////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test of the AliVertex, AliTrack, AliJet and AliVertex functionality. // Various vertices are read-in from the events.root file created by // evtwrite.cc. // These vertices are then analysed in terms of tracks and jets // using the RALICE facilities. // In the writing program several identical events were created to enable // testing of the multiple event structure on the output file. // //--- NvE 28-may-1998 UU-SAP Utrecht ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { gSystem->Load("ralice"); // Get the input file and a Tree TFile* f=new TFile("events.root"); TTree* tree=(TTree*)f->Get("T"); // Provide overview of Tree contents cout << endl; tree->Print(); // Define an event (which is also the main Vertex) AliEvent* vmain=0; // Branch in the tree for the event input tree->SetBranchAddress("Events",&vmain); Int_t nen=tree->GetEntries(); cout << endl; cout << " *READ* nentries : " << nen << endl; for (Int_t ient=0; ientGetEntry(ient); // Print the full event information vmain->ListAll(); } // Close input file f->Close(); }