/* dateStream.c ============ Utility to simulate a DATE raw data stream using a given set of raw data files and a configuration file. Revision history: V01.00 4/05/2004 RD Created V01.01 25/10/2005 RD Support added for timestamp V01.02 4/04/2006 RD Support for CDH V01.03 24/05/2006 RD Added "Direct disk access" option */ #define VID "1.03" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "event.h" #define DESCRIPTION "DATE raw data stream simulator" #ifdef AIX static #endif char fileHandlerIdent[]= "@(#)""" __FILE__ """: """ DESCRIPTION \ """ """ VID """ """ \ """ compiled """ __DATE__ """ """ __TIME__; #define DBG_BASE if ( debug > 0 ) #define DBG_DETAILED if ( debug > 1 ) #define DBG_VERBOSE if ( debug > 2 ) #ifndef TRUE # define TRUE (0 == 0) #endif #ifndef FALSE # define FALSE (0 == 1) #endif const char *myName; int debug; FILE *outF; typedef enum { unknown, ldc, gdc } workingAsType; typedef enum { collider, fixedTarget } workingModeType; workingAsType workingAs; workingModeType workingMode; struct ldcDescriptorStruct { eventLdcIdType id; struct ldcDescriptorStruct *next; } *ldcsHead, *ldcsTail; void *eventsHead, *eventsTail; struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct { struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *head; struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *tail; struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *next; struct eventHeaderStruct header; int loaded; } *currGdc; struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *head; struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *tail; struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *next; eventLdcIdType id; struct eventHeaderStruct header; int loaded; } *currLdc; struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *next; equipmentIdType id; struct payloadDescriptorStruct *payload; struct equipmentHeaderStruct header; } *currEvent; struct payloadDescriptorStruct { struct payloadDescriptorStruct *next; char *fileName; int fileSize; int size; void *data; } *payloadsHead, *payloadsTail; int lineNmb; eventGdcIdType currGdcId; unsigned long32 currDetPattern; eventLdcIdType currLdcId; equipmentIdType currEquipmentId; int currRunNb; int numOfLdcs; int numOfEvents; int createSorEor; int handleCDH; eventIdType oneEventDelta; eventIdType currEventId; int gotAliceTrigger; int bufferData; struct commonDataHeaderStruct *cdhRef = NULL; void dumpPayload( const struct payloadDescriptorStruct *p ) { char *c; int i; int printable; if ( p->data != NULL ) { for ( i = 0, c = (char *)p->data, printable = TRUE; printable && i != p->size; c++, i++ ) printable = isascii( *c ); if ( printable ) { printf( " \"" ); for ( i = 0, c = (char *)p->data; i != p->size; c++, i++ ) { if ( *c == '\n' ) printf( "\"\n \"" ); else putchar( *c ); } if ( *c != '\n' ) printf( "\"\n" ); } else { long32 *v; for ( i = 0, v = (long32 *)p->data; i+4 <= p->size; v++, i += 4 ) { if ( i % (4*8) == 0 ) { if ( i != 0 ) printf( "\n" ); printf( " " ); } printf( "%08x ", *v ); } if ( i < p->size ) { int j = 0; printf( "\n " ); while ( i != p->size ) { printf( "%02x ", *((char *)p->data + p->size - j - 1) & 0xff ); j++; i++; } } } printf( "\n" ); } } /* End of dumpPayload */ void dumpEvents() { assert( workingAs == ldc || workingAs == gdc ); if ( eventsHead != NULL ) { printf( "Events:\n" ); if ( workingAs == gdc ) { struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *gdc; for ( gdc = (struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; gdc != NULL; gdc = gdc->next ) { struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *ldc; printf( " GDC (%p)\n", (void*)gdc ); for ( ldc = gdc->head; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *eq; printf( " LDC (%p): %d\n", (void*)ldc, ldc->id ); for ( eq = ldc->head; eq != NULL; eq = eq->next ) { printf( " EQUIPMENT (%p): %d PAYLOAD (%p):", (void*)eq, eq->id, (void*)eq->payload ); fflush( stdout ); printf( "\"%s\" (%d bytes)\n", eq->payload->fileName, eq->payload->size ); dumpPayload( eq->payload ); } } } } if ( workingAs == ldc ) { struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *ldc; for ( ldc = (struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *eq; printf( " LDC\n" ); for ( eq = ldc->head; eq != NULL; eq = eq->next ) { printf( " EQUIPMENT (%p): %d PAYLOAD (%p):", (void*)eq, eq->id, (void*)eq->payload ); fflush( stdout ); printf( "\"%s\" (%d bytes)\n", eq->payload->fileName, eq->payload->size ); dumpPayload( eq->payload ); } } } } else { printf( "Events: EMPTY\n" ); } } /* End of dumpEvents */ void getLine( char *line, const int maxSize ) { int read; int c; for ( read = 0; !feof( stdin ) && !ferror( stdin ) && read != maxSize; read++ ) { if ( (line[read] = getchar()) == '\n' ) break; } if ( ferror( stdin ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to read configuration input errno:%d ", myName, errno ); perror( "" ); exit( 1 ); } if ( feof( stdin ) ) read--; if ( read == maxSize && line[read] != '\n' ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Input line # %d too long (%d chars max)\n", myName, lineNmb, maxSize-1 ); exit( 1 ); } line[ read ] = 0; DBG_VERBOSE { if ( !( read == 0 && feof( stdin ) ) ) { printf( "%d) [%3d] \"%s\"", lineNmb, read, line ); } } for ( c = 0; c != read; c++ ) { if ( line[c] == '#' ) { line[c] = 0; break; } } DBG_VERBOSE { if ( read != c ) { printf( " => \"%s\"", line ); } if ( feof( stdin ) ) printf( "<<< EOF >>>" ); if ( ferror( stdin ) ) printf( "<<< FERROR >>>" ); printf( "\n" ); } } /* End of getLine */ void handleLdc( eventLdcIdType ldcId ) { struct ldcDescriptorStruct *ldc; if ( ldcsHead != NULL ) { for ( ldc = ldcsHead; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { if ( ldc->id == ldcId ) { return; } } } if ( (ldc = (struct ldcDescriptorStruct *)malloc( sizeof( *ldc ) )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Failed to malloc for %d bytes (struct ldcDescriptorStruct)\n", myName, (int)sizeof( *ldc ) ); exit( 1 ); } ldc->id = ldcId; ldc->next = NULL; if ( ldcsHead == NULL ) { ldcsHead = ldcsTail = ldc; } else { ldcsTail->next = ldc; ldcsTail = ldc; } numOfLdcs++; } /* End of handleLdc */ void createNewEvent() { assert( workingAs == ldc || workingAs == gdc ); if ( workingAs == ldc ) { struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *p; if ( (p = (struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *)malloc( sizeof( *p ) )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to malloc for %d bytes (createNewEvent: struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct)", myName, (int)sizeof( *p ) ); perror( "" ); exit( 1 ); } p->loaded = FALSE; p->head = p->tail = NULL; p->next = NULL; currLdc = p; if ( eventsHead == NULL ) { eventsHead = eventsTail = p; } else { struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *q = (struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsTail; q->next = p; eventsTail = p; } p->id = currLdcId; } else if ( workingAs == gdc ) { struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *p; if ( (p = (struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *)malloc( sizeof( *p ) )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to malloc for %d bytes (createNewEvent: struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct)", myName, (int)sizeof( *p ) ); perror( "" ); exit( 1 ); } p->loaded = FALSE; p->next = NULL; p->head = p->tail = NULL; currGdc = p; if ( eventsHead == NULL ) { eventsHead = eventsTail = p; } else { struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *q = (struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsTail; q->next = p; eventsTail = p; } } } /* End of createNewEvent */ void createNewLdcEvent() { struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *gdcDesc; struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *p; if ( (p = (struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *)malloc( sizeof( *p ) )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to malloc for %d bytes (createNewLdcEvent: struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct)", myName, (int)sizeof( *p ) ); perror( "" ); exit( 1 ); } p->id = currLdcId; p->head = p->tail = NULL; p->next = NULL; gdcDesc = (struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsTail; if ( gdcDesc->head == NULL ) { gdcDesc->head = gdcDesc->tail = p; } else { gdcDesc->tail->next = p; gdcDesc->tail = p; } currLdc = p; } /* End of createNewLdcEvent */ void loadBuffer( struct payloadDescriptorStruct * const payload ) { FILE *f; int bytesRead; if ( (f = fopen( payload->fileName, "r" )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d payload file \"%s\" not found or not readable, errno:%d. ", myName, lineNmb, payload->fileName, errno ); perror( "System-dependent error " ); exit( 1 ); } if ( (payload->data = malloc( payload->size )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d Failed to malloc for payload file \"%s\" size:%d errno:%d ", myName, lineNmb, payload->fileName, payload->size, errno ); perror( "System-dependent status " ); exit( 1 ); } if ( (bytesRead = fread( payload->data, payload->fileSize, 1, f )) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d Failed to read payload file \"%s\" size:%d requested:1 got:%d feof:%s ferror:%s errno:%d ", myName, lineNmb, payload->fileName, payload->size, bytesRead, feof(f) ? "TRUE" : "false", ferror(f) ? "TRUE" : "false", errno ); perror( "System-dependent status " ); exit( 1 ); } fclose(f); if ( payload->size != payload->fileSize ) { memset( (char *)payload->data + payload->fileSize, 0, payload->size - payload->fileSize ); } } /* End of loadBuffer */ void unloadBuffer( struct payloadDescriptorStruct * const payload ) { if ( payload->data != NULL ) { free( payload->data ); payload->data = NULL; } } /* End of unloadBuffer */ void unloadAllBuffers() { struct payloadDescriptorStruct *payload; for ( payload = payloadsHead; payload != NULL; payload = payload->next ) { unloadBuffer( payload ); } } /* End of unloadAllBuffers */ void loadPayload( const char *fileName ) { struct payloadDescriptorStruct *payload; for ( payload = payloadsHead; payload != NULL; payload = payload->next ) { if ( strcmp( fileName, payload->fileName ) == 0 ) break; } if ( payload == NULL ) { FILE *f; if ( (payload = (struct payloadDescriptorStruct *)malloc( sizeof( *payload ) )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to malloc for %d bytes (loadPayload/payloadDescriptorStruct)\n", myName, (int)sizeof( *payload ) ); exit( 1 ); } if ( (payload->fileName = strdup( fileName )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to duplicate string \"%s\" (loadPaload/fileName)\n", myName, fileName ); exit( 1 ); } if ( (f = fopen( fileName, "r" )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d payload file \"%s\" not found or not readable, errno:%d. ", myName, lineNmb, fileName, errno ); perror( "System-dependent error " ); exit( 1 ); } if ( fseek( f, 0L, SEEK_END ) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d Failed to seek payload file \"%s\" errno:%d ", myName, lineNmb, fileName, errno ); perror( "System-dependent error " ); exit( 1 ); } if ( (payload->size = ftell( f )) <= 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d Failed to get file \"%s\" size size:%d errno:%d ", myName, lineNmb, fileName, payload->size, errno ); perror( "System-dependent status " ); exit( 1 ); } payload->fileSize = payload->size; while ( (payload->size & 3) != 0 ) payload->size++; fclose( f ); if ( bufferData ) { loadBuffer( payload ); } else { payload->data = NULL; } payload->next = NULL; if ( payloadsHead == NULL ) { payloadsHead = payloadsTail = payload; } else { payloadsTail->next = payload; payloadsTail = payload; } DBG_VERBOSE { int b, n; printf( "%d) Payload \"%s\" loaded at %p\n", lineNmb, fileName, (void*)payload ); if ( bufferData ) { if ( handleCDH && strncmp(fileName,"TRG_",4) != 0 ) { struct commonDataHeaderStruct *cdh = (struct commonDataHeaderStruct *)payload->data; printf( " CDH: blockLenght:%d=0x%08x ", cdh->cdhBlockLength, cdh->cdhBlockLength ); if ( cdh->cdhBlockLength < sizeof( *cdh ) ) { printf( "TOO SMALL (minimum:%ld=0x%08lx)\n", (unsigned long)sizeof( *cdh ), (unsigned long)sizeof( *cdh ) ); } else { printf( "version:%d=0x%x ", cdh->cdhVersion, cdh->cdhVersion ); if ( cdh->cdhVersion != CDH_VERSION ) { printf( "EXPECTED:%d=%x (decoding may be inaccurate) ", CDH_VERSION, CDH_VERSION ); } } printf( "L1TriggerMessage:0x%x", cdh->cdhL1TriggerMessage ); if ( cdh->cdhL1TriggerMessage != 0 ) { for ( b = 0, n = 0; b != 10; b++ ) { if ( (cdh->cdhL1TriggerMessage & (1<" ); } printf( " " ); if ( cdh->cdhMBZ0 != 0 ) printf( "MBZ0:0x%x ", cdh->cdhMBZ0 ); printf( "\n" ); printf( " " ); printf( "EventId2(orbit):%d=0x%x ", cdh->cdhEventId2, cdh->cdhEventId2 ); printf( "EventId1(bunchCrossing):%d=0x%x ", cdh->cdhEventId1, cdh->cdhEventId1 ); printf( "\n" ); printf( " " ); if ( cdh->cdhMBZ1 != 0 ) printf( "MBZ1:0x%x ", cdh->cdhMBZ1 ); printf( "BlockAttributes:0x%x", cdh->cdhBlockAttributes ); if ( cdh->cdhBlockAttributes != 0 ) { printf( "=<" ); for ( b = 0, n = 0; b != 8; b++ ) { if ( (cdh->cdhBlockAttributes & (1<" ); } printf( " " ); printf( "ParticipatingSubDetectors:0x%x ", cdh->cdhParticipatingSubDetectors ); printf( "\n" ); printf( " " ); if ( cdh->cdhMBZ2 != 0 ) printf( "MBZ2:0x%x ", cdh->cdhMBZ2 ); printf( "Status/Error:0x%x", cdh->cdhStatusErrorBits ); if ( cdh->cdhStatusErrorBits != 0 ) { printf( "=<" ); for ( b = 0,n = 0; b != 16; b++ ) { if ( (cdh->cdhStatusErrorBits & (1<" ); } printf( " " ); printf( "MiniEventId(bunchCrossing):%d=0x%x ", cdh->cdhMiniEventId, cdh->cdhMiniEventId ); printf( "\n" ); printf( " " ); printf( "Trigger classes: 0x(%05x-%08x)", cdh->cdhTriggerClassesHigh, cdh->cdhTriggerClassesLow ); if ( cdh->cdhTriggerClassesHigh != 0 || cdh->cdhTriggerClassesLow != 0 ) { printf( "=<" ); for ( b=0, n=0; b != 32; b++ ) { if ( (cdh->cdhTriggerClassesLow & (1<cdhTriggerClassesHigh & (1<" ); } printf( "\n" ); printf( " " ); if ( cdh->cdhMBZ3 != 0 ) { printf( "MBZ3:0x%x ", cdh->cdhMBZ3 ); } printf( "ROI:0x(%08x-%01x)", cdh->cdhRoiHigh, cdh->cdhRoiLow ); if ( cdh->cdhRoiHigh != 0 || cdh->cdhRoiLow != 0 ) { printf( "=<" ); for ( b=0, n=0; b != 5; b++ ) { if ( (cdh->cdhRoiLow & (1<cdhRoiHigh & (1<" ); } printf( "\n" ); } } } } else { DBG_VERBOSE printf( "%d) Payload \"%s\" already loaded at %p\n", lineNmb, fileName, (void*)payload ); } currEvent->payload = payload; } /* End of loadPayload */ void parseEquipment( char * const line ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *equipment; int payloadFound = FALSE; char *p; char *keyword; if ( (equipment = (struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *)malloc( sizeof( *equipment ) )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: filed to malloc for %d bytes (parseEquipment/equipmentEventDescriptorStruct) errno:%d ", myName, (int)sizeof( *equipment ), errno ); perror( "" ); exit( 1 ); } currEvent = equipment; p = line; while ( (keyword = strtok_r( p, " \t", &p )) != NULL ) { DBG_VERBOSE printf( "%d) Equipment - Keyword:\"%s\"\n", lineNmb, keyword ); if ( strcasecmp( "id", keyword ) == 0 ) { char *idNum; if ( (idNum = strtok_r( p, " \t", &p )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d EQUIPMENT declaration, ID needed", myName, lineNmb ); exit( 1 ); } if ( sscanf( idNum, "%d", &currEquipmentId ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d EQUIPMENT declaration, numeric ID needed (%s)", myName, lineNmb, idNum ); exit( 1 ); } DBG_VERBOSE printf( "%d) EQUIPMENT - ID:%d\n", lineNmb, currEquipmentId ); } else if ( strncasecmp( "pay", keyword, 3 ) == 0 ) { char *fileName; if ( (fileName = strtok_r( p, " \t", &p )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s line:%d Payload without filename found\n", myName, lineNmb ); exit( 1 ); } DBG_VERBOSE printf( "%d) Equipment - Payload:\"%s\"\n", lineNmb, fileName ); if ( payloadFound ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s line:%d Payload with multiple filenames found\n", myName, lineNmb ); exit( 1 ); } loadPayload( fileName ); payloadFound = TRUE; } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d Equipment declaration, unknown keyword \"%s\"\n", myName, lineNmb, keyword ); exit( 1 ); } } if ( !payloadFound ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d Equipment without payload found\n", myName, lineNmb ); exit( 1 ); } equipment->id = currEquipmentId; equipment->next = NULL; if ( currLdc->head == NULL ) { currLdc->head = currLdc->tail = equipment; } else { currLdc->tail->next = equipment; currLdc->tail = equipment; } } /* End of parseEquipment */ void parseGdc( char * const line ) { char *p; char *keyword; p = line; while ( (keyword = strtok_r( p, " \t", &p )) != NULL ) { if ( strcasecmp( "id", keyword ) == 0 ) { char *idNum; if ( (idNum = strtok_r( p, " \t", &p )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d GDC declaration, ID needed", myName, lineNmb ); exit( 1 ); } if ( sscanf( idNum, "%d", (int*)&currGdcId ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d GDC declaration, numeric ID needed (%s)", myName, lineNmb, idNum ); exit( 1 ); } DBG_VERBOSE printf( "%d) GDC - ID:%d\n", lineNmb, currGdcId ); } else if ( strcasecmp( "DetectorPattern", keyword ) == 0 ) { char *detPattern; if ( (detPattern = strtok_r( p, " \t", &p )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d GDC declaration, DetectorPattern needed", myName, lineNmb ); exit( 1 ); } if ( sscanf( detPattern, "%u", &currDetPattern ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d GDC declaration, numeric DetectorPattern needed (%s)", myName, lineNmb, detPattern ); exit( 1 ); } DBG_VERBOSE printf( "%d) GDC - DetectorPattern:%u\n", lineNmb, currDetPattern ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d GDC declaration, unknown keyword \"%s\"\n", myName, lineNmb, keyword ); exit( 1 ); } } } /* End of parseGdc */ void parseLdc( char * const line ) { char *p; char *keyword; p = line; while ( (keyword = strtok_r( p, " \t", &p )) != NULL ) { if ( strcasecmp( "id", keyword ) == 0 ) { char *idNum; if ( (idNum = strtok_r( p, " \t", &p )) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d LDC declaration, ID needed", myName, lineNmb ); exit( 1 ); } int inCurrLdcId; if ( sscanf( idNum, "%d", &inCurrLdcId ) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d LDC declaration, numeric ID needed (%s)", myName, lineNmb, idNum ); exit( 1 ); } currLdcId = (eventLdcIdType)inCurrLdcId; DBG_VERBOSE printf( "%d) LDC - ID:%d\n", lineNmb, currLdcId ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d LDC declaration, unknown keyword \"%s\"\n", myName, lineNmb, keyword ); exit( 1 ); } } } /* End of parseLdc */ void parseRules() { char line[ 1025 ]; currLdcId = HOST_ID_MIN; currGdcId = HOST_ID_MIN; currDetPattern = 0; for ( lineNmb = 1; !feof( stdin ); lineNmb++ ) { getLine( line, sizeof(line) ); if ( strlen(line) != 0 ) { char *p; char *keyword; if ( (keyword = strtok_r( line, " \t", &p )) != NULL ) { DBG_VERBOSE printf( "%d) Keyword:\"%s\"\n", lineNmb, keyword ); if ( strcasecmp( "gdc", keyword ) == 0 ) { if ( workingAs != gdc && workingAs != unknown ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d GDC found when working in non-GDC mode (e.g. as a LDC)\n", myName, lineNmb ); exit( 1 ); } workingAs = gdc; parseGdc( p ); createNewEvent(); currLdcId = HOST_ID_MIN; currLdc = NULL; currEquipmentId = 0; } else if ( strcasecmp( "ldc", keyword ) == 0 ) { if ( workingAs != gdc && workingAs != ldc && workingAs != unknown ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d LDC found when working in non-LDC/GDC mode\n", myName, lineNmb ); exit( 1 ); } if ( workingAs == unknown ) workingAs = ldc; parseLdc( p ); if ( workingAs == ldc ) { createNewEvent(); currEquipmentId = 0; } else { createNewLdcEvent(); handleLdc( currLdcId ); currLdcId++; } currEvent = NULL; } else if ( strncasecmp( "equ", keyword, 3 ) == 0 ) { if ( workingAs == unknown || (workingAs == ldc && currLdc == NULL ) || (workingAs == gdc && currGdc == NULL ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d Unexpected EQUIPMENT declaration (LDC or GDC needed first)\n", myName, lineNmb ); exit( 1 ); } parseEquipment( p ); currEquipmentId++; } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: line:%d Parse error in \"%s\" unknown keyword\n", myName, lineNmb, keyword ); exit( 1 ); } } } } while ( !feof( stdin ) ) {} lineNmb -= 2; DBG_VERBOSE { printf( "End of parse: %d line%s found\n", lineNmb, lineNmb != 1 ? "s" : "" ); printf( "Working as %s\n", workingAs == gdc ? "GDC" : workingAs == ldc ? "LDC" : "UNKNOWN" ); if ( workingAs == gdc ) { struct ldcDescriptorStruct *ldc; printf( "LDCs (%d):", numOfLdcs ); for ( ldc = ldcsHead; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { printf( " %d", ldc->id ); } printf( "\n" ); } dumpEvents(); } if ( workingAs == ldc ) { assert( ldcsHead == ldcsTail ); assert( ldcsTail == NULL ); } if ( workingAs == gdc ) { struct ldcDescriptorStruct *ldc; assert( ldcsHead != NULL ); assert( ldcsTail != NULL ); assert( ldcsTail->next == NULL ); for ( ldc = ldcsHead; ldc->next != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) {} assert ( ldc == ldcsTail ); } if ( workingAs == unknown ) { DBG_VERBOSE printf( "Empty configuration: nothing to do!\n" ); exit( 0 ); } assert( (eventsHead == NULL && eventsTail == NULL) || (eventsHead != NULL && eventsTail != NULL) ); } /* End of parseRules */ void loadTimestamp( struct eventHeaderStruct * const ev ) { time_t t; if ( time( &t ) == (time_t)-1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to get system time errno:%d (%s)\n", myName, errno, strerror( errno ) ); exit( 1 ); } ev->eventTimestamp = (eventTimestampType)t; } /* End of loadTimestamp */ void initEvent( struct eventHeaderStruct * const ev ) { memset( ev, 0, sizeof( *ev ) ); ev->eventMagic = EVENT_MAGIC_NUMBER; ev->eventHeadSize = EVENT_HEAD_BASE_SIZE; ev->eventVersion = EVENT_CURRENT_VERSION; ev->eventRunNb = currRunNb; ZERO_EVENT_ID( ev->eventId ); ZERO_TRIGGER_PATTERN( ev->eventTriggerPattern ); ZERO_DETECTOR_PATTERN( ev->eventDetectorPattern ); RESET_ATTRIBUTES( ev->eventTypeAttribute ); if ( workingMode == collider ) SET_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( ev->eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_ORBIT_BC ); ev->eventLdcId = VOID_ID; ev->eventGdcId = VOID_ID; loadTimestamp( ev ); } /* End of initEvent */ int Swap(int x) { // Swap the endianess of the integer value 'x' return (((x & 0x000000ffU) << 24) | ((x & 0x0000ff00U) << 8) | ((x & 0x00ff0000U) >> 8) | ((x & 0xff000000U) >> 24)); } void outputEvent( const void * const ev, const int size ) { int done; DBG_VERBOSE { const long32 * const v = (long32 *)ev; printf( "Writing %d bytes @ %p (%d)\n", size, ev, *v ); } // .............................Test endianess.............................. int temp = 1; char* ptemp = (char*) &temp; if (ptemp[0]!=1) { // Mac platform: ptemp != 1.............................................................................. int bufSize= size; if (bufSize > (int) sizeof(eventHeaderStruct)) { bufSize = sizeof(eventHeaderStruct); } char* evTemp = (char*) malloc (bufSize); memcpy(evTemp, ev, bufSize); if ((bufSize % sizeof(int)) != 0) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: size of the input buffer ev is not multiple of 4 (size = %d)\n", myName, bufSize); exit( 1 ); } else { // Invert header to evTemp..................................................... int* buf = (int*) evTemp; for (int i=0; i < (int) (bufSize / sizeof(int)); i++, buf++) { int value = Swap(*buf); memcpy(evTemp + (i * sizeof(int)), &value, sizeof(int)); } // Write inverted header to file............................................... if ((done = fwrite( evTemp, bufSize, 1, outF )) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to write inverted header. event size:%d bytes, errno:%d (%s)\n", myName, size, errno, strerror( errno ) ); exit( 1 ); } if (size > bufSize) { // Still theraw-data payload to write (but not inverted, since it is inverted eariler)............. if ((done = fwrite( (char*)ev + bufSize, size - bufSize, 1, outF )) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to write additional event size:%d bytes, errno:%d (%s)\n", myName, size, errno, strerror( errno ) ); exit( 1 ); } } } free(evTemp); } else { // Intel platform: ptemp == 1............................................................................ if ((done = fwrite( ev, size, 1, outF )) != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to write event size:%d bytes, errno:%d (%s)\n", myName, size, errno, strerror( errno ) ); exit( 1 ); } } } /* End of outputEvent */ void createSorAndEor( const int sor ) { unsigned char event[ 1000 ]; struct eventHeaderStruct *ev; struct eventHeaderStruct sev; assert( workingAs == ldc || workingAs == gdc ); if ( !createSorEor ) return; ev = (struct eventHeaderStruct *)event; initEvent( ev ); ev->eventSize = sizeof( event ); ev->eventType = sor ? START_OF_RUN : END_OF_RUN; if ( workingMode == fixedTarget ) LOAD_RAW_EVENT_ID( ev->eventId, 0, 0, 0 ); else LOAD_EVENT_ID( ev->eventId, 0, 0, 0 ); SET_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( ev->eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_P_START ); if ( workingAs == ldc ) { currLdc = (struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; } if ( workingAs == gdc ) { initEvent( &sev ); sev.eventGdcId = currGdcId; ev->eventGdcId = currGdcId; currGdc = (struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; currLdc = currGdc->head; } ev->eventLdcId = currLdc->id; if ( workingAs == ldc ) { loadTimestamp( ev ); outputEvent( ev, ev->eventSize ); } if ( workingAs == gdc ) { struct ldcDescriptorStruct *ldc; loadTimestamp( ev ); sev.eventSize = sizeof( sev ) + numOfLdcs * ev->eventSize; sev.eventType = sor ? START_OF_RUN : END_OF_RUN ; COPY_EVENT_ID( ev->eventId, sev.eventId ); COPY_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTES( ev->eventTypeAttribute, sev.eventTypeAttribute ); SET_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( sev.eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_SUPER_EVENT ); loadTimestamp( &sev ); outputEvent( &sev, sizeof( sev ) ); ev->eventGdcId = currGdcId; for ( ldc = ldcsHead; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { ev->eventLdcId = ldc->id; outputEvent( ev, ev->eventSize ); } } ADD_EVENT_ID( ev->eventId, oneEventDelta ); ev->eventSize = ev->eventSize / 2; ev->eventType = sor ? START_OF_RUN_FILES : END_OF_RUN_FILES; CLEAR_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( ev->eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_P_START ); if ( workingAs == ldc ) { loadTimestamp( ev ); outputEvent( ev, ev->eventSize ); } if ( workingAs == gdc ) { struct ldcDescriptorStruct *ldc; loadTimestamp( ev ); sev.eventSize = ev->eventSize; sev.eventType = sor ? START_OF_RUN_FILES : END_OF_RUN_FILES; COPY_EVENT_ID( ev->eventId, sev.eventId ); COPY_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTES( ev->eventTypeAttribute, sev.eventTypeAttribute ); CLEAR_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( sev.eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_SUPER_EVENT ); outputEvent( &sev, sizeof( sev ) ); outputEvent( ev, ev->eventSize - sizeof( sev ) ); sev.eventSize = sizeof( sev ) + ev->eventSize; sev.eventType = sor ? START_OF_RUN_FILES : END_OF_RUN_FILES; COPY_EVENT_ID( ev->eventId, sev.eventId ); COPY_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTES( ev->eventTypeAttribute, sev.eventTypeAttribute ); SET_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( sev.eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_SUPER_EVENT ); loadTimestamp( &sev ); ev->eventGdcId = currGdcId; for ( ldc = ldcsHead; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { loadTimestamp( &sev ); outputEvent( &sev, sizeof( sev ) ); ev->eventLdcId = ldc->id; outputEvent( ev, ev->eventSize ); } } ADD_EVENT_ID( ev->eventId, oneEventDelta ); ev->eventSize = sizeof( *ev ); ev->eventType = sor ? START_OF_RUN : END_OF_RUN; SET_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( ev->eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_P_END ); if ( workingAs == ldc ) { loadTimestamp( ev ); outputEvent( ev, ev->eventSize ); } if ( workingAs == gdc ) { struct ldcDescriptorStruct *ldc; loadTimestamp( ev ); sev.eventSize = sizeof( sev ) + numOfLdcs * ev->eventSize; sev.eventType = sor ? START_OF_RUN : END_OF_RUN; COPY_EVENT_ID( ev->eventId, sev.eventId ); COPY_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTES( ev->eventTypeAttribute, sev.eventTypeAttribute ); SET_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( sev.eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_SUPER_EVENT ); loadTimestamp( &sev ); outputEvent( &sev, sizeof( sev ) ); for ( ldc = ldcsHead; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { ev->eventLdcId = ldc->id; outputEvent( ev, ev->eventSize ); } } } /* End of createSorEor */ void createSor() { createSorAndEor( TRUE ); } /* End of createSor */ void createEor() { createSorAndEor( FALSE ); } /* End of createEor */ void loadCdh( struct commonDataHeaderStruct * const cdh, eventIdType * const eventId, equipmentIdType id ) { if ( !handleCDH ) return; // CTP raw-data does not contain CDH if ( id == 4352) return; if ( gotAliceTrigger ) { cdh->cdhEventId1 = EVENT_ID_GET_BUNCH_CROSSING( *eventId ); cdh->cdhEventId2 = EVENT_ID_GET_ORBIT( *eventId ); } else { cdh->cdhEventId1 = 0; cdh->cdhEventId2 = EVENT_ID_GET_NB_IN_RUN( *eventId ); } cdh->cdhMiniEventId = cdh->cdhEventId1; } void decodeCDH( struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct * const ldc, const struct payloadDescriptorStruct * const payloadDesc, equipmentIdType id ); void createEvent( void ) { assert( workingAs == ldc || workingAs == gdc ); /* Step 1: load all buffers (if needed) and compose the GDC/LDC headers */ if ( workingAs == gdc ) { struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *ldc; for( ldc = currGdc->head; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { COPY_EVENT_ID( currEventId, ldc->header.eventId ); loadTimestamp( &ldc->header ); } COPY_EVENT_ID( currEventId, currGdc->header.eventId ); loadTimestamp( &currGdc->header ); for( ldc = currGdc->head; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *eq; int n; for ( eq = ldc->head; eq != NULL; eq = eq->next ) { if ( !bufferData ) { loadBuffer( eq->payload ); decodeCDH( ldc, eq->payload, eq->id ); } loadCdh( (struct commonDataHeaderStruct*)eq->payload->data, &currEventId, eq->id); } if ( !currGdc->loaded ) { for ( n = 0; n != EVENT_TRIGGER_PATTERN_WORDS; n++ ) currGdc->header.eventTriggerPattern[n] |= ldc->header.eventTriggerPattern[n]; for ( n = 0; n != EVENT_DETECTOR_PATTERN_WORDS; n++ ) currGdc->header.eventDetectorPattern[n] |= ldc->header.eventDetectorPattern[n]; for ( n = 0; n != ALL_ATTRIBUTE_WORDS; n++ ) currGdc->header.eventTypeAttribute[n] |= ldc->header.eventTypeAttribute[n]; currGdc->loaded = TRUE; } } cdhRef = NULL; } else if ( workingAs == ldc ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *eq; COPY_EVENT_ID( currEventId, currLdc->header.eventId ); loadTimestamp( &currLdc->header ); for ( eq = currLdc->head; eq != NULL; eq = eq->next ) { if ( !bufferData ) { loadBuffer( eq->payload ); decodeCDH( currLdc, eq->payload, eq->id ); } loadCdh( (struct commonDataHeaderStruct*)eq->payload->data, &currEventId, eq->id); currLdc->loaded = TRUE; } cdhRef = NULL; } ADD_EVENT_ID( currEventId, oneEventDelta ); /* Step 2: output the event */ if ( workingAs == gdc ) { struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *ldc; outputEvent( &currGdc->header, sizeof( currGdc->header ) ); for( ldc = currGdc->head; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *eq; outputEvent( &ldc->header, sizeof( ldc->header ) ); for ( eq = ldc->head; eq != NULL; eq = eq->next ) { outputEvent( &eq->header, sizeof( eq->header ) ); outputEvent( eq->payload->data, eq->payload->size ); if ( !bufferData ) unloadBuffer( eq->payload ); } } if ( (currGdc = currGdc->next) == NULL ) currGdc = (struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; } else if ( workingAs == ldc ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *eq; outputEvent( &currLdc->header, sizeof( currLdc->header ) ); for ( eq = currLdc->head; eq != NULL; eq = eq->next ) { outputEvent( &eq->header, sizeof( eq->header ) ); outputEvent( eq->payload->data, eq->payload->size ); if ( !bufferData ) unloadBuffer( eq->payload ); } if ( (currLdc = currLdc->next) == NULL ) currLdc = (struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; } } /* End of createEvent */ void createEvents() { int eventNum = 0; currGdc = (struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; currLdc = (struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; currEvent = NULL; createSor(); for ( eventNum = 0; eventNum != numOfEvents && numOfEvents != 0; eventNum++ ) { createEvent(); } createEor(); } /* End of createEvents */ int usage() { fprintf( stderr, "Usage: %s [-?][-d][-i definitionFile][-o outputFile][-# numOfEvents][-s][-F|-C]\n\ -? This text\n\ -v Print version ID and exit\n\ -d Enable debug (repeat for more verbosity)\n\ -i definitionFile File with the description of the events to create (default: stdin)\n\ -o outputFile File used to store events (default: stdout)\n\ -# numOfEvents Number of events to generate (default: 1 event)\n\ -s Do not generate SOR/EOR files (valid only for GDCs)\n\ -F/-C Working in Fixed Target (F) or Collider (C) mode\n\ -c Handles CDH\n\ -D Direct disc access (no buffering)\n", myName ); return 1; } /* End of usage */ void parseArgs( int argc, char **argv ) { int arg = 1; int inFileName = -1; int outFileName = -1; myName = argv[0] ; while ( arg < argc ) { if ( strcmp( "-?", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { usage(); exit( 0 ); } if ( strcmp( "-i", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { if ( ++arg == argc ) exit( usage() ); inFileName = arg; if ( freopen( argv[arg], "r", stdin ) == NULL ){ fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to open input definition \"%s\" errno:%d ", myName, argv[arg], errno ); perror( "" ); exit( 1 ); } } else if ( strcmp( "-v", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { printf( "%s\n", fileHandlerIdent ); exit( 0 ); } else if ( strcmp( "-o", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { if ( ++arg == argc ) exit( usage() ); outFileName = arg; } else if ( strcmp( "-#", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { int n; if ( ++arg == argc ) exit( usage() ); if ( sscanf( argv[ arg ], "%d", &n ) != 1 ) exit( usage() ); if ( n < 0 ) exit( usage() ); numOfEvents = n; } else if ( strcmp( "-s", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { createSorEor = FALSE; } else if ( strcmp( "-F", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { workingMode = fixedTarget; } else if ( strcmp( "-C", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { workingMode = collider; } else if ( strcmp( "-d", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { debug++; } else if ( strcmp( "-c", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { handleCDH = TRUE; } else if ( strcmp( "-D", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { bufferData = FALSE; } else if ( strcmp( "-run", argv[ arg ] ) == 0 ) { int runnumber; if ( ++arg == argc ) exit( usage() ); if ( sscanf( argv[ arg ], "%d", &runnumber ) != 1 ) exit( usage() ); if ( runnumber < 0 ) exit( usage() ); currRunNb = runnumber; } else { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Unknown switch \"%s\"\n", myName, argv[argc] ); exit( usage() ); } arg++; } if ( workingMode == fixedTarget ) LOAD_RAW_EVENT_ID( oneEventDelta, 1, 0, 1 ); else LOAD_EVENT_ID( oneEventDelta, 0, 0, 1 ); ZERO_EVENT_ID( currEventId ); DBG_VERBOSE { printf( "Configuration:\n" ); printf( " Debug level: %d\n", debug ); printf( " Configuration: %s\n", inFileName == -1 ? "stdin" : argv[ inFileName ] ); printf( " Output: %s\n", outFileName == -1 ? "stdout" : argv[ outFileName ] ); printf( " Working mode: %s\n", workingMode == fixedTarget ? "fixed target" : "collider" ); printf( " Number of events: %d\n", numOfEvents ); printf( " %s SOR/EOR files\n", createSorEor ? "Create" : "Do not create" ); printf( " CDH handling: %s\n", handleCDH ? "enabled" : "disabled" ); printf( " data buffering: %s\n", bufferData ? "enabled" : "DISABLED" ); } if ( outFileName == -1 ) { DBG_BASE printf( "No more trace information from this point...\n" ); debug = 0; outF = stdout; } else { if ( ( outF = fopen( argv[ outFileName ], "w" ) ) == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: failed to open output file \"%s\" for writing, errno:%d (%s)\n", myName, argv[ outFileName ], errno, strerror( errno ) ); exit( 1 ); } DBG_DETAILED printf( "Output file \"%s\" opened OK for writing\n", argv[ outFileName ] ); } } /* End of parseArgs */ void initEquipment( struct equipmentHeaderStruct * const eq ) { memset( eq, 0, sizeof( *eq ) ); RESET_ATTRIBUTES( eq->equipmentTypeAttribute ); eq->equipmentBasicElementSize = 4; } /* End of initEquipment */ void decodeCDH( struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct * const ldc, const struct payloadDescriptorStruct * const payloadDesc, equipmentIdType id ) { if ( handleCDH && id != 4352 ) { struct commonDataHeaderStruct *cdh; static int softwareTriggerIndicator = FALSE; int attr; int trig; if ( payloadDesc->size < CDH_SIZE ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: payload too small got:%d CDH:%d\n", myName, payloadDesc->size, CDH_SIZE ); exit( 1 ); } if ( (cdh = (struct commonDataHeaderStruct *)payloadDesc->data) != NULL ) { if ( cdh->cdhVersion != CDH_VERSION ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: CDH version mismatch expected:%d got:%d\n", myName, CDH_VERSION, cdh->cdhVersion ); exit( 1 ); } if ( cdhRef == NULL ) { cdhRef = cdh; #define CDH_TRIGGER_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE_MASK (1<cdhStatusErrorBits & CDH_TRIGGER_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE_MASK) == 0; if ( gotAliceTrigger && workingMode == fixedTarget ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: ALICE trigger and fixed target mode are not compatible.\n\ Either work in Collider mode or set the trigger unavailable status bit in the CDH.\n", myName ); exit( 1 ); } if ( gotAliceTrigger ) { if ( (cdh->cdhL1TriggerMessage & 0x40) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: CDH is a calibration trigger (unsupported) L1TriggerMessage:0x%x\n", myName, cdh->cdhL1TriggerMessage ); exit( 1 ); } if ( (cdh->cdhL1TriggerMessage & 0x01) != 0 ) { softwareTriggerIndicator = TRUE; } if ( softwareTriggerIndicator ) { switch ((cdh->cdhL1TriggerMessage >> 2) & 0xF) { case 0xD: case 0xC: case 0xB: case 0xA: case 0x9: break; case 0xF: /* L1SwC bit = on, Clt bit = off, RoC[4..1] = 0xF --> END_OF_DATA */ case 0xE: /* L1SwC bit = on, Clt bit = off, RoC[4..1] = 0xE0 --> START_OF_DATA */ case 0x8: /* L1SwC bit = on, Clt bit = off, RoC[4] = 1, but not 0xE or 0xF --> SYSTEM_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER_EVENT */ default: /* L1SwC bit = on, Clt bit = off, RoC[4] = 0 --> DETECTOR_SOFTWARE_TRIGGER_EVENT */ fprintf( stderr, "%s: CDH trigger SOD/EOD/SST/DST (unsupported) \ L1TriggerMessage:0x%x ALICETrigger:%s\n", myName, cdh->cdhL1TriggerMessage, gotAliceTrigger ? "yes" : "no" ); exit( 1 ); } } } } else { if ( (cdh->cdhStatusErrorBits & CDH_TRIGGER_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE_MASK) != (cdhRef->cdhStatusErrorBits & CDH_TRIGGER_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE_MASK) ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: CDH coherency check failed. \ Trigger information reference:%savailable current:%savailable\n", myName, (cdhRef->cdhStatusErrorBits & CDH_TRIGGER_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE_MASK) == 0 ? "UN" : "", (cdh->cdhStatusErrorBits & CDH_TRIGGER_INFORMATION_UNAVAILABLE_MASK) == 0 ? "UN" : "" ); exit( 1 ); } if ( gotAliceTrigger ) { if ( cdhRef->cdhL1TriggerMessage != cdh->cdhL1TriggerMessage ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: CDH coherency check failed. \ L1 trigger message reference:0x%x current:0x%x\n", myName, cdhRef->cdhL1TriggerMessage, cdh->cdhL1TriggerMessage ); exit( 1 ); } if ( cdh->cdhParticipatingSubDetectors != cdhRef->cdhParticipatingSubDetectors ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: CDH coherency check failed. \ ParticipatingSubDetectors reference:0x%x current:0x%x\n", myName, cdhRef->cdhParticipatingSubDetectors, cdh->cdhParticipatingSubDetectors ); exit( 1 ); } if ( cdh->cdhTriggerClassesLow != cdhRef->cdhTriggerClassesLow || cdh->cdhTriggerClassesHigh != cdhRef->cdhTriggerClassesHigh ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: CDH coherency check failed. \ TriggerClassesHigh/Low reference:0x%x-%x current:0x%x-%x\n", myName, cdhRef->cdhTriggerClassesHigh, cdhRef->cdhTriggerClassesLow, cdh ->cdhTriggerClassesHigh, cdh ->cdhTriggerClassesLow ); exit( 1 ); } if ( cdh->cdhBlockLength != 0xffffffff ) { if ( (unsigned)payloadDesc->size != cdh->cdhBlockLength ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: CDH coherency check failed. \ Payload size:%d (0x%08x) CDH block length:%d (0x%08x)\n", myName, payloadDesc->size, payloadDesc->size, cdh->cdhBlockLength, cdh->cdhBlockLength ); exit( 1 ); } } if ( cdh->cdhRoiLow != cdhRef->cdhRoiLow || cdh->cdhRoiHigh != cdhRef->cdhRoiHigh ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: CDH coherency check failed. \ RoiHigh/Low reference:0x%x-%x current:0x%x-%x\n", myName, cdhRef->cdhRoiHigh, cdhRef->cdhRoiLow, cdh ->cdhRoiHigh, cdh ->cdhRoiLow ); exit( 1 ); } } if ( cdh->cdhMBZ0 != 0 || cdh->cdhMBZ1 != 0 || cdh->cdhMBZ2 != 0 || cdh->cdhMBZ3 != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: CDH check failed. MBZ0:0x%x MBZ1:0x%x MBZ2:0x%x MBZ3:0x%x\n", myName, cdh->cdhMBZ0, cdh->cdhMBZ1, cdh->cdhMBZ2, cdh->cdhMBZ3 ); exit( 1 ); } } for ( attr = 0; attr != 8; attr++ ) { if ( (cdh->cdhBlockAttributes & (1<header.eventTypeAttribute, attr ); } } for ( trig = 0; trig != 32; trig++ ) { if ( (cdh->cdhTriggerClassesLow & (1<header.eventTriggerPattern, trig ); } } for ( trig = 0; trig != 18; trig++ ) { if ( (cdh->cdhTriggerClassesHigh & (1<header.eventTriggerPattern, 32+trig ); } } if ( gotAliceTrigger ) VALIDATE_TRIGGER_PATTERN( ldc->header.eventTriggerPattern ); } } } /* End of decodeCDH */ void initEvents() { assert( workingAs == ldc || workingAs == gdc ); if ( workingAs == gdc ) { struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *gdc; for ( gdc = (struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; gdc != NULL; gdc = gdc->next ) { struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *ldc; initEvent( &gdc->header ); gdc->header.eventSize = gdc->header.eventHeadSize; gdc->header.eventType = PHYSICS_EVENT; SET_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( gdc->header.eventTypeAttribute, ATTR_SUPER_EVENT ); gdc->header.eventGdcId = currGdcId; COPY_DETECTOR_PATTERN(&currDetPattern, gdc->header.eventDetectorPattern); for ( ldc = gdc->head; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *eq; initEvent( &ldc->header ); ldc->header.eventSize = ldc->header.eventHeadSize; ldc->header.eventType = PHYSICS_EVENT; ldc->header.eventGdcId = currGdcId; COPY_DETECTOR_PATTERN(&currDetPattern, ldc->header.eventDetectorPattern); ldc->header.eventLdcId = ldc->id; for ( eq = ldc->head; eq != NULL; eq = eq->next ) { initEquipment( &eq->header ); eq->header.equipmentId = eq->id; if ( workingMode == collider ) SET_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( eq->header.equipmentTypeAttribute, ATTR_ORBIT_BC ); eq->header.equipmentSize = eq->payload->size + sizeof( eq->header ); ldc->header.eventSize += eq->header.equipmentSize; decodeCDH( ldc, eq->payload, eq->id ); OR_ALL_ATTRIBUTES( eq->header.equipmentTypeAttribute, ldc->header.eventTypeAttribute ); OR_ALL_ATTRIBUTES( eq->header.equipmentTypeAttribute, gdc->header.eventTypeAttribute ); } gdc->header.eventSize += ldc->header.eventSize; } cdhRef = NULL; } DBG_VERBOSE { printf( "Headers:\n" ); for ( gdc = (struct gdcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; gdc != NULL; gdc = gdc->next ) { struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *ldc; printf( " GDC:%d size:%d vers:%08x\n", currGdcId, gdc->header.eventSize, gdc->header.eventVersion); for ( ldc = gdc->head; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *eq; printf( " LDC:%d size:%d vers:%08x\n", ldc->id, ldc->header.eventSize, ldc->header.eventVersion ); for ( eq = ldc->head; eq != NULL; eq = eq->next ) { printf( " EQ:%d size:%d %spayload:%d\n", eq->id, eq->header.equipmentSize, eq->header.equipmentSize - sizeof( struct equipmentHeaderStruct ) == (unsigned)eq->payload->size ? "" : "-ERROR", eq->payload->size ); } } } } } else if ( workingAs == ldc ) { struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *ldc; for ( ldc = (struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *eq; initEvent( &ldc->header ); ldc->header.eventSize = ldc->header.eventHeadSize; ldc->header.eventType = PHYSICS_EVENT; ldc->header.eventGdcId = VOID_ID; ldc->header.eventLdcId = ldc->id; for ( eq = ldc->head; eq != NULL; eq = eq->next ) { initEquipment( &eq->header ); eq->header.equipmentId = eq->id; if ( workingMode == collider ) SET_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE( eq->header.equipmentTypeAttribute, ATTR_ORBIT_BC ); eq->header.equipmentSize = eq->payload->size + sizeof( eq->header ); ldc->header.eventSize += eq->header.equipmentSize; decodeCDH( ldc, eq->payload, eq->id ); OR_ALL_ATTRIBUTES( eq->header.equipmentTypeAttribute, ldc->header.eventTypeAttribute ); } cdhRef = NULL; } DBG_VERBOSE { printf( "Headers:\n" ); for ( ldc = (struct ldcEventDescriptorStruct *)eventsHead; ldc != NULL; ldc = ldc->next ) { struct equipmentEventDescriptorStruct *eq; printf( " LDC:%d size:%d vers:%08x\n", ldc->id, ldc->header.eventSize, ldc->header.eventVersion ); for ( eq = ldc->head; eq != NULL; eq = eq->next ) { printf( " EQ:%d size:%d %spayload:%d\n", eq->id, eq->header.equipmentSize, eq->header.equipmentSize - sizeof( struct equipmentHeaderStruct ) == (unsigned)eq->payload->size ? "" : "-ERROR", eq->payload->size ); } } } } } /* End of initEvents */ void initVars() { debug = 0; workingAs = unknown; workingMode = fixedTarget; ldcsHead = ldcsTail = NULL; eventsHead = eventsTail = NULL; currGdc = NULL; currLdc = NULL; currEvent = NULL; payloadsHead = payloadsTail = NULL; currRunNb = -1; numOfLdcs = 0; numOfEvents = 1; createSorEor = TRUE; handleCDH = FALSE; gotAliceTrigger = TRUE; bufferData=TRUE; } /* End of initVars */ int main( int argc, char **argv ) { initVars(); parseArgs( argc, argv ); parseRules(); initEvents(); createEvents(); return 0; } /* End of main */