/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-2007, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class for Kinematic Events // Author: Andreas Morsch, CERN //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliMCVertex.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliTrackReference.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" Int_t AliMCEvent::fgkBgLabelOffset(10000000); AliMCEvent::AliMCEvent(): AliVEvent(), fStack(0), fMCParticles(0), fMCParticleMap(0), fHeader(new AliHeader()), fTRBuffer(0), fTrackReferences(new TClonesArray("AliTrackReference", 1000)), fTreeTR(0), fTmpTreeTR(0), fTmpFileTR(0), fNprimaries(-1), fNparticles(-1), fSubsidiaryEvents(0), fPrimaryOffset(0), fSecondaryOffset(0), fExternal(0), fVertex(0) { // Default constructor } AliMCEvent::AliMCEvent(const AliMCEvent& mcEvnt) : AliVEvent(mcEvnt), fStack(mcEvnt.fStack), fMCParticles(mcEvnt.fMCParticles), fMCParticleMap(mcEvnt.fMCParticleMap), fHeader(mcEvnt.fHeader), fTRBuffer(mcEvnt.fTRBuffer), fTrackReferences(mcEvnt.fTrackReferences), fTreeTR(mcEvnt.fTreeTR), fTmpTreeTR(mcEvnt.fTmpTreeTR), fTmpFileTR(mcEvnt.fTmpFileTR), fNprimaries(mcEvnt.fNprimaries), fNparticles(mcEvnt.fNparticles), fSubsidiaryEvents(0), fPrimaryOffset(0), fSecondaryOffset(0), fExternal(0), fVertex(mcEvnt.fVertex) { // Copy constructor } AliMCEvent& AliMCEvent::operator=(const AliMCEvent& mcEvnt) { // assignment operator if (this!=&mcEvnt) { AliVEvent::operator=(mcEvnt); } return *this; } void AliMCEvent::ConnectTreeE (TTree* tree) { // Connect the event header tree tree->SetBranchAddress("Header", &fHeader); } void AliMCEvent::ConnectTreeK (TTree* tree) { // Connect the kinematics tree to the stack if (!fMCParticles) fMCParticles = new TClonesArray("AliMCParticle",1000); // fStack = fHeader->Stack(); fStack->ConnectTree(tree); // // Load the event fStack->GetEvent(); fNparticles = fStack->GetNtrack(); fNprimaries = fStack->GetNprimary(); Int_t iev = fHeader->GetEvent(); Int_t ievr = fHeader->GetEventNrInRun(); AliDebug(1, Form("AliMCEvent# %5d %5d: Number of particles: %5d (all) %5d (primaries)\n", iev, ievr, fNparticles, fNprimaries)); // This is a cache for the TParticles converted to MCParticles on user request if (fMCParticleMap) { fMCParticleMap->Clear(); fMCParticles->Delete(); if (fNparticles>0) fMCParticleMap->Expand(fNparticles); } else fMCParticleMap = new TRefArray(fNparticles); } void AliMCEvent::ConnectTreeTR (TTree* tree) { // Connect the track reference tree fTreeTR = tree; if (fTreeTR->GetBranch("AliRun")) { if (fTmpFileTR) { fTmpFileTR->Close(); delete fTmpFileTR; } // This is an old format with one branch per detector not in synch with TreeK ReorderAndExpandTreeTR(); } else { // New format fTreeTR->SetBranchAddress("TrackReferences", &fTRBuffer); } } Int_t AliMCEvent::GetParticleAndTR(Int_t i, TParticle*& particle, TClonesArray*& trefs) { // Retrieve entry i if (i < 0 || i >= fNparticles) { AliWarning(Form("AliMCEventHandler::GetEntry: Index out of range")); particle = 0; trefs = 0; return (-1); } particle = fStack->Particle(i); if (fTreeTR) { fTreeTR->GetEntry(fStack->TreeKEntry(i)); trefs = fTRBuffer; return trefs->GetEntries(); } else { trefs = 0; return -1; } } void AliMCEvent::Clean() { // Clean-up before new trees are connected delete fStack; fStack = 0; // Clear TR if (fTRBuffer) { fTRBuffer->Delete(); delete fTRBuffer; fTRBuffer = 0; } } #include void AliMCEvent::FinishEvent() { // Clean-up after event // if (fStack) fStack->Reset(0); fMCParticles->Delete(); if (fMCParticleMap) fMCParticleMap->Clear(); if (fTRBuffer) { fTRBuffer->Delete(); } // fTrackReferences->Delete(); fTrackReferences->Clear(); fNparticles = -1; fNprimaries = -1; fStack = 0; // fSubsidiaryEvents->Clear(); fSubsidiaryEvents = 0; } void AliMCEvent::DrawCheck(Int_t i, Int_t search) { // // Simple event display for debugging if (!fTreeTR) { AliWarning("No Track Reference information available"); return; } if (i > -1 && i < fNparticles) { fTreeTR->GetEntry(fStack->TreeKEntry(i)); } else { AliWarning("AliMCEvent::GetEntry: Index out of range"); } Int_t nh = fTRBuffer->GetEntries(); if (search) { while(nh <= search && i < fNparticles - 1) { i++; fTreeTR->GetEntry(fStack->TreeKEntry(i)); nh = fTRBuffer->GetEntries(); } printf("Found Hits at %5d\n", i); } TParticle* particle = fStack->Particle(i); TH2F* h = new TH2F("", "", 100, -500, 500, 100, -500, 500); Float_t x0 = particle->Vx(); Float_t y0 = particle->Vy(); Float_t x1 = particle->Vx() + particle->Px() * 50.; Float_t y1 = particle->Vy() + particle->Py() * 50.; TArrow* a = new TArrow(x0, y0, x1, y1, 0.01); h->Draw(); a->SetLineColor(2); a->Draw(); for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < nh; ih++) { AliTrackReference* ref = (AliTrackReference*) fTRBuffer->At(ih); TMarker* m = new TMarker(ref->X(), ref->Y(), 20); m->Draw(); m->SetMarkerSize(0.4); } } void AliMCEvent::ReorderAndExpandTreeTR() { // // Reorder and expand the track reference tree in order to match the kinematics tree. // Copy the information from different branches into one // // TreeTR fTmpFileTR = new TFile("TrackRefsTmp.root", "recreate"); fTmpTreeTR = new TTree("TreeTR", "TrackReferences"); if (!fTRBuffer) fTRBuffer = new TClonesArray("AliTrackReference", 100); fTmpTreeTR->Branch("TrackReferences", "TClonesArray", &fTRBuffer, 64000, 0); // // Activate the used branches only. Otherwisw we get a bad memory leak. if (fTreeTR) { fTreeTR->SetBranchStatus("*", 0); fTreeTR->SetBranchStatus("AliRun.*", 1); fTreeTR->SetBranchStatus("ITS.*", 1); fTreeTR->SetBranchStatus("TPC.*", 1); fTreeTR->SetBranchStatus("TRD.*", 1); fTreeTR->SetBranchStatus("TOF.*", 1); fTreeTR->SetBranchStatus("FRAME.*", 1); fTreeTR->SetBranchStatus("MUON.*", 1); } // // Connect the active branches TClonesArray* trefs[7]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) trefs[i] = 0; if (fTreeTR){ // make branch for central track references if (fTreeTR->GetBranch("AliRun")) fTreeTR->SetBranchAddress("AliRun", &trefs[0]); if (fTreeTR->GetBranch("ITS")) fTreeTR->SetBranchAddress("ITS", &trefs[1]); if (fTreeTR->GetBranch("TPC")) fTreeTR->SetBranchAddress("TPC", &trefs[2]); if (fTreeTR->GetBranch("TRD")) fTreeTR->SetBranchAddress("TRD", &trefs[3]); if (fTreeTR->GetBranch("TOF")) fTreeTR->SetBranchAddress("TOF", &trefs[4]); if (fTreeTR->GetBranch("FRAME")) fTreeTR->SetBranchAddress("FRAME", &trefs[5]); if (fTreeTR->GetBranch("MUON")) fTreeTR->SetBranchAddress("MUON", &trefs[6]); } Int_t np = fStack->GetNprimary(); Int_t nt = fTreeTR->GetEntries(); // // Loop over tracks and find the secondaries with the help of the kine tree Int_t ifills = 0; Int_t it = 0; Int_t itlast = 0; TParticle* part; for (Int_t ip = np - 1; ip > -1; ip--) { part = fStack->Particle(ip); // printf("Particle %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d \n", // ip, part->GetPdgCode(), part->GetFirstMother(), part->GetFirstDaughter(), // part->GetLastDaughter(), part->TestBit(kTransportBit)); // Determine range of secondaries produced by this primary during transport Int_t dau1 = part->GetFirstDaughter(); if (dau1 < np) continue; // This particle has no secondaries produced during transport Int_t dau2 = -1; if (dau1 > -1) { Int_t inext = ip - 1; while (dau2 < 0) { if (inext >= 0) { part = fStack->Particle(inext); dau2 = part->GetFirstDaughter(); if (dau2 == -1 || dau2 < np) { dau2 = -1; } else { dau2--; } } else { dau2 = fStack->GetNtrack() - 1; } inext--; } // find upper bound } // dau2 < 0 // printf("Check (1) %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d \n", ip, np, it, dau1, dau2); // // Loop over reference hits and find secondary label // First the tricky part: find the entry in treeTR than contains the hits or // make sure that no hits exist. // Bool_t hasHits = kFALSE; Bool_t isOutside = kFALSE; it = itlast; while (!hasHits && !isOutside && it < nt) { fTreeTR->GetEntry(it++); for (Int_t ib = 0; ib < 7; ib++) { if (!trefs[ib]) continue; Int_t nh = trefs[ib]->GetEntries(); for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < nh; ih++) { AliTrackReference* tr = (AliTrackReference*) trefs[ib]->At(ih); Int_t label = tr->Label(); if (label >= dau1 && label <= dau2) { hasHits = kTRUE; itlast = it - 1; break; } if (label > dau2 || label < ip) { isOutside = kTRUE; itlast = it - 1; break; } } // hits if (hasHits || isOutside) break; } // branches } // entries if (!hasHits) { // Write empty entries for (Int_t id = dau1; (id <= dau2); id++) { fTmpTreeTR->Fill(); ifills++; } } else { // Collect all hits fTreeTR->GetEntry(itlast); for (Int_t id = dau1; (id <= dau2) && (dau1 > -1); id++) { for (Int_t ib = 0; ib < 7; ib++) { if (!trefs[ib]) continue; Int_t nh = trefs[ib]->GetEntries(); for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < nh; ih++) { AliTrackReference* tr = (AliTrackReference*) trefs[ib]->At(ih); Int_t label = tr->Label(); // Skip primaries if (label == ip) continue; if (label > dau2 || label < dau1) printf("AliMCEventHandler::Track Reference Label out of range !: %5d %5d %5d %5d \n", itlast, label, dau1, dau2); if (label == id) { // secondary found tr->SetDetectorId(ib-1); Int_t nref = fTRBuffer->GetEntriesFast(); TClonesArray &lref = *fTRBuffer; new(lref[nref]) AliTrackReference(*tr); } } // hits } // branches fTmpTreeTR->Fill(); fTRBuffer->Delete(); ifills++; } // daughters } // has hits } // tracks // // Now loop again and write the primaries // it = nt - 1; for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) { Int_t labmax = -1; while (labmax < ip && it > -1) { fTreeTR->GetEntry(it--); for (Int_t ib = 0; ib < 7; ib++) { if (!trefs[ib]) continue; Int_t nh = trefs[ib]->GetEntries(); // // Loop over reference hits and find primary labels for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < nh; ih++) { AliTrackReference* tr = (AliTrackReference*) trefs[ib]->At(ih); Int_t label = tr->Label(); if (label < np && label > labmax) { labmax = label; } if (label == ip) { tr->SetDetectorId(ib-1); Int_t nref = fTRBuffer->GetEntriesFast(); TClonesArray &lref = *fTRBuffer; new(lref[nref]) AliTrackReference(*tr); } } // hits } // branches } // entries it++; fTmpTreeTR->Fill(); fTRBuffer->Delete(); ifills++; } // tracks // Check // Clean-up delete fTreeTR; fTreeTR = 0; for (Int_t ib = 0; ib < 7; ib++) { if (trefs[ib]) { trefs[ib]->Clear(); delete trefs[ib]; trefs[ib] = 0; } } if (ifills != fStack->GetNtrack()) printf("AliMCEvent:Number of entries in TreeTR (%5d) unequal to TreeK (%5d) \n", ifills, fStack->GetNtrack()); fTmpTreeTR->Write(); fTreeTR = fTmpTreeTR; } AliVParticle* AliMCEvent::GetTrack(Int_t i) const { // Get MC Particle i // if (fExternal) { return ((AliVParticle*) (fMCParticles->At(i))); } // // Check first if this explicitely accesses the subsidiary event if (i >= BgLabelOffset()) { if (fSubsidiaryEvents) { AliMCEvent* bgEvent = (AliMCEvent*) (fSubsidiaryEvents->At(1)); return (bgEvent->GetTrack(i - BgLabelOffset())); } else { return 0; } } // AliMCParticle *mcParticle = 0; TParticle *particle = 0; TClonesArray *trefs = 0; Int_t ntref = 0; TRefArray *rarray = 0; // Out of range check if (i < 0 || i >= fNparticles) { AliWarning(Form("AliMCEvent::GetEntry: Index out of range")); mcParticle = 0; return (mcParticle); } if (fSubsidiaryEvents) { AliMCEvent* mc; Int_t idx = FindIndexAndEvent(i, mc); return (mc->GetTrack(idx)); } // // First check If the MC Particle has been already cached if(!fMCParticleMap->At(i)) { // Get particle from the stack particle = fStack->Particle(i); // Get track references from Tree TR if (fTreeTR) { fTreeTR->GetEntry(fStack->TreeKEntry(i)); trefs = fTRBuffer; ntref = trefs->GetEntriesFast(); rarray = new TRefArray(ntref); Int_t nen = fTrackReferences->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t j = 0; j < ntref; j++) { // Save the track references in a TClonesArray AliTrackReference* ref = dynamic_cast((*fTRBuffer)[j]); // Save the pointer in a TRefArray new ((*fTrackReferences)[nen]) AliTrackReference(*ref); rarray->AddAt((*fTrackReferences)[nen], j); nen++; } // loop over track references for entry i } // if TreeTR available Int_t nentries = fMCParticles->GetEntriesFast(); new ((*fMCParticles)[nentries]) AliMCParticle(particle, rarray, i); mcParticle = dynamic_cast((*fMCParticles)[nentries]); fMCParticleMap->AddAt(mcParticle, i); TParticle* part = mcParticle->Particle(); Int_t imo = part->GetFirstMother(); Int_t id1 = part->GetFirstDaughter(); Int_t id2 = part->GetLastDaughter(); if (fPrimaryOffset > 0 || fSecondaryOffset > 0) { // Remapping of the mother and daughter indices if (imo < fNprimaries) { mcParticle->SetMother(imo + fPrimaryOffset); } else { mcParticle->SetMother(imo + fSecondaryOffset - fNprimaries); } if (id1 < fNprimaries) { mcParticle->SetFirstDaughter(id1 + fPrimaryOffset); mcParticle->SetLastDaughter (id2 + fPrimaryOffset); } else { mcParticle->SetFirstDaughter(id1 + fSecondaryOffset - fNprimaries); mcParticle->SetLastDaughter (id2 + fSecondaryOffset - fNprimaries); } if (i > fNprimaries) { mcParticle->SetLabel(i + fPrimaryOffset); } else { mcParticle->SetLabel(i + fSecondaryOffset - fNprimaries); } } else { mcParticle->SetFirstDaughter(id1); mcParticle->SetLastDaughter (id2); mcParticle->SetMother (imo); } } else { mcParticle = dynamic_cast(fMCParticleMap->At(i)); } return mcParticle; } AliGenEventHeader* AliMCEvent::GenEventHeader() const {return (fHeader->GenEventHeader());} void AliMCEvent::AddSubsidiaryEvent(AliMCEvent* event) { // Add a subsidiary event to the list; for example merged background event. if (!fSubsidiaryEvents) { TList* events = new TList(); events->Add(new AliMCEvent(*this)); fSubsidiaryEvents = events; } fSubsidiaryEvents->Add(event); } Int_t AliMCEvent::FindIndexAndEvent(Int_t oldidx, AliMCEvent*& event) const { // Find the index and event in case of composed events like signal + background TIter next(fSubsidiaryEvents); next.Reset(); if (oldidx < fNprimaries) { while((event = (AliMCEvent*)next())) { if (oldidx < (event->GetPrimaryOffset() + event->GetNumberOfPrimaries())) break; } return (oldidx - event->GetPrimaryOffset()); } else { while((event = (AliMCEvent*)next())) { if (oldidx < (event->GetSecondaryOffset() + (event->GetNumberOfTracks() - event->GetNumberOfPrimaries()))) break; } return (oldidx - event->GetSecondaryOffset() + event->GetNumberOfPrimaries()); } } Int_t AliMCEvent::BgLabelToIndex(Int_t label) { // Convert a background label to an absolute index if (fSubsidiaryEvents) { AliMCEvent* bgEvent = (AliMCEvent*) (fSubsidiaryEvents->At(1)); label -= BgLabelOffset(); if (label < bgEvent->GetNumberOfPrimaries()) { label += bgEvent->GetPrimaryOffset(); } else { label += (bgEvent->GetSecondaryOffset() - fNprimaries); } } return (label); } Bool_t AliMCEvent::IsPhysicalPrimary(Int_t i) { // // Delegate to subevent if necesarry if (!fSubsidiaryEvents) { return fStack->IsPhysicalPrimary(i); } else { AliMCEvent* evt = 0; Int_t idx = FindIndexAndEvent(i, evt); return (evt->IsPhysicalPrimary(idx)); } } void AliMCEvent::InitEvent() { // // Initialize the subsidiary event structure if (fSubsidiaryEvents) { TIter next(fSubsidiaryEvents); AliMCEvent* evt; fNprimaries = 0; fNparticles = 0; while((evt = (AliMCEvent*)next())) { fNprimaries += evt->GetNumberOfPrimaries(); fNparticles += evt->GetNumberOfTracks(); } Int_t ioffp = 0; Int_t ioffs = fNprimaries; next.Reset(); while((evt = (AliMCEvent*)next())) { evt->SetPrimaryOffset(ioffp); evt->SetSecondaryOffset(ioffs); ioffp += evt->GetNumberOfPrimaries(); ioffs += (evt->GetNumberOfTracks() - evt->GetNumberOfPrimaries()); } } } void AliMCEvent::PreReadAll() { // Preread the MC information Int_t i; // secondaries for (i = fStack->GetNprimary(); i < fStack->GetNtrack(); i++) { GetTrack(i); } // primaries for (i = 0; i < fStack->GetNprimary(); i++) { GetTrack(i); } } const AliVVertex * AliMCEvent::GetPrimaryVertex() const { // Create a MCVertex object from the MCHeader information TArrayF v; GenEventHeader()->PrimaryVertex(v) ; if (!fVertex) { fVertex = new AliMCVertex(v[0], v[1], v[2]); } else { ((AliMCVertex*) fVertex)->SetPosition(v[0], v[1], v[2]); } return fVertex; } ClassImp(AliMCEvent)