/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the AliESDEvent class // This is the class to deal with during the physics analysis of data. // It also ensures the backward compatibility with the old ESD format. /* AliESDEvent *ev= new AliESDEvent(); ev->ReadFromTree(esdTree); ... for (Int_t i=0; iGetEntry(i); if(ev->GetAliESDOld())ev->CopyFromOldESD(); */ // The AliESDInputHandler does this automatically for you // // Origin: Christian Klein-Boesing, CERN, Christian.Klein-Boesing@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- #include "TList.h" #include "TRefArray.h" #include #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDfriend.h" #include "AliESDVZERO.h" #include "AliESDFMD.h" #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliESDMuonTrack.h" #include "AliESDPmdTrack.h" #include "AliESDTrdTrack.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliESDcascade.h" #include "AliESDPmdTrack.h" #include "AliESDTrdTrack.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliVertexerTracks.h" #include "AliESDcascade.h" #include "AliESDkink.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDHLTtrack.h" #include "AliESDCaloCluster.h" #include "AliESDCaloCells.h" #include "AliESDv0.h" #include "AliESDFMD.h" #include "AliESDVZERO.h" #include "AliMultiplicity.h" #include "AliRawDataErrorLog.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliESDACORDE.h" ClassImp(AliESDEvent) // here we define the names, some classes are no TNamed, therefore the classnames // are the Names const char* AliESDEvent::fgkESDListName[kESDListN] = {"AliESDRun", "AliESDHeader", "AliESDZDC", "AliESDFMD", "AliESDVZERO", "AliESDTZERO", "TPCVertex", "SPDVertex", "PrimaryVertex", "AliMultiplicity", "PHOSTrigger", "EMCALTrigger", "SPDPileupVertices", "TrkPileupVertices", "Tracks", "MuonTracks", "PmdTracks", "TrdTracks", "V0s", "Cascades", "Kinks", "CaloClusters", "EMCALCells", "PHOSCells", "AliRawDataErrorLogs", "AliESDACORDE"}; //______________________________________________________________________________ AliESDEvent::AliESDEvent(): AliVEvent(), fESDObjects(new TList()), fESDRun(0), fHeader(0), fESDZDC(0), fESDFMD(0), fESDVZERO(0), fESDTZERO(0), fTPCVertex(0), fSPDVertex(0), fPrimaryVertex(0), fSPDMult(0), fPHOSTrigger(0), fEMCALTrigger(0), fESDACORDE(0), fSPDPileupVertices(0), fTrkPileupVertices(0), fTracks(0), fMuonTracks(0), fPmdTracks(0), fTrdTracks(0), fV0s(0), fCascades(0), fKinks(0), fCaloClusters(0), fEMCALCells(0), fPHOSCells(0), fErrorLogs(0), fESDOld(0), fESDFriendOld(0), fConnected(kFALSE), fUseOwnList(kFALSE), fEMCALClusters(0), fFirstEMCALCluster(-1), fPHOSClusters(0), fFirstPHOSCluster(-1) { } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliESDEvent::AliESDEvent(const AliESDEvent& esd): AliVEvent(esd), fESDObjects(new TList()), fESDRun(new AliESDRun(*esd.fESDRun)), fHeader(new AliESDHeader(*esd.fHeader)), fESDZDC(new AliESDZDC(*esd.fESDZDC)), fESDFMD(new AliESDFMD(*esd.fESDFMD)), fESDVZERO(new AliESDVZERO(*esd.fESDVZERO)), fESDTZERO(new AliESDTZERO(*esd.fESDTZERO)), fTPCVertex(new AliESDVertex(*esd.fTPCVertex)), fSPDVertex(new AliESDVertex(*esd.fSPDVertex)), fPrimaryVertex(new AliESDVertex(*esd.fPrimaryVertex)), fSPDMult(new AliMultiplicity(*esd.fSPDMult)), fPHOSTrigger(new AliESDCaloTrigger(*esd.fPHOSTrigger)), fEMCALTrigger(new AliESDCaloTrigger(*esd.fEMCALTrigger)), fESDACORDE(new AliESDACORDE(*esd.fESDACORDE)), fSPDPileupVertices(new TClonesArray(*esd.fSPDPileupVertices)), fTrkPileupVertices(new TClonesArray(*esd.fTrkPileupVertices)), fTracks(new TClonesArray(*esd.fTracks)), fMuonTracks(new TClonesArray(*esd.fMuonTracks)), fPmdTracks(new TClonesArray(*esd.fPmdTracks)), fTrdTracks(new TClonesArray(*esd.fTrdTracks)), fV0s(new TClonesArray(*esd.fV0s)), fCascades(new TClonesArray(*esd.fCascades)), fKinks(new TClonesArray(*esd.fKinks)), fCaloClusters(new TClonesArray(*esd.fCaloClusters)), fEMCALCells(new AliESDCaloCells(*esd.fEMCALCells)), fPHOSCells(new AliESDCaloCells(*esd.fPHOSCells)), fErrorLogs(new TClonesArray(*esd.fErrorLogs)), fESDOld(new AliESD(*esd.fESDOld)), fESDFriendOld(new AliESDfriend(*esd.fESDFriendOld)), fConnected(esd.fConnected), fUseOwnList(esd.fUseOwnList), fEMCALClusters(esd.fEMCALClusters), fFirstEMCALCluster(esd.fFirstEMCALCluster), fPHOSClusters(esd.fPHOSClusters), fFirstPHOSCluster(esd.fFirstPHOSCluster) { // CKB init in the constructor list and only add here ... AddObject(fESDRun); AddObject(fHeader); AddObject(fESDZDC); AddObject(fESDFMD); AddObject(fESDVZERO); AddObject(fESDTZERO); AddObject(fTPCVertex); AddObject(fSPDVertex); AddObject(fPrimaryVertex); AddObject(fSPDMult); AddObject(fPHOSTrigger); AddObject(fEMCALTrigger); AddObject(fSPDPileupVertices); AddObject(fTrkPileupVertices); AddObject(fTracks); AddObject(fMuonTracks); AddObject(fPmdTracks); AddObject(fTrdTracks); AddObject(fV0s); AddObject(fCascades); AddObject(fKinks); AddObject(fCaloClusters); AddObject(fEMCALCells); AddObject(fPHOSCells); AddObject(fErrorLogs); AddObject(fESDACORDE); GetStdContent(); } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliESDEvent & AliESDEvent::operator=(const AliESDEvent& source) { // Assignment operator if(&source == this) return *this; AliVEvent::operator=(source); // This assumes that the list is already created // and that the virtual void Copy(Tobject&) function // is correctly implemented in the derived class // otherwise only TObject::Copy() will be used if((fESDObjects->GetSize()==0)&&(source.fESDObjects->GetSize()>=kESDListN)){ // We cover the case that we do not yet have the // standard content but the source has it CreateStdContent(); } TIter next(source.GetList()); TObject *its = 0; TString name; while ((its = next())) { name.Form("%s", its->GetName()); TObject *mine = fESDObjects->FindObject(name.Data()); if(!mine){ TClass* pClass=TClass::GetClass(its->ClassName()); if (!pClass) { AliWarning(Form("Can not find class description for entry %s (%s)\n", its->ClassName(), name.Data())); continue; } mine=(TObject*)pClass->New(); if(!mine){ // not in this: can be added to list AliWarning(Form("%s:%d Could not find %s for copying \n", (char*)__FILE__,__LINE__,name.Data())); continue; } if(mine->InheritsFrom("TNamed")){ ((TNamed*)mine)->SetName(name); } else if(mine->InheritsFrom("TCollection")){ if(mine->InheritsFrom("TClonesArray")) dynamic_cast(mine)->SetClass(dynamic_cast(its)->GetClass()); dynamic_cast(mine)->SetName(name); } AliDebug(1, Form("adding object %s of type %s", mine->GetName(), mine->ClassName())); AddObject(mine); } if(!its->InheritsFrom("TCollection")){ // simple objects its->Copy(*mine); } else if(its->InheritsFrom("TClonesArray")){ // Create or expand the tclonesarray pointers // so we can directly copy to the object TClonesArray *its_tca = (TClonesArray*)its; TClonesArray *mine_tca = (TClonesArray*)mine; // this leaves the capacity of the TClonesArray the same // except for a factor of 2 increase when size > capacity // does not release any memory occupied by the tca mine_tca->ExpandCreate(its_tca->GetEntriesFast()); for(int i = 0;i < its_tca->GetEntriesFast();++i){ // copy TObject *mine_tca_obj = mine_tca->At(i); TObject *its_tca_obj = its_tca->At(i); // no need to delete first // pointers within the class should be handled by Copy()... // Can there be Empty slots? its_tca_obj->Copy(*mine_tca_obj); } } else{ AliWarning(Form("%s:%d cannot copy TCollection \n", (char*)__FILE__,__LINE__)); } } fConnected = source.fConnected; fUseOwnList = source.fUseOwnList; fEMCALClusters = source.fEMCALClusters; fFirstEMCALCluster = source.fFirstEMCALCluster; fPHOSClusters = source.fPHOSClusters; fFirstPHOSCluster = source.fFirstPHOSCluster; return *this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliESDEvent::~AliESDEvent() { // // Standard destructor // // everthing on the list gets deleted automatically if(fESDObjects&&!fConnected) { delete fESDObjects; fESDObjects = 0; } } void AliESDEvent::Copy(TObject &obj) const { // interface to TOBject::Copy // Copies the content of this into obj! // bascially obj = *this if(this==&obj)return; AliESDEvent *robj = dynamic_cast(&obj); if(!robj)return; // not an AliESEvent *robj = *this; return; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliESDEvent::Reset() { // Handle the cases // Std content + Non std content // Reset the standard contents ResetStdContent(); // reset for the old data without AliESDEvent... if(fESDOld)fESDOld->Reset(); if(fESDFriendOld){ fESDFriendOld->~AliESDfriend(); new (fESDFriendOld) AliESDfriend(); } // if(fESDObjects->GetSize()>kESDListN){ // we have non std content // this also covers esdfriends for(int i = kESDListN;i < fESDObjects->GetSize();++i){ TObject *pObject = fESDObjects->At(i); // TClonesArrays if(pObject->InheritsFrom(TClonesArray::Class())){ ((TClonesArray*)pObject)->Delete(); } else if(!pObject->InheritsFrom(TCollection::Class())){ ResetWithPlacementNew(pObject); } else{ AliWarning(Form("No reset for %s (%s)\n", pObject->ClassName())); } } } } Bool_t AliESDEvent::ResetWithPlacementNew(TObject *pObject){ Long_t dtoronly = TObject::GetDtorOnly(); TClass *pClass = TClass::GetClass(pObject->ClassName()); TObject::SetDtorOnly(pObject); delete pObject; // Recreate with placement new pClass->New(pObject); // Restore the state. TObject::SetDtorOnly((void*)dtoronly); return kTRUE; } void AliESDEvent::ResetStdContent() { // Reset the standard contents if(fESDRun) fESDRun->Reset(); if(fHeader) fHeader->Reset(); if(fESDZDC) fESDZDC->Reset(); if(fESDFMD) { fESDFMD->Clear(); } if(fESDVZERO){ // reset by callin d'to /c'tor keep the pointer fESDVZERO->~AliESDVZERO(); new (fESDVZERO) AliESDVZERO(); } if(fESDACORDE){ fESDACORDE->~AliESDACORDE(); new (fESDACORDE) AliESDACORDE(); } if(fESDTZERO) fESDTZERO->Reset(); // CKB no clear/reset implemented if(fTPCVertex){ fTPCVertex->~AliESDVertex(); new (fTPCVertex) AliESDVertex(); fTPCVertex->SetName(fgkESDListName[kTPCVertex]); } if(fSPDVertex){ fSPDVertex->~AliESDVertex(); new (fSPDVertex) AliESDVertex(); fSPDVertex->SetName(fgkESDListName[kSPDVertex]); } if(fPrimaryVertex){ fPrimaryVertex->~AliESDVertex(); new (fPrimaryVertex) AliESDVertex(); fPrimaryVertex->SetName(fgkESDListName[kPrimaryVertex]); } if(fSPDMult){ fSPDMult->~AliMultiplicity(); new (fSPDMult) AliMultiplicity(); } if(fPHOSTrigger)fPHOSTrigger->Reset(); if(fEMCALTrigger)fEMCALTrigger->Reset(); if(fSPDPileupVertices)fSPDPileupVertices->Delete(); if(fTrkPileupVertices)fTrkPileupVertices->Delete(); if(fTracks)fTracks->Delete(); if(fMuonTracks)fMuonTracks->Delete(); if(fPmdTracks)fPmdTracks->Delete(); if(fTrdTracks)fTrdTracks->Delete(); if(fV0s)fV0s->Delete(); if(fCascades)fCascades->Delete(); if(fKinks)fKinks->Delete(); if(fCaloClusters)fCaloClusters->Delete(); if(fPHOSCells)fPHOSCells->DeleteContainer(); if(fEMCALCells)fEMCALCells->DeleteContainer(); if(fErrorLogs) fErrorLogs->Delete(); // don't reset fconnected fConnected and the list fEMCALClusters=0; fFirstEMCALCluster=-1; fPHOSClusters=0; fFirstPHOSCluster=-1; } Int_t AliESDEvent::AddV0(const AliESDv0 *v) { // // Add V0 // TClonesArray &fv = *fV0s; Int_t idx=fV0s->GetEntriesFast(); new(fv[idx]) AliESDv0(*v); return idx; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void AliESDEvent::Print(Option_t *) const { // // Print header information of the event // printf("ESD run information\n"); printf("Event # in file %d Bunch crossing # %d Orbit # %d Period # %d Run # %d Trigger %lld Magnetic field %f \n", GetEventNumberInFile(), GetBunchCrossNumber(), GetOrbitNumber(), GetPeriodNumber(), GetRunNumber(), GetTriggerMask(), GetMagneticField() ); printf("Vertex: (%.4f +- %.4f, %.4f +- %.4f, %.4f +- %.4f) cm\n", fPrimaryVertex->GetXv(), fPrimaryVertex->GetXRes(), fPrimaryVertex->GetYv(), fPrimaryVertex->GetYRes(), fPrimaryVertex->GetZv(), fPrimaryVertex->GetZRes()); printf("Mean vertex in RUN: X=%.4f Y=%.4f cm\n", GetDiamondX(),GetDiamondY()); printf("SPD Multiplicity. Number of tracklets %d \n", fSPDMult->GetNumberOfTracklets()); printf("Number of pileup primary vertices reconstructed with SPD %d\n", GetNumberOfPileupVerticesSPD()); printf("Number of pileup primary vertices reconstructed using the tracks %d\n", GetNumberOfPileupVerticesTracks()); printf("Number of tracks: \n"); printf(" charged %d\n", GetNumberOfTracks()); printf(" muon %d\n", GetNumberOfMuonTracks()); printf(" pmd %d\n", GetNumberOfPmdTracks()); printf(" trd %d\n", GetNumberOfTrdTracks()); printf(" v0 %d\n", GetNumberOfV0s()); printf(" cascades %d\n", GetNumberOfCascades()); printf(" kinks %d\n", GetNumberOfKinks()); if(fPHOSCells)printf(" PHOSCells %d\n", fPHOSCells->GetNumberOfCells()); else printf(" PHOSCells not in the Event\n"); if(fEMCALCells)printf(" EMCALCells %d\n", fEMCALCells->GetNumberOfCells()); else printf(" EMCALCells not in the Event\n"); printf(" CaloClusters %d\n", GetNumberOfCaloClusters()); printf(" phos %d\n", GetNumberOfPHOSClusters()); printf(" emcal %d\n", GetNumberOfEMCALClusters()); printf(" FMD %s\n", (fESDFMD ? "yes" : "no")); printf(" VZERO %s\n", (fESDVZERO ? "yes" : "no")); return; } void AliESDEvent::SetESDfriend(const AliESDfriend *ev) const { // // Attaches the complementary info to the ESD // if (!ev) return; // to be sure that we set the tracks also // in case of old esds // if(fESDOld)CopyFromOldESD(); Int_t ntrk=ev->GetNumberOfTracks(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetTrack(i); GetTrack(i)->SetFriendTrack(f); } } Bool_t AliESDEvent::RemoveKink(Int_t rm) const { // --------------------------------------------------------- // Remove a kink candidate and references to it from ESD, // if this candidate does not come from a reconstructed decay // Not yet implemented... // --------------------------------------------------------- Int_t last=GetNumberOfKinks()-1; if ((rm<0)||(rm>last)) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliESDEvent::RemoveV0(Int_t rm) const { // --------------------------------------------------------- // Remove a V0 candidate and references to it from ESD, // if this candidate does not come from a reconstructed decay // --------------------------------------------------------- Int_t last=GetNumberOfV0s()-1; if ((rm<0)||(rm>last)) return kFALSE; AliESDv0 *v0=GetV0(rm); Int_t idxP=v0->GetPindex(), idxN=v0->GetNindex(); v0=GetV0(last); Int_t lastIdxP=v0->GetPindex(), lastIdxN=v0->GetNindex(); Int_t used=0; // Check if this V0 comes from a reconstructed decay Int_t ncs=GetNumberOfCascades(); for (Int_t n=0; nGetPindex(); Int_t csIdxN=cs->GetNindex(); if (idxP==csIdxP) if (idxN==csIdxN) return kFALSE; if (csIdxP==lastIdxP) if (csIdxN==lastIdxN) used++; } //Replace the removed V0 with the last V0 TClonesArray &a=*fV0s; delete a.RemoveAt(rm); if (rm==last) return kTRUE; //v0 is pointing to the last V0 candidate... new (a[rm]) AliESDv0(*v0); delete a.RemoveAt(last); if (!used) return kTRUE; // Remap the indices of the daughters of reconstructed decays for (Int_t n=0; nGetPindex(); Int_t csIdxN=cs->GetNindex(); if (csIdxP==lastIdxP) if (csIdxN==lastIdxN) { cs->AliESDv0::SetIndex(1,idxP); cs->AliESDv0::SetIndex(0,idxN); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } } return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliESDEvent::RemoveTrack(Int_t rm) const { // --------------------------------------------------------- // Remove a track and references to it from ESD, // if this track does not come from a reconstructed decay // --------------------------------------------------------- Int_t last=GetNumberOfTracks()-1; if ((rm<0)||(rm>last)) return kFALSE; Int_t used=0; // Check if this track comes from the reconstructed primary vertices if (fTPCVertex && fTPCVertex->GetStatus()) { UShort_t *primIdx=fTPCVertex->GetIndices(); Int_t n=fTPCVertex->GetNIndices(); while (n--) { Int_t idx=Int_t(primIdx[n]); if (rm==idx) return kFALSE; if (idx==last) used++; } } if (fPrimaryVertex && fPrimaryVertex->GetStatus()) { UShort_t *primIdx=fPrimaryVertex->GetIndices(); Int_t n=fPrimaryVertex->GetNIndices(); while (n--) { Int_t idx=Int_t(primIdx[n]); if (rm==idx) return kFALSE; if (idx==last) used++; } } // Check if this track comes from a reconstructed decay Int_t nv0=GetNumberOfV0s(); for (Int_t n=0; nGetNindex(); if (rm==idx) return kFALSE; if (idx==last) used++; idx=v0->GetPindex(); if (rm==idx) return kFALSE; if (idx==last) used++; } Int_t ncs=GetNumberOfCascades(); for (Int_t n=0; nGetIndex(); if (rm==idx) return kFALSE; if (idx==last) used++; AliESDv0 *v0=cs; idx=v0->GetNindex(); if (rm==idx) return kFALSE; if (idx==last) used++; idx=v0->GetPindex(); if (rm==idx) return kFALSE; if (idx==last) used++; } Int_t nkn=GetNumberOfKinks(); for (Int_t n=0; nGetIndex(0); if (rm==idx) return kFALSE; if (idx==last) used++; idx=kn->GetIndex(1); if (rm==idx) return kFALSE; if (idx==last) used++; } // Check if this track is associated with a CaloCluster Int_t ncl=GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); for (Int_t n=0; nGetTracksMatched(); Int_t s=arr->GetSize(); while (s--) { Int_t idx=arr->At(s); if (rm==idx) return kFALSE; if (idx==last) used++; } } //Replace the removed track with the last track TClonesArray &a=*fTracks; delete a.RemoveAt(rm); if (rm==last) return kTRUE; AliESDtrack *t=GetTrack(last); t->SetID(rm); new (a[rm]) AliESDtrack(*t); delete a.RemoveAt(last); if (!used) return kTRUE; // Remap the indices of the tracks used for the primary vertex reconstruction if (fTPCVertex && fTPCVertex->GetStatus()) { UShort_t *primIdx=fTPCVertex->GetIndices(); Int_t n=fTPCVertex->GetNIndices(); while (n--) { Int_t idx=Int_t(primIdx[n]); if (idx==last) { primIdx[n]=Short_t(rm); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } } } if (fPrimaryVertex && fPrimaryVertex->GetStatus()) { UShort_t *primIdx=fPrimaryVertex->GetIndices(); Int_t n=fPrimaryVertex->GetNIndices(); while (n--) { Int_t idx=Int_t(primIdx[n]); if (idx==last) { primIdx[n]=Short_t(rm); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } } } // Remap the indices of the daughters of reconstructed decays for (Int_t n=0; nGetIndex(0)==last) { v0->SetIndex(0,rm); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } if (v0->GetIndex(1)==last) { v0->SetIndex(1,rm); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } } for (Int_t n=0; nGetIndex()==last) { cs->SetIndex(rm); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } AliESDv0 *v0=cs; if (v0->GetIndex(0)==last) { v0->SetIndex(0,rm); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } if (v0->GetIndex(1)==last) { v0->SetIndex(1,rm); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } } for (Int_t n=0; nGetIndex(0)==last) { kn->SetIndex(rm,0); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } if (kn->GetIndex(1)==last) { kn->SetIndex(rm,1); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } } // Remap the indices of the tracks accosicated with CaloClusters for (Int_t n=0; nGetTracksMatched(); Int_t s=arr->GetSize(); while (s--) { Int_t idx=arr->At(s); if (idx==last) { arr->AddAt(rm,s); used--; if (!used) return kTRUE; } } } return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliESDEvent::Clean(Float_t *cleanPars) { // // Remove the data which are not needed for the physics analysis. // // 1) Cleaning the V0 candidates // --------------------------- // If the cosine of the V0 pointing angle "csp" and // the DCA between the daughter tracks "dca" does not satisfy // the conditions // // csp > cleanPars[1] + dca/cleanPars[0]*(1.- cleanPars[1]) // // an attempt to remove this V0 candidate from ESD is made. // // The V0 candidate gets removed if it does not belong to any // recosntructed cascade decay // // 12.11.2007, optimal values: cleanPars[0]=0.5, cleanPars[1]=0.999 // // 2) Cleaning the tracks // ---------------------- // If track's transverse parameter is larger than cleanPars[2] // OR // track's longitudinal parameter is larger than cleanPars[3] // an attempt to remove this track from ESD is made. // // The track gets removed if it does not come // from a reconstructed decay // Bool_t rc=kFALSE; Float_t dcaMax=cleanPars[0]; Float_t cspMin=cleanPars[1]; Int_t nV0s=GetNumberOfV0s(); for (Int_t i=nV0s-1; i>=0; i--) { AliESDv0 *v0=GetV0(i); Float_t dca=v0->GetDcaV0Daughters(); Float_t csp=v0->GetV0CosineOfPointingAngle(); Float_t cspcut=cspMin + dca/dcaMax*(1.-cspMin); if (csp > cspcut) continue; if (RemoveV0(i)) rc=kTRUE; } Float_t dmax=cleanPars[2], zmax=cleanPars[3]; const AliESDVertex *vertex=GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); Bool_t vtxOK=vertex->GetStatus(); Int_t nTracks=GetNumberOfTracks(); for (Int_t i=nTracks-1; i>=0; i--) { AliESDtrack *track=GetTrack(i); Float_t xy,z; track->GetImpactParameters(xy,z); if ((TMath::Abs(xy) > dmax) || (vtxOK && (TMath::Abs(z) > zmax))) { if (RemoveTrack(i)) rc=kTRUE; } } return rc; } Char_t AliESDEvent::AddPileupVertexSPD(const AliESDVertex *vtx) { // Add a pileup primary vertex reconstructed with SPD TClonesArray &ftr = *fSPDPileupVertices; Char_t n=Char_t(ftr.GetEntriesFast()); AliESDVertex *vertex = new(ftr[n]) AliESDVertex(*vtx); vertex->SetID(n); return n; } Char_t AliESDEvent::AddPileupVertexTracks(const AliESDVertex *vtx) { // Add a pileup primary vertex reconstructed with SPD TClonesArray &ftr = *fTrkPileupVertices; Char_t n=Char_t(ftr.GetEntriesFast()); AliESDVertex *vertex = new(ftr[n]) AliESDVertex(*vtx); vertex->SetID(n); return n; } Int_t AliESDEvent::AddTrack(const AliESDtrack *t) { // Add track TClonesArray &ftr = *fTracks; AliESDtrack * track = new(ftr[fTracks->GetEntriesFast()])AliESDtrack(*t); track->SetID(fTracks->GetEntriesFast()-1); return track->GetID(); } void AliESDEvent::AddMuonTrack(const AliESDMuonTrack *t) { TClonesArray &fmu = *fMuonTracks; new(fmu[fMuonTracks->GetEntriesFast()]) AliESDMuonTrack(*t); } void AliESDEvent::AddPmdTrack(const AliESDPmdTrack *t) { TClonesArray &fpmd = *fPmdTracks; new(fpmd[fPmdTracks->GetEntriesFast()]) AliESDPmdTrack(*t); } void AliESDEvent::AddTrdTrack(const AliESDTrdTrack *t) { TClonesArray &ftrd = *fTrdTracks; new(ftrd[fTrdTracks->GetEntriesFast()]) AliESDTrdTrack(*t); } Int_t AliESDEvent::AddKink(const AliESDkink *c) { // Add kink TClonesArray &fk = *fKinks; AliESDkink * kink = new(fk[fKinks->GetEntriesFast()]) AliESDkink(*c); kink->SetID(fKinks->GetEntriesFast()); // CKB different from the other imps.. return fKinks->GetEntriesFast()-1; } void AliESDEvent::AddCascade(const AliESDcascade *c) { TClonesArray &fc = *fCascades; new(fc[fCascades->GetEntriesFast()]) AliESDcascade(*c); } Int_t AliESDEvent::AddCaloCluster(const AliESDCaloCluster *c) { // Add calocluster TClonesArray &fc = *fCaloClusters; AliESDCaloCluster *clus = new(fc[fCaloClusters->GetEntriesFast()]) AliESDCaloCluster(*c); clus->SetID(fCaloClusters->GetEntriesFast()-1); return fCaloClusters->GetEntriesFast()-1; } void AliESDEvent::AddRawDataErrorLog(const AliRawDataErrorLog *log) const { TClonesArray &errlogs = *fErrorLogs; new(errlogs[errlogs.GetEntriesFast()]) AliRawDataErrorLog(*log); } void AliESDEvent::SetPrimaryVertexTPC(const AliESDVertex *vertex) { // Set the TPC vertex // use already allocated space if(fTPCVertex){ *fTPCVertex = *vertex; fTPCVertex->SetName(fgkESDListName[kTPCVertex]); } } void AliESDEvent::SetPrimaryVertexSPD(const AliESDVertex *vertex) { // Set the SPD vertex // use already allocated space if(fSPDVertex){ *fSPDVertex = *vertex; fSPDVertex->SetName(fgkESDListName[kSPDVertex]); } } void AliESDEvent::SetPrimaryVertexTracks(const AliESDVertex *vertex) { // Set the primary vertex reconstructed using he ESD tracks. // use already allocated space if(fPrimaryVertex){ *fPrimaryVertex = *vertex; fPrimaryVertex->SetName(fgkESDListName[kPrimaryVertex]); } } const AliESDVertex * AliESDEvent::GetPrimaryVertex() const { // // Get the "best" available reconstructed primary vertex. // if(fPrimaryVertex){ if (fPrimaryVertex->GetStatus()) return fPrimaryVertex; } if(fSPDVertex){ if (fSPDVertex->GetStatus()) return fSPDVertex; } if(fTPCVertex) return fTPCVertex; AliWarning("No primary vertex available. Returning the \"default\"..."); return fSPDVertex; } AliESDVertex * AliESDEvent::PrimaryVertexTracksUnconstrained() const { // // Removes diamond constraint from fPrimaryVertex (reconstructed with tracks) // Returns a AliESDVertex which has to be deleted by the user // if(!fPrimaryVertex) { AliWarning("No primary vertex from tracks available."); return 0; } if(!fPrimaryVertex->GetStatus()) { AliWarning("No primary vertex from tracks available."); return 0; } AliVertexerTracks vertexer(GetMagneticField()); Float_t diamondxyz[3]={(Float_t)GetDiamondX(),(Float_t)GetDiamondY(),0.}; Float_t diamondcovxy[3]; GetDiamondCovXY(diamondcovxy); Float_t diamondcov[6]={diamondcovxy[0],diamondcovxy[1],diamondcovxy[2],0.,0.,7.}; AliESDVertex *vertex = (AliESDVertex*)vertexer.RemoveConstraintFromVertex(fPrimaryVertex,diamondxyz,diamondcov); return vertex; } void AliESDEvent::SetMultiplicity(const AliMultiplicity *mul) { // Set the SPD Multiplicity if(fSPDMult){ *fSPDMult = *mul; } } void AliESDEvent::SetFMDData(AliESDFMD * obj) { // use already allocated space if(fESDFMD){ *fESDFMD = *obj; } } void AliESDEvent::SetVZEROData(AliESDVZERO * obj) { // use already allocated space if(fESDVZERO) *fESDVZERO = *obj; } void AliESDEvent::SetACORDEData(AliESDACORDE * obj) { if(fESDACORDE) *fESDACORDE = *obj; } void AliESDEvent::GetESDfriend(AliESDfriend *ev) const { // // Extracts the complementary info from the ESD // if (!ev) return; Int_t ntrk=GetNumberOfTracks(); for (Int_t i=0; iGetFriendTrack(); ev->AddTrack(f); t->ReleaseESDfriendTrack();// Not to have two copies of "friendTrack" } AliESDfriend *fr = (AliESDfriend*)(const_cast(this)->FindListObject("AliESDfriend")); if (fr) ev->SetVZEROfriend(fr->GetVZEROfriend()); } void AliESDEvent::AddObject(TObject* obj) { // Add an object to the list of object. // Please be aware that in order to increase performance you should // refrain from using TObjArrays (if possible). Use TClonesArrays, instead. fESDObjects->SetOwner(kTRUE); fESDObjects->AddLast(obj); } void AliESDEvent::GetStdContent() { // set pointers for standard content // get by name much safer and not a big overhead since not called very often fESDRun = (AliESDRun*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kESDRun]); fHeader = (AliESDHeader*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kHeader]); fESDZDC = (AliESDZDC*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kESDZDC]); fESDFMD = (AliESDFMD*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kESDFMD]); fESDVZERO = (AliESDVZERO*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kESDVZERO]); fESDTZERO = (AliESDTZERO*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kESDTZERO]); fTPCVertex = (AliESDVertex*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kTPCVertex]); fSPDVertex = (AliESDVertex*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kSPDVertex]); fPrimaryVertex = (AliESDVertex*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kPrimaryVertex]); fSPDMult = (AliMultiplicity*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kSPDMult]); fPHOSTrigger = (AliESDCaloTrigger*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kPHOSTrigger]); fEMCALTrigger = (AliESDCaloTrigger*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kEMCALTrigger]); fSPDPileupVertices = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kSPDPileupVertices]); fTrkPileupVertices = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kTrkPileupVertices]); fTracks = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kTracks]); fMuonTracks = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kMuonTracks]); fPmdTracks = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kPmdTracks]); fTrdTracks = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kTrdTracks]); fV0s = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kV0s]); fCascades = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kCascades]); fKinks = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kKinks]); fCaloClusters = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kCaloClusters]); fEMCALCells = (AliESDCaloCells*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kEMCALCells]); fPHOSCells = (AliESDCaloCells*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kPHOSCells]); fErrorLogs = (TClonesArray*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kErrorLogs]); fESDACORDE = (AliESDACORDE*)fESDObjects->FindObject(fgkESDListName[kESDACORDE]); } void AliESDEvent::SetStdNames(){ // Set the names of the standard contents // if(fESDObjects->GetEntries()>=kESDListN){ for(int i = 0;i < fESDObjects->GetEntries() && iAt(i); if(fObj->InheritsFrom("TNamed")){ ((TNamed*)fObj)->SetName(fgkESDListName[i]); } else if(fObj->InheritsFrom("TClonesArray")){ ((TClonesArray*)fObj)->SetName(fgkESDListName[i]); } } } else{ AliWarning("Std Entries missing"); } } void AliESDEvent::CreateStdContent(Bool_t bUseThisList){ fUseOwnList = bUseThisList; CreateStdContent(); } void AliESDEvent::CreateStdContent() { // create the standard AOD content and set pointers // create standard objects and add them to the TList of objects AddObject(new AliESDRun()); AddObject(new AliESDHeader()); AddObject(new AliESDZDC()); AddObject(new AliESDFMD()); AddObject(new AliESDVZERO()); AddObject(new AliESDTZERO()); AddObject(new AliESDVertex()); AddObject(new AliESDVertex()); AddObject(new AliESDVertex()); AddObject(new AliMultiplicity()); AddObject(new AliESDCaloTrigger()); AddObject(new AliESDCaloTrigger()); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliESDVertex",0)); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliESDVertex",0)); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliESDtrack",0)); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliESDMuonTrack",0)); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliESDPmdTrack",0)); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliESDTrdTrack",0)); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliESDv0",0)); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliESDcascade",0)); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliESDkink",0)); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliESDCaloCluster",0)); AddObject(new AliESDCaloCells()); AddObject(new AliESDCaloCells()); AddObject(new TClonesArray("AliRawDataErrorLog",0)); AddObject(new AliESDACORDE()); // check the order of the indices against enum... // set names SetStdNames(); // read back pointers GetStdContent(); } TObject* AliESDEvent::FindListObject(const char *name){ // // Find object with name "name" in the list of branches // if(fESDObjects){ return fESDObjects->FindObject(name); } return 0; } Int_t AliESDEvent::GetPHOSClusters(TRefArray *clusters) const { // fills the provided TRefArray with all found phos clusters clusters->Clear(); AliESDCaloCluster *cl = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); i++) { if ( (cl = GetCaloCluster(i)) ) { if (cl->IsPHOS()){ clusters->Add(cl); AliDebug(1,Form("IsPHOS cluster %d Size: %d \n",i,clusters->GetEntriesFast())); } } } return clusters->GetEntriesFast(); } Int_t AliESDEvent::GetEMCALClusters(TRefArray *clusters) const { // fills the provided TRefArray with all found emcal clusters clusters->Clear(); AliESDCaloCluster *cl = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i < GetNumberOfCaloClusters(); i++) { if ( (cl = GetCaloCluster(i)) ) { if (cl->IsEMCAL()){ clusters->Add(cl); AliDebug(1,Form("IsEMCAL cluster %d Size: %d \n",i,clusters->GetEntriesFast())); } } } return clusters->GetEntriesFast(); } void AliESDEvent::WriteToTree(TTree* tree) const { // Book the branches as in TTree::Branch(TCollection*) // but add a "." at the end of top level branches which are // not a TClonesArray TString branchname; TIter next(fESDObjects); const Int_t kSplitlevel = 99; // default value in TTree::Branch() const Int_t kBufsize = 32000; // default value in TTree::Branch() TObject *obj = 0; while ((obj = next())) { branchname.Form("%s", obj->GetName()); if(branchname.CompareTo("AliESDfriend")==0)branchname = "ESDfriend."; if ((kSplitlevel > 1) && !obj->InheritsFrom(TClonesArray::Class())) { if(!branchname.EndsWith("."))branchname += "."; } if (!tree->FindBranch(branchname)) { tree->Bronch(branchname, obj->ClassName(), fESDObjects->GetObjectRef(obj), kBufsize, kSplitlevel - 1); } } } void AliESDEvent::ReadFromTree(TTree *tree, Option_t* opt){ // // Connect the ESDEvent to a tree // if(!tree){ AliWarning("AliESDEvent::ReadFromTree() Zero Pointer to Tree \n"); return; } // load the TTree if(!tree->GetTree())tree->LoadTree(0); // if we find the "ESD" branch on the tree we do have the old structure if(tree->GetBranch("ESD")) { char ** address = (char **)(tree->GetBranch("ESD")->GetAddress()); // do we have the friend branch TBranch * esdFB = tree->GetBranch("ESDfriend."); char ** addressF = 0; if(esdFB)addressF = (char **)(esdFB->GetAddress()); if (!address) { AliInfo("AliESDEvent::ReadFromTree() Reading old Tree"); tree->SetBranchAddress("ESD", &fESDOld); if(esdFB){ tree->SetBranchAddress("ESDfriend.",&fESDFriendOld); } } else { AliInfo("AliESDEvent::ReadFromTree() Reading old Tree"); AliInfo("Branch already connected. Using existing branch address."); fESDOld = (AliESD*) (*address); // addressF can still be 0, since branch needs to switched on if(addressF)fESDFriendOld = (AliESDfriend*) (*addressF); } // have already connected the old ESD structure... ? // reuse also the pointer of the AlliESDEvent // otherwise create new ones TList* connectedList = (TList*) (tree->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("ESDObjectsConnectedToTree")); if(connectedList){ // If connected use the connected list of objects if(fESDObjects!= connectedList){ // protect when called twice fESDObjects->Delete(); fESDObjects = connectedList; } GetStdContent(); // The pointer to the friend changes when called twice via InitIO // since AliESDEvent is deleted TObject* oldf = FindListObject("AliESDfriend"); TObject* newf = 0; if(addressF){ newf = (TObject*)*addressF; } if(newf!=0&&oldf!=newf){ // remove the old reference // Should we also delete it? Or is this handled in TTree I/O // since it is created by the first SetBranchAddress fESDObjects->Remove(oldf); // add the new one fESDObjects->Add(newf); } fConnected = true; return; } // else... CreateStdContent(); // create for copy // if we have the esdfriend add it, so we always can access it via the userinfo if(fESDFriendOld)AddObject(fESDFriendOld); // we are not owner of the list objects // must not delete it fESDObjects->SetOwner(kTRUE); fESDObjects->SetName("ESDObjectsConnectedToTree"); tree->GetUserInfo()->Add(fESDObjects); fConnected = true; return; } delete fESDOld; fESDOld = 0; // Try to find AliESDEvent AliESDEvent *esdEvent = 0; esdEvent = (AliESDEvent*)tree->GetTree()->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("AliESDEvent"); if(esdEvent){ // Check if already connected to tree esdEvent->Reset(); TList* connectedList = (TList*) (tree->GetUserInfo()->FindObject("ESDObjectsConnectedToTree")); if (connectedList && (strcmp(opt, "reconnect"))) { // If connected use the connected list if objects fESDObjects->Delete(); fESDObjects = connectedList; GetStdContent(); fConnected = true; return; } // Connect to tree // prevent a memory leak when reading back the TList if (!(strcmp(opt, "reconnect"))) fESDObjects->Delete(); if(!fUseOwnList){ // create a new TList from the UserInfo TList... // copy constructor does not work... fESDObjects = (TList*)(esdEvent->GetList()->Clone()); fESDObjects->SetOwner(kTRUE); } else if ( fESDObjects->GetEntries()==0){ // at least create the std content if we want to read to our list CreateStdContent(); } // in principle // we only need new things in the list if we do no already have it.. // TODO just add new entries if(fESDObjects->GetEntries()GetEntries(),kESDListN)); } // set the branch addresses TIter next(fESDObjects); TNamed *el; while((el=(TNamed*)next())){ TString bname(el->GetName()); if(bname.CompareTo("AliESDfriend")==0) { // AliESDfriend does not have a name ... tree->SetBranchAddress("ESDfriend.",fESDObjects->GetObjectRef(el)); } else{ // check if branch exists under this Name TBranch *br = tree->GetBranch(bname.Data()); if(br){ tree->SetBranchAddress(bname.Data(),fESDObjects->GetObjectRef(el)); } else{ br = tree->GetBranch(Form("%s.",bname.Data())); if(br){ tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("%s.",bname.Data()),fESDObjects->GetObjectRef(el)); } else{ AliWarning(Form("AliESDEvent::ReadFromTree() No Branch found with Name %s or %s.",bname.Data(),bname.Data())); } } } } GetStdContent(); // when reading back we are not owner of the list // must not delete it fESDObjects->SetOwner(kTRUE); fESDObjects->SetName("ESDObjectsConnectedToTree"); // we are not owner of the list objects // must not delete it tree->GetUserInfo()->Add(fESDObjects); tree->GetUserInfo()->SetOwner(kFALSE); fConnected = true; }// no esdEvent --> else { // we can't get the list from the user data, create standard content // and set it by hand (no ESDfriend at the moment CreateStdContent(); TIter next(fESDObjects); TNamed *el; while((el=(TNamed*)next())){ TString bname(el->GetName()); TBranch *br = tree->GetBranch(bname.Data()); if(br){ tree->SetBranchAddress(bname.Data(),fESDObjects->GetObjectRef(el)); } else{ br = tree->GetBranch(Form("%s.",bname.Data())); if(br){ tree->SetBranchAddress(Form("%s.",bname.Data()),fESDObjects->GetObjectRef(el)); } } } GetStdContent(); // when reading back we are not owner of the list // must not delete it fESDObjects->SetOwner(kTRUE); } } void AliESDEvent::CopyFromOldESD() { // Method which copies over everthing from the old esd structure to the // new if(fESDOld){ ResetStdContent(); // Run SetRunNumber(fESDOld->GetRunNumber()); SetPeriodNumber(fESDOld->GetPeriodNumber()); SetMagneticField(fESDOld->GetMagneticField()); // leave out diamond ... // SetDiamond(const AliESDVertex *vertex) { fESDRun->SetDiamond(vertex);} // header SetTriggerMask(fESDOld->GetTriggerMask()); SetOrbitNumber(fESDOld->GetOrbitNumber()); SetTimeStamp(fESDOld->GetTimeStamp()); SetEventType(fESDOld->GetEventType()); SetEventNumberInFile(fESDOld->GetEventNumberInFile()); SetBunchCrossNumber(fESDOld->GetBunchCrossNumber()); SetTriggerCluster(fESDOld->GetTriggerCluster()); // ZDC SetZDC(fESDOld->GetZDCN1Energy(), fESDOld->GetZDCP1Energy(), fESDOld->GetZDCEMEnergy(), 0, fESDOld->GetZDCN2Energy(), fESDOld->GetZDCP2Energy(), fESDOld->GetZDCParticipants(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // FMD if(fESDOld->GetFMDData())SetFMDData(fESDOld->GetFMDData()); // T0 SetT0zVertex(fESDOld->GetT0zVertex()); SetT0(fESDOld->GetT0()); // leave amps out // VZERO if (fESDOld->GetVZEROData()) SetVZEROData(fESDOld->GetVZEROData()); if(fESDOld->GetVertex())SetPrimaryVertexSPD(fESDOld->GetVertex()); if(fESDOld->GetPrimaryVertex())SetPrimaryVertexTracks(fESDOld->GetPrimaryVertex()); if(fESDOld->GetMultiplicity())SetMultiplicity(fESDOld->GetMultiplicity()); for(int i = 0;iGetNumberOfTracks();i++){ AddTrack(fESDOld->GetTrack(i)); } for(int i = 0;iGetNumberOfMuonTracks();i++){ AddMuonTrack(fESDOld->GetMuonTrack(i)); } for(int i = 0;iGetNumberOfPmdTracks();i++){ AddPmdTrack(fESDOld->GetPmdTrack(i)); } for(int i = 0;iGetNumberOfTrdTracks();i++){ AddTrdTrack(fESDOld->GetTrdTrack(i)); } for(int i = 0;iGetNumberOfV0s();i++){ AddV0(fESDOld->GetV0(i)); } for(int i = 0;iGetNumberOfCascades();i++){ AddCascade(fESDOld->GetCascade(i)); } for(int i = 0;iGetNumberOfKinks();i++){ AddKink(fESDOld->GetKink(i)); } for(int i = 0;iGetNumberOfCaloClusters();i++){ AddCaloCluster(fESDOld->GetCaloCluster(i)); } }// if fesdold } TObject* AliESDEvent::GetHLTTriggerDecision() const { // get the HLT trigger decission object // cast away const'nes because the FindListObject method // is not const AliESDEvent* pNonConst=const_cast(this); return pNonConst->FindListObject("HLTGlobalTrigger"); } TString AliESDEvent::GetHLTTriggerDescription() const { // get the HLT trigger decission description TString description; TObject* pDecision=GetHLTTriggerDecision(); if (pDecision) { description=pDecision->GetTitle(); } return description; } Bool_t AliESDEvent::IsHLTTriggerFired(const char* name) const { // get the HLT trigger decission description TObject* pDecision=GetHLTTriggerDecision(); if (!pDecision) return kFALSE; Option_t* option=pDecision->GetOption(); if (option==NULL || *option!='1') return kFALSE; if (name) { TString description=GetHLTTriggerDescription(); Int_t index=description.Index(name); if (index<0) return kFALSE; index+=strlen(name); if (index>=description.Length()) return kFALSE; if (description[index]!=0 && description[index]!=' ') return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; }