#include "TKDPDF.h" #include "TKDNodeInfo.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TBox.h" #include "TGraph.h" #include "TMarker.h" ClassImp(TKDPDF) //_________________________________________________________________ TKDPDF::TKDPDF() : TKDTreeIF() ,TKDInterpolatorBase() { // Default constructor. To be used with care since in this case building // of data structure is completly left to the user responsability. } //_________________________________________________________________ TKDPDF::TKDPDF(Int_t npoints, Int_t ndim, UInt_t bsize, Float_t **data) : TKDTreeIF(npoints, ndim, bsize, data) ,TKDInterpolatorBase(ndim) { // Wrapper constructor for the TKDTree. Build(); } //_________________________________________________________________ TKDPDF::TKDPDF(TTree *t, const Char_t *var, const Char_t *cut, UInt_t bsize, Long64_t nentries, Long64_t firstentry) : TKDTreeIF() ,TKDInterpolatorBase() { // Alocate data from a tree. The variables which have to be analysed are // defined in the "var" parameter as a colon separated list. The format should // be identical to that used by TTree::Draw(). // // TObjArray *vars = TString(var).Tokenize(":"); fNDim = vars->GetEntriesFast(); fNDimm = 2*fNDim; fNSize = fNDim; if(fNDim > 6/*kDimMax*/) Warning("TKDPDF(TTree*, const Char_t, const Char_t, UInt_t)", Form("Variable number exceed maximum dimension %d. Results are unpredictable.", 6/*kDimMax*/)); fBucketSize = bsize; Int_t np; Double_t *v; for(int idim=0; idimDraw(((TObjString*)(*vars)[idim])->GetName(), cut, "goff", nentries, firstentry))){ Warning("TKDPDF(TTree*, const Char_t, const Char_t, UInt_t)", Form("Can not access data for keys %s. Key defined on tree :", ((TObjString*)(*vars)[idim])->GetName() )); TIterator *it = (t->GetListOfLeaves())->MakeIterator(); TObject *o; while((o = (*it)())) printf("\t%s\n", o->GetName()); continue; } if(!fNPoints){ fNPoints = np; //Info("TKDPDF(TTree*, const Char_t, const Char_t, UInt_t)", Form("Allocating %d data points in %d dimensions.", fNpoints, fNDim)); fData = new Float_t*[fNDim]; for(int idim=0; idimGetV1(); for(int ip=0; ip>1); //printf("after MakeBoundaries() %d\n", memory()); // allocate interpolation nodes TKDInterpolatorBase::Build(fNTNodes); TKDNodeInfo *node = 0x0; Float_t *bounds = 0x0; Int_t *indexPoints; for(int inode=0, tnode = fNNodes; inodeVal()[0] = Float_t(fBucketSize)/fNPoints; bounds = GetBoundary(tnode); for(int idim=0; idimVal()[0] /= (bounds[2*idim+1] - bounds[2*idim]); node->Val()[1] = node->Val()[0]/TMath::Sqrt(float(fBucketSize)); indexPoints = GetPointsIndexes(tnode); // loop points in this terminal node for(int idim=0; idimData()[idim] = 0.; for(int ip = 0; ipData()[idim] += fData[idim][indexPoints[ip]]; node->Data()[idim] /= fBucketSize; } memcpy(&(node->Data()[fNDim]), bounds, fNDimm*sizeof(Float_t)); } // analyze last (incomplete) terminal node Int_t counts = fNPoints%fBucketSize; counts = counts ? counts : fBucketSize; Int_t inode = fNTNodes - 1, tnode = inode + fNNodes; node = (TKDNodeInfo*)(*fTNodes)[inode]; node->Val()[0] = Float_t(counts)/fNPoints; bounds = GetBoundary(tnode); for(int idim=0; idimVal()[0] /= (bounds[2*idim+1] - bounds[2*idim]); node->Val()[1] = node->Val()[0]/TMath::Sqrt(float(counts)); // loop points in this terminal node indexPoints = GetPointsIndexes(tnode); for(int idim=0; idimData()[idim] = 0.; for(int ip = 0; ipData()[idim] += fData[idim][indexPoints[ip]]; node->Data()[idim] /= counts; } memcpy(&(node->Data()[fNDim]), bounds, fNDimm*sizeof(Float_t)); delete [] fBoundaries; fBoundaries = 0x0; } //_________________________________________________________________ void TKDPDF::DrawNode(Int_t tnode, UInt_t ax1, UInt_t ax2) { // Draw node "node" and the data points within. // // Observation: // This function creates some graphical objects // but don't delete it. Abusing this function may cause memory leaks ! if(tnode < 0 || tnode >= fNTNodes){ Warning("DrawNode()", Form("Terminal node %d outside defined range.", tnode)); return; } Int_t inode = tnode; tnode += fNNodes; // select zone of interest in the indexes array Int_t *index = GetPointsIndexes(tnode); Int_t nPoints = (tnode == 2*fNNodes) ? fNPoints%fBucketSize : fBucketSize; // draw data points TGraph *g = new TGraph(nPoints); g->SetMarkerStyle(7); for(int ip = 0; ipSetPoint(ip, fData[ax1][index[ip]], fData[ax2][index[ip]]); // draw estimation point TKDNodeInfo *node = (TKDNodeInfo*)(*fTNodes)[inode]; TMarker *m=new TMarker(node->Data()[ax1], node->Data()[ax2], 20); m->SetMarkerColor(2); m->SetMarkerSize(1.7); // draw node contour Float_t *bounds = GetBoundary(tnode); TBox *n = new TBox(bounds[2*ax1], bounds[2*ax2], bounds[2*ax1+1], bounds[2*ax2+1]); n->SetFillStyle(0); g->Draw("ap"); m->Draw(); n->Draw(); return; }