/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id: AliQAv1.cxx 31503 2009-03-16 11:01:16Z schutz $ */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Quality Assurance Object//_________________________________________________________________________ // Quality Assurance object. The QA status is held in one word per detector, // each bit corresponds to a different status. // bit 0-3 : QA raised during simulation (RAW) // bit 4-7 : QA raised during simulation (SIM) // bit 8-11 : QA raised during reconstruction (REC) // bit 12-15 : QA raised during ESD checking (ESD) // bit 16-19 : QA raised during analysis (ANA) // Each of the 4 bits corresponds to a severity level of increasing importance // from lower to higher bit (INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL) // //*-- Yves Schutz CERN, July 2007 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include // --- ROOT system --- #include #include #include #include // --- Standard library --- // --- AliRoot header files --- #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliQAv1.h" ClassImp(AliQAv1) AliQAv1 * AliQAv1::fgQA = 0x0 ; TFile * AliQAv1::fgQADataFile = 0x0 ; TString AliQAv1::fgQADataFileName = "QA" ; // will transform into Det.QA.run.root TFile * AliQAv1::fgQARefFile = 0x0 ; TString AliQAv1::fgQARefDirName = "" ; TString AliQAv1::fgQARefFileName = "QA.root" ; TFile * AliQAv1::fgQAResultFile = 0x0 ; TString AliQAv1::fgQAResultDirName = "" ; TString AliQAv1::fgQAResultFileName = "QA.root" ; TString AliQAv1::fgDetNames[] = {"ITS", "TPC", "TRD", "TOF", "PHOS", "HMPID", "EMCAL", "MUON", "FMD", "ZDC", "PMD", "T0", "VZERO", "ACORDE", "HLT", "Global", "CORR"} ; TString AliQAv1::fgGRPPath = "GRP/GRP/Data" ; TString AliQAv1::fgTaskNames[] = {"Raws", "Hits", "SDigits", "Digits", "DigitsR", "RecPoints", "TrackSegments", "RecParticles", "ESDs"} ; TString AliQAv1::fgModeNames[] = {"", "Sim", "Rec"} ; const TString AliQAv1::fgkLabLocalFile = "file://" ; const TString AliQAv1::fgkLabLocalOCDB = "local://" ; const TString AliQAv1::fgkLabAliEnOCDB = "alien://" ; const TString AliQAv1::fgkRefFileName = "QA.root" ; const TString AliQAv1::fgkQAName = "QA" ; const TString AliQAv1::fgkQACorrNtName = "CorrQA" ; const TString AliQAv1::fgkRefOCDBDirName = "QA" ; TString AliQAv1::fgRefDataDirName = "" ; const TString AliQAv1::fgkQARefOCDBDefault = "alien://folder=/alice/QA/20" ; const TString AliQAv1::fgkExpert = "Expert" ; const UInt_t AliQAv1::fgkExpertBit = 0x40000 ; const UInt_t AliQAv1::fgkQABit = 0x80000 ; const UInt_t AliQAv1::fgkImageBit = 0x100000 ; const Int_t AliQAv1::fgkQADebugLevel = 99 ; const TString AliQAv1::fImageFileName = "QAImage" ; const TString AliQAv1::fImageFileFormat = "ps" ; const UShort_t AliQAv1::fgkMaxQAObjects = 10000 ; //____________________________________________________________________________ AliQAv1::AliQAv1() : TNamed("", ""), fNdet(kNDET), fNEventSpecies(AliRecoParam::kNSpecies), fLengthQA(fNdet*fNEventSpecies), fQA(new ULong_t[fLengthQA]), fDet(kNULLDET), fTask(kNULLTASK), fEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::kDefault), fEventSpecies(new Bool_t[fNEventSpecies]) { // default constructor memset(fQA,0,fLengthQA*sizeof(ULong_t)); memset(fEventSpecies,kFALSE,fNEventSpecies*sizeof(Bool_t)); } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliQAv1::AliQAv1(const AliQAv1& qa) : TNamed(qa), fNdet(qa.fNdet), fNEventSpecies(qa.fNEventSpecies), fLengthQA(qa.fLengthQA), fQA(new ULong_t[fLengthQA]), fDet(qa.fDet), fTask(qa.fTask), fEventSpecie(qa.fEventSpecie), fEventSpecies(new Bool_t[fNEventSpecies]) { // cpy ctor memcpy(fQA,qa.fQA,fLengthQA*sizeof(ULong_t)); memcpy(fEventSpecies,qa.fEventSpecies,fNEventSpecies*sizeof(Bool_t)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliQAv1& AliQAv1::operator = (const AliQAv1& qa) { // assignment operator if(&qa != this) { TNamed::operator=(qa); fNdet = qa.fNdet; fNEventSpecies = qa.fNEventSpecies; fLengthQA = qa.fLengthQA; if(fQA) delete [] fQA; fQA = new ULong_t[fLengthQA]; memcpy(fQA,qa.fQA,fLengthQA*sizeof(ULong_t)); fDet = qa.fDet; fTask = qa.fTask; fEventSpecie = qa.fEventSpecie; if(fEventSpecies) delete [] fEventSpecies; fEventSpecies = new Bool_t[fNEventSpecies]; memcpy(fEventSpecies,qa.fEventSpecies,fNEventSpecies*sizeof(Bool_t)); } return *this; } //_______________________________________________________________ AliQAv1::AliQAv1(const Int_t qalength, ULong_t * qa, const Int_t eslength, Bool_t * es) : TNamed("QA", "Quality Assurance status"), fNdet(kNDET), fNEventSpecies(eslength), fLengthQA(qalength), fQA(new ULong_t[fLengthQA]), fDet(kNULLDET), fTask(kNULLTASK), fEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::kDefault), fEventSpecies(new Bool_t[fNEventSpecies]) { // constructor to be used memcpy(fQA, qa, fLengthQA*sizeof(ULong_t)); memcpy(fEventSpecies, es, fNEventSpecies*sizeof(Bool_t)); } //_______________________________________________________________ AliQAv1::AliQAv1(const DETECTORINDEX_t det) : TNamed("QA", "Quality Assurance status"), fNdet(kNDET), fNEventSpecies(AliRecoParam::kNSpecies), fLengthQA(fNdet*fNEventSpecies), fQA(new ULong_t[fLengthQA]), fDet(det), fTask(kNULLTASK), fEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::kDefault), fEventSpecies(new Bool_t[fNEventSpecies]) { // constructor to be used if (! CheckRange(det) ) fDet = kNULLDET ; memset(fQA,0,fLengthQA*sizeof(ULong_t)); memset(fEventSpecies,kFALSE,fNEventSpecies*sizeof(Bool_t)); } //_______________________________________________________________ AliQAv1::AliQAv1(const ALITASK_t tsk) : TNamed("QA", "Quality Assurance status"), fNdet(kNDET), fNEventSpecies(AliRecoParam::kNSpecies), fLengthQA(fNdet*fNEventSpecies), fQA(new ULong_t[fLengthQA]), fDet(kNULLDET), fTask(tsk), fEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::kDefault), fEventSpecies(new Bool_t[fNEventSpecies]) { // constructor to be used in the AliRoot module (SIM, REC, ESD or ANA) if (! CheckRange(tsk) ) fTask = kNULLTASK ; memset(fQA,0,fLengthQA*sizeof(ULong_t)); memset(fEventSpecies,kFALSE,fNEventSpecies*sizeof(Bool_t)); } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliQAv1::~AliQAv1() { // dtor delete [] fQA; delete [] fEventSpecies; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::Close() { // close the open files if (fgQADataFile) if (fgQADataFile->IsOpen()) fgQADataFile->Close() ; if (fgQAResultFile) if (fgQAResultFile->IsOpen()) fgQAResultFile->Close() ; if (fgQARefFile) if (fgQARefFile->IsOpen()) fgQARefFile->Close() ; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliQAv1::CheckFatal() const { // check if any FATAL status is set Bool_t rv = kFALSE ; Int_t index ; for (index = 0; index < kNDET ; index++) rv = rv || IsSet(DETECTORINDEX_t(index), fTask, fEventSpecie, kFATAL) ; return rv ; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliQAv1::CheckRange(DETECTORINDEX_t det) const { // check if detector is in given detector range: 0-kNDET Bool_t rv = ( det < 0 || det > kNDET ) ? kFALSE : kTRUE ; if (!rv) AliFatal(Form("Detector index %d is out of range: 0 <= index <= %d", det, kNDET)) ; return rv ; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliQAv1::CheckRange(ALITASK_t task) const { // check if task is given taskk range: 0:kNTASK Bool_t rv = ( task < kRAW || task > kNTASK ) ? kFALSE : kTRUE ; if (!rv) AliFatal(Form("Module index %d is out of range: 0 <= index <= %d", task, kNTASK)) ; return rv ; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliQAv1::CheckRange(QABIT_t bit) const { // check if bit is in given bit range: 0-kNBit Bool_t rv = ( bit < 0 || bit > kNBIT ) ? kFALSE : kTRUE ; if (!rv) AliFatal(Form("Status bit %d is out of range: 0 <= bit <= %d", bit, kNBIT)) ; return rv ; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliQAv1::CheckRange(AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es) const { // check if bit is in given bit range: 0-kNBit Bool_t rv = kFALSE ; switch (es) { case AliRecoParam::kDefault: rv = kTRUE ; break ; case AliRecoParam::kLowMult: rv = kTRUE ; break ; case AliRecoParam::kHighMult: rv = kTRUE ; break ; case AliRecoParam::kCosmic: rv = kTRUE ; break ; case AliRecoParam::kCalib: rv = kTRUE ; break ; } if (!rv) AliFatal(Form("Event Specie %d is not valid", es)) ; return rv ; } //_______________________________________________________________ const char * AliQAv1::GetAliTaskName(ALITASK_t tsk) { // returns the char name corresponding to module index TString tskName ; switch (tsk) { case kNULLTASK: break ; case kRAW: tskName = "RAW" ; break ; case kSIM: tskName = "SIM" ; break ; case kREC: tskName = "REC" ; break ; case kESD: tskName = "ESD" ; break ; case kANA: tskName = "ANA" ; break ; default: tsk = kNULLTASK ; break ; } return tskName.Data() ; } //_______________________________________________________________ const char * AliQAv1::GetBitName(QABIT_t bit) const { // returns the char name corresponding to bit TString bitName ; switch (bit) { case kNULLBit: break ; case kINFO: bitName = "INFO" ; break ; case kWARNING: bitName = "WARNING" ; break ; case kERROR: bitName = "ERROR" ; break ; case kFATAL: bitName = "FATAL" ; break ; default: bit = kNULLBit ; break ; } return bitName.Data() ; } //_______________________________________________________________ AliQAv1::DETECTORINDEX_t AliQAv1::GetDetIndex(const char * name) { // returns the detector index corresponding to a given name TString sname(name) ; DETECTORINDEX_t rv = kNULLDET ; for (Int_t det = 0; det < kNDET ; det++) { if ( GetDetName(det) == sname ) { rv = DETECTORINDEX_t(det) ; break ; } } return rv ; } //_______________________________________________________________ const char * AliQAv1::GetDetName(Int_t det) { // returns the detector name corresponding to a given index (needed in a loop) if ( det >= 0 && det < kNDET) return (fgDetNames[det]).Data() ; else return NULL ; } //_______________________________________________________________ TFile * AliQAv1::GetQADataFile(const char * name, Int_t run) { // opens the file to store the detectors Quality Assurance Data Maker results const char * temp = Form("%s.%s.%d.root", name, fgQADataFileName.Data(), run) ; TString opt ; if (! fgQADataFile ) { if (gSystem->AccessPathName(temp)) opt = "NEW" ; else opt = "UPDATE" ; fgQADataFile = TFile::Open(temp, opt.Data()) ; } else { if ( strcmp(temp, fgQADataFile->GetName()) != 0 ) { fgQADataFile = static_cast(gROOT->FindObject(temp)) ; if ( !fgQADataFile ) { if (gSystem->AccessPathName(temp)) opt = "NEW" ; else opt = "UPDATE" ; fgQADataFile = TFile::Open(temp, opt.Data()) ; } } } return fgQADataFile ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliQAv1::MODE_t AliQAv1::Mode(TASKINDEX_t task) { // return "rec" or "sim" depending on the task switch (task) { case AliQAv1::kRAWS: return kRECMODE ; break; case AliQAv1::kHITS: return kSIMMODE ; break; case AliQAv1::kSDIGITS: return kSIMMODE ; break; case AliQAv1::kDIGITS: return kSIMMODE ; break; case AliQAv1::kDIGITSR: return kRECMODE ; break; case AliQAv1::kRECPOINTS: return kRECMODE ; break ; case AliQAv1::kTRACKSEGMENTS: return kRECMODE ; break; case AliQAv1::kRECPARTICLES: return kRECMODE ; break; case AliQAv1::kESDS: return kRECMODE ; break; default: break; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TFile * AliQAv1::GetQADataFile(const char * fileName) { // Open if necessary the Data file and return its pointer if (!fgQADataFile) { if (!fileName) fileName = AliQAv1::GetQADataFileName() ; if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(fileName)) { fgQADataFile = TFile::Open(fileName) ; } else { AliFatalClass(Form("File %s not found", fileName)) ; } } return fgQADataFile ; } //_______________________________________________________________ TFile * AliQAv1::GetQAResultFile() { // opens the file to store the Quality Assurance Data Checker results if (fgQAResultFile) fgQAResultFile->Close() ; fgQAResultFile = 0x0 ; // if (!fgQAResultFile) { TString dirName(fgQAResultDirName) ; if ( dirName.Contains(fgkLabLocalFile)) dirName.ReplaceAll(fgkLabLocalFile, "") ; TString fileName(dirName + fgQAResultFileName) ; TString opt("") ; if ( !gSystem->AccessPathName(fileName) ) opt = "UPDATE" ; else { if ( gSystem->AccessPathName(dirName) ) gSystem->mkdir(dirName) ; opt = "NEW" ; } fgQAResultFile = TFile::Open(fileName, opt) ; // } return fgQAResultFile ; } //_______________________________________________________________ AliQAv1::TASKINDEX_t AliQAv1::GetTaskIndex(const char * name) { // returns the detector index corresponding to a given name TString sname(name) ; TASKINDEX_t rv = kNULLTASKINDEX ; for (Int_t tsk = 0; tsk < kNTASKINDEX ; tsk++) { if ( GetTaskName(tsk) == sname ) { rv = TASKINDEX_t(tsk) ; break ; } } return rv ; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliQAv1::IsSet(DETECTORINDEX_t det, ALITASK_t tsk, Int_t ies, QABIT_t bit) const { // Checks is the requested bit is set const AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es = AliRecoParam::Convert(ies) ; return IsSet(det, tsk, es, bit) ; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliQAv1::IsSet(DETECTORINDEX_t det, ALITASK_t tsk, AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es, QABIT_t bit) const { // Checks is the requested bit is set CheckRange(det) ; CheckRange(tsk) ; CheckRange(bit) ; CheckRange(es) ; ULong_t offset = Offset(tsk) ; ULong_t status = GetStatus(det, es) ; offset+= bit ; status = (status & 1 << offset) != 0 ; return status ; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliQAv1::IsSetAny(DETECTORINDEX_t det, ALITASK_t tsk, AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es) const { // Checks is the requested bit is set CheckRange(det) ; CheckRange(tsk) ; CheckRange(es) ; ULong_t offset = Offset(tsk) ; ULong_t status = GetStatus(det, es) ; ULong_t st = 0 ; for ( Int_t bit = 0 ; bit < kNBIT ; bit++) { offset+= bit ; st += (status & 1 << offset) != 0 ; } if ( st == 0 ) return kFALSE ; else return kTRUE ; } //_______________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliQAv1::IsSetAny(DETECTORINDEX_t det, AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es) const { // Checks is the requested bit is set CheckRange(det) ; CheckRange(es) ; ULong_t status = GetStatus(det, es) ; ULong_t st = 0 ; for ( Int_t tsk = 0 ; tsk < kNTASK ; tsk++) { ULong_t offset = Offset(ALITASK_t(tsk)) ; for ( Int_t bit = 0 ; bit < kNBIT ; bit++) { offset+= bit ; st += (status & 1 << offset) != 0 ; } } if ( st == 0 ) return kFALSE ; else return kTRUE ; } //_______________________________________________________________ AliQAv1 * AliQAv1::Instance() { // Get an instance of the singleton. The only authorized way to call the ctor if ( ! fgQA) { TFile * f = GetQAResultFile() ; fgQA = static_cast(f->Get("QA")) ; if ( ! fgQA ) fgQA = new AliQAv1() ; } return fgQA ; } //_______________________________________________________________ AliQAv1 * AliQAv1::Instance(const Int_t qalength, ULong_t * qa, const Int_t eslength, Bool_t * es) { // Get an instance of the singleton. The only authorized way to call the ctor if ( ! fgQA) fgQA = new AliQAv1(qalength, qa, eslength, es) ; return fgQA ; } //_______________________________________________________________ AliQAv1 * AliQAv1::Instance(const DETECTORINDEX_t det) { // Get an instance of the singleton. The only authorized way to call the ctor if ( ! fgQA) { TFile * f = GetQAResultFile() ; fgQA = static_cast(f->Get("QA")) ; if ( ! fgQA ) fgQA = new AliQAv1(det) ; } fgQA->Set(det) ; return fgQA ; } //_______________________________________________________________ AliQAv1 * AliQAv1::Instance(const ALITASK_t tsk) { // Get an instance of the singleton. The only authorized way to call the ctor if ( ! fgQA) switch (tsk) { case kNULLTASK: break ; case kRAW: fgQA = new AliQAv1(tsk) ; break ; case kSIM: fgQA = new AliQAv1(tsk) ; break ; case kREC: AliInfoClass("fgQA = gAlice->GetQA()") ; break ; case kESD: AliInfoClass("fgQA = static_cast (esdFile->Get(\"QA\")") ; break ; case kANA: AliInfoClass("fgQA = static_cast (esdFile->Get(\"QA\")") ; break ; case kNTASK: break ; } if (fgQA) fgQA->Set(tsk) ; return fgQA ; } //_______________________________________________________________ AliQAv1 * AliQAv1::Instance(const TASKINDEX_t tsk) { // get an instance of the singleton. ALITASK_t index = kNULLTASK ; if ( tsk == kRAWS ) index = kRAW ; else if (tsk < kDIGITS) index = kSIM ; else if (tsk < kRECPARTICLES) index = kREC ; else if (tsk == kESDS) index = kESD ; return Instance(index) ; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::Merge(TCollection * list) { // Merge the QA resuls in the list into this single AliQAv1 object for (Int_t det = 0 ; det < kNDET ; det++) { Set(DETECTORINDEX_t(det)) ; for (Int_t task = 0 ; task < kNTASK ; task++) { Set(ALITASK_t(task)) ; for (Int_t bit = 0 ; bit < kNBIT ; bit++) { TIter next(list) ; AliQAv1 * qa ; while ( (qa = (AliQAv1*)next() ) ) { for (Int_t es = 0 ; es < fNEventSpecies ; es++) { if (qa->IsSet(DETECTORINDEX_t(det), ALITASK_t(task), es, QABIT_t(bit))) Set(QABIT_t(bit), es) ; } } // qa list } // bit } // task } // detector } //_______________________________________________________________ ULong_t AliQAv1::Offset(ALITASK_t tsk) const { // Calculates the bit offset for a given module (SIM, REC, ESD, ANA) CheckRange(tsk) ; ULong_t offset = 0 ; switch (tsk) { case kNULLTASK: break ; case kRAW: offset+= 0 ; break ; case kSIM: offset+= 4 ; break ; case kREC: offset+= 8 ; break ; case kESD: offset+= 12 ; break ; case kANA: offset+= 16 ; break ; case kNTASK: break ; } return offset ; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::ResetStatus(DETECTORINDEX_t det) { // reset the status of det for all event specie for (Int_t es = 0 ; es < fNEventSpecies ; es++) fQA[det*fNdet+es] = 0 ; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::Set(QABIT_t bit, Int_t ies) { // Set the status bit of the current detector in the current module and for the current event specie Set(bit, AliRecoParam::Convert(ies)) ; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::Set(QABIT_t bit, AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es) { // Set the status bit of the current detector in the current module and for the current event specie SetStatusBit(fDet, fTask, es, bit) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::SetQARefStorage(const char * name) { // Set the root directory where the QA reference data are stored fgQARefDirName = name ; if ( fgQARefDirName.Contains(fgkLabLocalFile) ) fgQARefFileName = fgkRefFileName ; else if ( fgQARefDirName.Contains(fgkLabLocalOCDB) ) fgQARefFileName = fgkQAName ; else if ( fgQARefDirName.Contains(fgkLabAliEnOCDB) ) fgQARefFileName = fgkQAName ; else { AliErrorClass(Form("ERROR: %s is an invalid storage definition\n", name)) ; fgQARefDirName = "" ; fgQARefFileName = "" ; } TString tmp(fgQARefDirName) ; // + fgQARefFileName) ; AliInfoClass(Form("AliQAv1::SetQARefDir: QA references are in %s\n", tmp.Data() )) ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::SetQAResultDirName(const char * name) { // Set the root directory where to store the QA status object fgQAResultDirName.Prepend(name) ; AliInfoClass(Form("AliQAv1::SetQAResultDirName: QA results are in %s\n", fgQAResultDirName.Data())) ; if ( fgQAResultDirName.Contains(fgkLabLocalFile)) fgQAResultDirName.ReplaceAll(fgkLabLocalFile, "") ; fgQAResultFileName.Prepend(fgQAResultDirName) ; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::SetStatusBit(DETECTORINDEX_t det, ALITASK_t tsk, AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es, QABIT_t bit) { // Set the status bit for a given detector and a given task CheckRange(det) ; CheckRange(tsk) ; CheckRange(bit) ; CheckRange(es) ; ULong_t offset = Offset(tsk) ; ULong_t status = GetStatus(det, es) ; offset+= bit ; status = status | 1 << offset ; SetStatus(det, es, status) ; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::Show(DETECTORINDEX_t det) const { // dispplay the QA status word if ( det == kNULLDET) det = fDet ; for (Int_t ies = 0 ; ies < fNEventSpecies ; ies++) { if ( IsEventSpecieSet(ies) ) ShowStatus(det, kNULLTASK, AliRecoParam::ConvertIndex(ies)) ; } } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::ShowAll() const { // dispplay the QA status word Int_t index ; for (index = 0 ; index < kNDET ; index++) { for (Int_t tsk = kRAW ; tsk < kNTASK ; tsk++) { for (Int_t ies = 0 ; ies < fNEventSpecies ; ies++) { if ( IsEventSpecieSet(ies) ) ShowStatus(DETECTORINDEX_t(index), ALITASK_t(tsk), AliRecoParam::ConvertIndex(ies)) ; } } } } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::ShowStatus(DETECTORINDEX_t det, ALITASK_t tsk, AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es) const { // Prints the full QA status of a given detector CheckRange(det) ; CheckRange(es) ; ULong_t status = GetStatus(det, es) ; ULong_t tskStatus[kNTASK] ; tskStatus[kRAW] = status & 0x0000f ; tskStatus[kSIM] = status & 0x000f0 ; tskStatus[kREC] = status & 0x00f00 ; tskStatus[kESD] = status & 0x0f000 ; tskStatus[kANA] = status & 0xf0000 ; AliInfo(Form("====> QA Status for %8s %8s raw =0x%x, sim=0x%x, rec=0x%x, esd=0x%x, ana=0x%x", GetDetName(det).Data(), AliRecoParam::GetEventSpecieName(es), tskStatus[kRAW], tskStatus[kSIM], tskStatus[kREC], tskStatus[kESD], tskStatus[kANA] )) ; if (tsk == kNULLTASK) { for (Int_t itsk = kRAW ; itsk < kNTASK ; itsk++) { ShowASCIIStatus(es, det, ALITASK_t(itsk), tskStatus[itsk]) ; } } else { ShowASCIIStatus(es, det, tsk, tskStatus[tsk]) ; } } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::ShowASCIIStatus(AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es, DETECTORINDEX_t det, ALITASK_t tsk, const ULong_t status) const { // print the QA status in human readable format TString text; for (Int_t bit = kINFO ; bit < kNBIT ; bit++) { if (IsSet(det, tsk, es, QABIT_t(bit))) { text = GetBitName(QABIT_t(bit)) ; text += " " ; } } if (! text.IsNull()) AliInfoClass(Form(" %8s %8s %4s 0x%4lx, Problem signalled: %8s \n", AliRecoParam::GetEventSpecieName(es), GetDetName(det).Data(), GetAliTaskName(tsk), status, text.Data())) ; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::UnSet(QABIT_t bit, Int_t ies) { // UnSet the status bit of the current detector in the current module UnSet(bit, AliRecoParam::Convert(ies)) ; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::UnSet(QABIT_t bit, AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es) { // UnSet the status bit of the current detector in the current module UnSetStatusBit(fDet, fTask, es, bit) ; } //_______________________________________________________________ void AliQAv1::UnSetStatusBit(DETECTORINDEX_t det, ALITASK_t tsk, AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es, QABIT_t bit) { // UnSet the status bit for a given detector and a given task CheckRange(det) ; CheckRange(tsk) ; CheckRange(bit) ; CheckRange(es) ; ULong_t offset = Offset(tsk) ; ULong_t status = GetStatus(det, es) ; offset+= bit ; status = status & 0 << offset ; SetStatus(det, es, status) ; }