// Author: Cvetan Cheshkov 29/01/2008 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // alirawdump // // // // Program can used to dump the raw-data files in ROOT format. // // It dumps the event,sub-event,equipment and common-data header. // // Additional application of the program is to check if the CDHs // // of different raw-data payloads are compatible. In this sense // // it replaces the DAQ online checks in case the DAQ is running // // UNCHECKED partition. // // // // Written by: Cvetan Cheshkov, 29/01/2008. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include "AliRawEvent.h" #include "AliRawEventHeaderBase.h" #include "AliRawEquipment.h" #include "AliRawEquipmentHeader.h" #include "AliRawDataHeader.h" #include "AliRawData.h" #include //______________________________________________________________________________ static void Usage(const char *prognam) { // Prints the usage // of the alirawdump program fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s \n", prognam); fprintf(stderr, " = file with ROOT formatted raw data\n"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ static bool DumpCDH(AliRawDataHeader *cdh) { // Dumps the CDH // ... cout << " Size: " << cdh->fSize << endl; cout << " Version: " << (Int_t)cdh->GetVersion() << endl; cout << " Orbit: " << cdh->GetEventID2() << " Bunch-crossing: " << cdh->GetEventID1() << endl; cout << " L1 trigger message: " << (UInt_t)cdh->GetL1TriggerMessage() << endl; cout << " Participating sub-detectors: " << cdh->GetSubDetectors() << endl; cout << " Block attributes: " << (Int_t)cdh->GetAttributes() << endl; cout << " Status: " << cdh->GetStatus() << endl; cout << " Mini event ID: " << cdh->GetMiniEventID() << endl; cout << " Trigger classes: " << cdh->GetTriggerClasses() << endl; cout << " ROI: " << cdh->GetROI() << endl; return true; } //______________________________________________________________________________ static bool DumpEvent(const char *progname, AliRawEvent *rawEvent) { // Dumps and checks one // raw-data event AliRawEventHeaderBase *rawEventHeader = rawEvent->GetHeader(); if (rawEventHeader->GetMagic() != 0xDA1E5AFE) { Error(progname,"Wrong magic number ( 0x%x != 0xDA1E5AFE )",rawEventHeader->GetMagic()); return false; } cout << " *********** Event header ***********" << endl; rawEventHeader->Print(); for(Int_t iSubEvent=0; iSubEvent < rawEvent->GetNSubEvents(); iSubEvent++) { AliRawEvent *rawSubEvent = rawEvent->GetSubEvent(iSubEvent); AliRawEventHeaderBase *rawSubEventHeader = rawSubEvent->GetHeader(); cout << " *********** Sub-event header ***********" << endl; rawSubEventHeader->Print(" "); for(Int_t iEquipment=0; iEquipment < rawSubEvent->GetNEquipments(); iEquipment++) { AliRawEquipment *rawEquip = rawSubEvent->GetEquipment(iEquipment); AliRawEquipmentHeader *rawEquipHeader = rawEquip->GetEquipmentHeader(); cout << " *********** Equipment event header ***********" << endl; rawEquipHeader->Print(" "); cout << " *********** Common Data Header ***********" << endl; AliRawData *rawData = rawEquip->GetRawData(); AliRawDataHeader *cdh = (AliRawDataHeader*)rawData->GetBuffer(); if (!DumpCDH(cdh)) return false; } } return true; } //______________________________________________________________________________ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Dumps a ROOT formatted // raw-data file gROOT->SetBatch(); if ((argc == 2 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-?") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-help"))) || argc != 2) { Usage(argv[0]); return 1; } TFile *rawFile = TFile::Open(argv[1],"READ"); if (!rawFile) { Error(argv[0],"Raw data file %s can not be opened!",argv[1]); return 1; } TTree *rawTree=(TTree *)rawFile->Get("RAW"); if(!rawTree) { Error(argv[0],"Error getting RAW tree from file %s",argv[1]); return 1; } AliRawEvent *rawEvent=NULL; rawTree->SetBranchAddress("rawevent", &rawEvent); Int_t nEvents = rawTree->GetEntries(); cout << "*******************************************" << endl; cout << "File: " << argv[1] << endl; cout << "GUID: " << rawFile->GetUUID().AsString() << endl; cout << "Total number of events: " << nEvents << endl; cout << "*******************************************" << endl; for(Int_t iEvent=0; iEvent < nEvents; iEvent++) { rawEvent=new AliRawEvent; rawTree->GetEntry(iEvent); cout << " *********** Event " << iEvent << " *******" << endl; DumpEvent(argv[0],rawEvent); delete rawEvent; } cout << "*******************************************" << endl; cout << "EOF" << endl; cout << "*******************************************" << endl; delete rawTree; rawFile->Close(); }