//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The AliKFVertex class // . // @author S.Gorbunov, I.Kisel // @version 1.0 // @since 13.05.07 // // Class to reconstruct and store primary and secondary vertices. // The method is described in CBM-SOFT note 2007-003, // ``Reconstruction of decayed particles based on the Kalman filter'', // http://www.gsi.de/documents/DOC-2007-May-14-1.pdf // // This class is ALICE interface to general mathematics in AliKFParticleBase // // -= Copyright © ALICE HLT Group =- //_________________________________________________________________________________ #ifndef ALIKFVERTEX_H #define ALIKFVERTEX_H #include "AliKFParticle.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" class AliKFVertex :public AliKFParticle { public: //* //* INITIALIZATION //* //* Constructor (empty) AliKFVertex():AliKFParticle(){} //* Destructor (empty) ~AliKFVertex(){} //* Initialisation from ESD vertex AliKFVertex( const AliESDVertex &vertex ); //* Copy vertex part to ESD vertex void CopyToESDVertex( AliESDVertex &Vtx ) const ; //* //* CONSTRUCTION OF THE VERTEX BY ITS DAUGHTERS //* USING THE KALMAN FILTER METHOD //* //* Subtract particle from vertex AliKFVertex operator -( const AliKFParticle &Daughter ) const; void operator -=( const AliKFParticle &Daughter ); //* Construct vertex with selection of tracks (primary vertex) void ConstructPrimaryVertex( const AliKFParticle *vDaughters[], int NDaughters, Double_t ChiCut=3.5 ); private: //* Simple way to construct vertices ex. D0 = Pion + Kaon - NOT IMPLEMENTED AliKFParticle operator +( const AliKFParticle &Daughter ) const; void operator +=( const AliKFParticle &Daughter ); ClassDef( AliKFVertex, 1 ); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Inline implementation of the AliKFVertex methods // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void AliKFVertex::CopyToESDVertex( AliESDVertex &v ) const { AliKFVertex vTmp=*this; v = AliESDVertex( vTmp.fP, vTmp.fC, vTmp.fChi2, (vTmp.fNDF +3)/2 ); } inline void AliKFVertex::operator -=( const AliKFParticle &Daughter ) { Daughter.SubtractFromVertex( *this ); } inline AliKFVertex AliKFVertex::operator -( const AliKFParticle &Daughter ) const { AliKFVertex tmp = *this; Daughter.SubtractFromVertex( tmp ); return tmp; } #endif