#ifndef ALIALIGNMENTTRACKS_H #define ALIALIGNMENTTRACKS_H //************************************************************************* // AliAlignmentTracks: main steering class which deals with the alignment * // procedures based on reconstructed tracks. * // More comments will come with the development of the interfaces and * // functionalities of the class. * //************************************************************************* #include #include "AliAlignObj.h" class TChain; class AliTrackPointArray; class AliAlignObj; class AliTrackFitter; class AliTrackResiduals; class AliAlignmentTracks : public TObject { public: AliAlignmentTracks(); AliAlignmentTracks(TChain *esdchain); AliAlignmentTracks(const char *esdfilename, const char *esdtreename = "esdTree"); AliAlignmentTracks(const AliAlignmentTracks & alignment); AliAlignmentTracks& operator= (const AliAlignmentTracks& alignment); virtual ~AliAlignmentTracks(); void AddESD(TChain *esdchain); void AddESD(const char *esdfilename, const char *esdtreename = "esdTree"); void SetPointsFilename(const char *pointsfilename = "AliTrackPoints.root") { fPointsFilename = pointsfilename; } void ProcessESD(TSelector *selector); void ProcessESD(); void BuildIndex(); /* void BuildIndexLayer(AliAlignObj::ELayerID layer); */ /* void BuildIndexVolume(UShort_t volid); */ Bool_t ReadAlignObjs(const char *alignObjFileName = "AlignObjs.root", const char* arrayName = "Alignment"); void SetTrackFitter(AliTrackFitter *fitter) { fTrackFitter = fitter; } void SetMinimizer(AliTrackResiduals *minimizer) { fMinimizer = minimizer; } void Align(Int_t iterations = 100); void AlignLayer(AliAlignObj::ELayerID layer, AliAlignObj::ELayerID layerRangeMin = AliAlignObj::kFirstLayer, AliAlignObj::ELayerID layerRangeMax = AliAlignObj::kLastLayer, Int_t iterations = 1); void AlignVolume(UShort_t volid, UShort_t volidfit = 0, AliAlignObj::ELayerID layerRangeMin = AliAlignObj::kFirstLayer, AliAlignObj::ELayerID layerRangeMax = AliAlignObj::kLastLayer, Int_t iterations = 1); protected: void InitIndex(); void ResetIndex(); void DeleteIndex(); void InitAlignObjs(); void ResetAlignObjs(); void DeleteAlignObjs(); Int_t LoadPoints(UShort_t volid, AliTrackPointArray** &points); void UnloadPoints(Int_t n, AliTrackPointArray **points); AliTrackFitter *CreateFitter(); AliTrackResiduals *CreateMinimizer(); Bool_t Misalign(const char *misalignObjFileName, const char* arrayName); TChain *fESDChain; //! Chain with ESDs TString fPointsFilename; // Name of the file containing the track point arrays TFile *fPointsFile; // File containing the track point arrays TTree *fPointsTree; // Tree with the track point arrays Int_t **fLastIndex; //! Last filled index in volume arrays TArrayI ***fArrayIndex; //! Volume arrays which contains the tree index Bool_t fIsIndexBuilt; // Is points tree index built AliAlignObj ***fAlignObjs; // Array with alignment objects AliAlignObj ***fMisalignObjs; // Array with alignment objects used to introduce misalignment of the space-points AliTrackFitter *fTrackFitter; // Pointer to the track fitter AliTrackResiduals*fMinimizer; // Pointer to track residuals minimizer ClassDef(AliAlignmentTracks,1) }; #endif