// -*- mode: C++ -*- #ifndef ALIESDRUN_H #define ALIESDRUN_H /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation Class AliESDRun // Run by run data // for the ESD // Origin: Christian Klein-Boesing, CERN, Christian.Klein-Boesing@cern.ch //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include class TGeoHMatrix; class AliESDVertex; class AliESDRun: public TObject { public: enum StatusBits {kBInfoStored = BIT(14), kUniformBMap = BIT(15), kConvSqrtSHalfGeV = BIT(16)}; AliESDRun(); AliESDRun(const AliESDRun& esd); AliESDRun& operator=(const AliESDRun& esd); virtual void Copy(TObject &obj) const; // Interface for using TOBject::Copy() virtual ~AliESDRun(); Bool_t InitMagneticField() const; Int_t GetRunNumber() const {return fRunNumber;} void SetRunNumber(Int_t n) {fRunNumber=n;} void SetMagneticField(Float_t mf){fMagneticField = mf;} Double_t GetMagneticField() const {return fMagneticField;} UInt_t GetPeriodNumber() const {return fPeriodNumber;} void SetPeriodNumber(Int_t n) {fPeriodNumber=n;} void Reset(); void Print(const Option_t *opt=0) const; void SetDiamond(const AliESDVertex *vertex); void SetTriggerClass(const char*name, Int_t index); void SetCurrentL3(Float_t cur) {fCurrentL3 = cur;} void SetCurrentDip(Float_t cur) {fCurrentDip = cur;} void SetBeamEnergy(Float_t be) {fBeamEnergy = be;} void SetBeamType(const char* bt) {fBeamType = bt;} void SetBeamEnergyIsSqrtSHalfGeV(Bool_t v=kTRUE) {SetBit(kConvSqrtSHalfGeV,v);} void SetDetectorsInDAQ(UInt_t detmask) { fDetInDAQ = detmask; } void SetDetectorsInReco(UInt_t detmask) { fDetInReco = detmask; } Bool_t IsBeamEnergyIsSqrtSHalfGeV() const {return TestBit(kConvSqrtSHalfGeV);} Double_t GetDiamondX() const {return fDiamondXY[0];} Double_t GetDiamondY() const {return fDiamondXY[1];} Double_t GetDiamondZ() const {return fDiamondZ;} Double_t GetSigma2DiamondX() const {return fDiamondCovXY[0];} Double_t GetSigma2DiamondY() const {return fDiamondCovXY[2];} Double_t GetSigma2DiamondZ() const {return fDiamondSig2Z;} void GetDiamondCovXY(Float_t cov[3]) const { for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) cov[i]=fDiamondCovXY[i]; return; } const char* GetTriggerClass(Int_t index) const; TString GetActiveTriggerClasses() const; TString GetFiredTriggerClasses(ULong64_t mask) const; Bool_t IsTriggerClassFired(ULong64_t mask, const char *name) const; Float_t GetCurrentL3() const {return fCurrentL3;} Float_t GetCurrentDip() const {return fCurrentDip;} Float_t GetBeamEnergy() const {return IsBeamEnergyIsSqrtSHalfGeV() ? fBeamEnergy : fBeamEnergy/2;} const char* GetBeamType() const {return (fBeamType=="Pb-Pb") ? "A-A":fBeamType.Data();} void SetBeamParticle(Int_t az, Int_t ibeam) {fBeamParticle[ibeam] = az;} Int_t GetBeamParticle(Int_t ibeam) const {return fBeamParticle[ibeam];} Int_t GetBeamParticleA(Int_t ibeam) const {return fBeamParticle[ibeam]/1000;} Int_t GetBeamParticleZ(Int_t ibeam) const {return fBeamParticle[ibeam]%1000;} UInt_t GetDetectorsInDAQ() const {return fDetInDAQ; } UInt_t GetDetectorsInReco() const {return fDetInReco; } void SetPHOSMatrix(TGeoHMatrix*matrix, Int_t i) { if ((i >= 0) && (i < kNPHOSMatrix)) fPHOSMatrix[i] = matrix; } const TGeoHMatrix* GetPHOSMatrix(Int_t i) const { return ((i >= 0) && (i < kNPHOSMatrix)) ? fPHOSMatrix[i] : NULL; } void SetEMCALMatrix(TGeoHMatrix*matrix, Int_t i) { if ((i >= 0) && (i < kNEMCALMatrix)) fEMCALMatrix[i] = matrix; } const TGeoHMatrix* GetEMCALMatrix(Int_t i) const { return ((i >= 0) && (i < kNEMCALMatrix)) ? fEMCALMatrix[i] : NULL; } enum {kNTriggerClasses = 50}; enum {kNPHOSMatrix = 5}; enum {kNEMCALMatrix = 12}; enum {kT0spreadSize = 4}; // Double_t GetMeanIntensity(int beam,int btp) const { return (beam>=0&&beam<2&&btp>=0&&btp<2) ? fMeanBeamInt[beam][btp]:0;} void SetMeanIntensity(int beam,int btp, double v=-1) { if (beam>=0&&beam<2&&btp>=0&&btp<2) fMeanBeamInt[beam][btp]=v;} Double_t GetMeanIntensityIntecting(int beam) const {return GetMeanIntensity(beam,0);} Double_t GetMeanIntensityNonIntecting(int beam) const {return GetMeanIntensity(beam,1);} // Float_t GetT0spread(Int_t i) const { return ((i >= 0) && (i +Bz) Float_t fCurrentDip; // signed current in the Dipole (LHC convention: +current -> -Bx) Float_t fBeamEnergy; // beamEnergy entry from GRP Double32_t fMagneticField; // Solenoid Magnetic Field in kG : for compatibility with AliMagF Double32_t fMeanBeamInt[2][2]; // mean intensity of interacting and non-intercting bunches per beam Double32_t fDiamondXY[2]; // Interaction diamond (x,y) in RUN Double32_t fDiamondCovXY[3]; // Interaction diamond covariance (x,y) in RUN Double32_t fDiamondZ; // Interaction diamond (z) in RUN Double32_t fDiamondSig2Z; // Interaction diamond sigma^2 (z) in RUN UInt_t fPeriodNumber; // PeriodNumber Int_t fRunNumber; // Run Number Int_t fRecoVersion; // Version of reconstruction Int_t fBeamParticle[2]; // A*1000+Z for each beam particle TString fBeamType; // beam type from GRP TObjArray fTriggerClasses; // array of TNamed containing the names of the active trigger classes UInt_t fDetInDAQ; // Detector mask for detectors in datataking UInt_t fDetInReco; // Detector mask for detectors in reconstruction TGeoHMatrix* fPHOSMatrix[kNPHOSMatrix]; //PHOS module position and orientation matrices TGeoHMatrix* fEMCALMatrix[kNEMCALMatrix]; //EMCAL supermodule position and orientation matrices Float_t fT0spread[kT0spreadSize]; // spread of time distributions on T0A, T0C, (T0A+T0C)/2, (T0A-T0C)/2 Int_t fCaloTriggerType[8]; // Calorimeter trigger type Float_t fVZEROEqFactors[64]; // V0 channel equalization factors for event-plane reconstruction ClassDef(AliESDRun,13) }; #endif