/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the ESD track class // ESD = Event Summary Data // This is the class to deal with during the phisical analysis of data // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN // e-mail: Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- #include "TMath.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliKalmanTrack.h" ClassImp(AliESDtrack) //_______________________________________________________________________ AliESDtrack::AliESDtrack() : fFlags(0), fLabel(0), fTrackLength(0), fStopVertex(0), fRalpha(0), fRx(0), fCalpha(0), fCx(0), fCchi2(1e10), fIalpha(0), fIx(0), fOalpha(0), fOx(0), fITSchi2(0), fITSncls(0), fITSsignal(0), fTPCchi2(0), fTPCncls(0), fTPCClusterMap(159),//number of padrows fTPCsignal(0), fTRDchi2(0), fTRDncls(0), fTRDsignal(0), fTOFchi2(0), fTOFindex(0), fTOFsignal(-1) { // // The default ESD constructor // for (Int_t i=0; imax) {k=i; max=fR[i];} } if (k==0) return 0.00051; if (k==1) return 0.10566; if (k==2||k==-1) return 0.13957; if (k==3) return 0.49368; if (k==4) return 0.93827; Warning("GetMass()","Undefined mass !"); return 0.13957; } //_______________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliESDtrack::UpdateTrackParams(AliKalmanTrack *t, ULong_t flags) { // // This function updates track's running parameters // SetStatus(flags); fLabel=t->GetLabel(); if (t->IsStartedTimeIntegral()) { SetStatus(kTIME); Double_t times[10];t->GetIntegratedTimes(times); SetIntegratedTimes(times); SetIntegratedLength(t->GetIntegratedLength()); } fRalpha=t->GetAlpha(); t->GetExternalParameters(fRx,fRp); t->GetExternalCovariance(fRc); switch (flags) { case kITSin: case kITSout: case kITSrefit: fITSncls=t->GetNumberOfClusters(); fITSchi2=t->GetChi2(); for (Int_t i=0;iGetClusterIndex(i); fITSsignal=t->GetPIDsignal(); break; case kTPCin: case kTPCrefit: fIalpha=fRalpha; fIx=fRx; { Int_t i; for (i=0; i<5; i++) fIp[i]=fRp[i]; for (i=0; i<15;i++) fIc[i]=fRc[i]; } case kTPCout: fTPCncls=t->GetNumberOfClusters(); fTPCchi2=t->GetChi2(); {//prevrow must be declared in separate namespace, otherwise compiler cries: //"jump to case label crosses initialization of `Int_t prevrow'" Int_t prevrow = -1; for (Int_t i=0;iGetClusterIndex(i); // Piotr's Cluster Map for HBT // ### please change accordingly if cluster array is changing // to "New TPC Tracking" style (with gaps in array) Int_t idx = fTPCindex[i]; Int_t sect = (idx&0xff000000)>>24; Int_t row = (idx&0x00ff0000)>>16; if (sect > 18) row +=63; //if it is outer sector, add number of inner sectors fTPCClusterMap.SetBitNumber(row,kTRUE); //Fill the gap between previous row and this row with 0 bits //In case ### pleas change it as well - just set bit 0 in case there //is no associated clusters for current "i" if (prevrow < 0) { prevrow = row;//if previous bit was not assigned yet == this is the first one } else { //we don't know the order (inner to outer or reverse) //just to be save in case it is going to change Int_t n = 0, m = 0; if (prevrow < row) { n = prevrow; m = row; } else { n = row; m = prevrow; } for (Int_t j = n+1; j < m; j++) { fTPCClusterMap.SetBitNumber(j,kFALSE); } prevrow = row; } // End Of Piotr's Cluster Map for HBT } } fTPCsignal=t->GetPIDsignal(); {Double_t mass=t->GetMass(); // preliminary mass setting if (mass>0.5) fR[4]=1.; // used by else if (mass<0.4) fR[2]=1.; // the ITS reconstruction else fR[3]=1.;} // break; case kTRDout: { //requested by the PHOS ("temporary solution") Double_t r=460.; if (t->PropagateTo(r,30.,0.)) { fOalpha=t->GetAlpha(); t->GetExternalParameters(fOx,fOp); t->GetExternalCovariance(fOc); } } case kTRDin: case kTRDrefit: fTRDncls=t->GetNumberOfClusters(); fTRDchi2=t->GetChi2(); for (Int_t i=0;iGetClusterIndex(i); fTRDsignal=t->GetPIDsignal(); break; case kTRDStop: break; default: Error("UpdateTrackParams()","Wrong flag !\n"); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliESDtrack::SetConstrainedTrackParams(AliKalmanTrack *t, Double_t chi2) { // // This function sets the constrained track parameters // fCalpha=t->GetAlpha(); t->GetExternalParameters(fCx,fCp); t->GetExternalCovariance(fCc); fCchi2=chi2; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliESDtrack::GetExternalParameters(Double_t &x, Double_t p[5]) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns external representation of the track parameters //--------------------------------------------------------------------- x=fRx; for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) p[i]=fRp[i]; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliESDtrack::GetExternalCovariance(Double_t cov[15]) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns external representation of the cov. matrix //--------------------------------------------------------------------- for (Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) cov[i]=fRc[i]; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliESDtrack::GetConstrainedExternalParameters(Double_t &x, Double_t p[5])const{ //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the constrained external track parameters //--------------------------------------------------------------------- x=fCx; for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) p[i]=fCp[i]; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliESDtrack::GetConstrainedExternalCovariance(Double_t c[15]) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the constrained external cov. matrix //--------------------------------------------------------------------- for (Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) c[i]=fCc[i]; } Double_t AliESDtrack::GetP() const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the track momentum //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t lam=TMath::ATan(fRp[3]); Double_t pt=1./TMath::Abs(fRp[4]); return pt/TMath::Cos(lam); } void AliESDtrack::GetConstrainedPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the constrained global track momentum components //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t phi=TMath::ASin(fCp[2]) + fCalpha; Double_t pt=1./TMath::Abs(fCp[4]); p[0]=pt*TMath::Cos(phi); p[1]=pt*TMath::Sin(phi); p[2]=pt*fCp[3]; } void AliESDtrack::GetConstrainedXYZ(Double_t *xyz) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the global track position //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t phi=TMath::ATan2(fCp[0],fCx) + fCalpha; Double_t r=TMath::Sqrt(fCx*fCx + fCp[0]*fCp[0]); xyz[0]=r*TMath::Cos(phi); xyz[1]=r*TMath::Sin(phi); xyz[2]=fCp[1]; } void AliESDtrack::GetPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the global track momentum components //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t phi=TMath::ASin(fRp[2]) + fRalpha; Double_t pt=1./TMath::Abs(fRp[4]); p[0]=pt*TMath::Cos(phi); p[1]=pt*TMath::Sin(phi); p[2]=pt*fRp[3]; } void AliESDtrack::GetXYZ(Double_t *xyz) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the global track position //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t phi=TMath::ATan2(fRp[0],fRx) + fRalpha; Double_t r=TMath::Sqrt(fRx*fRx + fRp[0]*fRp[0]); xyz[0]=r*TMath::Cos(phi); xyz[1]=r*TMath::Sin(phi); xyz[2]=fRp[1]; } void AliESDtrack::GetInnerPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the global track momentum components // af the entrance of the TPC //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fIx==0) {p[0]=p[1]=p[2]=0.; return;} Double_t phi=TMath::ASin(fIp[2]) + fIalpha; Double_t pt=1./TMath::Abs(fIp[4]); p[0]=pt*TMath::Cos(phi); p[1]=pt*TMath::Sin(phi); p[2]=pt*fIp[3]; } void AliESDtrack::GetInnerXYZ(Double_t *xyz) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the global track position // af the entrance of the TPC //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fIx==0) {xyz[0]=xyz[1]=xyz[2]=0.; return;} Double_t phi=TMath::ATan2(fIp[0],fIx) + fIalpha; Double_t r=TMath::Sqrt(fIx*fIx + fIp[0]*fIp[0]); xyz[0]=r*TMath::Cos(phi); xyz[1]=r*TMath::Sin(phi); xyz[2]=fIp[1]; } void AliESDtrack::GetInnerExternalParameters(Double_t &x, Double_t p[5]) const { //skowron //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns external representation of the track parameters at Inner Layer of TPC //--------------------------------------------------------------------- x=fIx; for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) p[i]=fIp[i]; } void AliESDtrack::GetInnerExternalCovariance(Double_t cov[15]) const { //skowron //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns external representation of the cov. matrix at Inner Layer of TPC //--------------------------------------------------------------------- for (Int_t i=0; i<15; i++) cov[i]=fIc[i]; } void AliESDtrack::GetOuterPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the global track momentum components // af the radius of the PHOS //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fOx==0) {p[0]=p[1]=p[2]=0.; return;} Double_t phi=TMath::ASin(fOp[2]) + fOalpha; Double_t pt=1./TMath::Abs(fOp[4]); p[0]=pt*TMath::Cos(phi); p[1]=pt*TMath::Sin(phi); p[2]=pt*fOp[3]; } void AliESDtrack::GetOuterXYZ(Double_t *xyz) const { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function returns the global track position // af the radius of the PHOS //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (fOx==0) {xyz[0]=xyz[1]=xyz[2]=0.; return;} Double_t phi=TMath::ATan2(fOp[0],fOx) + fOalpha; Double_t r=TMath::Sqrt(fOx*fOx + fOp[0]*fOp[0]); xyz[0]=r*TMath::Cos(phi); xyz[1]=r*TMath::Sin(phi); xyz[2]=fOp[1]; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliESDtrack::GetIntegratedTimes(Double_t *times) const { // Returns the array with integrated times for each particle hypothesis for (Int_t i=0; i