/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// This is the base class for reading raw data. /// /// The derived classes, which operate on concrete raw data formats, /// should implement /// - ReadHeader to read the next (data/equipment) header /// - ReadNextData to read the next raw data block (=1 DDL) /// - ReadNext to read a given number of bytes /// - several getters like GetType /// /// Sequential access to the raw data is provided by the methods /// ReadHeader, ReadNextData, ReadNextInt, ReadNextShort, ReadNextChar /// /// If only data from a specific detector (and a given range of DDL numbers) /// should be read, this can be achieved by the Select method. /// Several getters provide information about the current event and the /// current type of raw data. /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliRawReaderFile.h" #include "AliRawReaderDate.h" #include "AliRawReaderRoot.h" #include "AliRawReaderChain.h" #include "AliDAQ.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliRawReader) AliRawReader::AliRawReader() : fEquipmentIdsIn(NULL), fEquipmentIdsOut(NULL), fRequireHeader(kTRUE), fHeader(NULL), fCount(0), fSelectEquipmentType(-1), fSelectMinEquipmentId(-1), fSelectMaxEquipmentId(-1), fSkipInvalid(kFALSE), fSelectEventType(-1), fSelectTriggerMask(0), fSelectTriggerExpr(), fErrorCode(0), fEventNumber(-1), fErrorLogs("AliRawDataErrorLog",100), fHeaderSwapped(NULL), fIsValid(kTRUE) { // default constructor: initialize data members // Allocate the swapped header in case of Mac #ifndef R__BYTESWAP fHeaderSwapped=new AliRawDataHeader(); #endif } Bool_t AliRawReader::LoadEquipmentIdsMap(const char *fileName) { // Open the mapping file // and load the mapping data ifstream input(fileName); if (input.is_open()) { Warning("AliRawReader","Equipment ID mapping file is found !"); const Int_t kMaxDDL = 256; fEquipmentIdsIn = new TArrayI(kMaxDDL); fEquipmentIdsOut = new TArrayI(kMaxDDL); Int_t equipIn, equipOut; Int_t nIds = 0; while (input >> equipIn >> equipOut) { if (nIds >= kMaxDDL) { Error("AliRawReader","Too many equipment Id mappings found ! Truncating the list !"); break; } fEquipmentIdsIn->AddAt(equipIn,nIds); fEquipmentIdsOut->AddAt(equipOut,nIds); nIds++; } fEquipmentIdsIn->Set(nIds); fEquipmentIdsOut->Set(nIds); input.close(); return kTRUE; } else { Error("AliRawReader","equipment id map file is not found ! Skipping the mapping !"); return kFALSE; } } AliRawReader::AliRawReader(const AliRawReader& rawReader) : TObject(rawReader), fEquipmentIdsIn(rawReader.fEquipmentIdsIn), fEquipmentIdsOut(rawReader.fEquipmentIdsOut), fRequireHeader(rawReader.fRequireHeader), fHeader(rawReader.fHeader), fCount(rawReader.fCount), fSelectEquipmentType(rawReader.fSelectEquipmentType), fSelectMinEquipmentId(rawReader.fSelectMinEquipmentId), fSelectMaxEquipmentId(rawReader.fSelectMaxEquipmentId), fSkipInvalid(rawReader.fSkipInvalid), fSelectEventType(rawReader.fSelectEventType), fSelectTriggerMask(rawReader.fSelectTriggerMask), fSelectTriggerExpr(rawReader.fSelectTriggerExpr), fErrorCode(0), fEventNumber(-1), fErrorLogs("AliRawDataErrorLog",100), fHeaderSwapped(NULL), fIsValid(rawReader.fIsValid) { // copy constructor // Allocate the swapped header in case of Mac #ifndef R__BYTESWAP fHeaderSwapped=new AliRawDataHeader(*rawReader.fHeaderSwapped); #endif } AliRawReader& AliRawReader::operator = (const AliRawReader& rawReader) { // assignment operator fEquipmentIdsIn = rawReader.fEquipmentIdsIn; fEquipmentIdsOut = rawReader.fEquipmentIdsOut; fHeader = rawReader.fHeader; fCount = rawReader.fCount; fSelectEquipmentType = rawReader.fSelectEquipmentType; fSelectMinEquipmentId = rawReader.fSelectMinEquipmentId; fSelectMaxEquipmentId = rawReader.fSelectMaxEquipmentId; fSkipInvalid = rawReader.fSkipInvalid; fSelectEventType = rawReader.fSelectEventType; fSelectTriggerMask = rawReader.fSelectTriggerMask; fSelectTriggerExpr = rawReader.fSelectTriggerExpr; fErrorCode = rawReader.fErrorCode; fEventNumber = rawReader.fEventNumber; fErrorLogs = *((TClonesArray*)rawReader.fErrorLogs.Clone()); fIsValid = rawReader.fIsValid; return *this; } AliRawReader::~AliRawReader() { // destructor // delete the mapping arrays if // initialized if (fEquipmentIdsIn) delete fEquipmentIdsIn; if (fEquipmentIdsOut) delete fEquipmentIdsOut; fErrorLogs.Delete(); if (fHeaderSwapped) delete fHeaderSwapped; } AliRawReader* AliRawReader::Create(const char *uri) { // RawReader's factory // It instantiate corresponding raw-reader implementation class object // depending on the URI provided // Normal URIs point to files, while the URI starting with // 'mem://:' or 'mem://' will create // AliRawReaderDateOnline object which is supposed to be used // in the online reconstruction TString strURI = uri; if (strURI.IsNull()) { AliWarningClass("No raw-reader created"); return NULL; } TObjArray *fields = strURI.Tokenize("?"); TString &fileURI = ((TObjString*)fields->At(0))->String(); AliRawReader *rawReader = NULL; if (fileURI.BeginsWith("mem://") || fileURI.BeginsWith("^")) { if (fileURI.BeginsWith("mem://")) fileURI.ReplaceAll("mem://",""); AliInfoClass(Form("Creating raw-reader in order to read events in shared memory (option=%s)",fileURI.Data())); TPluginManager* pluginManager = gROOT->GetPluginManager(); TString rawReaderName = "AliRawReaderDateOnline"; TPluginHandler* pluginHandler = pluginManager->FindHandler("AliRawReader", "online"); // if not, add a plugin for it if (!pluginHandler) { pluginManager->AddHandler("AliRawReader", "online", "AliRawReaderDateOnline", "RAWDatarecOnline", "AliRawReaderDateOnline(const char*)"); pluginHandler = pluginManager->FindHandler("AliRawReader", "online"); } if (pluginHandler && (pluginHandler->LoadPlugin() == 0)) { rawReader = (AliRawReader*)pluginHandler->ExecPlugin(1,fileURI.Data()); } else { delete fields; return NULL; } } else if (fileURI.BeginsWith("collection://")) { fileURI.ReplaceAll("collection://",""); AliInfoClass(Form("Creating raw-reader in order to read raw-data files collection defined in %s",fileURI.Data())); rawReader = new AliRawReaderChain(fileURI); } else { AliInfoClass(Form("Creating raw-reader in order to read raw-data file: %s",fileURI.Data())); TString filename(gSystem->ExpandPathName(fileURI.Data())); if (filename.EndsWith("/")) { rawReader = new AliRawReaderFile(filename); } else if (filename.EndsWith(".root")) { rawReader = new AliRawReaderRoot(filename); } else { rawReader = new AliRawReaderDate(filename); } } if (!rawReader->IsRawReaderValid()) { AliErrorClass(Form("Raw-reader is invalid - check the input URI (%s)",fileURI.Data())); delete rawReader; fields->Delete(); delete fields; return NULL; } // Now apply event selection criteria (if specified) if (fields->GetEntries() > 1) { Int_t eventType = -1; ULong64_t triggerMask = 0; TString triggerExpr; for(Int_t i = 1; i < fields->GetEntries(); i++) { if (!fields->At(i)) continue; TString &option = ((TObjString*)fields->At(i))->String(); if (option.BeginsWith("EventType=",TString::kIgnoreCase)) { option.ReplaceAll("EventType=",""); eventType = option.Atoi(); continue; } if (option.BeginsWith("Trigger=",TString::kIgnoreCase)) { option.ReplaceAll("Trigger=",""); if (option.IsDigit()) { triggerMask = option.Atoll(); } else { triggerExpr = option.Data(); } continue; } AliWarningClass(Form("Ignoring invalid event selection option: %s",option.Data())); } AliInfoClass(Form("Event selection criteria specified: eventype=%d trigger mask=%llx trigger expression=%s", eventType,triggerMask,triggerExpr.Data())); rawReader->SelectEvents(eventType,triggerMask,triggerExpr.Data()); } fields->Delete(); delete fields; return rawReader; } Int_t AliRawReader::GetMappedEquipmentId() const { if (!fEquipmentIdsIn || !fEquipmentIdsOut) { Error("AliRawReader","equipment Ids mapping is not initialized !"); return GetEquipmentId(); } Int_t equipmentId = GetEquipmentId(); for(Int_t iId = 0; iId < fEquipmentIdsIn->GetSize(); iId++) { if (equipmentId == fEquipmentIdsIn->At(iId)) { equipmentId = fEquipmentIdsOut->At(iId); break; } } return equipmentId; } Int_t AliRawReader::GetDetectorID() const { // Get the detector ID // The list of detector IDs // can be found in AliDAQ.h Int_t equipmentId; if (fEquipmentIdsIn && fEquipmentIdsIn) equipmentId = GetMappedEquipmentId(); else equipmentId = GetEquipmentId(); if (equipmentId >= 0) { Int_t ddlIndex; return AliDAQ::DetectorIDFromDdlID(equipmentId,ddlIndex); } else return -1; } Int_t AliRawReader::GetDDLID() const { // Get the DDL ID (within one sub-detector) // The list of detector IDs // can be found in AliDAQ.h Int_t equipmentId; if (fEquipmentIdsIn && fEquipmentIdsIn) equipmentId = GetMappedEquipmentId(); else equipmentId = GetEquipmentId(); if (equipmentId >= 0) { Int_t ddlIndex; AliDAQ::DetectorIDFromDdlID(equipmentId,ddlIndex); return ddlIndex; } else return -1; } void AliRawReader::Select(const char *detectorName, Int_t minDDLID, Int_t maxDDLID) { // read only data of the detector with the given name and in the given // range of DDLs (minDDLID <= DDLID <= maxDDLID). // no selection is applied if a value < 0 is used. Int_t detectorID = AliDAQ::DetectorID(detectorName); if(detectorID >= 0) Select(detectorID,minDDLID,maxDDLID); } void AliRawReader::Select(Int_t detectorID, Int_t minDDLID, Int_t maxDDLID) { // read only data of the detector with the given ID and in the given // range of DDLs (minDDLID <= DDLID <= maxDDLID). // no selection is applied if a value < 0 is used. fSelectEquipmentType = -1; if (minDDLID < 0) fSelectMinEquipmentId = AliDAQ::DdlIDOffset(detectorID); else fSelectMinEquipmentId = AliDAQ::DdlID(detectorID,minDDLID); if (maxDDLID < 0) fSelectMaxEquipmentId = AliDAQ::DdlID(detectorID,AliDAQ::NumberOfDdls(detectorID)-1); else fSelectMaxEquipmentId = AliDAQ::DdlID(detectorID,maxDDLID); } void AliRawReader::SelectEquipment(Int_t equipmentType, Int_t minEquipmentId, Int_t maxEquipmentId) { // read only data of the equipment with the given type and in the given // range of IDs (minEquipmentId <= EquipmentId <= maxEquipmentId). // no selection is applied if a value < 0 is used. fSelectEquipmentType = equipmentType; fSelectMinEquipmentId = minEquipmentId; fSelectMaxEquipmentId = maxEquipmentId; } void AliRawReader::SelectEvents(Int_t type, ULong64_t triggerMask, const char *triggerExpr) { // read only events with the given type and optionally // trigger mask. // no selection is applied if value = 0 is used. // Trigger selection can be done via string (triggerExpr) // which defines the trigger logic to be used. It works only // after LoadTriggerClass() method is called for all involved // trigger classes. fSelectEventType = type; fSelectTriggerMask = triggerMask; if (triggerExpr) fSelectTriggerExpr = triggerExpr; } void AliRawReader::LoadTriggerClass(const char* name, Int_t index) { // Loads the list of trigger classes defined. // Used in conjunction with IsEventSelected in the // case when the trigger selection is given by // fSelectedTriggerExpr if (fSelectTriggerExpr.IsNull()) return; fSelectTriggerExpr.ReplaceAll(name,Form("[%d]",index)); } Bool_t AliRawReader::IsSelected() const { // apply the selection (if any) if (fSkipInvalid && !IsValid()) return kFALSE; if (fSelectEquipmentType >= 0) if (GetEquipmentType() != fSelectEquipmentType) return kFALSE; Int_t equipmentId; if (fEquipmentIdsIn && fEquipmentIdsIn) equipmentId = GetMappedEquipmentId(); else equipmentId = GetEquipmentId(); if ((fSelectMinEquipmentId >= 0) && (equipmentId < fSelectMinEquipmentId)) return kFALSE; if ((fSelectMaxEquipmentId >= 0) && (equipmentId > fSelectMaxEquipmentId)) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliRawReader::IsEventSelected() const { // apply the event selection (if any) // First check the event type if (fSelectEventType >= 0) { if (GetType() != (UInt_t) fSelectEventType) return kFALSE; } // Then check the trigger pattern and compared it // to the required trigger mask if (fSelectTriggerMask != 0) { if ((GetClassMask() & fSelectTriggerMask) != fSelectTriggerMask) return kFALSE; } if (!fSelectTriggerExpr.IsNull()) { TString expr(fSelectTriggerExpr); ULong64_t mask = GetClassMask(); for(Int_t itrigger = 0; itrigger < 50; itrigger++) { if (mask & (1 << itrigger)) { expr.ReplaceAll(Form("[%d]",itrigger),"1"); } else { expr.ReplaceAll(Form("[%d]",itrigger),"0"); } } Int_t error; if ((gROOT->ProcessLineFast(expr.Data(),&error) == 0) && (error == TInterpreter::kNoError)) { return kFALSE; } } return kTRUE; } UInt_t AliRawReader::SwapWord(UInt_t x) const { // Swap the endianess of the integer value 'x' return (((x & 0x000000ffU) << 24) | ((x & 0x0000ff00U) << 8) | ((x & 0x00ff0000U) >> 8) | ((x & 0xff000000U) >> 24)); } UShort_t AliRawReader::SwapShort(UShort_t x) const { // Swap the endianess of the short value 'x' return (((x & 0x00ffU) << 8) | ((x & 0xff00U) >> 8)) ; } Bool_t AliRawReader::ReadNextInt(UInt_t& data) { // reads the next 4 bytes at the current position // returns kFALSE if the data could not be read while (fCount == 0) { if (!ReadHeader()) return kFALSE; } if (fCount < (Int_t) sizeof(data)) { Error("ReadNextInt", "too few data left (%d bytes) to read an UInt_t!", fCount); return kFALSE; } if (!ReadNext((UChar_t*) &data, sizeof(data))) { Error("ReadNextInt", "could not read data!"); return kFALSE; } #ifndef R__BYTESWAP data=SwapWord(data); #endif return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliRawReader::ReadNextShort(UShort_t& data) { // reads the next 2 bytes at the current position // returns kFALSE if the data could not be read while (fCount == 0) { if (!ReadHeader()) return kFALSE; } if (fCount < (Int_t) sizeof(data)) { Error("ReadNextShort", "too few data left (%d bytes) to read an UShort_t!", fCount); return kFALSE; } if (!ReadNext((UChar_t*) &data, sizeof(data))) { Error("ReadNextShort", "could not read data!"); return kFALSE; } #ifndef R__BYTESWAP data=SwapShort(data); #endif return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliRawReader::ReadNextChar(UChar_t& data) { // reads the next 1 byte at the current stream position // returns kFALSE if the data could not be read while (fCount == 0) { if (!ReadHeader()) return kFALSE; } if (!ReadNext((UChar_t*) &data, sizeof(data))) { Error("ReadNextChar", "could not read data!"); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliRawReader::GotoEvent(Int_t event) { // Random access to certain // event index. Could be very slow // for some non-root raw-readers. // So it should be reimplemented there. if (event < fEventNumber) RewindEvents(); while (fEventNumber < event) { if (!NextEvent()) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } Int_t AliRawReader::CheckData() const { // check the consistency of the data // derived classes should overwrite the default method which returns 0 (no err) return 0; } void AliRawReader::DumpData(Int_t limit) { // print the raw data // if limit is not negative, only the first and last "limit" lines of raw data // are printed Reset(); if (!ReadHeader()) { Error("DumpData", "no header"); return; } printf("header:\n" " type = %d run = %d ", GetType(), GetRunNumber()); if (GetEventId()) { printf("event = %8.8x %8.8x\n", GetEventId()[1], GetEventId()[0]); } else { printf("event = -------- --------\n"); } if (GetTriggerPattern()) { printf(" trigger = %8.8x %8.8x ", GetTriggerPattern()[1], GetTriggerPattern()[0]); } else { printf(" trigger = -------- -------- "); } if (GetDetectorPattern()) { printf("detector = %8.8x\n", GetDetectorPattern()[0]); } else { printf("detector = --------\n"); } if (GetAttributes()) { printf(" attributes = %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x ", GetAttributes()[2], GetAttributes()[1], GetAttributes()[0]); } else { printf(" attributes = -------- -------- -------- "); } printf("GDC = %d\n", GetGDCId()); printf("\n"); do { printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("LDC = %d\n", GetLDCId()); printf("equipment:\n" " size = %d type = %d id = %d\n", GetEquipmentSize(), GetEquipmentType(), GetEquipmentId()); if (GetEquipmentAttributes()) { printf(" attributes = %8.8x %8.8x %8.8x ", GetEquipmentAttributes()[2], GetEquipmentAttributes()[1], GetEquipmentAttributes()[0]); } else { printf(" attributes = -------- -------- -------- "); } printf("element size = %d\n", GetEquipmentElementSize()); printf("data header:\n" " size = %d version = %d valid = %d compression = %d\n", GetDataSize(), GetVersion(), IsValid(), IsCompressed()); printf("\n"); if (limit == 0) continue; Int_t size = GetDataSize(); char line[70]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 70; i++) line[i] = ' '; line[69] = '\0'; Int_t pos = 0; Int_t max = 16; UChar_t byte; for (Int_t n = 0; n < size; n++) { if (!ReadNextChar(byte)) { Error("DumpData", "couldn't read byte number %d\n", n); break; } if (pos >= max) { printf("%8.8x %s\n", n-pos, line); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 70; i++) line[i] = ' '; line[69] = '\0'; pos = 0; if ((limit > 0) && (n/max == limit)) { Int_t nContinue = ((size-1)/max+1-limit) * max; if (nContinue > n) { printf(" [skipping %d bytes]\n", nContinue-n); n = nContinue-1; continue; } } } Int_t offset = pos/4; if ((byte > 0x20) && (byte < 0x7f)) { line[pos+offset] = byte; } else { line[pos+offset] = '.'; } char hex[3]; sprintf(hex, "%2.2x", byte); line[max+max/4+3+2*pos+offset] = hex[0]; line[max+max/4+4+2*pos+offset] = hex[1]; pos++; } if (pos > 0) printf("%8.8x %s\n", size-pos, line); printf("\n"); } while (ReadHeader()); } void AliRawReader::AddErrorLog(AliRawDataErrorLog::ERawDataErrorLevel level, Int_t code, const char *message) { // Add a raw data error message to the list // of raw-data decoding errors if (fEventNumber < 0) { return; } Int_t ddlId = GetEquipmentId(); if (ddlId < 0) { AliError("No ddl raw data have been read so far! Impossible to add a raw data error log!"); return; } Int_t prevEventNumber = -1; Int_t prevDdlId = -1; Int_t prevErrorCode = -1; AliRawDataErrorLog *prevLog = (AliRawDataErrorLog *)fErrorLogs.Last(); if (prevLog) { prevEventNumber = prevLog->GetEventNumber(); prevDdlId = prevLog->GetDdlID(); prevErrorCode = prevLog->GetErrorCode(); } if ((prevEventNumber != fEventNumber) || (prevDdlId != ddlId) || (prevErrorCode != code)) { new (fErrorLogs[fErrorLogs.GetEntriesFast()]) AliRawDataErrorLog(fEventNumber, ddlId, level, code, message); } else if (prevLog) prevLog->AddCount(); } Bool_t AliRawReader::GotoEventWithID(Int_t event, UInt_t period, UInt_t orbitID, UShort_t bcID) { // Go to certain event number by // checking the event ID. // Useful in case event-selection // is applied and the 'event' is // relative if (!GotoEvent(event)) return kFALSE; while (GetBCID() != period || GetOrbitID() != orbitID || GetPeriod() != bcID) { if (!NextEvent()) return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; }