/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// This is a class for reading raw data from a date file or event. /// /// The AliRawReaderDate is constructed either with a pointer to a /// date event or with a file name and an event number. /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "AliRawReaderDate.h" #ifdef ALI_DATE #include "event.h" #endif ClassImp(AliRawReaderDate) AliRawReaderDate::AliRawReaderDate( #ifdef ALI_DATE void* event #else void* /* event */ #endif ) : fRequireHeader(kTRUE), fFile(NULL), fEvent(NULL), fSubEvent(NULL), fEquipment(NULL), fPosition(NULL), fEnd(NULL) { // create an object to read digits from the given date event #ifdef ALI_DATE fEvent = (eventHeaderStruct*) event; #else Fatal("AliRawReaderDate", "this class was compiled without DATE"); #endif } AliRawReaderDate::AliRawReaderDate( #ifdef ALI_DATE const char* fileName, Int_t eventNumber #else const char* /*fileName*/, Int_t /*eventNumber*/ #endif ) : fRequireHeader(kTRUE), fFile(NULL), fEvent(NULL), fSubEvent(NULL), fEquipment(NULL), fPosition(NULL), fEnd(NULL) { // create an object to read digits from the given date event #ifdef ALI_DATE fFile = fopen(fileName, "rb"); if (!fFile) { Error("AliRawReaderDate", "could not open file %s", fileName); return; } if (eventNumber < 0) return; eventHeaderStruct header; UInt_t headerSize = sizeof(eventHeaderStruct); while (fread(&header, 1, headerSize, fFile) == headerSize) { if (eventNumber == 0) { UChar_t* buffer = new UChar_t[header.eventSize]; fseek(fFile, -headerSize, SEEK_CUR); if (fread(buffer, 1, header.eventSize, fFile) != header.eventSize) break; fEvent = (eventHeaderStruct*) buffer; break; } fseek(fFile, header.eventSize-headerSize, SEEK_CUR); eventNumber--; } #else Fatal("AliRawReaderDate", "this class was compiled without DATE"); #endif } AliRawReaderDate::AliRawReaderDate(const AliRawReaderDate& rawReader) : AliRawReader(rawReader), fRequireHeader(rawReader.fRequireHeader), fFile(rawReader.fFile), fEvent(rawReader.fEvent), fSubEvent(rawReader.fSubEvent), fEquipment(rawReader.fEquipment), fPosition(rawReader.fPosition), fEnd(rawReader.fEnd) { // copy constructor Fatal("AliRawReaderDate", "copy constructor not implemented"); } AliRawReaderDate& AliRawReaderDate::operator = (const AliRawReaderDate& /*rawReader*/) { // assignment operator Fatal("operator =", "assignment operator not implemented"); return *this; } AliRawReaderDate::~AliRawReaderDate() { // destructor #ifdef ALI_DATE if (fFile) { delete[] fEvent; fclose(fFile); } #endif } UInt_t AliRawReaderDate::GetType() const { // get the type from the event header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEvent) return 0; return fEvent->eventType; #else return 0; #endif } UInt_t AliRawReaderDate::GetRunNumber() const { // get the run number from the event header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEvent) return 0; return fEvent->eventRunNb; #else return 0; #endif } const UInt_t* AliRawReaderDate::GetEventId() const { // get the event id from the event header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEvent) return NULL; return fEvent->eventId; #else return NULL; #endif } const UInt_t* AliRawReaderDate::GetTriggerPattern() const { // get the trigger pattern from the event header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEvent) return NULL; return fEvent->eventTriggerPattern; #else return NULL; #endif } const UInt_t* AliRawReaderDate::GetDetectorPattern() const { // get the detector pattern from the event header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEvent) return NULL; return fEvent->eventDetectorPattern; #else return NULL; #endif } const UInt_t* AliRawReaderDate::GetAttributes() const { // get the type attributes from the event header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEvent) return NULL; return fEvent->eventTypeAttribute; #else return NULL; #endif } UInt_t AliRawReaderDate::GetLDCId() const { // get the LDC Id from the event header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fSubEvent) return 0; return fSubEvent->eventLdcId; #else return 0; #endif } UInt_t AliRawReaderDate::GetGDCId() const { // get the GDC Id from the event header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEvent) return 0; return fEvent->eventGdcId; #else return 0; #endif } Int_t AliRawReaderDate::GetEquipmentSize() const { // get the size of the equipment #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEquipment) return 0; return fEquipment->equipmentSize; #else return 0; #endif } Int_t AliRawReaderDate::GetEquipmentType() const { // get the type from the equipment header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEquipment) return -1; return fEquipment->equipmentType; #else return 0; #endif } Int_t AliRawReaderDate::GetEquipmentId() const { // get the ID from the equipment header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEquipment) return -1; return fEquipment->equipmentId; #else return 0; #endif } const UInt_t* AliRawReaderDate::GetEquipmentAttributes() const { // get the attributes from the equipment header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEquipment) return NULL; return fEquipment->equipmentTypeAttribute; #else return 0; #endif } Int_t AliRawReaderDate::GetEquipmentElementSize() const { // get the basic element size from the equipment header #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEquipment) return 0; return fEquipment->equipmentBasicElementSize; #else return 0; #endif } Bool_t AliRawReaderDate::ReadHeader() { // read a data header at the current position // returns kFALSE if the data header could not be read fErrorCode = 0; #ifdef ALI_DATE fHeader = NULL; if (!fEvent) return kFALSE; // check whether there are sub events if (fEvent->eventSize <= fEvent->eventHeadSize) return kFALSE; do { // skip payload (if event was not selected) if (fCount > 0) fPosition += fCount; // get the first or the next equipment if at the end of an equipment if (!fEquipment || (fPosition >= fEnd)) { fEquipment = NULL; // get the first or the next sub event if at the end of a sub event if (!fSubEvent || (fPosition >= ((UChar_t*)fSubEvent) + fSubEvent->eventSize)) { // check for end of event data if (fPosition >= ((UChar_t*)fEvent)+fEvent->eventSize) return kFALSE; if (!TEST_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE(fEvent->eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_SUPER_EVENT)) { fSubEvent = fEvent; // no super event } else if (fSubEvent) { fSubEvent = (eventHeaderStruct*) (((UChar_t*)fSubEvent) + fSubEvent->eventSize); } else { fSubEvent = (eventHeaderStruct*) (((UChar_t*)fEvent) + fEvent->eventHeadSize); } // check the magic word of the sub event if (fSubEvent->eventMagic != EVENT_MAGIC_NUMBER) { Error("ReadHeader", "wrong magic number in sub event!\n" " run: %d event: %d %d LDC: %d GDC: %d\n", fSubEvent->eventRunNb, fSubEvent->eventId[0], fSubEvent->eventId[1], fSubEvent->eventLdcId, fSubEvent->eventGdcId); fErrorCode = kErrMagic; return kFALSE; } // continue if no data in the subevent if (fSubEvent->eventSize == fSubEvent->eventHeadSize) { fPosition = fEnd = ((UChar_t*)fSubEvent) + fSubEvent->eventSize; fCount = 0; continue; } fEquipment = (equipmentHeaderStruct*) (((UChar_t*)fSubEvent) + fSubEvent->eventHeadSize); } else { fEquipment = (equipmentHeaderStruct*) fEnd; } fCount = 0; fPosition = ((UChar_t*)fEquipment) + sizeof(equipmentHeaderStruct); if (fSubEvent->eventVersion <= 0x00030002) { fEnd = fPosition + fEquipment->equipmentSize; } else { fEnd = ((UChar_t*)fEquipment) + fEquipment->equipmentSize; } } // continue with the next sub event if no data left in the payload if (fPosition >= fEnd) continue; if (fRequireHeader) { // check that there are enough bytes left for the data header if (fPosition + sizeof(AliRawDataHeader) > fEnd) { Error("ReadHeader", "could not read data header data!"); Warning("ReadHeader", "skipping %d bytes\n" " run: %d event: %d %d LDC: %d GDC: %d\n", fEnd - fPosition, fSubEvent->eventRunNb, fSubEvent->eventId[0], fSubEvent->eventId[1], fSubEvent->eventLdcId, fSubEvent->eventGdcId); fCount = 0; fPosition = fEnd; fErrorCode = kErrNoDataHeader; continue; } // "read" the data header fHeader = (AliRawDataHeader*) fPosition; fPosition += sizeof(AliRawDataHeader); } if (fHeader && (fHeader->fSize != 0xFFFFFFFF)) { fCount = fHeader->fSize - sizeof(AliRawDataHeader); // check consistency of data size in the header and in the sub event if (fPosition + fCount > fEnd) { Error("ReadHeader", "size in data header exceeds event size!"); Warning("ReadHeader", "skipping %d bytes\n" " run: %d event: %d %d LDC: %d GDC: %d\n", fEnd - fPosition, fSubEvent->eventRunNb, fSubEvent->eventId[0], fSubEvent->eventId[1], fSubEvent->eventLdcId, fSubEvent->eventGdcId); fCount = 0; fPosition = fEnd; fErrorCode = kErrSize; continue; } } else { fCount = fEnd - fPosition; } } while (!fEquipment || !IsSelected()); return kTRUE; #else return kFALSE; #endif } Bool_t AliRawReaderDate::ReadNextData(UChar_t*& data) { // reads the next payload at the current position // returns kFALSE if the data could not be read fErrorCode = 0; while (fCount == 0) { if (!ReadHeader()) return kFALSE; } data = fPosition; fPosition += fCount; fCount = 0; return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliRawReaderDate::ReadNext(UChar_t* data, Int_t size) { // reads the next block of data at the current position // returns kFALSE if the data could not be read fErrorCode = 0; if (fPosition + size > fEnd) { Error("ReadNext", "could not read data!"); fErrorCode = kErrOutOfBounds; return kFALSE; } memcpy(data, fPosition, size); fPosition += size; fCount -= size; return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliRawReaderDate::Reset() { // reset the current position to the beginning of the event #ifdef ALI_DATE fSubEvent = NULL; #endif fCount = 0; fPosition = fEnd = NULL; return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliRawReaderDate::NextEvent() { // go to the next event in the date file #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fFile) return kFALSE; eventHeaderStruct header; UInt_t headerSize = sizeof(eventHeaderStruct); if (fEvent) delete[] fEvent; fEvent = &header; while (fread(&header, 1, headerSize, fFile) == headerSize) { if (!IsEventSelected()) { fseek(fFile, header.eventSize-headerSize, SEEK_CUR); continue; } UChar_t* buffer = new UChar_t[header.eventSize]; fseek(fFile, -headerSize, SEEK_CUR); if (fread(buffer, 1, header.eventSize, fFile) != header.eventSize) { Error("NextEvent", "could not read event from file"); delete[] buffer; break; } fEvent = (eventHeaderStruct*) buffer; return kTRUE; }; fEvent = NULL; #endif return kFALSE; } Bool_t AliRawReaderDate::RewindEvents() { // go back to the beginning of the date file if (!fFile) return kFALSE; fseek(fFile, 0, SEEK_SET); return Reset(); } Int_t AliRawReaderDate::CheckData() const { // check the consistency of the data #ifdef ALI_DATE if (!fEvent) return 0; // check whether there are sub events if (fEvent->eventSize <= fEvent->eventHeadSize) return 0; eventHeaderStruct* subEvent = NULL; UChar_t* position = 0; UChar_t* end = 0; Int_t result = 0; while (kTRUE) { // get the first or the next sub event if at the end of a sub event if (!subEvent || (position >= end)) { // check for end of event data if (position >= ((UChar_t*)fEvent)+fEvent->eventSize) return result; if (!TEST_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE(fEvent->eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_SUPER_EVENT)) { subEvent = fEvent; // no super event } else if (subEvent) { subEvent = (eventHeaderStruct*) (((UChar_t*)subEvent) + subEvent->eventSize); } else { subEvent = (eventHeaderStruct*) (((UChar_t*)fEvent) + fEvent->eventHeadSize); } // check the magic word of the sub event if (subEvent->eventMagic != EVENT_MAGIC_NUMBER) { result |= kErrMagic; return result; } position = ((UChar_t*)subEvent) + subEvent->eventHeadSize + sizeof(equipmentHeaderStruct); end = ((UChar_t*)subEvent) + subEvent->eventSize; } // continue with the next sub event if no data left in the payload if (position >= end) continue; // check that there are enough bytes left for the data header if (position + sizeof(AliRawDataHeader) > end) { result |= kErrNoDataHeader; position = end; continue; } // check consistency of data size in the data header and in the sub event AliRawDataHeader* header = (AliRawDataHeader*) position; if (header->fSize != 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (position + header->fSize > end) { result |= kErrSize; position = end; } else { position += header->fSize; } } else { position = end; } }; #endif return 0; }