/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Base class for the AliTPCCalibViewer and AliTRDCalibViewer // // used for the calibration monitor // // // // Authors: Marian Ivanov (Marian.Ivanov@cern.ch) // // Jens Wiechula (Jens.Wiechula@cern.ch) // // Ionut Arsene (iarsene@cern.ch) // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TTreeStream.h" #include "AliBaseCalibViewer.h" ClassImp(AliBaseCalibViewer) AliBaseCalibViewer::AliBaseCalibViewer() :TObject(), fTree(0), fFile(0), fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted(0), fTreeMustBeDeleted(0), fAbbreviation(0), fAppendString(0) { // // Default constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliBaseCalibViewer::AliBaseCalibViewer(const AliBaseCalibViewer &c) :TObject(c), fTree(0), fFile(0), fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted(0), fTreeMustBeDeleted(0), fAbbreviation(0), fAppendString(0) { // // dummy AliBaseCalibViewer copy constructor // not yet working!!! // fTree = c.fTree; fTreeMustBeDeleted = c.fTreeMustBeDeleted; fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted = c.fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted; fAbbreviation = c.fAbbreviation; fAppendString = c.fAppendString; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliBaseCalibViewer::AliBaseCalibViewer(TTree* tree) :TObject(), fTree(0), fFile(0), fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted(0), fTreeMustBeDeleted(0), fAbbreviation(0), fAppendString(0) { // // Constructor that initializes the calibration viewer // fTree = tree; fTreeMustBeDeleted = kFALSE; fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted = new TObjArray(); fAbbreviation = "~"; fAppendString = ".fElements"; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliBaseCalibViewer::AliBaseCalibViewer(const Char_t* fileName, const Char_t* treeName) :TObject(), fTree(0), fFile(0), fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted(0), fTreeMustBeDeleted(0), fAbbreviation(0), fAppendString(0) { // // Constructor to initialize the calibration viewer // the file 'fileName' contains the tree 'treeName' // fFile = new TFile(fileName, "read"); fTree = (TTree*) fFile->Get(treeName); fTreeMustBeDeleted = kTRUE; fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted = new TObjArray(); fAbbreviation = "~"; fAppendString = ".fElements"; } //____________________________________________________________________________ AliBaseCalibViewer & AliBaseCalibViewer::operator =(const AliBaseCalibViewer & param) { // // assignment operator - dummy // not yet working!!! // fTree = param.fTree; fTreeMustBeDeleted = param.fTreeMustBeDeleted; fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted = param.fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted; fAbbreviation = param.fAbbreviation; fAppendString = param.fAppendString; return (*this); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliBaseCalibViewer::~AliBaseCalibViewer() { // // AliBaseCalibViewer destructor // all objects will be deleted, the file will be closed, the pictures will disappear // if (fTree && fTreeMustBeDeleted) { fTree->SetCacheSize(0); fTree->Delete(); } if (fFile) { fFile->Close(); fFile = 0; } for (Int_t i = fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->GetEntriesFast()-1; i >= 0; i--) { delete fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->At(i); } delete fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliBaseCalibViewer::Delete(Option_t* option) { // // Should be called from AliBaseCalibViewerGUI class only. // If you use Delete() do not call the destructor. // All objects (except those contained in fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted) will be deleted, the file will be closed. // option = option; // to avoid warnings on compiling if (fTree && fTreeMustBeDeleted) { fTree->SetCacheSize(0); fTree->Delete(); } if (fFile) delete fFile; delete fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliBaseCalibViewer::FormatHistoLabels(TH1 *histo) const { // // formats title and axis labels of histo // removes '.fElements' // if (!histo) return; TString replaceString(fAppendString.Data()); TString *str = new TString(histo->GetTitle()); str->ReplaceAll(replaceString, ""); histo->SetTitle(str->Data()); delete str; if (histo->GetXaxis()) { str = new TString(histo->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); str->ReplaceAll(replaceString, ""); histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(str->Data()); delete str; } if (histo->GetYaxis()) { str = new TString(histo->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); str->ReplaceAll(replaceString, ""); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(str->Data()); delete str; } if (histo->GetZaxis()) { str = new TString(histo->GetZaxis()->GetTitle()); str->ReplaceAll(replaceString, ""); histo->GetZaxis()->SetTitle(str->Data()); delete str; } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TFriendElement* AliBaseCalibViewer::AddReferenceTree(const Char_t* filename, const Char_t* treename, const Char_t* refname){ // // add a reference tree to the current tree // by default the treename is 'tree' and the reference treename is 'R' // TFile *file = new TFile(filename); fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(file); TTree * tree = (TTree*)file->Get(treename); return AddFriend(tree, refname); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TString* AliBaseCalibViewer::Fit(const Char_t* drawCommand, const Char_t* formula, const Char_t* cuts, Double_t & chi2, TVectorD &fitParam, TMatrixD &covMatrix){ // // fit an arbitrary function, specified by formula into the data, specified by drawCommand and cuts // returns chi2, fitParam and covMatrix // returns TString with fitted formula // TString formulaStr(formula); TString drawStr(drawCommand); TString cutStr(cuts); // abbreviations: drawStr.ReplaceAll(fAbbreviation, fAppendString); cutStr.ReplaceAll(fAbbreviation, fAppendString); formulaStr.ReplaceAll(fAbbreviation, fAppendString); formulaStr.ReplaceAll("++", fAbbreviation); TObjArray* formulaTokens = formulaStr.Tokenize(fAbbreviation.Data()); Int_t dim = formulaTokens->GetEntriesFast(); fitParam.ResizeTo(dim); covMatrix.ResizeTo(dim,dim); TLinearFitter* fitter = new TLinearFitter(dim+1, Form("hyp%d",dim)); fitter->StoreData(kTRUE); fitter->ClearPoints(); Int_t entries = Draw(drawStr.Data(), cutStr.Data(), "goff"); if (entries == -1) { delete fitter; return new TString("An ERROR has occured during fitting!"); } Double_t **values = new Double_t*[dim+1] ; for (Int_t i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++){ Int_t centries = 0; if (i < dim) centries = fTree->Draw(((TObjString*)formulaTokens->At(i))->GetName(), cutStr.Data(), "goff"); else centries = fTree->Draw(drawStr.Data(), cutStr.Data(), "goff"); if (entries != centries) { delete fitter; delete [] values; return new TString("An ERROR has occured during fitting!"); } values[i] = new Double_t[entries]; memcpy(values[i], fTree->GetV1(), entries*sizeof(Double_t)); } // add points to the fitter for (Int_t i = 0; i < entries; i++){ Double_t x[1000]; for (Int_t j=0; jAddPoint(x, values[dim][i], 1); } fitter->Eval(); fitter->GetParameters(fitParam); fitter->GetCovarianceMatrix(covMatrix); chi2 = fitter->GetChisquare(); TString *preturnFormula = new TString(Form("( %e+",fitParam[0])), &returnFormula = *preturnFormula; for (Int_t iparam = 0; iparam < dim; iparam++) { returnFormula.Append(Form("%s*(%e)",((TObjString*)formulaTokens->At(iparam))->GetName(),fitParam[iparam+1])); if (iparam < dim-1) returnFormula.Append("+"); } returnFormula.Append(" )"); delete formulaTokens; delete fitter; for (Int_t i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) delete [] values[i]; delete[] values; return preturnFormula; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliBaseCalibViewer::GetLTM(Int_t n, Double_t *array, Double_t *sigma, Double_t fraction){ // // returns the LTM and sigma // Double_t *ddata = new Double_t[n]; Double_t mean = 0, lsigma = 0; UInt_t nPoints = 0; for (UInt_t i = 0; i < (UInt_t)n; i++) { ddata[nPoints]= array[nPoints]; nPoints++; } Int_t hh = TMath::Min(TMath::Nint(fraction * nPoints), Int_t(n)); AliMathBase::EvaluateUni(nPoints, ddata, mean, lsigma, hh); if (sigma) *sigma = lsigma; delete [] ddata; return mean; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliBaseCalibViewer::GetBin(Float_t value, Int_t nbins, Double_t binLow, Double_t binUp){ // Returns the 'bin' for 'value' // The interval between 'binLow' and 'binUp' is divided into 'nbins' equidistant bins // avoid index out of bounds error: 'if (bin < binLow) bin = binLow' and vice versa /* Begin_Latex GetBin(value) = #frac{nbins - 1}{binUp - binLow} #upoint (value - binLow) +1 End_Latex */ Int_t bin = TMath::Nint( (Float_t)(value - binLow) / (Float_t)(binUp - binLow) * (nbins-1) ) + 1; // avoid index out of bounds: if (value < binLow) bin = 0; if (value > binUp) bin = nbins + 1; return bin; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TH1F* AliBaseCalibViewer::SigmaCut(TH1F *histogram, Float_t mean, Float_t sigma, Float_t sigmaMax, Float_t sigmaStep, Bool_t pm) { // // Creates a cumulative histogram Begin_Latex S(t, #mu, #sigma) End_Latex, where you can see, how much of the data are inside sigma-intervals around the mean value // The data of the distribution Begin_Latex f(x, #mu, #sigma) End_Latex are given in 'histogram' // 'mean' and 'sigma' are Begin_Latex #mu End_Latex and Begin_Latex #sigma End_Latex of the distribution in 'histogram', to be specified by the user // sigmaMax: up to which sigma around the mean/median/LTM the histogram is generated (in units of sigma, Begin_Latex t #sigma End_Latex) // sigmaStep: the binsize of the generated histogram, -1 means, that the maximal reasonable stepsize is used // pm: Decide weather Begin_Latex t > 0 End_Latex (first case) or Begin_Latex t End_Latex arbitrary (secound case) // The actual work is done on the array. /* Begin_Latex f(x, #mu, #sigma) #Rightarrow S(t, #mu, #sigma) = (#int_{#mu}^{#mu + t #sigma} f(x, #mu, #sigma) dx + #int_{#mu}^{#mu - t #sigma} f(x, #mu, #sigma) dx) / (#int_{-#infty}^{+#infty} f(x, #mu, #sigma) dx), for t > 0 or f(x, #mu, #sigma) #Rightarrow S(t, #mu, #sigma) = #int_{#mu}^{#mu + t #sigma} f(x, #mu, #sigma) dx / #int_{-#infty}^{+#infty} f(x, #mu, #sigma) dx End_Latex Begin_Macro(source) { Float_t mean = 0; Float_t sigma = 1.5; Float_t sigmaMax = 4; gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); TH1F *distribution = new TH1F("Distribution1", "Distribution f(x, #mu, #sigma)", 1000,-5,5); TRandom rand(23); for (Int_t i = 0; i <50000;i++) distribution->Fill(rand.Gaus(mean, sigma)); Float_t *ar = distribution->GetArray(); TCanvas* macro_example_canvas = new TCanvas("cAliBaseCalibViewer", "", 350, 350); macro_example_canvas->Divide(0,3); TVirtualPad *pad1 = macro_example_canvas->cd(1); pad1->SetGridy(); pad1->SetGridx(); distribution->Draw(); TVirtualPad *pad2 = macro_example_canvas->cd(2); pad2->SetGridy(); pad2->SetGridx(); TH1F *shist = AliTPCCalibViewer::SigmaCut(distribution, mean, sigma, sigmaMax); shist->SetNameTitle("Cumulative","Cumulative S(t, #mu, #sigma)"); shist->Draw(); TVirtualPad *pad3 = macro_example_canvas->cd(3); pad3->SetGridy(); pad3->SetGridx(); TH1F *shistPM = AliTPCCalibViewer::SigmaCut(distribution, mean, sigma, sigmaMax, -1, kTRUE); shistPM->Draw(); return macro_example_canvas; } End_Macro */ Float_t *array = histogram->GetArray(); Int_t nbins = histogram->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); Float_t binLow = histogram->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Float_t binUp = histogram->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); return AliBaseCalibViewer::SigmaCut(nbins, array, mean, sigma, nbins, binLow, binUp, sigmaMax, sigmaStep, pm); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TH1F* AliBaseCalibViewer::SigmaCut(Int_t n, Float_t *array, Float_t mean, Float_t sigma, Int_t nbins, Float_t binLow, Float_t binUp, Float_t sigmaMax, Float_t sigmaStep, Bool_t pm){ // // Creates a histogram Begin_Latex S(t, #mu, #sigma) End_Latex, where you can see, how much of the data are inside sigma-intervals around the mean value // The data of the distribution Begin_Latex f(x, #mu, #sigma) End_Latex are given in 'array', 'n' specifies the length of the array // 'mean' and 'sigma' are Begin_Latex #mu End_Latex and Begin_Latex #sigma End_Latex of the distribution in 'array', to be specified by the user // 'nbins': number of bins, 'binLow': first bin, 'binUp': last bin // sigmaMax: up to which sigma around the mean/median/LTM the histogram is generated (in units of sigma, Begin_Latex t #sigma End_Latex) // sigmaStep: the binsize of the generated histogram // Here the actual work is done. if (TMath::Abs(sigma) < 1.e-10) return 0; Float_t binWidth = (binUp-binLow)/(nbins - 1); if (sigmaStep <= 0) sigmaStep = binWidth; Int_t kbins = (Int_t)(sigmaMax * sigma / sigmaStep) + 1; // + 1 due to overflow bin in histograms if (pm) kbins = 2 * (Int_t)(sigmaMax * sigma / sigmaStep) + 1; Float_t kbinLow = !pm ? 0 : -sigmaMax; Float_t kbinUp = sigmaMax; TH1F *hist = new TH1F("sigmaCutHisto","Cumulative; Multiples of #sigma; Fraction of included data", kbins, kbinLow, kbinUp); hist->SetDirectory(0); hist->Reset(); // calculate normalization Double_t normalization = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i <= n; i++) { normalization += array[i]; } // given units: units from given histogram // sigma units: in units of sigma // iDelta: integrate in interval (mean +- iDelta), given units // x: ofset from mean for integration, given units // hist: needs // fill histogram for (Float_t iDelta = 0; iDelta <= sigmaMax * sigma; iDelta += sigmaStep) { // integrate array Double_t valueP = array[GetBin(mean, nbins, binLow, binUp)]; Double_t valueM = array[GetBin(mean-binWidth, nbins, binLow, binUp)]; // add bin of mean value only once to the histogram for (Float_t x = binWidth; x <= iDelta; x += binWidth) { valueP += (mean + x <= binUp) ? array[GetBin(mean + x, nbins, binLow, binUp)] : 0; valueM += (mean-binWidth - x >= binLow) ? array[GetBin(mean-binWidth - x, nbins, binLow, binUp)] : 0; } if (valueP / normalization > 100) printf("+++ Error, value to big: %f, normalization with %f will fail +++ \n", valueP, normalization); if (valueP / normalization > 100) return hist; if (valueM / normalization > 100) printf("+++ Error, value to big: %f, normalization with %f will fail +++ \n", valueM, normalization); if (valueM / normalization > 100) return hist; valueP = (valueP / normalization); valueM = (valueM / normalization); if (pm) { Int_t bin = GetBin(iDelta/sigma, kbins, kbinLow, kbinUp); hist->SetBinContent(bin, valueP); bin = GetBin(-iDelta/sigma, kbins, kbinLow, kbinUp); hist->SetBinContent(bin, valueM); } else { // if (!pm) Int_t bin = GetBin(iDelta/sigma, kbins, kbinLow, kbinUp); hist->SetBinContent(bin, valueP + valueM); } } if (!pm) hist->SetMaximum(1.2); return hist; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TH1F* AliBaseCalibViewer::SigmaCut(Int_t n, Double_t *array, Double_t mean, Double_t sigma, Int_t nbins, Double_t *xbins, Double_t sigmaMax){ // // SigmaCut for variable binsize // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED !!! // printf("SigmaCut with variable binsize, Not yet implemented\n"); // avoid compiler warnings: n=n; mean=mean; sigma=sigma; nbins=nbins; sigmaMax=sigmaMax; array=array; xbins=xbins; return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliBaseCalibViewer::DrawHisto1D(const Char_t* drawCommand, const Char_t* sector, const Char_t* cuts, const Char_t *sigmas, Bool_t plotMean, Bool_t plotMedian, Bool_t plotLTM) const { // // Easy drawing of data, in principle the same as EasyDraw1D // Difference: A line for the mean / median / LTM is drawn // in 'sigmas' you can specify in which distance to the mean/median/LTM you want to see a line in sigma-units, separated by ';' // example: sigmas = "2; 4; 6;" at Begin_Latex 2 #sigma End_Latex, Begin_Latex 4 #sigma End_Latex and Begin_Latex 6 #sigma End_Latex a line is drawn. // "plotMean", "plotMedian" and "plotLTM": what kind of lines do you want to see? // Int_t oldOptStat = gStyle->GetOptStat(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0000000); Double_t ltmFraction = 0.8; TObjArray *sigmasTokens = TString(sigmas).Tokenize(";"); TVectorF nsigma(sigmasTokens->GetEntriesFast()); for (Int_t i = 0; i < sigmasTokens->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { TString str(((TObjString*)sigmasTokens->At(i))->GetString()); Double_t sig = (str.IsFloat()) ? str.Atof() : 0; nsigma[i] = sig; } TString drawStr(drawCommand); Bool_t dangerousToDraw = drawStr.Contains(":") || drawStr.Contains(">>"); if (dangerousToDraw) { Warning("DrawHisto1D", "The draw string must not contain ':' or '>>'."); return -1; } drawStr += " >> tempHist"; Int_t entries = EasyDraw1D(drawStr.Data(), sector, cuts); TH1F *htemp = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("tempHist"); // FIXME is this histogram deleted automatically? Double_t *values = fTree->GetV1(); // value is the array containing 'entries' numbers Double_t mean = TMath::Mean(entries, values); Double_t median = TMath::Median(entries, values); Double_t sigma = TMath::RMS(entries, values); Double_t maxY = htemp->GetMaximum(); TLegend * legend = new TLegend(.7,.7, .99, .99, "Statistical information"); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(legend); if (plotMean) { // draw Mean TLine* line = new TLine(mean, 0, mean, maxY); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(line); line->SetLineColor(kRed); line->SetLineWidth(2); line->SetLineStyle(1); line->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(line, Form("Mean: %f", mean), "l"); // draw sigma lines for (Int_t i = 0; i < nsigma.GetNoElements(); i++) { TLine* linePlusSigma = new TLine(mean + nsigma[i] * sigma, 0, mean + nsigma[i] * sigma, maxY); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(linePlusSigma); linePlusSigma->SetLineColor(kRed); linePlusSigma->SetLineStyle(2 + i); linePlusSigma->Draw(); TLine* lineMinusSigma = new TLine(mean - nsigma[i] * sigma, 0, mean - nsigma[i] * sigma, maxY); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineMinusSigma); lineMinusSigma->SetLineColor(kRed); lineMinusSigma->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineMinusSigma->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(lineMinusSigma, Form("%i #sigma = %f",(Int_t)(nsigma[i]), (Float_t)(nsigma[i] * sigma)), "l"); } } if (plotMedian) { // draw median TLine* line = new TLine(median, 0, median, maxY); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(line); line->SetLineColor(kBlue); line->SetLineWidth(2); line->SetLineStyle(1); line->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(line, Form("Median: %f", median), "l"); // draw sigma lines for (Int_t i = 0; i < nsigma.GetNoElements(); i++) { TLine* linePlusSigma = new TLine(median + nsigma[i] * sigma, 0, median + nsigma[i]*sigma, maxY); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(linePlusSigma); linePlusSigma->SetLineColor(kBlue); linePlusSigma->SetLineStyle(2 + i); linePlusSigma->Draw(); TLine* lineMinusSigma = new TLine(median - nsigma[i] * sigma, 0, median - nsigma[i]*sigma, maxY); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineMinusSigma); lineMinusSigma->SetLineColor(kBlue); lineMinusSigma->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineMinusSigma->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(lineMinusSigma, Form("%i #sigma = %f",(Int_t)(nsigma[i]), (Float_t)(nsigma[i] * sigma)), "l"); } } if (plotLTM) { // draw LTM Double_t ltmRms = 0; Double_t ltm = GetLTM(entries, values, <mRms, ltmFraction); TLine* line = new TLine(ltm, 0, ltm, maxY); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(line); line->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); line->SetLineWidth(2); line->SetLineStyle(1); line->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(line, Form("LTM: %f", ltm), "l"); // draw sigma lines for (Int_t i = 0; i < nsigma.GetNoElements(); i++) { TLine* linePlusSigma = new TLine(ltm + nsigma[i] * ltmRms, 0, ltm + nsigma[i] * ltmRms, maxY); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(linePlusSigma); linePlusSigma->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); linePlusSigma->SetLineStyle(2+i); linePlusSigma->Draw(); TLine* lineMinusSigma = new TLine(ltm - nsigma[i] * ltmRms, 0, ltm - nsigma[i] * ltmRms, maxY); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineMinusSigma); lineMinusSigma->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); lineMinusSigma->SetLineStyle(2+i); lineMinusSigma->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(lineMinusSigma, Form("%i #sigma = %f", (Int_t)(nsigma[i]), (Float_t)(nsigma[i] * ltmRms)), "l"); } } if (!plotMean && !plotMedian && !plotLTM) return -1; legend->Draw(); gStyle->SetOptStat(oldOptStat); return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliBaseCalibViewer::SigmaCut(const Char_t* drawCommand, const Char_t* sector, const Char_t* cuts, Float_t sigmaMax, Bool_t plotMean, Bool_t plotMedian, Bool_t plotLTM, Bool_t pm, const Char_t *sigmas, Float_t sigmaStep) const { // // Creates a histogram, where you can see, how much of the data are inside sigma-intervals // around the mean/median/LTM // with drawCommand, sector and cuts you specify your input data, see EasyDraw // sigmaMax: up to which sigma around the mean/median/LTM the histogram is generated (in units of sigma) // sigmaStep: the binsize of the generated histogram // plotMean/plotMedian/plotLTM: specifies where to put the center // Double_t ltmFraction = 0.8; TString drawStr(drawCommand); Bool_t dangerousToDraw = drawStr.Contains(":") || drawStr.Contains(">>"); if (dangerousToDraw) { Warning("SigmaCut", "The draw string must not contain ':' or '>>'."); return -1; } drawStr += " >> tempHist"; Int_t entries = EasyDraw1D(drawStr.Data(), sector, cuts, "goff"); TH1F *htemp = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("tempHist"); // FIXME is this histogram deleted automatically? Double_t *values = fTree->GetV1(); // value is the array containing 'entries' numbers Double_t mean = TMath::Mean(entries, values); Double_t median = TMath::Median(entries, values); Double_t sigma = TMath::RMS(entries, values); TLegend * legend = new TLegend(.7,.7, .99, .99, "Cumulative"); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(legend); TH1F *cutHistoMean = 0; TH1F *cutHistoMedian = 0; TH1F *cutHistoLTM = 0; TObjArray *sigmasTokens = TString(sigmas).Tokenize(";"); TVectorF nsigma(sigmasTokens->GetEntriesFast()); for (Int_t i = 0; i < sigmasTokens->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { TString str(((TObjString*)sigmasTokens->At(i))->GetString()); Double_t sig = (str.IsFloat()) ? str.Atof() : 0; nsigma[i] = sig; } if (plotMean) { cutHistoMean = SigmaCut(htemp, mean, sigma, sigmaMax, sigmaStep, pm); if (cutHistoMean) { //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(cutHistoMean); cutHistoMean->SetLineColor(kRed); legend->AddEntry(cutHistoMean, "Mean", "l"); cutHistoMean->SetTitle(Form("%s, cumulative; Multiples of #sigma; Fraction of included data", htemp->GetTitle())); cutHistoMean->Draw(); DrawLines(cutHistoMean, nsigma, legend, kRed, pm); } // if (cutHistoMean) } if (plotMedian) { cutHistoMedian = SigmaCut(htemp, median, sigma, sigmaMax, sigmaStep, pm); if (cutHistoMedian) { //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(cutHistoMedian); cutHistoMedian->SetLineColor(kBlue); legend->AddEntry(cutHistoMedian, "Median", "l"); cutHistoMedian->SetTitle(Form("%s, cumulative; Multiples of #sigma; Fraction of included data", htemp->GetTitle())); if (plotMean && cutHistoMean) cutHistoMedian->Draw("same"); else cutHistoMedian->Draw(); DrawLines(cutHistoMedian, nsigma, legend, kBlue, pm); } // if (cutHistoMedian) } if (plotLTM) { Double_t ltmRms = 0; Double_t ltm = GetLTM(entries, values, <mRms, ltmFraction); cutHistoLTM = SigmaCut(htemp, ltm, ltmRms, sigmaMax, sigmaStep, pm); if (cutHistoLTM) { //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(cutHistoLTM); cutHistoLTM->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); legend->AddEntry(cutHistoLTM, "LTM", "l"); cutHistoLTM->SetTitle(Form("%s, cumulative; Multiples of #sigma; Fraction of included data", htemp->GetTitle())); if ((plotMean && cutHistoMean) || (plotMedian && cutHistoMedian)) cutHistoLTM->Draw("same"); else cutHistoLTM->Draw(); DrawLines(cutHistoLTM, nsigma, legend, kGreen+2, pm); } } if (!plotMean && !plotMedian && !plotLTM) return -1; legend->Draw(); return 1; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliBaseCalibViewer::Integrate(const Char_t* drawCommand, const Char_t* sector, const Char_t* cuts, Float_t sigmaMax, Bool_t plotMean, Bool_t plotMedian, Bool_t plotLTM, const Char_t *sigmas, Float_t sigmaStep) const { // // Creates an integrated histogram Begin_Latex S(t, #mu, #sigma) End_Latex, out of the input distribution distribution Begin_Latex f(x, #mu, #sigma) End_Latex, given in "histogram" // "mean" and "sigma" are Begin_Latex #mu End_Latex and Begin_Latex #sigma End_Latex of the distribution in "histogram", to be specified by the user // sigmaMax: up to which sigma around the mean/median/LTM you want to integrate // if "igma == 0" and "sigmaMax == 0" the whole histogram is integrated // "sigmaStep": the binsize of the generated histogram, -1 means, that the maximal reasonable stepsize is used // The actual work is done on the array. /* Begin_Latex f(x, #mu, #sigma) #Rightarrow S(t, #mu, #sigma) = #int_{-#infty}^{#mu + t #sigma} f(x, #mu, #sigma) dx / #int_{-#infty}^{+#infty} f(x, #mu, #sigma) dx End_Latex */ Double_t ltmFraction = 0.8; // avoid compiler warnings: sigmaMax = sigmaMax; sigmaStep = sigmaStep; TString drawStr(drawCommand); Bool_t dangerousToDraw = drawStr.Contains(":") || drawStr.Contains(">>"); if (dangerousToDraw) { Warning("Integrate", "The draw string must not contain ':' or '>>'."); return -1; } drawStr += " >> tempHist"; Int_t entries = EasyDraw1D(drawStr.Data(), sector, cuts, "goff"); TH1F *htemp = (TH1F*)gDirectory->Get("tempHist"); TGraph *integralGraphMean = 0; TGraph *integralGraphMedian = 0; TGraph *integralGraphLTM = 0; Double_t *values = fTree->GetV1(); // value is the array containing 'entries' numbers Int_t *index = new Int_t[entries]; Float_t *xarray = new Float_t[entries]; Float_t *yarray = new Float_t[entries]; TMath::Sort(entries, values, index, kFALSE); Double_t mean = TMath::Mean(entries, values); Double_t median = TMath::Median(entries, values); Double_t sigma = TMath::RMS(entries, values); // parse sigmas string TObjArray *sigmasTokens = TString(sigmas).Tokenize(";"); TVectorF nsigma(sigmasTokens->GetEntriesFast()); for (Int_t i = 0; i < sigmasTokens->GetEntriesFast(); i++) { TString str(((TObjString*)sigmasTokens->At(i))->GetString()); Double_t sig = (str.IsFloat()) ? str.Atof() : 0; nsigma[i] = sig; } TLegend * legend = new TLegend(.7,.7, .99, .99, "Integrated histogram"); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(legend); if (plotMean) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < entries; i++) { xarray[i] = (values[index[i]] - mean) / sigma; yarray[i] = float(i) / float(entries); } integralGraphMean = new TGraph(entries, xarray, yarray); if (integralGraphMean) { //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(integralGraphMean); integralGraphMean->SetLineColor(kRed); legend->AddEntry(integralGraphMean, "Mean", "l"); integralGraphMean->SetTitle(Form("%s, integrated; Multiples of #sigma; Fraction of included data", htemp->GetTitle())); integralGraphMean->Draw("alu"); DrawLines(integralGraphMean, nsigma, legend, kRed, kTRUE); } } if (plotMedian) { for (Int_t i = 0; i < entries; i++) { xarray[i] = (values[index[i]] - median) / sigma; yarray[i] = float(i) / float(entries); } integralGraphMedian = new TGraph(entries, xarray, yarray); if (integralGraphMedian) { //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(integralGraphMedian); integralGraphMedian->SetLineColor(kBlue); legend->AddEntry(integralGraphMedian, "Median", "l"); integralGraphMedian->SetTitle(Form("%s, integrated; Multiples of #sigma; Fraction of included data", htemp->GetTitle())); if (plotMean && integralGraphMean) integralGraphMedian->Draw("samelu"); else integralGraphMedian->Draw("alu"); DrawLines(integralGraphMedian, nsigma, legend, kBlue, kTRUE); } } if (plotLTM) { Double_t ltmRms = 0; Double_t ltm = GetLTM(entries, values, <mRms, ltmFraction); for (Int_t i = 0; i < entries; i++) { xarray[i] = (values[index[i]] - ltm) / ltmRms; yarray[i] = float(i) / float(entries); } integralGraphLTM = new TGraph(entries, xarray, yarray); if (integralGraphLTM) { //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(integralGraphLTM); integralGraphLTM->SetLineColor(kGreen+2); legend->AddEntry(integralGraphLTM, "LTM", "l"); integralGraphLTM->SetTitle(Form("%s, integrated; Multiples of #sigma; Fraction of included data", htemp->GetTitle())); if ((plotMean && integralGraphMean) || (plotMedian && integralGraphMedian)) integralGraphLTM->Draw("samelu"); else integralGraphLTM->Draw("alu"); DrawLines(integralGraphLTM, nsigma, legend, kGreen+2, kTRUE); } } delete [] index; delete [] xarray; delete [] yarray; if (!plotMean && !plotMedian && !plotLTM) return -1; legend->Draw(); return entries; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TH1F* AliBaseCalibViewer::Integrate(TH1F *histogram, Float_t mean, Float_t sigma, Float_t sigmaMax, Float_t sigmaStep){ // // Creates an integrated histogram Begin_Latex S(t, #mu, #sigma) End_Latex, out of the input distribution distribution Begin_Latex f(x, #mu, #sigma) End_Latex, given in "histogram" // "mean" and "sigma" are Begin_Latex #mu End_Latex and Begin_Latex #sigma End_Latex of the distribution in "histogram", to be specified by the user // sigmaMax: up to which sigma around the mean/median/LTM you want to integrate // if "igma == 0" and "sigmaMax == 0" the whole histogram is integrated // "sigmaStep": the binsize of the generated histogram, -1 means, that the maximal reasonable stepsize is used // The actual work is done on the array. /* Begin_Latex f(x, #mu, #sigma) #Rightarrow S(t, #mu, #sigma) = #int_{-#infty}^{#mu + t #sigma} f(x, #mu, #sigma) dx / #int_{-#infty}^{+#infty} f(x, #mu, #sigma) dx End_Latex Begin_Macro(source) { Float_t mean = 0; Float_t sigma = 1.5; Float_t sigmaMax = 4; gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); TH1F *distribution = new TH1F("Distribution2", "Distribution f(x, #mu, #sigma)", 1000,-5,5); TRandom rand(23); for (Int_t i = 0; i <50000;i++) distribution->Fill(rand.Gaus(mean, sigma)); Float_t *ar = distribution->GetArray(); TCanvas* macro_example_canvas = new TCanvas("macro_example_canvas_Integrate", "", 350, 350); macro_example_canvas->Divide(0,2); TVirtualPad *pad1 = macro_example_canvas->cd(1); pad1->SetGridy(); pad1->SetGridx(); distribution->Draw(); TVirtualPad *pad2 = macro_example_canvas->cd(2); pad2->SetGridy(); pad2->SetGridx(); TH1F *shist = AliTPCCalibViewer::Integrate(distribution, mean, sigma, sigmaMax); shist->SetNameTitle("Cumulative","Cumulative S(t, #mu, #sigma)"); shist->Draw(); return macro_example_canvas_Integrate; } End_Macro */ Float_t *array = histogram->GetArray(); Int_t nbins = histogram->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); Float_t binLow = histogram->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Float_t binUp = histogram->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); return Integrate(nbins, array, nbins, binLow, binUp, mean, sigma, sigmaMax, sigmaStep); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TH1F* AliBaseCalibViewer::Integrate(Int_t n, Float_t *array, Int_t nbins, Float_t binLow, Float_t binUp, Float_t mean, Float_t sigma, Float_t sigmaMax, Float_t sigmaStep){ // Creates an integrated histogram Begin_Latex S(t, #mu, #sigma) End_Latex, out of the input distribution distribution Begin_Latex f(x, #mu, #sigma) End_Latex, given in "histogram" // "mean" and "sigma" are Begin_Latex #mu End_Latex and Begin_Latex #sigma End_Latex of the distribution in "histogram", to be specified by the user // sigmaMax: up to which sigma around the mean/median/LTM you want to integrate // if "igma == 0" and "sigmaMax == 0" the whole histogram is integrated // "sigmaStep": the binsize of the generated histogram, -1 means, that the maximal reasonable stepsize is used // Here the actual work is done. Bool_t givenUnits = kTRUE; if (TMath::Abs(sigma) < 1.e-10 && TMath::Abs(sigmaMax) < 1.e-10) givenUnits = kFALSE; if (givenUnits) { sigma = 1; sigmaMax = (binUp - binLow) / 2.; } Float_t binWidth = (binUp-binLow)/(nbins - 1); if (sigmaStep <= 0) sigmaStep = binWidth; Int_t kbins = (Int_t)(sigmaMax * sigma / sigmaStep) + 1; // + 1 due to overflow bin in histograms Float_t kbinLow = givenUnits ? binLow : -sigmaMax; Float_t kbinUp = givenUnits ? binUp : sigmaMax; TH1F *hist = 0; if (givenUnits) hist = new TH1F("integratedHisto","Integrated Histogram; Given x; Fraction of included data", kbins, kbinLow, kbinUp); if (!givenUnits) hist = new TH1F("integratedHisto","Integrated Histogram; Multiples of #sigma; Fraction of included data", kbins, kbinLow, kbinUp); hist->SetDirectory(0); hist->Reset(); // calculate normalization // printf("calculating normalization, integrating from bin 1 to %i \n", n); Double_t normalization = 0; for (Int_t i = 1; i <= n; i++) { normalization += array[i]; } // printf("normalization: %f \n", normalization); // given units: units from given histogram // sigma units: in units of sigma // iDelta: integrate in interval (mean +- iDelta), given units // x: ofset from mean for integration, given units // hist: needs // fill histogram for (Float_t iDelta = mean - sigmaMax * sigma; iDelta <= mean + sigmaMax * sigma; iDelta += sigmaStep) { // integrate array Double_t value = 0; for (Float_t x = mean - sigmaMax * sigma; x <= iDelta; x += binWidth) { value += (x <= binUp && x >= binLow) ? array[GetBin(x, nbins, binLow, binUp)] : 0; } if (value / normalization > 100) printf("+++ Error, value to big: %f, normalization with %f will fail +++ \n", value, normalization); if (value / normalization > 100) return hist; Int_t bin = GetBin(iDelta/sigma, kbins, kbinLow, kbinUp); // printf("first integration bin: %i, last integration bin: %i \n", GetBin(mean - sigmaMax * sigma, nbins, binLow, binUp), GetBin(iDelta, nbins, binLow, binUp)); // printf("value: %f, normalization: %f, normalized value: %f, iDelta: %f, Bin: %i \n", value, normalization, value/normalization, iDelta, bin); value = (value / normalization); hist->SetBinContent(bin, value); } return hist; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliBaseCalibViewer::DrawLines(TH1F *histogram, TVectorF nsigma, TLegend *legend, Int_t color, Bool_t pm) const { // // Private function for SigmaCut(...) and Integrate(...) // Draws lines into the given histogram, specified by "nsigma", the lines are addeed to the legend // // start to draw the lines, loop over requested sigmas for (Int_t i = 0; i < nsigma.GetNoElements(); i++) { if (!pm) { Int_t bin = histogram->GetXaxis()->FindBin(nsigma[i]); TLine* lineUp = new TLine(nsigma[i], 0, nsigma[i], histogram->GetBinContent(bin)); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineUp); lineUp->SetLineColor(color); lineUp->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineUp->Draw(); TLine* lineLeft = new TLine(nsigma[i], histogram->GetBinContent(bin), 0, histogram->GetBinContent(bin)); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineLeft); lineLeft->SetLineColor(color); lineLeft->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineLeft->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(lineLeft, Form("Fraction(%f #sigma) = %f",nsigma[i], histogram->GetBinContent(bin)), "l"); } else { // if (pm) Int_t bin = histogram->GetXaxis()->FindBin(nsigma[i]); TLine* lineUp1 = new TLine(nsigma[i], 0, nsigma[i], histogram->GetBinContent(bin)); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineUp1); lineUp1->SetLineColor(color); lineUp1->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineUp1->Draw(); TLine* lineLeft1 = new TLine(nsigma[i], histogram->GetBinContent(bin), histogram->GetBinLowEdge(0)+histogram->GetBinWidth(0), histogram->GetBinContent(bin)); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineLeft1); lineLeft1->SetLineColor(color); lineLeft1->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineLeft1->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(lineLeft1, Form("Fraction(+%f #sigma) = %f",nsigma[i], histogram->GetBinContent(bin)), "l"); bin = histogram->GetXaxis()->FindBin(-nsigma[i]); TLine* lineUp2 = new TLine(-nsigma[i], 0, -nsigma[i], histogram->GetBinContent(bin)); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineUp2); lineUp2->SetLineColor(color); lineUp2->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineUp2->Draw(); TLine* lineLeft2 = new TLine(-nsigma[i], histogram->GetBinContent(bin), histogram->GetBinLowEdge(0)+histogram->GetBinWidth(0), histogram->GetBinContent(bin)); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineLeft2); lineLeft2->SetLineColor(color); lineLeft2->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineLeft2->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(lineLeft2, Form("Fraction(-%f #sigma) = %f",nsigma[i], histogram->GetBinContent(bin)), "l"); } } // for (Int_t i = 0; i < nsigma.GetNoElements(); i++) } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliBaseCalibViewer::DrawLines(TGraph *graph, TVectorF nsigma, TLegend *legend, Int_t color, Bool_t pm) const { // // Private function for SigmaCut(...) and Integrate(...) // Draws lines into the given histogram, specified by "nsigma", the lines are addeed to the legend // // start to draw the lines, loop over requested sigmas for (Int_t i = 0; i < nsigma.GetNoElements(); i++) { if (!pm) { TLine* lineUp = new TLine(nsigma[i], 0, nsigma[i], graph->Eval(nsigma[i])); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineUp); lineUp->SetLineColor(color); lineUp->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineUp->Draw(); TLine* lineLeft = new TLine(nsigma[i], graph->Eval(nsigma[i]), 0, graph->Eval(nsigma[i])); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineLeft); lineLeft->SetLineColor(color); lineLeft->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineLeft->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(lineLeft, Form("Fraction(%f #sigma) = %f",nsigma[i], graph->Eval(nsigma[i])), "l"); } else { // if (pm) TLine* lineUp1 = new TLine(nsigma[i], 0, nsigma[i], graph->Eval(nsigma[i])); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineUp1); lineUp1->SetLineColor(color); lineUp1->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineUp1->Draw(); TLine* lineLeft1 = new TLine(nsigma[i], graph->Eval(nsigma[i]), graph->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(0), graph->Eval(nsigma[i])); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineLeft1); lineLeft1->SetLineColor(color); lineLeft1->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineLeft1->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(lineLeft1, Form("Fraction(+%f #sigma) = %f",nsigma[i], graph->Eval(nsigma[i])), "l"); TLine* lineUp2 = new TLine(-nsigma[i], 0, -nsigma[i], graph->Eval(-nsigma[i])); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineUp2); lineUp2->SetLineColor(color); lineUp2->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineUp2->Draw(); TLine* lineLeft2 = new TLine(-nsigma[i], graph->Eval(-nsigma[i]), graph->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(0), graph->Eval(-nsigma[i])); //fListOfObjectsToBeDeleted->Add(lineLeft2); lineLeft2->SetLineColor(color); lineLeft2->SetLineStyle(2 + i); lineLeft2->Draw(); legend->AddEntry(lineLeft2, Form("Fraction(-%f #sigma) = %f",nsigma[i], graph->Eval(-nsigma[i])), "l"); } } // for (Int_t i = 0; i < nsigma.GetNoElements(); i++) }