#ifndef AliRICHConst_h #define AliRICHConst_h #include const Double_t d2r=TMath::Pi()/180; const Double_t r2d=57.2957795130823229; const Double_t deg=TMath::Pi()/180; const Double_t rad=1; const Double_t mm=0.1; const Double_t cm=1; const Double_t m=100; //const Float_t zend = 511.+0.15-2*0.001; // z-out position of first chamber??????? //const Float_t zero_supm = 6.; // zero suppression????????????? //const Float_t sig_noise = 500.; // electronics noise (no. of electrons)????????? const Float_t adc_satm = 4096; // dynamic range (10 bits) const Int_t kMaxNeighbours = 24; // max number of neighbours #endif