/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the Virtual Event Handler Interface for AOD // Author: Andreas Morsch, CERN //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliAODHandler.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAODExtension.h" #include "AliAODTracklets.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliAODMCHeader.h" #include "AliMCEventHandler.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenDPMjetEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenCocktailEventHeader.h" #include "AliCodeTimer.h" #include "AliAODBranchReplicator.h" #include "Riostream.h" using std::endl; using std::cout; ClassImp(AliAODHandler) //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAODHandler::AliAODHandler() : AliVEventHandler(), fIsStandard(kTRUE), fFillAOD(kTRUE), fFillAODRun(kTRUE), fFillExtension(kTRUE), fNeedsHeaderReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsTOFHeaderReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsVZEROReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsTracksBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsVerticesBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsV0sBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsCascadesBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsTrackletsBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsPMDClustersBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsJetsBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsFMDClustersBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsCaloClustersBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsCaloTriggerBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsMCParticlesBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsDimuonsBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsHMPIDBranchReplication(kFALSE), fAODIsReplicated(kFALSE), fTreeBuffSize(30000000), fMemCountAOD(0), fAODEvent(NULL), fMCEventH(NULL), fTreeA(NULL), fFileA(NULL), fFileName(""), fExtensions(NULL), fFilters(NULL) { // default constructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAODHandler::AliAODHandler(const char* name, const char* title): AliVEventHandler(name, title), fIsStandard(kTRUE), fFillAOD(kTRUE), fFillAODRun(kTRUE), fFillExtension(kTRUE), fNeedsHeaderReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsTOFHeaderReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsVZEROReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsTracksBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsVerticesBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsV0sBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsCascadesBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsTrackletsBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsPMDClustersBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsJetsBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsFMDClustersBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsCaloClustersBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsCaloTriggerBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsMCParticlesBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsDimuonsBranchReplication(kFALSE), fNeedsHMPIDBranchReplication(kFALSE), fAODIsReplicated(kFALSE), fTreeBuffSize(30000000), fMemCountAOD(0), fAODEvent(NULL), fMCEventH(NULL), fTreeA(NULL), fFileA(NULL), fFileName(""), fExtensions(NULL), fFilters(NULL) { // Normal constructor. } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAODHandler::~AliAODHandler() { // Destructor. delete fAODEvent; if (fFileA) fFileA->Close(); delete fFileA; delete fTreeA; delete fExtensions; delete fFilters; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAODHandler::Init(Option_t* opt) { // Initialize IO // // Create the AODevent object Bool_t createStdAOD = fIsStandard || fFillAOD; if(!fAODEvent && createStdAOD){ fAODEvent = new AliAODEvent(); if (fIsStandard) fAODEvent->CreateStdContent(); } // // File opening according to execution mode TString option(opt); option.ToLower(); if (createStdAOD) { TDirectory *owd = gDirectory; if (option.Contains("proof")) { // proof // Merging via files. Need to access analysis manager via interpreter. gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("AliAnalysisDataContainer *c_common_out = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetCommonOutputContainer();")); gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->OpenProofFile(c_common_out, \"RECREATE\");")); fFileA = gFile; } else { // local and grid fFileA = new TFile(fFileName.Data(), "RECREATE"); } CreateTree(1); owd->cd(); } if (fExtensions) { TIter next(fExtensions); AliAODExtension *ext; while ((ext=(AliAODExtension*)next())) ext->Init(option); } if (fFilters) { TIter nextf(fFilters); AliAODExtension *filteredAOD; while ((filteredAOD=(AliAODExtension*)nextf())) { filteredAOD->SetEvent(fAODEvent); filteredAOD->Init(option); } } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAODHandler::Print(Option_t* opt) const { // Print info about this object cout << opt << Form("IsStandard %d filename=%s",fIsStandard,fFileName.Data()) << endl; if ( fExtensions ) { cout << opt << fExtensions->GetEntries() << " extensions :" << endl; PrintExtensions(*fExtensions); } if ( fFilters ) { cout << opt << fFilters->GetEntries() << " filters :" << endl; PrintExtensions(*fFilters); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAODHandler::PrintExtensions(const TObjArray& array) const { // Show the list of aod extensions TIter next(&array); AliAODExtension* ext(0x0); while ( ( ext = static_cast(next()) ) ) { ext->Print(" "); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAODHandler::StoreMCParticles(){ // // Remap the labels from ESD stack and store // the AODMCParticles, makes only sense if we have // the mcparticles branch // has to be done here since we cannot know in advance // which particles are needed (e.g. by the tracks etc.) // // Particles have been selected by AliMCEventhanlder->SelectParticle() // To use the MCEventhandler here we need to set it from the outside // can vanish when Handler go to the ANALYSISalice library // // The Branch booking for mcParticles and mcHeader has to happen // in an external task for now since the AODHandler does not have access // the AnalysisManager. For the same reason the pointer t o the MCEventH // has to passed to the AOD Handler by this task // (doing this in the steering macro would not work on PROOF) if (!fAODEvent) return; TClonesArray *mcarray = (TClonesArray*)fAODEvent->FindListObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName()); if(!mcarray)return; AliAODMCHeader *mcHeader = (AliAODMCHeader*)fAODEvent->FindListObject(AliAODMCHeader::StdBranchName()); if(!mcHeader)return; // Get the MC Infos.. Handler needs to be set before // while adding the branch // This needs to be done, not to depend on the AnalysisManager if(!fMCEventH)return; if(!fMCEventH->MCEvent())return; AliStack *pStack = fMCEventH->MCEvent()->Stack(); if(!pStack)return; fMCEventH->CreateLabelMap(); // // Get the Event Header // AliHeader* header = fMCEventH->MCEvent()->Header(); // get the MC vertex AliGenEventHeader* genHeader = 0; if (header) genHeader = header->GenEventHeader(); if (genHeader) { TArrayF vtxMC(3); genHeader->PrimaryVertex(vtxMC); mcHeader->SetVertex(vtxMC[0],vtxMC[1],vtxMC[2]); // we search the MCEventHeaders first // Two cases, cocktail or not... AliGenCocktailEventHeader* genCocktailHeader = dynamic_cast(genHeader); if(genCocktailHeader){ // we have a coktail header add the name once mcHeader->AddGeneratorName(genHeader->GetName()); TList* headerList = genCocktailHeader->GetHeaders(); // the first entry defines some extra general settings AliGenEventHeader *headerEntry = dynamic_cast(headerList->At(0)); if (!headerEntry) { AliFatal("AliGenEventHeader entry not found in the header list"); } else { SetMCHeaderInfo(mcHeader,headerEntry); } } else{ // No Cocktail just take the first one SetMCHeaderInfo(mcHeader,genHeader); } // Add all the headers and names, if no cocktail header // there will be only one entry mcHeader->AddCocktailHeaders(genHeader); } // Store the AliAODParticlesMC AliMCEvent* mcEvent = fMCEventH->MCEvent(); Int_t np = mcEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); Int_t nprim = mcEvent->GetNumberOfPrimaries(); Int_t j = 0; TClonesArray& l = *mcarray; for(int i = 0; i < np; ++i){ if(fMCEventH->IsParticleSelected(i)){ Int_t flag = 0; AliMCParticle* mcpart = (AliMCParticle*) mcEvent->GetTrack(i); if(iIsPhysicalPrimary(i))flag |= AliAODMCParticle::kPhysicalPrim; if(mcEvent->IsSecondaryFromWeakDecay(i))flag |= AliAODMCParticle::kSecondaryFromWeakDecay; if(mcEvent->IsSecondaryFromMaterial(i))flag |= AliAODMCParticle::kSecondaryFromMaterial; if(fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(i)!=j){ AliError(Form("MISMATCH New label %d j: %d",fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(i),j)); } AliAODMCParticle mcpartTmp(mcpart,i,flag); mcpartTmp.SetStatus(mcpart->Particle()->GetStatusCode()); mcpartTmp.SetMCProcessCode(mcpart->Particle()->GetUniqueID()); // Int_t d0 = mcpartTmp.GetDaughter(0); Int_t d1 = mcpartTmp.GetDaughter(1); Int_t m = mcpartTmp.GetMother(); // other than for the track labels, negative values mean // no daughter/mother so preserve it if(d0<0 && d1<0){ // no first daughter -> no second daughter // nothing to be done // second condition not needed just for sanity check at the end mcpartTmp.SetDaughter(0,d0); mcpartTmp.SetDaughter(1,d1); } else if(d1 < 0 && d0 >= 0) { // Only one daughter // second condition not needed just for sanity check at the end if(fMCEventH->IsParticleSelected(d0)){ mcpartTmp.SetDaughter(0,fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(d0)); } else { mcpartTmp.SetDaughter(0,-1); } mcpartTmp.SetDaughter(1,d1); } else if (d0 > 0 && d1 > 0 ){ // we have two or more daughters loop on the stack to see if they are // selected Int_t d0Tmp = -1; Int_t d1Tmp = -1; for(int id = d0; id<=d1;++id){ if(fMCEventH->IsParticleSelected(id)){ if(d0Tmp==-1){ // first time d0Tmp = fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(id); d1Tmp = d0Tmp; // this is to have the same schema as on the stack i.e. with one daugther d0 and d1 are the same } else d1Tmp = fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(id); } } mcpartTmp.SetDaughter(0,d0Tmp); mcpartTmp.SetDaughter(1,d1Tmp); } else { AliError(Form("Unxpected indices %d %d",d0,d1)); } if(m<0){ mcpartTmp.SetMother(m); } else { if(fMCEventH->IsParticleSelected(m))mcpartTmp.SetMother(fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(m)); else AliError(Form("PROBLEM Mother not selected %d \n", m)); } new (l[j++]) AliAODMCParticle(mcpartTmp); } } AliInfo(Form("AliAODHandler::StoreMCParticles: Selected %d (Primaries %d / total %d) after validation \n", j,nprim,np)); // Set the labels in the AOD output... // Remapping // AODTracks TClonesArray* tracks = fAODEvent->GetTracks(); Int_t tofLabel[3]; if(tracks){ for(int it = 0; it < fAODEvent->GetNTracks();++it){ AliAODTrack *track = fAODEvent->GetTrack(it); Int_t sign = 1; Int_t label = track->GetLabel(); if(label<0){ // preserve the sign for later usage label *= -1; sign = -1; } if (label >= AliMCEvent::BgLabelOffset()) label = mcEvent->BgLabelToIndex(label); if(label > np || track->GetLabel() == 0){ AliWarning(Form("Wrong ESD track label %5d (%5d)",track->GetLabel(), label)); } if(fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(label) == 0) { AliWarning(Form("New label not found for %5d (%5d)",track->GetLabel(), label)); } track->SetLabel(sign*fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(label)); track->GetTOFLabel(tofLabel); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { label = tofLabel[i]; // esd label Int_t nlabel = label; // new label if (label < 0) continue; if (label >= AliMCEvent::BgLabelOffset()) nlabel = mcEvent->BgLabelToIndex(label); if(nlabel > np || label == 0) { AliWarning(Form("Wrong TOF label %5d (%5d)", label, nlabel)); } if(fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(label) == 0){ AliWarning(Form("New TOF label not found for %5d %5d",i, label )); tofLabel[i] = -label; } else { tofLabel[i] = fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(label); } } track->SetTOFLabel(tofLabel); } } // AOD calo cluster TClonesArray *clusters = fAODEvent->GetCaloClusters(); if(clusters){ for (Int_t iClust = 0;iClust < fAODEvent->GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); ++iClust) { AliAODCaloCluster * cluster = fAODEvent->GetCaloCluster(iClust); UInt_t nLabel = cluster->GetNLabels(); // Ugly but do not want to fragment memory by creating // new Int_t (nLabel) Int_t* labels = const_cast(cluster->GetLabels()); if (labels){ for(UInt_t i = 0;i < nLabel;++i){ labels[i] = fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(cluster->GetLabelAt(i)); } } // cluster->SetLabels(labels,nLabel); }// iClust }// clusters // AOD calo cells MC label re-index Int_t iCell, nCell, cellMCLabel, cellMCLabelNew;; Short_t cellAbsId; Double_t cellE, cellT, cellEFrac; AliAODCaloCells *cells; // EMCal cells = fAODEvent->GetEMCALCells(); if( cells ){ nCell = cells->GetNumberOfCells() ; for( iCell = 0; iCell < nCell; iCell++ ){ cells->GetCell( iCell, cellAbsId, cellE, cellT, cellMCLabel, cellEFrac ); // GetNewLabel returns 1 in case when -1 is supplied if( cellMCLabel < 0 ) cellMCLabelNew = cellMCLabel; else cellMCLabelNew = fMCEventH->GetNewLabel( cellMCLabel ); cells->SetCell( iCell, cellAbsId, cellE, cellT, cellMCLabelNew, cellEFrac ); } } // PHOS cells = fAODEvent->GetPHOSCells(); if( cells ){ nCell = cells->GetNumberOfCells() ; for( iCell = 0; iCell < nCell; iCell++ ){ cells->GetCell( iCell, cellAbsId, cellE, cellT, cellMCLabel, cellEFrac ); // GetNewLabel returns 1 in case when -1 is supplied if( cellMCLabel < 0 ) cellMCLabelNew = cellMCLabel; else cellMCLabelNew = fMCEventH->GetNewLabel( cellMCLabel ); cells->SetCell( iCell, cellAbsId, cellE, cellT, cellMCLabelNew, cellEFrac ); } } // AOD tracklets AliAODTracklets *tracklets = fAODEvent->GetTracklets(); if(tracklets){ for(int it = 0;it < tracklets->GetNumberOfTracklets();++it){ int label0 = tracklets->GetLabel(it,0); int label1 = tracklets->GetLabel(it,1); if(label0>=0)label0 = fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(label0); if(label1>=0)label1 = fMCEventH->GetNewLabel(label1); tracklets->SetLabel(it,0,label0); tracklets->SetLabel(it,1,label1); } } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAODHandler::FinishEvent() { // Fill data structures if(fFillAOD && fFillAODRun && fAODEvent){ fAODEvent->MakeEntriesReferencable(); fTreeA->BranchRef(); FillTree(); } if ((fFillAOD && fFillAODRun) || fFillExtension) { if (fExtensions && fFillExtension) { // fFillExtension can be set by the ESD filter or by a delta filter in case of AOD inputs TIter next(fExtensions); AliAODExtension *ext; while ((ext=(AliAODExtension*)next())) ext->FinishEvent(); } if (fFilters && fFillAOD && fFillAODRun) { TIter nextf(fFilters); AliAODExtension *ext; while ((ext=(AliAODExtension*)nextf())) { ext->FinishEvent(); } } } if (fIsStandard && fAODEvent) { fAODEvent->ResetStd(); } if (fAODEvent) { TClonesArray *mcarray = static_cast(fAODEvent->FindListObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName())); if(mcarray) mcarray->Delete(); AliAODMCHeader *mcHeader = static_cast(fAODEvent->FindListObject(AliAODMCHeader::StdBranchName())); if(mcHeader) mcHeader->Reset(); } // Reset AOD replication flag fAODIsReplicated = kFALSE; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAODHandler::Terminate() { // Terminate AddAODtoTreeUserInfo(); TIter nextF(fFilters); AliAODExtension *ext; while ((ext=static_cast(nextF()))) { ext->AddAODtoTreeUserInfo(); } TIter nextE(fExtensions); while ((ext=static_cast(nextE()))) { ext->AddAODtoTreeUserInfo(); } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAODHandler::TerminateIO() { // Terminate IO if (fFileA) { fFileA->Write(); fFileA->Close(); delete fFileA; fFileA = 0; // When closing the file, the tree is also deleted. fTreeA = 0; } TIter nextF(fFilters); AliAODExtension *ext; while ((ext=static_cast(nextF()))) { ext->TerminateIO(); } TIter nextE(fExtensions); while ((ext=static_cast(nextE()))) { ext->TerminateIO(); } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAODHandler::CreateTree(Int_t flag) { // Creates the AOD Tree fTreeA = new TTree("aodTree", "AliAOD tree"); fTreeA->Branch(fAODEvent->GetList()); if (flag == 0) fTreeA->SetDirectory(0); fMemCountAOD = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAODHandler::FillTree() { // Fill the AOD Tree Long64_t nbf = fTreeA->Fill(); if (fTreeBuffSize>0 && fTreeA->GetAutoFlush()<0 && (fMemCountAOD += nbf)>fTreeBuffSize ) { // default limit is still not reached nbf = fTreeA->GetZipBytes(); if (nbf>0) nbf = -nbf; else nbf = fTreeA->GetEntries(); fTreeA->SetAutoFlush(nbf); AliInfo(Form("Calling fTreeA->SetAutoFlush(%lld) | W:%lld T:%lld Z:%lld", nbf,fMemCountAOD,fTreeA->GetTotBytes(),fTreeA->GetZipBytes())); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAODHandler::AddAODtoTreeUserInfo() { // Add aod event to tree user info if (fTreeA) fTreeA->GetUserInfo()->Add(fAODEvent); // Now the tree owns our fAODEvent... fAODEvent = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAODHandler::AddBranch(const char* cname, void* addobj, const char* filename) { // Add a new branch to the aod. Added optional filename parameter if the // branch should be written to a separate file. if (strlen(filename)) { AliAODExtension *ext = AddExtension(filename); ext->AddBranch(cname, addobj); return; } // Add branch to all filters // Add branch to all filters if (fFilters) { TIter next(fFilters); AliAODExtension *ext; while ((ext=(AliAODExtension*)next())) ext->AddBranch(cname, addobj); } TDirectory *owd = gDirectory; if (fFileA) { fFileA->cd(); } char** apointer = (char**) addobj; TObject* obj = (TObject*) *apointer; fAODEvent->AddObject(obj); const Int_t kSplitlevel = 99; // default value in TTree::Branch() const Int_t kBufsize = 32000; // default value in TTree::Branch() if (!fTreeA->FindBranch(obj->GetName())) { // Do the same as if we book via // TTree::Branch(TCollection*) fTreeA->Bronch(obj->GetName(), cname, fAODEvent->GetList()->GetObjectRef(obj), kBufsize, kSplitlevel - 1); } owd->cd(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAODExtension *AliAODHandler::AddExtension(const char *filename, const char *title, Bool_t tomerge) { // Add an AOD extension with some branches in a different file. TString fname(filename); if (!fname.EndsWith(".root")) fname += ".root"; if (!fExtensions) { fExtensions = new TObjArray(); fExtensions->SetOwner(); } AliAODExtension *ext = (AliAODExtension*)fExtensions->FindObject(fname); if (!ext) { ext = new AliAODExtension(fname, title); fExtensions->Add(ext); } ext->SetToMerge(tomerge); return ext; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAODExtension *AliAODHandler::GetExtension(const char *filename) const { // Getter for AOD extensions via file name. if (!fExtensions) return NULL; return (AliAODExtension*)fExtensions->FindObject(filename); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAODExtension *AliAODHandler::AddFilteredAOD(const char *filename, const char *filtername, Bool_t tomerge) { // Add an AOD extension that can write only AOD events that pass a user filter. if (!fFilters) { fFilters = new TObjArray(); fFilters->SetOwner(); } AliAODExtension *filter = (AliAODExtension*)fFilters->FindObject(filename); if (!filter) { filter = new AliAODExtension(filename, filtername, kTRUE); fFilters->Add(filter); } filter->SetToMerge(tomerge); return filter; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliAODExtension *AliAODHandler::GetFilteredAOD(const char *filename) const { // Getter for AOD filters via file name. if (!fFilters) return NULL; return (AliAODExtension*)fFilters->FindObject(filename); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAODHandler::SetOutputFileName(const char* fname) { // Set file name. fFileName = fname; } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *AliAODHandler::GetOutputFileName() const { // Get file name. return fFileName.Data(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ const char *AliAODHandler::GetExtraOutputs(Bool_t merge) const { // Get extra outputs as a string separated by commas. static TString eoutputs; eoutputs = ""; AliAODExtension *obj; if (fExtensions) { TIter next1(fExtensions); while ((obj=(AliAODExtension*)next1())) { if (merge && !obj->IsToMerge()) continue; if (!eoutputs.IsNull()) eoutputs += ","; eoutputs += obj->GetName(); } } if (fFilters) { TIter next2(fFilters); while ((obj=(AliAODExtension*)next2())) { if (merge && !obj->IsToMerge()) continue; if (!eoutputs.IsNull()) eoutputs += ","; eoutputs += obj->GetName(); } } return eoutputs.Data(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliAODHandler::HasExtensions() const { // Whether or not we manage extensions if ( fExtensions && fExtensions->GetEntries()>0 ) return kTRUE; return kFALSE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliAODHandler::SetMCHeaderInfo(AliAODMCHeader *mcHeader,AliGenEventHeader *genHeader){ // Utility function to cover different cases for the AliGenEventHeader // Needed since different ProcessType and ImpactParamter are not // in the base class... if(!genHeader)return; AliGenPythiaEventHeader *pythiaGenHeader = dynamic_cast(genHeader); if (pythiaGenHeader) { mcHeader->SetEventType(pythiaGenHeader->ProcessType()); mcHeader->SetPtHard(pythiaGenHeader->GetPtHard()); return; } AliGenDPMjetEventHeader* dpmJetGenHeader = dynamic_cast(genHeader); if (dpmJetGenHeader){ mcHeader->SetEventType(dpmJetGenHeader->ProcessType()); return; } AliGenHijingEventHeader* hijingGenHeader = dynamic_cast(genHeader); if(hijingGenHeader){ mcHeader->SetImpactParameter(hijingGenHeader->ImpactParameter()); return; } // AliWarning(Form("MC Eventheader not known: %s",genHeader->GetName())); }