//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the AliKFParticle class // . // @author S.Gorbunov, I.Kisel // @version 1.0 // @since 13.05.07 // // Class to reconstruct and store the decayed particle parameters. // The method is described in CBM-SOFT note 2007-003, // ``Reconstruction of decayed particles based on the Kalman filter'', // http://www.gsi.de/documents/DOC-2007-May-14-1.pdf // // This class is ALICE interface to general mathematics in AliKFParticleCore // // -= Copyright © ALICE HLT Group =- //____________________________________________________________________________ #include "AliKFParticle.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TParticlePDG.h" #include "AliVTrack.h" #include "AliVVertex.h" ClassImp(AliKFParticle) Double_t AliKFParticle::fgBz = -5.; //* Bz compoment of the magnetic field AliKFParticle::AliKFParticle( const AliKFParticle &d1, const AliKFParticle &d2, Bool_t gamma ) { if (!gamma) { AliKFParticle mother; mother+= d1; mother+= d2; *this = mother; } else ConstructGamma(d1, d2); } void AliKFParticle::Create( const Double_t Param[], const Double_t Cov[], Int_t Charge, Int_t PID ) { // Constructor from "cartesian" track, PID hypothesis should be provided // // Param[6] = { X, Y, Z, Px, Py, Pz } - position and momentum // Cov [21] = lower-triangular part of the covariance matrix: // // ( 0 . . . . . ) // ( 1 2 . . . . ) // Cov. matrix = ( 3 4 5 . . . ) - numbering of covariance elements in Cov[] // ( 6 7 8 9 . . ) // ( 10 11 12 13 14 . ) // ( 15 16 17 18 19 20 ) Double_t C[21]; for( int i=0; i<21; i++ ) C[i] = Cov[i]; TParticlePDG* particlePDG = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(PID); Double_t mass = (particlePDG) ? particlePDG->Mass() :0.13957; AliKFParticleBase::Initialize( Param, C, Charge, mass ); } AliKFParticle::AliKFParticle( const AliVTrack &track, Int_t PID ) { // Constructor from ALICE track, PID hypothesis should be provided track.GetXYZ(fP); track.PxPyPz(fP+3); fQ = track.Charge(); track.GetCovarianceXYZPxPyPz( fC ); Create(fP,fC,fQ,PID); } AliKFParticle::AliKFParticle( const AliVVertex &vertex ) { // Constructor from ALICE vertex vertex.GetXYZ( fP ); vertex.GetCovarianceMatrix( fC ); fChi2 = vertex.GetChi2(); fNDF = 2*vertex.GetNContributors() - 3; fQ = 0; fAtProductionVertex = 0; fIsLinearized = 0; fSFromDecay = 0; } void AliKFParticle::GetExternalTrackParam( const AliKFParticleBase &p, Double_t &X, Double_t &Alpha, Double_t P[5] ) { // Conversion to AliExternalTrackParam parameterization Double_t cosA = p.GetPx(), sinA = p.GetPy(); Double_t pt = TMath::Sqrt(cosA*cosA + sinA*sinA); Double_t pti = 0; if( pt<1.e-4 ){ cosA = 1; sinA = 0; } else { pti = 1./pt; cosA*=pti; sinA*=pti; } Alpha = TMath::ATan2(sinA,cosA); X = p.GetX()*cosA + p.GetY()*sinA; P[0]= p.GetY()*cosA - p.GetX()*sinA; P[1]= p.GetZ(); P[2]= 0; P[3]= p.GetPz()*pti; P[4]= p.GetQ()*pti; } Bool_t AliKFParticle::GetDistanceFromVertexXY( const Double_t vtx[], const Double_t Cv[], Double_t &val, Double_t &err ) const { //* Calculate DCA distance from vertex (transverse impact parameter) in XY //* v = [xy], Cv=[Cxx,Cxy,Cyy ]-covariance matrix Bool_t ret = 0; Double_t mP[8]; Double_t mC[36]; Transport( GetDStoPoint(vtx), mP, mC ); Double_t dx = mP[0] - vtx[0]; Double_t dy = mP[1] - vtx[1]; Double_t px = mP[3]; Double_t py = mP[4]; Double_t pt = TMath::Sqrt(px*px + py*py); Double_t ex=0, ey=0; if( pt<1.e-4 ){ ret = 1; pt = 1.; val = 1.e4; } else{ ex = px/pt; ey = py/pt; val = dy*ex - dx*ey; } Double_t h0 = -ey; Double_t h1 = ex; Double_t h3 = (dy*ey + dx*ex)*ey/pt; Double_t h4 = -(dy*ey + dx*ex)*ex/pt; err = h0*(h0*GetCovariance(0,0) + h1*GetCovariance(0,1) + h3*GetCovariance(0,3) + h4*GetCovariance(0,4) ) + h1*(h0*GetCovariance(1,0) + h1*GetCovariance(1,1) + h3*GetCovariance(1,3) + h4*GetCovariance(1,4) ) + h3*(h0*GetCovariance(3,0) + h1*GetCovariance(3,1) + h3*GetCovariance(3,3) + h4*GetCovariance(3,4) ) + h4*(h0*GetCovariance(4,0) + h1*GetCovariance(4,1) + h3*GetCovariance(4,3) + h4*GetCovariance(4,4) ); if( Cv ){ err+= h0*(h0*Cv[0] + h1*Cv[1] ) + h1*(h0*Cv[1] + h1*Cv[2] ); } err = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(err)); return ret; } Bool_t AliKFParticle::GetDistanceFromVertexXY( const Double_t vtx[], Double_t &val, Double_t &err ) const { return GetDistanceFromVertexXY( vtx, 0, val, err ); } Bool_t AliKFParticle::GetDistanceFromVertexXY( const AliKFParticle &Vtx, Double_t &val, Double_t &err ) const { //* Calculate distance from vertex [cm] in XY-plane return GetDistanceFromVertexXY( Vtx.fP, Vtx.fC, val, err ); } Bool_t AliKFParticle::GetDistanceFromVertexXY( const AliVVertex &Vtx, Double_t &val, Double_t &err ) const { //* Calculate distance from vertex [cm] in XY-plane return GetDistanceFromVertexXY( AliKFParticle(Vtx), val, err ); } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetDistanceFromVertexXY( const Double_t vtx[] ) const { //* Calculate distance from vertex [cm] in XY-plane Double_t val, err; GetDistanceFromVertexXY( vtx, 0, val, err ); return val; } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetDistanceFromVertexXY( const AliKFParticle &Vtx ) const { //* Calculate distance from vertex [cm] in XY-plane return GetDistanceFromVertexXY( Vtx.fP ); } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetDistanceFromVertexXY( const AliVVertex &Vtx ) const { //* Calculate distance from vertex [cm] in XY-plane return GetDistanceFromVertexXY( AliKFParticle(Vtx).fP ); } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetDistanceFromParticleXY( const AliKFParticle &p ) const { //* Calculate distance to other particle [cm] Double_t dS, dS1; GetDStoParticleXY( p, dS, dS1 ); Double_t mP[8], mC[36], mP1[8], mC1[36]; Transport( dS, mP, mC ); p.Transport( dS1, mP1, mC1 ); Double_t dx = mP[0]-mP1[0]; Double_t dy = mP[1]-mP1[1]; return TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetDeviationFromParticleXY( const AliKFParticle &p ) const { //* Calculate sqrt(Chi2/ndf) deviation from other particle Double_t dS, dS1; GetDStoParticleXY( p, dS, dS1 ); Double_t mP1[8], mC1[36]; p.Transport( dS1, mP1, mC1 ); Double_t d[2]={ fP[0]-mP1[0], fP[1]-mP1[1] }; Double_t sigmaS = .1+10.*TMath::Sqrt( (d[0]*d[0]+d[1]*d[1] )/ (mP1[3]*mP1[3]+mP1[4]*mP1[4] ) ); Double_t h[2] = { mP1[3]*sigmaS, mP1[4]*sigmaS }; mC1[0] +=h[0]*h[0]; mC1[1] +=h[1]*h[0]; mC1[2] +=h[1]*h[1]; return GetDeviationFromVertexXY( mP1, mC1 )*TMath::Sqrt(2./1.); } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetDeviationFromVertexXY( const Double_t vtx[], const Double_t Cv[] ) const { //* Calculate sqrt(Chi2/ndf) deviation from vertex //* v = [xyz], Cv=[Cxx,Cxy,Cyy,Cxz,Cyz,Czz]-covariance matrix Double_t val, err; Bool_t problem = GetDistanceFromVertexXY( vtx, Cv, val, err ); if( problem || err<1.e-20 ) return 1.e4; else return val/err; } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetDeviationFromVertexXY( const AliKFParticle &Vtx ) const { //* Calculate sqrt(Chi2/ndf) deviation from vertex //* v = [xyz], Cv=[Cxx,Cxy,Cyy,Cxz,Cyz,Czz]-covariance matrix return GetDeviationFromVertexXY( Vtx.fP, Vtx.fC ); } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetDeviationFromVertexXY( const AliVVertex &Vtx ) const { //* Calculate sqrt(Chi2/ndf) deviation from vertex //* v = [xyz], Cv=[Cxx,Cxy,Cyy,Cxz,Cyz,Czz]-covariance matrix AliKFParticle v(Vtx); return GetDeviationFromVertexXY( v.fP, v.fC ); } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetAngle ( const AliKFParticle &p ) const { //* Calculate the opening angle between two particles Double_t dS, dS1; GetDStoParticle( p, dS, dS1 ); Double_t mP[8], mC[36], mP1[8], mC1[36]; Transport( dS, mP, mC ); p.Transport( dS1, mP1, mC1 ); Double_t n = TMath::Sqrt( mP[3]*mP[3] + mP[4]*mP[4] + mP[5]*mP[5] ); Double_t n1= TMath::Sqrt( mP1[3]*mP1[3] + mP1[4]*mP1[4] + mP1[5]*mP1[5] ); n*=n1; Double_t a = 0; if( n>1.e-8 ) a = ( mP[3]*mP1[3] + mP[4]*mP1[4] + mP[5]*mP1[5] )/n; if (TMath::Abs(a)<1.) a = TMath::ACos(a); else a = (a>=0) ?0 :TMath::Pi(); return a; } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetAngleXY( const AliKFParticle &p ) const { //* Calculate the opening angle between two particles in XY plane Double_t dS, dS1; GetDStoParticleXY( p, dS, dS1 ); Double_t mP[8], mC[36], mP1[8], mC1[36]; Transport( dS, mP, mC ); p.Transport( dS1, mP1, mC1 ); Double_t n = TMath::Sqrt( mP[3]*mP[3] + mP[4]*mP[4] ); Double_t n1= TMath::Sqrt( mP1[3]*mP1[3] + mP1[4]*mP1[4] ); n*=n1; Double_t a = 0; if( n>1.e-8 ) a = ( mP[3]*mP1[3] + mP[4]*mP1[4] )/n; if (TMath::Abs(a)<1.) a = TMath::ACos(a); else a = (a>=0) ?0 :TMath::Pi(); return a; } Double_t AliKFParticle::GetAngleRZ( const AliKFParticle &p ) const { //* Calculate the opening angle between two particles in RZ plane Double_t dS, dS1; GetDStoParticle( p, dS, dS1 ); Double_t mP[8], mC[36], mP1[8], mC1[36]; Transport( dS, mP, mC ); p.Transport( dS1, mP1, mC1 ); Double_t nr = TMath::Sqrt( mP[3]*mP[3] + mP[4]*mP[4] ); Double_t n1r= TMath::Sqrt( mP1[3]*mP1[3] + mP1[4]*mP1[4] ); Double_t n = TMath::Sqrt( nr*nr + mP[5]*mP[5] ); Double_t n1= TMath::Sqrt( n1r*n1r + mP1[5]*mP1[5] ); n*=n1; Double_t a = 0; if( n>1.e-8 ) a = ( nr*n1r +mP[5]*mP1[5])/n; if (TMath::Abs(a)<1.) a = TMath::ACos(a); else a = (a>=0) ?0 :TMath::Pi(); return a; } /* #include "AliExternalTrackParam.h" void AliKFParticle::GetDStoParticleALICE( const AliKFParticleBase &p, Double_t &DS, Double_t &DS1 ) const { DS = DS1 = 0; Double_t x1, a1, x2, a2; Double_t par1[5], par2[5], cov[15]; for(int i=0; i<15; i++) cov[i] = 0; cov[0] = cov[2] = cov[5] = cov[9] = cov[14] = .001; GetExternalTrackParam( *this, x1, a1, par1 ); GetExternalTrackParam( p, x2, a2, par2 ); AliExternalTrackParam t1(x1,a1, par1, cov); AliExternalTrackParam t2(x2,a2, par2, cov); Double_t xe1=0, xe2=0; t1.GetDCA( &t2, -GetFieldAlice(), xe1, xe2 ); t1.PropagateTo( xe1, -GetFieldAlice() ); t2.PropagateTo( xe2, -GetFieldAlice() ); Double_t xyz1[3], xyz2[3]; t1.GetXYZ( xyz1 ); t2.GetXYZ( xyz2 ); DS = GetDStoPoint( xyz1 ); DS1 = p.GetDStoPoint( xyz2 ); return; } */ // * Pseudo Proper Time of decay = (r*pt) / |pt| * M/|pt| Double_t AliKFParticle::GetPseudoProperDecayTime( const AliKFParticle &pV, const Double_t& mass, Double_t* timeErr2 ) const { // TODO optimize with respect to time and stability const Double_t ipt2 = 1/( Px()*Px() + Py()*Py() ); const Double_t mipt2 = mass*ipt2; const Double_t dx = X() - pV.X(); const Double_t dy = Y() - pV.Y(); if ( timeErr2 ) { // -- calculate error = sigma(f(r)) = f'Cf' // r = {x,y,px,py,x_pV,y_pV} // df/dr = { px*m/pt^2, // py*m/pt^2, // ( x - x_pV )*m*(1/pt^2 - 2(px/pt^2)^2), // ( y - y_pV )*m*(1/pt^2 - 2(py/pt^2)^2), // -px*m/pt^2, // -py*m/pt^2 } const Double_t f0 = Px()*mipt2; const Double_t f1 = Py()*mipt2; const Double_t mipt2derivative = mipt2*(1-2*Px()*Px()*ipt2); const Double_t f2 = dx*mipt2derivative; const Double_t f3 = -dy*mipt2derivative; const Double_t f4 = -f0; const Double_t f5 = -f1; const Double_t& C00 = GetCovariance(0,0); const Double_t& C10 = GetCovariance(0,1); const Double_t& C11 = GetCovariance(1,1); const Double_t& C20 = GetCovariance(3,0); const Double_t& C21 = GetCovariance(3,1); const Double_t& C22 = GetCovariance(3,3); const Double_t& C30 = GetCovariance(4,0); const Double_t& C31 = GetCovariance(4,1); const Double_t& C32 = GetCovariance(4,3); const Double_t& C33 = GetCovariance(4,4); const Double_t& C44 = pV.GetCovariance(0,0); const Double_t& C54 = pV.GetCovariance(1,0); const Double_t& C55 = pV.GetCovariance(1,1); *timeErr2 = f5*C55*f5 + f5*C54*f4 + f4*C44*f4 + f3*C33*f3 + f3*C32*f2 + f3*C31*f1 + f3*C30*f0 + f2*C22*f2 + f2*C21*f1 + f2*C20*f0 + f1*C11*f1 + f1*C10*f0 + f0*C00*f0; } return ( dx*Px() + dy*Py() )*mipt2; }