/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.3 2000/06/12 15:17:58 jbarbosa Cleaned up version. Revision 1.2 2000/05/18 13:45:57 jbarbosa Fixed feedback photon origin coordinates Revision 1.1 2000/04/19 12:57:20 morsch Newly structured and updated version (JB, AM) */ #include "AliRICHChamber.h" #include #include #include ClassImp(AliRICHChamber) AliRICHChamber::AliRICHChamber() { // // Chamber object constructor fSegmentation = 0; fResponse = 0; fGeometry = 0; fTresh = 0; frMin = 0.1; frMax = 140; fnsec = 1; fIndexMap[50] = 0; } AliRICHChamber::AliRICHChamber(const AliRICHChamber& Chamber) { // Copy Constructor } AliRICHResponse* AliRICHChamber::GetResponseModel() { // // Get reference to response model return fResponse; } void AliRICHChamber::ResponseModel(AliRICHResponse* thisResponse) { // Configure response model fResponse=thisResponse; } void AliRICHChamber::Init() { // Initialise chambers fSegmentation->Init(this); } void AliRICHChamber::LocaltoGlobal(Float_t pos[3],Float_t Globalpos[3]) { // Local coordinates to global coordinates transformation Double_t *fMatrix; fMatrix = fChamberMatrix->GetMatrix(); Globalpos[0]=pos[0]*fMatrix[0]+pos[1]*fMatrix[3]+pos[2]*fMatrix[6]; Globalpos[1]=pos[0]*fMatrix[1]+pos[1]*fMatrix[4]+pos[2]*fMatrix[7]; Globalpos[2]=pos[0]*fMatrix[2]+pos[1]*fMatrix[5]+pos[2]*fMatrix[8]; Globalpos[0]+=fChamberTrans[0]; Globalpos[1]+=fChamberTrans[1]; Globalpos[2]+=fChamberTrans[2]; } void AliRICHChamber::GlobaltoLocal(Float_t pos[3],Float_t Localpos[3]) { // Global coordinates to local coordinates transformation Double_t *fMatrixOrig; TMatrix fMatrixCopy(3,3); fMatrixOrig = fChamberMatrix->GetMatrix(); for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) { for(Int_t j=0;j<3;j++) fMatrixCopy(j,i)=fMatrixOrig[j+3*i]; } fMatrixCopy.Invert(); //Int_t elements=fMatrixCopy.GetNoElements(); //printf("Elements:%d\n",elements); //fMatrixOrig= (Double_t*) fMatrixCopy; Localpos[0] = pos[0] - fChamberTrans[0]; Localpos[1] = pos[1] - fChamberTrans[1]; Localpos[2] = pos[2] - fChamberTrans[2]; //printf("r1:%f, r2:%f, r3:%f\n",Localpos[0],Localpos[1],Localpos[2]); //printf("t1:%f t2:%f t3:%f\n",fChamberTrans[0],fChamberTrans[1],fChamberTrans[2]); Localpos[0]=Localpos[0]*fMatrixCopy(0,0)+Localpos[1]*fMatrixCopy(0,1)+Localpos[2]*fMatrixCopy(0,2); Localpos[1]=Localpos[0]*fMatrixCopy(1,0)+Localpos[1]*fMatrixCopy(1,1)+Localpos[2]*fMatrixCopy(1,2); Localpos[2]=Localpos[0]*fMatrixCopy(2,0)+Localpos[1]*fMatrixCopy(2,1)+Localpos[2]*fMatrixCopy(2,2); //Localpos[0]-=fChamberTrans[0]; //Localpos[1]-=fChamberTrans[1]; //Localpos[2]-=fChamberTrans[2]; } void AliRICHChamber::DisIntegration(Float_t eloss, Float_t xhit, Float_t yhit, Int_t& nnew,Float_t newclust[6][500],ResponseType res) { // // Generates pad hits (simulated cluster) // using the segmentation and the response model Float_t dx, dy; Float_t local[3]; //Float_t source[3]; Float_t global[3]; // // Width of the integration area // dx=(fResponse->SigmaIntegration())*(fResponse->ChargeSpreadX()); dy=(fResponse->SigmaIntegration())*(fResponse->ChargeSpreadY()); // // Get pulse height from energy loss and generate feedback photons Float_t qtot=0; local[0]=xhit; // z-position of the wires relative to the RICH mother volume // (2 mmm before CsI) old value: 6.076 local[1]=1.276 + fGeometry->GetGapThickness()/2 - .2; //printf("AliRICHChamber feedback origin:%f",local[1]); local[2]=yhit; LocaltoGlobal(local,global); Int_t nFp=0; if (res==kMip) { qtot = fResponse->IntPH(eloss); nFp = fResponse->FeedBackPhotons(global,qtot); } else if (res==kCerenkov) { qtot = fResponse->IntPH(); nFp = fResponse->FeedBackPhotons(global,qtot); } //printf("Feedbacks:%d\n",nFp); // // Loop Over Pads Float_t qcheck=0, qp=0; nnew=0; for (Int_t i=1; i<=fnsec; i++) { qcheck=0; for (fSegmentation->FirstPad(xhit, yhit, dx, dy); fSegmentation->MorePads(); fSegmentation->NextPad()) { qp= fResponse->IntXY(fSegmentation); qp= TMath::Abs(qp); //printf("Qp:%f\n",qp); if (qp > 1.e-4) { qcheck+=qp; // // --- store signal information newclust[0][nnew]=qtot; newclust[1][nnew]=fSegmentation->Ix(); newclust[2][nnew]=fSegmentation->Iy(); newclust[3][nnew]=qp * qtot; newclust[4][nnew]=fSegmentation->ISector(); newclust[5][nnew]=(Float_t) i; nnew++; //printf("Newcluster:%d\n",i); } } // Pad loop } // Cathode plane loop //if (fSegmentation->ISector()==2) //printf("Nnew:%d\n\n\n\n",nnew); } AliRICHChamber& AliRICHChamber::operator=(const AliRICHChamber& rhs) { // Assignment operator return *this; } void AliRICHChamber::GenerateTresholds() { // Generates random treshold charges for all pads //printf("Pads : %dx%d\n",fSegmentation->Npx(),fSegmentation->Npy()); Int_t nx = fSegmentation->Npx(); Int_t ny = fSegmentation->Npy(); //Int_t size=nx*ny; //printf("Size:%d\n",size); fTresh = new AliRICHTresholdMap(fSegmentation); //printf("Generating tresholds...\n"); for(Int_t i=-nx/2;iGaus(50, 10)); //Int_t pedestal =0; fTresh->SetHit(i,j,pedestal); //printf("Pad %d %d has pedestal %d.\n",i,j,pedestal); } } }