Note: The CMake build of AliRoot builds out-of-source Steps to Build AliRoot with CMake : 1. Check out Aliroot source into any folder svn co ~/trunk 2. Create a new folder and set the environment variable ALICE_ROOT to point to it mkdir AliRoot cd AliRoot export ALICE_ROOT=`pwd` 3. Execute the following commands to build AliRoot cmake eg. cmake ~/trunk make 4. In order to build addtional targets like THydjet and SHUTTLE add the following options to the cmake command cmake -DTHydjet=ON -DSHUTTLE=ON 5. Static libraries can be built using make alilibs-static 6. Individual Modules can be built using make -all make -all-static eg. make STEER-all STEER-all-static 7. Individual Packages can be built using make make -static eg. make STEERbase STEERbase-static 8. The code can be checked for the ALICE coding conventions on a package, module or class level using the following targets. make check-all make -check-all make -check make --check The resulting violations will be written to the folder //check/viols 9. To Build PARs the following targets can be used. The resulting packages will be created in the cmake build directory make par-all make .par make -par-all build all par packages in the module 10. To test PARs after building run make test-par-all make test- make test--par-all !IMPORTANT! - Make sure your source folder is clean. If you used the old make system to build aliroot run make clean in the source directory before you run cmake