void RICHpadtest (Int_t diaglevel,Int_t evNumber1=0,Int_t evNumber2=0) { // Diaglevel // 1-> Single Ring Hits // 2-> Single Ring Spectra // 3-> Single Ring Statistics // 4-> Single Ring Reconstruction // 5-> Full Event Hits ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This macro is a small example of a ROOT macro // illustrating how to read the output of GALICE // and do some analysis. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// gClassTable->GetID("AliRun"); // Dynamically link some shared libs if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C"); loadlibs(); }else { delete gAlice; gAlice = 0; } gAlice=0; // Connect the Root Galice file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("galice.root"); if (!file) file = new TFile("galice.root","UPDATE"); // Get AliRun object from file or create it if not on file if (!gAlice) { gAlice = (AliRun*)file->Get("gAlice"); if (gAlice) printf("AliRun object found on file\n"); if (!gAlice) gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program"); } else { delete gAlice; gAlice = (AliRun*)file->Get("gAlice"); if (gAlice) printf("AliRun object found on file\n"); if (!gAlice) gAlice = new AliRun("gAlice","Alice test program"); } AliRICH *RICH = (AliRICH*)gAlice->GetDetector("RICH"); RICH->DiagnosticsSE(diaglevel,evNumber1,evNumber2); file->Write(); // Create some histograms /* AliRICH *RICH = (AliRICH*)gAlice->GetDetector("RICH"); AliRICHSegmentationV0* segmentation; AliRICHChamber* chamber; chamber = &(RICH->Chamber(0)); segmentation=(AliRICHSegmentationV0*) chamber->GetSegmentationModel(0); Int_t NpadX = segmentation->Npx(); // number of pads on X Int_t NpadY = segmentation->Npy(); // number of pads on Y Int_t Pad[144][160]; //for (Int_t i=0;iGetEvent(nev); //cout<<"nev "<TreeR()) { Int_t nent=(Int_t)gAlice->TreeR()->GetEntries(); gAlice->TreeR()->GetEvent(nent-1); TClonesArray *Rawclusters = RICH->RawClustAddress(2); // Raw clusters branch //printf ("Rawclusters:%p",Rawclusters); Int_t nrawclusters = Rawclusters->GetEntriesFast(); //printf (" nrawclusters:%d\n",nrawclusters); gAlice->TreeR()->GetEvent(nent-1); TClonesArray *RecHits1D = RICH->RecHitsAddress1D(2); Int_t nrechits1D = RecHits1D->GetEntriesFast(); //printf (" nrechits:%d\n",nrechits); TClonesArray *RecHits3D = RICH->RecHitsAddress3D(2); Int_t nrechits3D = RecHits3D->GetEntriesFast(); //printf (" nrechits:%d\n",nrechits); } else printf("No TreeR found on file.\n"); TTree *TH = gAlice->TreeH(); Int_t ntracks = TH->GetEntries(); gAlice->ResetDigits(); Int_t nent=(Int_t)gAlice->TreeD()->GetEntries(); gAlice->TreeD()->GetEvent(0); // Start loop on tracks in the hits containers Int_t Nc=0; for (Int_t track=0; trackResetHits(); Int_t nbytes += TH->GetEvent(track); if (RICH) { //RICH->ResetRawClusters(); TClonesArray *SDigits = RICH->SDigits(); // Cluster branch TClonesArray *Hits = RICH->Hits(); // Hits branch TClonesArray *Cerenkovs = RICH->Cerenkovs(); // Cerenkovs branch } //see hits distribution Int_t nhits = Hits->GetEntriesFast(); if (nhits) Nh+=nhits; printf("Hits : %d\n",nhits); for (Int_t hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); Int_t nch = mHit->fChamber; // chamber number Float_t x = mHit->X(); // x-pos of hit Float_t y = mHit->Z(); // y-pos Float_t phi = mHit->fPhi; //Phi angle of incidence Float_t theta = mHit->fTheta; //Theta angle of incidence Int_t index = mHit->Track(); Int_t particle = mHit->fParticle; Int_t freon = mHit->fLoss; hitsX->Fill(x,(float) 1); hitsY->Fill(y,(float) 1); //printf("Particle:%9d\n",particle); TParticle *current = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(index); //printf("Particle type: %d\n",sizeoff(Particles)); hitsTheta->Fill(theta,(float) 1); if (RICH->GetDebugLevel() == -1) //printf("Theta:%f, Phi:%f\n",theta,phi); //printf("Debug Level:%d\n",RICH->GetDebugLevel()); if (TMath::Abs(particle) < 10000000) { mip->Fill(x,y,(float) 1); //printf("adding mip\n"); if (current->Energy() - current->GetCalcMass()>1 && freon==1) { hitsPhi->Fill(phi,(float) 1); //hitsTheta->Fill(theta,(float) 1); //printf("Theta:%f, Phi:%f\n",theta,phi); } } if (TMath::Abs(particle)==211 || TMath::Abs(particle)==111) { pionspectra->Fill(current->Energy() - current->GetCalcMass(),(float) 1); } if (TMath::Abs(particle)==2212) { protonspectra->Fill(current->Energy() - current->GetCalcMass(),(float) 1); } if (TMath::Abs(particle)==321 || TMath::Abs(particle)==130 || TMath::Abs(particle)==310 || TMath::Abs(particle)==311) { kaonspectra->Fill(current->Energy() - current->GetCalcMass(),(float) 1); } if(TMath::Abs(particle)==211 || TMath::Abs(particle)==2212 || TMath::Abs(particle)==321) { if (current->Energy() - current->GetCalcMass()>1) chargedspectra->Fill(current->Energy() - current->GetCalcMass(),(float) 1); } //printf("Hits:%d\n",hit); //printf ("Chamber number:%d x:%f y:%f\n",nch,x,y); // Fill the histograms Nh1+=nhits; h->Fill(x,y,(float) 1); //} //} } Int_t ncerenkovs = Cerenkovs->GetEntriesFast(); //if (current->GetPdgCode() < 50000051 && current->GetPdgCode() > 50000040) //totalphotonsevent->Fill(ncerenkovs,(float) 1); if (ncerenkovs) { printf("Cerenkovs : %d\n",ncerenkovs); totalphotonsevent->Fill(ncerenkovs,(float) 1); for (Int_t hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); Int_t nchamber = cHit->fChamber; // chamber number Int_t index = cHit->Track(); Int_t pindex = cHit->fIndex; Float_t cx = cHit->X(); // x-position Float_t cy = cHit->Z(); // y-position Int_t cmother = cHit->fCMother; // Index of mother particle Int_t closs = cHit->fLoss; // How did the particle get lost? //printf ("Cerenkov hit number %d/%d, X:%d, Y:%d\n",hit,ncerenkovs,cx,cy); //printf("Particle:%9d\n",current->GetPdgCode()); TParticle *current = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(index); Float_t energyckov = current->Energy(); if (current->GetPdgCode() == 50000051) { if (closs==4) { feedback->Fill(cx,cy,(float) 1); feed++; } } if (current->GetPdgCode() == 50000050) { if (closs !=4) { phspectra2->Fill(energyckov*1e9,(float) 1); } if (closs==4) { cerenkov->Fill(cx,cy,(float) 1); printf ("Cerenkov hit number %d/%d, X:%d, Y:%d\n",hit,ncerenkovs,cx,cy); TParticle *MIP = (TParticle*)gAlice->Particle(cmother); mipHit = (AliRICHHit*) Hits->UncheckedAt(0); mom[0] = current->Px(); mom[1] = current->Py(); mom[2] = current->Pz(); //mom[0] = cHit->fMomX; // mom[1] = cHit->fMomZ; //mom[2] = cHit->fMomY; Float_t energymip = MIP->Energy(); Float_t Mip_px = mipHit->fMomFreoX; Float_t Mip_py = mipHit->fMomFreoY; Float_t Mip_pz = mipHit->fMomFreoZ; //Float_t Mip_px = MIP->Px(); //Float_t Mip_py = MIP->Py(); //Float_t Mip_pz = MIP->Pz(); Float_t r = mom[0]*mom[0] + mom[1]*mom[1] + mom[2]*mom[2]; Float_t rt = TMath::Sqrt(r); Float_t Mip_r = Mip_px*Mip_px + Mip_py*Mip_py + Mip_pz*Mip_pz; Float_t Mip_rt = TMath::Sqrt(Mip_r); Float_t coscerenkov = (mom[0]*Mip_px + mom[1]*Mip_py + mom[2]*Mip_pz)/(rt*Mip_rt+0.0000001); Float_t cherenkov = TMath::ACos(coscerenkov); ckovangle->Fill(cherenkov,(float) 1); //Cerenkov angle calculus //printf("Cherenkov: %f\n",cherenkov); Float_t ckphi=TMath::ATan2(mom[0], mom[2]); hckphi->Fill(ckphi,(float) 1); Float_t mix = MIP->Vx(); Float_t miy = MIP->Vy(); Float_t mx = mipHit->X(); Float_t my = mipHit->Z(); //printf("FX %e, FY %e, VX %e, VY %e\n",cx,cy,mx,my); Float_t dx = cx - mx; Float_t dy = cy - my; //printf("Dx:%f, Dy:%f\n",dx,dy); Float_t final_radius = TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); //printf("Final radius:%f\n",final_radius); radius->Fill(final_radius,(float) 1); phspectra1->Fill(energyckov*1e9,(float) 1); phot++; } for (Int_t nmothers=0;nmothers<=ntracks;nmothers++){ if (cmother == nmothers){ if (closs == 4) mothers2[cmother]++; mothers[cmother]++; } } } } } if (nrawclusters) { printf("Raw Clusters : %d\n",nrawclusters); for (Int_t hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); //Int_t nchamber = rcHit->fChamber; // chamber number //Int_t nhit = cHit->fHitNumber; // hit number Int_t qtot = rcHit->fQ; // charge Int_t fx = rcHit->fX; // x-position Int_t fy = rcHit->fY; // y-position Int_t type = rcHit->fCtype; // cluster type ? Int_t mult = rcHit->fMultiplicity; // How many pads form the cluster pads += mult; if (qtot > 0) { //printf ("fx: %d, fy: %d\n",fx,fy); if (fx>(x-4) && fx<(x+4) && fy>(y-4) && fy<(y+4)) { //printf("There %d \n",mult); padmip+=mult; } else { padnumber->Fill(mult,(float) 1); nraw++; if (mult<4) Clcharge->Fill(qtot,(float) 1); } } } } if(nrechits1D) { for (Int_t hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); Float_t r_omega = recHit1D->fOmega; // Cerenkov angle Float_t *cer_pho = recHit1D->fCerPerPhoton; // Cerenkov angle per photon Int_t *padsx = recHit1D->fPadsUsedX; // Pads Used fo reconstruction (x) Int_t *padsy = recHit1D->fPadsUsedY; // Pads Used fo reconstruction (y) Int_t goodPhotons = recHit1D->fGoodPhotons; // Number of pads used for reconstruction Omega1D->Fill(r_omega,(float) 1); for (Int_t i=0; iFill(cer_pho[i],(float) 1); PadsUsed->Fill(padsx[i],padsy[i],1); //printf("Angle:%f, pad: %d %d\n",cer_pho[i],padsx[i],padsy[i]); } //printf("Omega: %f, Theta: %f, Phi: %f\n",r_omega,r_theta,r_phi); } } if(nrechits3D) { for (Int_t hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); Float_t r_omega = recHit3D->fOmega; // Cerenkov angle Float_t r_theta = recHit3D->fTheta; // Theta angle of incidence Float_t r_phi = recHit3D->fPhi; // Phi angle if incidence Omega3D->Fill(r_omega,(float) 1); Theta->Fill(r_theta*180/TMath::Pi(),(float) 1); Phi->Fill(r_phi*180/TMath::Pi(),(float) 1); } } } for (Int_t nmothers=0;nmothersFill(mothers[nmothers],(float) 1); mother->Fill(mothers2[nmothers],(float) 1); //printf ("Entries in %d : %d\n",nmothers, mothers[nmothers]); } clusev->Fill(nraw,(float) 1); photev->Fill(phot,(float) 1); feedev->Fill(feed,(float) 1); padsmip->Fill(padmip,(float) 1); padscl->Fill(pads,(float) 1); //printf("Photons:%d\n",phot); phot = 0; feed = 0; pads = 0; nraw=0; padmip=0; if (diaglevel < 4) { TClonesArray *Digits = RICH->DigitsAddress(2); Int_t ndigits = Digits->GetEntriesFast(); printf("Digits : %d\n",ndigits); padsev->Fill(ndigits,(float) 1); for (Int_t hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); Int_t qtot = dHit->fSignal; // charge Int_t ipx = dHit->fPadX; // pad number on X Int_t ipy = dHit->fPadY; // pad number on Y //printf("%d, %d\n",ipx,ipy); if( ipx<=100 && ipy <=100) hc0->Fill(ipx,ipy,(float) qtot); } } if (diaglevel == 5) { for (Int_t ich=0;ich<7;ich++) { TClonesArray *Digits = RICH->DigitsAddress(ich); // Raw clusters branch Int_t ndigits = Digits->GetEntriesFast(); //printf("Digits:%d\n",ndigits); padsev->Fill(ndigits,(float) 1); if (ndigits) { for (Int_t hit=0;hitUncheckedAt(hit); //Int_t nchamber = dHit->fChamber; // chamber number //Int_t nhit = dHit->fHitNumber; // hit number Int_t qtot = dHit->fSignal; // charge Int_t ipx = dHit->fPadX; // pad number on X Int_t ipy = dHit->fPadY; // pad number on Y //Int_t iqpad = dHit->fQpad; // charge per pad //Int_t rpad = dHit->fRSec; // R-position of pad //printf ("Pad hit, PadX:%d, PadY:%d\n",ipx,ipy); if( ipx<=100 && ipy <=100 && ich==2) hc0->Fill(ipx,ipy,(float) qtot); if( ipx<=162 && ipy <=162 && ich==0) hc1->Fill(ipx,ipy,(float) qtot); if( ipx<=162 && ipy <=162 && ich==1) hc2->Fill(ipx,ipy,(float) qtot); if( ipx<=162 && ipy <=162 && ich==2) hc3->Fill(ipx,ipy,(float) qtot); if( ipx<=162 && ipy <=162 && ich==3) hc4->Fill(ipx,ipy,(float) qtot); if( ipx<=162 && ipy <=162 && ich==4) hc5->Fill(ipx,ipy,(float) qtot); if( ipx<=162 && ipy <=162 && ich==5) hc6->Fill(ipx,ipy,(float) qtot); if( ipx<=162 && ipy <=162 && ich==6) hc7->Fill(ipx,ipy,(float) qtot); } } } } } //Create canvases, set the view range, show histograms switch(diaglevel) { case 1: TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Alice RICH digits",50,50,300,350); hc0->SetXTitle("ix (npads)"); hc0->Draw("box"); // TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4","Hits per type",100,100,600,700); c4->Divide(2,2); //c4->SetFillColor(42); c4->cd(1); feedback->SetXTitle("x (cm)"); feedback->SetYTitle("y (cm)"); feedback->Draw(); c4->cd(2); //mip->SetFillColor(5); mip->SetXTitle("x (cm)"); mip->SetYTitle("y (cm)"); mip->Draw(); c4->cd(3); //cerenkov->SetFillColor(5); cerenkov->SetXTitle("x (cm)"); cerenkov->SetYTitle("y (cm)"); cerenkov->Draw(); c4->cd(4); //h->SetFillColor(5); h->SetXTitle("x (cm)"); h->SetYTitle("y (cm)"); h->Draw(); TCanvas *c10 = new TCanvas("c10","Hits distribution",150,150,600,350); c10->Divide(2,1); //c10->SetFillColor(42); c10->cd(1); hitsX->SetFillColor(5); hitsX->SetXTitle("(cm)"); hitsX->Draw(); c10->cd(2); hitsY->SetFillColor(5); hitsY->SetXTitle("(cm)"); hitsY->Draw(); break; // case 2: TCanvas *c6 = new TCanvas("c6","Photon Spectra",50,50,600,350); c6->Divide(2,1); //c6->SetFillColor(42); c6->cd(1); phspectra2->SetFillColor(5); phspectra2->SetXTitle("energy (eV)"); phspectra2->Draw(); c6->cd(2); phspectra1->SetFillColor(5); phspectra1->SetXTitle("energy (eV)"); phspectra1->Draw(); TCanvas *c9 = new TCanvas("c9","Particles Spectra",100,100,600,700); c9->Divide(2,2); //c9->SetFillColor(42); c9->cd(1); pionspectra->SetFillColor(5); pionspectra->SetXTitle("(GeV)"); pionspectra->Draw(); c9->cd(2); protonspectra->SetFillColor(5); protonspectra->SetXTitle("(GeV)"); protonspectra->Draw(); c9->cd(3); kaonspectra->SetFillColor(5); kaonspectra->SetXTitle("(GeV)"); kaonspectra->Draw(); c9->cd(4); chargedspectra->SetFillColor(5); chargedspectra->SetXTitle("(GeV)"); chargedspectra->Draw(); break; case 3: if (nrawclusters) { TCanvas *c3=new TCanvas("c3","Clusters Statistics",50,50,600,700); c3->Divide(2,2); //c3->SetFillColor(42); c3->cd(1); c3_1->SetLogy(); Clcharge->SetFillColor(5); Clcharge->SetXTitle("ADC counts"); if (evNumber2>10) { Clcharge->Fit("expo"); expo->SetLineColor(2); expo->SetLineWidth(3); } Clcharge->Draw(); c3->cd(2); padnumber->SetFillColor(5); padnumber->SetXTitle("(counts)"); padnumber->Draw(); c3->cd(3); clusev->SetFillColor(5); clusev->SetXTitle("(counts)"); if (evNumber2>10) { clusev->Fit("gaus"); gaus->SetLineColor(2); gaus->SetLineWidth(3); } clusev->Draw(); c3->cd(4); padsmip->SetFillColor(5); padsmip->SetXTitle("(counts)"); padsmip->Draw(); } if (nev<1) { TCanvas *c11 = new TCanvas("c11","Cherenkov per Mip",400,10,600,700); mother->SetFillColor(5); mother->SetXTitle("counts"); mother->Draw(); } TCanvas *c7 = new TCanvas("c7","Production Statistics",100,100,600,700); c7->Divide(2,2); //c7->SetFillColor(42); c7->cd(1); totalphotonsevent->SetFillColor(5); totalphotonsevent->SetXTitle("Photons (counts)"); if (evNumber2>10) { totalphotonsevent->Fit("gaus"); gaus->SetLineColor(2); gaus->SetLineWidth(3); } totalphotonsevent->Draw(); c7->cd(2); photev->SetFillColor(5); photev->SetXTitle("(counts)"); if (evNumber2>10) { photev->Fit("gaus"); gaus->SetLineColor(2); gaus->SetLineWidth(3); } photev->Draw(); c7->cd(3); feedev->SetFillColor(5); feedev->SetXTitle("(counts)"); if (evNumber2>10) { feedev->Fit("gaus"); gaus->SetLineColor(2); gaus->SetLineWidth(3); } feedev->Draw(); c7->cd(4); padsev->SetFillColor(5); padsev->SetXTitle("(counts)"); if (evNumber2>10) { padsev->Fit("gaus"); gaus->SetLineColor(2); gaus->SetLineWidth(3); } padsev->Draw(); break; case 4: TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","Angles of incidence",50,50,600,700); c2->Divide(2,2); //c2->SetFillColor(42); c2->cd(1); hitsPhi->SetFillColor(5); hitsPhi->Draw(); c2->cd(2); hitsTheta->SetFillColor(5); hitsTheta->Draw(); c2->cd(3); Phi->SetFillColor(5); Phi->Draw(); c2->cd(4); Theta->SetFillColor(5); Theta->Draw(); TCanvas *c5 = new TCanvas("c5","Ring Reconstruction",100,100,900,700); c5->Divide(3,3); //c5->SetFillColor(42); c5->cd(1); ckovangle->SetFillColor(5); ckovangle->SetXTitle("angle (radians)"); ckovangle->Draw(); c5->cd(2); radius->SetFillColor(5); radius->SetXTitle("radius (cm)"); radius->Draw(); c5->cd(3); hc0->SetXTitle("pads"); hc0->Draw("box"); c5->cd(5); Omega1D->SetFillColor(5); Omega1D->SetXTitle("angle (radians)"); Omega1D->Draw(); c5->cd(4); PhotonCer->SetFillColor(5); PhotonCer->SetXTitle("angle (radians)"); PhotonCer->Draw(); c5->cd(6); PadsUsed->SetXTitle("pads"); PadsUsed->Draw("box"); c5->cd(7); Omega3D->SetFillColor(5); Omega3D->SetXTitle("angle (radians)"); Omega3D->Draw(); break; case 5: printf("Drawing histograms.../n"); //if (ndigits) //{ TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Alice RICH digits",50,50,1200,700); c1->Divide(4,2); //c1->SetFillColor(42); c1->cd(1); hc1->SetXTitle("ix (npads)"); hc1->Draw("box"); c1->cd(2); hc2->SetXTitle("ix (npads)"); hc2->Draw("box"); c1->cd(3); hc3->SetXTitle("ix (npads)"); hc3->Draw("box"); c1->cd(4); hc4->SetXTitle("ix (npads)"); hc4->Draw("box"); c1->cd(5); hc5->SetXTitle("ix (npads)"); hc5->Draw("box"); c1->cd(6); hc6->SetXTitle("ix (npads)"); hc6->Draw("box"); c1->cd(7); hc7->SetXTitle("ix (npads)"); hc7->Draw("box"); c1->cd(8); hc0->SetXTitle("ix (npads)"); hc0->Draw("box"); //} // TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas("c4","Hits per type",100,100,600,700); c4->Divide(2,2); //c4->SetFillColor(42); c4->cd(1); feedback->SetXTitle("x (cm)"); feedback->SetYTitle("y (cm)"); feedback->Draw(); c4->cd(2); //mip->SetFillColor(5); mip->SetXTitle("x (cm)"); mip->SetYTitle("y (cm)"); mip->Draw(); c4->cd(3); //cerenkov->SetFillColor(5); cerenkov->SetXTitle("x (cm)"); cerenkov->SetYTitle("y (cm)"); cerenkov->Draw(); c4->cd(4); //h->SetFillColor(5); h->SetXTitle("x (cm)"); h->SetYTitle("y (cm)"); h->Draw(); TCanvas *c10 = new TCanvas("c10","Hits distribution",150,150,600,350); c10->Divide(2,1); //c10->SetFillColor(42); c10->cd(1); hitsX->SetFillColor(5); hitsX->SetXTitle("(cm)"); hitsX->Draw(); c10->cd(2); hitsY->SetFillColor(5); hitsY->SetXTitle("(cm)"); hitsY->Draw(); break; } // calculate the number of pads which give a signal Int_t Np=0; //for (Int_t i=0;i< NpadX;i++) { //for (Int_t j=0;j< NpadY;j++) { //if (Pad[i][j]>=6){ //Np+=1; //} //} //} //printf("The total number of pads which give a signal: %d %d\n",Nh,Nh1); printf("\nEnd of macro\n"); printf("**********************************\n");*/ }