void Shuttle(const char* param = "listen") { gSystem->Load("libSHUTTLE"); gSystem->Load("$ROOTSYS/lib/libThread"); gSystem->Load("$ALICE_ROOT/SHUTTLE/test/libTest.so"); // AliLog::SetGlobalDebugLevel(1); AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage("local://MainCDB"); // man->SetDefaultStorage("alien://DBFolder=ShuttleMainCDB"); AliShuttleConfig config("pcalice290.cern.ch", 389, "o=alice,dc=cern,dc=ch"); config.SetProcessAll(kTRUE); config.Print(); AliShuttleTrigger trigger(&config); AliShuttle* shuttle = trigger.GetShuttle(); // Add here detectors preprocessor ... //TestTPCPreprocessor *tpcPrep = new TestTPCPreprocessor("TPC",shuttle); //TestITSPreprocessor *itsPrep = new TestITSPreprocessor("ITS",shuttle); TestRICHPreprocessor *richPrep = new TestRICHPreprocessor("RICH",shuttle); TString paramStr(param); if (paramStr.IsDigit()) { Int_t run = paramStr.Atoi(); trigger.Collect(run); } else if (paramStr == "new") { trigger.CollectNew(); } else if (paramStr == "all") { trigger.CollectAll(); } else if (paramStr == "listen") { trigger.Run(); } else if (paramStr.BeginsWith("lastrun=")) { Int_t run = TString(paramStr(8, paramStr.Length()-7).Data()).Atoi(); cout << run << endl; trigger.SetNewLastRun(run); } else { cout<<"Bad parameter: "< - collect data for the given run"< - sets last run manually. use with caution!" << endl cout<<" - the same as 'listen'"<