/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ #include "AliRICHSDigit.h" #include "AliRICHDigit.h" #include "AliRICHRawCluster.h" #include "AliRICHRecHit1D.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliDetector.h" #include "AliRICH.h" #include "AliRICHPoints.h" #include "AliSegmentation.h" #include "AliRICHPatRec.h" #include "AliRICH.h" #include "AliRICHConst.h" #include "AliRICHPoints.h" #include "AliConst.h" #include "AliHitMap.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(AliRICHPatRec) //___________________________________________ AliRICHPatRec::AliRICHPatRec() : TObject() { // Default constructor //fChambers = 0; } //___________________________________________ AliRICHPatRec::AliRICHPatRec(const char *name, const char *title) : TObject() { //Constructor for Bari's pattern recogniton method object } void AliRICHPatRec::PatRec() { // Pattern recognition algorithm AliRICHChamber* iChamber; AliSegmentation* segmentation; Int_t ntracks, ndigits[kNCH]; Int_t itr, ich, i; Int_t goodPhotons; Int_t x,y,q; Float_t rx,ry,rz; Int_t nent,status; Int_t padsUsedX[100]; Int_t padsUsedY[100]; Float_t rechit[7]; //printf("PatRec started\n"); AliRICH *pRICH = (AliRICH*)gAlice->GetDetector("RICH"); TTree *treeH = pRICH->TreeH(); ntracks =(Int_t) treeH->GetEntries(); // ntracks = 1; for (itr=0; itrFill(fTrackLoc[0],fTrackLoc[1],100.); iChamber = &(pRICH->Chamber(ich)); segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(); nent=(Int_t)gAlice->TreeD()->GetEntries(); gAlice->TreeD()->GetEvent(0); TClonesArray *pDigitss = pRICH->DigitsAddress(ich); ndigits[ich] = pDigitss->GetEntriesFast(); printf("Digits in chamber %d: %d\n",ich,ndigits[ich]); AliRICHDigit *padI = 0; goodPhotons = 0; for (Int_t dig=0;digUncheckedAt(dig); x=padI->PadX(); y=padI->PadY(); q=padI->Signal(); segmentation->GetPadC(x,y,rx,ry,rz); //printf("Pad coordinates x:%d, Real coordinates x:%f\n",x,rx); //printf("Pad coordinates y:%d, Real coordinates y:%f\n",y,ry); fXpad = rx-fXshift; fYpad = ry-fYshift; fQpad = q; fCerenkovAnglePad = PhotonCerenkovAngle(); if(fCerenkovAnglePad==-999) continue; if(!PhotonInBand()) continue; Int_t xpad; Int_t ypad; segmentation->GetPadI(fXpad,fYpad,0,xpad,ypad); padsUsedX[goodPhotons]=xpad; padsUsedY[goodPhotons]=ypad; goodPhotons++; fEtaPhotons[goodPhotons-1] = fCerenkovAnglePad; } fNumEtaPhotons = goodPhotons; BackgroundEstimation(); HoughResponse(); //CerenkovRingDrawing(); rechit[0] = 0; rechit[1] = 0; rechit[2] = fThetaCerenkov; rechit[3] = fXshift + fTrackLoc[0]; rechit[4] = fYshift + fTrackLoc[1]; rechit[5] = fEmissPoint; rechit[6] = goodPhotons; //printf("Center coordinates:%f %f\n",rechit[3],rechit[4]); pRICH->AddRecHit1D(ich,rechit,fEtaPhotons,padsUsedX,padsUsedY); } gAlice->TreeR()->Fill(); TClonesArray *fRec; for (i=0;iRecHitsAddress1D(i); int ndig=fRec->GetEntriesFast(); printf ("Chamber %d, rings %d\n",i,ndig); } pRICH->ResetRecHits1D(); } Int_t AliRICHPatRec::TrackParam(Int_t itr, Int_t &ich, Float_t rectheta, Float_t recphi) { // Get Local coordinates of track impact AliRICHChamber* iChamber; AliSegmentation* segmentation; Float_t trackglob[3]; Float_t trackloc[3]; Float_t thetatr; Float_t phitr; Float_t iloss; Float_t part; Float_t pX, pY, pZ; //printf("Calling TrackParam\n"); gAlice->ResetHits(); AliRICH *pRICH = (AliRICH*)gAlice->GetDetector("RICH"); TTree *treeH = pRICH->TreeH(); treeH->GetEvent(itr); AliRICHhit* mHit=(AliRICHhit*)pRICH->FirstHit(-1); if(mHit==0) return 1; ich = mHit->Chamber()-1; trackglob[0] = mHit->X(); trackglob[1] = mHit->Y(); trackglob[2] = mHit->Z(); pX = mHit->MomX(); pY = mHit->MomY(); pZ = mHit->MomZ(); fTrackMom = sqrt(TMath::Power(pX,2)+TMath::Power(pY,2)+TMath::Power(pZ,2)); if(recphi!=0 || rectheta!=0) { thetatr = rectheta; phitr = recphi; } else { thetatr = mHit->Theta()*TMath::Pi()/180; phitr = mHit->Phi()*TMath::Pi()/180; } iloss = mHit->Loss(); part = mHit->Particle(); iChamber = &(pRICH->Chamber(ich)); iChamber->GlobaltoLocal(trackglob,trackloc); segmentation=iChamber->GetSegmentationModel(); // retrieve geometrical params AliRICHGeometry* fGeometry=iChamber->GetGeometryModel(); fRw = fGeometry->GetFreonThickness(); fQw = fGeometry->GetQuartzThickness(); fTgap = fGeometry->GetGapThickness(); Float_t radiatorToPads= fGeometry->GetRadiatorToPads(); //+ fGeometry->GetProximityGapThickness(); //printf("Distance to pads. From geometry:%f, From calculations:%f\n",radiatorToPads,fRw + fQw + fTgap); //Float_t apar = (fRw + fQw + fTgap)*tan(thetatr); Float_t apar = radiatorToPads*tan(thetatr); fTrackLoc[0] = apar*cos(phitr); fTrackLoc[1] = apar*sin(phitr); //fTrackLoc[2] = fRw + fQw + fTgap; fTrackLoc[2] = radiatorToPads; fTrackTheta = thetatr; fTrackPhi = phitr; fXshift = trackloc[0] - fTrackLoc[0]; fYshift = trackloc[2] - fTrackLoc[1]; return 0; } Float_t AliRICHPatRec::EstimationAtLimits(Float_t lim, Float_t radius, Float_t phiphot) { // Estimation of emission point Float_t nquartz = 1.585; Float_t ngas = 1.; Float_t nfreon = 1.295; Float_t value; // printf("Calling EstimationLimits\n"); Float_t apar = (fRw -fEmissPoint + fQw + fTgap)*tan(fTrackTheta); Float_t b1 = (fRw-fEmissPoint)*tan(lim); Float_t b2 = fQw / sqrt(TMath::Power(nquartz,2)-TMath::Power(nfreon*sin(lim),2)); Float_t b3 = fTgap / sqrt(TMath::Power(ngas,2)-TMath::Power(nfreon*sin(lim),2)); Float_t bpar = b1 + nfreon*sin(lim)*(b2+b3); value = TMath::Power(radius,2) -TMath::Power((apar*cos(fTrackPhi)-bpar*cos(phiphot)),2) -TMath::Power((apar*sin(fTrackPhi)-bpar*sin(phiphot)),2); return value; } Float_t AliRICHPatRec::PhotonCerenkovAngle() { // Cherenkov pad angle reconstruction Float_t radius; Float_t cherMin = 0; Float_t cherMax = 0.8; Float_t phiphot; Float_t eps = 0.0001; Int_t niterEmiss = 0; Int_t niterEmissMax = 0; Float_t x1,x2,x3=0,p1,p2,p3; Float_t argY,argX; Int_t niterFun; // printf("Calling PhotonCerenkovAngle\n"); radius = sqrt(TMath::Power(fTrackLoc[0]-fXpad,2)+TMath::Power(fTrackLoc[1]-fYpad,2)); fEmissPoint = fRw/2.; //Start value of EmissionPoint while(niterEmiss<=niterEmissMax) { niterFun = 0; argY = fYpad - fEmissPoint*tan(fTrackTheta)*sin(fTrackPhi); argX = fXpad - fEmissPoint*tan(fTrackTheta)*cos(fTrackPhi); phiphot = atan2(argY,argX); p1 = EstimationAtLimits(cherMin,radius,phiphot); p2 = EstimationAtLimits(cherMax,radius,phiphot); if(p1*p2>0) { // printf("PhotonCerenkovAngle failed\n"); return -999; } //start to find the Cherenkov pad angle x1 = cherMin; x2 = cherMax; x3 = (x1+x2)/2.; p3 = EstimationAtLimits(x3,radius,phiphot); while(TMath::Abs(p3)>eps){ if(p1*p3<0) x2 = x3; if(p1*p3>0) { x1 = x3; p1 = EstimationAtLimits(x1,radius,phiphot); } x3 = (x1+x2)/2.; p3 = EstimationAtLimits(x3,radius,phiphot); niterFun++; if(niterFun>=1000) { // printf(" max iterations in PhotonCerenkovAngle\n"); return x3; } } // printf("niterFun %i \n",niterFun); niterEmiss++; if (niterEmiss != niterEmissMax+1) EmissionPoint(); } /* printf(" phiphot %f fXpad %f fYpad %f fEmiss %f \n", phiphot,fXpad,fYpad,fEmissPoint); */ return x3; } void AliRICHPatRec::EmissionPoint() { // Find emission point Float_t absorbtionLength=7.83*fRw; //absorption length in the freon (cm) // 7.83 = -1/ln(T0) where // T0->Trasmission freon at 180nm = 0.88 (Eph=6.85eV) Float_t photonLength, photonLengthMin, photonLengthMax; photonLength=exp(-fRw/(absorbtionLength*cos(fCerenkovAnglePad))); photonLengthMin=fRw*photonLength/(1.-photonLength); photonLengthMax=absorbtionLength*cos(fCerenkovAnglePad); fEmissPoint = fRw + photonLengthMin - photonLengthMax; } void AliRICHPatRec::PhotonSelection(Int_t track, Int_t &nphot, Float_t &thetamean) { // not implemented yet printf("Calling PhotonSelection\n"); } void AliRICHPatRec::BackgroundEstimation() { // estimate background noise Float_t stepEta = 0.001; Float_t etaMinBkg = 0.72; Float_t etaMaxBkg = 0.75; Float_t etaMin = 0.; Float_t etaMax = 0.75; Float_t ngas = 1.; Float_t nfreon = 1.295; Float_t etaStepMin,etaStepMax,etaStepAvg; Int_t i,ip,nstep; Int_t numPhotBkg, numPhotonStep; Float_t funBkg,areaBkg,normBkg; Float_t densityBkg,storeBkg,numStore; Float_t thetaSig; numPhotBkg = 0; areaBkg = 0.; nstep = (int)((etaMaxBkg-etaMinBkg)/stepEta); for (i=0;ietaMinBkg && fEtaPhotons[i]etaStepMin && fEtaPhotons[ip]50) { numStore = 0; storeBkg = 0.; } } if (numPhotonStep == 0) continue; for (ip=0;ipetaStepMin && fEtaPhotons[ip]=bandradius[0] && padradius<=bandradius[1]) return 1; return 0; } Float_t AliRICHPatRec::DistanceFromMip(Float_t nfreon, Float_t nquartz, Float_t emissPointLength, Float_t thetacer, Float_t phpad, Float_t pointsOnCathode[3], Float_t rectheta, Float_t recphi) { // Find the distance to MIP impact Float_t distanceValue; TVector3 radExitPhot(1,1,1);//photon impact at the radiator exit with respect //to local reference sistem with the origin in the MIP entrance TVector3 vectEmissPointLength(1,1,1); Float_t magEmissPointLenght; TVector3 radExitPhot2(1,1,1);//photon impact at the radiator exit with respect Float_t magRadExitPhot2; //to a reference sistem with origin in the photon emission point and //axes parallel to the MIP reference sistem TVector3 quarExitPhot(1,1,1);//photon impact at the quartz exit with respect Float_t magQuarExitPhot; // TVector3 gapExitPhot(1,1,1) ; Float_t magGapExitPhot; // TVector3 PhotocatExitPhot(1,1,1); Double_t theta2; Double_t thetarad , phirad ; Double_t thetaquar, phiquar; Double_t thetagap , phigap ; Float_t ngas = 1.; magEmissPointLenght = emissPointLength/cos(rectheta); vectEmissPointLength.SetMag(magEmissPointLenght); vectEmissPointLength.SetTheta(rectheta); vectEmissPointLength.SetPhi(recphi); radExitPhot2.SetTheta(thetacer); radExitPhot2.SetPhi(phpad); TRotation r1; TRotation r2; TRotation r; r1. RotateY(rectheta); r2. RotateZ(recphi); r = r2 * r1;//rotation about the y axis by MIP theta incidence angle //following by a rotation about the z axis by MIP phi incidence angle; radExitPhot2 = r * radExitPhot2; theta2 = radExitPhot2.Theta(); magRadExitPhot2 = (fRw - vectEmissPointLength(2))/cos(theta2); radExitPhot2.SetMag(magRadExitPhot2); radExitPhot = vectEmissPointLength + radExitPhot2; thetarad = radExitPhot.Theta(); phirad = radExitPhot.Phi(); //check on the original file // thetaquar = SnellAngle( nfreon, nquartz, theta2); phiquar = radExitPhot2.Phi(); if(thetaquar == 999.) return thetaquar; magQuarExitPhot = fQw/cos(thetaquar); quarExitPhot.SetMag( magQuarExitPhot); quarExitPhot.SetTheta(thetaquar); quarExitPhot.SetPhi(phiquar); thetagap = SnellAngle( nquartz, ngas, thetaquar); phigap = phiquar; if(thetagap == 999.) return thetagap; magGapExitPhot = fTgap/cos(thetagap); gapExitPhot.SetMag( magGapExitPhot); gapExitPhot.SetTheta(thetagap); gapExitPhot.SetPhi(phigap); PhotocatExitPhot = radExitPhot + quarExitPhot + gapExitPhot; distanceValue = sqrt(TMath::Power(PhotocatExitPhot(0),2) +TMath::Power(PhotocatExitPhot(1),2)); pointsOnCathode[0] = (Float_t) PhotocatExitPhot(0) + fXshift - fTrackLoc[0]; pointsOnCathode[1] = (Float_t) PhotocatExitPhot(1) + fYshift - fTrackLoc[1]; pointsOnCathode[2] = (Float_t) PhotocatExitPhot(2); //printf(" point in Distance.2. %f %f %f \n",pointsOnCathode[0],pointsOnCathode[1],pointsOnCathode[2]); return distanceValue; } Float_t AliRICHPatRec::PhiPad(Float_t rectheta, Float_t recphi) { // ?? Float_t zpad; Float_t thetapad, phipad; Float_t thetarot, phirot; zpad = fRw + fQw + fTgap; TVector3 photonPad(fXpad, fYpad, zpad); thetapad = photonPad.Theta(); phipad = photonPad.Phi(); TRotation r1; TRotation r2; TRotation r; thetarot = - rectheta; phirot = - recphi; r1. RotateZ(phirot); r2. RotateY(thetarot); r = r2 * r1;//rotation about the z axis by MIP -phi incidence angle //following by a rotation about the y axis by MIP -theta incidence angle; photonPad = r * photonPad; phipad = photonPad.Phi(); return phipad; } Float_t AliRICHPatRec:: SnellAngle(Float_t n1, Float_t n2, Float_t theta1) { // Compute the Snell angle Float_t sinrefractangle; Float_t refractangle; sinrefractangle = (n1/n2)*sin(theta1); if(sinrefractangle>1.) { refractangle = 999.; return refractangle; } refractangle = asin(sinrefractangle); return refractangle; } Float_t AliRICHPatRec::CherenkovAngle(Float_t n, Float_t beta) { // Compute the cerenkov angle Float_t thetacer; if((n*beta)<1.) { thetacer = 999.; return thetacer; } thetacer = acos (1./(n*beta)); return thetacer; } Float_t AliRICHPatRec::BetaCerenkov(Float_t n, Float_t theta) { // Find beta Float_t beta; beta = 1./(n*cos(theta)); return beta; } void AliRICHPatRec::HoughResponse() { // Implement Hough response pat. rec. method int bin=0; int bin1=0; int bin2=0; int i, j, k, nCorrBand; int etaBin = 750; float hcs[750]; float angle, thetaCerMean; float etaPeak[30]; float etaMin = 0.00; float etaMax = 0.75; float stepEta = 0.001; float windowEta = 0.040; int nBin; float etaPeakPos = -1; Int_t etaPeakCount = -1; thetaCerMean = 0.; fThetaCerenkov = 0.; nBin = (int)(0.5+etaMax/(stepEta)); nCorrBand = (int)(0.5+ windowEta/(2 * stepEta)); memset ((void *)hcs, 0, etaBin*sizeof(int)); for (k=0; k< fNumEtaPhotons; k++) { angle = fEtaPhotons[k]; if (angle>=etaMin && angle<= etaMax) { bin = (int)(0.5+angle/(stepEta)); bin1= bin-nCorrBand; bin2= bin+nCorrBand; if (bin1<0) bin1=0; if (bin2>nBin) bin2=nBin; for (j=bin1; j etaPeakPos) { etaPeakCount = 0; etaPeakPos = hcs[bin]; etaPeak[0]=angle; } else { if (hcs[bin] == etaPeakPos) { etaPeak[++etaPeakCount] = angle; } } } for (i=0; i=0) { fThetaCerenkov /= etaPeakCount+1; fThetaPeakPos = etaPeakPos; } } void AliRICHPatRec::HoughFiltering(float hcs[]) { // hough filtering float hcsFilt[750]; float k[5] = {0.05, 0.25, 0.4, 0.25, 0.05}; int nx, i, nxDx; int sizeHCS; int nBin; int etaBin = 750; float etaMax = 0.75; float stepEta = 0.001; nBin = (int)(1+etaMax/stepEta); sizeHCS = etaBin*sizeof(float); memset ((void *)hcsFilt, 0, sizeHCS); for (nx = 0; nx < nBin; nx++) { for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { nxDx = nx + (i-2); if (nxDx> -1 && nxDx