#ifndef ALILHCDATA_H #define ALILHCDATA_H ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliLHCData: summary of the lumnosity related information from LHC DIP. // // The time dependent values are averaged over the fPeriod (default: 10 min) // // Created from the TMap provided by the AliLHCReader with optional beginning // // and end time stamps to account. // // // // The data are (wrapped in the AliLHCDipValT): // // Total beam intensities ( eg GetIntensityTotal(beam) for beam=0,1 // // Total beam luminosities ( eg GetLuminTotal(side) for side=0,1 (left/right)// // Bunched intensities and luminosities and crossing angle: // // GetIntensityBunch(beam),GetLuminBunch(side),GetCrossAngle(side) // // Bunches configuration: GetBunchConfig(beam) // // // // Collimators information (initial position + changes > 100 microns) // // GetCollimator(collID,jawID) with collID={kTCTVB4L2, kTCTVB4R2, kTCLIA4R2} // // and jawID={kGapDn,kGapUp,kLeftDn,kLeftUp,kRightDn,kRightUp} // // // // Author: ruben.shahoyan@cern.ch // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "TObject.h" #include "AliLHCDipValT.h" class TMap; class AliLHCData : public TObject { public: enum BeamID_t {kBeam1,kBeam2}; enum Proj_t {kX,kY}; enum Side_t {kLeft,kRight}; enum Collim_t {kTCTVB4L2, kTCTVB4R2, kTCLIA4R2, kNCollimators}; enum ColJaw_t {kGapDn,kGapUp,kLeftDn,kLeftUp,kRightDn,kRightUp,kNJaws}; enum {kRecTotInt,kRecBunchInt,kRecTotLum,kRecBunchLum,kRecCrossAngle,kRecBunchConf,kRecFillNum, kRecPrfPrID,kRecPrfAmp,kRecPrfPos,kRecPrfSig}; // public: // AliLHCData() : fPeriod(600),fTMin(0),fTMax(1e20) {} AliLHCData(const TMap* dcsMap, double tmin=0, double tmax=1.e20,int avPeriod=600); virtual ~AliLHCData() {} // Bool_t FillData(const TMap* dcsMap, double tmin=0, double tmax=1.e20); // const TObjArray& GetIntensityTotal(BeamID_t b) const {return fIntTot[b];} const TObjArray& GetIntensityBunch(BeamID_t b) const {return fIntBunch[b];} const TObjArray& GetBeamPos(BeamID_t b,Proj_t p) const {return fBeamPos[b][p];} const TObjArray& GetLuminTotal(Side_t s) const {return fLuminTot[s];} const TObjArray& GetLuminBunch(Side_t s) const {return fLuminBunch[s];} const TObjArray& GetCrossAngle(Side_t s) const {return fCrossAngle[s];} const AliLHCDipValI& GetBunchConfig(BeamID_t b) const {return fBunchConfig[b];} const TObjArray& GetCollimator(Collim_t c,ColJaw_t jaw) const {return fCollimators[c][jaw];} // Double_t GetTMin() const {return fTMin;} Double_t GetTMax() const {return fTMax;} Int_t GetPeriod() const {return fPeriod;} Int_t GetNBunches(BeamID_t b) const {return GetBunchConfig(b).GetSize();} Int_t GetBunchRFBeam1(BeamID_t b,Int_t bunch) const {return GetBunchConfig(b).GetValue(bunch);} Int_t GetFillNumber() const {return GetUniqueID();} void SetFillNumber(Int_t fill) {SetUniqueID(fill);} void SetPeriod(Int_t nsec=600) {fPeriod = nsec;} void SetTMin(Double_t t) {fTMin = t;} void SetTMax(Double_t t) {fTMax = t;} virtual void Print(const Option_t *opt="") const; // protected: TObjArray* GetDCSEntry(const TMap* dcsMap,const char* key,int &entry,double tmin,double tmax) const; AliLHCData(const AliLHCData& src) : TObject(src),fPeriod(src.fPeriod),fTMin(src.fTMin),fTMax(src.fTMax) { /*dummy*/ } AliLHCData& operator=(const AliLHCData& ) { /*dummy*/ return *this;} protected: // Int_t fPeriod; // averaging period in seconds Double_t fTMin; // selection timeMin Double_t fTMax; // selection timeMax AliLHCDipValI fBunchConfig[2]; // bunches configuration for beam1 and beam2 // TObjArray fIntTot[2]; // total intensity for beam1 and beam2 (AliLHCDipValD) TObjArray fIntBunch[2]; // bunch by bunch intensity for beam1 and beam2 (AliLHCDipValD) // TObjArray fBeamPos[2][2]; // horizontal and vertical projection gaussian fit params for beam1 and beam2 (AliLHCDipValD: amp,pos,sigma) // TObjArray fLuminTot[2]; // total luminosity from BRANB_4L2 and BRANB_4R2 (AliLHCDipValD) TObjArray fLuminBunch[2]; // bunch by bunch luminosity from BRANB_4L2 and BRANB_4R2 (AliLHCDipValD) TObjArray fCrossAngle[2]; // beams crossing angle from BRANB_4L2 and BRANB_4R2 (AliLHCDipValD) // TObjArray fCollimators[kNCollimators][kNJaws];// collimators data (AliLHCDipValD: kGapDn,kGapUp,kLeftDn,kLeftUp,kRightDn,kRightUp) // static const Char_t *fgkDCSNames[]; // beam related DCS names to extract static const Char_t *fgkDCSColNames[]; // collimators to extract static const Char_t *fgkDCSColJaws[]; // names of collimator pieces ClassDef(AliLHCData,1) }; #endif