/******************************************************************************* * Copyright(c) 2003, IceCube Experiment at the South Pole. All rights reserved. * * Author: The IceCube RALICE-based Offline Project. * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * appear in the supporting documentation. * The authors make no claims about the suitability of this software for * any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *******************************************************************************/ // $Id$ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class IceXtalk // TTask derived class to perform cross talk hit correction. // // This task takes the current event in memory and uses the attached // OM database to identify pairs of OMs which might induce cross talk. // For each particular transmitter and receiver pair within the event // a probability for cross talk induction is determined on basis of // the hit data and the cross talk probability functions from the OM database. // If this probability is above a certain threshold "pmin" and the difference // in LE between transmitter and receiver signal is within the bounds as // given by the Xtalk calibration data, the occurrence of a cross talk signal // of "pe" photo-electrons in the receiver is assumed and this signal is // lateron subtracted from the receiver ADC signal. // The subtraction of the Xtalk signal from the various hits is delayed // until the very end, since receiver OMs may also act as transmitter OMs // for other pair combinations. // In case a transmitter OM was flagged as a bad module, the check on the // LE time difference will not be performed and a cross talk induction // decision will be solely based on the corresponding probability, since // the latter only depends on the un-calibrated signal amplitude of the // transmitter hit. // So, hits which have induced cross talk are not completely removed // but their signal is corrected for the cross talk. // This will prevent severe losses when studying UHE events, where cross // talk effects are expected to have negligible effects on the observed // large module signals. // // Note : The amount with which the ADC value was corrected is stored // in the signal as an ADC offset. This will allow easy investigation // of Xtalk corrected signals and also enables successive // applications of this Xtalk processor to investigate (systematic) // effects of various criteria. // Example : In case an amount of 1 pe was subtracted from the ADC // value, the ADC offset will be set to 1. // // The values of "pmin" and "pe" can be set by the user via the // SetMinProb() and SetXtalkPE() memberfunctions. // The default values are pmin=0.5 and pe=1. // // In case this processor is followed by an ADC threshold hit cleaning // procedure, hits which only contained cross talk can be efficiently // skipped or removed from the event. // In case one would like to always remove a hit which containes induced // cross talk, one could set the "pe" parameter to some very large value. // This will result in cross talk induced hits to get large negative ADC // signals and can as such easily be skipped/removed afterwards. // // Note : This processor only works properly on Time and ADC calibrated data. // In case no OM database has been specified for this processor, // no cross talk hit correction will be performed. // //--- Author: Nick van Eijndhoven 11-aug-2005 Utrecht University //- Modified: NvE $Date$ Utrecht University /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "IceXtalk.h" #include "Riostream.h" ClassImp(IceXtalk) // Class implementation to enable ROOT I/O IceXtalk::IceXtalk(const char* name,const char* title) : TTask(name,title) { // Default constructor. fCalfile=0; fOmdb=0; fPmin=0.5; fPe=1; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IceXtalk::~IceXtalk() { // Default destructor. if (fCalfile) { delete fCalfile; fCalfile=0; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void IceXtalk::SetOMdbase(AliObjMatrix* omdb) { // Set the pointer to the OM database. // Note : this will overrule a previously attached database. fOmdb=omdb; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void IceXtalk::SetCalibFile(TString name) { // Set the calibration ROOT file as created with IceCal2Root. // Note : this will overrule a previously attached database. fCalfile=new TFile(name.Data()); if (fCalfile) { fOmdb=(AliObjMatrix*)fCalfile->Get("Cal-OMDBASE"); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void IceXtalk::SetMinProb(Float_t pmin) { // Set the minimal probability for cross talk induction. fPmin=pmin; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void IceXtalk::SetXtalkPE(Float_t pe) { // Set the nominal Xtalk signal in photo-electron equivalent. fPe=pe; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void IceXtalk::Exec(Option_t* opt) { // Implementation of cross talk hit correction. if (!fOmdb) return; TString name=opt; AliJob* parent=(AliJob*)(gROOT->GetListOfTasks()->FindObject(name.Data())); if (!parent) return; IceEvent* evt=(IceEvent*)parent->GetObject("IceEvent"); if (!evt) return; // All Amanda OMs with a signal TObjArray* mods=evt->GetDevices("IceAOM"); Int_t nmods=mods->GetEntries(); if (!nmods) return; TObjArray xhits; // Array with pointers to Xtalk hits to be corrected IceAOM* omt=0; // Transmitter OM IceAOM* omr=0; // Receiver OM TF1* fxtalk=0; // The Xtalk probability function Int_t idtrans=0; Int_t idrec=0; Float_t adct=0,let=0; Float_t p=0; Float_t adcr=0,ler=0; Int_t ibad=0; Float_t cpar=0,bpar=0,dlemin=0,dlemax=0,test=0; Float_t dle=0; Float_t sigcor=0; for (Int_t imod=0; imodAt(imod); if (!omt) continue; idtrans=omt->GetUniqueID(); // Also take bad transmitter modules into account ibad=omt->GetDeadValue("ADC"); if (ibad) omt->SetAlive("ADC"); // Check for corresponding receiver modules for (Int_t jmod=0; jmodAt(jmod); if (!omr) continue; idrec=omr->GetUniqueID(); fxtalk=(TF1*)fOmdb->GetObject(idtrans,idrec+1); if (!fxtalk) continue; // Determine Xtalk probability for each transmitter hit for (Int_t ithit=1; ithit<=omt->GetNhits(); ithit++) { AliSignal* st=omt->GetHit(ithit); if (!st) continue; // Eliminate possible previous Xtalk correction sigcor=st->GetOffset("ADC"); st->AddSignal(sigcor,"ADC"); st->ResetOffset("ADC"); adct=st->GetSignal("ADC",-4); // Get uncalibrated amplitude dlemin=fxtalk->GetParameter("dLE-min"); dlemax=fxtalk->GetParameter("dLE-max"); // Protection against overflow in Xtalk prob. function cpar=fxtalk->GetParameter("C"); bpar=fxtalk->GetParameter("B"); test=(adct-cpar)/bpar; if (test>100) { p=1; } else if (test<-100) { p=0; } else { p=fxtalk->Eval(adct); } if (pGetNhits(); irhit++) { AliSignal* sr=omr->GetHit(irhit); if (!sr) continue; // Check calibrated LE time differences if (!ibad) { let=st->GetSignal("LE",4); ler=sr->GetSignal("LE",4); dle=ler-let; if (dledlemax) continue; } // Register this receiver hit to be corrected xhits.Add(sr); } } // end of transmitter hit loop } // end of receiver OM loop // Restore the original transmitter dead flag value if (ibad) omt->SetDead("ADC"); } // end of transmitter OM loop // Perform the Xtalk signal correction to the registered receiver hits // The correction value is stored in the signal data as an offset value for (Int_t ix=0; ixGetOffset("ADC"); adcr=sx->GetSignal("ADC")+sigcor; sigcor=fPe; // If stored ADC data is un-calibrated, convert fPe to raw ADC value AliSignal* parent=(AliSignal*)sx->GetDevice(); if (parent) { if (parent->GetCalFunction("ADC")); { idrec=parent->GetUniqueID(); omr=(IceAOM*)fOmdb->GetObject(idrec,1); TF1* fdecal=0; if (omr) fdecal=omr->GetDecalFunction("ADC"); if (fdecal) sigcor=fdecal->Eval(fPe); } } adcr=adcr-sigcor; sx->SetSignal(adcr,"ADC"); sx->SetOffset(sigcor,"ADC"); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////