provide the pointer to the stored signal object with the specified name. AliSignal* sx=0; Int_t j=GetSignalIndex(name); if (j>=0) sx=GetSignal(j); return sx; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::RemoveRefSignal(Int_t j,Int_t compress) { // Remove the reference signal which was stored at the j-th position (j=1 is first). // Note : j=0 means that all stored reference signals will be removed. // j<0 allows array compression (see below) without removing any signals. // // The "compress" parameter allows compression of the ref. signal storage array. // // compress = 1 --> Array will be compressed // 0 --> Array will not be compressed // // Note : Compression of the storage array means that the indices of the // reference signals in the storage array will change. if (!fRefs) return; // Clearing of the complete storage if (!j) { delete fRefs; fRefs=0; return; } // Removing a specific reference signal if (j>0 && jGetSize()) { TObject* obj=fRefs->RemoveAt(j-1); if (obj) delete obj; } // Compression of the storage array if (compress) fRefs->Compress(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::RemoveRefSignal(TString name,Int_t compress) { // Remove the reference signal with the specified name. // // The "compress" parameter allows compression of the ref. signal storage array. // // compress = 1 --> Array will be compressed // 0 --> Array will not be compressed // // Note : Compression of the storage array means that the indices of the // reference signals in the storage array will change. Int_t j=GetSignalIndex(name); if (j>0) RemoveRefSignal(j,compress); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliAstrolab::GetSignalIndex(TString name) { // Provide storage index of the signal with the specified name. // In case the name matches with the stored measurement, // the value 0 is returned. // In case no signal with the specified name was found, the value -1 is returned. Int_t index=-1; if (fXsig) { if (name==fXsig->GetName()) return 0; } if (!fRefs) return -1; for (Int_t i=0; iGetSize(); i++) { AliSignal* sx=(AliSignal*)fRefs->At(i); if (!sx) continue; if (name==sx->GetName()) { index=i+1; break; } } return index; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::PrintSignal(TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t ndig,Int_t jref) { // Print data of a stored signal in user specified coordinates at the specific timestamp ts. // In case no stored signal was available or one of the input arguments was // invalid, no printout is produced. // // The argument "ndig" specifies the number of digits for the fractional // part (e.g. ndig=6 for "dms" corresponds to micro-arcsecond precision). // No rounding will be performed, so an arcsecond count of 3.473 with ndig=1 // will appear as 03.4 on the output. // Due to computer accuracy, precision on the pico-arcsecond level may get lost. // // Note : The angle info is printed without additional spaces or "endline". // This allows the print to be included in various composite output formats. // // The input parameter "frame" allows the user to specify the frame to which // the coordinates refer. Available options are : // // frame = "equ" ==> Equatorial coordinates with right ascension (a) and declination (d). // // "gal" ==> Galactic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // // "ecl" ==> Ecliptic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // // "hor" ==> Horizontal azimuth and altitude coordinates at the AliAstrolab location. // // "icr" ==> ICRS coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // // "loc" ==> Local spherical angles theta and phi at the AliAstrolab location. // // In case the coordinates are the equatorial right ascension and declination (a,d), // they can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to specifiy either "mean" or "true" // values for the input in case of equatorial (a,d) coordinates. // // mode = "M" --> Input coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Input coordinates are the true values // // The input parameter "mode" also determines which type of time and // local hour angle will appear in the printout. // // mode = "M" --> Mean Sidereal Time (MST) and Local Mean Hour Angle (LMHA) // "T" --> Apparent Sidereal Time (AST) and Local Apparent Hour Angle (LAHA) // // The input parameter "jref" allows printing of a so-called "reference" signal. // These reference signals may serve to check space-time event coincidences with the // stored measurement (e.g. coincidence of the measurement with transient phenomena). // // jref = 0 --> Printing of the measurement // j --> Printing of the j-th reference signal // // Default value is jref=0. // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. Ali3Vector r; AliSignal* sx=GetSignal(r,frame,mode,ts,jref); if (!sx) return; // Local Hour Angle of the signal Double_t lha=GetHourAngle("A",ts,jref); TString slha="LAHA"; if (mode=="M" || mode=="m") { lha=GetHourAngle("M",ts,jref); slha="LMHA"; } TString name=sx->GetName(); if (name != "") cout << name.Data() << " "; if (frame=="equ") { Double_t a,d; d=90.-r.GetX(2,"sph","deg"); a=r.GetX(3,"sph","rad"); cout << "Equatorial (" << mode.Data() <<") a : "; PrintAngle(a,"rad","hms",ndig); cout << " d : "; PrintAngle(d,"deg","dms",ndig); cout << " " << slha.Data() << " : "; PrintAngle(lha,"deg","hms",ndig); return; } if (frame=="gal") { Double_t l,b; b=90.-r.GetX(2,"sph","deg"); l=r.GetX(3,"sph","deg"); cout << "Galactic l : "; PrintAngle(l,"deg","deg",ndig); cout << " b : "; PrintAngle(b,"deg","deg",ndig); cout << " " << slha.Data() << " : "; PrintAngle(lha,"deg","hms",ndig); return; } if (frame=="icr") { Double_t a,d; d=90.-r.GetX(2,"sph","deg"); a=r.GetX(3,"sph","rad"); cout << "ICRS l : "; PrintAngle(a,"rad","hms",ndig); cout << " b : "; PrintAngle(d,"deg","dms",ndig); cout << " " << slha.Data() << " : "; PrintAngle(lha,"deg","hms",ndig); return; } if (frame=="ecl") { Double_t a,d; d=90.-r.GetX(2,"sph","deg"); a=r.GetX(3,"sph","deg"); cout << "Ecliptic l : "; PrintAngle(a,"deg","deg",ndig); cout << " b : "; PrintAngle(d,"deg","deg",ndig); cout << " " << slha.Data() << " : "; PrintAngle(lha,"deg","hms",ndig); return; } if (frame=="hor") { Double_t alt=90.-r.GetX(2,"sph","deg"); Double_t azi=180.-r.GetX(3,"sph","deg"); while (azi>360) { azi-=360.; } while (azi<0) { azi+=360.; } cout << "Horizontal azi : "; PrintAngle(azi,"deg","deg",ndig); cout << " alt : "; PrintAngle(alt,"deg","deg",ndig); cout << " " << slha.Data() << " : "; PrintAngle(lha,"deg","hms",ndig); return; } if (frame=="loc") { Double_t theta=r.GetX(2,"sph","deg"); Double_t phi=r.GetX(3,"sph","deg"); cout << "Local-frame phi : "; PrintAngle(phi,"deg","deg",ndig); cout << " theta : "; PrintAngle(theta,"deg","deg",ndig); cout << " " << slha.Data() << " : "; PrintAngle(lha,"deg","hms",ndig); return; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::PrintSignal(TString frame,TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t ndig,TString name) { // Print data of the stored signal with the specified name in user specified coordinates // at the specific timestamp ts. // In case such stored signal was available or one of the input arguments was // invalid, no printout is produced. // // The argument "ndig" specifies the number of digits for the fractional // part (e.g. ndig=6 for "dms" corresponds to micro-arcsecond precision). // No rounding will be performed, so an arcsecond count of 3.473 with ndig=1 // will appear as 03.4 on the output. // Due to computer accuracy, precision on the pico-arcsecond level may get lost. // // Note : The angle info is printed without additional spaces or "endline". // This allows the print to be included in various composite output formats. // // The input parameter "frame" allows the user to specify the frame to which // the coordinates refer. Available options are : // // frame = "equ" ==> Equatorial coordinates with right ascension (a) and declination (d). // // "gal" ==> Galactic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // // "ecl" ==> Ecliptic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // // "hor" ==> Horizontal azimuth and altitude coordinates at the AliAstrolab location. // // "icr" ==> ICRS coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // // "loc" ==> Local spherical angles theta and phi at the AliAstrolab location. // // In case the coordinates are the equatorial right ascension and declination (a,d), // they can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to specifiy either "mean" or "true" // values for the input in case of equatorial (a,d) coordinates. // // mode = "M" --> Input coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Input coordinates are the true values // // The input parameter "mode" also determines which type of time and // local hour angle will appear in the printout. // // mode = "M" --> Mean Sidereal Time (MST) and Local Mean Hour Angle (LMHA) // "T" --> Apparent Sidereal Time (AST) and Local Apparent Hour Angle (LAHA) // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. Int_t j=GetSignalIndex(name); if (j>=0) PrintSignal(frame,mode,ts,ndig,j); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::ListSignals(TString frame,TString mode,Int_t ndig) { // List all stored signals in user specified coordinates at the timestamp // of the actual recording of the stored measurement under investigation. // In case no (timestamp of the) actual measurement is available, // the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. // In case no stored signal is available or one of the input arguments is // invalid, no printout is produced. // // The argument "ndig" specifies the number of digits for the fractional // part (e.g. ndig=6 for "dms" corresponds to micro-arcsecond precision). // No rounding will be performed, so an arcsecond count of 3.473 with ndig=1 // will appear as 03.4 on the output. // Due to computer accuracy, precision on the pico-arcsecond level may get lost. // // The default value is ndig=1. // // Note : The angle info is printed without additional spaces or "endline". // This allows the print to be included in various composite output formats. // // The input parameter "frame" allows the user to specify the frame to which // the coordinates refer. Available options are : // // frame = "equ" ==> Equatorial coordinates with right ascension (a) and declination (d). // // "gal" ==> Galactic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // // "ecl" ==> Ecliptic coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // // "hor" ==> Horizontal azimuth and altitude coordinates at the AliAstrolab location. // // "icr" ==> ICRS coordinates with longitude (l) and lattitude (b). // // "loc" ==> Local spherical angles theta and phi at the AliAstrolab location. // // In case the coordinates are the equatorial right ascension and declination (a,d), // they can represent so-called "mean" and "true" values. // The distinction between these two representations is the following : // // mean values : (a,d) are only corrected for precession and not for nutation // true values : (a,d) are corrected for both precession and nutation // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to specifiy either "mean" or "true" // values for the input in case of equatorial (a,d) coordinates. // // mode = "M" --> Input coordinates are the mean values // "T" --> Input coordinates are the true values // // The input parameter "mode" also determines which type of time and // local hour angle will appear in the listing. // // mode = "M" --> Mean Sidereal Time (MST) and Local Mean Hour Angle (LMHA) // "T" --> Apparent Sidereal Time (AST) and Local Apparent Hour Angle (LAHA) Int_t iprint=0; AliTimestamp* tx=0; Int_t dform=1; if (mode=="T" || mode=="t") dform=-1; if (fXsig) { tx=fXsig->GetTimestamp(); if (!tx) tx=(AliTimestamp*)this; cout << " *AliAstrolab::ListSignals* List of all stored signals." << endl; cout << " === The measurement under investigation ===" << endl; cout << " Timestamp of the actual observation" << endl; tx->Date(dform,fToffset); cout << " Location of the actual observation" << endl; cout << " "; PrintSignal(frame,mode,tx,ndig); cout << endl; iprint=1; } if (!fRefs) return; for (Int_t i=1; i<=fRefs->GetSize(); i++) { AliSignal* sx=GetSignal(i); if (!sx) continue; if (!iprint) { cout << " *AliAstrolab::ListRefSignals* List of all stored signals." << endl; tx=(AliTimestamp*)this; cout << " Current timestamp of the laboratory" << endl; tx->Date(dform,fToffset); iprint=1; } if (iprint==1) { cout << " === All stored reference signals according to the above timestamp ===" << endl; iprint=2; } cout << " Index : " << i << " "; PrintSignal(frame,mode,tx,ndig,i); cout << endl; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::Precess(Ali3Vector& r,AliTimestamp* ts1,AliTimestamp* ts2) { // Correct mean right ascension and declination given for Julian date "jd" // for the earth's precession corresponding to the specified timestamp. // The results are the so-called "mean" (i.e. precession corrected) values, // corresponding to the specified timestamp. // The method used is the new IAU 2000 one as described in the // U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) circular 179 (2005), which is available on // http://aa.usno,navy.mil/publications/docs/Circular_179.pdf. // Since the standard reference epoch is J2000, this implies that all // input (a,d) coordinates will be first internally converted to the // corresponding J2000 values before the precession correction w.r.t. the // specified lab timestamp will be applied. // // r : Input vector containing the right ascension and declination information // in the form of standard Ali3Vector coordinates. // In spherical coordinates the phi corresponds to the right ascension, // whereas the declination corresponds to (pi/2)-theta. // jd : Julian date corresponding to the input coordinate values. // ts : Timestamp corresponding to the requested corrected coordinate values. // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. // Convert back to J2000 values Ali3Vector r0; SetPmatrix(ts1); r0=r.GetUnprimed(&fP); // Precess to the specified timestamp if (!ts2) ts2=(AliTimestamp*)this; SetPmatrix(ts2); r=r0.GetPrimed(&fP); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::Nutate(Ali3Vector& r,AliTimestamp* ts) { // Correct mean right ascension and declination for the earth's nutation // corresponding to the specified timestamp. // The results are the so-called "true" (i.e. nutation corrected) values, // corresponding to the specified timestamp. // The method used is the new IAU 2000 one as described in the // U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) circular 179 (2005), which is available on // http://aa.usno,navy.mil/publications/docs/Circular_179.pdf. // // r : Input vector containing the right ascension and declination information // in the form of standard Ali3Vector coordinates. // In spherical coordinates the phi corresponds to the right ascension, // whereas the declination corresponds to (pi/2)-theta. // ts : Timestamp for which the corrected coordinate values are requested. // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. // Nutation correction for the specified timestamp if (!ts) ts=(AliTimestamp*)this; SetNmatrix(ts); r=r.GetPrimed(&fN); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetBmatrix() { // Set the frame bias matrix elements. // The formulas and numerical constants used are the ones from the // U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) circular 179 (2005), which is available on // http://aa.usno,navy.mil/publications/docs/Circular_179.pdf. Double_t pi=acos(-1.); // Parameters in mas Double_t a=-14.6; Double_t x=-16.6170; Double_t e=-6.8192; // Convert to radians a*=pi/(180.*3600.*1000.); x*=pi/(180.*3600.*1000.); e*=pi/(180.*3600.*1000.); Double_t mat[9]; mat[0]=1.-0.5*(a*a+x*x); mat[1]=a; mat[2]=-x; mat[3]=-a-e*x; mat[4]=1.-0.5*(a*a+e*e); mat[5]=-e; mat[6]=x-e*a; mat[7]=e+x*a; mat[8]=1.-0.5*(e*e+x*x); fB.SetMatrix(mat); fBias=1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetPmatrix(AliTimestamp* ts) { // Set precession matrix elements for Julian date jd w.r.t. J2000. // The formulas and numerical constants used are the ones from the // U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) circular 179 (2005), which is available on // http://aa.usno,navy.mil/publications/docs/Circular_179.pdf. // All numerical constants refer to the standard reference epoch J2000. Double_t mat[9]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; if (!ts) { fP.SetMatrix(mat); return; } Double_t pi=acos(-1.); Double_t t=(ts->GetJD()-2451545.0)/36525.; // Julian centuries since J2000.0 // Parameters for the precession matrix in arcseconds Double_t eps0=84381.406; // Mean ecliptic obliquity at J2000.0 Double_t psi=5038.481507*t-1.0790069*pow(t,2)-0.00114045*pow(t,3)+0.000132851*pow(t,4) -0.0000000951*pow(t,4); Double_t om=eps0-0.025754*t+0.0512623*pow(t,2)-0.00772503*pow(t,3)-0.000000467*pow(t,4) +0.0000003337*pow(t,5); Double_t chi=10.556403*t-2.3814292*pow(t,2)-0.00121197*pow(t,3)+0.000170663*pow(t,4) -0.0000000560*pow(t,5); // Convert to radians eps0*=pi/(180.*3600.); psi*=pi/(180.*3600.); om*=pi/(180.*3600.); chi*=pi/(180.*3600.); Double_t s1=sin(eps0); Double_t s2=sin(-psi); Double_t s3=sin(-om); Double_t s4=sin(chi); Double_t c1=cos(eps0); Double_t c2=cos(-psi); Double_t c3=cos(-om); Double_t c4=cos(chi); mat[0]=c4*c2-s2*s4*c3; mat[1]=c4*s2*c1+s4*c3*c2*c1-s1*s4*s3; mat[2]=c4*s2*s1+s4*c3*c2*s1+c1*s4*s3; mat[3]=-s4*c2-s2*c4*c3; mat[4]=-s4*s2*c1+c4*c3*c2*c1-s1*c4*s3; mat[5]=-s4*s2*s1+c4*c3*c2*s1+c1*c4*s3; mat[6]=s2*s3; mat[7]=-s3*c2*c1-s1*c3; mat[8]=-s3*c2*s1+c3*c1; fP.SetMatrix(mat); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetNmatrix(AliTimestamp* ts) { // Set nutation matrix elements for the specified Julian date jd. // The formulas and numerical constants used are the ones from the // U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) circular 179 (2005), which is available on // http://aa.usno,navy.mil/publications/docs/Circular_179.pdf. Double_t mat[9]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; if (!ts) { fN.SetMatrix(mat); return; } Double_t pi=acos(-1.); Double_t dpsi,deps,eps; ts->Almanac(&dpsi,&deps,&eps); // Convert to radians dpsi*=pi/(180.*3600.); deps*=pi/(180.*3600.); eps*=pi/(180.*3600.); Double_t s1=sin(eps); Double_t s2=sin(-dpsi); Double_t s3=sin(-(eps+deps)); Double_t c1=cos(eps); Double_t c2=cos(-dpsi); Double_t c3=cos(-(eps+deps)); mat[0]=c2; mat[1]=s2*c1; mat[2]=s2*s1; mat[3]=-s2*c3; mat[4]=c3*c2*c1-s1*s3; mat[5]=c3*c2*s1+c1*s3; mat[6]=s2*s3; mat[7]=-s3*c2*c1-s1*c3; mat[8]=-s3*c2*s1+c3*c1; fN.SetMatrix(mat); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetGmatrix(TString mode) { // Set the mean equatorial to galactic coordinate conversion matrix. // The B1950 parameters were taken from section 22.3 of the book // "An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics" by Carrol and Ostlie (1996). // The J2000 parameters are obtained by precession of the B1950 values. // // Via the input argument "mode" the required epoch can be selected // mode = "B" ==> B1950 // "J" ==> J2000 Ali3Vector x; // The Galactic x-axis in the equatorial frame Ali3Vector y; // The Galactic y-axis in the equatorial frame Ali3Vector z; // The Galactic z-axis in the equatorial frame Double_t a,d; Double_t vec[3]={1,0,0}; fGal=1; // Set flag to indicate B1950 matrix values // B1950 equatorial coordinates of the North Galactic Pole (NGP) a=124900.; d=272400.; a=ConvertAngle(a,"hms","deg"); d=ConvertAngle(d,"dms","deg"); vec[1]=90.-d; vec[2]=a; z.SetVector(vec,"sph","deg"); // B1950 equatorial coordinates of the Galactic l=b=0 point a=174224.; d=-285500.; a=ConvertAngle(a,"hms","deg"); d=ConvertAngle(d,"dms","deg"); vec[1]=90.-d; vec[2]=a; x.SetVector(vec,"sph","deg"); // Precess to the corresponding J2000 values if requested if (mode=="J") { fGal=2; // Set flag to indicate J2000 matrix values AliTimestamp t1; t1.SetEpoch(1950,"B"); AliTimestamp t2; t2.SetEpoch(2000,"J"); Precess(z,&t1,&t2); Precess(x,&t1,&t2); } // The Galactic y-axis is determined for the right handed frame y=z.Cross(x); fG.SetAngles(x.GetX(2,"sph","deg"),x.GetX(3,"sph","deg"), y.GetX(2,"sph","deg"),y.GetX(3,"sph","deg"), z.GetX(2,"sph","deg"),z.GetX(3,"sph","deg")); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetEmatrix(AliTimestamp* ts) { // Set the mean equatorial to ecliptic coordinate conversion matrix // for the specified timestamp. // A nice sketch and explanation of the two frames can be found // in chapter 3 of the book "Astronomy Methods" by Hale Bradt (2004). Double_t dpsi,deps,eps; ts->Almanac(&dpsi,&deps,&eps); // Convert to degrees eps/=3600.; // Positions of the ecliptic axes w.r.t. the equatorial ones // at the moment of the specified timestamp Double_t theta1=90; // Ecliptic x-axis Double_t phi1=0; Double_t theta2=90.-eps; //Ecliptic y-axis Double_t phi2=90; Double_t theta3=eps; // Ecliptic z-axis Double_t phi3=270; fE.SetAngles(theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2,theta3,phi3); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetHmatrix(AliTimestamp* ts) { // Set the mean equatorial to horizontal coordinate conversion matrix // for the specified timestamp. // A nice sketch and explanation of the two frames can be found // in chapter 3 of the book "Astronomy Methods" by Hale Bradt (2004). // // Note : In order to simplify the calculations, we use here a // right-handed horizontal frame. Ali3Vector x; // The (South pointing) horizontal x-axis in the equatorial frame Ali3Vector y; // The (East pointing) horizontal y-axis in the equatorial frame Ali3Vector z; // The (Zenith pointing) horizontal z-axis in the equatorial frame Double_t l,b; GetLabPosition(l,b,"deg"); Double_t a; Double_t vec[3]={1,0,0}; // Equatorial coordinates of the horizontal z-axis // at the moment of the specified timestamp a=ts->GetLAST(fToffset); a*=15.; // Convert fractional hours to degrees vec[1]=90.-b; vec[2]=a; z.SetVector(vec,"sph","deg"); // Equatorial coordinates of the horizontal x-axis // at the moment of the specified timestamp vec[1]=180.-b; vec[2]=a; x.SetVector(vec,"sph","deg"); // The horizontal y-axis is determined for the right handed frame y=z.Cross(x); fH.SetAngles(x.GetX(2,"sph","deg"),x.GetX(3,"sph","deg"), y.GetX(2,"sph","deg"),y.GetX(3,"sph","deg"), z.GetX(2,"sph","deg"),z.GetX(3,"sph","deg")); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetLocalFrame(Double_t t1,Double_t p1,Double_t t2,Double_t p2,Double_t t3,Double_t p3) { // Specification of the orientations of the local-frame axes. // The input arguments represent the angles (in degrees) of the local-frame axes // w.r.t. a so called Master Reference Frame (MRF), with the same convention // as the input arguments of TRrotMatix::SetAngles. // // The right handed Master Reference Frame is defined as follows : // Z-axis : Points to the local Zenith // X-axis : Makes an angle of 90 degrees with the Z-axis and points South // Y-axis : Makes an angle of 90 degrees with the Z-axis and points East // // Once the user has specified the local reference frame, any observed event // can be related to astronomical space-time locations via the SetSignal // and GetSignal memberfunctions. // Set the matrix for the conversion of our reference frame coordinates // into the local-frame ones. fL.SetAngles(t1,p1,t2,p2,t3,p3); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliAstrolab::ConvertAngle(Double_t a,TString in,TString out) const { // Conversion of various angular formats. // // The input argument "a" denotes the angle to be converted. // The string arguments "in" and "out" specify the angular I/O formats. // // in = "rad" : input angle provided in radians // "deg" : input angle provided in degrees // "dms" : input angle provided in dddmmss.sss // "hms" : input angle provided in hhmmss.sss // // out = "rad" : output angle provided in radians // "deg" : output angle provided in degrees // "dms" : output angle provided in dddmmss.sss // "hms" : output angle provided in hhmmss.sss if (in==out) return a; // Convert input to its absolute value in (fractional) degrees. Double_t pi=acos(-1.); Double_t epsilon=1.e-12; // Accuracy in (arc)seconds Int_t word=0,ddd=0,hh=0,mm=0,ss=0; Double_t s=0; Double_t b=fabs(a); if (in=="rad") b*=180./pi; if (in=="dms") { word=Int_t(b); ddd=word/10000; word=word%10000; mm=word/100; ss=word%100; s=b-Double_t(ddd*10000+mm*100+ss); b=Double_t(ddd)+Double_t(mm)/60.+(Double_t(ss)+s)/3600.; } if (in=="hms") { word=Int_t(b); hh=word/10000; word=word%10000; mm=word/100; ss=word%100; s=b-Double_t(hh*10000+mm*100+ss); b=15.*(Double_t(hh)+Double_t(mm)/60.+(Double_t(ss)+s)/3600.); } while (b>360) { b-=360.; } if (out=="rad") b*=pi/180.; if (out=="dms") { ddd=Int_t(b); b=b-Double_t(ddd); b*=60.; mm=Int_t(b); b=b-Double_t(mm); b*=60.; ss=Int_t(b); s=b-Double_t(ss); if (s>(1.-epsilon)) { s=0.; ss++; } while (ss>=60) { ss-=60; mm++; } while (mm>=60) { mm-=60; ddd++; } while (ddd>=360) { ddd-=360; } b=Double_t(10000*ddd+100*mm+ss)+s; } if (out=="hms") { b/=15.; hh=Int_t(b); b=b-Double_t(hh); b*=60.; mm=Int_t(b); b=b-Double_t(mm); b*=60.; ss=Int_t(b); s=b-Double_t(ss); if (s>(1.-epsilon)) { s=0.; ss++; } while (ss>=60) { ss-=60; mm++; } while (mm>=60) { mm-=60; hh++; } while (hh>=24) { hh-=24; } b=Double_t(10000*hh+100*mm+ss)+s; } if (a<0) b=-b; return b; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliAstrolab::GetHourAngle(TString mode,AliTimestamp* ts,Int_t jref) { // Provide the Local Hour Angle (in fractional degrees) of a stored signal // object at the specified timestamp. // // The input parameter "mode" allows the user to select either the // "mean" or "apparent" value for the returned Hour Angle. // // mode = "M" --> Output is the Mean Hour Angle // "A" --> Output is the Apparent Hour Angle // ts : Timestamp at which the hour angle is requested. // // The input parameter "jref" allows the user to specify so-called "reference" signals. // These reference signals may be used to check space-time event coincidences with the // stored measurement (e.g. coincidence of the measurement with transient phenomena). // // jref = 0 --> Use the stored measurement // j --> Use the reference signal at the j-th position (j=1 is first) // // Default value is jref=0. // // Note : In case ts=0 the current timestamp of the lab will be taken. if (!ts) ts=(AliTimestamp*)this; // Get corrected right ascension and declination for the specified timestamp. Double_t a,d; if (mode=="M" || mode=="m") GetSignal(a,d,"M",ts,jref); if (mode=="A" || mode=="a") GetSignal(a,d,"T",ts,jref); // Convert coordinates to fractional degrees. a=ConvertAngle(a,"hms","deg"); d=ConvertAngle(d,"dms","deg"); a/=15.; // Convert a to fractional hours Double_t ha=0; if (mode=="M" || mode=="m") ha=ts->GetLMST(fToffset)-a; if (mode=="A" || mode=="a") ha=ts->GetLAST(fToffset)-a; ha*=15.; // Convert to (fractional) degrees return ha; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetLT(Int_t y,Int_t m,Int_t d,Int_t hh,Int_t mm,Int_t ss,Int_t ns,Int_t ps) { // Set the AliTimestamp parameters corresponding to the LT date and time // in the Gregorian calendar as specified by the input arguments. // // The input arguments represent the following : // y : year in LT (e.g. 1952, 2003 etc...) // m : month in LT (1=jan 2=feb etc...) // d : day in LT (1-31) // hh : elapsed hours in LT (0-23) // mm : elapsed minutes in LT (0-59) // ss : elapsed seconds in LT (0-59) // ns : remaining fractional elapsed second of LT in nanosecond // ps : remaining fractional elapsed nanosecond of LT in picosecond // // Note : ns=0 and ps=0 are the default values. // SetLT(fToffset,y,m,d,hh,mm,ss,ns,ps); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliAstrolab::SetLT(Int_t y,Int_t d,Int_t s,Int_t ns,Int_t ps) { // Set the AliTimestamp parameters corresponding to the specified elapsed // timespan since the beginning of the new LT year. // // The LT year and elapsed time span is entered via the following input arguments : // // y : year in LT (e.g. 1952, 2003 etc...) // d : elapsed number of days // s : (remaining) elapsed number of seconds // ns : (remaining) elapsed number of nanoseconds // ps : (remaining) elapsed number of picoseconds // // The specified d, s, ns and ps values will be used in an additive // way to determine the elapsed timespan. // So, specification of d=1, s=100, ns=0, ps=0 will result in the // same elapsed time span as d=0, s=24*3600+100, ns=0, ps=0. // However, by making use of the latter the user should take care // of possible integer overflow problems in the input arguments, // which obviously will provide incorrect results. // // Note : ns=0 and ps=0 are the default values. SetLT(fToffset,y,d,s,ns,ps); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliAstrolab::GetDifference(Int_t j,TString au,Double_t& dt,TString tu,Int_t mode,Int_t* ia,Int_t* it) { // Provide space and time difference between the j-th reference signal // (j=1 indicates first) and the stored measurement. // // The return value of this memberfunction provides the positional angular // difference, whereas the output argument "dt" provides the time difference. // // The units of the angular difference can be specified via the the "au" // input argument, where // // au = "rad" --> Angular difference in (fractional) radians // "deg" --> Angular difference in (fractional) degrees // // The units of the time difference can be specified via the "tu" and "mode" // input arguments. For details please refer to AliTimestamp::GetDifference(). // Also here mode=1 is the default value. // // For the time difference the reference signal is used as the standard. // This means that in case of a positive time difference, the stored // measurement occurred later than the reference signal. // // In case j=0, the stored measurement will be compared with each // reference signal and the returned angular and time differences are // the minimal differences which were encountered. // In this case the user may obtain the indices of the two stored reference signals // which had the minimal angular and minimal time difference via the output // arguments "ia" and "it" as follows : // // ia = Index of the stored reference signal with minimial angular difference // it = Index of the stored reference signal with minimial time difference // // In case these indices are the same, there obviously was 1 single reference signal // which showed both the minimal angular and time difference. // // The default values are mode=1, ia=0 and it=0; Double_t dang=999; dt=1.e20; if (ia) *ia=0; if (it) *it=0; if (!fRefs) return dang; Ali3Vector rx; // Position of the measurement Ali3Vector r0; // Position of the reference signal AliSignal* sx=GetSignal(rx,"icr","M",0); if (!sx) return dang; AliTimestamp* tx=sx->GetTimestamp(); if (!tx) return dang; // Space and time difference w.r.t. a specific reference signal if (j>0) { AliSignal* s0=GetSignal(r0,"icr","M",0,j); if (!s0) return dang; AliTimestamp* t0=s0->GetTimestamp(); if (!t0) return dang; dang=r0.GetOpeningAngle(rx,au); dt=t0->GetDifference(tx,tu,mode); return dang; } // Minimal space and time difference encountered over all reference signals Double_t dangmin=dang; Double_t dtmin=dt; for (Int_t i=1; i<=fRefs->GetSize(); i++) { AliSignal* s0=GetSignal(r0,"icr","M",0,i); if (!s0) continue; AliTimestamp* t0=s0->GetTimestamp(); if (!t0) continue; dang=r0.GetOpeningAngle(rx,au); dt=t0->GetDifference(tx,tu,mode); if (fabs(dang) Angular difference in (fractional) radians // "deg" --> Angular difference in (fractional) degrees // // The units of the time difference can be specified via the "tu" and "mode" // input arguments. For details please refer to AliTimestamp::GetDifference(). // Also here mode=1 is the default value. // // For the time difference the reference signal is used as the standard. // This means that in case of a positive time difference, the stored // measurement occurred later than the reference signal. Double_t dang=999; dt=1.e20; Int_t j=GetSignalIndex(name); if (j>0) dang=GetDifference(j,au,dt,tu,mode); return dang; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TArrayI* AliAstrolab::MatchRefSignal(Double_t da,TString au,Double_t dt,TString tu,Int_t mode) { // Provide the storage indices of the reference signals which match in space // and time with the stored measurement. // The indices are returned via a pointer to a TArrayI object. // In case no matches were found, the null pointer is returned. // A reference signal is regarded as matching with the stored measurement // if the positional angular difference doesn't exceed "da" and the absolute // value of the time difference doesn't exceed "dt". // // The units of the angular difference "da" can be specified via the the "au" // input argument, where // // au = "rad" --> Angular difference in (fractional) radians // "deg" --> Angular difference in (fractional) degrees // // The units of the time difference "dt" can be specified via the "tu" and "mode" // input arguments. For details please refer to AliTimestamp::GetDifference(). // Also here mode=1 is the default value. if (!fXsig || !fRefs) return 0; Int_t nrefs=fRefs->GetEntries(); if (fIndices) delete fIndices; fIndices=new TArrayI(nrefs); Double_t dang,dtime; Int_t jfill=0; for (Int_t i=1; i<=fRefs->GetSize(); i++) { dang=GetDifference(i,au,dtime,tu,mode); if (fabs(dang)<=da && fabs(dtime)<=dt) { fIndices->AddAt(i,jfill); jfill++; } } fIndices->Set(jfill); return fIndices; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TObject* AliAstrolab::Clone(const char* name) const { // Make a deep copy of the current object and provide the pointer to the copy. // This memberfunction enables automatic creation of new objects of the // correct type depending on the object type, a feature which may be very useful // for containers when adding objects in case the container owns the objects. AliAstrolab* lab=new AliAstrolab(*this); if (name) { if (strlen(name)) lab->SetName(name); } return lab; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////