/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Event handler for ESD input // Author: Andreas Morsch, CERN //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESD.h" #include "AliRunTag.h" #include "AliEventTag.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliESDInputHandler) static Option_t *gESDDataType = "ESD"; //______________________________________________________________________________ AliESDInputHandler::AliESDInputHandler() : AliInputEventHandler(), fEvent(0x0), fAnalysisType(0), fNEvents(0), fHLTEvent(0x0), fHLTTree(0x0), fUseHLT(kFALSE), fTagCutSumm(0x0), fUseTags(kFALSE), fChainT(0), fTreeT(0), fRunTag(0) { // default constructor } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliESDInputHandler::~AliESDInputHandler() { // destructor // delete fEvent; } //______________________________________________________________________________ AliESDInputHandler::AliESDInputHandler(const char* name, const char* title): AliInputEventHandler(name, title), fEvent(0x0), fAnalysisType(0), fNEvents(0), fHLTEvent(0x0), fHLTTree(0x0), fUseHLT(kFALSE), fTagCutSumm(0x0), fUseTags(kFALSE), fChainT(0), fTreeT(0), fRunTag(0) { // Constructor } Bool_t AliESDInputHandler::Init(TTree* tree, Option_t* opt) { // Initialisation necessary for each new tree fAnalysisType = opt; fTree = tree; if (!fTree) return kFALSE; fTree->GetEntry(0); // Get pointer to ESD event SwitchOffBranches(); SwitchOnBranches(); if (!fEvent) fEvent = new AliESDEvent(); fEvent->ReadFromTree(fTree); fNEvents = fTree->GetEntries(); return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliESDInputHandler::BeginEvent(Long64_t entry) { // Copy from old to new format if necessary AliESD* old = ((AliESDEvent*) fEvent)->GetAliESDOld(); if (old) { ((AliESDEvent*)fEvent)->CopyFromOldESD(); old->Reset(); } if (fHLTTree) { fHLTTree->GetEntry(entry); } fNewEvent = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliESDInputHandler::FinishEvent() { // Finish the event if(fEvent)fEvent->Reset(); return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliESDInputHandler::Notify(const char* path) { // Notify a directory change AliInfo(Form("Directory change %s \n", path)); // if (fUseHLT) { // Get HLTesdTree from current file TTree* cTree = fTree; if (fTree->GetTree()) cTree = fTree->GetTree(); TFile* cFile = cTree->GetCurrentFile(); cFile->GetObject("HLTesdTree", fHLTTree); if (fHLTTree) { if (!fHLTEvent) fHLTEvent = new AliESDEvent(); fHLTEvent->ReadFromTree(fHLTTree); } } if (!fUseTags) return (kTRUE); Bool_t zip = kFALSE; TString fileName(path); if(fileName.Contains("#AliESDs.root")){ zip = kTRUE; } else if (fileName.Contains("AliESDs.root")){ fileName.ReplaceAll("AliESDs.root", ""); } else if(fileName.Contains("#AliAOD.root")){ zip = kTRUE; } else if(fileName.Contains("AliAOD.root")){ fileName.ReplaceAll("AliAOD.root", ""); } else if(fileName.Contains("#galice.root")){ // For running with galice and kinematics alone... zip = kTRUE; } else if(fileName.Contains("galice.root")){ // For running with galice and kinematics alone... fileName.ReplaceAll("galice.root", ""); } TString pathName("./"); if (fileName.Length() != 0) { pathName = fileName; } printf("AliESDInputHandler::Notify() Path: %s\n", pathName.Data()); if (fRunTag) { fRunTag->Clear(); } else { fRunTag = new AliRunTag(); } delete fTreeT; fTreeT = 0; if (fChainT) { delete fChainT; fChainT = 0; } if (!fChainT) { fChainT = new TChain("T"); } const char* tagPattern = "ESD.tag.root"; const char* name = 0x0; TString tagFilename; if (zip) { TFile* file = fTree->GetCurrentFile(); TArchiveFile* arch = file->GetArchive(); TObjArray* arr = arch->GetMembers(); TIter next(arr); while ((file = (TFile*) next())) { name = file->GetName(); if (strstr(name,tagPattern)) { tagFilename = pathName.Data(); tagFilename += "#"; tagFilename += name; fChainT->Add(tagFilename); AliInfo(Form("Adding %s to tag chain \n", tagFilename.Data())); }//pattern check } // archive file loop } else { void * dirp = gSystem->OpenDirectory(pathName.Data()); while((name = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dirp))) { if (strstr(name,tagPattern)) { tagFilename = pathName.Data(); tagFilename += "/"; tagFilename += name; fChainT->Add(tagFilename); AliInfo(Form("Adding %s to tag chain \n", tagFilename.Data())); }//pattern check }//directory loop } fChainT->SetBranchAddress("AliTAG",&fRunTag); fChainT->GetEntry(0); return kTRUE; } Option_t *AliESDInputHandler::GetDataType() const { // Returns handled data type. return gESDDataType; } Int_t AliESDInputHandler::GetNEventAcceptedInFile() { // Get number of events in file accepted by the tag cuts // return -1 if no info is available if (!fTagCutSumm) { TList *luo = fTree->GetUserInfo(); if (!luo) { AliInfo(Form("No user info in input tree - no tag cut summary\n")); return -1; } for (int iluo=0; iluoGetEntries(); iluo++) { fTagCutSumm = dynamic_cast(luo->At(iluo)); if (fTagCutSumm) break; } if (!fTagCutSumm) { AliInfo(Form("No tag summary map in input tree\n")); return -1; } } TObjString *ostr = 0; if (fTagCutSumm->FindObject(fTree->GetCurrentFile()->GetName())) ostr = (TObjString *) fTagCutSumm->GetValue(fTree->GetCurrentFile()->GetName()); else { AliInfo(Form("No tag cut summary for file %s\n", fTree->GetCurrentFile()->GetName())); return -1; } char *iTagInfo; iTagInfo = strdup(ostr->GetString().Data()); Int_t iAcc = atoi(strtok(iTagInfo, ",")); AliInfo(Form("Got %i accepted events for file %s", iAcc, fTree->GetCurrentFile()->GetName())); free(iTagInfo); return iAcc; } Int_t AliESDInputHandler::GetNEventRejectedInFile() { // Get number of events in file rejected by the tag cuts // return -1 if no info is available if (!fTagCutSumm) { TList *luo = fTree->GetUserInfo(); if (!luo) { AliInfo(Form("No user info in input tree - no tag cut summary\n")); return -1; } for (int iluo=0; iluoGetEntries(); iluo++) { fTagCutSumm = dynamic_cast(luo->At(iluo)); if (fTagCutSumm) break; } if (!fTagCutSumm) { AliInfo(Form("No tag summary map in input tree\n")); return -1; } } TObjString *ostr = 0; if (fTagCutSumm->FindObject(fTree->GetCurrentFile()->GetName())) ostr = (TObjString *) fTagCutSumm->GetValue(fTree->GetCurrentFile()->GetName()); else { AliInfo(Form("No tag cut summary for file %s\n", fTree->GetCurrentFile()->GetName())); return -1; } char *iTagInfo; iTagInfo = strdup(ostr->GetString().Data()); strtok(iTagInfo, ","); Int_t iRej = atoi(strtok(NULL, ",")); AliInfo(Form("Got %i accepted events for file %s", iRej, fTree->GetCurrentFile()->GetName())); free(iTagInfo); return iRej; } Bool_t AliESDInputHandler::GetCutSummaryForChain(Int_t *aTotal, Int_t *aAccepted, Int_t *aRejected) { // Get number of events in the full chain // Count accepted and rejected events // return kFALSE if no info is available if (!fTagCutSumm) { TList *luo = fTree->GetUserInfo(); if (!luo) { AliInfo(Form("No user info in input tree - no tag cut summary\n")); return kFALSE; } for (int iluo=0; iluoGetEntries(); iluo++) { fTagCutSumm = dynamic_cast(luo->At(iluo)); if (fTagCutSumm) break; } if (!fTagCutSumm) { AliInfo(Form("No tag summary map in input tree\n")); return kFALSE; } } TMapIter *tIter = new TMapIter(fTagCutSumm); Int_t iTotList=0, iAccList=0, iRejList=0; TObject *cobj; while ((cobj = tIter->Next())) { TObjString *kstr = (TObjString *) cobj; TObjString *vstr = (TObjString *) fTagCutSumm->GetValue(kstr->GetString().Data()); // printf("Got object value %s %s\n", kstr->GetString().Data(), vstr->GetString().Data()); char *iTagInfo; iTagInfo = strdup(vstr->GetString().Data()); Int_t iAcc = atoi(strtok(iTagInfo, ",")); Int_t iRej = atoi(strtok(NULL, ",")); iAccList += iAcc; iRejList += iRej; iTotList += (iAcc+iRej); } *aTotal = iTotList; *aAccepted = iAccList; *aRejected = iRejList; return kTRUE; } Int_t AliESDInputHandler::GetNFilesEmpty() { // Count number of files in which all events were de-selected // For such files Notify() will NOT be called // return -1 if no info is available if (!fTagCutSumm) { TList *luo = fTree->GetUserInfo(); if (!luo) { AliInfo(Form("No user info in input tree - no tag cut summary\n")); return -1; } for (int iluo=0; iluoGetEntries(); iluo++) { fTagCutSumm = dynamic_cast(luo->At(iluo)); if (fTagCutSumm) break; } if (!fTagCutSumm) { AliInfo(Form("No tag summary map in input tree\n")); return -1; } } TMapIter *tIter = new TMapIter(fTagCutSumm); Int_t iFilesEmpty = 0; TObject *cobj; while ((cobj = tIter->Next())) { TObjString *kstr = (TObjString *) cobj; TObjString *vstr = (TObjString *) fTagCutSumm->GetValue(kstr->GetString().Data()); // printf("Got object value %s %s\n", kstr->GetString().Data(), vstr->GetString().Data()); char *iTagInfo; iTagInfo = strdup(vstr->GetString().Data()); Int_t iAcc = atoi(strtok(iTagInfo, ",")); Int_t iRej = atoi(strtok(NULL, ",")); if ((iAcc == 0) && ((iRej+iAcc)>0)) iFilesEmpty++; } return iFilesEmpty; }