/* Test macro for TKDTree //Initialization: gSystem->AddIncludePath("-I$ALICE_ROOT/STAT") gSystem->Load("$ALICE_ROOT/lib/tgt_linux/libSTAT.so"); .L $ALICE_ROOT/STAT/Macros/kDTreeTest.C+ TestBuild(); // test build function of kdTree for memory leaks TestSpeed(); // test the CPU consumption to build kdTree TestkdtreeIF(); // test functionality of the kdTree TestSizeIF(); // test the size of kdtree - search application - Alice TPC tracker situation // */ #include #include "TSystem.h" #include "TMatrixD.h" #include "TRandom.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" #include "TKDTree.h" void TestBuild(const Int_t npoints = 1000000, const Int_t bsize = 100); void TestSpeed(const Int_t npower2 = 20, const Int_t bsize = 10); void TestkdtreeIF(Int_t npoints=1000, Int_t bsize=9, Int_t nloop=1000, Int_t mode = 2); void TestSizeIF(Int_t nsec=36, Int_t nrows=159, Int_t npoints=1000, Int_t bsize=10, Int_t mode=1); Float_t Mem() { // get mem info ProcInfo_t procInfo; gSystem->GetProcInfo(&procInfo); return procInfo.fMemVirtual; } //______________________________________________________________________ void kDTreeTest() { // // // printf("\n\tTesting kDTree memory usage ...\n"); TestBuild(); printf("\n\tTesting kDTree speed ...\n"); TestSpeed(); } //______________________________________________________________________ void TestBuild(const Int_t npoints, const Int_t bsize){ // // Test kdTree for memory leaks // Float_t *data0 = new Float_t[npoints*2]; Float_t *data[2]; data[0] = &data0[0]; data[1] = &data0[npoints]; for (Int_t i=0;iRndm(); data[0][i]= gRandom->Rndm(); } Float_t before =Mem(); TKDTreeIF *kdtree = new TKDTreeIF(npoints, 2, bsize, data); Float_t after = Mem(); printf("Memory usage %f KB\n",after-before); delete kdtree; Float_t end = Mem(); printf("Memory leak %f KB\n", end-before); return; } //______________________________________________________________________ void TestSpeed(const Int_t npower2, const Int_t bsize) { // // Test of building time of kdTree // if(npower2 < 10){ printf("Please specify a power of 2 greater than 10\n"); return; } Int_t npoints = Int_t(pow(2., npower2))*bsize; Float_t *data0 = new Float_t[npoints*2]; Float_t *data[2]; data[0] = &data0[0]; data[1] = &data0[npoints]; for (Int_t i=0;iRndm(); data[0][i]= gRandom->Rndm(); } TGraph *g = new TGraph(npower2-10); g->SetMarkerStyle(7); TStopwatch timer; Int_t tpoints; TKDTreeIF *kdtree = 0x0; for(int i=10; iSetPoint(i-10, i, timer.CpuTime()); printf("npoints [%d] nodes [%d] cpu time %f [s]\n", tpoints, kdtree->GetNNodes(), timer.CpuTime()); //timer.Print("u"); delete kdtree; } g->Draw("apl"); return; } //______________________________________________________________________ void TestSizeIF(Int_t nsec, Int_t nrows, Int_t npoints, Int_t bsize, Int_t mode) { // // Test size to build kdtree // Float_t before =Mem(); for (Int_t isec=0; isecUniform(-rangey, rangey); data[1][i] = gRandom->Uniform(-rangez, rangez); } TStopwatch timer; // check time build printf("building kdTree ...\n"); timer.Start(kTRUE); TKDTreeIF *kdtree = new TKDTreeIF(npoints, 2, bsize, data); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); if(mode == 0) return; Float_t countern=0; Float_t counteriter = 0; Float_t counterfound = 0; if (mode ==2){ if (nloop) timer.Start(kTRUE); Int_t res[npoints]; Int_t nfound = 0; for (Int_t kloop = 0;kloopFindBNode(point,delta, bnode); //continue; kdtree->FindInRangeA(point,delta,res,nfound,iter,bnode); if (kloop==0){ //Bool_t isOK = kTRUE; Bool_t isOK = kFALSE; for (Int_t ipoint=0;ipoint