#ifndef ALIQAChecker_H #define ALIQAChecker_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ /* $Id$ */ // // class for running the Quality Assurance Checker // to run type: // AliQAChecker qac; // qac.Run(); // qac.SelectDetectors("list of detectors") ; // qac.SelectTargets("list of targets among Hits, Digits, ESD") ; // #include #include #include "AliQA.h" class AliQACheckerBase ; class AliQAChecker: public TNamed { public: AliQAChecker(const char* name = "AliQAChecker", const char* title = "Quality Assurance checker for Raws, Hits, Digits and ESDs"); AliQAChecker(const AliQAChecker& qac); AliQAChecker& operator = (const AliQAChecker& qac); virtual ~AliQAChecker(); static AliQAChecker * Instance() ; AliQACheckerBase * GetDetQAChecker(Int_t det) ; TDirectory * GetRefSubDir(const char * det, const char * task) ; // static TFile * GetQAResultFile() ; // static const char * GetQAResultFileName() { return fgQAResultFileName.Data() ; } // void SetQAResultDirName(const char * name) ; // void SetRefDirName(const char * name) ; virtual Bool_t Run(const char * fileName = NULL) ; virtual Bool_t Run(AliQA::DETECTORINDEX det, AliQA::TASKINDEX task, TList * list); private: static AliQAChecker *fgQAChecker ; // pointer to the instance of the singleton TFile * fDataFile ; //! Data file to check TString fFoundDetectors ; //! detectors for which the Quality assurance could be done AliQACheckerBase * fCheckers[AliQA::kNDET] ; //! list of detectors checkers ClassDef(AliQAChecker, 1) // class for running generation, simulation and digitization }; #endif