//////////////////////////////////////////////// // Manager and hits classes for set:RICH // //////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliRICH.h" #include "AliRICHHitMap.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "iostream.h" #include "AliCallf77.h" // Static variables for the pad-hit iterator routines static Int_t sMaxIterPad=0; static Int_t sCurIterPad=0; static TClonesArray *fClusters2; static TClonesArray *fHits2; ClassImp(AliRICH) //___________________________________________ AliRICH::AliRICH() { fIshunt = 0; fHits = 0; fClusters = 0; fNclusters = 0; fDchambers = 0; fRecClusters= 0; fCerenkovs = 0; fNdch = 0; } //___________________________________________ AliRICH::AliRICH(const char *name, const char *title) : AliDetector(name,title) { //Begin_Html /* */ //End_Html fHits = new TClonesArray("AliRICHhit",1000 ); fClusters = new TClonesArray("AliRICHcluster",10000); fCerenkovs = new TClonesArray("AliRICHCerenkov",20000); fNclusters = 0; fIshunt = 0; fNdch = new Int_t[7]; fDchambers = new TObjArray(7); Int_t i; for (i=0; i<7 ;i++) { (*fDchambers)[i] = new TClonesArray("AliRICHdigit",10000); fNdch[i]=0; } fRecClusters=new TObjArray(7); for (i=0; i<7;i++) (*fRecClusters)[i] = new TObjArray(1000); // // Transport angular cut fAccCut=0; fAccMin=2; fAccMax=9; SetMarkerColor(kRed); } //___________________________________________ AliRICH::~AliRICH() { fIshunt = 0; delete fHits; delete fClusters; delete fCerenkovs; for (Int_t i=0;i<7;i++) delete (*fRecClusters)[i]; delete fRecClusters; } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits) { TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits; new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliRICHhit(fIshunt,track,vol,hits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRICH::AddCerenkov(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *cerenkovs) { TClonesArray &lcerenkovs = *fCerenkovs; new(lcerenkovs[fNcerenkovs++]) AliRICHCerenkov(fIshunt,track,vol,cerenkovs); } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::AddCluster(Int_t *clhits) { TClonesArray &lclusters = *fClusters; new(lclusters[fNclusters++]) AliRICHcluster(clhits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRICH::AddDigits(Int_t id, Int_t *tracks, Int_t *charges, Int_t *digits) { // // Add a RICH digit to the list // TClonesArray &ldigits = *((TClonesArray*)(*fDchambers)[id]); new(ldigits[fNdch[id]++]) AliRICHdigit(tracks,charges,digits); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliRICH::AddRecCluster(Int_t iCh, Int_t iCat, AliRICHRecCluster* Cluster) { // // Add a RICH reconstructed cluster to the list // TObjArray* ClusterList = RecClusters(iCh,iCat); ClusterList->Add(Cluster); } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::BuildGeometry() { // // Builds a TNode geometry for event display // TNode *Node, *Top; const int kColorRICH = kGreen; // Top=gAlice->GetGeometry()->GetNode("alice"); new TBRIK("S_RICH","S_RICH","void",71.09999,11.5,73.15); Top->cd(); Float_t pos1[3]={0,471.8999,165.2599}; Chamber(0).SetChamberTransform(pos1[0],pos1[1],pos1[2],new TRotMatrix("rot993","rot993",90,0,70.69,90,19.30999,-90)); Node = new TNode("RICH1","RICH1","S_RICH",pos1[0],pos1[1],pos1[2],"rot993"); Node->SetLineColor(kColorRICH); fNodes->Add(Node); Top->cd(); Float_t pos2[3]={171,470,0}; Chamber(1).SetChamberTransform(pos2[0],pos2[1],pos2[2],new TRotMatrix("rot994","rot994",90,-20,90,70,0,0)); Node = new TNode("RICH2","RICH2","S_RICH",pos2[0],pos2[1],pos2[2],"rot994"); Node->SetLineColor(kColorRICH); fNodes->Add(Node); Top->cd(); Float_t pos3[3]={0,500,0}; Chamber(2).SetChamberTransform(pos3[0],pos3[1],pos3[2],new TRotMatrix("rot995","rot995",90,0,90,90,0,0)); Node = new TNode("RICH3","RICH3","S_RICH",pos3[0],pos3[1],pos3[2],"rot995"); Node->SetLineColor(kColorRICH); fNodes->Add(Node); Top->cd(); Float_t pos4[3]={-171,470,0}; Chamber(3).SetChamberTransform(pos4[0],pos4[1],pos4[2], new TRotMatrix("rot996","rot996",90,20,90,110,0,0)); Node = new TNode("RICH4","RICH4","S_RICH",pos4[0],pos4[1],pos4[2],"rot996"); Node->SetLineColor(kColorRICH); fNodes->Add(Node); Top->cd(); Float_t pos5[3]={161.3999,443.3999,-165.3}; Chamber(4).SetChamberTransform(pos5[0],pos5[1],pos5[2],new TRotMatrix("rot997","rot997",90,340,108.1999,70,18.2,70)); Node = new TNode("RICH5","RICH5","S_RICH",pos5[0],pos5[1],pos5[2],"rot997"); Node->SetLineColor(kColorRICH); fNodes->Add(Node); Top->cd(); Float_t pos6[3]={0., 471.9, -165.3,}; Chamber(5).SetChamberTransform(pos6[0],pos6[1],pos6[2],new TRotMatrix("rot998","rot998",90,0,109.3099,90,19.30999,90)); Node = new TNode("RICH6","RICH6","S_RICH",pos6[0],pos6[1],pos6[2],"rot998"); Node->SetLineColor(kColorRICH); fNodes->Add(Node); Top->cd(); Float_t pos7[3]={-161.399,443.3999,-165.3}; Chamber(6).SetChamberTransform(pos7[0],pos7[1],pos7[2],new TRotMatrix("rot999","rot999",90,20,108.1999,110,18.2,110)); Node = new TNode("RICH7","RICH7","S_RICH",pos7[0],pos7[1],pos7[2],"rot999"); Node->SetLineColor(kColorRICH); fNodes->Add(Node); } //___________________________________________ Int_t AliRICH::DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t , Int_t ) { return 9999; } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::MakeBranch(Option_t* option) { // Create Tree branches for the RICH. const Int_t buffersize = 4000; char branchname[20]; AliDetector::MakeBranch(option); sprintf(branchname,"%sCerenkov",GetName()); if (fCerenkovs && gAlice->TreeH()) { gAlice->TreeH()->Branch(branchname,&fCerenkovs, buffersize); printf("Making Branch %s for Cerenkov Hits\n",branchname); } sprintf(branchname,"%sCluster",GetName()); if (fClusters && gAlice->TreeH()) { gAlice->TreeH()->Branch(branchname,&fClusters, buffersize); printf("Making Branch %s for clusters\n",branchname); } // one branch for digits per chamber Int_t i; for (i=0; i<7 ;i++) { sprintf(branchname,"%sDigits%d",GetName(),i+1); if (fDchambers && gAlice->TreeD()) { gAlice->TreeD()->Branch(branchname,&((*fDchambers)[i]), buffersize); printf("Making Branch %s for digits in chamber %d\n",branchname,i+1); } } // one branch for rec clusters for (i=0; i<7; i++) { sprintf(branchname,"%sRecClus%d",GetName(),i+1); if (fRecClusters && gAlice->TreeD()) { gAlice->TreeR() ->Branch(branchname,"TObjArray", &((*fRecClusters)[i]), buffersize,0); printf("Making Branch %s for clusters in chamber %d\n", branchname,i+1); } } } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetTreeAddress() { // Set branch address for the Hits and Digits Tree. char branchname[20]; AliDetector::SetTreeAddress(); TBranch *branch; TTree *treeH = gAlice->TreeH(); TTree *treeD = gAlice->TreeD(); if (treeH) { if (fClusters) { branch = treeH->GetBranch("RICHCluster"); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fClusters); } if (fCerenkovs) { branch = treeH->GetBranch("RICHCerenkov"); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fCerenkovs); } } if (treeD) { for (int i=0; i<7; i++) { sprintf(branchname,"%sDigits%d",GetName(),i+1); if (fDchambers) { branch = treeD->GetBranch(branchname); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&((*fDchambers)[i])); } } } } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::ResetHits() { // Reset number of clusters and the cluster array for this detector AliDetector::ResetHits(); fNclusters = 0; if (fClusters) fClusters->Clear(); if (fCerenkovs) fCerenkovs->Clear(); } //____________________________________________ void AliRICH::ResetDigits() { // // Reset number of digits and the digits array for this detector // for ( int i=0;i<7;i++ ) { if ((*fDchambers)[i]) (*fDchambers)[i]->Clear(); if (fNdch) fNdch[i]=0; } } //____________________________________________ void AliRICH::ResetRecClusters() { // // Reset the rec clusters // for ( int i=0;i<7;i++ ) { if ((*fRecClusters)[i]) (*fRecClusters)[i]->Clear(); } } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetPADSIZ(Int_t id, Int_t isec, Float_t p1, Float_t p2) { Int_t i=2*(id-1); ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i]) ->SetPADSIZ(isec,p1,p2); ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i+1])->SetPADSIZ(isec,p1,p2); } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetMUCHSP(Int_t id, Float_t p1) { Int_t i=2*(id-1); ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i])->SetMUCHSP(p1); ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i+1])->SetMUCHSP(p1); } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetMUSIGM(Int_t id, Float_t p1, Float_t p2) { Int_t i=2*(id-1); ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i])->SetMUSIGM(p1,p2); ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i+1])->SetMUSIGM(p1,p2); } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetRSIGM(Int_t id, Float_t p1) { Int_t i=2*(id-1); ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i])->SetRSIGM(p1); ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i+1])->SetRSIGM(p1); } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetMAXADC(Int_t id, Float_t p1) { Int_t i=2*(id-1); ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i])->SetMAXADC(p1); ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i+1])->SetMAXADC(p1); } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetSMAXAR(Float_t p1) { fMaxStepGas=p1; } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetSMAXAL(Float_t p1) { fMaxStepAlu=p1; } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetDMAXAR(Float_t p1) { fMaxDestepGas=p1; } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetDMAXAL(Float_t p1) { fMaxDestepAlu=p1; } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetRICHACC(Bool_t acc, Float_t angmin, Float_t angmax) { fAccCut=acc; fAccMin=angmin; fAccMax=angmax; } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetSegmentationModel(Int_t id, Int_t isec, AliRICHsegmentation *segmentation) { ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[id])->SegmentationModel(isec, segmentation); } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::SetResponseModel(Int_t id, Response_t res, AliRICHresponse *response) { ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[id])->ResponseModel(res, response); } void AliRICH::SetNsec(Int_t id, Int_t nsec) { ((AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[id])->SetNsec(nsec); } //___________________________________________ void AliRICH::StepManager() { printf("Dummy version of RICH step -- it should never happen!!\n"); const Float_t kRaddeg = 180/TMath::Pi(); AliMC* pMC = AliMC::GetMC(); Int_t nsec, ipart; Float_t x[4], p[4]; Float_t pt, th0, th1; char proc[5]; if(fAccCut) { if((nsec=pMC->NSecondaries())>0) { pMC->ProdProcess(proc); if((pMC->TrackPid()==113 || pMC->TrackPid()==114) && !strcmp(proc,"DCAY")) { // Check angular acceptance //* --- and have muons from resonance decays in the wanted window --- if(nsec != 2) { printf(" AliRICH::StepManager: Strange resonance Decay into %d particles\n",nsec); pMC->StopEvent(); } else { pMC->GetSecondary(0,ipart,x,p); pt = TMath::Sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]); th0 = TMath::ATan2(pt,p[2])*kRaddeg; pMC->GetSecondary(1,ipart,x,p); pt = TMath::Sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]); th1 = TMath::ATan2(pt,p[2])*kRaddeg; if(!(fAccMin < th0 && th0 < fAccMax) || !(fAccMin < th1 && th1 < fAccMax)) pMC->StopEvent(); } } } } } void AliRICH::ReconstructClusters() { // // Initialize the necessary correspondance table // static const Int_t kMaxNpadx = 600; static const Int_t kMaxNpady = 600; Int_t elem[kMaxNpadx*2][kMaxNpady*2]; // // Loop on chambers and on cathode planes // for (Int_t ich=0;ich<7;ich++) for (Int_t icat=0;icat<1;icat++) { // // Get ready the current chamber stuff // printf ("Olarilole"); AliRICHchamber* iChamber= &(this->Chamber(ich)); AliRICHsegmentation* segmentation = iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(icat+1); if (!segmentation) continue; TClonesArray *RICHdigits = this->DigitsAddress(ich); if (RICHdigits == 0) continue; cout << "Npx " << segmentation->Npx() << " Npy " << segmentation->Npy() << endl; // // Ready the digits // gAlice->ResetDigits(); gAlice->TreeD()->GetEvent(icat+1); // spurious +1 ... Int_t ndigits = RICHdigits->GetEntriesFast(); if (ndigits == 0) continue; printf("Found %d digits for cathode %d in chamber %d \n", ndigits,icat,ich+1); AliRICHdigit *mdig; AliRICHRecCluster *Cluster; // // Build the correspondance table // memset(elem,0,sizeof(Int_t)*kMaxNpadx*kMaxNpady*4); Int_t digit; for (digit=0; digitUncheckedAt(digit); elem[kMaxNpadx+mdig->fPadX][kMaxNpady+mdig->fPadY] = digit+1; // because default is 0 } // // Declare some useful variables // Int_t Xlist[10]; Int_t Ylist[10]; Int_t Nlist; Int_t nclust=0; // // loop over digits // for (digit=0;digitUncheckedAt(digit); // // if digit still available, start clustering // if (elem[kMaxNpadx+mdig->fPadX][kMaxNpady+mdig->fPadY]) { Cluster = new AliRICHRecCluster(digit, ich, icat); elem[kMaxNpadx+mdig->fPadX][kMaxNpady+mdig->fPadY]=0; // // loop over the current list of digits // and look for neighbours // for(Int_t clusDigit=Cluster->FirstDigitIndex(); clusDigit!=Cluster->InvalidDigitIndex(); clusDigit=Cluster->NextDigitIndex()) { AliRICHdigit* pDigit=(AliRICHdigit*)RICHdigits ->UncheckedAt(clusDigit); segmentation->Neighbours(pDigit->fPadX,pDigit->fPadY, &Nlist, Xlist, Ylist); for (Int_t Ilist=0;IlistAddDigit(elem[kMaxNpadx+Xlist[Ilist]][kMaxNpady+Ylist[Ilist]]-1); elem[kMaxNpadx+Xlist[Ilist]][kMaxNpady +Ylist[Ilist]] =0; } // if elem } // for Ilist } // for pDigit // // Store the cluster (good time to do Cluster polishing) // segmentation->FitXY(Cluster,RICHdigits); nclust ++; AddRecCluster(ich,icat,Cluster); } } printf("===> %d Clusters\n",nclust); } // for icat } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliRICH::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) { // Stream an object of class AliRICH. AliRICHchamber *iChamber; AliRICHsegmentation *segmentation; AliRICHresponse *response; TClonesArray *digitsaddress; if (R__b.IsReading()) { Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(); if (R__v) { } AliDetector::Streamer(R__b); R__b >> fNclusters; R__b >> fClusters; // diff R__b >> fDchambers; R__b.ReadArray(fNdch); // R__b >> fAccCut; R__b >> fAccMin; R__b >> fAccMax; // R__b >> fChambers; // Stream chamber related information for (Int_t i =0; i<7; i++) { iChamber=(AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i]; iChamber->Streamer(R__b); if (iChamber->Nsec()==1) { segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(1); segmentation->Streamer(R__b); } else { segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(1); segmentation->Streamer(R__b); segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(2); segmentation->Streamer(R__b); } response=iChamber->GetResponseModel(mip); response->Streamer(R__b); response=iChamber->GetResponseModel(cerenkov); response->Streamer(R__b); digitsaddress=(TClonesArray*) (*fDchambers)[i]; digitsaddress->Streamer(R__b); } } else { R__b.WriteVersion(AliRICH::IsA()); AliDetector::Streamer(R__b); R__b << fNclusters; R__b << fClusters; // diff R__b << fDchambers; R__b.WriteArray(fNdch, 7); // R__b << fAccCut; R__b << fAccMin; R__b << fAccMax; // R__b << fChambers; // Stream chamber related information for (Int_t i =0; i<7; i++) { iChamber=(AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i]; iChamber->Streamer(R__b); if (iChamber->Nsec()==1) { segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(1); segmentation->Streamer(R__b); } else { segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(1); segmentation->Streamer(R__b); segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(2); segmentation->Streamer(R__b); } response=iChamber->GetResponseModel(mip); response->Streamer(R__b); response=iChamber->GetResponseModel(cerenkov); response->Streamer(R__b); digitsaddress=(TClonesArray*) (*fDchambers)[i]; digitsaddress->Streamer(R__b); } } } AliRICHcluster* AliRICH::FirstPad(AliRICHhit* hit,TClonesArray *clusters ) { // // Initialise the pad iterator // Return the address of the first padhit for hit TClonesArray *theClusters = clusters; Int_t nclust = theClusters->GetEntriesFast(); if (nclust && hit->fPHlast > 0) { sMaxIterPad=hit->fPHlast; sCurIterPad=hit->fPHfirst; return (AliRICHcluster*) clusters->UncheckedAt(sCurIterPad-1); } else { return 0; } } AliRICHcluster* AliRICH::NextPad(TClonesArray *clusters) { sCurIterPad++; if (sCurIterPad <= sMaxIterPad) { return (AliRICHcluster*) clusters->UncheckedAt(sCurIterPad-1); } else { return 0; } } ClassImp(AliRICHcluster) //___________________________________________ AliRICHcluster::AliRICHcluster(Int_t *clhits) { fHitNumber=clhits[0]; fCathode=clhits[1]; fQ=clhits[2]; fPadX=clhits[3]; fPadY=clhits[4]; fQpad=clhits[5]; fRSec=clhits[6]; } ClassImp(AliRICHdigit) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRICHdigit::AliRICHdigit(Int_t *digits) { // // Creates a RICH digit object to be updated // fPadX = digits[0]; fPadY = digits[1]; fSignal = digits[2]; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliRICHdigit::AliRICHdigit(Int_t *tracks, Int_t *charges, Int_t *digits) { // // Creates a RICH digit object // fPadX = digits[0]; fPadY = digits[1]; fSignal = digits[2]; for(Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) { fTcharges[i] = charges[i]; fTracks[i] = tracks[i]; } } ClassImp(AliRICHlist) //____________________________________________________________________________ AliRICHlist::AliRICHlist(Int_t ich, Int_t *digits): AliRICHdigit(digits) { // // Creates a RICH digit list object // fChamber = ich; fTrackList = new TObjArray; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ ClassImp(AliRICHhit) //___________________________________________ AliRICHhit::AliRICHhit(Int_t shunt, Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits): AliHit(shunt, track) { fChamber=vol[0]; fParticle=hits[0]; fX=hits[1]; fY=hits[2]; fZ=hits[3]; fTheta=hits[4]; fPhi=hits[5]; fTlength=hits[6]; fEloss=hits[7]; fPHfirst=(Int_t) hits[8]; fPHlast=(Int_t) hits[9]; } ClassImp(AliRICHreccluster) ClassImp(AliRICHCerenkov) //___________________________________________ AliRICHCerenkov::AliRICHCerenkov(Int_t shunt, Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits): AliHit(shunt, track) { fChamber=vol[0]; fX=hits[1]; fY=hits[2]; fZ=hits[3]; fTheta=hits[4]; fPhi=hits[5]; fTlength=hits[6]; fPHfirst=(Int_t) hits[8]; fPHlast=(Int_t) hits[9]; } ClassImp(AliRICHRecCluster) //_____________________________________________________________________ AliRICHRecCluster::AliRICHRecCluster() { fDigits=0; fNdigit=-1; } AliRICHRecCluster::AliRICHRecCluster(Int_t FirstDigit,Int_t Ichamber, Int_t Icathod) { fX = 0.; fY = 0.; fDigits = new TArrayI(10); fNdigit=0; AddDigit(FirstDigit); fChamber=Ichamber; fCathod=Icathod; } void AliRICHRecCluster::AddDigit(Int_t Digit) { if (fNdigit==fDigits->GetSize()) { //enlarge the list by hand! Int_t *array= new Int_t[fNdigit*2]; for(Int_t i=0;iAt(i); fDigits->Adopt(fNdigit*2,array); } fDigits->AddAt(Digit,fNdigit); fNdigit++; } AliRICHRecCluster::~AliRICHRecCluster() { if (fDigits) delete fDigits; } Int_t AliRICHRecCluster::FirstDigitIndex() { fCurrentDigit=0; return fDigits->At(fCurrentDigit); } Int_t AliRICHRecCluster::NextDigitIndex() { fCurrentDigit++; if (fCurrentDigitAt(fCurrentDigit); else return InvalidDigitIndex(); } Int_t AliRICHRecCluster::NDigits() { return fNdigit; } void AliRICHRecCluster::Finish() { // In order to reconstruct coordinates, one has to // get back to the digits which is not trivial here, // because we don't know where digits are stored! // Center Of Gravity, or other method should be // a property of AliRICH class! } void AliRICH::Digitise(Int_t nev,Option_t *option,Text_t *filename) { // keep galice.root for signal and name differently the file for // background when add! otherwise the track info for signal will be lost ! static Bool_t first=kTRUE; static TTree *TH1; static TFile *File; Int_t i; char *Add = strstr(option,"Add"); AliRICHchamber* iChamber; AliRICHsegmentation* segmentation; Int_t trk[50]; Int_t chtrk[50]; TObjArray *list=new TObjArray; Int_t digits[3]; AliRICH *RICH = (AliRICH *) gAlice->GetDetector("RICH"); AliRICHHitMap* HitMap[10]; for (i=0; i<10; i++) {HitMap[i]=0;} if (Add ) { if(first) { fFileName=filename; cout<<"filename"<cd(); File->ls(); // Get Hits Tree header from file if(fHits2) fHits2->Clear(); if(fClusters2) fClusters2->Clear(); if(TH1) delete TH1; TH1=0; // char treeName[20]; sprintf(treeName,"TreeH%d",nev); TH1 = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(treeName); if (!TH1) { printf("ERROR: cannot find Hits Tree for event:%d\n",nev); } // Set branch addresses TBranch *branch; char branchname[20]; sprintf(branchname,"%s",GetName()); if (TH1 && fHits2) { branch = TH1->GetBranch(branchname); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fHits2); } if (TH1 && fClusters2) { branch = TH1->GetBranch("RICHCluster"); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fClusters2); } } // // loop over cathodes // AliRICHHitMap* hm; for (Int_t icat=0; icat<1; icat++) { for (i=0; i<7; i++) { if (HitMap[i]) { hm=HitMap[i]; delete hm; HitMap[i]=0; } } Int_t counter=0; for (i =0; i<7; i++) { iChamber=(AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[i]; if (iChamber->Nsec()==1 && icat==1) { continue; } else { segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(icat+1); } HitMap[i] = new AliRICHHitMapA1(segmentation, list); } printf("Start loop over tracks \n"); // // Loop over tracks // TTree *TH = gAlice->TreeH(); Int_t ntracks =(Int_t) TH->GetEntries(); for (Int_t track=0; trackResetHits(); TH->GetEvent(track); // // Loop over hits for(AliRICHhit* mHit=(AliRICHhit*)RICH->FirstHit(-1); mHit; mHit=(AliRICHhit*)RICH->NextHit()) { Int_t nch = mHit->fChamber-1; // chamber number if (nch >7) continue; iChamber = &(RICH->Chamber(nch)); // // Loop over pad hits for (AliRICHcluster* mPad= (AliRICHcluster*)RICH->FirstPad(mHit,fClusters); mPad; mPad=(AliRICHcluster*)RICH->NextPad(fClusters)) { Int_t cathode = mPad->fCathode; // cathode number Int_t ipx = mPad->fPadX; // pad number on X Int_t ipy = mPad->fPadY; // pad number on Y Int_t iqpad = mPad->fQpad; // charge per pad // // if (cathode != (icat+1)) continue; // fill the info array Float_t thex, they; segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(cathode); segmentation->GetPadCxy(ipx,ipy,thex,they); TVector *trinfo_p= new TVector(2); TVector &trinfo = *trinfo_p; trinfo(0)=(Float_t)track; trinfo(1)=(Float_t)iqpad; digits[0]=ipx; digits[1]=ipy; digits[2]=iqpad; AliRICHlist* pdigit; // build the list of fired pads and update the info if (!HitMap[nch]->TestHit(ipx, ipy)) { list->AddAtAndExpand( new AliRICHlist(nch,digits),counter); HitMap[nch]->SetHit(ipx, ipy, counter); counter++; pdigit=(AliRICHlist*)list->At(list->GetLast()); // list of tracks TObjArray *trlist=(TObjArray*)pdigit->TrackList(); trlist->Add(&trinfo); } else { pdigit=(AliRICHlist*) HitMap[nch]->GetHit(ipx, ipy); // update charge (*pdigit).fSignal+=iqpad; // update list of tracks TObjArray* trlist=(TObjArray*)pdigit->TrackList(); Int_t last_entry=trlist->GetLast(); TVector *ptrk_p=(TVector*)trlist->At(last_entry); TVector &ptrk=*ptrk_p; Int_t last_track=Int_t(ptrk(0)); Int_t last_charge=Int_t(ptrk(1)); if (last_track==track) { last_charge+=iqpad; trlist->RemoveAt(last_entry); trinfo(0)=last_track; trinfo(1)=last_charge; trlist->AddAt(&trinfo,last_entry); } else { trlist->Add(&trinfo); } // check the track list Int_t nptracks=trlist->GetEntriesFast(); if (nptracks > 2) { printf("Attention - nptracks > 2 %d \n",nptracks); printf("cat,nch,ix,iy %d %d %d %d \n",icat+1,nch,ipx,ipy); for (Int_t tr=0;trAt(tr); TVector &pptrk=*pptrk_p; trk[tr]=Int_t(pptrk(0)); chtrk[tr]=Int_t(pptrk(1)); } } // end if nptracks } // end if pdigit } //end loop over clusters } // hit loop } // track loop Int_t nentr1=list->GetEntriesFast(); printf(" \n counter, nentr1 %d %d\n",counter,nentr1); // open the file with background if (Add ) { ntracks =(Int_t)TH1->GetEntries(); printf("background - icat,ntracks1 %d %d\n",icat,ntracks); printf("background - Start loop over tracks \n"); // // Loop over tracks // for (Int_t track=0; trackClear(); if (fClusters2) fClusters2->Clear(); TH1->GetEvent(track); // // Loop over hits AliRICHhit* mHit; for(int i=0;iGetEntriesFast();++i) { mHit=(AliRICHhit*) (*fHits2)[i]; Int_t nch = mHit->fChamber-1; // chamber number if (nch >9) continue; iChamber = &(RICH->Chamber(nch)); Int_t rmin = (Int_t)iChamber->RInner(); Int_t rmax = (Int_t)iChamber->ROuter(); // // Loop over pad hits for (AliRICHcluster* mPad= (AliRICHcluster*)RICH->FirstPad(mHit,fClusters2); mPad; mPad=(AliRICHcluster*)RICH->NextPad(fClusters2)) { Int_t cathode = mPad->fCathode; // cathode number Int_t ipx = mPad->fPadX; // pad number on X Int_t ipy = mPad->fPadY; // pad number on Y Int_t iqpad = mPad->fQpad; // charge per pad if (track==3 && nch==0 && icat==0) printf("bgr - track,iqpad,ipx,ipy %d %d %d %d\n",track,iqpad,ipx,ipy); // // if (cathode != (icat+1)) continue; // fill the info array Float_t thex, they; segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(cathode); segmentation->GetPadCxy(ipx,ipy,thex,they); Float_t rpad=TMath::Sqrt(thex*thex+they*they); if (rpad < rmin || iqpad ==0 || rpad > rmax) continue; TVector *trinfo_p; trinfo_p = new TVector(2); TVector &trinfo = *trinfo_p; trinfo(0)=-1; // tag background trinfo(1)=-1; digits[0]=ipx; digits[1]=ipy; digits[2]=iqpad; if (track <4 && icat==0 && nch==0) printf("bgr - HitMap[nch]->TestHit(ipx, ipy),track %d %d\n", HitMap[nch]->TestHit(ipx, ipy),track); AliRICHlist* pdigit; // build the list of fired pads and update the info if (!HitMap[nch]->TestHit(ipx, ipy)) { list->AddAtAndExpand(new AliRICHlist(nch,digits),counter); HitMap[nch]->SetHit(ipx, ipy, counter); counter++; printf("bgr new elem in list - counter %d\n",counter); pdigit=(AliRICHlist*)list->At(list->GetLast()); // list of tracks TObjArray *trlist=(TObjArray*)pdigit->TrackList(); trlist->Add(&trinfo); } else { pdigit=(AliRICHlist*) HitMap[nch]->GetHit(ipx, ipy); // update charge (*pdigit).fSignal+=iqpad; // update list of tracks TObjArray* trlist=(TObjArray*)pdigit->TrackList(); Int_t last_entry=trlist->GetLast(); TVector *ptrk_p=(TVector*)trlist->At(last_entry); TVector &ptrk=*ptrk_p; Int_t last_track=Int_t(ptrk(0)); if (last_track==-1) { continue; } else { trlist->Add(&trinfo); } // check the track list Int_t nptracks=trlist->GetEntriesFast(); if (nptracks > 0) { for (Int_t tr=0;trAt(tr); TVector &pptrk=*pptrk_p; trk[tr]=Int_t(pptrk(0)); chtrk[tr]=Int_t(pptrk(1)); } } // end if nptracks } // end if pdigit } //end loop over clusters } // hit loop } // track loop Int_t nentr2=list->GetEntriesFast(); printf(" \n counter2, nentr2 %d %d \n",counter,nentr2); TTree *fAli=gAlice->TreeK(); if (fAli) File =fAli->GetCurrentFile(); File->cd(); } // if Add Int_t tracks[10]; Int_t charges[10]; cout<<"start filling digits \n "<GetEntriesFast(); printf(" \n \n nentries %d \n",nentries); // start filling the digits for (Int_t nent=0;nentAt(nent); if (address==0) continue; Int_t ich=address->fChamber; Int_t q=address->fSignal; iChamber=(AliRICHchamber*) (*fChambers)[ich]; // add white noise and do zero-suppression and signal truncation Float_t MeanNoise = gRandom->Gaus(1, 0.2); Float_t ZeroSupp=5*MeanNoise; Float_t Noise = gRandom->Gaus(0, MeanNoise); q+=(Int_t)Noise; if ( q <= ZeroSupp) continue; digits[0]=address->fPadX; digits[1]=address->fPadY; digits[2]=q; TObjArray* trlist=(TObjArray*)address->TrackList(); Int_t nptracks=trlist->GetEntriesFast(); // this was changed to accomodate the real number of tracks if (nptracks > 10) { cout<<"Attention - nptracks > 10 "< 2) { printf("Attention - nptracks > 2 %d \n",nptracks); printf("cat,ich,ix,iy,q %d %d %d %d %d \n",icat,ich,digits[0],digits[1],q); } for (Int_t tr=0;trAt(tr); TVector &pp =*pp_p; tracks[tr]=Int_t(pp(0)); charges[tr]=Int_t(pp(1)); } //end loop over list of tracks for one pad if (nptracks < 10 ) { for (Int_t i=nptracks; i<10; i++) { tracks[i]=0; charges[i]=0; } } // fill digits RICH->AddDigits(ich,tracks,charges,digits); delete address; } cout<<"I'm out of the loops for digitisation"<TreeD()->Fill(); TTree *TD=gAlice->TreeD(); Stat_t ndig=TD->GetEntries(); cout<<"number of digits "<DigitsAddress(i); int ndig=fDch->GetEntriesFast(); printf (" i, ndig %d %d \n",i,ndig); } RICH->ResetDigits(); list->Clear(); } //end loop over cathodes char hname[30]; sprintf(hname,"TreeD%d",nev); gAlice->TreeD()->Write(hname); }