/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliCDBGrid // // access class to a DataBase in an AliEn storage // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliCDBEntry.h" #include "AliCDBGrid.h" #include "AliCDBManager.h" ClassImp(AliCDBGrid) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBGrid::AliCDBGrid(const char *gridUrl, const char *user, const char *dbFolder, const char *se, const char* cacheFolder, Bool_t operateDisconnected, Long64_t cacheSize, Long_t cleanupInterval) : AliCDBStorage(), fGridUrl(gridUrl), fUser(user), fDBFolder(dbFolder), fSE(se), fMirrorSEs(""), fCacheFolder(cacheFolder), fOperateDisconnected(operateDisconnected), fCacheSize(cacheSize), fCleanupInterval(cleanupInterval) { // constructor // // if the same Grid is alreay active, skip connection if (!gGrid || fGridUrl != gGrid->GridUrl() || (( fUser != "" ) && ( fUser != gGrid->GetUser() )) ) { // connection to the Grid AliInfo("Connection to the Grid..."); if(gGrid){ AliInfo(Form("gGrid = %p; fGridUrl = %s; gGrid->GridUrl() = %s",gGrid,fGridUrl.Data(), gGrid->GridUrl())); AliInfo(Form("fUser = %s; gGrid->GetUser() = %s",fUser.Data(), gGrid->GetUser())); } TGrid::Connect(fGridUrl.Data(),fUser.Data()); } if(!gGrid) { AliError("Connection failed!"); return; } TString initDir(gGrid->Pwd(0)); if (fDBFolder[0] != '/') { fDBFolder.Prepend(initDir); } // check DBFolder: trying to cd to DBFolder; if it does not exist, create it if(!gGrid->Cd(fDBFolder.Data(),0)){ AliDebug(2,Form("Creating new folder <%s> ...",fDBFolder.Data())); TGridResult* res = gGrid->Command(Form("mkdir -p %s",fDBFolder.Data())); TString result = res->GetKey(0,"__result__"); if(result == "0"){ AliFatal(Form("Cannot create folder <%s> !",fDBFolder.Data())); return; } } else { AliDebug(2,Form("Folder <%s> found",fDBFolder.Data())); } // removes any '/' at the end of path, then append one '/' while(fDBFolder.EndsWith("/")) fDBFolder.Remove(fDBFolder.Last('/')); fDBFolder+="/"; fType="alien"; fBaseFolder = fDBFolder; // Setting the cache // Check if local cache folder is already defined TString origCache(TFile::GetCacheFileDir()); if(fCacheFolder.Length() > 0) { if(origCache.Length() == 0) { AliInfo(Form("Setting local cache to: %s", fCacheFolder.Data())); } else if(fCacheFolder != origCache) { AliWarning(Form("Local cache folder was already defined, changing it to: %s", fCacheFolder.Data())); } // default settings are: operateDisconnected=kTRUE, forceCacheread = kFALSE if(!TFile::SetCacheFileDir(fCacheFolder.Data(), fOperateDisconnected)) { AliError(Form("Could not set cache folder %s !", fCacheFolder.Data())); fCacheFolder = ""; } else { // reset fCacheFolder because the function may have // slightly changed the folder name (e.g. '/' added) fCacheFolder = TFile::GetCacheFileDir(); } // default settings are: cacheSize=1GB, cleanupInterval = 0 if(!TFile::ShrinkCacheFileDir(fCacheSize, fCleanupInterval)) { AliError(Form("Could not set following values " "to ShrinkCacheFileDir: cacheSize = %lld, cleanupInterval = %ld !", fCacheSize, fCleanupInterval)); } } // return to the initial directory gGrid->Cd(initDir.Data(),0); fNretry = 3; // default fInitRetrySeconds = 5; // default } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBGrid::~AliCDBGrid() { // destructor delete gGrid; gGrid=0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGrid::FilenameToId(TString& filename, AliCDBId& id) { // build AliCDBId from full path filename (fDBFolder/path/Run#x_#y_v#z_s0.root) if(filename.Contains(fDBFolder)){ filename = filename(fDBFolder.Length(),filename.Length()-fDBFolder.Length()); } TString idPath = filename(0,filename.Last('/')); id.SetPath(idPath); if(!id.IsValid()) return kFALSE; filename=filename(idPath.Length()+1,filename.Length()-idPath.Length()); Ssiz_t mSize; // valid filename: Run#firstRun_#lastRun_v#version_s0.root TRegexp keyPattern("^Run[0-9]+_[0-9]+_v[0-9]+_s0.root$"); keyPattern.Index(filename, &mSize); if (!mSize) { // TODO backward compatibility ... maybe remove later! Ssiz_t oldmSize; TRegexp oldKeyPattern("^Run[0-9]+_[0-9]+_v[0-9]+.root$"); oldKeyPattern.Index(filename, &oldmSize); if(!oldmSize) { AliDebug(2,Form("Bad filename <%s>.", filename.Data())); return kFALSE; } else { AliDebug(2,Form("Old filename format <%s>.", filename.Data())); id.SetSubVersion(-11); // TODO trick to ensure backward compatibility } } else { id.SetSubVersion(-1); // TODO trick to ensure backward compatibility } filename.Resize(filename.Length() - sizeof(".root") + 1); TObjArray* strArray = (TObjArray*) filename.Tokenize("_"); TString firstRunString(((TObjString*) strArray->At(0))->GetString()); id.SetFirstRun(atoi(firstRunString.Data() + 3)); id.SetLastRun(atoi(((TObjString*) strArray->At(1))->GetString())); TString verString(((TObjString*) strArray->At(2))->GetString()); id.SetVersion(atoi(verString.Data() + 1)); delete strArray; return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGrid::IdToFilename(const AliCDBId& id, TString& filename) const { // build file name from AliCDBId (path, run range, version) and fDBFolder if (!id.GetAliCDBRunRange().IsValid()) { AliDebug(2,Form("Invalid run range <%d, %d>.", id.GetFirstRun(), id.GetLastRun())); return kFALSE; } if (id.GetVersion() < 0) { AliDebug(2,Form("Invalid version <%d>.", id.GetVersion())); return kFALSE; } filename = Form("Run%d_%d_v%d", id.GetFirstRun(), id.GetLastRun(), id.GetVersion()); if (id.GetSubVersion() != -11) filename += "_s0"; // TODO to ensure backward compatibility filename += ".root"; filename.Prepend(fDBFolder + id.GetPath() + '/'); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliCDBGrid::SetRetry(Int_t nretry, Int_t initsec) { // Function to set the exponential retry for putting entries in the OCDB AliWarning("WARNING!!! You are changing the exponential retry times and delay: this function should be used by experts!"); fNretry = nretry; fInitRetrySeconds = initsec; AliDebug(2,Form("fNretry = %d, fInitRetrySeconds = %d", fNretry, fInitRetrySeconds)); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGrid::PrepareId(AliCDBId& id) { // prepare id (version) of the object that will be stored (called by PutEntry) TString initDir(gGrid->Pwd(0)); TString dirName(fDBFolder); Bool_t dirExist=kFALSE; // go to the path; if directory does not exist, create it for(int i=0;i<3;i++){ //TString cmd("find -d "); //cmd += Form("%s ",dirName); //cmd += //gGrid->Command(cmd.Data()); dirName+=Form("%s/",id.GetPathLevel(i).Data()); dirExist=gGrid->Cd(dirName,0); if (!dirExist) { AliDebug(2,Form("Creating new folder <%s> ...",dirName.Data())); if(!gGrid->Mkdir(dirName,"",0)){ AliError(Form("Cannot create directory <%s> !",dirName.Data())); gGrid->Cd(initDir.Data()); return kFALSE; } // if folders are new add tags to them if(i == 1) { // TODO Currently disabled // add short lived tag! // AliInfo("Tagging level 1 folder with \"ShortLived\" tag"); // if(!AddTag(dirName,"ShortLived_try")){ // AliError(Form("Could not tag folder %s !", dirName.Data())); // if(!gGrid->Rmdir(dirName.Data())){ // AliError(Form("Unexpected: could not remove %s directory!", dirName.Data())); // } // return 0; //} } else if(i == 2) { AliDebug(2,"Tagging level 2 folder with \"CDB\" and \"CDB_MD\" tag"); if(!AddTag(dirName,"CDB")){ AliError(Form("Could not tag folder %s !", dirName.Data())); if(!gGrid->Rmdir(dirName.Data())){ AliError(Form("Unexpected: could not remove %s directory!", dirName.Data())); } return 0; } if(!AddTag(dirName,"CDB_MD")){ AliError(Form("Could not tag folder %s !", dirName.Data())); if(!gGrid->Rmdir(dirName.Data())){ AliError(Form("Unexpected: could not remove %s directory!", dirName.Data())); } return 0; } // TODO Currently disabled // add short lived tag! // TString path=id.GetPath(); // if(AliCDBManager::Instance()->IsShortLived(path.Data())) { // AliInfo(Form("Tagging %s as short lived", dirName.Data())); // if(!TagShortLived(dirName, kTRUE)){ // AliError(Form("Could not tag folder %s !", dirName.Data())); // if(!gGrid->Rmdir(dirName.Data())){ // AliError(Form("Unexpected: could not remove %s directory!", dirName.Data())); // } // return 0; // } // } else { // AliInfo(Form("Tagging %s as long lived", dirName.Data())); // if(!TagShortLived(dirName, kFALSE)){ // AliError(Form("Could not tag folder %s !", dirName.Data())); // if(!gGrid->Rmdir(dirName.Data())){ // AliError(Form("Unexpected: could not remove %s directory!", dirName.Data())); // } // return 0; // } // } } } } gGrid->Cd(initDir,0); TString filename; AliCDBId anId; // the id got from filename AliCDBRunRange lastRunRange(-1,-1); // highest runRange found Int_t lastVersion=0; // highest version found TGridResult *res = gGrid->Ls(dirName); //loop on the files in the directory, look for highest version for(int i=0; i < res->GetEntries(); i++){ filename=res->GetFileNamePath(i); if (!FilenameToId(filename, anId)) continue; if (anId.GetAliCDBRunRange().Overlaps(id.GetAliCDBRunRange()) && anId.GetVersion() > lastVersion) { lastVersion = anId.GetVersion(); lastRunRange = anId.GetAliCDBRunRange(); } } delete res; // GRP entries with explicitly set version escape default incremental versioning if(id.GetPath().Contains("GRP") && id.HasVersion() && lastVersion!=0) { AliDebug(5,Form("Entry %s won't be put in the destination OCDB", id.ToString().Data())); return kFALSE; } id.SetVersion(lastVersion + 1); id.SetSubVersion(0); TString lastStorage = id.GetLastStorage(); if(lastStorage.Contains(TString("new"), TString::kIgnoreCase) && id.GetVersion() > 1 ){ AliDebug(2, Form("A NEW object is being stored with version %d", id.GetVersion())); AliDebug(2, Form("and it will hide previously stored object with version %d!", id.GetVersion()-1)); } if(!lastRunRange.IsAnyRange() && !(lastRunRange.IsEqual(&id.GetAliCDBRunRange()))) AliWarning(Form("Run range modified w.r.t. previous version (Run%d_%d_v%d)", lastRunRange.GetFirstRun(), lastRunRange.GetLastRun(), id.GetVersion())); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBId* AliCDBGrid::GetId(const TObjArray& validFileIds, const AliCDBId& query) { // look for the Id that matches query's requests (highest or exact version) if(validFileIds.GetEntriesFast() < 1) return NULL; TIter iter(&validFileIds); AliCDBId *anIdPtr=0; AliCDBId* result=0; while((anIdPtr = dynamic_cast (iter.Next()))){ if(anIdPtr->GetPath() != query.GetPath()) continue; //if(!CheckVersion(query, anIdPtr, result)) return NULL; if (!query.HasVersion()){ // look for highest version if(result && result->GetVersion() > anIdPtr->GetVersion()) continue; if(result && result->GetVersion() == anIdPtr->GetVersion()) { AliError(Form("More than one object valid for run %d, version %d!", query.GetFirstRun(), anIdPtr->GetVersion())); return NULL; } result = anIdPtr; } else { // look for specified version if(query.GetVersion() != anIdPtr->GetVersion()) continue; if(result && result->GetVersion() == anIdPtr->GetVersion()){ AliError(Form("More than one object valid for run %d, version %d!", query.GetFirstRun(), anIdPtr->GetVersion())); return NULL; } result = anIdPtr; } } if (!result) return NULL; return dynamic_cast (result->Clone()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBId* AliCDBGrid::GetEntryId(const AliCDBId& queryId) { // get AliCDBId from the database // User must delete returned object AliCDBId* dataId=0; AliCDBId selectedId(queryId); if (!selectedId.HasVersion()) { // if version is not specified, first check the selection criteria list GetSelection(&selectedId); } TObjArray validFileIds; validFileIds.SetOwner(1); // look for file matching query requests (path, runRange, version) if(selectedId.GetFirstRun() == fRun && fPathFilter.Comprises(selectedId.GetAliCDBPath()) && fVersion == selectedId.GetVersion() && !fMetaDataFilter){ // look into list of valid files previously loaded with AliCDBStorage::FillValidFileIds() AliDebug(2, Form("List of files valid for run %d was loaded. Looking there for fileids valid for path %s!", selectedId.GetFirstRun(), selectedId.GetPath().Data())); dataId = GetId(fValidFileIds, selectedId); } else { // List of files valid for reqested run was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB AliDebug(2, Form("List of files valid for run %d and version %d was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB for fileids valid for path %s!", selectedId.GetFirstRun(), selectedId.GetVersion(), selectedId.GetPath().Data())); TString filter; MakeQueryFilter(selectedId.GetFirstRun(), selectedId.GetLastRun(), 0, filter); TString pattern = ".root"; TString optionQuery = "-y -m"; if(selectedId.GetVersion() >= 0) { pattern.Prepend(Form("_v%d_s0",selectedId.GetVersion())); optionQuery = ""; } TString folderCopy(Form("%s%s/Run",fDBFolder.Data(),selectedId.GetPath().Data())); if (optionQuery.Contains("-y")){ AliInfo("Only latest version will be returned"); } AliDebug(2,Form("** fDBFolder = %s, pattern = %s, filter = %s",folderCopy.Data(), pattern.Data(), filter.Data())); TGridResult *res = gGrid->Query(folderCopy, pattern, filter, optionQuery.Data()); if (res) { AliCDBId validFileId; for(int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++){ TString filename = res->GetKey(i, "lfn"); if(filename == "") continue; if(FilenameToId(filename, validFileId)) validFileIds.AddLast(validFileId.Clone()); } delete res; }else{ return 0; // this should be only in case of file catalogue glitch } dataId = GetId(validFileIds, selectedId); } return dataId; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBEntry* AliCDBGrid::GetEntry(const AliCDBId& queryId) { // get AliCDBEntry from the database AliCDBId* dataId = GetEntryId(queryId); if (!dataId) return NULL; TString filename; if (!IdToFilename(*dataId, filename)) { AliDebug(2,Form("Bad data ID encountered! Subnormal error!")); delete dataId; return NULL; } AliCDBEntry* anEntry = GetEntryFromFile(filename, dataId); delete dataId; return anEntry; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBEntry* AliCDBGrid::GetEntryFromFile(TString& filename, AliCDBId* dataId){ // Get AliCBEntry object from file "filename" AliDebug(2,Form("Opening file: %s",filename.Data())); filename.Prepend("/alien"); // if option="CACHEREAD" TFile will use the local caching facility! TString option="READ"; if(fCacheFolder != ""){ // Check if local cache folder was changed in the meanwhile TString origCache(TFile::GetCacheFileDir()); if(fCacheFolder != origCache) { AliWarning(Form("Local cache folder has been overwritten!! fCacheFolder = %s origCache = %s", fCacheFolder.Data(), origCache.Data())); TFile::SetCacheFileDir(fCacheFolder.Data(), fOperateDisconnected); TFile::ShrinkCacheFileDir(fCacheSize, fCleanupInterval); } option.Prepend("CACHE"); } AliDebug(2, Form("Option: %s", option.Data())); TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename, option); if (!file) { AliDebug(2,Form("Can't open file <%s>!", filename.Data())); return NULL; } // get the only AliCDBEntry object from the file // the object in the file is an AliCDBEntry entry named "AliCDBEntry" AliCDBEntry* anEntry = dynamic_cast (file->Get("AliCDBEntry")); if (!anEntry) { AliDebug(2,Form("Bad storage data: file does not contain an AliCDBEntry object!")); file->Close(); return NULL; } // The object's Id is not reset during storage // If object's Id runRange or version do not match with filename, // it means that someone renamed file by hand. In this case a warning msg is issued. if(anEntry){ AliCDBId entryId = anEntry->GetId(); Int_t tmpSubVersion = dataId->GetSubVersion(); dataId->SetSubVersion(entryId.GetSubVersion()); // otherwise filename and id may mismatch if(!entryId.IsEqual(dataId)){ AliWarning(Form("Mismatch between file name and object's Id!")); AliWarning(Form("File name: %s", dataId->ToString().Data())); AliWarning(Form("Object's Id: %s", entryId.ToString().Data())); } dataId->SetSubVersion(tmpSubVersion); } anEntry->SetLastStorage("grid"); // Check whether entry contains a TTree. In case load the tree in memory! LoadTreeFromFile(anEntry); // close file, return retieved entry file->Close(); delete file; file=0; return anEntry; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TList* AliCDBGrid::GetEntries(const AliCDBId& queryId) { // multiple request (AliCDBStorage::GetAll) TList* result = new TList(); result->SetOwner(); TObjArray validFileIds; validFileIds.SetOwner(1); Bool_t alreadyLoaded = kFALSE; // look for file matching query requests (path, runRange) if(queryId.GetFirstRun() == fRun && fPathFilter.Comprises(queryId.GetAliCDBPath()) && fVersion < 0 && !fMetaDataFilter){ // look into list of valid files previously loaded with AliCDBStorage::FillValidFileIds() AliDebug(2,Form("List of files valid for run %d and for path %s was loaded. Looking there!", queryId.GetFirstRun(), queryId.GetPath().Data())); alreadyLoaded = kTRUE; } else { // List of files valid for reqested run was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB AliDebug(2,Form("List of files valid for run %d and for path %s was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB!", queryId.GetFirstRun(), queryId.GetPath().Data())); TString filter; MakeQueryFilter(queryId.GetFirstRun(), queryId.GetLastRun(), 0, filter); TString path = queryId.GetPath(); TString pattern = "Run*.root"; TString optionQuery = "-y"; TString addFolder = ""; if (!path.Contains("*")){ if (!path.BeginsWith("/")) addFolder += "/"; addFolder += path; } else{ if (path.BeginsWith("/")) path.Remove(0,1); if (path.EndsWith("/")) path.Remove(path.Length()-1,1); TObjArray* tokenArr = path.Tokenize("/"); if (tokenArr->GetEntries() != 3) { AliError("Not a 3 level path! Keeping old query..."); pattern.Prepend(path+"/"); } else{ TString str0 = ((TObjString*)tokenArr->At(0))->String(); TString str1 = ((TObjString*)tokenArr->At(1))->String(); TString str2 = ((TObjString*)tokenArr->At(2))->String(); if (str0 != "*" && str1 != "*" && str2 == "*"){ // e.g. "ITS/Calib/*" addFolder = "/"+str0+"/"+str1; } else if (str0 != "*" && str1 == "*" && str2 == "*"){ // e.g. "ITS/*/*" addFolder = "/"+str0; } else if (str0 == "*" && str1 == "*" && str2 == "*"){ // e.g. "*/*/*" // do nothing: addFolder is already an empty string; } else{ // e.g. "ITS/*/RecoParam" pattern.Prepend(path+"/"); } } delete tokenArr; tokenArr=0; } TString folderCopy(Form("%s%s",fDBFolder.Data(),addFolder.Data())); AliDebug(2,Form("fDBFolder = %s, pattern = %s, filter = %s",folderCopy.Data(), pattern.Data(), filter.Data())); TGridResult *res = gGrid->Query(folderCopy, pattern, filter, optionQuery.Data()); if (!res) { AliError("Grid query failed"); return 0; } AliCDBId validFileId; for(int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++){ TString filename = res->GetKey(i, "lfn"); if(filename == "") continue; if(FilenameToId(filename, validFileId)) validFileIds.AddLast(validFileId.Clone()); } delete res; } TIter *iter=0; if(alreadyLoaded){ iter = new TIter(&fValidFileIds); } else { iter = new TIter(&validFileIds); } TObjArray selectedIds; selectedIds.SetOwner(1); // loop on list of valid Ids to select the right version to get. // According to query and to the selection criteria list, version can be the highest or exact AliCDBPath pathCopy; AliCDBId* anIdPtr=0; AliCDBId* dataId=0; AliCDBPath queryPath = queryId.GetAliCDBPath(); while((anIdPtr = dynamic_cast (iter->Next()))){ AliCDBPath thisCDBPath = anIdPtr->GetAliCDBPath(); if(!(queryPath.Comprises(thisCDBPath)) || pathCopy.GetPath() == thisCDBPath.GetPath()) continue; pathCopy = thisCDBPath; // check the selection criteria list for this query AliCDBId thisId(*anIdPtr); thisId.SetVersion(queryId.GetVersion()); if(!thisId.HasVersion()) GetSelection(&thisId); if(alreadyLoaded){ dataId = GetId(fValidFileIds, thisId); } else { dataId = GetId(validFileIds, thisId); } if(dataId) selectedIds.Add(dataId); } delete iter; iter=0; // selectedIds contains the Ids of the files matching all requests of query! // All the objects are now ready to be retrieved iter = new TIter(&selectedIds); while((anIdPtr = dynamic_cast (iter->Next()))){ TString filename; if (!IdToFilename(*anIdPtr, filename)) { AliDebug(2,Form("Bad data ID encountered! Subnormal error!")); continue; } AliCDBEntry* anEntry = GetEntryFromFile(filename, anIdPtr); if(anEntry) result->Add(anEntry); } delete iter; iter=0; return result; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGrid::PutEntry(AliCDBEntry* entry, const char* mirrors) { // put an AliCDBEntry object into the database AliCDBId& id = entry->GetId(); // set version for the entry to be stored if (!PrepareId(id)) return kFALSE; // build filename from entry's id TString filename; if (!IdToFilename(id, filename)) { AliError("Bad ID encountered! Subnormal error!"); return kFALSE; } TString folderToTag = Form("%s%s", fDBFolder.Data(), id.GetPath().Data()); TDirectory* saveDir = gDirectory; TString fullFilename = Form("/alien%s", filename.Data()); TString seMirrors(mirrors); if(seMirrors.IsNull() || seMirrors.IsWhitespace()) seMirrors=GetMirrorSEs(); // specify SE to filename // if a list of SEs was passed to this method or set via SetMirrorSEs, set the first as SE for opening the file. // The other SEs will be used in cascade in case of failure in opening the file. // The remaining SEs will be used to create replicas. TObjArray *arraySEs = seMirrors.Tokenize(','); Int_t nSEs = arraySEs->GetEntries(); Int_t remainingSEs = 1; if(nSEs == 0){ if (fSE != "default") fullFilename += Form("?se=%s",fSE.Data()); }else{ remainingSEs = nSEs; } // open file TFile *file=0; AliDebug(2, Form("fNretry = %d, fInitRetrySeconds = %d",fNretry,fInitRetrySeconds)); TString targetSE(""); Bool_t result = kFALSE; Bool_t reOpenResult = kFALSE; Int_t reOpenAttempts=0; while( !reOpenResult && reOpenAttempts<2){ //loop to check the file after closing it, to catch the unlikely but possible case when the file // is cleaned up by alien just before closing as a consequence of a network disconnection while writing while( !file && remainingSEs>0){ if(nSEs!=0){ TObjString *target = (TObjString*) arraySEs->At(nSEs-remainingSEs); targetSE=target->String(); if ( !(targetSE.BeginsWith("ALICE::") && targetSE.CountChar(':')==4) ) { AliError(Form("\"%s\" is an invalid storage element identifier.",targetSE.Data())); continue; } if(fullFilename.Contains('?')) fullFilename.Remove(fullFilename.Last('?')); fullFilename += Form("?se=%s",targetSE.Data()); } Int_t remainingAttempts=fNretry; Int_t nsleep = fInitRetrySeconds; // number of seconds between attempts. We let it increase exponentially AliDebug(2, Form("Uploading file into SE #%d: %s",nSEs-remainingSEs+1,targetSE.Data())); while(remainingAttempts > 0) { AliDebug(2, Form("Uploading file into OCDB at %s - Attempt #%d",targetSE.Data(),fNretry-remainingAttempts+1)); remainingAttempts--; file = TFile::Open(fullFilename,"CREATE"); if(!file || !file->IsWritable()){ if(file) file->Close(); delete file; file=0; // file is not writable TString message(TString::Format("Attempt %d failed.",fNretry-remainingAttempts)); if(remainingAttempts>0) { message += " Sleeping for "; message += nsleep; message += " seconds"; }else{ if(remainingSEs>0) message += " Trying to upload at next SE"; } AliDebug(2, message.Data()); if(remainingAttempts>0) sleep(nsleep); }else{ remainingAttempts=0; } nsleep*=fInitRetrySeconds; } remainingSEs--; } if(!file){ AliError(Form("All %d attempts have failed on all %d SEs. Returning...",fNretry,nSEs)); return kFALSE; } file->cd(); //SetTreeToFile(entry, file); entry->SetVersion(id.GetVersion()); // write object (key name: "AliCDBEntry") result = (file->WriteTObject(entry, "AliCDBEntry") != 0); if (!result) AliError(Form("Can't write entry to file <%s>!", filename.Data())); file->Close(); if(result) { AliDebug(2, Form("Reopening file %s for checking its correctness",fullFilename.Data())); TFile* ffile = TFile::Open(fullFilename.Data(),"READ"); if(!ffile){ reOpenResult = kFALSE; AliInfo(Form("The file %s was closed successfully but cannot be reopened. Trying now to regenerate it (regeneration attempt number %d)", fullFilename.Data(),++reOpenAttempts)); delete file; file=0; AliDebug(2, Form("Removing file %s", filename.Data())); if(!gGrid->Rm(filename.Data())) AliError("Can't delete file!"); remainingSEs++; }else{ reOpenResult = kTRUE; ffile->Close(); } delete ffile; ffile=0; } } if (saveDir) saveDir->cd(); else gROOT->cd(); delete file; file=0; if(result && reOpenResult) { if(!TagFileId(filename, &id)){ AliInfo(Form("CDB tagging failed. Deleting file %s!",filename.Data())); if(!gGrid->Rm(filename.Data())) AliError("Can't delete file!"); return kFALSE; } TagFileMetaData(filename, entry->GetMetaData()); }else{ AliError("The file could not be opend or the object could not be written"); if(!gGrid->Rm(filename.Data())) AliError("Can't delete file!"); return kFALSE; } AliInfo(Form("CDB object stored into file %s", filename.Data())); if(nSEs==0) AliInfo(Form("Storage Element: %s", fSE.Data())); else AliInfo(Form("Storage Element: %s", targetSE.Data())); //In case of other SEs specified by the user, mirror the file to the remaining SEs for(Int_t i=0; iAt(i); TString mirrorSE(target->String()); mirrorCmd += mirrorSE; AliDebug(5,Form("mirror command: \"%s\"",mirrorCmd.Data())); AliInfo(Form("Mirroring to storage element: %s", mirrorSE.Data())); gGrid->Command(mirrorCmd.Data()); } arraySEs->Delete(); arraySEs=0; return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGrid::AddTag(TString& folderToTag, const char* tagname){ // add "tagname" tag (CDB or CDB_MD) to folder where object will be stored Bool_t result = kTRUE; AliDebug(2, Form("adding %s tag to folder %s", tagname, folderToTag.Data())); TString addTag = Form("addTag %s %s", folderToTag.Data(), tagname); TGridResult *gridres = gGrid->Command(addTag.Data()); const char* resCode = gridres->GetKey(0,"__result__"); // '1' if success if(resCode[0] != '1') { AliError(Form("Couldn't add %s tags to folder %s !", tagname, folderToTag.Data())); result = kFALSE; } delete gridres; return result; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGrid::TagFileId(TString& filename, const AliCDBId* id){ // tag stored object in CDB table using object Id's parameters TString dirname(filename); Int_t dirNumber = gGrid->Mkdir(dirname.Remove(dirname.Last('/')),"-d"); TString addTagValue1 = Form("addTagValue %s CDB ", filename.Data()); TString addTagValue2 = Form("first_run=%d last_run=%d version=%d ", id->GetFirstRun(), id->GetLastRun(), id->GetVersion()); TString addTagValue3 = Form("path_level_0=\"%s\" path_level_1=\"%s\" path_level_2=\"%s\" ", id->GetPathLevel(0).Data(), id->GetPathLevel(1).Data(), id->GetPathLevel(2).Data()); //TString addTagValue4 = Form("version_path=\"%s\" dir_number=%d",Form("%d_%s",id->GetVersion(),filename.Data()),dirNumber); TString addTagValue4 = Form("version_path=\"%09d%s\" dir_number=%d",id->GetVersion(),filename.Data(),dirNumber); TString addTagValue = Form("%s%s%s%s", addTagValue1.Data(), addTagValue2.Data(), addTagValue3.Data(), addTagValue4.Data()); Bool_t result = kFALSE; AliDebug(2, Form("Tagging file. Tag command: %s", addTagValue.Data())); TGridResult* res = gGrid->Command(addTagValue.Data()); const char* resCode = res->GetKey(0,"__result__"); // '1' if success if(resCode[0] != '1') { AliError(Form("Couldn't add CDB tag value to file %s !", filename.Data())); result = kFALSE; } else { AliDebug(2, "Object successfully tagged."); result = kTRUE; } delete res; return result; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGrid::TagShortLived(TString& filename, Bool_t value){ // tag folder with ShortLived tag TString addTagValue = Form("addTagValue %s ShortLived_try value=%d", filename.Data(), value); Bool_t result = kFALSE; AliDebug(2, Form("Tagging file. Tag command: %s", addTagValue.Data())); TGridResult* res = gGrid->Command(addTagValue.Data()); const char* resCode = res->GetKey(0,"__result__"); // '1' if success if(resCode[0] != '1') { AliError(Form("Couldn't add ShortLived tag value to file %s !", filename.Data())); result = kFALSE; } else { AliDebug(2,"Object successfully tagged."); result = kTRUE; } delete res; return result; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGrid::TagFileMetaData(TString& filename, const AliCDBMetaData* md){ // tag stored object in CDB table using object Id's parameters TString addTagValue1 = Form("addTagValue %s CDB_MD ", filename.Data()); TString addTagValue2 = Form("object_classname=\"%s\" responsible=\"%s\" beam_period=%d ", md->GetObjectClassName(), md->GetResponsible(), md->GetBeamPeriod()); TString addTagValue3 = Form("aliroot_version=\"%s\" comment=\"%s\"", md->GetAliRootVersion(), md->GetComment()); TString addTagValue = Form("%s%s%s", addTagValue1.Data(), addTagValue2.Data(), addTagValue3.Data()); Bool_t result = kFALSE; AliDebug(2, Form("Tagging file. Tag command: %s", addTagValue.Data())); TGridResult* res = gGrid->Command(addTagValue.Data()); const char* resCode = res->GetKey(0,"__result__"); // '1' if success if(resCode[0] != '1') { AliWarning(Form("Couldn't add CDB_MD tag value to file %s !", filename.Data())); result = kFALSE; } else { AliDebug(2,"Object successfully tagged."); result = kTRUE; } return result; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ TList* AliCDBGrid::GetIdListFromFile(const char* fileName){ TString turl(fileName); turl.Prepend("/alien" + fDBFolder); turl += "?se="; turl += fSE.Data(); TFile *file = TFile::Open(turl); if (!file) { AliError(Form("Can't open selection file <%s>!", turl.Data())); return NULL; } TList *list = new TList(); list->SetOwner(); int i=0; TString keycycle; AliCDBId *id; while(1){ i++; keycycle = "AliCDBId;"; keycycle+=i; id = (AliCDBId*) file->Get(keycycle); if(!id) break; list->AddFirst(id); } file->Close(); delete file; file=0; return list; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGrid::Contains(const char* path) const{ // check for path in storage's DBFolder TString initDir(gGrid->Pwd(0)); TString dirName(fDBFolder); dirName += path; // dirName = fDBFolder/path Bool_t result=kFALSE; if (gGrid->Cd(dirName,0)) result=kTRUE; gGrid->Cd(initDir.Data(),0); return result; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliCDBGrid::QueryValidFiles() { // Query the CDB for files valid for AliCDBStorage::fRun // fills list fValidFileIds with AliCDBId objects created from file name TString filter; MakeQueryFilter(fRun, fRun, fMetaDataFilter, filter); TString path = fPathFilter.GetPath(); TString pattern = "Run*"; TString optionQuery = "-y"; if(fVersion >= 0) { pattern += Form("_v%d_s0", fVersion); optionQuery = ""; } pattern += ".root"; AliDebug(2,Form("pattern: %s", pattern.Data())); TString addFolder = ""; if (!path.Contains("*")){ if (!path.BeginsWith("/")) addFolder += "/"; addFolder += path; } else{ if (path.BeginsWith("/")) path.Remove(0,1); if (path.EndsWith("/")) path.Remove(path.Length()-1,1); TObjArray* tokenArr = path.Tokenize("/"); if (tokenArr->GetEntries() != 3) { AliError("Not a 3 level path! Keeping old query..."); pattern.Prepend(path+"/"); } else{ TString str0 = ((TObjString*)tokenArr->At(0))->String(); TString str1 = ((TObjString*)tokenArr->At(1))->String(); TString str2 = ((TObjString*)tokenArr->At(2))->String(); if (str0 != "*" && str1 != "*" && str2 == "*"){ // e.g. "ITS/Calib/*" addFolder = "/"+str0+"/"+str1; } else if (str0 != "*" && str1 == "*" && str2 == "*"){ // e.g. "ITS/*/*" addFolder = "/"+str0; } else if (str0 == "*" && str1 == "*" && str2 == "*"){ // e.g. "*/*/*" // do nothing: addFolder is already an empty string; } else{ // e.g. "ITS/*/RecoParam" pattern.Prepend(path+"/"); } } delete tokenArr; tokenArr=0; } TString folderCopy(Form("%s%s",fDBFolder.Data(),addFolder.Data())); AliDebug(2,Form("fDBFolder = %s, pattern = %s, filter = %s",folderCopy.Data(), pattern.Data(), filter.Data())); if (optionQuery == "-y"){ AliInfo("Only latest version will be returned"); } TGridResult *res = gGrid->Query(folderCopy, pattern, filter, optionQuery.Data()); if (!res) { AliError("Grid query failed"); return; } TIter next(res); TMap *map; while ((map = (TMap*)next())) { TObjString *entry; if ((entry = (TObjString *) ((TMap *)map)->GetValue("lfn"))) { TString& filename = entry->String(); if(filename.IsNull()) continue; AliDebug(2,Form("Found valid file: %s", filename.Data())); AliCDBId *validFileId = new AliCDBId; Bool_t result = FilenameToId(filename, *validFileId); if(result) { fValidFileIds.AddLast(validFileId); } else { delete validFileId; } } } delete res; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliCDBGrid::MakeQueryFilter(Int_t firstRun, Int_t lastRun, const AliCDBMetaData* md, TString& result) const { // create filter for file query result = Form("CDB:first_run<=%d and CDB:last_run>=%d", firstRun, lastRun); // if(version >= 0) { // result += Form(" and CDB:version=%d", version); // } // if(pathFilter.GetLevel0() != "*") { // result += Form(" and CDB:path_level_0=\"%s\"", pathFilter.GetLevel0().Data()); // } // if(pathFilter.GetLevel1() != "*") { // result += Form(" and CDB:path_level_1=\"%s\"", pathFilter.GetLevel1().Data()); // } // if(pathFilter.GetLevel2() != "*") { // result += Form(" and CDB:path_level_2=\"%s\"", pathFilter.GetLevel2().Data()); // } if(md){ if(md->GetObjectClassName()[0] != '\0') { result += Form(" and CDB_MD:object_classname=\"%s\"", md->GetObjectClassName()); } if(md->GetResponsible()[0] != '\0') { result += Form(" and CDB_MD:responsible=\"%s\"", md->GetResponsible()); } if(md->GetBeamPeriod() != 0) { result += Form(" and CDB_MD:beam_period=%d", md->GetBeamPeriod()); } if(md->GetAliRootVersion()[0] != '\0') { result += Form(" and CDB_MD:aliroot_version=\"%s\"", md->GetAliRootVersion()); } if(md->GetComment()[0] != '\0') { result += Form(" and CDB_MD:comment=\"%s\"", md->GetComment()); } } AliDebug(2, Form("filter: %s",result.Data())); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliCDBGrid::GetLatestVersion(const char* path, Int_t run){ // get last version found in the database valid for run and path AliCDBPath aCDBPath(path); if(!aCDBPath.IsValid() || aCDBPath.IsWildcard()) { AliError(Form("Invalid path in request: %s", path)); return -1; } AliCDBId query(path, run, run, -1, -1); AliCDBId* dataId = 0; // look for file matching query requests (path, runRange, version) if(run == fRun && fPathFilter.Comprises(aCDBPath) && fVersion < 0){ // look into list of valid files previously loaded with AliCDBStorage::FillValidFileIds() AliDebug(2, Form("List of files valid for run %d and for path %s was loaded. Looking there!", run, path)); dataId = GetId(fValidFileIds, query); if (!dataId) return -1; Int_t version = dataId->GetVersion(); delete dataId; return version; } // List of files valid for reqested run was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB AliDebug(2, Form("List of files valid for run %d and for path %s was not loaded. Looking directly into CDB!", run, path)); TObjArray validFileIds; validFileIds.SetOwner(1); TString filter; MakeQueryFilter(run, run, 0, filter); TString pattern = ".root"; TString folderCopy(Form("%s%s/Run",fDBFolder.Data(),path)); AliDebug(2,Form("** fDBFolder = %s, pattern = %s, filter = %s",folderCopy.Data(), pattern.Data(), filter.Data())); TGridResult *res = gGrid->Query(folderCopy, pattern, filter, "-y -m"); AliCDBId validFileId; if (res->GetEntries()>1){ AliWarning("Number of found entries >1, even if option -y was used"); for(int i=0; iGetEntries(); i++){ TString filename = res->GetKey(i, "lfn"); if(filename == "") continue; if(FilenameToId(filename, validFileId)) validFileIds.AddLast(validFileId.Clone()); } dataId = GetId(validFileIds, query); if (!dataId) return -1; Int_t version = dataId->GetVersion(); delete dataId; return version; } else if (res->GetEntries()==1){ TString filename = res->GetKey(0, "lfn"); if(filename == "") { AliError("The only entry found has filename empty"); return -1; } if(FilenameToId(filename, validFileId)) return validFileId.GetVersion(); else{ AliError("Impossible to get FileId from filename"); return -1; } } else { AliError("No entries found"); return -1; } delete res; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliCDBGrid::GetLatestSubVersion(const char* /*path*/, Int_t /*run*/, Int_t /*version*/){ // get last subversion found in the database valid for run and path AliError("Objects in GRID storage have no sub version!"); return -1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliCDBGrid factory // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(AliCDBGridFactory) //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGridFactory::Validate(const char* gridString) { // check if the string is valid Grid URI TRegexp gridPattern("^alien://.+$"); return TString(gridString).Contains(gridPattern); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBParam* AliCDBGridFactory::CreateParameter(const char* gridString) { // create AliCDBGridParam class from the URI string if (!Validate(gridString)) { return NULL; } TString buffer(gridString); TString gridUrl = "alien://"; TString user = ""; TString dbFolder = ""; TString se = "default"; TString cacheFolder = ""; Bool_t operateDisconnected = kTRUE; Long64_t cacheSize = (UInt_t) 1024*1024*1024; // 1GB Long_t cleanupInterval = 0; TObjArray *arr = buffer.Tokenize('?'); TIter iter(arr); TObjString *str = 0; while((str = (TObjString*) iter.Next())){ TString entry(str->String()); Int_t indeq = entry.Index('='); if(indeq == -1) { if(entry.BeginsWith("alien://")) { // maybe it's a gridUrl! gridUrl = entry; continue; } else { AliError(Form("Invalid entry! %s",entry.Data())); continue; } } TString key = entry(0,indeq); TString value = entry(indeq+1,entry.Length()-indeq); if(key.Contains("grid",TString::kIgnoreCase)) { gridUrl += value; } else if (key.Contains("user",TString::kIgnoreCase)){ user = value; } else if (key.Contains("se",TString::kIgnoreCase)){ se = value; } else if (key.Contains("cacheF",TString::kIgnoreCase)){ cacheFolder = value; if (!cacheFolder.IsNull() && !cacheFolder.EndsWith("/")) cacheFolder += "/"; } else if (key.Contains("folder",TString::kIgnoreCase)){ dbFolder = value; } else if (key.Contains("operateDisc",TString::kIgnoreCase)){ if(value == "kTRUE") { operateDisconnected = kTRUE; } else if (value == "kFALSE") { operateDisconnected = kFALSE; } else if (value == "0" || value == "1") { operateDisconnected = (Bool_t) value.Atoi(); } else { AliError(Form("Invalid entry! %s",entry.Data())); return NULL; } } else if (key.Contains("cacheS",TString::kIgnoreCase)){ if(value.IsDigit()) { cacheSize = value.Atoi(); } else { AliError(Form("Invalid entry! %s",entry.Data())); return NULL; } } else if (key.Contains("cleanupInt",TString::kIgnoreCase)){ if(value.IsDigit()) { cleanupInterval = value.Atoi(); } else { AliError(Form("Invalid entry! %s",entry.Data())); return NULL; } } else{ AliError(Form("Invalid entry! %s",entry.Data())); return NULL; } } delete arr; arr=0; AliDebug(2, Form("gridUrl: %s", gridUrl.Data())); AliDebug(2, Form("user: %s", user.Data())); AliDebug(2, Form("dbFolder: %s", dbFolder.Data())); AliDebug(2, Form("s.e.: %s", se.Data())); AliDebug(2, Form("local cache folder: %s", cacheFolder.Data())); AliDebug(2, Form("local cache operate disconnected: %d", operateDisconnected)); AliDebug(2, Form("local cache size: %lld", cacheSize)); AliDebug(2, Form("local cache cleanup interval: %ld", cleanupInterval)); if(dbFolder == ""){ AliError("Base folder must be specified!"); return NULL; } return new AliCDBGridParam(gridUrl.Data(), user.Data(), dbFolder.Data(), se.Data(), cacheFolder.Data(), operateDisconnected, cacheSize, cleanupInterval); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBStorage* AliCDBGridFactory::Create(const AliCDBParam* param) { // create AliCDBGrid storage instance from parameters AliCDBGrid *grid = 0; if (AliCDBGridParam::Class() == param->IsA()) { const AliCDBGridParam* gridParam = (const AliCDBGridParam*) param; grid = new AliCDBGrid(gridParam->GridUrl().Data(), gridParam->GetUser().Data(), gridParam->GetDBFolder().Data(), gridParam->GetSE().Data(), gridParam->GetCacheFolder().Data(), gridParam->GetOperateDisconnected(), gridParam->GetCacheSize(), gridParam->GetCleanupInterval()); } if(!gGrid && grid) { delete grid; grid=0; } return grid; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // AliCDBGrid Parameter class // // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ClassImp(AliCDBGridParam) //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBGridParam::AliCDBGridParam(): AliCDBParam(), fGridUrl(), fUser(), fDBFolder(), fSE(), fCacheFolder(), fOperateDisconnected(), fCacheSize(), fCleanupInterval() { // default constructor } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBGridParam::AliCDBGridParam(const char* gridUrl, const char* user, const char* dbFolder, const char* se, const char* cacheFolder, Bool_t operateDisconnected, Long64_t cacheSize, Long_t cleanupInterval): AliCDBParam(), fGridUrl(gridUrl), fUser(user), fDBFolder(dbFolder), fSE(se), fCacheFolder(cacheFolder), fOperateDisconnected(operateDisconnected), fCacheSize(cacheSize), fCleanupInterval(cleanupInterval) { // constructor SetType("alien"); TString uri = Form("%s?User=%s?DBFolder=%s?SE=%s?CacheFolder=%s" "?OperateDisconnected=%d?CacheSize=%lld?CleanupInterval=%ld", fGridUrl.Data(), fUser.Data(), fDBFolder.Data(), fSE.Data(), fCacheFolder.Data(), fOperateDisconnected, fCacheSize, fCleanupInterval); SetURI(uri.Data()); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBGridParam::~AliCDBGridParam() { // destructor } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliCDBParam* AliCDBGridParam::CloneParam() const { // clone parameter return new AliCDBGridParam(fGridUrl.Data(), fUser.Data(), fDBFolder.Data(), fSE.Data(), fCacheFolder.Data(), fOperateDisconnected, fCacheSize, fCleanupInterval); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ ULong_t AliCDBGridParam::Hash() const { // return Hash function return fGridUrl.Hash()+fUser.Hash()+fDBFolder.Hash()+fSE.Hash()+fCacheFolder.Hash(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliCDBGridParam::IsEqual(const TObject* obj) const { // check if this object is equal to AliCDBParam obj if (this == obj) { return kTRUE; } if (AliCDBGridParam::Class() != obj->IsA()) { return kFALSE; } AliCDBGridParam* other = (AliCDBGridParam*) obj; if(fGridUrl != other->fGridUrl) return kFALSE; if(fUser != other->fUser) return kFALSE; if(fDBFolder != other->fDBFolder) return kFALSE; if(fSE != other->fSE) return kFALSE; if(fCacheFolder != other->fCacheFolder) return kFALSE; if(fOperateDisconnected != other->fOperateDisconnected) return kFALSE; if(fCacheSize != other->fCacheSize) return kFALSE; if(fCleanupInterval != other->fCleanupInterval) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; }