#include "AliMatrixSparse.h" #include "TStopwatch.h" /**********************************************************************************************/ /* Sparse matrix class, used as a global matrix for AliMillePede2 */ /* */ /* Author: ruben.shahoyan@cern.ch */ /* */ /**********************************************************************************************/ //___________________________________________________________ ClassImp(AliMatrixSparse) //___________________________________________________________ AliMatrixSparse::AliMatrixSparse(Int_t sz) : AliMatrixSq(),fVecs(0) { fNcols=fNrows=sz; // fVecs = new AliVectorSparse*[sz]; for (int i=GetSize();i--;) fVecs[i] = new AliVectorSparse(); } //___________________________________________________________ AliMatrixSparse::AliMatrixSparse(const AliMatrixSparse& src) : AliMatrixSq(src),fVecs(0) { fVecs = new AliVectorSparse*[src.GetSize()]; for (int i=GetSize();i--;) fVecs[i] = new AliVectorSparse( *src.GetRow(i)); } //___________________________________________________________ AliVectorSparse* AliMatrixSparse::GetRowAdd(Int_t ir) { if (ir>=fNrows) { AliVectorSparse** arrv = new AliVectorSparse*[ir+1]; for (int i=GetSize();i--;) arrv[i] = fVecs[i]; delete fVecs; fVecs = arrv; for (int i=GetSize();i<=ir;i++) fVecs[i] = new AliVectorSparse(); fNrows = ir+1; if (IsSymmetric() && fNcolsGetNElems()) continue; printf("%3d: ",i); row->Print(opt); } } //___________________________________________________________ void AliMatrixSparse::MultiplyByVec(const Double_t* vecIn, Double_t* vecOut) const { // fill vecOut by matrix*vecIn // vector should be of the same size as the matrix // memset(vecOut,0,GetSize()*sizeof(Double_t)); // for (int rw=GetSize();rw--;) { // loop over rows >>> const AliVectorSparse* rowV = GetRow(rw); Int_t nel = rowV->GetNElems(); if (!nel) continue; // UShort_t* indV = rowV->GetIndices(); Double_t* elmV = rowV->GetElems(); // if (IsSymmetric()) { // treat diagonal term separately. If filled, it should be the last one if (indV[--nel]==rw) vecOut[rw] += vecIn[rw]*elmV[nel]; else nel = rowV->GetNElems(); // diag elem was not filled // for (int iel=nel;iel--;) { // less element retrieval for symmetric case if (elmV[iel]) { vecOut[rw] += vecIn[indV[iel]]*elmV[iel]; vecOut[indV[iel]] += vecIn[rw]*elmV[iel]; } } } else for (int iel=nel;iel--;) if (elmV[iel]) vecOut[rw] += vecIn[indV[iel]]*elmV[iel]; // } // loop over rows <<< // } //___________________________________________________________ void AliMatrixSparse::SortIndices(Bool_t valuesToo) { TStopwatch sw; sw.Start(); printf("AliMatrixSparse:sort>>\n"); // sort columns in increasing order. Used to fix the matrix after ILUk decompostion for (int i=GetSize();i--;) GetRow(i)->SortIndices(valuesToo); sw.Stop(); sw.Print(); printf("AliMatrixSparse:sort<<\n"); } //___________________________________________________________ void AliMatrixSparse::AddToRow(Int_t r, Double_t *valc,Int_t *indc,Int_t n) { // for sym. matrix count how many elems to add have row>=col and assign excplicitly // those which have row=0;j--) { if (indc[j]>indc[i]) { // swap int ti = indc[i]; indc[i] = indc[j]; indc[j] = ti; double tv = valc[i]; valc[i] = valc[j]; valc[j] = tv; } } } // int ni=n; if (IsSymmetric()) { while(ni--) { if (indc[ni]>r) (*this)(indc[ni],r) += valc[ni]; else break; // use the fact that the indices are ranged in increasing order } } // if (ni<0) return; AliVectorSparse* row = GetRowAdd(r); row->Add(valc,indc,ni+1); } //___________________________________________________________ Float_t AliMatrixSparse::GetDensity() const { // get fraction of non-zero elements Int_t nel = 0; for (int i=GetSize();i--;) nel += GetRow(i)->GetNElems(); int den = IsSymmetric() ? (GetSize()+1)*GetSize()/2 : GetSize()*GetSize(); return float(nel)/den; }