/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This class which defines defines the Trigger Configuration // // Trigger Configuration defines the trigger setup for a particular run // We have default configurations for each running mode (Pb-Pb, p-p, p-A, Calibration, etc). // It keep: // All the information conained in the CTP configuration file used // online during the data taking // // Configurations could be created and stored in local file. // By default the configuration is loaded from the corresponding GRP entry // inside the OCDB. There one can have one and only one configuration per run. // // Example how to create a Trigger Configuration: // // AliTriggerConfiguration config( "TEST", "Test Configuration" ); // // // Define a Cluster Detector // config.AddDetectorCluster( "VZERO ZDC MUON" ); // // // Define the trigger conditions (see AliTriggerCondition.cxx) // config.AddCondition( "VZERO_TEST1_L0 & MUON_SPlus_LPt_L0 & ZDC_TEST2_L0", // condition // "VO1_M1_ZDC2", // short name // "Dummy", // short description // 0x0100 ); // class mask (set one bit) // // config.AddCondition( "VZERO_TEST2_L0 & MUON_SMinus_HPt_L0 & ZDC_TEST1_L0", // "VO2_M3_ZDC1", // "Dummy", // 0x0200 ); // // config.AddCondition( "VZERO_TEST3_L0 | MUON_Unlike_LPt_L0 | ZDC_TEST3_L0", // "VO3_M1_ZDC3", // "Dummy", // 0x0400 ); // config.CheckInputsConditions("Config.C"); // config.Print(); // // // save the configuration to file // // (default file name $ALICE_ROOT/data/triggerConfigurations.root) // config.WriteConfiguration(); or config.WriteConfiguration( filename ); // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliModule.h" #include "AliTriggerInput.h" //#include "AliTriggerDetector.h" #include "AliTriggerInteraction.h" #include "AliTriggerBCMask.h" #include "AliTriggerCluster.h" #include "AliTriggerPFProtection.h" #include "AliTriggerDescriptor.h" #include "AliTriggerClass.h" #include "AliTriggerConfiguration.h" ClassImp(AliTriggerConfiguration) const TString AliTriggerConfiguration::fgkConfigurationFileName("/data/triggerConfigurations.root"); //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerConfiguration::AliTriggerConfiguration(): TNamed(), fInputs(), fInteractions(), fFunctions(), fPFProtections(), fMasks(), fDescriptors(), fClusters(), fClasses() { // Default constructor } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerConfiguration::AliTriggerConfiguration( TString & name, TString & description ): TNamed( name, description ), fInputs(), fInteractions(), fFunctions(), fPFProtections(), fMasks(), fDescriptors(), fClusters(), fClasses() { // Constructor } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerConfiguration::~AliTriggerConfiguration() { fInputs.SetOwner(); fInputs.Delete(); fInteractions.SetOwner(); fInteractions.Delete(); fFunctions.SetOwner(); fFunctions.Delete(); fPFProtections.SetOwner(); fPFProtections.Delete(); fMasks.SetOwner(); fMasks.Delete(); fDescriptors.SetOwner(); fDescriptors.Delete(); fClusters.SetOwner(); fClusters.Delete(); fClasses.SetOwner(); fClasses.Delete(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTriggerConfiguration::AddInput( AliTriggerInput* input ) { if (fInputs.GetEntries() < kNMaxInputs) { fInputs.AddLast( input ); return kTRUE; } else { AliError("CTP can handle up to 50 inputs ! Impossible to add the required input !"); return kFALSE; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerInput* AliTriggerConfiguration::AddInput( TString &name, TString &det, UChar_t level, UInt_t signature, UChar_t number ) { AliTriggerInput *input = new AliTriggerInput(name,det,level,signature,number); if (!AddInput(input)) { delete input; return NULL; } else return input; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerInteraction* AliTriggerConfiguration::AddInteraction(TString &name, TString &logic) { AliTriggerInteraction *interact = new AliTriggerInteraction(name,logic); if (!AddInteraction(interact)) { delete interact; return NULL; } else return interact; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTriggerConfiguration::AddInteraction(AliTriggerInteraction *interact) { if (fInteractions.GetEntries() < kNMaxInteractions) { if (interact->CheckInputs(fInputs)) { fInteractions.AddLast( interact ); return kTRUE; } else AliError("Invalid interaction ! Impossible to add it !"); } else AliError("CTP can handle up to 2 interactions ! Impossible to add the required interaction !"); return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerInteraction* AliTriggerConfiguration::AddFunction(TString &name, TString &logic) { AliTriggerInteraction *func = new AliTriggerInteraction(name,logic); if (!AddFunction(func)) { delete func; return NULL; } else return func; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTriggerConfiguration::AddFunction(AliTriggerInteraction *func) { if (fFunctions.GetEntries() < kNMaxFunctions) { if (func->CheckInputs(fInputs)) { fFunctions.AddLast( func ); return kTRUE; } else AliError("Invalid logical function ! Impossible to add it !"); } else AliError("CTP can handle up to 2 logical functions ! Impossible to add the required interaction !"); return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTriggerConfiguration::AddPFProtection( AliTriggerPFProtection* pfp ) { if (fPFProtections.GetEntries() < kNMaxPFProtections) { if (pfp->CheckInteractions(fInteractions)) { fPFProtections.AddLast( pfp ); return kTRUE; } else AliError("Invalid past-future protection ! Impossible to add it !"); } else AliError("CTP can handle up to 4 past-future protections ! Impossible to add the required protection !"); return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerBCMask* AliTriggerConfiguration::AddMask( TString &name, TString &mask ) { AliTriggerBCMask *bcmask = new AliTriggerBCMask(name,mask); if (!AddMask(bcmask)) { delete bcmask; return NULL; } else return bcmask; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTriggerConfiguration::AddMask( AliTriggerBCMask* mask ) { if (fMasks.GetEntries() < kNMaxMasks) { fMasks.AddLast( mask ); return kTRUE; } else AliError("CTP can handle up to 4 bunch-crossing masks ! Impossible to add the required mask !"); return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerCluster* AliTriggerConfiguration::AddCluster( TString &name, UChar_t index, TString &detectors) { AliTriggerCluster *clust = new AliTriggerCluster(name,index,detectors); if (!AddCluster(clust)) { delete clust; return NULL; } else return clust; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTriggerConfiguration::AddCluster( AliTriggerCluster* cluster ) { if (fClusters.GetEntries() < kNMaxClusters) { TString dets(cluster->GetDetectorsInCluster()); if (!(dets.IsNull())) { fClusters.AddLast( cluster ); return kTRUE; } else AliError("Empty trigger cluster ! Impossible to add it !"); } else AliError("CTP can handle up to 6 different detector clusters ! Impossible to add the required cluster !"); return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString AliTriggerConfiguration::GetActiveDetectors() const { // Return an string with all active detector from each cluster TString activeDet = ""; Int_t nclus = fClusters.GetEntriesFast(); if( !nclus ) return activeDet; for( Int_t j=0; jGetDetectorsInCluster(); TObjArray* det = detStr.Tokenize(" "); Int_t ndet = det->GetEntriesFast(); for( Int_t j=0; jAt(j))->String() ) )continue; activeDet.Append( " " ); activeDet.Append( ((TObjString*)det->At(j))->String() ); } } return activeDet; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString AliTriggerConfiguration::GetTriggeringDetectors() const { // Return an string with all detectors used for triggering TString trDet = ""; Int_t ninputs = fInputs.GetEntriesFast(); if( !ninputs ) return trDet; for( Int_t j=0; jGetDetector(); if( trDet.Contains( detStr ) ) continue; trDet.Append( " " ); trDet.Append( detStr ); } return trDet; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString AliTriggerConfiguration::GetTriggeringModules() const { // Return an string with all detectors (modules in the AliRoot // simulation sense) used for triggering TString trDet = ""; Int_t ninputs = fInputs.GetEntriesFast(); if( !ninputs ) return trDet; for( Int_t j=0; jGetModule(); if( trDet.Contains( detStr ) ) continue; trDet.Append( " " ); trDet.Append( detStr ); } return trDet; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerDescriptor* AliTriggerConfiguration::AddDescriptor( TString &name, TString &cond ) { AliTriggerDescriptor *desc = new AliTriggerDescriptor(name,cond); if (!AddDescriptor(desc)) { delete desc; return NULL; } else return desc; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTriggerConfiguration::AddDescriptor( AliTriggerDescriptor *desc ) { if (fDescriptors.GetEntries() < kNMaxClasses) { if (desc->CheckInputsAndFunctions(fInputs,fFunctions)) { fDescriptors.AddLast( desc ); return kTRUE; } else AliError("Invalid trigger desciptor ! Impossible to add it !"); } else AliError("CTP can handle up to 50 different descriptors ! Impossible to add the required descriptor !"); return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTriggerConfiguration::AddClass( AliTriggerClass *trclass ) { if (fClasses.GetEntries() < kNMaxClasses) { if (trclass->CheckClass(this)) { fClasses.AddLast( trclass ); return kTRUE; } else AliError("Invalid trigger class ! Impossible to add it !"); } else AliError("CTP can handle up to 50 different classes ! Impossible to add the required class !"); return kFALSE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerClass *AliTriggerConfiguration::AddClass( TString &name, UChar_t index, AliTriggerDescriptor *desc, AliTriggerCluster *clus, AliTriggerPFProtection *pfp, AliTriggerBCMask *mask, UInt_t prescaler, Bool_t allrare) { // Add a new trigger class if (!fDescriptors.FindObject(desc)) { AliError("Invalid descriptor ! Impossible to add the class !"); return NULL; } if (!fClusters.FindObject(clus)) { AliError("Invalid cluster ! Impossible to add the class !"); return NULL; } if (!fPFProtections.FindObject(pfp)) { AliError("Invalid past-future protection ! Impossible to add the class !"); return NULL; } if (!fMasks.FindObject(mask)) { AliError("Invalid bunch-crossing mask ! Impossible to add the class !"); return NULL; } AliTriggerClass* trclass = new AliTriggerClass( name,index,desc,clus,pfp,mask,prescaler,allrare ); if (!AddClass(trclass)) { delete trclass; return NULL; } else return trclass; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerClass *AliTriggerConfiguration::AddClass( TString &name, UChar_t index, TString &desc, TString &clus, TString &pfp, TString &mask, UInt_t prescaler, Bool_t allrare) { // Add a new trigger class if (!fDescriptors.FindObject(desc)) { AliError("Invalid descriptor ! Impossible to add the class !"); return NULL; } if (!fClusters.FindObject(clus)) { AliError("Invalid cluster ! Impossible to add the class !"); return NULL; } if (!fPFProtections.FindObject(pfp)) { AliError("Invalid past-future protection ! Impossible to add the class !"); return NULL; } if (!fMasks.FindObject(mask)) { AliError("Invalid bunch-crossing mask ! Impossible to add the class !"); return NULL; } AliTriggerClass* trclass = new AliTriggerClass( this, name,index,desc,clus,pfp,mask,prescaler,allrare ); if (!AddClass(trclass)) { delete trclass; return NULL; } else return trclass; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTriggerConfiguration* AliTriggerConfiguration::LoadConfiguration( TString & configuration) { // Load one pre-created Configurations from database/file that match // with the input string 'configuration' // Ej: "Pb-Pb" or "p-p-DIMUON CALIBRATION-CENTRAL-BARREL" // By default the files are stored in GRP/CTP folder. // The filename is constructed as: GRP/CTP/.cfg // Load the selected configuration TString filename = gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"); filename += "/GRP/CTP/"; filename += configuration; filename += ".cfg"; if( gSystem->AccessPathName( filename.Data() ) ) { AliErrorClass( Form( "file (%s) not found", filename.Data() ) ); return NULL; } ifstream *file = new ifstream ( filename.Data() ); if (!*file) { AliErrorClass(Form("Error opening file (%s) !",filename.Data())); file->close(); delete file; return NULL; } AliTriggerConfiguration *cfg = new AliTriggerConfiguration(); Int_t level = 0; TString strLine; while (strLine.ReadLine(*file)) { if (strLine.BeginsWith("#")) continue; if (strLine.BeginsWith("INPUTS:")) { level = 1; continue; } if (strLine.BeginsWith("INTERACTIONS:")) { level = 2; continue; } if (strLine.BeginsWith("DESCRIPTORS:")) { level = 3; continue; } if (strLine.BeginsWith("CLUSTERS:")) { level = 4; continue; } if (strLine.BeginsWith("PFS:")) { level = 5; continue; } if (strLine.BeginsWith("BCMASKS:")) { level = 6; continue; } if (strLine.BeginsWith("CLASSES:")) { level = 7; continue; } strLine.ReplaceAll("*",'!'); TObjArray *tokens = strLine.Tokenize(" \t"); Int_t ntokens = tokens->GetEntriesFast(); switch (level) { case 1: // Read inputs if (ntokens != 5) { AliErrorClass(Form("Invalid trigger input syntax (%s)!",strLine.Data())); file->close(); delete file; return NULL; } cfg->AddInput(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(1))->String(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(2))->String().Atoi(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(3))->String().Atoi(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(4))->String().Atoi()); break; case 2: // Read intreractions cfg->AddInteraction(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(1))->String()); break; case 3: // Read logical functions and descriptors if (((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String().BeginsWith("l0f")) { // function cfg->AddFunction(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(), strLine.ReplaceAll(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(),"")); } else { cfg->AddDescriptor(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(), strLine.ReplaceAll(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(),"")); } break; case 4: { TString strTemp; for(Int_t i = 2; i < ntokens; i++) { strTemp += ((TObjString*)tokens->At(i))->String(); strTemp += " "; } cfg->AddCluster(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(1))->String().Atoi(), strTemp); } break; case 5: { AliTriggerPFProtection *pfp = NULL; if (((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String().CompareTo("NONE") == 0) { pfp = new AliTriggerPFProtection(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String()); } else { pfp = new AliTriggerPFProtection(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(1))->String(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(2))->String(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(3))->String()); pfp->SetNa1(((TObjString*)tokens->At(4))->String().Atoi()); pfp->SetNa2(((TObjString*)tokens->At(5))->String().Atoi()); pfp->SetNb1(((TObjString*)tokens->At(6))->String().Atoi()); pfp->SetNb2(((TObjString*)tokens->At(7))->String().Atoi()); pfp->SetTa(((TObjString*)tokens->At(8))->String().Atoi()); pfp->SetTb(((TObjString*)tokens->At(9))->String().Atoi()); } cfg->AddPFProtection(pfp); } break; case 6: if (((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String().CompareTo("NONE") == 0) cfg->AddMask(new AliTriggerBCMask(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String())); else { cfg->AddMask(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(1))->String()); } break; case 7: { AliTriggerClass *trclass = new AliTriggerClass(cfg, ((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(),((TObjString*)tokens->At(1))->String().Atoi(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(2))->String(),((TObjString*)tokens->At(3))->String(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(4))->String(),((TObjString*)tokens->At(5))->String(), ((TObjString*)tokens->At(6))->String().Atoi(),(Bool_t)(((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String().Atoi())); cfg->AddClass(trclass); } default: break; } delete tokens; } file->close(); delete file; return cfg; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TObjArray* AliTriggerConfiguration::GetAvailableConfigurations( const char* filename ) { // Return an array of configuration in the file TString path; if( !filename[0] ) { path += gSystem->Getenv( "ALICE_ROOT" ); path += fgkConfigurationFileName; } else path += filename; if( gSystem->AccessPathName( path.Data() ) ) { AliErrorGeneral( "AliTriggerConfiguration", Form( "file (%s) not found", path.Data() ) ); return NULL; } TObjArray* desArray = new TObjArray(); TFile file( path.Data(), "READ" ); if( file.IsZombie() ) { AliErrorGeneral( "AliTriggerConfiguration", Form( "Error opening file (%s)", path.Data() ) ); return NULL; } file.ReadAll(); TKey* key; TIter next( file.GetListOfKeys() ); while( (key = (TKey*)next()) ) { TObject* obj = key->ReadObj(); if( obj->InheritsFrom( "AliTriggerConfiguration" ) ) { desArray->AddLast( obj ); } } file.Close(); return desArray; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTriggerConfiguration::WriteConfiguration( const char* filename ) { // Write the configuration TString path; if( !filename[0] ) { path += gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"); path += fgkConfigurationFileName; } else path += filename; TFile file( path.Data(), "UPDATE" ); if( file.IsZombie() ) { AliErrorGeneral( "AliTriggerConfiguration", Form( "Can't open file (%s)", path.Data() ) ); return; } Bool_t result = (Write( GetName(), TObject::kOverwrite ) != 0); if( !result ) AliErrorGeneral( "AliTriggerConfiguration", Form( "Can't write entry to file <%s>!", path.Data() ) ); file.Close(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTriggerConfiguration::CheckConfiguration( TString& configfile ) { // To be used on the pre-creation of Configurations to check if the // conditions have valid inputs names. // // Initiate detectors modules from a Config file // Ask to each active module present in the fDetectorCluster // to create a Trigger detector and retrive the inputs from it // to create a list of inputs. // Each condition in the configuration is then checked agains // the list of inputs if (!gAlice) { AliError( "no gAlice object. Restart aliroot and try again." ); return kFALSE; } if (gAlice->Modules()->GetEntries() > 0) { AliError( "gAlice was already run. Restart aliroot and try again." ); return kFALSE; } AliInfo( Form( "initializing gAlice with config file %s", configfile.Data() ) ); StdoutToAliInfo( StderrToAliError( gAlice->Init( configfile.Data() ); );); AliRunLoader* runLoader = gAlice->GetRunLoader(); if( !runLoader ) { AliError( Form( "gAlice has no run loader object. " "Check your config file: %s", configfile.Data() ) ); return kFALSE; } // get the possible inputs to check the condition TObjArray inputs; TObjArray* detArray = runLoader->GetAliRun()->Detectors(); TString detStr = GetTriggeringModules(); for( Int_t iDet = 0; iDet < detArray->GetEntriesFast(); iDet++ ) { AliModule* det = (AliModule*) detArray->At(iDet); if( !det || !det->IsActive() ) continue; if( IsSelected( det->GetName(), detStr ) ) { AliInfo( Form( "Creating inputs for %s", det->GetName() ) ); AliTriggerDetector* dtrg = det->CreateTriggerDetector(); dtrg->CreateInputs(GetInputs()); TObjArray* detInp = dtrg->GetInputs(); for( Int_t i=0; iGetEntriesFast(); i++ ) { AliInfo( Form( "Adding input %s", ((AliTriggerInput*)detInp->At(i))->GetName() ) ); inputs.AddLast( detInp->At(i) ); } } } // check if the condition is compatible with the triggers inputs Int_t ndesc = fClasses.GetEntriesFast(); Bool_t check = kTRUE; ULong64_t mask = 0L; for( Int_t j=0; jCheckClass( this )) ) check = kFALSE; else { if (trclass->IsActive(this->GetInputs(),this->GetFunctions())) { AliInfo( Form( "Trigger Class (%s) OK, class mask (0x%Lx)", trclass->GetName(), trclass->GetMask( ) ) ); } else { AliWarning( Form( "Trigger Class (%s) is NOT active, class mask (0x%Lx)", trclass->GetName(), trclass->GetMask( ) ) ); } } // check if condition mask is duplicated if( mask & trclass->GetMask() ) { AliError( Form("Class (%s). The class mask (0x%Lx) is ambiguous. It was already defined", trclass->GetName(), trclass->GetMask() ) ); check = kFALSE; } mask |= trclass->GetMask(); } return check; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTriggerConfiguration::Print( const Option_t* ) const { // Print cout << "#################################################" << endl; cout << "Trigger Configuration:" << endl; cout << " Name: " << GetName() << endl; cout << " Description: " << GetTitle() << endl; cout << " Active Detectors: " << GetActiveDetectors() << endl; cout << " Trigger Detectors: " << GetTriggeringDetectors() << endl; cout << "#################################################" << endl; fInputs.Print(); cout << "#################################################" << endl; fInteractions.Print(); cout << "#################################################" << endl; fFunctions.Print(); cout << "#################################################" << endl; fDescriptors.Print(); cout << "#################################################" << endl; fClusters.Print(); cout << "#################################################" << endl; fPFProtections.Print(); cout << "#################################################" << endl; fMasks.Print(); cout << "#################################################" << endl; fClasses.Print(); cout << "#################################################" << endl; cout << endl; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper method //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTriggerConfiguration::IsSelected( TString detName, TString& detectors ) const { // check whether detName is contained in detectors // if yes, it is removed from detectors // check if all detectors are selected if( (detectors.CompareTo("ALL") == 0 ) || detectors.BeginsWith("ALL ") || detectors.EndsWith(" ALL") || detectors.Contains(" ALL ") ) { detectors = "ALL"; return kTRUE; } // search for the given detector Bool_t result = kFALSE; if( (detectors.CompareTo( detName ) == 0) || detectors.BeginsWith( detName+" " ) || detectors.EndsWith( " "+detName ) || detectors.Contains( " "+detName+" " ) ) { detectors.ReplaceAll( detName, "" ); result = kTRUE; } // clean up the detectors string while( detectors.Contains(" ") ) detectors.ReplaceAll( " ", " " ); while( detectors.BeginsWith(" ") ) detectors.Remove( 0, 1 ); while( detectors.EndsWith(" ") ) detectors.Remove( detectors.Length()-1, 1 ); return result; }