/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Log$ Revision 1.1 2001/05/16 14:57:22 alibrary New files for folders and Stack */ #include "TString.h" #include "AliConfig.h" #include "AliDetector.h" #include ClassImp(AliConfig) static char* gPDGFolder= "Constants/DatabasePDG"; static char* gGeneratorFolder = "RunMC/Configuration/Generators"; static char* gMCFolder = "RunMC/Configuration/VirtualMC"; static char* gModuleFolder = "Run/Configuration/Modules"; static char* gDetectorFolder[] = { "Run/Conditions/Calibration", "Run/Event/Data", "Run/Event/RecData", "RunMC/Event/Data",0}; AliConfig* AliConfig::fInstance = 0; AliConfig* AliConfig::Instance () { // // Instance method for singleton class // if(fInstance == 0) { fInstance = new AliConfig ("Folders","Alice data exchange"); } return fInstance; } AliConfig::AliConfig(const char *name, const char *title) { // // Default constructor // // fInstance=this; fTopFolder = gROOT->GetRootFolder ()->AddFolder (name,title); gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables ()->Add (fTopFolder, name); TFolder *subfolder; TFolder *constants = fTopFolder->AddFolder ("Constants", "Detector constants"); subfolder = constants->AddFolder ("DatabasePDG", "PDG database"); TFolder *run = fTopFolder->AddFolder ("Run", "Run dependent folders"); TFolder *conditions = run->AddFolder ("Conditions", "Run conditions"); subfolder = conditions->AddFolder ("Calibration","Detector calibration data"); subfolder = conditions->AddFolder ("Aligment", "Detector aligment"); TFolder *configuration = run->AddFolder ("Configuration", "Run configuration"); subfolder = configuration->AddFolder ("Modules", "Detector objects"); subfolder = configuration->AddFolder ("Field", "Magnetic field maps"); TFolder *event = run->AddFolder ("Event", "Event folders"); subfolder = event->AddFolder ("Data", "Detector raw data"); subfolder = event->AddFolder ("RecData", "Detectors reconstucted data"); TFolder *run_mc = fTopFolder->AddFolder ("RunMC", "MonteCarlo run dependent folders"); TFolder *configuration_mc = run_mc->AddFolder ("Configuration","MonteCarlo run configuration"); subfolder = configuration_mc->AddFolder ("Generators","list of generator objects"); subfolder = configuration_mc->AddFolder ("VirtualMC", "the Virtual MC"); TFolder *event_mc = run_mc->AddFolder ("Event", "MonteCarlo event folders"); subfolder = event_mc->AddFolder ("Header", "MonteCarlo event header"); // subfolder = // event_mc->AddFolder ("Kinematics", "MonteCarlo generated particles"); subfolder = event_mc->AddFolder ("Data", "MonteCarlo data"); } AliConfig::~AliConfig() { } void AliConfig::AddInFolder (char *dir, TObject *obj) { TFolder *folder = (TFolder *) fTopFolder->FindObject (dir); if (folder) folder->Add ((TObject *)obj); } void AliConfig::AddSubFolder(char *dir[], TObject *obj) { int iDir = 0; while (dir[iDir]) { TFolder * folder = (TFolder *) fTopFolder->FindObject (dir[iDir++]); if (folder) { TFolder * subfolder = (TFolder *) folder->FindObject (obj->GetName()); if (!subfolder) subfolder = folder->AddFolder (obj->GetName(),obj->GetTitle()); } } } TObject* AliConfig::FindInFolder (char *dir, const char *name) { if(!name) return(fTopFolder->FindObject(name)); TFolder * folder = (TFolder *) fTopFolder->FindObject (dir); if (!folder) return (NULL); return(folder->FindObject(name)); } void AliConfig::Add (AliGenerator * obj) { AddInFolder(gGeneratorFolder, (TObject *) obj); } void AliConfig::Add (AliMC * obj) { AddInFolder(gMCFolder, (TObject *) obj); } void AliConfig::Add (TDatabasePDG * obj) { AddInFolder(gPDGFolder, (TObject *) obj); } void AliConfig::Add (AliModule* obj) { AddInFolder(gModuleFolder, (TObject *) obj); } void AliConfig::Add (AliDetector * obj) { AddSubFolder(gDetectorFolder, (TObject *) obj); } void AliConfig::Add (const char *list) { char *path; const char *conf_path = gSystem->Getenv ("ALICE_CONFIG_PATH"); if (conf_path) { path = new char[strlen (conf_path)]; strcpy (path, conf_path); } else { const char *alice = gSystem->Getenv ("ALICE_ROOT"); path = new char[strlen (alice) + 32]; strcpy (path, ".:"); if (alice) { strcat (path, alice); } strcat (path, "/macros/config"); } char *token = strtok (path, ":"); TList *dirlist = new TList; while (token != NULL) { dirlist->Add ((TObject *) token); token = strtok (NULL, ":"); } token = strtok ((char *)list, " "); while (token != NULL) { cout << "Configuring " << token << ": "; TObject *obj; TIter next (dirlist); TString found = "\0"; while ((obj = next ())) { TString dir = (char *) obj; TString path = dir + "/" + token; TString macro = path + ".C"; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName (macro.Data())) { gInterpreter->ExecuteMacro (macro.Data()); found = "(" + macro + ")"; if (macro.Contains("/")) { TString dirname = gSystem->DirName(macro.Data()); TString macroConfigure = dirname + "/Configure.C"; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName (macroConfigure.Data())) { gInterpreter->ExecuteMacro (macroConfigure.Data()); found += " => Configured"; } } break; } else { TString macroDefault = path + "/Default.C"; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName (macroDefault.Data())) { gInterpreter->ExecuteMacro (macroDefault.Data()); found = "(" + macro + ")"; TString macroConfigure = path + "/Configure.C"; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName (macroConfigure.Data())) { gInterpreter->ExecuteMacro (macroConfigure.Data()); found += " => Configured"; } break; } } } if (strlen(found.Data())) { cout << found << " => OK" << endl; } else { cout << " => FAILED." << endl; exit(1); } token = strtok (NULL, " "); } if (dirlist) delete dirlist; }