/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Manager and hits classes for set: RICH full version // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Riostream.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliConst.h" #include "AliPDG.h" #include "AliRICHHit.h" #include "AliRICHv2.h" #include "AliRun.h" ClassImp(AliRICHv2) //___________________________________________ AliRICHv2::AliRICHv2() { // Default constructor fo AliRICHvv2 (full version) //fChambers = 0; } //___________________________________________ AliRICHv2::AliRICHv2(const char *name, const char *title) : AliRICH(name,title) { // Full version of RICH with hits and diagnostics, CONFIURABLE fCkovNumber=0; fFreonProd=0; fChambers = new TObjArray(kNCH); for (Int_t i=0; iInit(i); } // // Set the chamber (sensitive region) GEANT identifier ((AliRICHChamber*)(*fChambers)[0])->SetGid(1); ((AliRICHChamber*)(*fChambers)[1])->SetGid(2); ((AliRICHChamber*)(*fChambers)[2])->SetGid(3); ((AliRICHChamber*)(*fChambers)[3])->SetGid(4); ((AliRICHChamber*)(*fChambers)[4])->SetGid(5); ((AliRICHChamber*)(*fChambers)[5])->SetGid(6); ((AliRICHChamber*)(*fChambers)[6])->SetGid(7); segmentation=Chamber(0).GetSegmentationModel(0); geometry=Chamber(0).GetGeometryModel(); response=Chamber(0).GetResponseModel(); Float_t offset = 490 + 1.276 - geometry->GetGapThickness()/2; //distance from center of mother volume to methane Float_t deltaphi = 19.5; //phi angle between center of chambers - z direction Float_t deltatheta = 20; //theta angle between center of chambers - x direction Float_t cosphi = TMath::Cos(deltaphi*TMath::Pi()/180); Float_t sinphi = TMath::Sin(deltaphi*TMath::Pi()/180); Float_t costheta = TMath::Cos(deltatheta*TMath::Pi()/180); Float_t sintheta = TMath::Sin(deltatheta*TMath::Pi()/180); Float_t pos1[3]={0. , offset*cosphi , offset*sinphi}; Float_t pos2[3]={offset*sintheta , offset*costheta , 0. }; Float_t pos3[3]={0. , offset , 0.}; Float_t pos4[3]={-offset*sintheta , offset*costheta , 0.}; Float_t pos5[3]={offset*sinphi , offset*costheta*cosphi, -offset*sinphi}; Float_t pos6[3]={0. , offset*cosphi , -offset*sinphi}; Float_t pos7[3]={ -offset*sinphi , offset*costheta*cosphi, -offset*sinphi}; Chamber(0).SetChamberTransform(pos1[0],pos1[1],pos1[2],new TRotMatrix("rot993","rot993",90., 0. , 90. - deltaphi, 90. , deltaphi, -90. )); Chamber(1).SetChamberTransform(pos2[0],pos2[1],pos2[2],new TRotMatrix("rot994","rot994",90., -deltatheta , 90. , 90.- deltatheta , 0. , 0. )); Chamber(2).SetChamberTransform(pos3[0],pos3[1],pos3[2],new TRotMatrix("rot995","rot995",90., 0. , 90. , 90. , 0. , 0. )); Chamber(3).SetChamberTransform(pos4[0],pos4[1],pos4[2],new TRotMatrix("rot996","rot996",90., deltatheta , 90. , 90 + deltatheta , 0. , 0. )); Chamber(4).SetChamberTransform(pos5[0],pos5[1],pos5[2],new TRotMatrix("rot997","rot997",90., 360. - deltatheta, 108.2 , 90.- deltatheta ,18.2 , 90 - deltatheta)); Chamber(5).SetChamberTransform(pos6[0],pos6[1],pos6[2],new TRotMatrix("rot998","rot998",90., 0. , 90 + deltaphi , 90. , deltaphi, 90. )); Chamber(6).SetChamberTransform(pos7[0],pos7[1],pos7[2],new TRotMatrix("rot999","rot999",90., deltatheta , 108.2 , 90.+ deltatheta ,18.2 , 90 + deltatheta)); if(fDebug) { printf("%s: * Pads : %3dx%3d *\n", ClassName(),segmentation->Npx(),segmentation->Npy()); printf("%s: * Pad size : %5.2f x%5.2f mm2 *\n", ClassName(),segmentation->Dpx(),segmentation->Dpy()); printf("%s: * Gap Thickness : %5.1f cm *\n", ClassName(),geometry->GetGapThickness()); printf("%s: * Radiator Width : %5.1f cm *\n", ClassName(),geometry->GetQuartzWidth()); printf("%s: * Radiator Length : %5.1f cm *\n", ClassName(),geometry->GetQuartzLength()); printf("%s: * Freon Thickness : %5.1f cm *\n", ClassName(),geometry->GetFreonThickness()); printf("%s: * Charge Slope : %5.1f ADC *\n", ClassName(),response->ChargeSlope()); printf("%s: * Feedback Prob. : %5.2f %% *\n", ClassName(),response->AlphaFeedback()*100); printf("%s: * Debug Level : %3d *\n", ClassName(),GetDebugLevel()); printf("%s: * *\n", ClassName()); printf("%s: *********************************************************************************\n", ClassName()); } }