/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.81 2007/12/20 14:24:59 jgrosseo Do not increase count in case of StoreError Revision 1.80 2007/12/20 13:31:28 acolla Bug fix (Jan Fiete): recovering from StoreError, if the store to OCDB is successful, the Shuttle sets current detector's status=done Revision 1.79 2007/12/19 14:03:01 acolla detector name to build the lhcPeriod_DET is to be looked in "detector" column, not "partition" Revision 1.78 2007/12/19 11:50:41 acolla Raw data tag merged files is written in /alice/data/.../lhcPeriod_DET/runNb/raw if partition is made of DET only Revision 1.77 2007/12/19 11:16:16 acolla More meaningful log message added in GetFileSources Revision 1.76 2007/12/19 07:45:20 acolla bug fix in the name of the raw tag files (Raw instead of raw) Revision 1.75 2007/12/18 15:42:14 jgrosseo adding number of open runs to monitoring Revision 1.74 2007/12/17 03:23:32 jgrosseo several bugfixes added "empty preprocessor" as placeholder for Acorde in FDR Revision 1.73 2007/12/14 19:31:36 acolla Sending email to DCS experts is temporarily commented Revision 1.72 2007/12/13 15:44:28 acolla Run type added in mail sent to detector expert (eases understanding) Revision 1.71 2007/12/12 14:56:14 jgrosseo sending shuttle_ignore to ML also in case of 0 events Revision 1.70 2007/12/12 13:45:35 acolla Monalisa started in Collect() function. Alive message to monitor is sent at each Collect and every minute during preprocessor processing. Revision 1.69 2007/12/12 10:06:29 acolla in AliShuttle.cxx: SHUTTLE logbook is updated in case of invalid run times: time_start==0 && time_end==0 logbook is NOT updated if time_start != 0 && time_end == 0, because it may mean that the run is still ongoing. Revision 1.68 2007/12/11 10:15:17 acolla Added marking SHUTTLE=DONE for invalid runs (invalid start time or end time) and runs with totalEvents < 1 Revision 1.67 2007/12/07 19:14:36 acolla in AliShuttleTrigger: Added automatic collection of new runs on a regular time basis (settable from the configuration) in AliShuttleConfig: new members - triggerWait: time to wait for DIM trigger (s) before starting automatic collection of new runs - mode: run mode (test, prod) -> used to build log folder (logs or logs_PROD) in AliShuttle: - logs now stored in logs/#RUN/DET_#RUN.log Revision 1.66 2007/12/05 10:45:19 jgrosseo changed order of arguments to TMonaLisaWriter Revision 1.65 2007/11/26 16:58:37 acolla Monalisa configuration added: host and table name Revision 1.64 2007/11/13 16:15:47 acolla DCS map is stored in a file in the temp folder where the detector is processed. If the preprocessor fails, the temp folder is not removed. This will help the debugging of the problem. Revision 1.63 2007/11/02 10:53:16 acolla Protection added to AliShuttle::CopyFileLocally Revision 1.62 2007/10/31 18:23:13 acolla Furter developement on the Shuttle: - Shuttle now connects to the Grid as alidaq. The OCDB and Reference folders are now built from /alice/data, e.g.: /alice/data/2007/LHC07a/OCDB the year and LHC period are taken from the Shuttle. Raw metadata files are stored by GRP to: /alice/data/2007/LHC07a//Raw/RunMetadata.root - Shuttle sends a mail to DCS experts each time DP retrieval fails. Revision 1.61 2007/10/30 20:33:51 acolla Improved managing of temporary folders, which weren't correctly handled. Resolved bug introduced in StoreReferenceFile, which caused SPD preprocessor fail. Revision 1.60 2007/10/29 18:06:16 acolla New function StoreRunMetadataFile added to preprocessor and Shuttle interface This function can be used by GRP only. It stores raw data tags merged file to the raw data folder (e.g. /alice/data/2008/LHC08a/000099999/Raw). KNOWN ISSUES: 1. Shuttle cannot write to /alice/data/ because it belongs to alidaq. Tag file is stored in /alice/simulation/... for the time being. 2. Due to a bug in TAlien::Mkdir, the creation of a folder in recursive mode (-p option) does not work. The problem has been corrected in the root package on the Shuttle machine. Revision 1.59 2007/10/05 12:40:55 acolla Result error code added to AliDCSClient data members (it was "lost" with the new implementation of TMap* GetAliasValues and GetDPValues). Revision 1.58 2007/09/28 15:27:40 acolla AliDCSClient "multiSplit" option added in the DCS configuration in AliDCSMessage: variable MAX_BODY_SIZE set to 500000 Revision 1.57 2007/09/27 16:53:13 acolla Detectors can have more than one AMANDA server. SHUTTLE queries the servers sequentially, merges the dcs aliases/DPs in one TMap and sends it to the preprocessor. Revision 1.56 2007/09/14 16:46:14 jgrosseo 1) Connect and Close are called before and after each query, so one can keep the same AliDCSClient object. 2) The splitting of a query is moved to GetDPValues/GetAliasValues. 3) Splitting interval can be specified in constructor Revision 1.55 2007/08/06 12:26:40 acolla Function Bool_t GetHLTStatus added to preprocessor. It returns the status of HLT read from the run logbook. Revision 1.54 2007/07/12 09:51:25 jgrosseo removed duplicated log message in GetFile Revision 1.53 2007/07/12 09:26:28 jgrosseo updating hlt fxs base path Revision 1.52 2007/07/12 08:06:45 jgrosseo adding log messages in getfile... functions adding not implemented copy constructor in alishuttleconfigholder Revision 1.51 2007/07/03 17:24:52 acolla root moved to v5-16-00. TFileMerger->Cp moved to TFile::Cp. Revision 1.50 2007/07/02 17:19:32 acolla preprocessor is run in a temp directory that is removed when process is finished. Revision 1.49 2007/06/29 10:45:06 acolla Number of columns in MySql Shuttle logbook increased by one (HLT added) Revision 1.48 2007/06/21 13:06:19 acolla GetFileSources returns dummy list with 1 source if system=DCS (better than returning error as it was) Revision 1.47 2007/06/19 17:28:56 acolla HLT updated; missing map bug removed. Revision 1.46 2007/06/09 13:01:09 jgrosseo Switching to retrieval of several DCS DPs at a time (multiDPrequest) Revision 1.45 2007/05/30 06:35:20 jgrosseo Adding functionality to the Shuttle/TestShuttle: o) Function to retrieve list of sources from a given system (GetFileSources with id=0) o) Function to retrieve list of IDs for a given source (GetFileIDs) These functions are needed for dealing with the tag files that are saved for the GRP preprocessor Example code has been added to the TestProcessor in TestShuttle Revision 1.44 2007/05/11 16:09:32 acolla Reference files for ITS, MUON and PHOS are now stored in OfflineDetName/OnlineDetName/run_... example: ITS/SPD/100_filename.root Revision 1.43 2007/05/10 09:59:51 acolla Various bug fixes in StoreRefFilesToGrid; Cleaning of reference storage before processing detector (CleanReferenceStorage) Revision 1.42 2007/05/03 08:01:39 jgrosseo typo in last commit :-( Revision 1.41 2007/05/03 08:00:48 jgrosseo fixing log message when pp want to skip dcs value retrieval Revision 1.40 2007/04/27 07:06:48 jgrosseo GetFileSources returns empty list in case of no files, but successful query No mails sent in testmode Revision 1.39 2007/04/17 12:43:57 acolla Correction in StoreOCDB; change of text in mail to detector expert Revision 1.38 2007/04/12 08:26:18 jgrosseo updated comment Revision 1.37 2007/04/10 16:53:14 jgrosseo redirecting sub detector stdout, stderr to sub detector log file Revision 1.35 2007/04/04 16:26:38 acolla 1. Re-organization of function calls in TestPreprocessor to make it more meaningful. 2. Added missing dependency in test preprocessors. 3. in AliShuttle.cxx: processing time and memory consumption info on a single line. Revision 1.34 2007/04/04 10:33:36 jgrosseo 1) Storing of files to the Grid is now done _after_ your preprocessors succeeded. This is transparent, which means that you can still use the same functions (Store, StoreReferenceData) to store files to the Grid. However, the Shuttle first stores them locally and transfers them after the preprocessor finished. The return code of these two functions has changed from UInt_t to Bool_t which gives you the success of the storing. In case of an error with the Grid, the Shuttle will retry the storing later, the preprocessor does not need to be run again. 2) The meaning of the return code of the preprocessor has changed. 0 is now success and any other value means failure. This value is stored in the log and you can use it to keep details about the error condition. 3) New function StoreReferenceFile to _directly_ store a file (without opening it) to the reference storage. 4) The memory usage of the preprocessor is monitored. If it exceeds 2 GB it is terminated. 5) New function AliPreprocessor::ProcessDCS(). If you do not need to have DCS data in all cases, you can skip the processing by implemting this function and returning kFALSE under certain conditions. E.g. if there is a certain run type. If you always need DCS data (like before), you do not need to implement it. 6) The run type has been added to the monitoring page Revision 1.33 2007/04/03 13:56:01 acolla Grid Storage at the end of preprocessing. Added virtual method to disable DCS query according to the run type. Revision 1.32 2007/02/28 10:41:56 acolla Run type field added in SHUTTLE framework. Run type is read from "run type" logbook and retrieved by AliPreprocessor::GetRunType() function. Added some ldap definition files. Revision 1.30 2007/02/13 11:23:21 acolla Moved getters and setters of Shuttle's main OCDB/Reference, local OCDB/Reference, temp and log folders to AliShuttleInterface Revision 1.27 2007/01/30 17:52:42 jgrosseo adding monalisa monitoring Revision 1.26 2007/01/23 19:20:03 acolla Removed old ldif files, added TOF, MCH ldif files. Added some options in AliShuttleConfig::Print. Added in Ali Shuttle: SetShuttleTempDir and SetShuttleLogDir Revision 1.25 2007/01/15 19:13:52 acolla Moved some AliInfo to AliDebug in SendMail function Revision 1.21 2006/12/07 08:51:26 jgrosseo update (alberto): table, db names in ldap configuration added GRP preprocessor DCS data can also be retrieved by data point Revision 1.20 2006/11/16 16:16:48 jgrosseo introducing strict run ordering flag removed giving preprocessor name to preprocessor, they have to know their name themselves ;-) Revision 1.19 2006/11/06 14:23:04 jgrosseo major update (Alberto) o) reading of run parameters from the logbook o) online offline naming conversion o) standalone DCSclient package Revision 1.18 2006/10/20 15:22:59 jgrosseo o) Adding time out to the execution of the preprocessors: The Shuttle forks and the parent process monitors the child o) Merging Collect, CollectAll, CollectNew function o) Removing implementation of empty copy constructors (declaration still there!) Revision 1.17 2006/10/05 16:20:55 jgrosseo adapting to new CDB classes Revision 1.16 2006/10/05 15:46:26 jgrosseo applying to the new interface Revision 1.15 2006/10/02 16:38:39 jgrosseo update (alberto): fixed memory leaks storing of objects that failed to be stored to the grid before interfacing of shuttle status table in daq system Revision 1.14 2006/08/29 09:16:05 jgrosseo small update Revision 1.13 2006/08/15 10:50:00 jgrosseo effc++ corrections (alberto) Revision 1.12 2006/08/08 14:19:29 jgrosseo Update to shuttle classes (Alberto) - Possibility to set the full object's path in the Preprocessor's and Shuttle's Store functions - Possibility to extend the object's run validity in the same classes ("startValidity" and "validityInfinite" parameters) - Implementation of the StoreReferenceData function to store reference data in a dedicated CDB storage. Revision 1.11 2006/07/21 07:37:20 jgrosseo last run is stored after each run Revision 1.10 2006/07/20 09:54:40 jgrosseo introducing status management: The processing per subdetector is divided into several steps, after each step the status is stored on disk. If the system crashes in any of the steps the Shuttle can keep track of the number of failures and skips further processing after a certain threshold is exceeded. These thresholds can be configured in LDAP. Revision 1.9 2006/07/19 10:09:55 jgrosseo new configuration, accesst to DAQ FES (Alberto) Revision 1.8 2006/07/11 12:44:36 jgrosseo adding parameters for extended validity range of data produced by preprocessor Revision 1.7 2006/07/10 14:37:09 jgrosseo small fix + todo comment Revision 1.6 2006/07/10 13:01:41 jgrosseo enhanced storing of last sucessfully processed run (alberto) Revision 1.5 2006/07/04 14:59:57 jgrosseo revision of AliDCSValue: Removed wrapper classes, reduced storage size per value by factor 2 Revision 1.4 2006/06/12 09:11:16 jgrosseo coding conventions (Alberto) Revision 1.3 2006/06/06 14:26:40 jgrosseo o) removed files that were moved to STEER o) shuttle updated to follow the new interface (Alberto) Revision 1.2 2006/03/07 07:52:34 hristov New version (B.Yordanov) Revision 1.6 2005/11/19 17:19:14 byordano RetrieveDATEEntries and RetrieveConditionsData added Revision 1.5 2005/11/19 11:09:27 byordano AliShuttle declaration added Revision 1.4 2005/11/17 17:47:34 byordano TList changed to TObjArray Revision 1.3 2005/11/17 14:43:23 byordano import to local CVS Revision 2005/10/28 07:33:58 hristov Initial import as subdirectory in AliRoot Revision 1.2 2005/09/13 08:41:15 byordano default startTime endTime added Revision 1.4 2005/08/30 09:13:02 byordano some docs added Revision 1.3 2005/08/29 21:15:47 byordano some docs added */ // // This class is the main manager for AliShuttle. // It organizes the data retrieval from DCS and call the // interface methods of AliPreprocessor. // For every detector in AliShuttleConfgi (see AliShuttleConfig), // data for its set of aliases is retrieved. If there is registered // AliPreprocessor for this detector then it will be used // accroding to the schema (see AliPreprocessor). // If there isn't registered AliPreprocessor than the retrieved // data is stored automatically to the undelying AliCDBStorage. // For detSpec is used the alias name. // #include "AliShuttle.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" #include "AliCDBStorage.h" #include "AliCDBId.h" #include "AliCDBRunRange.h" #include "AliCDBPath.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliShuttleConfig.h" #include "DCSClient/AliDCSClient.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliPreprocessor.h" #include "AliShuttleStatus.h" #include "AliShuttleLogbookEntry.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(AliShuttle) //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliShuttle::AliShuttle(const AliShuttleConfig* config, UInt_t timeout, Int_t retries): fConfig(config), fTimeout(timeout), fRetries(retries), fPreprocessorMap(), fLogbookEntry(0), fCurrentDetector(), fStatusEntry(0), fMonitoringMutex(0), fLastActionTime(0), fLastAction(), fMonaLisa(0), fTestMode(kNone), fReadTestMode(kFALSE), fOutputRedirected(kFALSE) { // // config: AliShuttleConfig used // timeout: timeout used for AliDCSClient connection // retries: the number of retries in case of connection error. // if (!fConfig->IsValid()) AliFatal("********** !!!!! Invalid configuration !!!!! **********"); for(int iSys=0;iSys<4;iSys++) { fServer[iSys]=0; if (iSys < 3) fFXSlist[iSys].SetOwner(kTRUE); } fPreprocessorMap.SetOwner(kTRUE); for (UInt_t iDet=0; iDetClose(); delete fServer[iSys]; fServer[iSys] = 0; } if (fStatusEntry){ delete fStatusEntry; fStatusEntry = 0; } if (fMonitoringMutex) { delete fMonitoringMutex; fMonitoringMutex = 0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::RegisterPreprocessor(AliPreprocessor* preprocessor) { // // Registers new AliPreprocessor. // It uses GetName() for indentificator of the pre processor. // The pre processor is registered it there isn't any other // with the same identificator (GetName()). // const char* detName = preprocessor->GetName(); if(GetDetPos(detName) < 0) AliFatal(Form("********** !!!!! Invalid detector name: %s !!!!! **********", detName)); if (fPreprocessorMap.GetValue(detName)) { AliWarning(Form("AliPreprocessor %s is already registered!", detName)); return; } fPreprocessorMap.Add(new TObjString(detName), preprocessor); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::Store(const AliCDBPath& path, TObject* object, AliCDBMetaData* metaData, Int_t validityStart, Bool_t validityInfinite) { // Stores a CDB object in the storage for offline reconstruction. Objects that are not needed for // offline reconstruction, but should be stored anyway (e.g. for debugging) should NOT be stored // using this function. Use StoreReferenceData instead! // It calls StoreLocally function which temporarily stores the data locally; when the preprocessor // finishes the data are transferred to the main storage (Grid). return StoreLocally(fgkLocalCDB, path, object, metaData, validityStart, validityInfinite); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::StoreReferenceData(const AliCDBPath& path, TObject* object, AliCDBMetaData* metaData) { // Stores a CDB object in the storage for reference data. This objects will not be available during // offline reconstrunction. Use this function for reference data only! // It calls StoreLocally function which temporarily stores the data locally; when the preprocessor // finishes the data are transferred to the main storage (Grid). return StoreLocally(fgkLocalRefStorage, path, object, metaData); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::StoreLocally(const TString& localUri, const AliCDBPath& path, TObject* object, AliCDBMetaData* metaData, Int_t validityStart, Bool_t validityInfinite) { // Store object temporarily in local storage. Parameters are passed by Store and StoreReferenceData functions. // when the preprocessor finishes the data are transferred to the main storage (Grid). // The parameters are: // 1) Uri of the backup storage (Local) // 2) the object's path. // 3) the object to be stored // 4) the metaData to be associated with the object // 5) the validity start run number w.r.t. the current run, // if the data is valid only for this run leave the default 0 // 6) specifies if the calibration data is valid for infinity (this means until updated), // typical for calibration runs, the default is kFALSE // // returns 0 if fail, 1 otherwise if (fTestMode & kErrorStorage) { Log(fCurrentDetector, "StoreLocally - In TESTMODE - Simulating error while storing locally"); return kFALSE; } const char* cdbType = (localUri == fgkLocalCDB) ? "CDB" : "Reference"; Int_t firstRun = GetCurrentRun() - validityStart; if(firstRun < 0) { AliWarning("First valid run happens to be less than 0! Setting it to 0."); firstRun=0; } Int_t lastRun = -1; if(validityInfinite) { lastRun = AliCDBRunRange::Infinity(); } else { lastRun = GetCurrentRun(); } // Version is set to current run, it will be used later to transfer data to Grid AliCDBId id(path, firstRun, lastRun, GetCurrentRun(), -1); if(! dynamic_cast (metaData->GetProperty("RunUsed(TObjString)"))){ TObjString runUsed = Form("%d", GetCurrentRun()); metaData->SetProperty("RunUsed(TObjString)", runUsed.Clone()); } Bool_t result = kFALSE; if (!(AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(localUri))) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("StoreLocally - Cannot activate local %s storage", cdbType)); } else { result = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(localUri) ->Put(object, id, metaData); } if(!result) { Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("StoreLocally - Can't store object <%s>!", id.ToString().Data())); } return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::StoreOCDB() { // // Called when preprocessor ends successfully or when previous storage attempt failed (kStoreError status) // Calls underlying StoreOCDB(const char*) function twice, for OCDB and Reference storage. // Then calls StoreRefFilesToGrid to store reference files. // if (fTestMode & kErrorGrid) { Log("SHUTTLE", "StoreOCDB - In TESTMODE - Simulating error while storing in the Grid"); Log(fCurrentDetector, "StoreOCDB - In TESTMODE - Simulating error while storing in the Grid"); return kFALSE; } Log("SHUTTLE","StoreOCDB - Storing OCDB data ..."); Bool_t resultCDB = StoreOCDB(fgkMainCDB); Log("SHUTTLE","StoreOCDB - Storing reference data ..."); Bool_t resultRef = StoreOCDB(fgkMainRefStorage); Log("SHUTTLE","StoreOCDB - Storing reference files ..."); Bool_t resultRefFiles = CopyFilesToGrid("reference"); Bool_t resultMetadata = kTRUE; if(fCurrentDetector == "GRP") { Log("StoreOCDB - SHUTTLE","Storing Run Metadata file ..."); resultMetadata = CopyFilesToGrid("metadata"); } return resultCDB && resultRef && resultRefFiles && resultMetadata; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::StoreOCDB(const TString& gridURI) { // // Called by StoreOCDB(), performs actual storage to the main OCDB and reference storages (Grid) // TObjArray* gridIds=0; Bool_t result = kTRUE; const char* type = 0; TString localURI; if(gridURI == fgkMainCDB) { type = "OCDB"; localURI = fgkLocalCDB; } else if(gridURI == fgkMainRefStorage) { type = "reference"; localURI = fgkLocalRefStorage; } else { AliError(Form("Invalid storage URI: %s", gridURI.Data())); return kFALSE; } AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliCDBStorage *gridSto = man->GetStorage(gridURI); if(!gridSto) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("StoreOCDB - cannot activate main %s storage", type)); return kFALSE; } gridIds = gridSto->GetQueryCDBList(); // get objects previously stored in local CDB AliCDBStorage *localSto = man->GetStorage(localURI); if(!localSto) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("StoreOCDB - cannot activate local %s storage", type)); return kFALSE; } AliCDBPath aPath(GetOfflineDetName(fCurrentDetector.Data()),"*","*"); // Local objects were stored with current run as Grid version! TList* localEntries = localSto->GetAll(aPath.GetPath(), GetCurrentRun(), GetCurrentRun()); localEntries->SetOwner(1); // loop on local stored objects TIter localIter(localEntries); AliCDBEntry *aLocEntry = 0; while((aLocEntry = dynamic_cast (localIter.Next()))){ aLocEntry->SetOwner(1); AliCDBId aLocId = aLocEntry->GetId(); aLocEntry->SetVersion(-1); aLocEntry->SetSubVersion(-1); // If local object is valid up to infinity we store it only if it is // the first unprocessed run! if (aLocId.GetLastRun() == AliCDBRunRange::Infinity() && !fFirstUnprocessed[GetDetPos(fCurrentDetector)]) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("StoreOCDB - %s: object %s has validity infinite but " "there are previous unprocessed runs!", fCurrentDetector.Data(), aLocId.GetPath().Data())); result = kFALSE; continue; } // loop on Grid valid Id's Bool_t store = kTRUE; TIter gridIter(gridIds); AliCDBId* aGridId = 0; while((aGridId = dynamic_cast (gridIter.Next()))){ if(aGridId->GetPath() != aLocId.GetPath()) continue; // skip all objects valid up to infinity if(aGridId->GetLastRun() == AliCDBRunRange::Infinity()) continue; // if we get here, it means there's already some more recent object stored on Grid! store = kFALSE; break; } // If we get here, the file can be stored! Bool_t storeOk = gridSto->Put(aLocEntry); if(!store || storeOk){ if (!store) { Log(fCurrentDetector.Data(), Form("StoreOCDB - A more recent object already exists in %s storage: <%s>", type, aGridId->ToString().Data())); } else { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("StoreOCDB - Object <%s> successfully put into %s storage", aLocId.ToString().Data(), type)); Log(fCurrentDetector.Data(), Form("StoreOCDB - Object <%s> successfully put into %s storage", aLocId.ToString().Data(), type)); } // removing local filename... TString filename; localSto->IdToFilename(aLocId, filename); Log("SHUTTLE", Form("StoreOCDB - Removing local file %s", filename.Data())); RemoveFile(filename.Data()); continue; } else { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("StoreOCDB - Grid %s storage of object <%s> failed", type, aLocId.ToString().Data())); Log(fCurrentDetector.Data(), Form("StoreOCDB - Grid %s storage of object <%s> failed", type, aLocId.ToString().Data())); result = kFALSE; } } localEntries->Clear(); return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::CleanReferenceStorage(const char* detector) { // clears the directory used to store reference files of a given subdetector AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliCDBStorage* sto = man->GetStorage(fgkLocalRefStorage); TString localBaseFolder = sto->GetBaseFolder(); TString targetDir = GetRefFilePrefix(localBaseFolder.Data(), detector); Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CleanReferenceStorage - Cleaning %s", targetDir.Data())); TString begin; begin.Form("%d_", GetCurrentRun()); TSystemDirectory* baseDir = new TSystemDirectory("/", targetDir); if (!baseDir) return kTRUE; TList* dirList = baseDir->GetListOfFiles(); delete baseDir; if (!dirList) return kTRUE; if (dirList->GetEntries() < 3) { delete dirList; return kTRUE; } Int_t nDirs = 0, nDel = 0; TIter dirIter(dirList); TSystemFile* entry = 0; Bool_t success = kTRUE; while ((entry = dynamic_cast (dirIter.Next()))) { if (entry->IsDirectory()) continue; TString fileName(entry->GetName()); if (!fileName.BeginsWith(begin)) continue; nDirs++; // delete file Int_t result = gSystem->Unlink(fileName.Data()); if (result) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CleanReferenceStorage - Could not delete file %s!", fileName.Data())); success = kFALSE; } else { nDel++; } } if(nDirs > 0) Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CleanReferenceStorage - %d (over %d) reference files in folder %s were deleted.", nDel, nDirs, targetDir.Data())); delete dirList; return success; Int_t result = gSystem->GetPathInfo(targetDir, 0, (Long64_t*) 0, 0, 0); if (result == 0) { // delete directory result = gSystem->Exec(Form("rm -rf %s", targetDir.Data())); if (result != 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CleanReferenceStorage - Could not clean directory %s", targetDir.Data())); return kFALSE; } } result = gSystem->mkdir(targetDir, kTRUE); if (result != 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CleanReferenceStorage - Error creating base directory %s", targetDir.Data())); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::StoreReferenceFile(const char* detector, const char* localFile, const char* gridFileName) { // // Stores reference file directly (without opening it). This function stores the file locally. // // The file is stored under the following location: // //_ // where is the second parameter given to the function // if (fTestMode & kErrorStorage) { Log(fCurrentDetector, "StoreReferenceFile - In TESTMODE - Simulating error while storing locally"); return kFALSE; } AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliCDBStorage* sto = man->GetStorage(fgkLocalRefStorage); TString localBaseFolder = sto->GetBaseFolder(); TString target = GetRefFilePrefix(localBaseFolder.Data(), detector); target.Append(Form("/%d_%s", GetCurrentRun(), gridFileName)); return CopyFileLocally(localFile, target); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::StoreRunMetadataFile(const char* localFile, const char* gridFileName) { // // Stores Run metadata file to the Grid, in the run folder // // Only GRP can call this function. if (fTestMode & kErrorStorage) { Log(fCurrentDetector, "StoreRunMetaDataFile - In TESTMODE - Simulating error while storing locally"); return kFALSE; } AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliCDBStorage* sto = man->GetStorage(fgkLocalRefStorage); TString localBaseFolder = sto->GetBaseFolder(); // Build Run level folder // folder = /alice/data/year/lhcPeriod/runNb/raw TString lhcPeriod = GetLHCPeriod(); if (lhcPeriod.Length() == 0) { Log("SHUTTLE","StoreRunMetaDataFile - LHCPeriod not found in logbook!"); return 0; } // TODO partitions with one detector only write data into LHCperiod_DET TString partition = GetRunParameter("detector"); if (partition.Length() > 0 && partition != "ALICE") { lhcPeriod.Append(Form("_%s", partition.Data())); Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("Run data tags merged file will be written in %s", lhcPeriod.Data())); } TString target = Form("%s/GRP/RunMetadata/alice/data/%d/%s/%09d/raw/%s", localBaseFolder.Data(), GetCurrentYear(), lhcPeriod.Data(), GetCurrentRun(), gridFileName); return CopyFileLocally(localFile, target); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::CopyFileLocally(const char* localFile, const TString& target) { // // Stores file locally. Called by StoreReferenceFile and StoreRunMetadataFile // Files are temporarily stored in the local reference storage. When the preprocessor // finishes, the Shuttle calls CopyFilesToGrid to transfer the files to AliEn // (in reference or run level folders) // TString targetDir(target(0, target.Last('/'))); //try to open base dir folder, if it does not exist void* dir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(targetDir.Data()); if (dir == NULL) { if (gSystem->mkdir(targetDir.Data(), kTRUE)) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CopyFileLocally - Can't open directory <%s>", targetDir.Data())); return kFALSE; } } else { gSystem->FreeDirectory(dir); } Int_t result = 0; result = gSystem->GetPathInfo(localFile, 0, (Long64_t*) 0, 0, 0); if (result) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CopyFileLocally - %s does not exist", localFile)); return kFALSE; } result = gSystem->GetPathInfo(target, 0, (Long64_t*) 0, 0, 0); if (!result) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CopyFileLocally - target file %s already exist, removing...", target.Data())); if (gSystem->Unlink(target.Data())) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CopyFileLocally - Could not remove existing target file %s!", target.Data())); return kFALSE; } } result = gSystem->CopyFile(localFile, target); if (result == 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CopyFileLocally - File %s stored locally to %s", localFile, target.Data())); return kTRUE; } else { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CopyFileLocally - Could not store file %s to %s! Error code = %d", localFile, target.Data(), result)); return kFALSE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::CopyFilesToGrid(const char* type) { // // Transfers local files to the Grid. Local files can be reference files // or run metadata file (from GRP only). // // According to the type (ref, metadata) the files are stored under the following location: // ref --> //_ // metadata --> / // AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); AliCDBStorage* sto = man->GetStorage(fgkLocalRefStorage); if (!sto) return kFALSE; TString localBaseFolder = sto->GetBaseFolder(); TString dir; TString alienDir; TString begin; if (strcmp(type, "reference") == 0) { dir = GetRefFilePrefix(localBaseFolder.Data(), fCurrentDetector.Data()); AliCDBStorage* gridSto = man->GetStorage(fgkMainRefStorage); if (!gridSto) return kFALSE; TString gridBaseFolder = gridSto->GetBaseFolder(); alienDir = GetRefFilePrefix(gridBaseFolder.Data(), fCurrentDetector.Data()); begin = Form("%d_", GetCurrentRun()); } else if (strcmp(type, "metadata") == 0) { TString lhcPeriod = GetLHCPeriod(); if (lhcPeriod.Length() == 0) { Log("SHUTTLE","CopyFilesToGrid - LHCPeriod not found in logbook!"); return 0; } // TODO partitions with one detector only write data into LHCperiod_DET TString partition = GetRunParameter("detector"); if (partition.Length() > 0 && partition != "ALICE") { lhcPeriod.Append(Form("_%s", partition.Data())); } dir = Form("%s/GRP/RunMetadata/alice/data/%d/%s/%09d/raw", localBaseFolder.Data(), GetCurrentYear(), lhcPeriod.Data(), GetCurrentRun()); alienDir = dir(dir.Index("/alice/data/"), dir.Length()); begin = ""; } else { Log("SHUTTLE", "CopyFilesToGrid - Unexpected: type label must be reference or metadata!"); return kFALSE; } TSystemDirectory* baseDir = new TSystemDirectory("/", dir); if (!baseDir) return kTRUE; TList* dirList = baseDir->GetListOfFiles(); delete baseDir; if (!dirList) return kTRUE; if (dirList->GetEntries() < 3) { delete dirList; return kTRUE; } if (!gGrid) { Log("SHUTTLE", "CopyFilesToGrid - Connection to Grid failed: Cannot continue!"); delete dirList; return kFALSE; } Int_t nDirs = 0, nTransfer = 0; TIter dirIter(dirList); TSystemFile* entry = 0; Bool_t success = kTRUE; Bool_t first = kTRUE; while ((entry = dynamic_cast (dirIter.Next()))) { if (entry->IsDirectory()) continue; TString fileName(entry->GetName()); if (!fileName.BeginsWith(begin)) continue; nDirs++; if (first) { first = kFALSE; // check that folder exists, otherwise create it TGridResult* result = gGrid->Ls(alienDir.Data(), "a"); if (!result) { delete dirList; return kFALSE; } if (!result->GetFileName(1)) // TODO: It looks like element 0 is always 0!! { // TODO It does not work currently! Bug in TAliEn::Mkdir // TODO Manually fixed in local root v5-16-00 if (!gGrid->Mkdir(alienDir.Data(),"-p",0)) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CopyFilesToGrid - Cannot create directory %s", alienDir.Data())); delete dirList; return kFALSE; } else { Log("SHUTTLE",Form("CopyFilesToGrid - Folder %s created", alienDir.Data())); } } else { Log("SHUTTLE",Form("CopyFilesToGrid - Folder %s found", alienDir.Data())); } } TString fullLocalPath; fullLocalPath.Form("%s/%s", dir.Data(), fileName.Data()); TString fullGridPath; fullGridPath.Form("alien://%s/%s", alienDir.Data(), fileName.Data()); Bool_t result = TFile::Cp(fullLocalPath, fullGridPath); if (result) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CopyFilesToGrid - Copying local file %s to %s succeeded!", fullLocalPath.Data(), fullGridPath.Data())); RemoveFile(fullLocalPath); nTransfer++; } else { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CopyFilesToGrid - Copying local file %s to %s FAILED!", fullLocalPath.Data(), fullGridPath.Data())); success = kFALSE; } } Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CopyFilesToGrid - %d (over %d) files in folder %s copied to Grid.", nTransfer, nDirs, dir.Data())); delete dirList; return success; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ const char* AliShuttle::GetRefFilePrefix(const char* base, const char* detector) { // // Get folder name of reference files // TString offDetStr(GetOfflineDetName(detector)); TString dir; if (offDetStr == "ITS" || offDetStr == "MUON" || offDetStr == "PHOS") { dir.Form("%s/%s/%s", base, offDetStr.Data(), detector); } else { dir.Form("%s/%s", base, offDetStr.Data()); } return dir.Data(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::CleanLocalStorage(const TString& uri) { // // Called in case the preprocessor is declared failed. Remove remaining objects from the local storages. // const char* type = 0; if(uri == fgkLocalCDB) { type = "OCDB"; } else if(uri == fgkLocalRefStorage) { type = "Reference"; } else { AliError(Form("Invalid storage URI: %s", uri.Data())); return; } AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); // open local storage AliCDBStorage *localSto = man->GetStorage(uri); if(!localSto) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("CleanLocalStorage - cannot activate local %s storage", type)); return; } TString filename(Form("%s/%s/*/Run*_v%d_s*.root", localSto->GetBaseFolder().Data(), GetOfflineDetName(fCurrentDetector.Data()), GetCurrentRun())); AliDebug(2, Form("filename = %s", filename.Data())); Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Removing remaining local files for run %d and detector %s ...", GetCurrentRun(), fCurrentDetector.Data())); RemoveFile(filename.Data()); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::RemoveFile(const char* filename) { // // removes local file // TString command(Form("rm -f %s", filename)); Int_t result = gSystem->Exec(command.Data()); if(result != 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("RemoveFile - %s: Cannot remove file %s!", fCurrentDetector.Data(), filename)); } } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliShuttleStatus* AliShuttle::ReadShuttleStatus() { // // Reads the AliShuttleStatus from the CDB // if (fStatusEntry){ delete fStatusEntry; fStatusEntry = 0; } fStatusEntry = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(GetLocalCDB()) ->Get(Form("/SHUTTLE/STATUS/%s", fCurrentDetector.Data()), GetCurrentRun()); if (!fStatusEntry) return 0; fStatusEntry->SetOwner(1); AliShuttleStatus* status = dynamic_cast (fStatusEntry->GetObject()); if (!status) { AliError("Invalid object stored to CDB!"); return 0; } return status; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::WriteShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus* status) { // // writes the status for one subdetector // if (fStatusEntry){ delete fStatusEntry; fStatusEntry = 0; } Int_t run = GetCurrentRun(); AliCDBId id(AliCDBPath("SHUTTLE", "STATUS", fCurrentDetector), run, run); fStatusEntry = new AliCDBEntry(status, id, new AliCDBMetaData); fStatusEntry->SetOwner(1); UInt_t result = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(fgkLocalCDB)->Put(fStatusEntry); if (!result) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("WriteShuttleStatus - Failed for %s, run %d", fCurrentDetector.Data(), run)); return kFALSE; } SendMLInfo(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::Status newStatus, Bool_t increaseCount) { // // changes the AliShuttleStatus for the given detector and run to the given status // if (!fStatusEntry){ AliError("UNEXPECTED: fStatusEntry empty"); return; } AliShuttleStatus* status = dynamic_cast (fStatusEntry->GetObject()); if (!status){ Log("SHUTTLE", "UpdateShuttleStatus - UNEXPECTED: status could not be read from current CDB entry"); return; } TString actionStr = Form("UpdateShuttleStatus - %s: Changing state from %s to %s", fCurrentDetector.Data(), status->GetStatusName(), status->GetStatusName(newStatus)); Log("SHUTTLE", actionStr); SetLastAction(actionStr); status->SetStatus(newStatus); if (increaseCount) status->IncreaseCount(); AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(fgkLocalCDB)->Put(fStatusEntry); SendMLInfo(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::SendMLInfo() { // // sends ML information about the current status of the current detector being processed // AliShuttleStatus* status = dynamic_cast (fStatusEntry->GetObject()); if (!status){ Log("SHUTTLE", "SendMLInfo - UNEXPECTED: status could not be read from current CDB entry"); return; } TMonaLisaText mlStatus(Form("%s_status", fCurrentDetector.Data()), status->GetStatusName()); TMonaLisaValue mlRetryCount(Form("%s_count", fCurrentDetector.Data()), status->GetCount()); TList mlList; mlList.Add(&mlStatus); mlList.Add(&mlRetryCount); TString mlID; mlID.Form("%d", GetCurrentRun()); fMonaLisa->SendParameters(&mlList, mlID); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::ContinueProcessing() { // this function reads the AliShuttleStatus information from CDB and // checks if the processing should be continued // if yes it returns kTRUE and updates the AliShuttleStatus with nextStatus if (!fConfig->HostProcessDetector(fCurrentDetector)) return kFALSE; AliPreprocessor* aPreprocessor = dynamic_cast (fPreprocessorMap.GetValue(fCurrentDetector)); if (!aPreprocessor) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - %s: no preprocessor registered", fCurrentDetector.Data())); return kFALSE; } AliShuttleLogbookEntry::Status entryStatus = fLogbookEntry->GetDetectorStatus(fCurrentDetector); if(entryStatus != AliShuttleLogbookEntry::kUnprocessed) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - %s is %s", fCurrentDetector.Data(), fLogbookEntry->GetDetectorStatusName(entryStatus))); return kFALSE; } // if we get here, according to Shuttle logbook subdetector is in UNPROCESSED state // check if current run is first unprocessed run for current detector if (fConfig->StrictRunOrder(fCurrentDetector) && !fFirstUnprocessed[GetDetPos(fCurrentDetector)]) { if (fTestMode == kNone) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - %s requires strict run ordering" " but this is not the first unprocessed run!")); return kFALSE; } else { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - In TESTMODE - " "Although %s requires strict run ordering " "and this is not the first unprocessed run, " "the SHUTTLE continues")); } } AliShuttleStatus* status = ReadShuttleStatus(); if (!status) { // first time Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - %s: Processing first time", fCurrentDetector.Data())); status = new AliShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kStarted); return WriteShuttleStatus(status); } // The following two cases shouldn't happen if Shuttle Logbook was correctly updated. // If it happens it may mean Logbook updating failed... let's do it now! if (status->GetStatus() == AliShuttleStatus::kDone || status->GetStatus() == AliShuttleStatus::kFailed){ Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - %s is already %s. Updating Shuttle Logbook", fCurrentDetector.Data(), status->GetStatusName(status->GetStatus()))); UpdateShuttleLogbook(fCurrentDetector.Data(), status->GetStatusName(status->GetStatus())); return kFALSE; } if (status->GetStatus() == AliShuttleStatus::kStoreStarted || status->GetStatus() == AliShuttleStatus::kStoreError) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - %s: Grid storage of one or more " "objects failed. Trying again now", fCurrentDetector.Data())); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kStoreStarted); if (StoreOCDB()){ Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - %s: all objects " "successfully stored into main storage", fCurrentDetector.Data())); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kDone); UpdateShuttleLogbook(fCurrentDetector, "DONE"); } else { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - %s: Grid storage failed again", fCurrentDetector.Data())); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kStoreError); } return kFALSE; } // if we get here, there is a restart Bool_t cont = kFALSE; // abort conditions if (status->GetCount() >= fConfig->GetMaxRetries()) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - %s failed %d times in status %s - " "Updating Shuttle Logbook", fCurrentDetector.Data(), status->GetCount(), status->GetStatusName())); UpdateShuttleLogbook(fCurrentDetector.Data(), "FAILED"); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kFailed); // there may still be objects in local OCDB and reference storage // and FXS databases may be not updated: do it now! // TODO Currently disabled, we want to keep files in case of failure! // CleanLocalStorage(fgkLocalCDB); // CleanLocalStorage(fgkLocalRefStorage); // UpdateTableFailCase(); // Send mail to detector expert! Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - Sending mail to %s expert...", fCurrentDetector.Data())); if (!SendMail()) Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - Could not send mail to %s expert", fCurrentDetector.Data())); } else { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ContinueProcessing - %s: restarting. " "Aborted before with %s. Retry number %d.", fCurrentDetector.Data(), status->GetStatusName(), status->GetCount())); Bool_t increaseCount = kTRUE; if (status->GetStatus() == AliShuttleStatus::kDCSError || status->GetStatus() == AliShuttleStatus::kDCSStarted) increaseCount = kFALSE; UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kStarted, increaseCount); cont = kTRUE; } return cont; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::Process(AliShuttleLogbookEntry* entry) { // // Makes data retrieval for all detectors in the configuration. // entry: Shuttle logbook entry, contains run paramenters and status of detectors // (Unprocessed, Inactive, Failed or Done). // Returns kFALSE in case of error occured and kTRUE otherwise // if (!entry) return kFALSE; fLogbookEntry = entry; Log("SHUTTLE", Form("\t\t\t^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* run %d: START ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*", GetCurrentRun())); // Send the information to ML TMonaLisaText mlStatus("SHUTTLE_status", "Processing"); TMonaLisaText mlRunType("SHUTTLE_runtype", Form("%s (%s)", entry->GetRunType(), entry->GetRunParameter("log"))); TList mlList; mlList.Add(&mlStatus); mlList.Add(&mlRunType); TString mlID; mlID.Form("%d", GetCurrentRun()); fMonaLisa->SendParameters(&mlList, mlID); if (fLogbookEntry->IsDone()) { Log("SHUTTLE","Process - Shuttle is already DONE. Updating logbook"); UpdateShuttleLogbook("shuttle_done"); fLogbookEntry = 0; return kTRUE; } // read test mode if flag is set if (fReadTestMode) { fTestMode = kNone; TString logEntry(entry->GetRunParameter("log")); //printf("log entry = %s\n", logEntry.Data()); TString searchStr("Testmode: "); Int_t pos = logEntry.Index(searchStr.Data()); //printf("%d\n", pos); if (pos >= 0) { TSubString subStr = logEntry(pos + searchStr.Length(), logEntry.Length()); //printf("%s\n", subStr.String().Data()); TString newStr(subStr.Data()); TObjArray* token = newStr.Tokenize(' '); if (token) { //token->Print(); TObjString* tmpStr = dynamic_cast (token->First()); if (tmpStr) { Int_t testMode = tmpStr->String().Atoi(); if (testMode > 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - Enabling test mode %d", testMode)); SetTestMode((TestMode) testMode); } } delete token; } } } fLogbookEntry->Print("all"); // Initialization Bool_t hasError = kFALSE; // Set the CDB and Reference folders according to the year and LHC period TString lhcPeriod(GetLHCPeriod()); if (lhcPeriod.Length() == 0) { Log("SHUTTLE","Process - LHCPeriod not found in logbook!"); return 0; } if (fgkMainCDB.Length() == 0) fgkMainCDB = Form("alien://folder=/alice/data/%d/%s/OCDB?user=alidaq?cacheFold=/tmp/OCDBCache", GetCurrentYear(), lhcPeriod.Data()); if (fgkMainRefStorage.Length() == 0) fgkMainRefStorage = Form("alien://folder=/alice/data/%d/%s/Reference?user=alidaq?cacheFold=/tmp/OCDBCache", GetCurrentYear(), lhcPeriod.Data()); // Loop on detectors in the configuration TIter iter(fConfig->GetDetectors()); TObjString* aDetector = 0; Bool_t first = kTRUE; while ((aDetector = (TObjString*) iter.Next())) { fCurrentDetector = aDetector->String(); if (ContinueProcessing() == kFALSE) continue; if (first) { // only read QueryCDB when needed and only once AliCDBStorage *mainCDBSto = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(fgkMainCDB); if(mainCDBSto) mainCDBSto->QueryCDB(GetCurrentRun()); AliCDBStorage *mainRefSto = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(fgkMainRefStorage); if(mainRefSto) mainRefSto->QueryCDB(GetCurrentRun()); first = kFALSE; } Log("SHUTTLE", Form("\t\t\t****** run %d - %s: START ******", GetCurrentRun(), aDetector->GetName())); for(Int_t iSys=0;iSys<3;iSys++) fFXSCalled[iSys]=kFALSE; Log(fCurrentDetector.Data(), "Process - Starting processing"); Int_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", "Process - ERROR: Forking failed"); } else if (pid > 0) { // parent Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - In parent process of %d - %s: Starting monitoring", GetCurrentRun(), aDetector->GetName())); Long_t begin = time(0); int status; // to be used with waitpid, on purpose an int (not Int_t)! while (waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) == 0) { Long_t expiredTime = time(0) - begin; if (expiredTime > fConfig->GetPPTimeOut()) { TString tmp; tmp.Form("Process - Process of %s time out. " "Run time: %d seconds. Killing...", fCurrentDetector.Data(), expiredTime); Log("SHUTTLE", tmp); Log(fCurrentDetector, tmp); kill(pid, 9); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kPPTimeOut); hasError = kTRUE; gSystem->Sleep(1000); } else { gSystem->Sleep(1000); TString checkStr; checkStr.Form("ps -o vsize --pid %d | tail -n 1", pid); FILE* pipe = gSystem->OpenPipe(checkStr, "r"); if (!pipe) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - Error: " "Could not open pipe to %s", checkStr.Data())); continue; } char buffer[100]; if (!fgets(buffer, 100, pipe)) { Log("SHUTTLE", "Process - Error: ps did not return anything"); gSystem->ClosePipe(pipe); continue; } gSystem->ClosePipe(pipe); //Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ps returned %s", buffer)); Int_t mem = 0; if ((sscanf(buffer, "%d\n", &mem) != 1) || !mem) { Log("SHUTTLE", "Process - Error: Could not parse output of ps"); continue; } if (expiredTime % 60 == 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - %s: Checking process. " "Run time: %d seconds - Memory consumption: %d KB", fCurrentDetector.Data(), expiredTime, mem)); SendAlive(); } if (mem > fConfig->GetPPMaxMem()) { TString tmp; tmp.Form("Process - Process exceeds maximum allowed memory " "(%d KB > %d KB). Killing...", mem, fConfig->GetPPMaxMem()); Log("SHUTTLE", tmp); Log(fCurrentDetector, tmp); kill(pid, 9); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kPPOutOfMemory); hasError = kTRUE; gSystem->Sleep(1000); } } } Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - In parent process of %d - %s: Client has terminated.", GetCurrentRun(), aDetector->GetName())); if (WIFEXITED(status)) { Int_t returnCode = WEXITSTATUS(status); Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - %s: the return code is %d", fCurrentDetector.Data(), returnCode)); if (returnCode == 0) hasError = kTRUE; } } else if (pid == 0) { // client Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - In client process of %d - %s", GetCurrentRun(), aDetector->GetName())); Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - Redirecting output to %s log",fCurrentDetector.Data())); if ((freopen(GetLogFileName(fCurrentDetector), "a", stdout)) == 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", "Process - Could not freopen stdout"); } else { fOutputRedirected = kTRUE; if ((dup2(fileno(stdout), fileno(stderr))) < 0) Log("SHUTTLE", "Process - Could not redirect stderr"); } TString wd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); TString tmpDir = Form("%s/%s_%d_process", GetShuttleTempDir(), fCurrentDetector.Data(), GetCurrentRun()); Int_t result = gSystem->GetPathInfo(tmpDir.Data(), 0, (Long64_t*) 0, 0, 0); if (!result) // temp dir already exists! { Log(fCurrentDetector.Data(), Form("Process - %s dir already exists! Removing...", tmpDir.Data())); gSystem->Exec(Form("rm -rf %s",tmpDir.Data())); } if (gSystem->mkdir(tmpDir.Data(), 1)) { Log(fCurrentDetector.Data(), "Process - could not make temp directory!!"); gSystem->Exit(1); } if (!gSystem->ChangeDirectory(tmpDir.Data())) { Log(fCurrentDetector.Data(), "Process - could not change directory!!"); gSystem->Exit(1); } Bool_t success = ProcessCurrentDetector(); gSystem->ChangeDirectory(wd.Data()); if (success) // Preprocessor finished successfully! { // remove temporary folder // temporary commented (JF) //gSystem->Exec(Form("rm -rf %s",tmpDir.Data())); // Update time_processed field in FXS DB if (UpdateTable() == kFALSE) Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - %s: Could not update FXS databases!", fCurrentDetector.Data())); // Transfer the data from local storage to main storage (Grid) UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kStoreStarted); if (StoreOCDB() == kFALSE) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("\t\t\t****** run %d - %s: STORAGE ERROR ******", GetCurrentRun(), aDetector->GetName())); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kStoreError); success = kFALSE; } else { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("\t\t\t****** run %d - %s: DONE ******", GetCurrentRun(), aDetector->GetName())); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kDone); UpdateShuttleLogbook(fCurrentDetector, "DONE"); } } else { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("\t\t\t****** run %d - %s: PP ERROR ******", GetCurrentRun(), aDetector->GetName())); } for (UInt_t iSys=0; iSys<3; iSys++) { if (fFXSCalled[iSys]) fFXSlist[iSys].Clear(); } Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - Client process of %d - %s is exiting now with %d.", GetCurrentRun(), aDetector->GetName(), success)); // the client exits here gSystem->Exit(success); AliError("We should never get here!!!"); } } Log("SHUTTLE", Form("\t\t\t^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* run %d: FINISH ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*", GetCurrentRun())); //check if shuttle is done for this run, if so update logbook TObjArray checkEntryArray; checkEntryArray.SetOwner(1); TString whereClause = Form("where run=%d", GetCurrentRun()); if (!QueryShuttleLogbook(whereClause.Data(), checkEntryArray) || checkEntryArray.GetEntries() == 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Process - Warning: Cannot check status of run %d on Shuttle logbook!", GetCurrentRun())); return hasError == kFALSE; } AliShuttleLogbookEntry* checkEntry = dynamic_cast (checkEntryArray.At(0)); if (checkEntry) { if (checkEntry->IsDone()) { Log("SHUTTLE","Process - Shuttle is DONE. Updating logbook"); UpdateShuttleLogbook("shuttle_done"); } else { for (UInt_t iDet=0; iDetGetDetectorStatus(iDet) == AliShuttleLogbookEntry::kUnprocessed) { AliDebug(2, Form("Run %d: setting %s as \"not first time unprocessed\"", checkEntry->GetRun(), GetDetName(iDet))); fFirstUnprocessed[iDet] = kFALSE; } } } } fLogbookEntry = 0; return hasError == kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::ProcessCurrentDetector() { // // Makes data retrieval just for a specific detector (fCurrentDetector). // Threre should be a configuration for this detector. Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ProcessCurrentDetector - Retrieving values for %s, run %d", fCurrentDetector.Data(), GetCurrentRun())); TString wd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); if (!CleanReferenceStorage(fCurrentDetector.Data())) return kFALSE; gSystem->ChangeDirectory(wd.Data()); TMap* dcsMap = new TMap(); // call preprocessor AliPreprocessor* aPreprocessor = dynamic_cast (fPreprocessorMap.GetValue(fCurrentDetector)); aPreprocessor->Initialize(GetCurrentRun(), GetCurrentStartTime(), GetCurrentEndTime()); Bool_t processDCS = aPreprocessor->ProcessDCS(); if (!processDCS) { Log(fCurrentDetector, "ProcessCurrentDetector -" " The preprocessor requested to skip the retrieval of DCS values"); } else if (fTestMode & kSkipDCS) { Log(fCurrentDetector, "ProcessCurrentDetector - In TESTMODE: Skipping DCS processing"); } else if (fTestMode & kErrorDCS) { Log(fCurrentDetector, "ProcessCurrentDetector - In TESTMODE: Simulating DCS error"); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kDCSStarted); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kDCSError); delete dcsMap; return kFALSE; } else { UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kDCSStarted); // Query DCS archive Int_t nServers = fConfig->GetNServers(fCurrentDetector); for (int iServ=0; iServGetDCSHost(fCurrentDetector, iServ)); Int_t port = fConfig->GetDCSPort(fCurrentDetector, iServ); Int_t multiSplit = fConfig->GetMultiSplit(fCurrentDetector, iServ); Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("ProcessCurrentDetector -" " Querying DCS Amanda server %s:%d (%d of %d)", host.Data(), port, iServ+1, nServers)); TMap* aliasMap = 0; TMap* dpMap = 0; if (fConfig->GetDCSAliases(fCurrentDetector, iServ)->GetEntries() > 0) { aliasMap = GetValueSet(host, port, fConfig->GetDCSAliases(fCurrentDetector, iServ), kAlias, multiSplit); if (!aliasMap) { Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("ProcessCurrentDetector -" " Error retrieving DCS aliases from server %s." " Sending mail to DCS experts!", host.Data())); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kDCSError); //if (!SendMailToDCS()) // Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ProcessCurrentDetector - Could not send mail to DCS experts!")); delete dcsMap; return kFALSE; } } if (fConfig->GetDCSDataPoints(fCurrentDetector, iServ)->GetEntries() > 0) { dpMap = GetValueSet(host, port, fConfig->GetDCSDataPoints(fCurrentDetector, iServ), kDP, multiSplit); if (!dpMap) { Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("ProcessCurrentDetector -" " Error retrieving DCS data points from server %s." " Sending mail to DCS experts!", host.Data())); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kDCSError); //if (!SendMailToDCS()) // Log("SHUTTLE", Form("ProcessCurrentDetector - Could not send mail to DCS experts!")); if (aliasMap) delete aliasMap; delete dcsMap; return kFALSE; } } // merge aliasMap and dpMap into dcsMap if(aliasMap) { TIter iter(aliasMap); TObjString* key = 0; while ((key = (TObjString*) iter.Next())) dcsMap->Add(key, aliasMap->GetValue(key->String())); aliasMap->SetOwner(kFALSE); delete aliasMap; } if(dpMap) { TIter iter(dpMap); TObjString* key = 0; while ((key = (TObjString*) iter.Next())) dcsMap->Add(key, dpMap->GetValue(key->String())); dpMap->SetOwner(kFALSE); delete dpMap; } } } // save map into file, to help debugging in case of preprocessor error TFile* f = TFile::Open("DCSMap.root","recreate"); f->cd(); dcsMap->Write("DCSMap", TObject::kSingleKey); f->Close(); delete f; // DCS Archive DB processing successful. Call Preprocessor! UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kPPStarted); UInt_t returnValue = aPreprocessor->Process(dcsMap); if (returnValue > 0) // Preprocessor error! { Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("ProcessCurrentDetector - " "Preprocessor failed. Process returned %d.", returnValue)); UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kPPError); dcsMap->DeleteAll(); delete dcsMap; return kFALSE; } // preprocessor ok! UpdateShuttleStatus(AliShuttleStatus::kPPDone); Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("ProcessCurrentDetector - %s preprocessor returned success", fCurrentDetector.Data())); dcsMap->DeleteAll(); delete dcsMap; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::CountOpenRuns() { // Query DAQ's Shuttle logbook and sends the number of open runs to ML // check connection, in case connect if (!Connect(3)) return; TString sqlQuery; sqlQuery = Form("select count(*) from %s where shuttle_done=0", fConfig->GetShuttlelbTable()); TSQLResult* aResult = fServer[3]->Query(sqlQuery); if (!aResult) { AliError(Form("Can't execute query <%s>!", sqlQuery.Data())); return; } AliDebug(2,Form("Query = %s", sqlQuery.Data())); if (aResult->GetRowCount() == 0) { AliError(Form("No result for query %s received", sqlQuery.Data())); return; } if (aResult->GetFieldCount() != 1) { AliError(Form("Invalid field count for query %s received", sqlQuery.Data())); return; } TSQLRow* aRow = aResult->Next(); if (!aRow) { AliError(Form("Could not receive result of query %s", sqlQuery.Data())); return; } TString result(aRow->GetField(0), aRow->GetFieldLength(0)); Int_t count = result.Atoi(); Log("SHUTTLE", Form("%d unprocessed runs", count)); delete aRow; delete aResult; TMonaLisaValue mlStatus("SHUTTLE_openruns", count); TList mlList; mlList.Add(&mlStatus); fMonaLisa->SendParameters(&mlList, "__PROCESSINGINFO__"); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::QueryShuttleLogbook(const char* whereClause, TObjArray& entries) { // Query DAQ's Shuttle logbook and fills detector status object. // Call QueryRunParameters to query DAQ logbook for run parameters. // entries.SetOwner(1); // check connection, in case connect if (!Connect(3)) return kFALSE; TString sqlQuery; sqlQuery = Form("select * from %s %s order by run", fConfig->GetShuttlelbTable(), whereClause); TSQLResult* aResult = fServer[3]->Query(sqlQuery); if (!aResult) { AliError(Form("Can't execute query <%s>!", sqlQuery.Data())); return kFALSE; } AliDebug(2,Form("Query = %s", sqlQuery.Data())); if(aResult->GetRowCount() == 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", "No entries in Shuttle Logbook match request"); delete aResult; return kTRUE; } // TODO Check field count! const UInt_t nCols = 23; if (aResult->GetFieldCount() != (Int_t) nCols) { Log("SHUTTLE", "Invalid SQL result field number!"); delete aResult; return kFALSE; } TSQLRow* aRow; while ((aRow = aResult->Next())) { TString runString(aRow->GetField(0), aRow->GetFieldLength(0)); Int_t run = runString.Atoi(); AliShuttleLogbookEntry *entry = QueryRunParameters(run); if (!entry) continue; // loop on detectors for(UInt_t ii = 0; ii < nCols; ii++) entry->SetDetectorStatus(aResult->GetFieldName(ii), aRow->GetField(ii)); entries.AddLast(entry); delete aRow; } delete aResult; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliShuttleLogbookEntry* AliShuttle::QueryRunParameters(Int_t run) { // // Retrieve run parameters written in the DAQ logbook and sets them into AliShuttleLogbookEntry object // // check connection, in case connect if (!Connect(3)) return 0; TString sqlQuery; sqlQuery.Form("select * from %s where run=%d", fConfig->GetDAQlbTable(), run); TSQLResult* aResult = fServer[3]->Query(sqlQuery); if (!aResult) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Can't execute query <%s>!", sqlQuery.Data())); return 0; } if (aResult->GetRowCount() == 0) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("QueryRunParameters - No entry in DAQ Logbook for run %d. Skipping", run)); delete aResult; return 0; } if (aResult->GetRowCount() > 1) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("QueryRunParameters - UNEXPECTED: " "more than one entry in DAQ Logbook for run %d!", run)); delete aResult; return 0; } TSQLRow* aRow = aResult->Next(); if (!aRow) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("QueryRunParameters - Could not retrieve row for run %d. Skipping", run)); delete aResult; return 0; } AliShuttleLogbookEntry* entry = new AliShuttleLogbookEntry(run); for (Int_t ii = 0; ii < aResult->GetFieldCount(); ii++) entry->SetRunParameter(aResult->GetFieldName(ii), aRow->GetField(ii)); UInt_t startTime = entry->GetStartTime(); UInt_t endTime = entry->GetEndTime(); // if (!startTime || !endTime || startTime > endTime) // { // Log("SHUTTLE", // Form("QueryRunParameters - Invalid parameters for Run %d: startTime = %d, endTime = %d. Skipping!", // run, startTime, endTime)); // // Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Marking SHUTTLE done for run %d", run)); // fLogbookEntry = entry; // if (!UpdateShuttleLogbook("shuttle_done")) // { // AliError(Form("Could not update logbook for run %d !", run)); // } // fLogbookEntry = 0; // // delete entry; // delete aRow; // delete aResult; // return 0; // } if (!startTime) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("QueryRunParameters - Invalid parameters for Run %d: " "startTime = %d, endTime = %d. Skipping!", run, startTime, endTime)); Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Marking SHUTTLE done for run %d", run)); fLogbookEntry = entry; if (!UpdateShuttleLogbook("shuttle_ignored")) { AliError(Form("Could not update logbook for run %d !", run)); } fLogbookEntry = 0; delete entry; delete aRow; delete aResult; return 0; } if (startTime && !endTime) { // TODO Here we don't mark SHUTTLE done, because this may mean //the run is still ongoing!! Log("SHUTTLE", Form("QueryRunParameters - Invalid parameters for Run %d: " "startTime = %d, endTime = %d. Skipping (Shuttle won't be marked as DONE)!", run, startTime, endTime)); //Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Marking SHUTTLE done for run %d", run)); //fLogbookEntry = entry; //if (!UpdateShuttleLogbook("shuttle_done")) //{ // AliError(Form("Could not update logbook for run %d !", run)); //} //fLogbookEntry = 0; delete entry; delete aRow; delete aResult; return 0; } if (startTime && endTime && (startTime > endTime)) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("QueryRunParameters - Invalid parameters for Run %d: " "startTime = %d, endTime = %d. Skipping!", run, startTime, endTime)); Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Marking SHUTTLE done for run %d", run)); fLogbookEntry = entry; if (!UpdateShuttleLogbook("shuttle_ignored")) { AliError(Form("Could not update logbook for run %d !", run)); } fLogbookEntry = 0; delete entry; delete aRow; delete aResult; return 0; } TString totEventsStr = entry->GetRunParameter("totalEvents"); Int_t totEvents = totEventsStr.Atoi(); if (totEvents < 1) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("QueryRunParameters - Run %d has 0 events - Skipping!", run)); Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Marking SHUTTLE done for run %d", run)); fLogbookEntry = entry; if (!UpdateShuttleLogbook("shuttle_ignored")) { AliError(Form("Could not update logbook for run %d !", run)); } fLogbookEntry = 0; delete entry; delete aRow; delete aResult; return 0; } delete aRow; delete aResult; return entry; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ TMap* AliShuttle::GetValueSet(const char* host, Int_t port, const TSeqCollection* entries, DCSType type, Int_t multiSplit) { // Retrieve all "entry" data points from the DCS server // host, port: TSocket connection parameters // entries: list of name of the alias or data point // type: kAlias or kDP // returns TMap of values, 0 when failure AliDCSClient client(host, port, fTimeout, fRetries, multiSplit); TMap* result = 0; if (type == kAlias) { result = client.GetAliasValues(entries, GetCurrentStartTime(), GetCurrentEndTime()); } else if (type == kDP) { result = client.GetDPValues(entries, GetCurrentStartTime(), GetCurrentEndTime()); } if (result == 0) { Log(fCurrentDetector.Data(), Form("GetValueSet - Can't get entries! Reason: %s", client.GetErrorString(client.GetResultErrorCode()))); if (client.GetResultErrorCode() == AliDCSClient::fgkServerError) Log(fCurrentDetector.Data(), Form("GetValueSet - Server error code: %s", client.GetServerError().Data())); return 0; } return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ const char* AliShuttle::GetFile(Int_t system, const char* detector, const char* id, const char* source) { // Get calibration file from file exchange servers // First queris the FXS database for the file name, using the run, detector, id and source info // then calls RetrieveFile(filename) for actual copy to local disk // run: current run being processed (given by Logbook entry fLogbookEntry) // detector: the Preprocessor name // id: provided as a parameter by the Preprocessor // source: provided by the Preprocessor through GetFileSources function // check if test mode should simulate a FXS error if (fTestMode & kErrorFXSFiles) { Log(detector, Form("GetFile - In TESTMODE - Simulating error while connecting to %s FXS", GetSystemName(system))); return 0; } // check connection, in case connect if (!Connect(system)) { Log(detector, Form("GetFile - Couldn't connect to %s FXS database", GetSystemName(system))); return 0; } // Query preparation TString sourceName(source); Int_t nFields = 3; TString sqlQueryStart = Form("select filePath,size,fileChecksum from %s where", fConfig->GetFXSdbTable(system)); TString whereClause = Form("run=%d and detector=\"%s\" and fileId=\"%s\"", GetCurrentRun(), detector, id); if (system == kDAQ) { whereClause += Form(" and DAQsource=\"%s\"", source); } else if (system == kDCS) { sourceName="none"; } else if (system == kHLT) { whereClause += Form(" and DDLnumbers=\"%s\"", source); nFields = 3; } TString sqlQuery = Form("%s %s", sqlQueryStart.Data(), whereClause.Data()); AliDebug(2, Form("SQL query: \n%s",sqlQuery.Data())); // Query execution TSQLResult* aResult = 0; aResult = dynamic_cast (fServer[system]->Query(sqlQuery)); if (!aResult) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileName - Can't execute SQL query to %s database for: id = %s, source = %s", GetSystemName(system), id, sourceName.Data())); return 0; } if(aResult->GetRowCount() == 0) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileName - No entry in %s FXS db for: id = %s, source = %s", GetSystemName(system), id, sourceName.Data())); delete aResult; return 0; } if (aResult->GetRowCount() > 1) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileName - More than one entry in %s FXS db for: id = %s, source = %s", GetSystemName(system), id, sourceName.Data())); delete aResult; return 0; } if (aResult->GetFieldCount() != nFields) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileName - Wrong field count in %s FXS db for: id = %s, source = %s", GetSystemName(system), id, sourceName.Data())); delete aResult; return 0; } TSQLRow* aRow = dynamic_cast (aResult->Next()); if (!aRow){ Log(detector, Form("GetFileName - Empty set result in %s FXS db from query: id = %s, source = %s", GetSystemName(system), id, sourceName.Data())); delete aResult; return 0; } TString filePath(aRow->GetField(0), aRow->GetFieldLength(0)); TString fileSize(aRow->GetField(1), aRow->GetFieldLength(1)); TString fileChecksum(aRow->GetField(2), aRow->GetFieldLength(2)); delete aResult; delete aRow; AliDebug(2, Form("filePath = %s; size = %s, fileChecksum = %s", filePath.Data(), fileSize.Data(), fileChecksum.Data())); // retrieved file is renamed to make it unique TString localFileName = Form("%s/%s_%d_process/%s_%s_%d_%s_%s.shuttle", GetShuttleTempDir(), detector, GetCurrentRun(), GetSystemName(system), detector, GetCurrentRun(), id, sourceName.Data()); // file retrieval from FXS UInt_t nRetries = 0; UInt_t maxRetries = 3; Bool_t result = kFALSE; // copy!! if successful TSystem::Exec returns 0 while(nRetries++ < maxRetries) { AliDebug(2, Form("Trying to copy file. Retry # %d", nRetries)); result = RetrieveFile(system, filePath.Data(), localFileName.Data()); if(!result) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileName - Copy of file %s from %s FXS failed", filePath.Data(), GetSystemName(system))); continue; } if (fileChecksum.Length()>0) { // compare md5sum of local file with the one stored in the FXS DB Int_t md5Comp = gSystem->Exec(Form("md5sum %s |grep %s 2>&1 > /dev/null", localFileName.Data(), fileChecksum.Data())); if (md5Comp != 0) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileName - md5sum of file %s does not match with local copy!", filePath.Data())); result = kFALSE; continue; } } else { Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("GetFile - md5sum of file %s not set in %s database, skipping comparison", filePath.Data(), GetSystemName(system))); } if (result) break; } if(!result) return 0; fFXSCalled[system]=kTRUE; TObjString *fileParams = new TObjString(Form("%s#!?!#%s", id, sourceName.Data())); fFXSlist[system].Add(fileParams); static TString staticLocalFileName; staticLocalFileName.Form("%s", localFileName.Data()); Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("GetFile - Retrieved file with id %s and " "source %s from %s to %s", id, source, GetSystemName(system), localFileName.Data())); return staticLocalFileName.Data(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::RetrieveFile(UInt_t system, const char* fxsFileName, const char* localFileName) { // // Copies file from FXS to local Shuttle machine // // check temp directory: trying to cd to temp; if it does not exist, create it AliDebug(2, Form("Copy file %s from %s FXS into %s", GetSystemName(system), fxsFileName, localFileName)); TString tmpDir(localFileName); tmpDir = tmpDir(0,tmpDir.Last('/')); Int_t noDir = gSystem->GetPathInfo(tmpDir.Data(), 0, (Long64_t*) 0, 0, 0); if (noDir) // temp dir does not exists! { if (gSystem->mkdir(tmpDir.Data(), 1)) { Log(fCurrentDetector.Data(), "RetrieveFile - could not make temp directory!!"); return kFALSE; } } TString baseFXSFolder; if (system == kDAQ) { baseFXSFolder = "FES/"; } else if (system == kDCS) { baseFXSFolder = ""; } else if (system == kHLT) { baseFXSFolder = "/opt/FXS/"; } TString command = Form("scp -oPort=%d -2 %s@%s:%s%s %s", fConfig->GetFXSPort(system), fConfig->GetFXSUser(system), fConfig->GetFXSHost(system), baseFXSFolder.Data(), fxsFileName, localFileName); AliDebug(2, Form("%s",command.Data())); Bool_t result = (gSystem->Exec(command.Data()) == 0); return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ TList* AliShuttle::GetFileSources(Int_t system, const char* detector, const char* id) { // // Get sources producing the condition file Id from file exchange servers // if id is NULL all sources are returned (distinct) // if (id) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileSources - Querying %s FXS for files with id %s produced by %s", GetSystemName(system), id, detector)); } else { Log(detector, Form("GetFileSources - Querying %s FXS for files produced by %s", GetSystemName(system), detector)); } // check if test mode should simulate a FXS error if (fTestMode & kErrorFXSSources) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileSources - In TESTMODE - Simulating error while connecting to %s FXS", GetSystemName(system))); return 0; } if (system == kDCS) { Log(detector, "GetFileSources - WARNING: DCS system has only one source of data!"); TList *list = new TList(); list->SetOwner(1); list->Add(new TObjString(" ")); return list; } // check connection, in case connect if (!Connect(system)) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileSources - Couldn't connect to %s FXS database", GetSystemName(system))); return NULL; } TString sourceName = 0; if (system == kDAQ) { sourceName = "DAQsource"; } else if (system == kHLT) { sourceName = "DDLnumbers"; } TString sqlQueryStart = Form("select distinct %s from %s where", sourceName.Data(), fConfig->GetFXSdbTable(system)); TString whereClause = Form("run=%d and detector=\"%s\"", GetCurrentRun(), detector); if (id) whereClause += Form(" and fileId=\"%s\"", id); TString sqlQuery = Form("%s %s", sqlQueryStart.Data(), whereClause.Data()); AliDebug(2, Form("SQL query: \n%s",sqlQuery.Data())); // Query execution TSQLResult* aResult; aResult = fServer[system]->Query(sqlQuery); if (!aResult) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileSources - Can't execute SQL query to %s database for id: %s", GetSystemName(system), id)); return 0; } TList *list = new TList(); list->SetOwner(1); if (aResult->GetRowCount() == 0) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileSources - No entry in %s FXS table for id: %s", GetSystemName(system), id)); delete aResult; return list; } Log(detector, Form("GetFileSources - Found %d sources", aResult->GetRowCount())); TSQLRow* aRow; while ((aRow = aResult->Next())) { TString source(aRow->GetField(0), aRow->GetFieldLength(0)); AliDebug(2, Form("%s = %s", sourceName.Data(), source.Data())); list->Add(new TObjString(source)); delete aRow; } delete aResult; return list; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ TList* AliShuttle::GetFileIDs(Int_t system, const char* detector, const char* source) { // // Get all ids of condition files produced by a given source from file exchange servers // Log(detector, Form("GetFileIDs - Retrieving ids with source %s with %s", source, GetSystemName(system))); // check if test mode should simulate a FXS error if (fTestMode & kErrorFXSSources) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileIDs - In TESTMODE - Simulating error while connecting to %s FXS", GetSystemName(system))); return 0; } // check connection, in case connect if (!Connect(system)) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileIDs - Couldn't connect to %s FXS database", GetSystemName(system))); return NULL; } TString sourceName = 0; if (system == kDAQ) { sourceName = "DAQsource"; } else if (system == kHLT) { sourceName = "DDLnumbers"; } TString sqlQueryStart = Form("select fileId from %s where", fConfig->GetFXSdbTable(system)); TString whereClause = Form("run=%d and detector=\"%s\"", GetCurrentRun(), detector); if (sourceName.Length() > 0 && source) whereClause += Form(" and %s=\"%s\"", sourceName.Data(), source); TString sqlQuery = Form("%s %s", sqlQueryStart.Data(), whereClause.Data()); AliDebug(2, Form("SQL query: \n%s",sqlQuery.Data())); // Query execution TSQLResult* aResult; aResult = fServer[system]->Query(sqlQuery); if (!aResult) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileIDs - Can't execute SQL query to %s database for source: %s", GetSystemName(system), source)); return 0; } TList *list = new TList(); list->SetOwner(1); if (aResult->GetRowCount() == 0) { Log(detector, Form("GetFileIDs - No entry in %s FXS table for source: %s", GetSystemName(system), source)); delete aResult; return list; } Log(detector, Form("GetFileIDs - Found %d ids", aResult->GetRowCount())); TSQLRow* aRow; while ((aRow = aResult->Next())) { TString id(aRow->GetField(0), aRow->GetFieldLength(0)); AliDebug(2, Form("fileId = %s", id.Data())); list->Add(new TObjString(id)); delete aRow; } delete aResult; return list; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::Connect(Int_t system) { // Connect to MySQL Server of the system's FXS MySQL databases // DAQ Logbook, Shuttle Logbook and DAQ FXS db are on the same host // // check connection: if already connected return if(fServer[system] && fServer[system]->IsConnected()) return kTRUE; TString dbHost, dbUser, dbPass, dbName; if (system < 3) // FXS db servers { dbHost = Form("mysql://%s:%d", fConfig->GetFXSdbHost(system), fConfig->GetFXSdbPort(system)); dbUser = fConfig->GetFXSdbUser(system); dbPass = fConfig->GetFXSdbPass(system); dbName = fConfig->GetFXSdbName(system); } else { // Run & Shuttle logbook servers // TODO Will the Shuttle logbook server be the same as the Run logbook server ??? dbHost = Form("mysql://%s:%d", fConfig->GetDAQlbHost(), fConfig->GetDAQlbPort()); dbUser = fConfig->GetDAQlbUser(); dbPass = fConfig->GetDAQlbPass(); dbName = fConfig->GetDAQlbDB(); } fServer[system] = TSQLServer::Connect(dbHost.Data(), dbUser.Data(), dbPass.Data()); if (!fServer[system] || !fServer[system]->IsConnected()) { if(system < 3) { AliError(Form("Can't establish connection to FXS database for %s", AliShuttleInterface::GetSystemName(system))); } else { AliError("Can't establish connection to Run logbook."); } if(fServer[system]) delete fServer[system]; return kFALSE; } // Get tables TSQLResult* aResult=0; switch(system){ case kDAQ: aResult = fServer[kDAQ]->GetTables(dbName.Data()); break; case kDCS: aResult = fServer[kDCS]->GetTables(dbName.Data()); break; case kHLT: aResult = fServer[kHLT]->GetTables(dbName.Data()); break; default: aResult = fServer[3]->GetTables(dbName.Data()); break; } delete aResult; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::UpdateTable() { // // Update FXS table filling time_processed field in all rows corresponding to current run and detector // Bool_t result = kTRUE; for (UInt_t system=0; system<3; system++) { if(!fFXSCalled[system]) continue; // check connection, in case connect if (!Connect(system)) { Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("UpdateTable - Couldn't connect to %s FXS database", GetSystemName(system))); result = kFALSE; continue; } TTimeStamp now; // now // Loop on FXS list entries TIter iter(&fFXSlist[system]); TObjString *aFXSentry=0; while ((aFXSentry = dynamic_cast (iter.Next()))) { TString aFXSentrystr = aFXSentry->String(); TObjArray *aFXSarray = aFXSentrystr.Tokenize("#!?!#"); if (!aFXSarray || aFXSarray->GetEntries() != 2 ) { Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("UpdateTable - error updating %s FXS entry. Check string: <%s>", GetSystemName(system), aFXSentrystr.Data())); if(aFXSarray) delete aFXSarray; result = kFALSE; continue; } const char* fileId = ((TObjString*) aFXSarray->At(0))->GetName(); const char* source = ((TObjString*) aFXSarray->At(1))->GetName(); TString whereClause; if (system == kDAQ) { whereClause = Form("where run=%d and detector=\"%s\" and fileId=\"%s\" and DAQsource=\"%s\";", GetCurrentRun(), fCurrentDetector.Data(), fileId, source); } else if (system == kDCS) { whereClause = Form("where run=%d and detector=\"%s\" and fileId=\"%s\";", GetCurrentRun(), fCurrentDetector.Data(), fileId); } else if (system == kHLT) { whereClause = Form("where run=%d and detector=\"%s\" and fileId=\"%s\" and DDLnumbers=\"%s\";", GetCurrentRun(), fCurrentDetector.Data(), fileId, source); } delete aFXSarray; TString sqlQuery = Form("update %s set time_processed=%d %s", fConfig->GetFXSdbTable(system), now.GetSec(), whereClause.Data()); AliDebug(2, Form("SQL query: \n%s",sqlQuery.Data())); // Query execution TSQLResult* aResult; aResult = dynamic_cast (fServer[system]->Query(sqlQuery)); if (!aResult) { Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("UpdateTable - %s db: can't execute SQL query <%s>", GetSystemName(system), sqlQuery.Data())); result = kFALSE; continue; } delete aResult; } } return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::UpdateTableFailCase() { // Update FXS table filling time_processed field in all rows corresponding to current run and detector // this is called in case the preprocessor is declared failed for the current run, because // the fields are updated only in case of success Bool_t result = kTRUE; for (UInt_t system=0; system<3; system++) { // check connection, in case connect if (!Connect(system)) { Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("UpdateTableFailCase - Couldn't connect to %s FXS database", GetSystemName(system))); result = kFALSE; continue; } TTimeStamp now; // now // Loop on FXS list entries TString whereClause = Form("where run=%d and detector=\"%s\";", GetCurrentRun(), fCurrentDetector.Data()); TString sqlQuery = Form("update %s set time_processed=%d %s", fConfig->GetFXSdbTable(system), now.GetSec(), whereClause.Data()); AliDebug(2, Form("SQL query: \n%s",sqlQuery.Data())); // Query execution TSQLResult* aResult; aResult = dynamic_cast (fServer[system]->Query(sqlQuery)); if (!aResult) { Log(fCurrentDetector, Form("UpdateTableFailCase - %s db: can't execute SQL query <%s>", GetSystemName(system), sqlQuery.Data())); result = kFALSE; continue; } delete aResult; } return result; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::UpdateShuttleLogbook(const char* detector, const char* status) { // // Update Shuttle logbook filling detector or shuttle_done column // ex. of usage: UpdateShuttleLogbook("PHOS", "DONE") or UpdateShuttleLogbook("shuttle_done") // // check connection, in case connect if(!Connect(3)){ Log("SHUTTLE", "UpdateShuttleLogbook - Couldn't connect to DAQ Logbook."); return kFALSE; } TString detName(detector); TString setClause; if (detName == "shuttle_done" || detName == "shuttle_ignored") { setClause = "set shuttle_done=1"; if (detName == "shuttle_done") { // Send the information to ML TMonaLisaText mlStatus("SHUTTLE_status", "Done"); TList mlList; mlList.Add(&mlStatus); TString mlID; mlID.Form("%d", GetCurrentRun()); fMonaLisa->SendParameters(&mlList, mlID); } } else { TString statusStr(status); if(statusStr.Contains("done", TString::kIgnoreCase) || statusStr.Contains("failed", TString::kIgnoreCase)){ setClause = Form("set %s=\"%s\"", detector, status); } else { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("UpdateShuttleLogbook - Invalid status <%s> for detector %s", status, detector)); return kFALSE; } } TString whereClause = Form("where run=%d", GetCurrentRun()); TString sqlQuery = Form("update %s %s %s", fConfig->GetShuttlelbTable(), setClause.Data(), whereClause.Data()); AliDebug(2, Form("SQL query: \n%s",sqlQuery.Data())); // Query execution TSQLResult* aResult; aResult = dynamic_cast (fServer[3]->Query(sqlQuery)); if (!aResult) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("UpdateShuttleLogbook - Can't execute query <%s>", sqlQuery.Data())); return kFALSE; } delete aResult; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliShuttle::GetCurrentRun() const { // // Get current run from logbook entry // return fLogbookEntry ? fLogbookEntry->GetRun() : -1; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliShuttle::GetCurrentStartTime() const { // // get current start time // return fLogbookEntry ? fLogbookEntry->GetStartTime() : 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliShuttle::GetCurrentEndTime() const { // // get current end time from logbook entry // return fLogbookEntry ? fLogbookEntry->GetEndTime() : 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t AliShuttle::GetCurrentYear() const { // // Get current year from logbook entry // if (!fLogbookEntry) return 0; TTimeStamp startTime(GetCurrentStartTime()); TString year = Form("%d",startTime.GetDate()); year = year(0,4); return year.Atoi(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ const char* AliShuttle::GetLHCPeriod() const { // // Get current LHC period from logbook entry // if (!fLogbookEntry) return 0; return fLogbookEntry->GetRunParameter("LHCperiod"); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::Log(const char* detector, const char* message) { // // Fill log string with a message // TString logRunDir = GetShuttleLogDir(); if (GetCurrentRun() >=0) logRunDir += Form("/%d", GetCurrentRun()); void* dir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(logRunDir.Data()); if (dir == NULL) { if (gSystem->mkdir(logRunDir.Data(), kTRUE)) { AliError(Form("Can't open directory <%s>", GetShuttleLogDir())); return; } } else { gSystem->FreeDirectory(dir); } TString toLog = Form("%s (%d): %s - ", TTimeStamp(time(0)).AsString("s"), getpid(), detector); if (GetCurrentRun() >= 0) toLog += Form("run %d - ", GetCurrentRun()); toLog += Form("%s", message); AliInfo(toLog.Data()); // if we redirect the log output already to the file, leave here if (fOutputRedirected && strcmp(detector, "SHUTTLE") != 0) return; TString fileName = GetLogFileName(detector); gSystem->ExpandPathName(fileName); ofstream logFile; logFile.open(fileName, ofstream::out | ofstream::app); if (!logFile.is_open()) { AliError(Form("Could not open file %s", fileName.Data())); return; } logFile << toLog.Data() << "\n"; logFile.close(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ TString AliShuttle::GetLogFileName(const char* detector) const { // // returns the name of the log file for a given sub detector // TString fileName; if (GetCurrentRun() >= 0) { fileName.Form("%s/%d/%s_%d.log", GetShuttleLogDir(), GetCurrentRun(), detector, GetCurrentRun()); } else { fileName.Form("%s/%s.log", GetShuttleLogDir(), detector); } return fileName; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::SendAlive() { // sends alive message to ML TMonaLisaText mlStatus("SHUTTLE_status", "Alive"); TList mlList; mlList.Add(&mlStatus); fMonaLisa->SendParameters(&mlList, "__PROCESSINGINFO__"); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::Collect(Int_t run) { // // Collects conditions data for all UNPROCESSED run written to DAQ LogBook in case of run = -1 (default) // If a dedicated run is given this run is processed // // In operational mode, this is the Shuttle function triggered by the EOR signal. // if (run == -1) Log("SHUTTLE","Collect - Shuttle called. Collecting conditions data for unprocessed runs"); else Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Collect - Shuttle called. Collecting conditions data for run %d", run)); SetLastAction("Starting"); // create ML instance if (!fMonaLisa) fMonaLisa = new TMonaLisaWriter(fConfig->GetMonitorHost(), fConfig->GetMonitorTable()); SendAlive(); CountOpenRuns(); TString whereClause("where shuttle_done=0"); if (run != -1) whereClause += Form(" and run=%d", run); TObjArray shuttleLogbookEntries; if (!QueryShuttleLogbook(whereClause, shuttleLogbookEntries)) { Log("SHUTTLE", "Collect - Can't retrieve entries from Shuttle logbook"); return kFALSE; } if (shuttleLogbookEntries.GetEntries() == 0) { if (run == -1) Log("SHUTTLE","Collect - Found no UNPROCESSED runs in Shuttle logbook"); else Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Collect - Run %d is already DONE " "or it does not exist in Shuttle logbook", run)); return kTRUE; } for (UInt_t iDet=0; iDet (iter.Next()))) { for (UInt_t iDet=0; iDetGetDetectorStatus(iDet) == AliShuttleLogbookEntry::kUnprocessed) { AliDebug(2, Form("Run %d: setting %s as \"not first time unprocessed\"", anEntry->GetRun(), GetDetName(iDet))); fFirstUnprocessed[iDet] = kFALSE; } } } } if (!RetrieveConditionsData(shuttleLogbookEntries)) { Log("SHUTTLE", "Collect - Process of at least one run failed"); CountOpenRuns(); return kFALSE; } Log("SHUTTLE", "Collect - Requested run(s) successfully processed"); CountOpenRuns(); return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::RetrieveConditionsData(const TObjArray& dateEntries) { // // Retrieve conditions data for all runs that aren't processed yet // Bool_t hasError = kFALSE; TIter iter(&dateEntries); AliShuttleLogbookEntry* anEntry; while ((anEntry = (AliShuttleLogbookEntry*) iter.Next())){ if (!Process(anEntry)){ hasError = kTRUE; } // clean SHUTTLE temp directory //TString filename = Form("%s/*.shuttle", GetShuttleTempDir()); //RemoveFile(filename.Data()); } return hasError == kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t AliShuttle::GetTimeOfLastAction() const { // // Gets time of last action // ULong_t tmp; fMonitoringMutex->Lock(); tmp = fLastActionTime; fMonitoringMutex->UnLock(); return tmp; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ const TString AliShuttle::GetLastAction() const { // // returns a string description of the last action // TString tmp; fMonitoringMutex->Lock(); tmp = fLastAction; fMonitoringMutex->UnLock(); return tmp; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::SetLastAction(const char* action) { // // updates the monitoring variables // fMonitoringMutex->Lock(); fLastAction = action; fLastActionTime = time(0); fMonitoringMutex->UnLock(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ const char* AliShuttle::GetRunParameter(const char* param) { // // returns run parameter read from DAQ logbook // if(!fLogbookEntry) { AliError("No logbook entry!"); return 0; } return fLogbookEntry->GetRunParameter(param); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBEntry* AliShuttle::GetFromOCDB(const char* detector, const AliCDBPath& path) { // // returns object from OCDB valid for current run // if (fTestMode & kErrorOCDB) { Log(detector, "GetFromOCDB - In TESTMODE - Simulating error with OCDB"); return 0; } AliCDBStorage *sto = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(fgkMainCDB); if (!sto) { Log(detector, "GetFromOCDB - Cannot activate main OCDB for query!"); return 0; } return dynamic_cast (sto->Get(path, GetCurrentRun())); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::SendMail() { // // sends a mail to the subdetector expert in case of preprocessor error // if (fTestMode != kNone) return kTRUE; TString to=""; TIter iterExperts(fConfig->GetResponsibles(fCurrentDetector)); TObjString *anExpert=0; while ((anExpert = (TObjString*) iterExperts.Next())) { to += Form("%s,", anExpert->GetName()); } if (to.Length() > 0) to.Remove(to.Length()-1); AliDebug(2, Form("to: %s",to.Data())); if (to.IsNull()) { Log("SHUTTLE", "List of detector responsibles not yet set!"); return kFALSE; } void* dir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(GetShuttleLogDir()); if (dir == NULL) { if (gSystem->mkdir(GetShuttleLogDir(), kTRUE)) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("SendMail - Can't open directory <%s>", GetShuttleLogDir())); return kFALSE; } } else { gSystem->FreeDirectory(dir); } TString bodyFileName; bodyFileName.Form("%s/mail.body", GetShuttleLogDir()); gSystem->ExpandPathName(bodyFileName); ofstream mailBody; mailBody.open(bodyFileName, ofstream::out); if (!mailBody.is_open()) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("Could not open mail body file %s", bodyFileName.Data())); return kFALSE; } TString cc="alberto.colla@cern.ch"; TString subject = Form("%s Shuttle preprocessor FAILED in run %d (run type = %s)!", fCurrentDetector.Data(), GetCurrentRun(), GetRunType()); AliDebug(2, Form("subject: %s", subject.Data())); TString body = Form("Dear %s expert(s), \n\n", fCurrentDetector.Data()); body += Form("SHUTTLE just detected that your preprocessor " "failed processing run %d (run type = %s)!!\n\n", GetCurrentRun(), GetRunType()); body += Form("Please check %s status on the SHUTTLE monitoring page: \n\n", fCurrentDetector.Data()); if (fConfig->GetRunMode() == AliShuttleConfig::kTest) { body += Form("\thttp://pcalimonitor.cern.ch:8889/shuttle.jsp?time=168 \n\n"); } else { body += Form("\thttp://pcalimonitor.cern.ch/shuttle.jsp?instance=PROD&time=168 \n\n"); } TString logFolder = "logs"; if (fConfig->GetRunMode() == AliShuttleConfig::kProd) logFolder += "_PROD"; body += Form("Find the %s log for the current run on \n\n" "\thttp://pcalishuttle01.cern.ch:8880/%s/%d/%s_%d.log \n\n", fCurrentDetector.Data(), logFolder.Data(), GetCurrentRun(), fCurrentDetector.Data(), GetCurrentRun()); body += Form("The last 10 lines of %s log file are following:\n\n", fCurrentDetector.Data()); AliDebug(2, Form("Body begin: %s", body.Data())); mailBody << body.Data(); mailBody.close(); mailBody.open(bodyFileName, ofstream::out | ofstream::app); TString logFileName = Form("%s/%d/%s_%d.log", GetShuttleLogDir(), GetCurrentRun(), fCurrentDetector.Data(), GetCurrentRun()); TString tailCommand = Form("tail -n 10 %s >> %s", logFileName.Data(), bodyFileName.Data()); if (gSystem->Exec(tailCommand.Data())) { mailBody << Form("%s log file not found ...\n\n", fCurrentDetector.Data()); } TString endBody = Form("------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); endBody += Form("In case of problems please contact the SHUTTLE core team.\n\n"); endBody += "Please do not answer this message directly, it is automatically generated.\n\n"; endBody += "Greetings,\n\n \t\t\tthe SHUTTLE\n"; AliDebug(2, Form("Body end: %s", endBody.Data())); mailBody << endBody.Data(); mailBody.close(); // send mail! TString mailCommand = Form("mail -s \"%s\" -c %s %s < %s", subject.Data(), cc.Data(), to.Data(), bodyFileName.Data()); AliDebug(2, Form("mail command: %s", mailCommand.Data())); Bool_t result = gSystem->Exec(mailCommand.Data()); return result == 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::SendMailToDCS() { // // sends a mail to the DCS experts in case of DCS error // if (fTestMode != kNone) return kTRUE; void* dir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(GetShuttleLogDir()); if (dir == NULL) { if (gSystem->mkdir(GetShuttleLogDir(), kTRUE)) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("SendMailToDCS - Can't open directory <%s>", GetShuttleLogDir())); return kFALSE; } } else { gSystem->FreeDirectory(dir); } TString bodyFileName; bodyFileName.Form("%s/mail.body", GetShuttleLogDir()); gSystem->ExpandPathName(bodyFileName); ofstream mailBody; mailBody.open(bodyFileName, ofstream::out); if (!mailBody.is_open()) { Log("SHUTTLE", Form("SendMailToDCS - Could not open mail body file %s", bodyFileName.Data())); return kFALSE; } TString to="Vladimir.Fekete@cern.ch, Svetozar.Kapusta@cern.ch"; //TString to="alberto.colla@cern.ch"; AliDebug(2, Form("to: %s",to.Data())); if (to.IsNull()) { Log("SHUTTLE", "List of detector responsibles not yet set!"); return kFALSE; } TString cc="alberto.colla@cern.ch"; TString subject = Form("Retrieval of data points for %s FAILED in run %d !", fCurrentDetector.Data(), GetCurrentRun()); AliDebug(2, Form("subject: %s", subject.Data())); TString body = Form("Dear DCS experts, \n\n"); body += Form("SHUTTLE couldn\'t retrieve the data points for detector %s " "in run %d!!\n\n", fCurrentDetector.Data(), GetCurrentRun()); body += Form("Please check %s status on the SHUTTLE monitoring page: \n\n", fCurrentDetector.Data()); if (fConfig->GetRunMode() == AliShuttleConfig::kTest) { body += Form("\thttp://pcalimonitor.cern.ch:8889/shuttle.jsp?time=168 \n\n"); } else { body += Form("\thttp://pcalimonitor.cern.ch/shuttle.jsp?instance=PROD?time=168 \n\n"); } TString logFolder = "logs"; if (fConfig->GetRunMode() == AliShuttleConfig::kProd) logFolder += "_PROD"; body += Form("Find the %s log for the current run on \n\n" "\thttp://pcalishuttle01.cern.ch:8880/%s/%d/%s_%d.log \n\n", fCurrentDetector.Data(), logFolder.Data(), GetCurrentRun(), fCurrentDetector.Data(), GetCurrentRun()); body += Form("The last 10 lines of %s log file are following:\n\n", fCurrentDetector.Data()); AliDebug(2, Form("Body begin: %s", body.Data())); mailBody << body.Data(); mailBody.close(); mailBody.open(bodyFileName, ofstream::out | ofstream::app); TString logFileName = Form("%s/%d/%s_%d.log", GetShuttleLogDir(), GetCurrentRun(), fCurrentDetector.Data(), GetCurrentRun()); TString tailCommand = Form("tail -n 10 %s >> %s", logFileName.Data(), bodyFileName.Data()); if (gSystem->Exec(tailCommand.Data())) { mailBody << Form("%s log file not found ...\n\n", fCurrentDetector.Data()); } TString endBody = Form("------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); endBody += Form("In case of problems please contact the SHUTTLE core team.\n\n"); endBody += "Please do not answer this message directly, it is automatically generated.\n\n"; endBody += "Greetings,\n\n \t\t\tthe SHUTTLE\n"; AliDebug(2, Form("Body end: %s", endBody.Data())); mailBody << endBody.Data(); mailBody.close(); // send mail! TString mailCommand = Form("mail -s \"%s\" -c %s %s < %s", subject.Data(), cc.Data(), to.Data(), bodyFileName.Data()); AliDebug(2, Form("mail command: %s", mailCommand.Data())); Bool_t result = gSystem->Exec(mailCommand.Data()); return result == 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ const char* AliShuttle::GetRunType() { // // returns run type read from "run type" logbook // if(!fLogbookEntry) { AliError("No logbook entry!"); return 0; } return fLogbookEntry->GetRunType(); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliShuttle::GetHLTStatus() { // Return HLT status (ON=1 OFF=0) // Converts the HLT status from the status string read in the run logbook (not just a bool) if(!fLogbookEntry) { AliError("No logbook entry!"); return 0; } // TODO implement when HLTStatus is inserted in run logbook //TString hltStatus = fLogbookEntry->GetRunParameter("HLTStatus"); //if(hltStatus == "OFF") {return kFALSE}; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::SetShuttleTempDir(const char* tmpDir) { // // sets Shuttle temp directory // fgkShuttleTempDir = gSystem->ExpandPathName(tmpDir); } //______________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliShuttle::SetShuttleLogDir(const char* logDir) { // // sets Shuttle log directory // fgkShuttleLogDir = gSystem->ExpandPathName(logDir); }