// -*- mode: C++ -*- #ifndef ALIESDTZERO_H #define ALIESDTZERO_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class AliESDTZERO // This is a class that summarizes the TZERO data for the ESD // Origin: Christian Klein-Boesing, CERN, Christian.Klein-Boesing@cern.ch //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include class AliESDTZERO: public TObject { public: AliESDTZERO(); AliESDTZERO(const AliESDTZERO& tzero); AliESDTZERO& operator=(const AliESDTZERO& tzero); Float_t GetT0zVertex() const {return fT0zVertex;} void SetT0zVertex(Float_t z) {fT0zVertex=z;} Float_t GetT0() const {return fT0timeStart;} void SetT0(Float_t timeStart) {fT0timeStart = timeStart;} const Float_t * GetT0time() const {return fT0time;} void SetT0time(Float_t time[24]) { for (Int_t i=0; i<24; i++) fT0time[i] = time[i]; } const Float_t * GetT0amplitude() const {return fT0amplitude;} void SetT0amplitude(Float_t amp[24]) { for (Int_t i=0; i<24; i++) fT0amplitude[i] = amp[i]; } void Reset(); void Print(const Option_t *opt=0) const; private: Float_t fT0zVertex; // vertex z position estimated by the T0 Float_t fT0timeStart; // interaction time estimated by the T0 Float_t fT0time[24]; // best TOF on each T0 PMT Float_t fT0amplitude[24]; // number of particles(MIPs) on each T0 PMT ClassDef(AliESDTZERO,1) }; #endif