#ifndef AliRICHParam_h #define AliRICHParam_h #include //base class #include //QdcTot() #include //old style #include #include #include //---------to be deleted------------- #include #include //Hit2SDigs() #include #include //Mars2Lors() Lors2Mars() #include //fields #include //fields #include "AliRICHDigit.h" //Hit2Sdigs() #include //Instance() static const int kNchambers=7; //number of RICH chambers static const int kNpadsX = 160; //number of pads along X in single chamber static const int kNpadsY = 144; //number of pads along Y in single chamber static const int kNsectors=6; //number of sectors per chamber static const int kCerenkov=50000050; //??? go to something more general like TPDGCode static const int kFeedback=50000051; //??? go to something more general like TPDGCode // Class providing all the needed parametrised information // to construct the geometry, to define segmentation and to provide response model // In future will also provide all the staff needed for alignment and calibration class AliRICHParam :public TNamed { public: //ctor&dtor virtual ~AliRICHParam() {delete fIdxC6F14;fgInstance=0;} //test methodes void Print(Option_t *opt="") const; //print current parametrization static void DrawAxis(); static void DrawSectors(); //flags staff static inline AliRICHParam* Instance(); //pointer to AliRICHParam singleton static Int_t Stack(Int_t evt=-1,Int_t tid=-1); //Print stack info for event and tid static Int_t StackCount(Int_t pid,Int_t evt); //Counts stack particles of given sort in given event static inline Double_t ErrLoc (Double_t thetaC,Double_t phiC,Double_t thetaT,Double_t phiT,Double_t beta); static inline Double_t ErrGeom (Double_t thetaC,Double_t phiC,Double_t thetaT,Double_t phiT,Double_t beta); static inline Double_t ErrCrom (Double_t thetaC,Double_t phiC,Double_t thetaT,Double_t phiT,Double_t beta); static inline Double_t SigmaSinglePhotonFormula(Double_t thetaC,Double_t phiC,Double_t thetaT,Double_t phiT,Double_t beta); //Geometrical properties static Int_t NpadsX () {return kNpadsX;} //number of pads along X in chamber static Int_t NpadsY () {return kNpadsY;} //number of pads along Y in chamber static Int_t NpadsXsec () {return NpadsX()/2;} //number of pads along X in sector static Int_t NpadsYsec () {return NpadsY()/3;} //number of pads along Y in sector static Double_t AnodPitch () {return PadSizeY()/2;} //cm between anode wires static Double_t AnodZ () {return 7.806;} //Z positon of anod plane in LORS of the chamber, [cm] static Double_t CathPitch () {return PadSizeY()/4;} //dist between cathode wires [cm] static Double_t CollPitch () {return 0.5;} //dist between collection wires [cm] static Double_t DeadZone () {return 2.6;} //dead zone thickness [cm] static Double_t PadSizeX () {return 0.8;} //pad size x [cm] static Double_t PadSizeY () {return 0.84;} //pad size y [cm] static Double_t PcSizeX () {return NpadsX()*PadSizeX()+DeadZone();} //PC size x [cm] static Double_t PcSizeY () {return NpadsY()*PadSizeY()+2*DeadZone();} //PC size y [cm] static Double_t Pc2Cath () {return 0.445;} //dist between PC entrance plane and cathode wires plane [cm] static Double_t Pc2Win () {return PcZ();} //dist between PC entrance plane and window exit plane [cm] static Double_t PcZ () {return 8.0; } //Z positon of PC entrance plane in LORS of the chamber [cm] static Double_t RadThick () {return 1.5;} //radiator thickness [cm] static Double_t RadZ () {return -2.0; } //Z positon of radiator entrance plane in LORS of the chamber [cm] static Double_t SecSizeX () {return NpadsX()*PadSizeX()/2;} //sector size x [cm] static Double_t SecSizeY () {return NpadsY()*PadSizeY()/3;} //sector size y [cm ] static Double_t WinThick () {return 0.5;} //radiator window thickness [cm] //trasformation methodes inline TVector3 Lors2Mars (Int_t c,Double_t x,Double_t y,Int_t p=kPc); //LORS->MARS transform of point [cm] for chamber c and plane p inline TVector3 Lors2MarsVec (Int_t c,const TVector3 &p ); //LORS->MARS transform of vector for chamber c inline TVector2 Mars2Lors (Int_t c,const TVector3 &x ,Int_t p=kPc); //MARS->LORS transform of point [cm] for chamber c and plane p inline TVector3 Mars2LorsVec (Int_t c,const TVector3 &p ); //MARS->LORS transform of vector for chamber c static inline TVector3 Lors2MarsOld (Int_t c,Double_t x,Double_t y,Int_t p); //LORS->MARS transform of position (cm) for chamber c and plane p static inline TVector2 Mars2LorsOld (Int_t c,const TVector3 &x,Int_t p ); //MARS->LORS transform of position (cm) for chamber c and plane p static inline TVector3 Center (Int_t c,Int_t p ); //Center of plane p of chamber c in MARS (cm) static inline TVector3 Norm (Int_t c ); //Norm vector to the chamber c in MARS (cm) static inline TGeoMatrix*Matrix (Int_t iCh, Int_t iPlane ); //TGeoMatrix for the given chamber plain static Int_t Pad2Cha (Int_t pad ){return pad/100000000; }//abs pad -> chamber static Int_t Pad2Sec (Int_t pad ){return pad%100000000/1000000; }//abs pad -> sector static Int_t Pad2PadX (Int_t pad ){return pad%1000000/1000; }//abs pad -> pad x static Int_t Pad2PadY (Int_t pad ){return pad%1000000%100; }//abs pad -> pad y static Int_t PadAbs (Int_t c,Int_t s,Int_t x,Int_t y){return 100000000*c+1000000*s+1000*x+y; }//(c,s,x,y) -> abs pad static inline TVector2 Pad2Loc (Int_t pad ); //abs pad ->LORS static inline TVector2 Pad2Loc (TVector pad ); //pad -> LORS returns center of the pad static TVector2 Pad2Loc (Int_t x,Int_t y ){TVector pad(2);pad[0]=x;pad[1]=y;return Pad2Loc(pad);}//return center of the pad (x,y) static inline TVector Loc2Area (const TVector2 &x2 ); //pads area affected by hit x2. area is LeftDown-RightUp pad numbers static inline Int_t Loc2Sec (const TVector2 &x2 ); //LORS -> sector static Int_t Loc2Sec (Double_t x,Double_t y ){return Loc2Sec(TVector2(x,y));} //LORS -> sector static inline TVector Loc2Pad (const TVector2 &x2 ); //LORS -> pad static TVector Loc2Pad (Double_t x,Double_t y ){return Loc2Pad(TVector2(x,y));} //LORS -> pad static inline Int_t Pad2Sec (const TVector &pad ); //pad -> sector static inline Int_t PadNeighbours (Int_t iPadX,Int_t iPadY,Int_t aListX[4],Int_t aListY[4]); //pad -> list of it neighbours static Bool_t IsAccepted (const TVector2 &x2 ){return ( x2.X()>=0 && x2.X()<=PcSizeX() && x2.Y()>=0 && x2.Y()<=PcSizeY() ) ? kTRUE:kFALSE;} //optical properties methodes static Float_t EckovMean ( ){return 6.766e-9;} //mean Ckov energy according to the total trasmission curve static Float_t EckovMin ( ){return 5.5e-9;} //min photon energy [GeV] defined in optical curves static Float_t EckovMax ( ){return 8.5e-9;} //min photon energy [GeV] defined in optical curves Float_t IdxC6F14 (Float_t gev ){return fIdxC6F14->Eval(gev,fIdxC6F14->GetUniqueID());} //n=f(Eckov) [GeV] for C6H14 used as radiator static Float_t IdxSiO2 (Float_t gev ){return TMath::Sqrt(1+46.411/(10.666*10.666-gev*gev*1e18)+228.71/(18.125*18.125-gev*gev*1e18));} //n=f(Eckov) [GeV] for SiO2 used as window TDR p.35 static Float_t IdxCH4 (Float_t gev ){return 1+0.12489e-6/(2.62e-4 - TMath::Power(1239.84e-9/gev,-2));} //n=f(Eckov) [GeV] for CF4 static Float_t AbsCH4 (Float_t gev ); //abs len=f(Eckov) [GeV] for CF4 void CdbRead (Int_t run,Int_t version ); //read all calibration information for requested run static Double_t IonisationPotential() {return 26.0e-9;} //for CH4 in GeV taken from ???? static TVector2 MathiesonDelta() {return TVector2(5*0.18,5*0.18);} //area of 5 sigmas of Mathieson distribution (cm) static Int_t MaxQdc() {return 4095;} //QDC number of channels static Int_t QthMIP() {return 100;} static Double_t DmatchMIP() {return 1.;} static Double_t PmodMax() {return 6.5;} static Int_t HV(Int_t sector) {if (sector>=1 && sector <=6) return 2050; else return -1;} //high voltage for this sector //charge response methodes inline static Double_t Mathieson(Double_t x1,Double_t x2,Double_t y1,Double_t y2); //Mathienson integral over given limits inline static Double_t GainSag(Double_t x,Int_t sector); //gain variations in % static Double_t Gain(const TVector2 &x2,Bool_t isSag=kTRUE){//gives chamber gain in terms of QDC channels for given point in local ref system if(isSag) return QdcSlope(Loc2Sec(x2))*(1+GainSag(x2.X(),Loc2Sec(x2))/100); else return QdcSlope(Loc2Sec(x2));} inline static Double_t FracQdc(const TVector2 &x2,const TVector &pad); //charge fraction to pad from hit inline static Int_t TotQdc(TVector2 x2,Double_t e ); //total charge for Eloss (GeV) 0 for photons static Double_t QdcSlope(Int_t sec){switch(sec){case -1: return 0; default: return 33;}} //weight of electon in QDC channels static inline Int_t Lors2Pad (Double_t x,Double_t y ); //LORS (x,y) [cm] -> abs pad number static Double_t IonPot ( ){return 26.0e-9;} //for CH4 in GeV taken from ???? static inline Int_t QdcTot (Int_t iPad,Double_t e ); //total QDC generated by Eloss or Etot [GeV] static inline Double_t QdcSag (Int_t iPad ); //mean QDC variation due to sagita [0,1] static Double_t QdcEle (Int_t iPad,Bool_t isSag=kTRUE ){return isSag?33*(1+QdcSag(iPad)):33;} //mean QDC per electron static inline Int_t Hit2SDigs (Int_t iPad, Double_t e,TClonesArray* pSDigLst); //hit->sdigits, returns Qtot static inline Int_t Hit2SDigs (TVector2 hit,Double_t e,TClonesArray* pSDigLst); //hit->sdigits, returns Qtot, old style static void TestHit2SDigs (Double_t x,Double_t y,Double_t e,Bool_t isNew=kFALSE); //test hit->sdigits inline static Bool_t IsOverTh(Int_t c,TVector pad,Double_t q); //is QDC of the pad registered by FEE static Int_t NsigmaTh() {return 4;} // static Float_t SigmaThMean() {return 1.132;} //QDC electronic noise mean static Float_t SigmaThSpread() {return 0.035;} //QDC electronic noise width static Double_t CogCorr(Double_t x) {return 3.31267e-2*TMath::Sin(2*TMath::Pi()/PadSizeX()*x) //correction of cluster CoG due to sinoidal -2.66575e-3*TMath::Sin(4*TMath::Pi()/PadSizeX()*x) +2.80553e-3*TMath::Sin(6*TMath::Pi()/PadSizeX()*x)+0.0070;} TVector3 ForwardTracing(TVector3 entranceTrackPoint,TVector3 vectorTrack, Double_t thetaC, Double_t phiC); //it traces foward a photon from Emission Point to PC static TVector3 PlaneIntersect(const TVector3 &lineDir,const TVector3 &linePoint,const TVector3 &planeNorm,const TVector3 &planePoint); //intersection between line and plane static Double_t SnellAngle(Float_t n1, Float_t n2, Float_t theta1); // Snell law static void AnglesInDRS(Double_t trackTheta,Double_t trackPhi,Double_t thetaCerenkov,Double_t phiCerenkov,Double_t &tout,Double_t &pout);//It finds photon angles in static Double_t AlphaFeedback(Int_t c,Int_t s) {c++;s++; return 0.02;} //for sector s of chamber c //test part static void Test() {TestSeg();TestTrans();TestResp();} //test all groups of methodes static void TestResp(); //test the response group of methodes static void TestSeg(); //test the segmentation group of methodes static void TestTrans(); //test the transform group of methodes enum EPlaneId {kCenter,kPc,kRad,kAnod,kNch=7}; //4 planes in chamber and total number of chambers protected: AliRICHParam(); //default ctor is protected to enforce it to be singleton static AliRICHParam *fgInstance; //static pointer to instance of AliRICHParam singleton TF2 *fIdxC6F14; //n=f(Ephot,T) [GeV] for radiator freon C6F14 TGeoHMatrix *fMatrix[kNchambers]; //poiners to matrices defining RICH chambers rotations-translations ClassDef(AliRICHParam,0) //RICH main parameters class }; AliRICHParam* AliRICHParam::Instance() { // Return pointer to the AliRICHParam singleton. // Arguments: none // Returns: pointer to the instance of AliRICHParam or 0 if no geometry if(!fgInstance&&gGeoManager) new AliRICHParam; else if(!gGeoManager) Printf("No geometry imported"); return fgInstance; }//Instance() //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliRICHParam::PadNeighbours(Int_t iPadX,Int_t iPadY,Int_t listX[4],Int_t listY[4]) { //Determines all the neighbouring pads for the given one (iPadX,iPadY). Returns total number of these pads. //Dead zones are taken into account, meaning pads from different sector are not taken. // 1 // 2 3 // 4 Int_t nPads=0; if(iPadY!=NpadsY()&&iPadY!=2*NpadsYsec()&&iPadY!=NpadsYsec()){listX[nPads]=iPadX; listY[nPads]=iPadY+1; nPads++;} //1 if(iPadX!=1&&iPadX!=NpadsXsec()+1) {listX[nPads]=iPadX-1; listY[nPads]=iPadY; nPads++;} //2 if(iPadX!=NpadsXsec()&&iPadX!=NpadsX()) {listX[nPads]=iPadX+1; listY[nPads]=iPadY; nPads++;} //3 if(iPadY!=1&&iPadY!=NpadsYsec()+1&&2*NpadsYsec()+1) {listX[nPads]=iPadX; listY[nPads]=iPadY-1; nPads++;} //4 return nPads; }//Pad2ClosePads() //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliRICHParam::Loc2Sec(const TVector2 &v2) { // Determines sector containing the given point. y ^ 5 6 // | 3 4 // | 1 2 // -------> x // Arguments: v2- LORS position [cm] // Returns: sector code Double_t x0=0; Double_t x1=SecSizeX(); Double_t x2=SecSizeX()+DeadZone(); Double_t x3=PcSizeX(); Double_t y0=0; Double_t y1=SecSizeY(); Double_t y2=SecSizeY()+DeadZone(); Double_t y3=2*SecSizeY()+DeadZone(); Double_t y4=PcSizeY()-SecSizeY(); Double_t y5=PcSizeY(); Int_t sector=-1; if (v2.X() >= x0 && v2.X() <= x1 ) sector=1; else if(v2.X() >= x2 && v2.X() <= x3 ) sector=2; else return -1; if (v2.Y() >= y0 && v2.Y() <= y1 ) ; //sectors 1 or 2 else if(v2.Y() >= y2 && v2.Y() <= y3 ) sector+=2; //sectors 3 or 4 else if(v2.Y() >= y4 && v2.Y() <= y5 ) sector+=4; //sectors 5 or 6 else return -1; return sector; }//Loc2Sec(Double_t x, Double_t y) //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ TVector AliRICHParam::Loc2Pad(const TVector2 &loc) { //Determines pad number TVector(padx,pady) containing the given point x2 defined in the chamber RS. //Pad count starts in lower left corner from 1,1 to 144,160 in upper right corner of a chamber. //y ^ 5 6 // | 3 4 // | 1 2 // -------> x TVector pad(2); Int_t sec=Loc2Sec(loc);//trasforms x2 to sector reference system if(sec==-1) {pad[0]=pad[1]=-1; return pad;} //first we deal with x if(sec==1||sec==3||sec==5) pad[0]= Int_t( loc.X() / PadSizeX() )+1; //sector 1 or 3 or 5 else pad[0]=NpadsX() - Int_t( (PcSizeX()-loc.X()) / PadSizeX() ) ; //sector 2 or 4 or 6 //second deal with y if(sec==1||sec==2) pad[1]=Int_t( loc.Y() / PadSizeY())+1; //sector 1 or 2 else if(sec==3||sec==4) pad[1]=Int_t( (loc.Y()-SecSizeY()-DeadZone()) / PadSizeY())+NpadsYsec()+1; //sector 3 or 4 else pad[1]=NpadsY() - Int_t( (PcSizeY()-loc.Y()) / PadSizeY()); //sector 5 or 6 return pad; } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Int_t AliRICHParam::Lors2Pad(Double_t x,Double_t y) { // Determines abs pad number containing the given point (x,y) defined in the chamber RS. // Pad count starts in lower left corner from 1,1 to 144,160 in upper right corner of a chamber. // y ^ 5 6 // | 3 4 // | 1 2 // -------> x Int_t padx,pady; if (x>= 0 && x<= SecSizeX() ) padx= 1 + Int_t( x /PadSizeX() ); //sector 1 or 3 or 5 else if(x>=SecSizeX()+DeadZone() && x<= PcSizeX() ) padx= NpadsX() - Int_t( (PcSizeX()-x)/PadSizeX() ); //sector 2 or 4 or 6 else return -1; //dead zone or out of chamber if (y>= 0 && y<= SecSizeY() ) pady= 1 + Int_t( y /PadSizeY() ); //sector 1 or 2 else if(y>=SecSizeY()+DeadZone() && y<=2*SecSizeY()+DeadZone() ) pady= 1 + NpadsYsec() + Int_t( (y-SecSizeY()-DeadZone()) / PadSizeY()); //sector 3 or 4 else if(y>= PcSizeY()-SecSizeY() && y<= PcSizeY() ) pady= NpadsY() - Int_t( (PcSizeY()-y)/PadSizeY() ); //sector 5 or 6 else return -1; //dead zone or out of chamber return AliRICHDigit::P2A(0,padx,pady); }//Lors2Pad() //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Int_t AliRICHParam::Pad2Sec(const TVector &pad) { //Determines sector containing the given pad. Int_t sector=-1; if (pad[0] >= 1 && pad[0] <= NpadsXsec() ) {sector=1;} else if(pad[0] > NpadsXsec() && pad[0] <= NpadsX() ) {sector=2;} else AliDebugClass(1,Form("Wrong pad (%3.0f,%3.0f)",pad[0],pad[1])); if (pad[1] >= 1 && pad[1] <= NpadsYsec() ) {} else if(pad[1] > NpadsYsec() && pad[1] <= 2*NpadsYsec() ) {sector+=2;} else if(pad[1] > 2*NpadsYsec() && pad[1] <= NpadsY() ) {sector+=4;} else AliDebugClass(1,Form("Wrong pad (%3.0f,%3.0f)",pad[0],pad[1])); return sector; }//Pad2Sec() //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector2 AliRICHParam::Pad2Loc(TVector pad) { //Returns position of the center of the given pad in local system of the chamber (cm) // y ^ 5 6 // | 3 4 sector numbers // | 1 2 // -------> x Double_t x=-1,y=-1; if(pad[0] > 0 && pad[0] <= NpadsXsec())//it's 1 or 3 or 5 x=(pad[0]-0.5)*PadSizeX(); else if(pad[0] > NpadsXsec() && pad[0] <= NpadsX())//it's 2 or 4 or 6 x=(pad[0]-0.5)*PadSizeX()+DeadZone(); else AliDebugClass(1,Form("Wrong pad (%3.0f,%3.0f)",pad[0],pad[1])); if(pad[1] > 0 && pad[1] <= NpadsYsec())//it's 1 or 2 y=(pad[1]-0.5)*PadSizeY(); else if(pad[1] > NpadsYsec() && pad[1] <= 2*NpadsYsec())//it's 3 or 4 y=(pad[1]-0.5)*PadSizeY()+DeadZone(); else if(pad[1] > 2*NpadsYsec() && pad[1]<= NpadsY())//it's 5 or 6 y=(pad[1]-0.5)*PadSizeY()+2*DeadZone(); else AliDebugClass(1,Form("Wrong pad (%3.0f,%3.0f)",pad[0],pad[1])); return TVector2(x,y); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector2 AliRICHParam::Pad2Loc(Int_t pad) { // Converts absolute pad number to local position in LORS // LORS is a chamber reference system with origin in left-down coner looking from IP // Arguments: pad- absolute pad number // Returns: pad center position as TVector2 in PCRS TVector2 pos; pos.Set((Pad2PadX(pad)-0.5)*PadSizeX() , (Pad2PadY(pad)-0.5)*PadSizeY());//set to sector LORS return pos; } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Double_t AliRICHParam::GainSag(Double_t x,Int_t sector) { //Returns % of gain variation due to wire sagita. //All curves are parametrized as per sector basis, so x must be apriory transformed to the Sector RS. //Here x is a distance along wires. x-=SecSizeX()/2; if(x>SecSizeX()) x-=SecSizeX(); switch(HV(sector)){ case 2150: return 9e-6*TMath::Power(x,4)+2e-7*TMath::Power(x,3)-0.0316*TMath::Power(x,2)-3e-4*x+25.367;//% case 2100: return 8e-6*TMath::Power(x,4)+2e-7*TMath::Power(x,3)-0.0283*TMath::Power(x,2)-2e-4*x+23.015; case 2050: return 7e-6*TMath::Power(x,4)+1e-7*TMath::Power(x,3)-0.0254*TMath::Power(x,2)-2e-4*x+20.888; case 2000: return 6e-6*TMath::Power(x,4)+8e-8*TMath::Power(x,3)-0.0227*TMath::Power(x,2)-1e-4*x+18.961; default: return 0; } } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Double_t AliRICHParam::QdcSag(Int_t iPad) { // It was observed at BNL that wires are affected by gravitation field providing a significant sagita leading to the local electric field variation // which means that different pads produce different signals. // Arguments: iPad- absolute pad number // Returns: gain variation due to wire sagita 0 < QdcSag < 1. // Curves are parametrised in terms of distance x (cm) along wires having 0 on the left edge of the photocathode Double_t x=AliRICHDigit::P2X(iPad)*PadSizeX()-0.5*PadSizeX(); //center of the padx (count from 1) switch(HV(iPad)){ case 2150: return 0.01*(9e-6*TMath::Power(x,4)+2e-7*TMath::Power(x,3)-0.0316*TMath::Power(x,2)-3e-4*x+25.367);//function is a fit in % so multiply by 0.01 case 2100: return 0.01*(8e-6*TMath::Power(x,4)+2e-7*TMath::Power(x,3)-0.0283*TMath::Power(x,2)-2e-4*x+23.015); case 2050: return 0.01*(7e-6*TMath::Power(x,4)+1e-7*TMath::Power(x,3)-0.0254*TMath::Power(x,2)-2e-4*x+20.888); case 2000: return 0.01*(6e-6*TMath::Power(x,4)+8e-8*TMath::Power(x,3)-0.0227*TMath::Power(x,2)-1e-4*x+18.961); default: return 0; } }//QdcSag() //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Int_t AliRICHParam::QdcTot(Int_t iPad,Double_t e) { // Calculates the total charge produced by the hit. Method: // 1. number of electrons is calculated as energy lost in amp gas divided by ionisation potential (for photon only one electron as Etot is always less then ionization potential) // 2. each electron imposes a charge distributed as Poisson with QdcEle() mean. Different pads produce different means. See QdcEle(). // Arguments: iPad- absolute pad number contaning the hit; // e- Eloss for mip in amplification gas or Etot for photon // Returns: charge parametrised in QDC channels. Int_t iNele=Int_t(e/IonPot()); if(iNele==0) iNele=1;//e < ion. pot. means it's photoelectron Double_t dQdc=0; for(Int_t i=1;i<=iNele;i++) dQdc+=-QdcEle(iPad)*TMath::Log(gRandom->Rndm()); return Int_t(dQdc); }//QdcTot() //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Int_t AliRICHParam::TotQdc(TVector2 x2,Double_t eloss) { //Calculates the total charge produced by the eloss in point x2 (Chamber RS). //Returns this change parametrised in QDC channels, or 0 if the hit in the dead zone. //eloss=0 means photon which produces 1 electron only eloss > 0 for Mip if(Loc2Sec(x2)==-1) return 0; //hit in the dead zone Int_t iNelectrons=Int_t(eloss/IonisationPotential()); if(iNelectrons==0) iNelectrons=1; Double_t qdc=0; for(Int_t i=1;i<=iNelectrons;i++) qdc+=-Gain(x2)*TMath::Log(gRandom->Rndm()); return Int_t(qdc); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Double_t AliRICHParam::FracQdc(const TVector2 &x2,const TVector &pad) { //Calculates the charge fraction induced to given pad by the hit from the given point. //Integrated Mathieson distribution is used. TVector2 center2=Pad2Loc(pad);//gives center of requested pad Double_t normXmin=(x2.X()-center2.X()-PadSizeX()/2) /Pc2Cath();//parametrise for Mathienson Double_t normXmax=(x2.X()-center2.X()+PadSizeX()/2) /Pc2Cath(); Double_t normYmin=(x2.Y()-center2.Y()-PadSizeY()/2) /Pc2Cath(); Double_t normYmax=(x2.Y()-center2.Y()+PadSizeY()/2) /Pc2Cath(); //requested pad might not belong to the sector of the given hit position, hence the check: return (Loc2Sec(x2)!=Pad2Sec(pad)) ? 0:Mathieson(normXmin, normYmin, normXmax, normYmax); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Double_t AliRICHParam::Mathieson(Double_t x1,Double_t y1,Double_t x2,Double_t y2) { // This is the answer to electrostatic problem of charge distrubution in MWPC described elsewhere. (NIM A370(1988)602-603) // Arguments: x1- diff between center of distribution which is a hit position and left edge of interested pad divided by anod-cathode distance // x2- right edge of the pad // y1- up edge of the pad // y2- bottom edge of the pad // Returns: a charge fraction [0-1] imposed into the pad const Double_t kSqrtKx3=0.77459667;const Double_t kX2=0.962;const Double_t kX4=0.379; const Double_t kSqrtKy3=0.77459667;const Double_t kY2=0.962;const Double_t kY4=0.379; Double_t ux1=kSqrtKx3*TMath::TanH(kX2*x1); Double_t ux2=kSqrtKx3*TMath::TanH(kX2*x2); Double_t uy1=kSqrtKy3*TMath::TanH(kY2*y1); Double_t uy2=kSqrtKy3*TMath::TanH(kY2*y2); return 4*kX4*(TMath::ATan(ux2)-TMath::ATan(ux1))*kY4*(TMath::ATan(uy2)-TMath::ATan(uy1)); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector AliRICHParam::Loc2Area(const TVector2 &x2) { // Calculates the area of disintegration for a given point. It's assumed here that this points lays on anode wire. // Area is a rectangulare set of pads defined by its left-down and right-up coners. TVector area(4); TVector pad=Loc2Pad(x2); area[0]=area[2]=pad[0]; area[1]=area[3]=pad[1];//area is just a pad fired if(pad[0]!=1 && pad[0]!= NpadsXsec()+1 ) area[0]--; //left down coner X if(pad[1]!=1 && pad[1]!= NpadsYsec()+1 && pad[1]!= 2*NpadsYsec()+1) area[1]--; //left down coner Y if(pad[0]!=NpadsXsec() && pad[0]!= NpadsX() ) area[2]++; //right up coner X if(pad[1]!=NpadsYsec() && pad[1]!= 2*NpadsYsec() && pad[1]!= NpadsY() ) area[3]++; //right up coner Y return area; } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Bool_t AliRICHParam::IsOverTh(Int_t ,TVector ,Double_t qdc) { // Checks if the current QDC is over threshold and FEE will save this value to data concentrator. // This is done on pad by pad level, so the pad pedestal map is to be used. ?????????????? // Arguments: // Returns: true if QDC over treshold return (qdc>NsigmaTh()*(SigmaThMean()+(1.-2*gRandom->Rndm())*SigmaThSpread())); //??????????? to be change to real values } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TGeoMatrix* AliRICHParam::Matrix(Int_t iChamN,Int_t iPlane) { TGeoHMatrix *pMatrix=new TGeoHMatrix; const Double_t kAngHor=19.5; // horizontal angle between chambers 19.5 grad const Double_t kAngVer=20; // vertical angle between chambers 20 grad const Double_t kAngCom=30; // common RICH rotation with respect to x axis 30 grad pMatrix->RotateY(90); //rotate around y since initial position is in XY plane -> now in YZ plane Double_t trans[3]={490,0,0}; //center of the chamber is on window-gap surface switch(iPlane){ case kCenter: break; case kPc : trans[0]+=PcZ(); break; case kRad : trans[0]+=RadZ(); break; case kAnod : trans[0]+=AnodZ(); break; default: return 0; break; } pMatrix->SetTranslation(trans); //now plane in YZ is shifted along x switch(iChamN){ case 1: pMatrix->RotateY(kAngHor); pMatrix->RotateZ(-kAngVer); break; //right and down case 2: pMatrix->RotateZ(-kAngVer); break; //down case 3: pMatrix->RotateY(kAngHor); break; //right case 4: break; //no rotation case 5: pMatrix->RotateY(-kAngHor); break; //left case 6: pMatrix->RotateZ(kAngVer); break; //up case 7: pMatrix->RotateY(-kAngHor); pMatrix->RotateZ(kAngVer); break; //left and up default: return 0; break; }//switch(iChamber) pMatrix->RotateZ(kAngCom); //apply common rotation in XY plane return pMatrix; }//Matrix() //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector3 AliRICHParam::Lors2Mars(Int_t iChId,Double_t x,Double_t y,Int_t iPlnId) { // Trasform from LORS to MARS // Arguments: iChId - chamber code 1..7 // x,y - point in LORS // iPlnN - chamber plane code might be kPc kRad kCenter kAnod Double_t z=0; switch(iPlnId){ case kPc : z=PcZ() ; break; case kAnod : z=AnodZ(); break; case kCenter: z=0 ; break; case kRad : z=RadZ() ; break; } Double_t lors[3]={x-0.5*PcSizeX(),y-0.5*PcSizeY(),z}, mars[3]; fMatrix[iChId-1]->LocalToMaster(lors,mars); return TVector3(mars); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector3 AliRICHParam::Lors2MarsVec(Int_t iCh,const TVector3 &p) { Double_t mars[3], lors[3]; p.GetXYZ(lors); fMatrix[iCh-1]->LocalToMasterVect(lors,mars); return TVector3(mars); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector2 AliRICHParam::Mars2Lors(Int_t iChId,const TVector3 &x,Int_t iPlnId) { // Trasform from MARS to LORS // Arguments: iChId - chamber code 1..7 // mars - point in MARS // iPlnN - chamber plane code might be kPc kRad kCenter kAnod Double_t z=0; switch(iPlnId){ case kPc : z=PcZ() ; break; case kAnod : z=AnodZ(); break; case kCenter: z=0 ; break; case kRad : z=RadZ() ; break; } Double_t lors[3],mars[3]; x.GetXYZ(mars); fMatrix[iChId-1]->MasterToLocal(mars,lors); return TVector2(lors[0]+0.5*PcSizeX(),lors[1]+0.5*PcSizeY()); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector3 AliRICHParam::Mars2LorsVec(Int_t iCh,const TVector3 &p) { Double_t mars[3], lors[3]; p.GetXYZ(mars); fMatrix[iCh-1]->MasterToLocalVect(mars,lors); return TVector3(lors); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector3 AliRICHParam::Lors2MarsOld(Int_t iChId,Double_t x,Double_t y,Int_t iPlnId) { // Trasform from LORS to MARS // Arguments: iChId - chamber code 0..6 // x,y - point in LORS // iPlnN - chamber plane code might be kPc kRad kCenter kAnod TGeoMatrix *pMatrix=Matrix(iChId,iPlnId); Double_t lors[3]={x-0.5*PcSizeX(),y-0.5*PcSizeY(),0}, mars[3]; pMatrix->LocalToMaster(lors,mars); delete pMatrix; return TVector3(mars); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector2 AliRICHParam::Mars2LorsOld(Int_t iChamN,const TVector3 &x,Int_t iPlaneN) { TGeoMatrix *pMatrix=Matrix(iChamN,iPlaneN); Double_t mars[3]={x.X(),x.Y(),x.Z()} , lors[3]; pMatrix->MasterToLocal(mars,lors); delete pMatrix; return TVector2(lors[0]+0.5*PcSizeX(),lors[1]+0.5*PcSizeY()); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector3 AliRICHParam::Center(Int_t iChamN,Int_t iPlaneN) { TGeoMatrix *pMatrix=Matrix(iChamN,iPlaneN); Double_t mars[3] , lors[3]={0,0,0}; pMatrix->LocalToMaster(lors,mars); delete pMatrix; return TVector3(mars); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TVector3 AliRICHParam::Norm(Int_t iChamN) { TGeoMatrix *pMatrix=Matrix(iChamN,kPc); Double_t mars[3] , lors[3]={0,0,1}; pMatrix->LocalToMasterVect(lors,mars); delete pMatrix; return TVector3(mars); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Int_t AliRICHParam::Hit2SDigs(Int_t iHitPad,Double_t e,TClonesArray *pSDigLst) { // Determines a number of pads affected by the hit and calculates the charge induced to each pad. // Integrated Mathieson distribution is used. Invoked from AliRICHvX::Hits2SDigits() // Arguments: iHitPad - hit pad absolute number // e - energy (GeV) of this hit (Eloss for mip or Etot for photon) // pSDigLst - pointer to clones array to store in calculated sdigits // Returns: total QDC for this hit Int_t iQtot=QdcTot(iHitPad,e); //total QDC value collected for this hit Int_t a=1; //analise current pad +- a pads in both directions Int_t iLeftX=0,iBotY=0,iRightX=0,iTopY=0; //area of disintegration for cluster formation, shifts to hit pad, not pad numbers if(AliRICHDigit::P2X(iHitPad) > a) iLeftX =-a;//determine area of disintegration as hit pad +- parametrised number if(AliRICHDigit::P2X(iHitPad) < AliRICHDigit::kPadsSecX-a) iRightX= a;//of pads. this number is determined by5 sigmas of Mathieson shape if(AliRICHDigit::P2Y(iHitPad) > a) iBotY =-a;//see RICH TDR page 29 if(AliRICHDigit::P2Y(iHitPad) < AliRICHDigit::kPadsSecY-a) iTopY = a;//also boundary conditions are checked (edge of sector aka PC) Int_t iPadsCnt=0; for(Int_t iShiftX=iLeftX;iShiftX<=iRightX;iShiftX++){//affected pads loop iShiftX is a distance (in pads) between hit pad and pad under analisys for(Int_t iShiftY=iBotY;iShiftY<=iTopY;iShiftY++){//affected pads loop iHitPad+=AliRICHDigit::kPadAbsX*iShiftX+iShiftY; Double_t x1=PadSizeX()/Pc2Cath()*(iShiftX-0.5);//parametrise for Mathienson Double_t x2=PadSizeX()/Pc2Cath()*(iShiftX+0.5);//parametrise for Mathienson Double_t y1=PadSizeY()/Pc2Cath()*(iShiftY-0.5);//parametrise for Mathienson Double_t y2=PadSizeY()/Pc2Cath()*(iShiftY+0.5);//parametrise for Mathienson (*pSDigLst)[iPadsCnt++]= new AliRICHDigit(iHitPad,iQtot*Mathieson(x1,y1,x2,y2)); }//Y loop }//X loop return iQtot; }//Hit2SDigs() for abs pad //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Int_t AliRICHParam::Hit2SDigs(TVector2 hitX2,Double_t e,TClonesArray *pSDigLst) { // Determines a number of pads affected by the hit and calculates the charge induced to each pad. // Integrated Mathieson distribution is used. Invoked from AliRICHvX::Hits2SDigits() // Arguments: hitX2 - hit position in LORS, cm // e - energy (GeV) of this hit (Eloss for mip or Etot for photon) // pSDigLst - pointer to clones array to store in calculated sdigits // Returns: total QDC for this hit Int_t iQtot=TotQdc(hitX2,e);//total charge produced by hit, 0 if hit in dead zone if(iQtot==0) return 0; TVector hitPad=Loc2Pad(hitX2); TVector2 padCenterX2=Pad2Loc(hitPad); //shift the hit position to the nearest anod wire TVector2 anod; if((hitX2.Y()-padCenterX2.Y())>0) anod.Set(hitX2.X(),padCenterX2.Y()+AnodPitch()/2); //upper part of the pad: shift to upper anod wire else anod.Set(hitX2.X(),padCenterX2.Y()-AnodPitch()/2); //lower part of the pad: shift to lower anod wire TVector area=Loc2Area(anod);//determine affected pads, dead zones analysed inside TVector pad(2); //current pad Int_t iPadsCnt=0; for(pad[1]=area[1];pad[1]<=area[3];pad[1]++){//affected pads loop for(pad[0]=area[0];pad[0]<=area[2];pad[0]++){ Double_t dQpad=iQtot*FracQdc(anod,pad); if(dQpad>0.1) (*pSDigLst)[iPadsCnt++]= new AliRICHDigit(pad,dQpad);//make sdigit if Qpad is large enough, meaning after merging there is a chance to go above threshold }//X loop }//Y loop return iQtot; }//Hit2SDigs() for TVector2 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Double_t AliRICHParam::SigmaSinglePhotonFormula(Double_t thetaC, Double_t phiC, Double_t thetaM, Double_t phiM, Double_t betaM) { // Analithical calculation of total error (as a sum of localization, geometrical and chromatic errors) on Cerenkov angle for a given Cerenkov photon // created by a given MIP. Fromulae according to CERN-EP-2000-058 // Arguments: Cerenkov and azimuthal angles for Cerenkov photon, [radians] // dip and azimuthal angles for MIP taken at the entrance to radiator, [radians] // MIP beta // Returns: absolute error on Cerenkov angle, [radians] TVector3 v(-999,-999,-999); v.SetX(ErrLoc (thetaC,phiC,thetaM,phiM,betaM)); v.SetY(ErrGeom(thetaC,phiC,thetaM,phiM,betaM)); v.SetZ(ErrCrom(thetaC,phiC,thetaM,phiM,betaM)); return v.Mag2(); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Double_t AliRICHParam::ErrLoc(Double_t thetaC, Double_t phiC, Double_t thetaM, Double_t phiM, Double_t betaM) { // Analithical calculation of localization error (due to finite segmentation of PC) on Cerenkov angle for a given Cerenkov photon // created by a given MIP. Fromulae according to CERN-EP-2000-058 // Arguments: Cerenkov and azimuthal angles for Cerenkov photon, [radians] // dip and azimuthal angles for MIP taken at the entrance to radiator, [radians] // MIP beta // Returns: absolute error on Cerenkov angle, [radians] Double_t refC6F14m = 1.29337; Double_t phiDelta = phiC - phiM; Double_t alpha =TMath::Cos(thetaM)-TMath::Tan(thetaC)*TMath::Cos(phiDelta)*TMath::Sin(thetaM); Double_t k = 1.-refC6F14m*refC6F14m+alpha*alpha/(betaM*betaM); if (k<0) return 1e10; Double_t mu =TMath::Sin(thetaM)*TMath::Sin(phiM)+TMath::Tan(thetaC)*(TMath::Cos(thetaM)*TMath::Cos(phiDelta)*TMath::Sin(phiM)+TMath::Sin(phiDelta)*TMath::Cos(phiM)); Double_t e =TMath::Sin(thetaM)*TMath::Cos(phiM)+TMath::Tan(thetaC)*(TMath::Cos(thetaM)*TMath::Cos(phiDelta)*TMath::Cos(phiM)-TMath::Sin(phiDelta)*TMath::Sin(phiM)); Double_t kk = betaM*TMath::Sqrt(k)/(Pc2Win()*alpha); Double_t dtdxc = kk*(k*(TMath::Cos(phiDelta)*TMath::Cos(phiM)-TMath::Cos(thetaM)*TMath::Sin(phiDelta)*TMath::Sin(phiM))-(alpha*mu/(betaM*betaM))*TMath::Sin(thetaM)*TMath::Sin(phiDelta)); Double_t dtdyc = kk*(k*(TMath::Cos(phiDelta)*TMath::Sin(phiM)+TMath::Cos(thetaM)*TMath::Sin(phiDelta)*TMath::Cos(phiM))+(alpha* e/(betaM*betaM))*TMath::Sin(thetaM)*TMath::Sin(phiDelta)); return TMath::Sqrt(0.2*0.2*dtdxc*dtdxc + 0.25*0.25*dtdyc*dtdyc); } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Double_t AliRICHParam::ErrCrom(Double_t thetaC, Double_t phiC, Double_t thetaM, Double_t phiM, Double_t betaM) { // Analithical calculation of chromatic error (due to lack of knowledge of Cerenkov photon energy) on Cerenkov angle for a given Cerenkov photon // created by a given MIP. Fromulae according to CERN-EP-2000-058 // Arguments: Cerenkov and azimuthal angles for Cerenkov photon, [radians] // dip and azimuthal angles for MIP taken at the entrance to radiator, [radians] // MIP beta // Returns: absolute error on Cerenkov angle, [radians] Double_t phiDelta = phiC - phiM; Double_t refC6F14m = 1.29337; Double_t alpha =TMath::Cos(thetaM)-TMath::Tan(thetaC)*TMath::Cos(phiDelta)*TMath::Sin(thetaM); //cout << "alpha : "<