/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id: AliEvent.cxx,v 1.18 2004/01/12 08:23:22 nick Exp $ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class AliEvent // Creation and investigation of an Alice physics event. // An AliEvent can be constructed by adding AliTracks, Alivertices, AliJets // and/or devices like AliCalorimeters. // All objects which are derived from TObject can be regarded as a device. // // The basic functionality of AliEvent is identical to the one of AliVertex. // So, an AliEvent may be used as the primary vertex with some additional // functionality compared to AliVertex. // // To provide maximal flexibility to the user, the two modes of track/jet/vertex // storage as described in AliJet and AliVertex can be used. // In addition an identical structure is provided for the storage of devices like // AliCalorimeter objects, which can be selected by means of the memberfunction // SetDevCopy(). // // a) SetDevCopy(0) (which is the default). // Only the pointers of the 'added' devices are stored. // This mode is typically used by making studies based on a fixed set // of devices which stays under user control or is kept on an external // file/tree. // In this way the AliEvent just represents a 'logical structure' for the // physics analysis. // // Note : // Modifications made to the original devices also affect the device // objects which are stored in the AliEvent. // // b) SetDevCopy(1). // Of every 'added' device a private copy will be made of which the pointer // will be stored. // In this way the AliEvent represents an entity on its own and modifications // made to the original calorimeters do not affect the AliCalorimeter objects // which are stored in the AliEvent. // This mode will allow 'adding' many different devices into an AliEvent by // creating only one device instance in the main programme and using the // Reset() and parameter setting memberfunctions of the object representing the device. // // Note : // The copy is made using the Clone() memberfunction. // All devices (i.e. classes derived from TObject) have the default TObject::Clone() // memberfunction. // However, devices generally contain an internal (signal) data structure // which may include pointers to other objects. Therefore it is recommended to provide // for all devices a specific copy constructor and override the default Clone() // memberfunction using this copy constructor. // An example for this may be seen from AliCalorimeter. // // See also the documentation provided for the memberfunction SetOwner(). // // Coding example to make an event consisting of a primary vertex, // 2 secondary vertices and a calorimeter. // -------------------------------------------------------------- // vp contains the tracks 1,2,3 and 4 (primary vertex) // v1 contains the tracks 5,6 and 7 (sec. vertex) // v2 contains the jets 1 and 2 (sec. vertex) // // AliEvent evt; // // Specify the event object as the repository of all objects // for the event building and physics analysis. // // evt.SetDevCopy(1); // evt.SetTrackCopy(1); // // Fill the event structure with the basic objects // // AliCalorimeter emcal; // ... // ... // code to fill the calorimeter data // ... // // evt.AddDevice(emcal); // // AliTrack* tx=new AliTrack(); // for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) // { // ... // ... // code to fill the track data // ... // evt.AddTrack(tx); // tx->Reset(); // } // // if (tx) // { // delete tx; // tx=0; // } // // Build the event structure (vertices, jets, ...) for physics analysis // based on the basic objects from the event repository. // // AliJet j1,j2; // for (Int_t i=0; iGetEnergy(); // // Float_t M=evt.GetInvmass(); // // Reconstruct the event from scratch // // evt.Reset(); // evt.SetNvmax(25); // Increase initial no. of sec. vertices // ... // ... // code to create tracks etc... // ... // // Note : All quantities are in GeV, GeV/c or GeV/c**2 // //--- Author: Nick van Eijndhoven 27-may-2001 UU-SAP Utrecht //- Modified: NvE $Date: 2004/01/12 08:23:22 $ UU-SAP Utrecht /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliEvent.h" #include "Riostream.h" ClassImp(AliEvent) // Class implementation to enable ROOT I/O AliEvent::AliEvent() : AliVertex() { // Default constructor. // All variables initialised to default values. fDaytime.Set(); fRun=0; fEvent=0; fAproj=0; fZproj=0; fPnucProj=0; fIdProj=0; fAtarg=0; fZtarg=0; fPnucTarg=0; fIdTarg=0; fDevices=0; fDevCopy=0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliEvent::AliEvent(Int_t n) : AliVertex(n) { // Create an event to hold initially a maximum of n tracks // All variables initialised to default values if (n<=0) { cout << " *** This AliVertex initialisation was invoked via the AliEvent ctor." << endl; } fDaytime.Set(); fRun=0; fEvent=0; fAproj=0; fZproj=0; fPnucProj=0; fIdProj=0; fAtarg=0; fZtarg=0; fPnucTarg=0; fIdTarg=0; fDevices=0; fDevCopy=0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliEvent::~AliEvent() { // Default destructor if (fDevices) { delete fDevices; fDevices=0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliEvent::AliEvent(AliEvent& evt) : AliVertex(evt) { // Copy constructor. fDaytime=evt.fDaytime; fRun=evt.fRun; fEvent=evt.fEvent; fAproj=evt.fAproj; fZproj=evt.fZproj; fPnucProj=evt.fPnucProj; fIdProj=evt.fIdProj; fAtarg=evt.fAtarg; fZtarg=evt.fZtarg; fPnucTarg=evt.fPnucTarg; fIdTarg=evt.fIdTarg; fDevCopy=evt.fDevCopy; fDevices=0; Int_t ndevs=evt.GetNdevices(); if (ndevs) { fDevices=new TObjArray(ndevs); if (fDevCopy) fDevices->SetOwner(); for (Int_t i=1; i<=ndevs; i++) { TObject* dev=evt.GetDevice(i); if (dev) { if (fDevCopy) { fDevices->Add(dev->Clone()); } else { fDevices->Add(dev); } } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::Reset() { // Reset all variables to default values // The max. number of tracks is set to the initial value again // The max. number of vertices is set to the default value again // Note : The CalCopy mode is maintained as it was set by the user before. AliVertex::Reset(); fDaytime.Set(); fRun=0; fEvent=0; fAproj=0; fZproj=0; fPnucProj=0; fIdProj=0; fAtarg=0; fZtarg=0; fPnucTarg=0; fIdTarg=0; if (fDevices) { delete fDevices; fDevices=0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::SetOwner(Bool_t own) { // Set ownership of all added objects. // The default parameter is own=kTRUE. // // Invokation of this memberfunction also sets all the copy modes // (e.g. TrackCopy & co.) according to the value of own. // // This function (with own=kTRUE) is particularly useful when reading data // from a tree/file, since Reset() will then actually remove all the // added objects from memory irrespective of the copy mode settings // during the tree/file creation process. In this way it provides a nice way // of preventing possible memory leaks in the reading/analysis process. // // In addition this memberfunction can also be used as a shortcut to set all // copy modes in one go during a tree/file creation process. // However, in this case the user has to take care to only set/change the // ownership (and copy mode) for empty objects (e.g. newly created objects // or after invokation of the Reset() memberfunction) otherwise it will // very likely result in inconsistent destructor behaviour. Int_t mode=1; if (!own) mode=0; if (fDevices) fDevices->SetOwner(own); fDevCopy=mode; AliVertex::SetOwner(own); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::SetDayTime(TTimeStamp& stamp) { // Set the date and time stamp for this event. // An exact copy of the entered date/time stamp will be saved with an // accuracy of 1 nanosecond. fDaytime=stamp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::SetDayTime(TDatime& stamp) { // Set the date and time stamp for this event. // The entered date/time will be interpreted as being the local date/time // and the accuracy is 1 second. // This function with the TDatime argument is mainly kept for backward // compatibility reasons. It is recommended to use the corresponding // function with the TTimeStamp argument. fDaytime.Set(stamp.GetDate(),stamp.GetTime(),0,kFALSE,0); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::SetRunNumber(Int_t run) { // Set the run number for this event fRun=run; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::SetEventNumber(Int_t evt) { // Set the event number for this event fEvent=evt; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TTimeStamp AliEvent::GetDayTime() { // Provide the date and time stamp for this event return fDaytime; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliEvent::GetRunNumber() { // Provide the run number for this event return fRun; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliEvent::GetEventNumber() { // Provide the event number for this event return fEvent; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::SetProjectile(Int_t a,Int_t z,Double_t pnuc,Int_t id) { // Set the projectile A, Z, momentum per nucleon and user defined particle ID. // By default the particle ID is set to zero. fAproj=a; fZproj=z; fPnucProj=pnuc; fIdProj=id; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliEvent::GetProjectileA() { // Provide the projectile A value. return fAproj; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliEvent::GetProjectileZ() { // Provide the projectile Z value. return fZproj; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliEvent::GetProjectilePnuc() { // Provide the projectile momentum value per nucleon. return fPnucProj; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliEvent::GetProjectileId() { // Provide the user defined particle ID of the projectile. return fIdProj; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::SetTarget(Int_t a,Int_t z,Double_t pnuc,Int_t id) { // Set the target A, Z, momentum per nucleon and user defined particle ID. // By default the particle ID is set to zero. fAtarg=a; fZtarg=z; fPnucTarg=pnuc; fIdTarg=id; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliEvent::GetTargetA() { // Provide the target A value. return fAtarg; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliEvent::GetTargetZ() { // Provide the target Z value. return fZtarg; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliEvent::GetTargetPnuc() { // Provide the target momentum value per nucleon. return fPnucTarg; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliEvent::GetTargetId() { // Provide the user defined particle ID of the target. return fIdTarg; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::HeaderData() { // Provide event header information const char* name=GetName(); const char* title=GetTitle(); Int_t ndevs=GetNdevices(); cout << " *" << ClassName() << "::Data*"; if (strlen(name)) cout << " Name : " << GetName(); if (strlen(title)) cout << " Title : " << GetTitle(); cout << endl; cout << " " << fDaytime.AsString() << endl; cout << " Run : " << fRun << " Event : " << fEvent << " Number of devices : " << ndevs << endl; if (ndevs) ShowDevices(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::Data(TString f) { // Provide event information within the coordinate frame f HeaderData(); AliVertex::Data(f); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliEvent::GetNdevices() { // Provide the number of stored devices Int_t ndevs=0; if (fDevices) ndevs=fDevices->GetEntries(); return ndevs; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::AddDevice(TObject& d) { // Add a device to the event. // // Note : // In case a private copy is made, this is performed via the Clone() memberfunction. // All devices (i.e. classes derived from TObject) have the default TObject::Clone() // memberfunction. // However, devices generally contain an internal (signal) data structure // which may include pointers to other objects. Therefore it is recommended to provide // for all devices a specific copy constructor and override the default Clone() // memberfunction using this copy constructor. // An example for this may be seen from AliCalorimeter. if (!fDevices) { fDevices=new TObjArray(); if (fDevCopy) fDevices->SetOwner(); } // Add the device to this event if (fDevCopy) { fDevices->Add(d.Clone()); } else { fDevices->Add(&d); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::SetDevCopy(Int_t j) { // (De)activate the creation of private copies of the added devices. // j=0 ==> No private copies are made; pointers of original devices are stored. // j=1 ==> Private copies of the devices are made and these pointers are stored. // // // Notes : // In case a private copy is made, this is performed via the Clone() memberfunction. // All devices (i.e. classes derived from TObject) have the default TObject::Clone() // memberfunction. // However, devices generally contain an internal (signal) data structure // which may include pointers to other objects. Therefore it is recommended to provide // for all devices a specific copy constructor and override the default Clone() // memberfunction using this copy constructor. // An example for this may be seen from AliCalorimeter. // // Once the storage contains pointer(s) to device(s) one cannot // change the DevCopy mode anymore. // To change the DevCopy mode for an existing AliEvent containing // devices one first has to invoke Reset(). if (!fDevices) { if (j==0 || j==1) { fDevCopy=j; } else { cout << " *" << ClassName() << "::SetDevCopy* Invalid argument : " << j << endl; } } else { cout << " *" << ClassName() << "::SetDevCopy* Storage already contained devices." << " ==> DevCopy mode not changed." << endl; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliEvent::GetDevCopy() { // Provide value of the DevCopy mode. // 0 ==> No private copies are made; pointers of original devices are stored. // 1 ==> Private copies of the devices are made and these pointers are stored. // // Note : // In case a private copy is made, this is performed via the Clone() memberfunction. // All devices (i.e. classes derived from TObject) have the default TObject::Clone() // memberfunction. // However, devices generally contain an internal (signal) data structure // which may include pointers to other objects. Therefore it is recommended to provide // for all devices a specific copy constructor and override the default Clone() // memberfunction using this copy constructor. // An example for this may be seen from AliCalorimeter. return fDevCopy; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TObject* AliEvent::GetDevice(Int_t i) { // Return the i-th device of this event. // The first device corresponds to i=1. if (!fDevices) { return 0; } else { Int_t ndevs=GetNdevices(); if (i<=0 || i>ndevs) { cout << " *" << ClassName() << "::GetDevice* Invalid argument i : " << i << " ndevs = " << ndevs << endl; return 0; } else { return fDevices->At(i-1); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TObject* AliEvent::GetDevice(TString name) { // Return the device with name tag "name" if (!fDevices) { return 0; } else { TString s; Int_t ndevs=GetNdevices(); for (Int_t i=0; iAt(i); if (dev) { s=dev->GetName(); if (s == name) return dev; } } return 0; // No matching name found } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliEvent::ShowDevices() { // Provide an overview of the available devices. Int_t ndevs=GetNdevices(); if (ndevs) { cout << " The following " << ndevs << " devices are available :" << endl; for (Int_t i=1; i<=ndevs; i++) { TObject* dev=GetDevice(i); if (dev) { cout << " Device number : " << i << " Class : " << dev->ClassName() << " Name : " << dev->GetName() << endl; } } } else { cout << " No devices present for this event." << endl; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TObject* AliEvent::Clone(const char* name) { // Make a deep copy of the current object and provide the pointer to the copy. // This memberfunction enables automatic creation of new objects of the // correct type depending on the object type, a feature which may be very useful // for containers when adding objects in case the container owns the objects. // This feature allows to store either AliEvent objects or objects derived from // AliEvent via some generic AddEvent memberfunction, provided these derived // classes also have a proper Clone memberfunction. AliEvent* evt=new AliEvent(*this); if (name) { if (strlen(name)) evt->SetName(name); } return evt; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////