#ifndef ROOT_TKDInterpolatorBase #define ROOT_TKDInterpolatorBase #ifndef ROOT_Rtypes #include "Rtypes.h" #endif #ifndef ROOT_TKDNodeInfo #include "TKDNodeInfo.h" #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Base non parametric interpolation algorithm. // The class implements local polynomial regression (LOWESS). // The user will work with daughter classes which implements // particular data configurations. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template class TVectorT; typedef struct TVectorT TVectorD; template class TMatrixT; typedef class TMatrixT TMatrixD; template class TKDTree; typedef class TKDTree TKDTreeIF; class TLinearFitter; class TClonesArray; class TKDInterpolatorBase { public: enum EKDInterpolatorBase { kdN = 4 // increase in the number of PDF if fit failled ,kNhelper = 30 // bucket size in helper kdTree }; TKDInterpolatorBase(Int_t size = 0); virtual ~TKDInterpolatorBase(); Double_t Eval(const Double_t *point, Double_t &result, Double_t &error, Bool_t force = kFALSE); virtual Int_t GetNodeIndex(const Float_t *p) = 0; Float_t GetAlpha() const {return fAlpha;} Bool_t GetCOGPoint(Int_t node, Float_t *&coord, Float_t &val, Float_t &error) const; Bool_t GetInterpolationMethod() const {return fStatus&1;} TKDNodeInfo* GetNodeInfo(Int_t inode) const; Int_t GetNTNodes() const {return fNTNodes;} void GetStatus(); Bool_t GetStore() const {return fStatus&2;} Bool_t GetWeights() const {return fStatus&4;} void DrawBins(UInt_t ax1 = 0, UInt_t ax2 = 1, Float_t ax1min=-1., Float_t ax1max=1., Float_t ax2min=-1., Float_t ax2max=1.); void SetAlpha(Float_t a); void SetInterpolationMethod(Bool_t on = kTRUE); void SetStore(Bool_t on = kTRUE); void SetWeights(Bool_t on = kTRUE); protected: virtual void Build(Int_t nnodes); private: TKDInterpolatorBase(const TKDInterpolatorBase &); TKDInterpolatorBase& operator=(const TKDInterpolatorBase &); protected: Int_t fNSize; // data dimension Int_t fNTNodes; //Number of evaluation data points TClonesArray *fTNodes; //interpolation nodes TKDNodeInfo::TKDNodeDraw *fTNodesDraw; //graphical representation of interpolation nodes //private: UChar_t fStatus; // status of the interpolator UChar_t fLambda; // number of parameters in polynom Short_t fDepth; //! depth of the KD Tree structure used Float_t fAlpha; // parameter controlling the size of the region to interpolate n = (1+alpha)*lambda Float_t **fRefPoints; //! temporary storage of COG data Double_t *fBuffer; //! working space [2*fLambda] TKDTree *fKDhelper; //! kNN finder TLinearFitter *fFitter; //! linear fitter ClassDef(TKDInterpolatorBase, 1) // data interpolator based on KD tree }; #endif