// @(#)alimdc:$Name$:$Id$ // Author: Fons Rademakers 26/11/99 /************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2003, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliRawDB // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #ifdef ALI_DATE #include "event.h" #endif #include "AliRawEvent.h" #include "AliRawEventHeader.h" #include "AliStats.h" #include "AliRawDB.h" ClassImp(AliRawDB) //______________________________________________________________________________ AliRawDB::AliRawDB(AliRawEvent *event, AliESD *esd, Int_t compress, const char* fileName) : fRawDB(NULL), fTree(NULL), fEvent(event), fESDTree(NULL), fESD(esd), fCompress(compress), fMaxSize(-1), fFS1(""), fFS2(""), fDeleteFiles(kFALSE), fStop(kFALSE) { // Create a new raw DB // Consistency check with DATE header file #ifdef ALI_DATE if (fEvent->GetHeader()->HeaderSize() != EVENT_HEAD_BASE_SIZE) { Error("AliRawDB", "inconsistency between DATE and AliRawEvent headers"); MakeZombie(); return; } #endif if (fileName) { if (!Create(fileName)) MakeZombie(); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliRawDB::AliRawDB(const AliRawDB& rawDB): TObject(rawDB) { // copy constructor Fatal("AliRawDB", "copy constructor not implemented"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliRawDB& AliRawDB::operator = (const AliRawDB& /*rawDB*/) { // assignment operator Fatal("operator =", "assignment operator not implemented"); return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRawDB::FSHasSpace(const char *fs) const { // Check for at least fMaxSize bytes of free space on the file system. // If the space is not available return kFALSE, kTRUE otherwise. Long_t id, bsize, blocks, bfree; if (gSystem->GetFsInfo(fs, &id, &bsize, &blocks, &bfree) == 1) { Error("FSHasSpace", "could not stat file system %s", fs); return kFALSE; } // Leave 5 percent of diskspace free Double_t avail = Double_t(bfree) * 0.95; if (avail*bsize > fMaxSize) return kTRUE; Warning("FSHasSpace", "no space on file system %s", fs); return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *AliRawDB::GetFileName() const { // Return filename based on hostname and date and time. This will make // each file unique. Also makes sure (via FSHasSpace()) that there is // enough space on the file system to store the file. Returns 0 in // case of error or interrupt signal. static TString fname; static Bool_t fstoggle = kFALSE; TString fs = fstoggle ? fFS2 : fFS1; TDatime dt; TString hostname = gSystem->HostName(); Int_t pos; if ((pos = hostname.Index(".")) != kNPOS) hostname.Remove(pos); if (!FSHasSpace(fs)) { while (1) { fstoggle = !fstoggle; fs = fstoggle ? fFS2 : fFS1; if (FSHasSpace(fs)) break; Info("GetFileName", "sleeping 30 seconds before retrying..."); gSystem->Sleep(30000); // sleep for 30 seconds if (fStop) return 0; } } fname = fs + "/" + hostname + "_"; fname += dt.GetDate(); fname += "_"; fname += dt.GetTime(); fname += ".root"; fstoggle = !fstoggle; return fname; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliRawDB::SetFS(const char* fs1, const char* fs2) { // set the file system location fFS1 = fs1; if (fs1 && !fFS1.Contains(":")) { gSystem->ResetErrno(); gSystem->MakeDirectory(fs1); if (gSystem->GetErrno() && gSystem->GetErrno() != EEXIST) { SysError("SetFS", "mkdir %s", fs1); } } fFS2 = fs2; if (fs2) { gSystem->ResetErrno(); gSystem->MakeDirectory(fs2); if (gSystem->GetErrno() && gSystem->GetErrno() != EEXIST) { SysError("SetFS", "mkdir %s", fs2); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRawDB::Create(const char* fileName) { // Create a new raw DB. const Int_t kMaxRetry = 200; const Int_t kMaxSleep = 1; // seconds const Int_t kMaxSleepLong = 10; // seconds Int_t retry = 0; again: if (fStop) return kFALSE; const char *fname = fileName; if (!fname) fname = GetFileName(); if (!fname) { Error("Create", "error getting raw DB file name"); return kFALSE; } retry++; fRawDB = TFile::Open(fname, GetOpenOption(), Form("ALICE MDC%d raw DB", kMDC), fCompress, GetNetopt()); if (!fRawDB) { if (retry < kMaxRetry) { Warning("Create", "failure to open file, sleeping %d %s before retrying...", kMaxSleep, kMaxSleep==1 ? "second" : "seconds"); gSystem->Sleep(kMaxSleep*1000); goto again; } Error("Create", "failure to open file %s after %d tries", fname, kMaxRetry); return kFALSE; } if (retry > 1) Warning("Create", "succeeded to open file after %d retries", retry); if (fRawDB->IsZombie()) { if (fRawDB->GetErrno() == ENOSPC || fRawDB->GetErrno() == 1018 || // SECOMERR fRawDB->GetErrno() == 1027) { // SESYSERR fRawDB->ResetErrno(); delete fRawDB; Warning("Create", "file is a zombie (no space), sleeping %d %s before retrying...", kMaxSleepLong, kMaxSleepLong==1 ? "second" : "seconds"); gSystem->Sleep(kMaxSleepLong*1000); // sleep 10 seconds before retrying goto again; } Error("Create", "file %s is zombie", fname); fRawDB->ResetErrno(); delete fRawDB; fRawDB = 0; if (retry < kMaxRetry) { Warning("Create", "file is a zombie, sleeping %d %s before retrying...", kMaxSleep, kMaxSleep==1 ? "second" : "seconds"); gSystem->Sleep(kMaxSleep*1000); goto again; } Error("Create", "failure to open file %s after %d tries", fname, kMaxRetry); return kFALSE; } // Create raw data TTree MakeTree(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliRawDB::MakeTree() { // Create ROOT Tree object container. fTree = new TTree("RAW", Form("ALICE MDC%d raw data tree", kMDC)); fTree->SetAutoSave(2000000000); // autosave when 2 Gbyte written Int_t bufsize = 256000; // splitting 29.6 MB/s, no splitting 35.3 MB/s on P4 2GHz 15k SCSI //Int_t split = 1; Int_t split = 0; fTree->Branch("rawevent", "AliRawEvent", &fEvent, bufsize, split); // Create tree which will contain the HLT ESD information if (fESD) { fESDTree = new TTree("esdTree", Form("ALICE MDC%d HLT ESD tree", kMDC)); fESDTree->SetAutoSave(2000000000); // autosave when 2 Gbyte written split = 99; fESDTree->Branch("ESD", "AliESD", &fESD, bufsize, split); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliRawDB::Close() { // Close raw DB. if (!fRawDB) return; fRawDB->cd(); // Write the tree. fTree->Write(); if (fESDTree) fESDTree->Write(); // Close DB, this also deletes the fTree fRawDB->Close(); if (fDeleteFiles) { gSystem->Unlink(fRawDB->GetName()); delete fRawDB; fRawDB = 0; return; } // Create semaphore to say this file is finished Int_t tfd = ::creat(Form("%s.done", fRawDB->GetName()), 0644); close(tfd); delete fRawDB; fRawDB = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliRawDB::Fill() { // Fill the trees and return the number of written bytes Double_t bytes = fRawDB->GetBytesWritten(); fTree->Fill(); if (fESDTree) fESDTree->Fill(); return Int_t(fRawDB->GetBytesWritten() - bytes); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliRawDB::WriteStats(AliStats* stats) { // Write stats to raw DB, local run DB and global MySQL DB. AliRawEventHeader &header = *GetEvent()->GetHeader(); // Write stats into RawDB TDirectory *ds = gDirectory; GetDB()->cd(); stats->SetEvents(GetEvents()); stats->SetLastId(header.GetRunNumber(), header.GetEventInRun()); stats->SetFileSize(GetBytesWritten()); stats->SetCompressionFactor(GetCompressionFactor()); stats->SetEndTime(); stats->Write("stats"); ds->cd(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRawDB::NextFile(const char* fileName) { // Close te current file and open a new one. // Returns kFALSE in case opening failed. Close(); if (!Create(fileName)) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliRawDB::GetCompressionFactor() const { // Return compression factor. if (fTree->GetZipBytes() == 0.) return 1.0; else return fTree->GetTotBytes()/fTree->GetZipBytes(); }