/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ // $Id$ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class AliJet // Creation and investigation of a jet of particle tracks. // An AliJet can be constructed by adding AliTracks. // // To provide maximal flexibility to the user, two modes of track storage // are provided by means of the memberfunction SetTrackCopy(). // // a) SetTrackCopy(0) (which is the default). // Only the pointers of the 'added' tracks are stored. // This mode is typically used by making jet studies based on a fixed list // of tracks which stays under user control or is contained for instance // in an AliEvent. // In this way the AliJet just represents a 'logical structure' for the // physics analysis which can be embedded in e.g. an AliEvent or AliVertex. // // Note : // Modifications made to the original tracks also affect the AliTrack objects // which are stored in the AliJet. // // b) SetTrackCopy(1). // Of every 'added' track a private copy will be made of which the pointer // will be stored. // In this way the AliJet represents an entity on its own and modifications // made to the original tracks do not affect the AliTrack objects which are // stored in the AliJet. // This mode will allow 'adding' many different AliTracks into an AliJet by // creating only one AliTrack instance in the main programme and using the // AliTrack::Reset() and AliTrack parameter setting memberfunctions. // // See also the documentation provided for the memberfunction SetOwner(). // // Coding example to make 2 jets j1 and j2. // ---------------------------------------- // j1 contains the AliTracks t1 and t2 // j2 contains 10 different AliTracks via tx // // AliTrack t1,t2; // ... // ... // code to fill the AliTrack data // ... // AliJet j1(); // j1.AddTrack(t1); // j1.AddTrack(t2); // // AliJet j2(); // j2.SetTrackCopy(1); // AliTrack* tx=new AliTrack(); // for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) // { // ... // ... // code to set momentum etc... of the track tx // ... // j2.AddTrack(tx); // tx->Reset(); // } // // j1.Data(); // j2.Data("sph"); // // Float_t e1=j1.GetEnergy(); // Float_t pnorm=j1->GetMomentum(); // Ali3Vector p=j1->Get3Momentum(); // Float_t m=j1.GetInvmass(); // Int_t ntk=j1.GetNtracks(); // AliTrack* tj=j1.GetTrack(1); // // delete tx; // // Note : All quantities are in GeV, GeV/c or GeV/c**2 // //--- Author: Nick van Eijndhoven 10-jul-1997 UU-SAP Utrecht //- Modified: NvE $Date$ UU-SAP Utrecht /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliJet.h" #include "Riostream.h" ClassImp(AliJet) // Class implementation to enable ROOT I/O AliJet::AliJet() : TNamed(),Ali4Vector() { // Default constructor // All variables initialised to 0 // Initial maximum number of tracks is set to the default value Init(); Reset(); SetNtinit(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::Init() { // Initialisation of pointers etc... fTracks=0; fNtinit=0; fTrackCopy=0; fRef=0; fSelected=0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliJet::AliJet(Int_t n) : TNamed(),Ali4Vector() { // Create a jet to hold initially a maximum of n tracks // All variables initialised to 0 Init(); Reset(); if (n > 0) { SetNtinit(n); } else { cout << endl; cout << " *AliJet* Initial max. number of tracks entered : " << n << endl; cout << " This is invalid. Default initial maximum will be used." << endl; cout << endl; SetNtinit(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliJet::~AliJet() { // Default destructor if (fTracks) { delete fTracks; fTracks=0; } if (fRef) { delete fRef; fRef=0; } if (fSelected) { delete fSelected; fSelected=0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::SetOwner(Bool_t own) { // Set ownership of all added objects. // The default parameter is own=kTRUE. // // Invokation of this memberfunction also sets all the copy modes // (e.g. TrackCopy & co.) according to the value of own. // // This function (with own=kTRUE) is particularly useful when reading data // from a tree/file, since Reset() will then actually remove all the // added objects from memory irrespective of the copy mode settings // during the tree/file creation process. In this way it provides a nice way // of preventing possible memory leaks in the reading/analysis process. // // In addition this memberfunction can also be used as a shortcut to set all // copy modes in one go during a tree/file creation process. // However, in this case the user has to take care to only set/change the // ownership (and copy mode) for empty objects (e.g. newly created objects // or after invokation of the Reset() memberfunction) otherwise it will // very likely result in inconsistent destructor behaviour. Int_t mode=1; if (!own) mode=0; if (fTracks) fTracks->SetOwner(own); fTrackCopy=mode; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliJet::AliJet(const AliJet& j) : TNamed(j),Ali4Vector(j) { // Copy constructor fNtinit=j.fNtinit; fNtmax=j.fNtmax; fQ=j.fQ; fNtrk=j.fNtrk; fTrackCopy=j.fTrackCopy; fUserId=j.fUserId; if (j.fRef) fRef=new AliPositionObj(*(j.fRef)); fSelected=0; fTracks=0; if (fNtrk) { fTracks=new TObjArray(fNtmax); if (fTrackCopy) fTracks->SetOwner(); } for (Int_t i=1; i<=fNtrk; i++) { AliTrack* tx=j.GetTrack(i); if (fTrackCopy) { fTracks->Add(tx->Clone()); } else { fTracks->Add(tx); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::SetNtinit(Int_t n) { // Set the initial maximum number of tracks for this jet fNtinit=n; fNtmax=n; if (fTracks) { delete fTracks; fTracks=0; } if (fRef) { delete fRef; fRef=0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::Reset() { // Reset all variables to 0 // The max. number of tracks is set to the initial value again fNtrk=0; fQ=0; fUserId=0; Double_t a[4]={0,0,0,0}; SetVector(a,"sph"); if (fNtinit > 0) SetNtinit(fNtinit); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::AddTrack(AliTrack& t) { // Add a track to the jet. // In case the maximum number of tracks has been reached // space will be extended to hold an additional amount of tracks as // was initially reserved. // See SetTrackCopy() to tailor the functionality of the stored structures. // // Notes : // ------- // In case a private copy is made, this is performed via the Clone() memberfunction. // All AliTrack and derived classes have the default TObject::Clone() memberfunction. // However, derived classes generally contain an internal data structure which may // include pointers to other objects. Therefore it is recommended to provide // for all derived classes a specific copy constructor and override the default Clone() // memberfunction using this copy constructor. // An example for this may be seen from AliTrack. // // In case NO private copy is made, a check will be performed if this // specific track is already present in the jet. // If this is the case, no action is performed to prevent multiple // additions of the same track. AddTrack(t,1); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::AddTrack(AliTrack& t,Int_t copy) { // Internal memberfunction to actually add a track to the jet. // In case the maximum number of tracks has been reached // space will be extended to hold an additional amount of tracks as // was initially reserved. // // If copy=0 NO copy of the track will be made, irrespective of the setting // of the TrackCopy flag. // This allows a proper treatment of automatically generated connecting // tracks between vertices. // // In case NO copy of the track is made, a check will be performed if this // specific track is already present in the jet. // If this is the case, no action is performed to prevent multiple // additions of the same track. // // Note : // In case a private copy is made, this is performed via the Clone() memberfunction. if (!fTracks) { fTracks=new TObjArray(fNtmax); if (fTrackCopy) fTracks->SetOwner(); } else if (!fTrackCopy || !copy) // Check if this track is already present { for (Int_t i=0; iAt(i); if (tx == &t) return; } } if (fNtrk == fNtmax) // Check if maximum track number is reached { fNtmax+=fNtinit; fTracks->Expand(fNtmax); } // Add the track to this jet fNtrk++; if (fTrackCopy && copy) { fTracks->Add(t.Clone()); } else { fTracks->Add(&t); } (*this)+=(Ali4Vector&)t; fQ+=t.GetCharge(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::Data(TString f,TString u) { // Provide jet information within the coordinate frame f // // The string argument "u" allows to choose between different angular units // in case e.g. a spherical frame is selected. // u = "rad" : angles provided in radians // "deg" : angles provided in degrees // // The defaults are f="car" and u="rad". const char* name=GetName(); const char* title=GetTitle(); cout << " *AliJet::Data*"; if (strlen(name)) cout << " Name : " << GetName(); if (strlen(title)) cout << " Title : " << GetTitle(); cout << endl; cout << " Id : " << fUserId << " Invmass : " << GetInvmass() << " Charge : " << fQ << " Momentum : " << GetMomentum() << endl; ShowTracks(0); Ali4Vector::Data(f,u); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::List(TString f,TString u) { // Provide jet and primary track information within the coordinate frame f // // The string argument "u" allows to choose between different angular units // in case e.g. a spherical frame is selected. // u = "rad" : angles provided in radians // "deg" : angles provided in degrees // // The defaults are f="car" and u="rad". Data(f,u); // Information of the current jet if (fRef) { cout << " Ref-point :"; fRef->Data(f,u); } // The tracks of this jet AliTrack* t; for (Int_t it=1; it<=fNtrk; it++) { t=GetTrack(it); if (t) { cout << " ---Track no. " << it << endl; cout << " "; t->Data(f,u); } else { cout << " *AliJet::List* Error : No track present." << endl; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::ListAll(TString f,TString u) { // Provide jet and prim.+sec. track information within the coordinate frame f // // The string argument "u" allows to choose between different angular units // in case e.g. a spherical frame is selected. // u = "rad" : angles provided in radians // "deg" : angles provided in degrees // // The defaults are f="car" and u="rad". Data(f,u); // Information of the current jet if (fRef) { cout << " Ref-point :"; fRef->Data(f,u); } // The tracks of this jet AliTrack* t; for (Int_t it=1; it<=fNtrk; it++) { t=GetTrack(it); if (t) { cout << " ---Track no. " << it << endl; cout << " "; t->ListAll(f,u); } else { cout << " *AliJet::List* Error : No track present." << endl; } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliJet::GetNtracks(Int_t idmode,Int_t chmode,Int_t pcode) { // Provide the number of user selected tracks in this jet based on the // idmode, chmode and pcode selections as specified by the user. // For specification of the selection parameters see GetTracks(). // The default parameters correspond to no selection, which implies // that invokation of GetNtracks() just returns the total number of // tracks registered in this jet. // // Note : In case certain selections are specified, this function // invokes GetTracks(idmode,chmode,pcode) to determine the // number of tracks corresponding to the selections. // When the jet contains a large number of tracks, invokation // of GetTracks(idmode,chmode,pcode) and subsequently invoking // GetEntries() for the resulting TObjArray* might be slightly // faster. Int_t n=0; if (idmode==0 && chmode==2 && pcode==0) { return fNtrk; } else { TObjArray* arr=GetTracks(idmode,chmode,pcode); n=arr->GetEntries(); return n; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliJet::GetEnergy() { // Return the total energy of the jet return GetScalar(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliJet::GetMomentum() { // Return the value of the total jet 3-momentum // The error can be obtained by invoking GetResultError() after // invokation of GetMomentum(). Double_t norm=fV.GetNorm(); fDresult=fV.GetResultError(); return norm; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Ali3Vector AliJet::Get3Momentum() const { // Return the the total jet 3-momentum Ali3Vector p=Get3Vector(); return p; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliJet::GetInvmass() { // Return the invariant mass of the jet Double_t m2=Dot(*this); if (m2>0) { return sqrt(m2); } else { return 0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Float_t AliJet::GetCharge() const { // Return the total charge of the jet return fQ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliTrack* AliJet::GetTrack(Int_t i) const { // Return the i-th track of this jet if (!fTracks) return 0; if (i<=0 || i>fNtrk) { cout << " *AliJet*::GetTrack* Invalid argument i : " << i << " Ntrk = " << fNtrk << endl; return 0; } else { return (AliTrack*)fTracks->At(i-1); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliTrack* AliJet::GetIdTrack(Int_t id) const { // Return the track with user identifier "id" of this jet if (!fTracks) return 0; AliTrack* tx=0; for (Int_t i=0; iAt(i); if (id == tx->GetId()) return tx; } return 0; // No matching id found } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TObjArray* AliJet::GetTracks(Int_t idmode,Int_t chmode,Int_t pcode) { // Provide references to user selected tracks based on the idmode, chmode // and pcode selections as specified by the user. // // The following selection combinations are available : // ---------------------------------------------------- // idmode = -1 ==> Select tracks with negative user identifier "id" // 0 ==> No selection on user identifier // 1 ==> Select tracks with positive user identifier "id" // // chmode = -1 ==> Select tracks with negative charge // 0 ==> Select neutral tracks // 1 ==> Select tracks with positive charge // 2 ==> No selection on charge // 3 ==> Select all charged tracks // // pcode = 0 ==> No selection on particle code // X ==> Select tracks with particle code +X or -X // This allows selection of both particles and anti-particles // in case of PDG particle codes. // Selection of either particles or anti-particles can be // obtained in combination with the "chmode" selector. // // Examples : // ---------- // idmode=-1 chmode=0 pcode=0 : Selection of all neutral tracks with negative id. // idmode=0 chmode=2 pcode=211 : Selection of all charged pions (PDG convention). // idmode=0 chmode=1 pcode=321 : Selection of all positive kaons (PDG convention). // // The default values are idmode=0 chmode=2 pcode=0 (i.e. no selections applied). // // Notes : // ------- // 1) In case the user has labeled simulated tracks with negative id and // reconstructed tracks with positive id, this memberfunction provides // easy access to either all simulated or reconstructed tracks. // 2) Subsequent invokations of this memberfunction with e.g. chmode=-1 and chmode=1 // provides a convenient way to investigate particle pairs with opposite charge // (e.g. for invariant mass analysis). // 3) The selected track pointers are returned via a multi-purpose array, // which will be overwritten by subsequent selections. // In case the selected track list is to be used amongst other selections, // the user is advised to store the selected track pointers in a local // TObjArray or TRefArray. if (fSelected) { fSelected->Clear(); } else { fSelected=new TObjArray(); } if (!fTracks) return fSelected; AliTrack* tx=0; Int_t code=0; Int_t id=0; Float_t q=0; for (Int_t i=0; iAt(i); if (!tx) continue; code=tx->GetParticleCode(); if (pcode && abs(pcode)!=abs(code)) continue; id=tx->GetId(); if (idmode==-1 && id>=0) continue; if (idmode==1 && id<=0) continue; q=tx->GetCharge(); if (chmode==-1 && q>=0) continue; if (chmode==0 && fabs(q)>1e-10) continue; if (chmode==1 && q<=0) continue; if (chmode==3 && fabs(q)<1e-10) continue; fSelected->Add(tx); } return fSelected; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TObjArray* AliJet::GetTracks(TString name) { // Provide references to all tracks with the specified name. // // Notes : // ------- // 1) In case the user has labeled reconstructed tracks with the name of // the applied reconstruction algorithm, this memberfunction provides // easy access to all tracks reconstructed by a certain method. // 2) The selected track pointers are returned via a multi-purpose array, // which will be overwritten by subsequent selections. // In case the selected track list is to be used amongst other selections, // the user is advised to store the selected track pointers in a local // TObjArray or TRefArray. if (fSelected) { fSelected->Clear(); } else { fSelected=new TObjArray(); } if (!fTracks) return fSelected; AliTrack* tx=0; TString s; for (Int_t i=0; iAt(i); if (!tx) continue; s=tx->GetName(); if (s == name) fSelected->Add(tx); } return fSelected; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::ShowTracks(Int_t mode) { // Provide an overview of the available tracks. // The argument mode determines the amount of information as follows : // mode = 0 ==> Only printout of the number of tracks // 1 ==> Provide a listing with 1 line of info for each track // // The default is mode=1. // Int_t ntk=GetNtracks(); if (ntk) { if (!mode) { cout << " There are " << ntk << " tracks available." << endl; } else { cout << " The following " << ntk << " tracks are available :" << endl; for (Int_t i=1; i<=ntk; i++) { AliTrack* tx=GetTrack(i); if (tx) { const char* name=tx->GetName(); const char* title=tx->GetTitle(); cout << " Track : " << i; cout << " Id : " << tx->GetId(); cout << " Q : " << tx->GetCharge() << " m : " << tx->GetMass() << " p : " << tx->GetMomentum(); if (strlen(name)) cout << " Name : " << name; if (strlen(title)) cout << " Title : " << title; cout << endl; } } } } else { cout << " No tracks are present." << endl; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliJet::GetPt() { // Provide trans. momentum value w.r.t. z-axis. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetPt(). Ali3Vector v; v=GetVecTrans(); Double_t norm=v.GetNorm(); fDresult=v.GetResultError(); return norm; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliJet::GetPl() { // Provide long. momentum value w.r.t. z-axis. // Note : the returned value can also be negative. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetPl(). Ali3Vector v; v=GetVecLong(); Double_t pl=v.GetNorm(); fDresult=v.GetResultError(); Double_t a[3]; v.GetVector(a,"sph"); if (cos(a[1])<0) pl=-pl; return pl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliJet::GetEt() { // Provide trans. energy value w.r.t. z-axis. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetEt(). Double_t et=GetScaTrans(); return et; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliJet::GetEl() { // Provide long. energy value w.r.t. z-axis. // Note : the returned value can also be negative. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetEl(). Double_t el=GetScaLong(); return el; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliJet::GetMt() { // Provide transverse mass value w.r.t. z-axis. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetMt(). Double_t pt=GetPt(); Double_t dpt=GetResultError(); Double_t m=GetInvmass(); Double_t dm=GetResultError(); Double_t mt=sqrt(pt*pt+m*m); Double_t dmt2=0; if (mt) dmt2=(pow((pt*dpt),2)+pow((m*dm),2))/(mt*mt); fDresult=sqrt(dmt2); return mt; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Double_t AliJet::GetRapidity() { // Provide rapidity value w.r.t. z-axis. // The error on the value can be obtained by GetResultError() // after invokation of GetRapidity(). // Note : Also GetPseudoRapidity() is available since this class is // derived from Ali4Vector. Double_t e=GetEnergy(); Double_t de=GetResultError(); Double_t pl=GetPl(); Double_t dpl=GetResultError(); Double_t sum=e+pl; Double_t dif=e-pl; Double_t y=9999,dy2=0; if (sum && dif) y=0.5*log(sum/dif); if (sum*dif) dy2=(1./(sum*dif))*(pow((pl*de),2)+pow((e*dpl),2)); fDresult=sqrt(dy2); return y; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::SetTrackCopy(Int_t j) { // (De)activate the creation of private copies of the added tracks. // j=0 ==> No private copies are made; pointers of original tracks are stored. // j=1 ==> Private copies of the tracks are made and these pointers are stored. // // Note : Once the storage contains pointer(s) to AliTrack(s) one cannot // change the TrackCopy mode anymore. // To change the TrackCopy mode for an existing AliJet containing // tracks one first has to invoke Reset(). if (!fTracks) { if (j==0 || j==1) { fTrackCopy=j; } else { cout << "*AliJet::SetTrackCopy* Invalid argument : " << j << endl; } } else { cout << "*AliJet::SetTrackCopy* Storage already contained tracks." << " ==> TrackCopy mode not changed." << endl; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliJet::GetTrackCopy() const { // Provide value of the TrackCopy mode. // 0 ==> No private copies are made; pointers of original tracks are stored. // 1 ==> Private copies of the tracks are made and these pointers are stored. return fTrackCopy; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::SetId(Int_t id) { // Set a user defined identifier for this jet. fUserId=id; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Int_t AliJet::GetId() const { // Provide the user defined identifier of this jet. return fUserId; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AliJet::SetReferencePoint(AliPosition& p) { // Store the position of the jet reference-point. // The reference-point of a jet provides a means to define a generic // space-time location for the jet as a whole. // This doesn't have to be necessarily the location where all the constituent // tracks originate (e.g. a bundle of parallel tracks doesn't have such // a location). As such the meaning of this reference-point is different from // a normal vertex position and allows to provide complimentary information. // This reference point is the preferable point to start e.g. extrapolations // and investigate coincidences in space and/or time. if (fRef) delete fRef; fRef=new AliPositionObj(p); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliPosition* AliJet::GetReferencePoint() { // Provide the position of the jet reference-point. // The reference-point of a jet provides a means to define a generic // space-time location for the jet as a whole. // This doesn't have to be necessarily the location where all the constituent // tracks originate (e.g. a bundle of parallel tracks doesn't have such // a location). As such the meaning of this reference-point is different from // a normal vertex position and allows to provide complimentary information. // This reference point is the preferable point to start e.g. extrapolations // and investigate coincidences in space and/or time. return fRef; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TObjArray* AliJet::SortTracks(Int_t mode,TObjArray* tracks) { // Order the references to an array of tracks by looping over the input array "tracks" // and checking the value of a certain observable. // The ordered array is returned as a TObjArray. // In case tracks=0 (default), the registered tracks of the current jet are used. // Note that the original track array is not modified. // Via the "mode" argument the user can specify the observable to be checked upon // and specify whether sorting should be performed in decreasing order (mode<0) // or in increasing order (mode>0). // // The convention for the observable selection is the following : // mode : 1 ==> Number of signals associated to the track // 2 ==> Track energy // 3 ==> Track momentum // 4 ==> Mass of the track // 5 ==> Transverse momentum of the track // 6 ==> Longitudinal momentum of the track // 7 ==> Transverse energy of the track // 8 ==> Longitudinal energy of the track // 9 ==> Transverse mass of the track // 10 ==> Track rapidity // 11 ==> Pseudo-rapidity of the track // // The default is mode=-1. // // Note : This sorting routine uses a common area in memory, which is used // by various other sorting facilities as well. // This means that the resulting sorted TObjArray may be overwritten // when another sorting is invoked. // To retain the sorted list of pointers, the user is advised to copy // the pointers contained in the returned TObjArray into a private // TObjArray instance. if (fSelected) { delete fSelected; fSelected=0; } if (!tracks) tracks=fTracks; if (abs(mode)>11 || !tracks) return fSelected; Int_t ntracks=tracks->GetEntries(); if (!ntracks) { return fSelected; } else { fSelected=new TObjArray(ntracks); } Double_t val1,val2; // Values of the observable to be tested upon Int_t nord=0; for (Int_t i=0; iAt(i); if (!tx) continue; if (nord == 0) // store the first track at the first ordered position { nord++; fSelected->AddAt(tx,nord-1); continue; } for (Int_t j=0; j<=nord; j++) // put track in the right ordered position { if (j == nord) // track has smallest (mode<0) or largest (mode>0) observable value seen so far { nord++; fSelected->AddAt(tx,j); // add track at the end break; // go for next track } switch (abs(mode)) { case 1: val1=tx->GetNsignals(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetNsignals(); break; case 2: val1=tx->GetEnergy(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetEnergy(); break; case 3: val1=tx->GetMomentum(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetMomentum(); break; case 4: val1=tx->GetMass(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetMass(); break; case 5: val1=tx->GetPt(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetPt(); break; case 6: val1=tx->GetPl(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetPl(); break; case 7: val1=tx->GetEt(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetEt(); break; case 8: val1=tx->GetEl(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetEl(); break; case 9: val1=tx->GetMt(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetMt(); break; case 10: val1=tx->GetRapidity(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetRapidity(); break; case 11: val1=tx->GetPseudoRapidity(); val2=((AliTrack*)fSelected->At(j))->GetPseudoRapidity(); break; } if (mode<0 && val1 <= val2) continue; if (mode>0 && val1 >= val2) continue; nord++; for (Int_t k=nord-1; k>j; k--) // create empty position { fSelected->AddAt(fSelected->At(k-1),k); } fSelected->AddAt(tx,j); // put track at empty position break; // go for next track } } return fSelected; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TObject* AliJet::Clone(const char* name) const { // Make a deep copy of the current object and provide the pointer to the copy. // This memberfunction enables automatic creation of new objects of the // correct type depending on the object type, a feature which may be very useful // for containers when adding objects in case the container owns the objects. // This feature allows e.g. AliVertex to store either AliJet objects or // objects derived from AliJet via the AddJet memberfunction, provided // these derived classes also have a proper Clone memberfunction. AliJet* jet=new AliJet(*this); if (name) { if (strlen(name)) jet->SetName(name); } return jet; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////