//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the AliKFParticleBase class // . // @author S.Gorbunov, I.Kisel, I.Kulakov, M.Zyzak // @version 1.0 // @since 13.05.07 // // Class to reconstruct and store the decayed particle parameters. // The method is described in CBM-SOFT note 2007-003, // ``Reconstruction of decayed particles based on the Kalman filter'', // http://www.gsi.de/documents/DOC-2007-May-14-1.pdf // // This class describes general mathematics which is used by AliKFParticle class // // -= Copyright © ALICE HLT Group =- //_________________________________________________________________________________ #include "AliKFParticleBase.h" #include "TMath.h" #include ClassImp(AliKFParticleBase) AliKFParticleBase::AliKFParticleBase() :fQ(0), fNDF(-3), fChi2(0), fSFromDecay(0), fAtProductionVertex(0), fIsLinearized(0), fConstructMethod(2), SumDaughterMass(0), fMassHypo(-1) { //* Constructor Initialize(); } void AliKFParticleBase::Initialize( const Double_t Param[], const Double_t Cov[], Int_t Charge, Double_t Mass ) { // Constructor from "cartesian" track, particle mass hypothesis should be provided // // Param[6] = { X, Y, Z, Px, Py, Pz } - position and momentum // Cov [21] = lower-triangular part of the covariance matrix: // // ( 0 . . . . . ) // ( 1 2 . . . . ) // Cov. matrix = ( 3 4 5 . . . ) - numbering of covariance elements in Cov[] // ( 6 7 8 9 . . ) // ( 10 11 12 13 14 . ) // ( 15 16 17 18 19 20 ) for( Int_t i=0; i<6 ; i++ ) fP[i] = Param[i]; for( Int_t i=0; i<21; i++ ) fC[i] = Cov[i]; Double_t energy = TMath::Sqrt( Mass*Mass + fP[3]*fP[3] + fP[4]*fP[4] + fP[5]*fP[5]); fP[6] = energy; fP[7] = 0; fQ = Charge; fNDF = 0; fChi2 = 0; fAtProductionVertex = 0; fIsLinearized = 0; fSFromDecay = 0; Double_t energyInv = 1./energy; Double_t h0 = fP[3]*energyInv, h1 = fP[4]*energyInv, h2 = fP[5]*energyInv; fC[21] = h0*fC[ 6] + h1*fC[10] + h2*fC[15]; fC[22] = h0*fC[ 7] + h1*fC[11] + h2*fC[16]; fC[23] = h0*fC[ 8] + h1*fC[12] + h2*fC[17]; fC[24] = h0*fC[ 9] + h1*fC[13] + h2*fC[18]; fC[25] = h0*fC[13] + h1*fC[14] + h2*fC[19]; fC[26] = h0*fC[18] + h1*fC[19] + h2*fC[20]; fC[27] = ( h0*h0*fC[ 9] + h1*h1*fC[14] + h2*h2*fC[20] + 2*(h0*h1*fC[13] + h0*h2*fC[18] + h1*h2*fC[19] ) ); for( Int_t i=28; i<36; i++ ) fC[i] = 0; fC[35] = 1.; SumDaughterMass = Mass; fMassHypo = Mass; } void AliKFParticleBase::Initialize() { //* Initialise covariance matrix and set current parameters to 0.0 for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++) fP[i] = 0; for(Int_t i=0;i<36;++i) fC[i]=0.; fC[0] = fC[2] = fC[5] = 100.; fC[35] = 1.; fNDF = -3; fChi2 = 0.; fQ = 0; fSFromDecay = 0; fAtProductionVertex = 0; fVtxGuess[0]=fVtxGuess[1]=fVtxGuess[2]=0.; fIsLinearized = 0; SumDaughterMass = 0; fMassHypo = -1; } void AliKFParticleBase::SetVtxGuess( Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z ) { //* Set decay vertex parameters for linearisation fVtxGuess[0] = x; fVtxGuess[1] = y; fVtxGuess[2] = z; fIsLinearized = 1; } Int_t AliKFParticleBase::GetMomentum( Double_t &p, Double_t &error ) const { //* Calculate particle momentum Double_t x = fP[3]; Double_t y = fP[4]; Double_t z = fP[5]; Double_t x2 = x*x; Double_t y2 = y*y; Double_t z2 = z*z; Double_t p2 = x2+y2+z2; p = TMath::Sqrt(p2); error = (x2*fC[9]+y2*fC[14]+z2*fC[20] + 2*(x*y*fC[13]+x*z*fC[18]+y*z*fC[19]) ); if( error>1.e-16 && p>1.e-4 ){ error = TMath::Sqrt(error)/p; return 0; } error = 1.e8; return 1; } Int_t AliKFParticleBase::GetPt( Double_t &pt, Double_t &error ) const { //* Calculate particle transverse momentum Double_t px = fP[3]; Double_t py = fP[4]; Double_t px2 = px*px; Double_t py2 = py*py; Double_t pt2 = px2+py2; pt = TMath::Sqrt(pt2); error = (px2*fC[9] + py2*fC[14] + 2*px*py*fC[13] ); if( error>0 && pt>1.e-4 ){ error = TMath::Sqrt(error)/pt; return 0; } error = 1.e10; return 1; } Int_t AliKFParticleBase::GetEta( Double_t &eta, Double_t &error ) const { //* Calculate particle pseudorapidity Double_t px = fP[3]; Double_t py = fP[4]; Double_t pz = fP[5]; Double_t pt2 = px*px + py*py; Double_t p2 = pt2 + pz*pz; Double_t p = TMath::Sqrt(p2); Double_t a = p + pz; Double_t b = p - pz; eta = 1.e10; if( b > 1.e-8 ){ Double_t c = a/b; if( c>1.e-8 ) eta = 0.5*TMath::Log(c); } Double_t h3 = -px*pz; Double_t h4 = -py*pz; Double_t pt4 = pt2*pt2; Double_t p2pt4 = p2*pt4; error = (h3*h3*fC[9] + h4*h4*fC[14] + pt4*fC[20] + 2*( h3*(h4*fC[13] + fC[18]*pt2) + pt2*h4*fC[19] ) ); if( error>0 && p2pt4>1.e-10 ){ error = TMath::Sqrt(error/p2pt4); return 0; } error = 1.e10; return 1; } Int_t AliKFParticleBase::GetPhi( Double_t &phi, Double_t &error ) const { //* Calculate particle polar angle Double_t px = fP[3]; Double_t py = fP[4]; Double_t px2 = px*px; Double_t py2 = py*py; Double_t pt2 = px2 + py2; phi = TMath::ATan2(py,px); error = (py2*fC[9] + px2*fC[14] - 2*px*py*fC[13] ); if( error>0 && pt2>1.e-4 ){ error = TMath::Sqrt(error)/pt2; return 0; } error = 1.e10; return 1; } Int_t AliKFParticleBase::GetR( Double_t &r, Double_t &error ) const { //* Calculate distance to the origin Double_t x = fP[0]; Double_t y = fP[1]; Double_t x2 = x*x; Double_t y2 = y*y; r = TMath::Sqrt(x2 + y2); error = (x2*fC[0] + y2*fC[2] - 2*x*y*fC[1] ); if( error>0 && r>1.e-4 ){ error = TMath::Sqrt(error)/r; return 0; } error = 1.e10; return 1; } Int_t AliKFParticleBase::GetMass( Double_t &m, Double_t &error ) const { //* Calculate particle mass // s = sigma^2 of m2/2 Double_t s = ( fP[3]*fP[3]*fC[9] + fP[4]*fP[4]*fC[14] + fP[5]*fP[5]*fC[20] + fP[6]*fP[6]*fC[27] +2*( + fP[3]*fP[4]*fC[13] + fP[5]*(fP[3]*fC[18] + fP[4]*fC[19]) - fP[6]*( fP[3]*fC[24] + fP[4]*fC[25] + fP[5]*fC[26] ) ) ); // Double_t m2 = TMath::Abs(fP[6]*fP[6] - fP[3]*fP[3] - fP[4]*fP[4] - fP[5]*fP[5]); // m = TMath::Sqrt(m2); // if( m>1.e-10 ){ // if( s>=0 ){ // error = TMath::Sqrt(s)/m; // return 0; // } // } // error = 1.e20; // return 1; Double_t m2 = (fP[6]*fP[6] - fP[3]*fP[3] - fP[4]*fP[4] - fP[5]*fP[5]); if(m2<0.) { error = 1.e20; m = -TMath::Sqrt(-m2); return 1; } m = TMath::Sqrt(m2); if( m>1.e-6 ){ if( s >= 0 ) { error = TMath::Sqrt(s)/m; return 0; } } else { error = 1.e20; return 0; } error = 1.e20; return 1; } Int_t AliKFParticleBase::GetDecayLength( Double_t &l, Double_t &error ) const { //* Calculate particle decay length [cm] Double_t x = fP[3]; Double_t y = fP[4]; Double_t z = fP[5]; Double_t t = fP[7]; Double_t x2 = x*x; Double_t y2 = y*y; Double_t z2 = z*z; Double_t p2 = x2+y2+z2; l = t*TMath::Sqrt(p2); if( p2>1.e-4){ error = p2*fC[35] + t*t/p2*(x2*fC[9]+y2*fC[14]+z2*fC[20] + 2*(x*y*fC[13]+x*z*fC[18]+y*z*fC[19]) ) + 2*t*(x*fC[31]+y*fC[32]+z*fC[33]); error = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(error)); return 0; } error = 1.e20; return 1; } Int_t AliKFParticleBase::GetDecayLengthXY( Double_t &l, Double_t &error ) const { //* Calculate particle decay length in XY projection [cm] Double_t x = fP[3]; Double_t y = fP[4]; Double_t t = fP[7]; Double_t x2 = x*x; Double_t y2 = y*y; Double_t pt2 = x2+y2; l = t*TMath::Sqrt(pt2); if( pt2>1.e-4){ error = pt2*fC[35] + t*t/pt2*(x2*fC[9]+y2*fC[14] + 2*x*y*fC[13] ) + 2*t*(x*fC[31]+y*fC[32]); error = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Abs(error)); return 0; } error = 1.e20; return 1; } Int_t AliKFParticleBase::GetLifeTime( Double_t &tauC, Double_t &error ) const { //* Calculate particle decay time [s] Double_t m, dm; GetMass( m, dm ); Double_t cTM = (-fP[3]*fC[31] - fP[4]*fC[32] - fP[5]*fC[33] + fP[6]*fC[34]); tauC = fP[7]*m; error = m*m*fC[35] + 2*fP[7]*cTM + fP[7]*fP[7]*dm*dm; if( error > 0 ){ error = TMath::Sqrt( error ); return 0; } error = 1.e20; return 1; } void AliKFParticleBase::operator +=( const AliKFParticleBase &Daughter ) { //* Add daughter via operator+= AddDaughter( Daughter ); } Double_t AliKFParticleBase::GetSCorrection( const Double_t Part[], const Double_t XYZ[] ) { //* Get big enough correction for S error to let the particle Part be fitted to XYZ point Double_t d[3] = { XYZ[0]-Part[0], XYZ[1]-Part[1], XYZ[2]-Part[2] }; Double_t p2 = Part[3]*Part[3]+Part[4]*Part[4]+Part[5]*Part[5]; Double_t sigmaS = (p2>1.e-4) ? ( 10.1+3.*TMath::Sqrt( d[0]*d[0]+d[1]*d[1]+d[2]*d[2]) )/TMath::Sqrt(p2) : 1.; return sigmaS; } void AliKFParticleBase::GetMeasurement( const Double_t XYZ[], Double_t m[], Double_t V[] ) const { //* Get additional covariances V used during measurement Double_t b[3]; GetFieldValue( XYZ, b ); const Double_t kCLight = 0.000299792458; b[0]*=kCLight; b[1]*=kCLight; b[2]*=kCLight; Transport( GetDStoPoint(XYZ), m, V ); Double_t sigmaS = GetSCorrection( m, XYZ ); Double_t h[6]; h[0] = m[3]*sigmaS; h[1] = m[4]*sigmaS; h[2] = m[5]*sigmaS; h[3] = ( h[1]*b[2]-h[2]*b[1] )*GetQ(); h[4] = ( h[2]*b[0]-h[0]*b[2] )*GetQ(); h[5] = ( h[0]*b[1]-h[1]*b[0] )*GetQ(); V[ 0]+= h[0]*h[0]; V[ 1]+= h[1]*h[0]; V[ 2]+= h[1]*h[1]; V[ 3]+= h[2]*h[0]; V[ 4]+= h[2]*h[1]; V[ 5]+= h[2]*h[2]; V[ 6]+= h[3]*h[0]; V[ 7]+= h[3]*h[1]; V[ 8]+= h[3]*h[2]; V[ 9]+= h[3]*h[3]; V[10]+= h[4]*h[0]; V[11]+= h[4]*h[1]; V[12]+= h[4]*h[2]; V[13]+= h[4]*h[3]; V[14]+= h[4]*h[4]; V[15]+= h[5]*h[0]; V[16]+= h[5]*h[1]; V[17]+= h[5]*h[2]; V[18]+= h[5]*h[3]; V[19]+= h[5]*h[4]; V[20]+= h[5]*h[5]; } void AliKFParticleBase::AddDaughter( const AliKFParticleBase &Daughter ) { if( fNDF<-1 ){ // first daughter -> just copy fNDF = -1; fQ = Daughter.GetQ(); for( Int_t i=0; i<7; i++) fP[i] = Daughter.fP[i]; for( Int_t i=0; i<28; i++) fC[i] = Daughter.fC[i]; fSFromDecay = 0; fMassHypo = Daughter.fMassHypo; SumDaughterMass = Daughter.SumDaughterMass; return; } if(fConstructMethod == 0) AddDaughterWithEnergyFit(Daughter); else if(fConstructMethod == 1) AddDaughterWithEnergyCalc(Daughter); else if(fConstructMethod == 2) AddDaughterWithEnergyFitMC(Daughter); SumDaughterMass += Daughter.SumDaughterMass; fMassHypo = -1; } void AliKFParticleBase::AddDaughterWithEnergyFit( const AliKFParticleBase &Daughter ) { //* Energy considered as an independent veriable, fitted independently from momentum, without any constraints on mass //* Add daughter TransportToDecayVertex(); Double_t b[3]; Int_t maxIter = 1; if( !fIsLinearized ){ if( fNDF==-1 ){ Double_t ds, ds1; GetDStoParticle(Daughter, ds, ds1); TransportToDS( ds ); Double_t m[8]; Double_t mCd[36]; Daughter.Transport( ds1, m, mCd ); fVtxGuess[0] = .5*( fP[0] + m[0] ); fVtxGuess[1] = .5*( fP[1] + m[1] ); fVtxGuess[2] = .5*( fP[2] + m[2] ); } else { fVtxGuess[0] = fP[0]; fVtxGuess[1] = fP[1]; fVtxGuess[2] = fP[2]; } maxIter = 3; } for( Int_t iter=0; iter0 ){ Daughter.GetMeasurement( fVtxGuess, m, mV ); } else { for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++ ) m[i] = Daughter.fP[i]; for( Int_t i=0; i<36; i++ ) mV[i] = Daughter.fC[i]; } //* Double_t mS[6]; { Double_t mSi[6] = { ffC[0]+mV[0], ffC[1]+mV[1], ffC[2]+mV[2], ffC[3]+mV[3], ffC[4]+mV[4], ffC[5]+mV[5] }; mS[0] = mSi[2]*mSi[5] - mSi[4]*mSi[4]; mS[1] = mSi[3]*mSi[4] - mSi[1]*mSi[5]; mS[2] = mSi[0]*mSi[5] - mSi[3]*mSi[3]; mS[3] = mSi[1]*mSi[4] - mSi[2]*mSi[3]; mS[4] = mSi[1]*mSi[3] - mSi[0]*mSi[4]; mS[5] = mSi[0]*mSi[2] - mSi[1]*mSi[1]; Double_t s = ( mSi[0]*mS[0] + mSi[1]*mS[1] + mSi[3]*mS[3] ); s = ( TMath::Abs(s) > 1.E-20 ) ?1./s :0; mS[0]*=s; mS[1]*=s; mS[2]*=s; mS[3]*=s; mS[4]*=s; mS[5]*=s; } //* Residual (measured - estimated) Double_t zeta[3] = { m[0]-ffP[0], m[1]-ffP[1], m[2]-ffP[2] }; //* CHt = CH' - D' Double_t mCHt0[7], mCHt1[7], mCHt2[7]; mCHt0[0]=ffC[ 0] ; mCHt1[0]=ffC[ 1] ; mCHt2[0]=ffC[ 3] ; mCHt0[1]=ffC[ 1] ; mCHt1[1]=ffC[ 2] ; mCHt2[1]=ffC[ 4] ; mCHt0[2]=ffC[ 3] ; mCHt1[2]=ffC[ 4] ; mCHt2[2]=ffC[ 5] ; mCHt0[3]=ffC[ 6]-mV[ 6]; mCHt1[3]=ffC[ 7]-mV[ 7]; mCHt2[3]=ffC[ 8]-mV[ 8]; mCHt0[4]=ffC[10]-mV[10]; mCHt1[4]=ffC[11]-mV[11]; mCHt2[4]=ffC[12]-mV[12]; mCHt0[5]=ffC[15]-mV[15]; mCHt1[5]=ffC[16]-mV[16]; mCHt2[5]=ffC[17]-mV[17]; mCHt0[6]=ffC[21]-mV[21]; mCHt1[6]=ffC[22]-mV[22]; mCHt2[6]=ffC[23]-mV[23]; //* Kalman gain K = mCH'*S Double_t k0[7], k1[7], k2[7]; for(Int_t i=0;i<7;++i){ k0[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[0] + mCHt1[i]*mS[1] + mCHt2[i]*mS[3]; k1[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[1] + mCHt1[i]*mS[2] + mCHt2[i]*mS[4]; k2[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[3] + mCHt1[i]*mS[4] + mCHt2[i]*mS[5]; } //* New estimation of the vertex position if( iter update the particle //* Add the daughter momentum to the particle momentum ffP[ 3] += m[ 3]; ffP[ 4] += m[ 4]; ffP[ 5] += m[ 5]; ffP[ 6] += m[ 6]; ffC[ 9] += mV[ 9]; ffC[13] += mV[13]; ffC[14] += mV[14]; ffC[18] += mV[18]; ffC[19] += mV[19]; ffC[20] += mV[20]; ffC[24] += mV[24]; ffC[25] += mV[25]; ffC[26] += mV[26]; ffC[27] += mV[27]; //* New estimation of the vertex position r += K*zeta for(Int_t i=0;i<7;++i) fP[i] = ffP[i] + k0[i]*zeta[0] + k1[i]*zeta[1] + k2[i]*zeta[2]; //* New covariance matrix C -= K*(mCH')' for(Int_t i=0, k=0;i<7;++i){ for(Int_t j=0;j<=i;++j,++k){ fC[k] = ffC[k] - (k0[i]*mCHt0[j] + k1[i]*mCHt1[j] + k2[i]*mCHt2[j] ); } } //* Calculate Chi^2 fNDF += 2; fQ += Daughter.GetQ(); fSFromDecay = 0; fChi2 += (mS[0]*zeta[0] + mS[1]*zeta[1] + mS[3]*zeta[2])*zeta[0] + (mS[1]*zeta[0] + mS[2]*zeta[1] + mS[4]*zeta[2])*zeta[1] + (mS[3]*zeta[0] + mS[4]*zeta[1] + mS[5]*zeta[2])*zeta[2]; } } void AliKFParticleBase::AddDaughterWithEnergyCalc( const AliKFParticleBase &Daughter ) { //* Energy considered as a dependent variable, calculated from the momentum and mass hypothesis //* Add daughter TransportToDecayVertex(); Double_t b[3]; Int_t maxIter = 1; if( !fIsLinearized ){ if( fNDF==-1 ){ Double_t ds, ds1; GetDStoParticle(Daughter, ds, ds1); TransportToDS( ds ); Double_t m[8]; Double_t mCd[36]; Daughter.Transport( ds1, m, mCd ); fVtxGuess[0] = .5*( fP[0] + m[0] ); fVtxGuess[1] = .5*( fP[1] + m[1] ); fVtxGuess[2] = .5*( fP[2] + m[2] ); } else { fVtxGuess[0] = fP[0]; fVtxGuess[1] = fP[1]; fVtxGuess[2] = fP[2]; } maxIter = 3; } for( Int_t iter=0; iter0 ){ Daughter.GetMeasurement( fVtxGuess, m, mV ); } else { for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++ ) m[i] = Daughter.fP[i]; for( Int_t i=0; i<36; i++ ) mV[i] = Daughter.fC[i]; } double massMf2 = m[6]*m[6] - (m[3]*m[3] + m[4]*m[4] + m[5]*m[5]); double massRf2 = fP[6]*fP[6] - (fP[3]*fP[3] + fP[4]*fP[4] + fP[5]*fP[5]); //* Double_t mS[6]; { Double_t mSi[6] = { ffC[0]+mV[0], ffC[1]+mV[1], ffC[2]+mV[2], ffC[3]+mV[3], ffC[4]+mV[4], ffC[5]+mV[5] }; mS[0] = mSi[2]*mSi[5] - mSi[4]*mSi[4]; mS[1] = mSi[3]*mSi[4] - mSi[1]*mSi[5]; mS[2] = mSi[0]*mSi[5] - mSi[3]*mSi[3]; mS[3] = mSi[1]*mSi[4] - mSi[2]*mSi[3]; mS[4] = mSi[1]*mSi[3] - mSi[0]*mSi[4]; mS[5] = mSi[0]*mSi[2] - mSi[1]*mSi[1]; Double_t s = ( mSi[0]*mS[0] + mSi[1]*mS[1] + mSi[3]*mS[3] ); s = ( s > 1.E-20 ) ?1./s :0; mS[0]*=s; mS[1]*=s; mS[2]*=s; mS[3]*=s; mS[4]*=s; mS[5]*=s; } //* Residual (measured - estimated) Double_t zeta[3] = { m[0]-ffP[0], m[1]-ffP[1], m[2]-ffP[2] }; //* CHt = CH' - D' Double_t mCHt0[6], mCHt1[6], mCHt2[6]; mCHt0[0]=ffC[ 0] ; mCHt1[0]=ffC[ 1] ; mCHt2[0]=ffC[ 3] ; mCHt0[1]=ffC[ 1] ; mCHt1[1]=ffC[ 2] ; mCHt2[1]=ffC[ 4] ; mCHt0[2]=ffC[ 3] ; mCHt1[2]=ffC[ 4] ; mCHt2[2]=ffC[ 5] ; mCHt0[3]=ffC[ 6]-mV[ 6]; mCHt1[3]=ffC[ 7]-mV[ 7]; mCHt2[3]=ffC[ 8]-mV[ 8]; mCHt0[4]=ffC[10]-mV[10]; mCHt1[4]=ffC[11]-mV[11]; mCHt2[4]=ffC[12]-mV[12]; mCHt0[5]=ffC[15]-mV[15]; mCHt1[5]=ffC[16]-mV[16]; mCHt2[5]=ffC[17]-mV[17]; //* Kalman gain K = mCH'*S Double_t k0[6], k1[6], k2[6]; for(Int_t i=0;i<6;++i){ k0[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[0] + mCHt1[i]*mS[1] + mCHt2[i]*mS[3]; k1[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[1] + mCHt1[i]*mS[2] + mCHt2[i]*mS[4]; k2[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[3] + mCHt1[i]*mS[4] + mCHt2[i]*mS[5]; } //* New estimation of the vertex position if( iter update the particle //* Add the daughter momentum to the particle momentum ffP[ 3] += m[ 3]; ffP[ 4] += m[ 4]; ffP[ 5] += m[ 5]; ffC[ 9] += mV[ 9]; ffC[13] += mV[13]; ffC[14] += mV[14]; ffC[18] += mV[18]; ffC[19] += mV[19]; ffC[20] += mV[20]; ffC[24] += mV[24]; ffC[25] += mV[25]; ffC[26] += mV[26]; ffC[27] += mV[27]; ffC[21] += mDe[0]; ffC[22] += mDe[1]; ffC[23] += mDe[2]; ffC[24] += mDe[3]; ffC[25] += mDe[4]; ffC[26] += mDe[5]; ffC[27] += mDe[6]; //* New estimation of the vertex position r += K*zeta for(Int_t i=0;i<6;++i) fP[i] = ffP[i] + k0[i]*zeta[0] + k1[i]*zeta[1] + k2[i]*zeta[2]; //* New covariance matrix C -= K*(mCH')' for(Int_t i=0, k=0;i<6;++i){ for(Int_t j=0;j<=i;++j,++k){ fC[k] = ffC[k] - (k0[i]*mCHt0[j] + k1[i]*mCHt1[j] + k2[i]*mCHt2[j] ); } } for(int i=21; i<28; i++) fC[i] = ffC[i]; //* Calculate Chi^2 fNDF += 2; fQ += Daughter.GetQ(); fSFromDecay = 0; fChi2 += (mS[0]*zeta[0] + mS[1]*zeta[1] + mS[3]*zeta[2])*zeta[0] + (mS[1]*zeta[0] + mS[2]*zeta[1] + mS[4]*zeta[2])*zeta[1] + (mS[3]*zeta[0] + mS[4]*zeta[1] + mS[5]*zeta[2])*zeta[2]; } } void AliKFParticleBase::AddDaughterWithEnergyFitMC( const AliKFParticleBase &Daughter ) { //* Energy considered as an independent variable, fitted independently from momentum, without any constraints on mass //* Add daughter TransportToDecayVertex(); Double_t b[3]; Int_t maxIter = 1; if( !fIsLinearized ){ if( fNDF==-1 ){ Double_t ds, ds1; GetDStoParticle(Daughter, ds, ds1); TransportToDS( ds ); Double_t m[8]; Double_t mCd[36]; Daughter.Transport( ds1, m, mCd ); fVtxGuess[0] = .5*( fP[0] + m[0] ); fVtxGuess[1] = .5*( fP[1] + m[1] ); fVtxGuess[2] = .5*( fP[2] + m[2] ); } else { fVtxGuess[0] = fP[0]; fVtxGuess[1] = fP[1]; fVtxGuess[2] = fP[2]; } maxIter = 3; } for( Int_t iter=0; iter0 ){ Daughter.GetMeasurement( fVtxGuess, m, mV ); } else { for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++ ) m[i] = Daughter.fP[i]; for( Int_t i=0; i<36; i++ ) mV[i] = Daughter.fC[i]; } //* Double_t mS[6]; { Double_t mSi[6] = { ffC[0]+mV[0], ffC[1]+mV[1], ffC[2]+mV[2], ffC[3]+mV[3], ffC[4]+mV[4], ffC[5]+mV[5] }; mS[0] = mSi[2]*mSi[5] - mSi[4]*mSi[4]; mS[1] = mSi[3]*mSi[4] - mSi[1]*mSi[5]; mS[2] = mSi[0]*mSi[5] - mSi[3]*mSi[3]; mS[3] = mSi[1]*mSi[4] - mSi[2]*mSi[3]; mS[4] = mSi[1]*mSi[3] - mSi[0]*mSi[4]; mS[5] = mSi[0]*mSi[2] - mSi[1]*mSi[1]; Double_t s = ( mSi[0]*mS[0] + mSi[1]*mS[1] + mSi[3]*mS[3] ); s = ( s > 1.E-20 ) ?1./s :0; mS[0]*=s; mS[1]*=s; mS[2]*=s; mS[3]*=s; mS[4]*=s; mS[5]*=s; } //* Residual (measured - estimated) Double_t zeta[3] = { m[0]-ffP[0], m[1]-ffP[1], m[2]-ffP[2] }; //* CHt = CH' Double_t mCHt0[7], mCHt1[7], mCHt2[7]; mCHt0[0]=ffC[ 0] ; mCHt1[0]=ffC[ 1] ; mCHt2[0]=ffC[ 3] ; mCHt0[1]=ffC[ 1] ; mCHt1[1]=ffC[ 2] ; mCHt2[1]=ffC[ 4] ; mCHt0[2]=ffC[ 3] ; mCHt1[2]=ffC[ 4] ; mCHt2[2]=ffC[ 5] ; mCHt0[3]=ffC[ 6] ; mCHt1[3]=ffC[ 7] ; mCHt2[3]=ffC[ 8] ; mCHt0[4]=ffC[10] ; mCHt1[4]=ffC[11] ; mCHt2[4]=ffC[12] ; mCHt0[5]=ffC[15] ; mCHt1[5]=ffC[16] ; mCHt2[5]=ffC[17] ; mCHt0[6]=ffC[21] ; mCHt1[6]=ffC[22] ; mCHt2[6]=ffC[23] ; //* Kalman gain K = mCH'*S Double_t k0[7], k1[7], k2[7]; for(Int_t i=0;i<7;++i){ k0[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[0] + mCHt1[i]*mS[1] + mCHt2[i]*mS[3]; k1[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[1] + mCHt1[i]*mS[2] + mCHt2[i]*mS[4]; k2[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[3] + mCHt1[i]*mS[4] + mCHt2[i]*mS[5]; } //* New estimation of the vertex position if( iter update the particle //* VHt = VH' Double_t mVHt0[7], mVHt1[7], mVHt2[7]; mVHt0[0]=mV[ 0] ; mVHt1[0]=mV[ 1] ; mVHt2[0]=mV[ 3] ; mVHt0[1]=mV[ 1] ; mVHt1[1]=mV[ 2] ; mVHt2[1]=mV[ 4] ; mVHt0[2]=mV[ 3] ; mVHt1[2]=mV[ 4] ; mVHt2[2]=mV[ 5] ; mVHt0[3]=mV[ 6] ; mVHt1[3]=mV[ 7] ; mVHt2[3]=mV[ 8] ; mVHt0[4]=mV[10] ; mVHt1[4]=mV[11] ; mVHt2[4]=mV[12] ; mVHt0[5]=mV[15] ; mVHt1[5]=mV[16] ; mVHt2[5]=mV[17] ; mVHt0[6]=mV[21] ; mVHt1[6]=mV[22] ; mVHt2[6]=mV[23] ; //* Kalman gain Km = mCH'*S Double_t km0[7], km1[7], km2[7]; for(Int_t i=0;i<7;++i){ km0[i] = mVHt0[i]*mS[0] + mVHt1[i]*mS[1] + mVHt2[i]*mS[3]; km1[i] = mVHt0[i]*mS[1] + mVHt1[i]*mS[2] + mVHt2[i]*mS[4]; km2[i] = mVHt0[i]*mS[3] + mVHt1[i]*mS[4] + mVHt2[i]*mS[5]; } for(Int_t i=0;i<7;++i) ffP[i] = ffP[i] + k0[i]*zeta[0] + k1[i]*zeta[1] + k2[i]*zeta[2]; for(Int_t i=0;i<7;++i) m[i] = m[i] - km0[i]*zeta[0] - km1[i]*zeta[1] - km2[i]*zeta[2]; for(Int_t i=0, k=0;i<7;++i){ for(Int_t j=0;j<=i;++j,++k){ ffC[k] = ffC[k] - (k0[i]*mCHt0[j] + k1[i]*mCHt1[j] + k2[i]*mCHt2[j] ); } } for(Int_t i=0, k=0;i<7;++i){ for(Int_t j=0;j<=i;++j,++k){ mV[k] = mV[k] - (km0[i]*mVHt0[j] + km1[i]*mVHt1[j] + km2[i]*mVHt2[j] ); } } Double_t mDf[7][7]; for(Int_t i=0;i<7;++i){ for(Int_t j=0;j<7;++j){ mDf[i][j] = (km0[i]*mCHt0[j] + km1[i]*mCHt1[j] + km2[i]*mCHt2[j] ); } } Double_t mJ1[7][7], mJ2[7][7]; for(Int_t iPar1=0; iPar1<7; iPar1++) { for(Int_t iPar2=0; iPar2<7; iPar2++) { mJ1[iPar1][iPar2] = 0; mJ2[iPar1][iPar2] = 0; } } Double_t mMassParticle = ffP[6]*ffP[6] - (ffP[3]*ffP[3] + ffP[4]*ffP[4] + ffP[5]*ffP[5]); Double_t mMassDaughter = m[6]*m[6] - (m[3]*m[3] + m[4]*m[4] + m[5]*m[5]); if(mMassParticle > 0) mMassParticle = TMath::Sqrt(mMassParticle); if(mMassDaughter > 0) mMassDaughter = TMath::Sqrt(mMassDaughter); if( fMassHypo > -0.5) SetMassConstraint(ffP,ffC,mJ1,fMassHypo); else if((mMassParticle < SumDaughterMass) || (ffP[6]<0) ) SetMassConstraint(ffP,ffC,mJ1,SumDaughterMass); if(Daughter.fMassHypo > -0.5) SetMassConstraint(m,mV,mJ2,Daughter.fMassHypo); else if((mMassDaughter < Daughter.SumDaughterMass) || (m[6] < 0) ) SetMassConstraint(m,mV,mJ2,Daughter.SumDaughterMass); Double_t mDJ[7][7]; for(Int_t i=0; i<7; i++) { for(Int_t j=0; j<7; j++) { mDJ[i][j] = 0; for(Int_t k=0; k<7; k++) { mDJ[i][j] += mDf[i][k]*mJ1[j][k]; } } } for(Int_t i=0; i<7; ++i){ for(Int_t j=0; j<7; ++j){ mDf[i][j]=0; for(Int_t l=0; l<7; l++){ mDf[i][j] += mJ2[i][l]*mDJ[l][j]; } } } //* Add the daughter momentum to the particle momentum ffP[ 3] += m[ 3]; ffP[ 4] += m[ 4]; ffP[ 5] += m[ 5]; ffP[ 6] += m[ 6]; ffC[ 9] += mV[ 9]; ffC[13] += mV[13]; ffC[14] += mV[14]; ffC[18] += mV[18]; ffC[19] += mV[19]; ffC[20] += mV[20]; ffC[24] += mV[24]; ffC[25] += mV[25]; ffC[26] += mV[26]; ffC[27] += mV[27]; ffC[6 ] += mDf[3][0]; ffC[7 ] += mDf[3][1]; ffC[8 ] += mDf[3][2]; ffC[10] += mDf[4][0]; ffC[11] += mDf[4][1]; ffC[12] += mDf[4][2]; ffC[15] += mDf[5][0]; ffC[16] += mDf[5][1]; ffC[17] += mDf[5][2]; ffC[21] += mDf[6][0]; ffC[22] += mDf[6][1]; ffC[23] += mDf[6][2]; ffC[9 ] += mDf[3][3] + mDf[3][3]; ffC[13] += mDf[4][3] + mDf[3][4]; ffC[14] += mDf[4][4] + mDf[4][4]; ffC[18] += mDf[5][3] + mDf[3][5]; ffC[19] += mDf[5][4] + mDf[4][5]; ffC[20] += mDf[5][5] + mDf[5][5]; ffC[24] += mDf[6][3] + mDf[3][6]; ffC[25] += mDf[6][4] + mDf[4][6]; ffC[26] += mDf[6][5] + mDf[5][6]; ffC[27] += mDf[6][6] + mDf[6][6]; //* New estimation of the vertex position r += K*zeta for(Int_t i=0;i<7;++i) fP[i] = ffP[i]; //* New covariance matrix C -= K*(mCH')' for(Int_t i=0, k=0;i<7;++i){ for(Int_t j=0;j<=i;++j,++k){ fC[k] = ffC[k]; } } //* Calculate Chi^2 fNDF += 2; fQ += Daughter.GetQ(); fSFromDecay = 0; fChi2 += (mS[0]*zeta[0] + mS[1]*zeta[1] + mS[3]*zeta[2])*zeta[0] + (mS[1]*zeta[0] + mS[2]*zeta[1] + mS[4]*zeta[2])*zeta[1] + (mS[3]*zeta[0] + mS[4]*zeta[1] + mS[5]*zeta[2])*zeta[2]; } } void AliKFParticleBase::SetProductionVertex( const AliKFParticleBase &Vtx ) { //* Set production vertex for the particle, when the particle was not used in the vertex fit const Double_t *m = Vtx.fP, *mV = Vtx.fC; Bool_t noS = ( fC[35]<=0 ); // no decay length allowed if( noS ){ TransportToDecayVertex(); fP[7] = 0; fC[28] = fC[29] = fC[30] = fC[31] = fC[32] = fC[33] = fC[34] = fC[35] = 0; } else { TransportToDS( GetDStoPoint( m ) ); fP[7] = -fSFromDecay; fC[28] = fC[29] = fC[30] = fC[31] = fC[32] = fC[33] = fC[34] = 0; fC[35] = 0.1; Convert(1); } Double_t mAi[6]; InvertSym3( fC, mAi ); Double_t mB[5][3]; mB[0][0] = fC[ 6]*mAi[0] + fC[ 7]*mAi[1] + fC[ 8]*mAi[3]; mB[0][1] = fC[ 6]*mAi[1] + fC[ 7]*mAi[2] + fC[ 8]*mAi[4]; mB[0][2] = fC[ 6]*mAi[3] + fC[ 7]*mAi[4] + fC[ 8]*mAi[5]; mB[1][0] = fC[10]*mAi[0] + fC[11]*mAi[1] + fC[12]*mAi[3]; mB[1][1] = fC[10]*mAi[1] + fC[11]*mAi[2] + fC[12]*mAi[4]; mB[1][2] = fC[10]*mAi[3] + fC[11]*mAi[4] + fC[12]*mAi[5]; mB[2][0] = fC[15]*mAi[0] + fC[16]*mAi[1] + fC[17]*mAi[3]; mB[2][1] = fC[15]*mAi[1] + fC[16]*mAi[2] + fC[17]*mAi[4]; mB[2][2] = fC[15]*mAi[3] + fC[16]*mAi[4] + fC[17]*mAi[5]; mB[3][0] = fC[21]*mAi[0] + fC[22]*mAi[1] + fC[23]*mAi[3]; mB[3][1] = fC[21]*mAi[1] + fC[22]*mAi[2] + fC[23]*mAi[4]; mB[3][2] = fC[21]*mAi[3] + fC[22]*mAi[4] + fC[23]*mAi[5]; mB[4][0] = fC[28]*mAi[0] + fC[29]*mAi[1] + fC[30]*mAi[3]; mB[4][1] = fC[28]*mAi[1] + fC[29]*mAi[2] + fC[30]*mAi[4]; mB[4][2] = fC[28]*mAi[3] + fC[29]*mAi[4] + fC[30]*mAi[5]; Double_t z[3] = { m[0]-fP[0], m[1]-fP[1], m[2]-fP[2] }; { Double_t mAVi[6] = { fC[0]-mV[0], fC[1]-mV[1], fC[2]-mV[2], fC[3]-mV[3], fC[4]-mV[4], fC[5]-mV[5] }; if( !InvertSym3( mAVi, mAVi ) ){ Double_t dChi2 = ( +(mAVi[0]*z[0] + mAVi[1]*z[1] + mAVi[3]*z[2])*z[0] +(mAVi[1]*z[0] + mAVi[2]*z[1] + mAVi[4]*z[2])*z[1] +(mAVi[3]*z[0] + mAVi[4]*z[1] + mAVi[5]*z[2])*z[2] ); // Take Abs(dChi2) here. Negative value of 'det' or 'dChi2' shows that the particle // was not used in the production vertex fit fChi2+= TMath::Abs( dChi2 ); } fNDF += 2; } fP[0] = m[0]; fP[1] = m[1]; fP[2] = m[2]; fP[3]+= mB[0][0]*z[0] + mB[0][1]*z[1] + mB[0][2]*z[2]; fP[4]+= mB[1][0]*z[0] + mB[1][1]*z[1] + mB[1][2]*z[2]; fP[5]+= mB[2][0]*z[0] + mB[2][1]*z[1] + mB[2][2]*z[2]; fP[6]+= mB[3][0]*z[0] + mB[3][1]*z[1] + mB[3][2]*z[2]; fP[7]+= mB[4][0]*z[0] + mB[4][1]*z[1] + mB[4][2]*z[2]; Double_t d0, d1, d2; fC[0] = mV[0]; fC[1] = mV[1]; fC[2] = mV[2]; fC[3] = mV[3]; fC[4] = mV[4]; fC[5] = mV[5]; d0= mB[0][0]*mV[0] + mB[0][1]*mV[1] + mB[0][2]*mV[3] - fC[ 6]; d1= mB[0][0]*mV[1] + mB[0][1]*mV[2] + mB[0][2]*mV[4] - fC[ 7]; d2= mB[0][0]*mV[3] + mB[0][1]*mV[4] + mB[0][2]*mV[5] - fC[ 8]; fC[ 6]+= d0; fC[ 7]+= d1; fC[ 8]+= d2; fC[ 9]+= d0*mB[0][0] + d1*mB[0][1] + d2*mB[0][2]; d0= mB[1][0]*mV[0] + mB[1][1]*mV[1] + mB[1][2]*mV[3] - fC[10]; d1= mB[1][0]*mV[1] + mB[1][1]*mV[2] + mB[1][2]*mV[4] - fC[11]; d2= mB[1][0]*mV[3] + mB[1][1]*mV[4] + mB[1][2]*mV[5] - fC[12]; fC[10]+= d0; fC[11]+= d1; fC[12]+= d2; fC[13]+= d0*mB[0][0] + d1*mB[0][1] + d2*mB[0][2]; fC[14]+= d0*mB[1][0] + d1*mB[1][1] + d2*mB[1][2]; d0= mB[2][0]*mV[0] + mB[2][1]*mV[1] + mB[2][2]*mV[3] - fC[15]; d1= mB[2][0]*mV[1] + mB[2][1]*mV[2] + mB[2][2]*mV[4] - fC[16]; d2= mB[2][0]*mV[3] + mB[2][1]*mV[4] + mB[2][2]*mV[5] - fC[17]; fC[15]+= d0; fC[16]+= d1; fC[17]+= d2; fC[18]+= d0*mB[0][0] + d1*mB[0][1] + d2*mB[0][2]; fC[19]+= d0*mB[1][0] + d1*mB[1][1] + d2*mB[1][2]; fC[20]+= d0*mB[2][0] + d1*mB[2][1] + d2*mB[2][2]; d0= mB[3][0]*mV[0] + mB[3][1]*mV[1] + mB[3][2]*mV[3] - fC[21]; d1= mB[3][0]*mV[1] + mB[3][1]*mV[2] + mB[3][2]*mV[4] - fC[22]; d2= mB[3][0]*mV[3] + mB[3][1]*mV[4] + mB[3][2]*mV[5] - fC[23]; fC[21]+= d0; fC[22]+= d1; fC[23]+= d2; fC[24]+= d0*mB[0][0] + d1*mB[0][1] + d2*mB[0][2]; fC[25]+= d0*mB[1][0] + d1*mB[1][1] + d2*mB[1][2]; fC[26]+= d0*mB[2][0] + d1*mB[2][1] + d2*mB[2][2]; fC[27]+= d0*mB[3][0] + d1*mB[3][1] + d2*mB[3][2]; d0= mB[4][0]*mV[0] + mB[4][1]*mV[1] + mB[4][2]*mV[3] - fC[28]; d1= mB[4][0]*mV[1] + mB[4][1]*mV[2] + mB[4][2]*mV[4] - fC[29]; d2= mB[4][0]*mV[3] + mB[4][1]*mV[4] + mB[4][2]*mV[5] - fC[30]; fC[28]+= d0; fC[29]+= d1; fC[30]+= d2; fC[31]+= d0*mB[0][0] + d1*mB[0][1] + d2*mB[0][2]; fC[32]+= d0*mB[1][0] + d1*mB[1][1] + d2*mB[1][2]; fC[33]+= d0*mB[2][0] + d1*mB[2][1] + d2*mB[2][2]; fC[34]+= d0*mB[3][0] + d1*mB[3][1] + d2*mB[3][2]; fC[35]+= d0*mB[4][0] + d1*mB[4][1] + d2*mB[4][2]; if( noS ){ fP[7] = 0; fC[28] = fC[29] = fC[30] = fC[31] = fC[32] = fC[33] = fC[34] = fC[35] = 0; } else { TransportToDS( fP[7] ); Convert(0); } fSFromDecay = 0; } void AliKFParticleBase::SetMassConstraint( Double_t *mP, Double_t *mC, Double_t mJ[7][7], Double_t mass ) { //* Set nonlinear mass constraint (Mass) on the state vector mP with a covariance matrix mC. const Double_t energy2 = mP[6]*mP[6], p2 = mP[3]*mP[3]+mP[4]*mP[4]+mP[5]*mP[5], mass2 = mass*mass; const Double_t a = energy2 - p2 + 2.*mass2; const Double_t b = -2.*(energy2 + p2); const Double_t c = energy2 - p2 - mass2; Double_t lambda = 0; if(TMath::Abs(b) > 1.e-10) lambda = -c / b; Double_t d = 4.*energy2*p2 - mass2*(energy2-p2-2.*mass2); if(d>=0 && TMath::Abs(a) > 1.e-10) lambda = (energy2 + p2 - sqrt(d))/a; if(mP[6] < 0) //If energy < 0 we need a lambda < 0 lambda = -1000000.; //Empirical, a better solution should be found Int_t iIter=0; for(iIter=0; iIter<100; iIter++) { Double_t lambda2 = lambda*lambda; Double_t lambda4 = lambda2*lambda2; Double_t lambda0 = lambda; Double_t f = -mass2 * lambda4 + a*lambda2 + b*lambda + c; Double_t df = -4.*mass2 * lambda2*lambda + 2.*a*lambda + b; if(TMath::Abs(df) < 1.e-10) break; lambda -= f/df; if(TMath::Abs(lambda0 - lambda) < 1.e-8) break; } const Double_t lpi = 1./(1. + lambda); const Double_t lmi = 1./(1. - lambda); const Double_t lp2i = lpi*lpi; const Double_t lm2i = lmi*lmi; Double_t lambda2 = lambda*lambda; Double_t dfl = -4.*mass2 * lambda2*lambda + 2.*a*lambda + b; Double_t dfx[7] = {0};//,0,0,0}; dfx[0] = -2.*(1. + lambda)*(1. + lambda)*mP[3]; dfx[1] = -2.*(1. + lambda)*(1. + lambda)*mP[4]; dfx[2] = -2.*(1. + lambda)*(1. + lambda)*mP[5]; dfx[3] = 2.*(1. - lambda)*(1. - lambda)*mP[6]; Double_t dlx[4] = {1,1,1,1}; if(TMath::Abs(dfl) > 1.e-10 ) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++) dlx[i] = -dfx[i] / dfl; } Double_t dxx[4] = {mP[3]*lm2i, mP[4]*lm2i, mP[5]*lm2i, -mP[6]*lp2i}; for(Int_t i=0; i<7; i++) for(Int_t j=0; j<7; j++) mJ[i][j]=0; mJ[0][0] = 1.; mJ[1][1] = 1.; mJ[2][2] = 1.; for(Int_t i=3; i<7; i++) for(Int_t j=3; j<7; j++) mJ[i][j] = dlx[j-3]*dxx[i-3]; for(Int_t i=3; i<6; i++) mJ[i][i] += lmi; mJ[6][6] += lpi; Double_t mCJ[7][7]; for(Int_t i=0; i<7; i++) { for(Int_t j=0; j<7; j++) { mCJ[i][j] = 0; for(Int_t k=0; k<7; k++) { mCJ[i][j] += mC[IJ(i,k)]*mJ[j][k]; } } } for(Int_t i=0; i<7; ++i){ for(Int_t j=0; j<=i; ++j){ mC[IJ(i,j)]=0; for(Int_t l=0; l<7; l++){ mC[IJ(i,j)] += mJ[i][l]*mCJ[l][j]; } } } mP[3] *= lmi; mP[4] *= lmi; mP[5] *= lmi; mP[6] *= lpi; } void AliKFParticleBase::SetNonlinearMassConstraint( Double_t mass ) { //* Set nonlinear mass constraint (mass) Double_t mJ[7][7]; SetMassConstraint( fP, fC, mJ, mass ); fMassHypo = mass; SumDaughterMass = mass; } void AliKFParticleBase::SetMassConstraint( Double_t Mass, Double_t SigmaMass ) { //* Set hard( SigmaMass=0 ) or soft (SigmaMass>0) mass constraint fMassHypo = Mass; SumDaughterMass = Mass; Double_t m2 = Mass*Mass; // measurement, weighted by Mass Double_t s2 = m2*SigmaMass*SigmaMass; // sigma^2 Double_t p2 = fP[3]*fP[3] + fP[4]*fP[4] + fP[5]*fP[5]; Double_t e0 = TMath::Sqrt(m2+p2); Double_t mH[8]; mH[0] = mH[1] = mH[2] = 0.; mH[3] = -2*fP[3]; mH[4] = -2*fP[4]; mH[5] = -2*fP[5]; mH[6] = 2*fP[6];//e0; mH[7] = 0; Double_t zeta = e0*e0 - e0*fP[6]; zeta = m2 - (fP[6]*fP[6]-p2); Double_t mCHt[8], s2_est=0; for( Int_t i=0; i<8; ++i ){ mCHt[i] = 0.0; for (Int_t j=0;j<8;++j) mCHt[i] += Cij(i,j)*mH[j]; s2_est += mH[i]*mCHt[i]; } if( s2_est<1.e-20 ) return; // calculated mass error is already 0, // the particle can not be constrained on mass Double_t w2 = 1./( s2 + s2_est ); fChi2 += zeta*zeta*w2; fNDF += 1; for( Int_t i=0, ii=0; i<8; ++i ){ Double_t ki = mCHt[i]*w2; fP[i]+= ki*zeta; for(Int_t j=0;j<=i;++j) fC[ii++] -= ki*mCHt[j]; } } void AliKFParticleBase::SetNoDecayLength() { //* Set no decay length for resonances TransportToDecayVertex(); Double_t h[8]; h[0] = h[1] = h[2] = h[3] = h[4] = h[5] = h[6] = 0; h[7] = 1; Double_t zeta = 0 - fP[7]; for(Int_t i=0;i<8;++i) zeta -= h[i]*(fP[i]-fP[i]); Double_t s = fC[35]; if( s>1.e-20 ){ s = 1./s; fChi2 += zeta*zeta*s; fNDF += 1; for( Int_t i=0, ii=0; i<7; ++i ){ Double_t ki = fC[28+i]*s; fP[i]+= ki*zeta; for(Int_t j=0;j<=i;++j) fC[ii++] -= ki*fC[28+j]; } } fP[7] = 0; fC[28] = fC[29] = fC[30] = fC[31] = fC[32] = fC[33] = fC[34] = fC[35] = 0; } void AliKFParticleBase::Construct( const AliKFParticleBase* vDaughters[], Int_t NDaughters, const AliKFParticleBase *Parent, Double_t Mass, Bool_t IsConstrained ) { //* Full reconstruction in one go Int_t maxIter = 1; bool wasLinearized = fIsLinearized; if( !fIsLinearized || IsConstrained ){ //fVtxGuess[0] = fVtxGuess[1] = fVtxGuess[2] = 0; //!!!! fVtxGuess[0] = GetX(); fVtxGuess[1] = GetY(); fVtxGuess[2] = GetZ(); fIsLinearized = 1; maxIter = 3; } Double_t constraintC[6]; if( IsConstrained ){ for(Int_t i=0;i<6;++i) constraintC[i]=fC[i]; } else { for(Int_t i=0;i<6;++i) constraintC[i]=0.; constraintC[0] = constraintC[2] = constraintC[5] = 100.; } for( Int_t iter=0; iter=0 ) SetMassConstraint( Mass ); if( Parent ) SetProductionVertex( *Parent ); } void AliKFParticleBase::Convert( bool ToProduction ) { //* Tricky function - convert the particle error along its trajectory to //* the value which corresponds to its production/decay vertex //* It is done by combination of the error of decay length with the position errors Double_t fld[3]; { GetFieldValue( fP, fld ); const Double_t kCLight = fQ*0.000299792458; fld[0]*=kCLight; fld[1]*=kCLight; fld[2]*=kCLight; } Double_t h[6]; h[0] = fP[3]; h[1] = fP[4]; h[2] = fP[5]; if( ToProduction ){ h[0]=-h[0]; h[1]=-h[1]; h[2]=-h[2]; } h[3] = h[1]*fld[2]-h[2]*fld[1]; h[4] = h[2]*fld[0]-h[0]*fld[2]; h[5] = h[0]*fld[1]-h[1]*fld[0]; Double_t c; c = fC[28]+h[0]*fC[35]; fC[ 0]+= h[0]*(c+fC[28]); fC[28] = c; fC[ 1]+= h[1]*fC[28] + h[0]*fC[29]; c = fC[29]+h[1]*fC[35]; fC[ 2]+= h[1]*(c+fC[29]); fC[29] = c; fC[ 3]+= h[2]*fC[28] + h[0]*fC[30]; fC[ 4]+= h[2]*fC[29] + h[1]*fC[30]; c = fC[30]+h[2]*fC[35]; fC[ 5]+= h[2]*(c+fC[30]); fC[30] = c; fC[ 6]+= h[3]*fC[28] + h[0]*fC[31]; fC[ 7]+= h[3]*fC[29] + h[1]*fC[31]; fC[ 8]+= h[3]*fC[30] + h[2]*fC[31]; c = fC[31]+h[3]*fC[35]; fC[ 9]+= h[3]*(c+fC[31]); fC[31] = c; fC[10]+= h[4]*fC[28] + h[0]*fC[32]; fC[11]+= h[4]*fC[29] + h[1]*fC[32]; fC[12]+= h[4]*fC[30] + h[2]*fC[32]; fC[13]+= h[4]*fC[31] + h[3]*fC[32]; c = fC[32]+h[4]*fC[35]; fC[14]+= h[4]*(c+fC[32]); fC[32] = c; fC[15]+= h[5]*fC[28] + h[0]*fC[33]; fC[16]+= h[5]*fC[29] + h[1]*fC[33]; fC[17]+= h[5]*fC[30] + h[2]*fC[33]; fC[18]+= h[5]*fC[31] + h[3]*fC[33]; fC[19]+= h[5]*fC[32] + h[4]*fC[33]; c = fC[33]+h[5]*fC[35]; fC[20]+= h[5]*(c+fC[33]); fC[33] = c; fC[21]+= h[0]*fC[34]; fC[22]+= h[1]*fC[34]; fC[23]+= h[2]*fC[34]; fC[24]+= h[3]*fC[34]; fC[25]+= h[4]*fC[34]; fC[26]+= h[5]*fC[34]; } void AliKFParticleBase::TransportToDecayVertex() { //* Transport the particle to its decay vertex if( fSFromDecay != 0 ) TransportToDS( -fSFromDecay ); if( fAtProductionVertex ) Convert(0); fAtProductionVertex = 0; } void AliKFParticleBase::TransportToProductionVertex() { //* Transport the particle to its production vertex if( fSFromDecay != -fP[7] ) TransportToDS( -fSFromDecay-fP[7] ); if( !fAtProductionVertex ) Convert( 1 ); fAtProductionVertex = 1; } void AliKFParticleBase::TransportToDS( Double_t dS ) { //* Transport the particle on dS parameter (SignedPath/Momentum) Transport( dS, fP, fC ); fSFromDecay+= dS; } Double_t AliKFParticleBase::GetDStoPointLine( const Double_t xyz[] ) const { //* Get dS to a certain space point without field Double_t p2 = fP[3]*fP[3] + fP[4]*fP[4] + fP[5]*fP[5]; if( p2<1.e-4 ) p2 = 1; return ( fP[3]*(xyz[0]-fP[0]) + fP[4]*(xyz[1]-fP[1]) + fP[5]*(xyz[2]-fP[2]) )/p2; } Double_t AliKFParticleBase::GetDStoPointBz( Double_t B, const Double_t xyz[] ) const { //* Get dS to a certain space point for Bz field const Double_t kCLight = 0.000299792458; Double_t bq = B*fQ*kCLight; Double_t pt2 = fP[3]*fP[3] + fP[4]*fP[4]; if( pt2<1.e-4 ) return 0; Double_t dx = xyz[0] - fP[0]; Double_t dy = xyz[1] - fP[1]; Double_t a = dx*fP[3]+dy*fP[4]; Double_t dS; if( TMath::Abs(bq)<1.e-8 ) dS = a/pt2; else dS = TMath::ATan2( bq*a, pt2 + bq*(dy*fP[3] -dx*fP[4]) )/bq; if(0){ Double_t px = fP[3]; Double_t py = fP[4]; Double_t pz = fP[5]; Double_t ss[2], g[2][5]; ss[0] = dS; ss[1] = -dS; for( Int_t i=0; i<2; i++){ Double_t bs = bq*ss[i]; Double_t c = TMath::Cos(bs), s = TMath::Sin(bs); Double_t cB,sB; if( TMath::Abs(bq)>1.e-8){ cB= (1-c)/bq; sB= s/bq; }else{ const Double_t kOvSqr6 = 1./TMath::Sqrt(6.); sB = (1.-bs*kOvSqr6)*(1.+bs*kOvSqr6)*ss[i]; cB = .5*sB*bs; } g[i][0] = fP[0] + sB*px + cB*py; g[i][1] = fP[1] - cB*px + sB*py; g[i][2] = fP[2] + ss[i]*pz; g[i][3] = + c*px + s*py; g[i][4] = - s*px + c*py; } Int_t i=0; Double_t dMin = 1.e10; for( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ Double_t xx = g[j][0]-xyz[0]; Double_t yy = g[j][1]-xyz[1]; Double_t zz = g[j][2]-xyz[2]; Double_t d = xx*xx + yy*yy + zz*zz; if( d1.e-8 ){ dS+=c/pp2; } } return dS; } void AliKFParticleBase::GetDStoParticleBz( Double_t B, const AliKFParticleBase &p, Double_t &DS, Double_t &DS1 ) const { //* Get dS to another particle for Bz field Double_t px = fP[3]; Double_t py = fP[4]; Double_t pz = fP[5]; Double_t px1 = p.fP[3]; Double_t py1 = p.fP[4]; Double_t pz1 = p.fP[5]; const Double_t kCLight = 0.000299792458; Double_t bq = B*fQ*kCLight; Double_t bq1 = B*p.fQ*kCLight; Double_t s=0, ds=0, s1=0, ds1=0; if( TMath::Abs(bq)>1.e-8 || TMath::Abs(bq1)>1.e-8 ){ Double_t dx = (p.fP[0] - fP[0]); Double_t dy = (p.fP[1] - fP[1]); Double_t d2 = (dx*dx+dy*dy); Double_t p2 = (px *px + py *py); Double_t p21 = (px1*px1 + py1*py1); if( TMath::Abs(p2) < 1.e-8 || TMath::Abs(p21) < 1.e-8 ) { DS=0.; DS1=0.; return; } Double_t a = (px*py1 - py*px1); Double_t b = (px*px1 + py*py1); Double_t ldx = bq*bq1*dx - bq1*py + bq*py1 ; Double_t ldy = bq*bq1*dy + bq1*px - bq*px1 ; Double_t l2 = ldx*ldx + ldy*ldy; Double_t cS = bq1*p2 + bq*bq1*(dy* px - dx* py) - bq*b; Double_t cS1= bq*p21 - bq*bq1*(dy*px1 - dx*py1) - bq1*b; Double_t ca = bq*bq*bq1*d2 +2*( cS + bq*bq*(py1*dx-px1*dy)) ; Double_t ca1 = bq*bq1*bq1*d2 +2*( cS1 - bq1*bq1*(py*dx-px*dy)) ; Double_t sa = 4*l2*p2 - ca*ca; Double_t sa1 = 4*l2*p21 - ca1*ca1; if(sa<0) sa=0; if(sa1<0)sa1=0; if( TMath::Abs(bq)>1.e-8){ s = TMath::ATan2( bq*( bq1*(dx*px +dy*py) + a ) , cS )/bq; ds = TMath::ATan2(TMath::Sqrt(sa),ca)/bq; } else { s = ( (dx*px + dy*py) + (py*px1-px*py1)/bq1)/p2; ds = s*s - (d2-2*(px1*dy-py1*dx)/bq1)/p2; if( ds<0 ) ds = 0; ds = TMath::Sqrt(ds); } if( TMath::Abs(bq1)>1.e-8){ s1 = TMath::ATan2( -bq1*( bq*(dx*px1+dy*py1) + a), cS1 )/bq1; ds1 = TMath::ATan2(TMath::Sqrt(sa1),ca1)/bq1; } else { s1 = (-(dx*px1 + dy*py1) + (py*px1-px*py1)/bq)/p21; ds1 = s1*s1 - (d2+2*(px*dy-py*dx)/bq)/p21; if( ds1<0 ) ds1 = 0; ds1 = TMath::Sqrt(ds1); } } Double_t ss[2], ss1[2], g[2][5],g1[2][5]; ss[0] = s + ds; ss[1] = s - ds; ss1[0] = s1 + ds1; ss1[1] = s1 - ds1; for( Int_t i=0; i<2; i++){ Double_t bs = bq*ss[i]; Double_t c = TMath::Cos(bs), sss = TMath::Sin(bs); Double_t cB,sB; if( TMath::Abs(bq)>1.e-8){ cB= (1-c)/bq; sB= sss/bq; }else{ const Double_t kOvSqr6 = 1./TMath::Sqrt(6.); sB = (1.-bs*kOvSqr6)*(1.+bs*kOvSqr6)*ss[i]; cB = .5*sB*bs; } g[i][0] = fP[0] + sB*px + cB*py; g[i][1] = fP[1] - cB*px + sB*py; g[i][2] = fP[2] + ss[i]*pz; g[i][3] = + c*px + sss*py; g[i][4] = - sss*px + c*py; bs = bq1*ss1[i]; c = TMath::Cos(bs); sss = TMath::Sin(bs); if( TMath::Abs(bq1)>1.e-8){ cB= (1-c)/bq1; sB= sss/bq1; }else{ const Double_t kOvSqr6 = 1./TMath::Sqrt(6.); sB = (1.-bs*kOvSqr6)*(1.+bs*kOvSqr6)*ss1[i]; cB = .5*sB*bs; } g1[i][0] = p.fP[0] + sB*px1 + cB*py1; g1[i][1] = p.fP[1] - cB*px1 + sB*py1; g1[i][2] = p.fP[2] + ss[i]*pz1; g1[i][3] = + c*px1 + sss*py1; g1[i][4] = - sss*px1 + c*py1; } Int_t i=0, i1=0; Double_t dMin = 1.e10; for( Int_t j=0; j<2; j++){ for( Int_t j1=0; j1<2; j1++){ Double_t xx = g[j][0]-g1[j1][0]; Double_t yy = g[j][1]-g1[j1][1]; Double_t zz = g[j][2]-g1[j1][2]; Double_t d = xx*xx + yy*yy + zz*zz; if( d1.e-8 ){ DS+=(a*b-pp21*c)/det; DS1+=(a*c-pp2*b)/det; } } } void AliKFParticleBase::TransportCBM( Double_t dS, Double_t P[], Double_t C[] ) const { //* Transport the particle on dS, output to P[],C[], for CBM field if( fQ==0 ){ TransportLine( dS, P, C ); return; } const Double_t kCLight = 0.000299792458; Double_t c = fQ*kCLight; // construct coefficients Double_t px = fP[3], py = fP[4], pz = fP[5]; Double_t sx=0, sy=0, sz=0, syy=0, syz=0, syyy=0, ssx=0, ssy=0, ssz=0, ssyy=0, ssyz=0, ssyyy=0; { // get field integrals Double_t fld[3][3]; Double_t p0[3], p1[3], p2[3]; // line track approximation p0[0] = fP[0]; p0[1] = fP[1]; p0[2] = fP[2]; p2[0] = fP[0] + px*dS; p2[1] = fP[1] + py*dS; p2[2] = fP[2] + pz*dS; p1[0] = 0.5*(p0[0]+p2[0]); p1[1] = 0.5*(p0[1]+p2[1]); p1[2] = 0.5*(p0[2]+p2[2]); // first order track approximation { GetFieldValue( p0, fld[0] ); GetFieldValue( p1, fld[1] ); GetFieldValue( p2, fld[2] ); Double_t ssy1 = ( 7*fld[0][1] + 6*fld[1][1]-fld[2][1] )*c*dS*dS/96.; Double_t ssy2 = ( fld[0][1] + 2*fld[1][1] )*c*dS*dS/6.; p1[0] -= ssy1*pz; p1[2] += ssy1*px; p2[0] -= ssy2*pz; p2[2] += ssy2*px; } GetFieldValue( p0, fld[0] ); GetFieldValue( p1, fld[1] ); GetFieldValue( p2, fld[2] ); sx = c*( fld[0][0] + 4*fld[1][0] + fld[2][0] )*dS/6.; sy = c*( fld[0][1] + 4*fld[1][1] + fld[2][1] )*dS/6.; sz = c*( fld[0][2] + 4*fld[1][2] + fld[2][2] )*dS/6.; ssx = c*( fld[0][0] + 2*fld[1][0])*dS*dS/6.; ssy = c*( fld[0][1] + 2*fld[1][1])*dS*dS/6.; ssz = c*( fld[0][2] + 2*fld[1][2])*dS*dS/6.; Double_t c2[3][3] = { { 5, -4, -1},{ 44, 80, -4},{ 11, 44, 5} }; // /=360. Double_t cc2[3][3] = { { 38, 8, -4},{ 148, 208, -20},{ 3, 36, 3} }; // /=2520. for(Int_t n=0; n<3; n++) for(Int_t m=0; m<3; m++) { syz += c2[n][m]*fld[n][1]*fld[m][2]; ssyz += cc2[n][m]*fld[n][1]*fld[m][2]; } syz *= c*c*dS*dS/360.; ssyz *= c*c*dS*dS*dS/2520.; syy = c*( fld[0][1] + 4*fld[1][1] + fld[2][1] )*dS; syyy = syy*syy*syy / 1296; syy = syy*syy/72; ssyy = ( fld[0][1]*( 38*fld[0][1] + 156*fld[1][1] - fld[2][1] )+ fld[1][1]*( 208*fld[1][1] +16*fld[2][1] )+ fld[2][1]*( 3*fld[2][1] ) )*dS*dS*dS*c*c/2520.; ssyyy = ( fld[0][1]*( fld[0][1]*( 85*fld[0][1] + 526*fld[1][1] - 7*fld[2][1] )+ fld[1][1]*( 1376*fld[1][1] +84*fld[2][1] )+ fld[2][1]*( 19*fld[2][1] ) )+ fld[1][1]*( fld[1][1]*( 1376*fld[1][1] +256*fld[2][1] )+ fld[2][1]*( 62*fld[2][1] ) )+ fld[2][1]*fld[2][1] *( 3*fld[2][1] ) )*dS*dS*dS*dS*c*c*c/90720.; } Double_t mJ[8][8]; for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++ ) for( Int_t j=0; j<8; j++) mJ[i][j]=0; mJ[0][0]=1; mJ[0][1]=0; mJ[0][2]=0; mJ[0][3]=dS-ssyy; mJ[0][4]=ssx; mJ[0][5]=ssyyy-ssy; mJ[1][0]=0; mJ[1][1]=1; mJ[1][2]=0; mJ[1][3]=-ssz; mJ[1][4]=dS; mJ[1][5]=ssx+ssyz; mJ[2][0]=0; mJ[2][1]=0; mJ[2][2]=1; mJ[2][3]=ssy-ssyyy; mJ[2][4]=-ssx; mJ[2][5]=dS-ssyy; mJ[3][0]=0; mJ[3][1]=0; mJ[3][2]=0; mJ[3][3]=1-syy; mJ[3][4]=sx; mJ[3][5]=syyy-sy; mJ[4][0]=0; mJ[4][1]=0; mJ[4][2]=0; mJ[4][3]=-sz; mJ[4][4]=1; mJ[4][5]=sx+syz; mJ[5][0]=0; mJ[5][1]=0; mJ[5][2]=0; mJ[5][3]=sy-syyy; mJ[5][4]=-sx; mJ[5][5]=1-syy; mJ[6][6] = mJ[7][7] = 1; P[0] = fP[0] + mJ[0][3]*px + mJ[0][4]*py + mJ[0][5]*pz; P[1] = fP[1] + mJ[1][3]*px + mJ[1][4]*py + mJ[1][5]*pz; P[2] = fP[2] + mJ[2][3]*px + mJ[2][4]*py + mJ[2][5]*pz; P[3] = mJ[3][3]*px + mJ[3][4]*py + mJ[3][5]*pz; P[4] = mJ[4][3]*px + mJ[4][4]*py + mJ[4][5]*pz; P[5] = mJ[5][3]*px + mJ[5][4]*py + mJ[5][5]*pz; P[6] = fP[6]; P[7] = fP[7]; MultQSQt( mJ[0], fC, C); } void AliKFParticleBase::TransportBz( Double_t b, Double_t t, Double_t p[], Double_t e[] ) const { //* Transport the particle on dS, output to P[],C[], for Bz field const Double_t kCLight = 0.000299792458; b = b*fQ*kCLight; Double_t bs= b*t; Double_t s = TMath::Sin(bs), c = TMath::Cos(bs); Double_t sB, cB; if( TMath::Abs(bs)>1.e-10){ sB= s/b; cB= (1-c)/b; }else{ const Double_t kOvSqr6 = 1./TMath::Sqrt(6.); sB = (1.-bs*kOvSqr6)*(1.+bs*kOvSqr6)*t; cB = .5*sB*bs; } Double_t px = fP[3]; Double_t py = fP[4]; Double_t pz = fP[5]; p[0] = fP[0] + sB*px + cB*py; p[1] = fP[1] - cB*px + sB*py; p[2] = fP[2] + t*pz; p[3] = c*px + s*py; p[4] = -s*px + c*py; p[5] = fP[5]; p[6] = fP[6]; p[7] = fP[7]; /* Double_t mJ[8][8] = { {1,0,0, sB, cB, 0, 0, 0 }, {0,1,0, -cB, sB, 0, 0, 0 }, {0,0,1, 0, 0, t, 0, 0 }, {0,0,0, c, s, 0, 0, 0 }, {0,0,0, -s, c, 0, 0, 0 }, {0,0,0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, {0,0,0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, {0,0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 } }; Double_t mA[8][8]; for( Int_t k=0,i=0; i<8; i++) for( Int_t j=0; j<=i; j++, k++ ) mA[i][j] = mA[j][i] = fC[k]; Double_t mJC[8][8]; for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++ ) for( Int_t j=0; j<8; j++ ){ mJC[i][j]=0; for( Int_t k=0; k<8; k++ ) mJC[i][j]+=mJ[i][k]*mA[k][j]; } for( Int_t k=0,i=0; i<8; i++) for( Int_t j=0; j<=i; j++, k++ ){ e[k] = 0; for( Int_t l=0; l<8; l++ ) e[k]+=mJC[i][l]*mJ[j][l]; } return; */ Double_t c6=fC[6], c7=fC[7], c8=fC[8], c17=fC[17], c18=fC[18], c24 = fC[24], c31 = fC[31]; Double_t cBC13 = cB*fC[13], mJC13 = c7 - cB*fC[9] + sB*fC[13], mJC14 = fC[11] - cBC13 + sB*fC[14], mJC23 = c8 + t*c18, mJC24 = fC[12] + t*fC[19], mJC33 = c*fC[9] + s*fC[13], mJC34 = c*fC[13] + s*fC[14], mJC43 = -s*fC[9] + c*fC[13], mJC44 = -s*fC[13] + c*fC[14]; e[0]= fC[0] + 2*(sB*c6 + cB*fC[10]) + (sB*fC[9] + 2*cBC13)*sB + cB*cB*fC[14]; e[1]= fC[1] - cB*c6 + sB*fC[10] + mJC13*sB + mJC14*cB; e[2]= fC[2] - cB*c7 + sB*fC[11] - mJC13*cB + mJC14*sB; e[3]= fC[3] + t*fC[15] + mJC23*sB + mJC24*cB; e[4]= fC[4] + t*fC[16] - mJC23*cB + mJC24*sB; e[15]= fC[15] + c18*sB + fC[19]*cB; e[16]= fC[16] - c18*cB + fC[19]*sB; e[17]= c17 + fC[20]*t; e[18]= c18*c + fC[19]*s; e[19]= -c18*s + fC[19]*c; e[5]= fC[5] + (c17 + e[17] )*t; e[6]= c*c6 + s*fC[10] + mJC33*sB + mJC34*cB; e[7]= c*c7 + s*fC[11] - mJC33*cB + mJC34*sB; e[8]= c*c8 + s*fC[12] + e[18]*t; e[9]= mJC33*c + mJC34*s; e[10]= -s*c6 + c*fC[10] + mJC43*sB + mJC44*cB; e[11]= -s*c7 + c*fC[11] - mJC43*cB + mJC44*sB; e[12]= -s*c8 + c*fC[12] + e[19]*t; e[13]= mJC43*c + mJC44*s; e[14]= -mJC43*s + mJC44*c; e[20]= fC[20]; e[21]= fC[21] + fC[25]*cB + c24*sB; e[22]= fC[22] - c24*cB + fC[25]*sB; e[23]= fC[23] + fC[26]*t; e[24]= c*c24 + s*fC[25]; e[25]= c*fC[25] - c24*s; e[26]= fC[26]; e[27]= fC[27]; e[28]= fC[28] + fC[32]*cB + c31*sB; e[29]= fC[29] - c31*cB + fC[32]*sB; e[30]= fC[30] + fC[33]*t; e[31]= c*c31 + s*fC[32]; e[32]= c*fC[32] - s*c31; e[33]= fC[33]; e[34]= fC[34]; e[35]= fC[35]; } Double_t AliKFParticleBase::GetDistanceFromVertex( const AliKFParticleBase &Vtx ) const { //* Calculate distance from vertex [cm] return GetDistanceFromVertex( Vtx.fP ); } Double_t AliKFParticleBase::GetDistanceFromVertex( const Double_t vtx[] ) const { //* Calculate distance from vertex [cm] Double_t mP[8], mC[36]; Transport( GetDStoPoint(vtx), mP, mC ); Double_t d[3]={ vtx[0]-mP[0], vtx[1]-mP[1], vtx[2]-mP[2]}; return TMath::Sqrt( d[0]*d[0]+d[1]*d[1]+d[2]*d[2] ); } Double_t AliKFParticleBase::GetDistanceFromParticle( const AliKFParticleBase &p ) const { //* Calculate distance to other particle [cm] Double_t dS, dS1; GetDStoParticle( p, dS, dS1 ); Double_t mP[8], mC[36], mP1[8], mC1[36]; Transport( dS, mP, mC ); p.Transport( dS1, mP1, mC1 ); Double_t dx = mP[0]-mP1[0]; Double_t dy = mP[1]-mP1[1]; Double_t dz = mP[2]-mP1[2]; dz = 0; return TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz); } Double_t AliKFParticleBase::GetDeviationFromVertex( const AliKFParticleBase &Vtx ) const { //* Calculate sqrt(Chi2/ndf) deviation from vertex return GetDeviationFromVertex( Vtx.fP, Vtx.fC ); } Double_t AliKFParticleBase::GetDeviationFromVertex( const Double_t v[], const Double_t Cv[] ) const { //* Calculate sqrt(Chi2/ndf) deviation from vertex //* v = [xyz], Cv=[Cxx,Cxy,Cyy,Cxz,Cyz,Czz]-covariance matrix Double_t mP[8]; Double_t mC[36]; Transport( GetDStoPoint(v), mP, mC ); Double_t d[3]={ v[0]-mP[0], v[1]-mP[1], v[2]-mP[2]}; Double_t sigmaS = .1+10.*TMath::Sqrt( (d[0]*d[0]+d[1]*d[1]+d[2]*d[2])/ (mP[3]*mP[3]+mP[4]*mP[4]+mP[5]*mP[5]) ); Double_t h[3] = { mP[3]*sigmaS, mP[4]*sigmaS, mP[5]*sigmaS }; Double_t mSi[6] = { mC[0] +h[0]*h[0], mC[1] +h[1]*h[0], mC[2] +h[1]*h[1], mC[3] +h[2]*h[0], mC[4] +h[2]*h[1], mC[5] +h[2]*h[2] }; if( Cv ){ mSi[0]+=Cv[0]; mSi[1]+=Cv[1]; mSi[2]+=Cv[2]; mSi[3]+=Cv[3]; mSi[4]+=Cv[4]; mSi[5]+=Cv[5]; } Double_t mS[6]; mS[0] = mSi[2]*mSi[5] - mSi[4]*mSi[4]; mS[1] = mSi[3]*mSi[4] - mSi[1]*mSi[5]; mS[2] = mSi[0]*mSi[5] - mSi[3]*mSi[3]; mS[3] = mSi[1]*mSi[4] - mSi[2]*mSi[3]; mS[4] = mSi[1]*mSi[3] - mSi[0]*mSi[4]; mS[5] = mSi[0]*mSi[2] - mSi[1]*mSi[1]; Double_t s = ( mSi[0]*mS[0] + mSi[1]*mS[1] + mSi[3]*mS[3] ); s = ( s > 1.E-20 ) ?1./s :0; return TMath::Sqrt( TMath::Abs(s*( ( mS[0]*d[0] + mS[1]*d[1] + mS[3]*d[2])*d[0] +(mS[1]*d[0] + mS[2]*d[1] + mS[4]*d[2])*d[1] +(mS[3]*d[0] + mS[4]*d[1] + mS[5]*d[2])*d[2] ))/2); } Double_t AliKFParticleBase::GetDeviationFromParticle( const AliKFParticleBase &p ) const { //* Calculate sqrt(Chi2/ndf) deviation from other particle Double_t dS, dS1; GetDStoParticle( p, dS, dS1 ); Double_t mP1[8], mC1[36]; p.Transport( dS1, mP1, mC1 ); Double_t d[3]={ fP[0]-mP1[0], fP[1]-mP1[1], fP[2]-mP1[2]}; Double_t sigmaS = .1+10.*TMath::Sqrt( (d[0]*d[0]+d[1]*d[1]+d[2]*d[2])/ (mP1[3]*mP1[3]+mP1[4]*mP1[4]+mP1[5]*mP1[5]) ); Double_t h[3] = { mP1[3]*sigmaS, mP1[4]*sigmaS, mP1[5]*sigmaS }; mC1[0] +=h[0]*h[0]; mC1[1] +=h[1]*h[0]; mC1[2] +=h[1]*h[1]; mC1[3] +=h[2]*h[0]; mC1[4] +=h[2]*h[1]; mC1[5] +=h[2]*h[2]; return GetDeviationFromVertex( mP1, mC1 )*TMath::Sqrt(2./1.); } void AliKFParticleBase::SubtractFromVertex( AliKFParticleBase &Vtx ) const { //* Subtract the particle from the vertex Double_t fld[3]; { GetFieldValue( Vtx.fP, fld ); const Double_t kCLight = 0.000299792458; fld[0]*=kCLight; fld[1]*=kCLight; fld[2]*=kCLight; } Double_t m[8]; Double_t mCm[36]; if( Vtx.fIsLinearized ){ GetMeasurement( Vtx.fVtxGuess, m, mCm ); } else { GetMeasurement( Vtx.fP, m, mCm ); } Double_t mV[6]; mV[ 0] = mCm[ 0]; mV[ 1] = mCm[ 1]; mV[ 2] = mCm[ 2]; mV[ 3] = mCm[ 3]; mV[ 4] = mCm[ 4]; mV[ 5] = mCm[ 5]; //* Double_t mS[6]; { Double_t mSi[6] = { mV[0]-Vtx.fC[0], mV[1]-Vtx.fC[1], mV[2]-Vtx.fC[2], mV[3]-Vtx.fC[3], mV[4]-Vtx.fC[4], mV[5]-Vtx.fC[5] }; mS[0] = mSi[2]*mSi[5] - mSi[4]*mSi[4]; mS[1] = mSi[3]*mSi[4] - mSi[1]*mSi[5]; mS[2] = mSi[0]*mSi[5] - mSi[3]*mSi[3]; mS[3] = mSi[1]*mSi[4] - mSi[2]*mSi[3]; mS[4] = mSi[1]*mSi[3] - mSi[0]*mSi[4]; mS[5] = mSi[0]*mSi[2] - mSi[1]*mSi[1]; Double_t s = ( mSi[0]*mS[0] + mSi[1]*mS[1] + mSi[3]*mS[3] ); s = ( s > 1.E-20 ) ?1./s :0; mS[0]*=s; mS[1]*=s; mS[2]*=s; mS[3]*=s; mS[4]*=s; mS[5]*=s; } //* Residual (measured - estimated) Double_t zeta[3] = { m[0]-Vtx.fP[0], m[1]-Vtx.fP[1], m[2]-Vtx.fP[2] }; //* mCHt = mCH' - D' Double_t mCHt0[3], mCHt1[3], mCHt2[3]; mCHt0[0]=Vtx.fC[ 0] ; mCHt1[0]=Vtx.fC[ 1] ; mCHt2[0]=Vtx.fC[ 3] ; mCHt0[1]=Vtx.fC[ 1] ; mCHt1[1]=Vtx.fC[ 2] ; mCHt2[1]=Vtx.fC[ 4] ; mCHt0[2]=Vtx.fC[ 3] ; mCHt1[2]=Vtx.fC[ 4] ; mCHt2[2]=Vtx.fC[ 5] ; //* Kalman gain K = mCH'*S Double_t k0[3], k1[3], k2[3]; for(Int_t i=0;i<3;++i){ k0[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[0] + mCHt1[i]*mS[1] + mCHt2[i]*mS[3]; k1[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[1] + mCHt1[i]*mS[2] + mCHt2[i]*mS[4]; k2[i] = mCHt0[i]*mS[3] + mCHt1[i]*mS[4] + mCHt2[i]*mS[5]; } //* New estimation of the vertex position r += K*zeta Double_t dChi2 = -(mS[0]*zeta[0] + mS[1]*zeta[1] + mS[3]*zeta[2])*zeta[0] + (mS[1]*zeta[0] + mS[2]*zeta[1] + mS[4]*zeta[2])*zeta[1] + (mS[3]*zeta[0] + mS[4]*zeta[1] + mS[5]*zeta[2])*zeta[2]; if( Vtx.fChi2 - dChi2 < 0 ) return; for(Int_t i=0;i<3;++i) Vtx.fP[i] -= k0[i]*zeta[0] + k1[i]*zeta[1] + k2[i]*zeta[2]; //* New covariance matrix C -= K*(mCH')' for(Int_t i=0, k=0;i<3;++i){ for(Int_t j=0;j<=i;++j,++k) Vtx.fC[k] += k0[i]*mCHt0[j] + k1[i]*mCHt1[j] + k2[i]*mCHt2[j]; } //* Calculate Chi^2 Vtx.fNDF -= 2; Vtx.fChi2 -= dChi2; } void AliKFParticleBase::TransportLine( Double_t dS, Double_t P[], Double_t C[] ) const { //* Transport the particle as a straight line P[0] = fP[0] + dS*fP[3]; P[1] = fP[1] + dS*fP[4]; P[2] = fP[2] + dS*fP[5]; P[3] = fP[3]; P[4] = fP[4]; P[5] = fP[5]; P[6] = fP[6]; P[7] = fP[7]; Double_t c6 = fC[ 6] + dS*fC[ 9]; Double_t c11 = fC[11] + dS*fC[14]; Double_t c17 = fC[17] + dS*fC[20]; Double_t sc13 = dS*fC[13]; Double_t sc18 = dS*fC[18]; Double_t sc19 = dS*fC[19]; C[ 0] = fC[ 0] + dS*( fC[ 6] + c6 ); C[ 2] = fC[ 2] + dS*( fC[11] + c11 ); C[ 5] = fC[ 5] + dS*( fC[17] + c17 ); C[ 7] = fC[ 7] + sc13; C[ 8] = fC[ 8] + sc18; C[ 9] = fC[ 9]; C[12] = fC[12] + sc19; C[ 1] = fC[ 1] + dS*( fC[10] + C[ 7] ); C[ 3] = fC[ 3] + dS*( fC[15] + C[ 8] ); C[ 4] = fC[ 4] + dS*( fC[16] + C[12] ); C[ 6] = c6; C[10] = fC[10] + sc13; C[11] = c11; C[13] = fC[13]; C[14] = fC[14]; C[15] = fC[15] + sc18; C[16] = fC[16] + sc19; C[17] = c17; C[18] = fC[18]; C[19] = fC[19]; C[20] = fC[20]; C[21] = fC[21] + dS*fC[24]; C[22] = fC[22] + dS*fC[25]; C[23] = fC[23] + dS*fC[26]; C[24] = fC[24]; C[25] = fC[25]; C[26] = fC[26]; C[27] = fC[27]; C[28] = fC[28] + dS*fC[31]; C[29] = fC[29] + dS*fC[32]; C[30] = fC[30] + dS*fC[33]; C[31] = fC[31]; C[32] = fC[32]; C[33] = fC[33]; C[34] = fC[34]; C[35] = fC[35]; } void AliKFParticleBase::ConstructGammaBz( const AliKFParticleBase &daughter1, const AliKFParticleBase &daughter2, double Bz ) { //* Create gamma const AliKFParticleBase *daughters[2] = { &daughter1, &daughter2}; double v0[3]; if( !fIsLinearized ){ Double_t ds, ds1; Double_t m[8]; Double_t mCd[36]; daughter1.GetDStoParticle(daughter2, ds, ds1); daughter1.Transport( ds, m, mCd ); fP[0] = m[0]; fP[1] = m[1]; fP[2] = m[2]; daughter2.Transport( ds1, m, mCd ); fP[0] = .5*( fP[0] + m[0] ); fP[1] = .5*( fP[1] + m[1] ); fP[2] = .5*( fP[2] + m[2] ); } else { fP[0] = fVtxGuess[0]; fP[1] = fVtxGuess[1]; fP[2] = fVtxGuess[2]; } double daughterP[2][8], daughterC[2][36]; double vtxMom[2][3]; int nIter = fIsLinearized ?1 :2; for( int iter=0; iterGetMeasurement( v0, p, mC ); Double_t mAi[6]; InvertSym3(mC, mAi ); Double_t mB[3][3]; mB[0][0] = mC[ 6]*mAi[0] + mC[ 7]*mAi[1] + mC[ 8]*mAi[3]; mB[0][1] = mC[ 6]*mAi[1] + mC[ 7]*mAi[2] + mC[ 8]*mAi[4]; mB[0][2] = mC[ 6]*mAi[3] + mC[ 7]*mAi[4] + mC[ 8]*mAi[5]; mB[1][0] = mC[10]*mAi[0] + mC[11]*mAi[1] + mC[12]*mAi[3]; mB[1][1] = mC[10]*mAi[1] + mC[11]*mAi[2] + mC[12]*mAi[4]; mB[1][2] = mC[10]*mAi[3] + mC[11]*mAi[4] + mC[12]*mAi[5]; mB[2][0] = mC[15]*mAi[0] + mC[16]*mAi[1] + mC[17]*mAi[3]; mB[2][1] = mC[15]*mAi[1] + mC[16]*mAi[2] + mC[17]*mAi[4]; mB[2][2] = mC[15]*mAi[3] + mC[16]*mAi[4] + mC[17]*mAi[5]; Double_t z[3] = { v0[0]-p[0], v0[1]-p[1], v0[2]-p[2] }; vtxMom[id][0] = p[3] + mB[0][0]*z[0] + mB[0][1]*z[1] + mB[0][2]*z[2]; vtxMom[id][1] = p[4] + mB[1][0]*z[0] + mB[1][1]*z[1] + mB[1][2]*z[2]; vtxMom[id][2] = p[5] + mB[2][0]*z[0] + mB[2][1]*z[1] + mB[2][2]*z[2]; daughters[id]->Transport( daughters[id]->GetDStoPoint(v0), p, mC ); } } // fit daughters to guess // fit new vertex { double mpx0 = vtxMom[0][0]+vtxMom[1][0]; double mpy0 = vtxMom[0][1]+vtxMom[1][1]; double mpt0 = TMath::Sqrt(mpx0*mpx0 + mpy0*mpy0); // double a0 = TMath::ATan2(mpy0,mpx0); double ca0 = mpx0/mpt0; double sa0 = mpy0/mpt0; double r[3] = { v0[0], v0[1], v0[2] }; double mC[3][3] = {{1000., 0 , 0 }, {0, 1000., 0 }, {0, 0, 1000. } }; double chi2=0; for( int id=0; id<2; id++ ){ const Double_t kCLight = 0.000299792458; Double_t q = Bz*daughters[id]->GetQ()*kCLight; Double_t px0 = vtxMom[id][0]; Double_t py0 = vtxMom[id][1]; Double_t pz0 = vtxMom[id][2]; Double_t pt0 = TMath::Sqrt(px0*px0+py0*py0); Double_t mG[3][6], mB[3], mH[3][3]; // r = {vx,vy,vz}; // m = {x,y,z,Px,Py,Pz}; // V = daughter.C // G*m + B = H*r; // q*x + Py - q*vx - sin(a)*Pt = 0 // q*y - Px - q*vy + cos(a)*Pt = 0 // (Px*cos(a) + Py*sin(a) ) (vz -z) - Pz( cos(a)*(vx-x) + sin(a)*(vy-y)) = 0 mG[0][0] = q; mG[0][1] = 0; mG[0][2] = 0; mG[0][3] = -sa0*px0/pt0; mG[0][4] = 1 -sa0*py0/pt0; mG[0][5] = 0; mH[0][0] = q; mH[0][1] = 0; mH[0][2] = 0; mB[0] = py0 - sa0*pt0 - mG[0][3]*px0 - mG[0][4]*py0 ; // q*y - Px - q*vy + cos(a)*Pt = 0 mG[1][0] = 0; mG[1][1] = q; mG[1][2] = 0; mG[1][3] = -1 + ca0*px0/pt0; mG[1][4] = + ca0*py0/pt0; mG[1][5] = 0; mH[1][0] = 0; mH[1][1] = q; mH[1][2] = 0; mB[1] = -px0 + ca0*pt0 - mG[1][3]*px0 - mG[1][4]*py0 ; // (Px*cos(a) + Py*sin(a) ) (z -vz) - Pz( cos(a)*(x-vx) + sin(a)*(y-vy)) = 0 mG[2][0] = -pz0*ca0; mG[2][1] = -pz0*sa0; mG[2][2] = px0*ca0 + py0*sa0; mG[2][3] = 0; mG[2][4] = 0; mG[2][5] = 0; mH[2][0] = mG[2][0]; mH[2][1] = mG[2][1]; mH[2][2] = mG[2][2]; mB[2] = 0; // fit the vertex // V = GVGt double mGV[3][6]; double mV[6]; double m[3]; for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){ m[i] = mB[i]; for( int k=0; k<6; k++ ) m[i]+=mG[i][k]*daughterP[id][k]; } for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){ for( int j=0; j<6; j++ ){ mGV[i][j] = 0; for( int k=0; k<6; k++ ) mGV[i][j]+=mG[i][k]*daughterC[id][ IJ(k,j) ]; } } for( int i=0, k=0; i<3; i++ ){ for( int j=0; j<=i; j++,k++ ){ mV[k] = 0; for( int l=0; l<6; l++ ) mV[k]+=mGV[i][l]*mG[j][l]; } } //* CHt Double_t mCHt[3][3]; Double_t mHCHt[6]; Double_t mHr[3]; for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){ mHr[i] = 0; for( int k=0; k<3; k++ ) mHr[i]+= mH[i][k]*r[k]; } for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ){ for( int j=0; j<3; j++){ mCHt[i][j] = 0; for( int k=0; k<3; k++ ) mCHt[i][j]+= mC[i][k]*mH[j][k]; } } for( int i=0, k=0; i<3; i++ ){ for( int j=0; j<=i; j++, k++ ){ mHCHt[k] = 0; for( int l=0; l<3; l++ ) mHCHt[k]+= mH[i][l]*mCHt[l][j]; } } Double_t mS[6] = { mHCHt[0]+mV[0], mHCHt[1]+mV[1], mHCHt[2]+mV[2], mHCHt[3]+mV[3], mHCHt[4]+mV[4], mHCHt[5]+mV[5] }; InvertSym3(mS,mS); //* Residual (measured - estimated) Double_t zeta[3] = { m[0]-mHr[0], m[1]-mHr[1], m[2]-mHr[2] }; //* Kalman gain K = mCH'*S Double_t k[3][3]; for(Int_t i=0;i<3;++i){ k[i][0] = mCHt[i][0]*mS[0] + mCHt[i][1]*mS[1] + mCHt[i][2]*mS[3]; k[i][1] = mCHt[i][0]*mS[1] + mCHt[i][1]*mS[2] + mCHt[i][2]*mS[4]; k[i][2] = mCHt[i][0]*mS[3] + mCHt[i][1]*mS[4] + mCHt[i][2]*mS[5]; } //* New estimation of the vertex position r += K*zeta for(Int_t i=0;i<3;++i) r[i] = r[i] + k[i][0]*zeta[0] + k[i][1]*zeta[1] + k[i][2]*zeta[2]; //* New covariance matrix C -= K*(mCH')' for(Int_t i=0;i<3;++i){ for(Int_t j=0;j<=i;++j){ mC[i][j] = mC[i][j] - (k[i][0]*mCHt[j][0] + k[i][1]*mCHt[j][1] + k[i][2]*mCHt[j][2]); mC[j][i] = mC[i][j]; } } //* Calculate Chi^2 chi2 += ( ( mS[0]*zeta[0] + mS[1]*zeta[1] + mS[3]*zeta[2] )*zeta[0] +(mS[1]*zeta[0] + mS[2]*zeta[1] + mS[4]*zeta[2] )*zeta[1] +(mS[3]*zeta[0] + mS[4]*zeta[1] + mS[5]*zeta[2] )*zeta[2] ); } // store vertex fNDF = 2; fChi2 = chi2; for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) fP[i] = r[i]; for( int i=0,k=0; i<3; i++ ){ for( int j=0; j<=i; j++,k++ ){ fC[k] = mC[i][j]; } } } } // iterations // now fit daughters to the vertex fQ = 0; fSFromDecay = 0; for(Int_t i=3;i<8;++i) fP[i]=0.; for(Int_t i=6;i<35;++i) fC[i]=0.; fC[35] = 100.; for( int id=0; id<2; id++ ){ double *p = daughterP[id]; double *mC = daughterC[id]; daughters[id]->GetMeasurement( v0, p, mC ); const Double_t *m = fP, *mV = fC; Double_t mAi[6]; InvertSym3(mC, mAi ); Double_t mB[4][3]; mB[0][0] = mC[ 6]*mAi[0] + mC[ 7]*mAi[1] + mC[ 8]*mAi[3]; mB[0][1] = mC[ 6]*mAi[1] + mC[ 7]*mAi[2] + mC[ 8]*mAi[4]; mB[0][2] = mC[ 6]*mAi[3] + mC[ 7]*mAi[4] + mC[ 8]*mAi[5]; mB[1][0] = mC[10]*mAi[0] + mC[11]*mAi[1] + mC[12]*mAi[3]; mB[1][1] = mC[10]*mAi[1] + mC[11]*mAi[2] + mC[12]*mAi[4]; mB[1][2] = mC[10]*mAi[3] + mC[11]*mAi[4] + mC[12]*mAi[5]; mB[2][0] = mC[15]*mAi[0] + mC[16]*mAi[1] + mC[17]*mAi[3]; mB[2][1] = mC[15]*mAi[1] + mC[16]*mAi[2] + mC[17]*mAi[4]; mB[2][2] = mC[15]*mAi[3] + mC[16]*mAi[4] + mC[17]*mAi[5]; mB[3][0] = mC[21]*mAi[0] + mC[22]*mAi[1] + mC[23]*mAi[3]; mB[3][1] = mC[21]*mAi[1] + mC[22]*mAi[2] + mC[23]*mAi[4]; mB[3][2] = mC[21]*mAi[3] + mC[22]*mAi[4] + mC[23]*mAi[5]; Double_t z[3] = { m[0]-p[0], m[1]-p[1], m[2]-p[2] }; // { // Double_t mAV[6] = { mC[0]-mV[0], mC[1]-mV[1], mC[2]-mV[2], // mC[3]-mV[3], mC[4]-mV[4], mC[5]-mV[5] }; // // Double_t mAVi[6]; // if( !InvertSym3(mAV, mAVi) ){ // Double_t dChi2 = ( +(mAVi[0]*z[0] + mAVi[1]*z[1] + mAVi[3]*z[2])*z[0] // +(mAVi[1]*z[0] + mAVi[2]*z[1] + mAVi[4]*z[2])*z[1] // +(mAVi[3]*z[0] + mAVi[4]*z[1] + mAVi[5]*z[2])*z[2] ); // fChi2+= TMath::Abs( dChi2 ); // } // fNDF += 2; // } //* Add the daughter momentum to the particle momentum fP[3]+= p[3] + mB[0][0]*z[0] + mB[0][1]*z[1] + mB[0][2]*z[2]; fP[4]+= p[4] + mB[1][0]*z[0] + mB[1][1]*z[1] + mB[1][2]*z[2]; fP[5]+= p[5] + mB[2][0]*z[0] + mB[2][1]*z[1] + mB[2][2]*z[2]; fP[6]+= p[6] + mB[3][0]*z[0] + mB[3][1]*z[1] + mB[3][2]*z[2]; Double_t d0, d1, d2; d0= mB[0][0]*mV[0] + mB[0][1]*mV[1] + mB[0][2]*mV[3] - mC[ 6]; d1= mB[0][0]*mV[1] + mB[0][1]*mV[2] + mB[0][2]*mV[4] - mC[ 7]; d2= mB[0][0]*mV[3] + mB[0][1]*mV[4] + mB[0][2]*mV[5] - mC[ 8]; //fC[6]+= mC[ 6] + d0; //fC[7]+= mC[ 7] + d1; //fC[8]+= mC[ 8] + d2; fC[9]+= mC[ 9] + d0*mB[0][0] + d1*mB[0][1] + d2*mB[0][2]; d0= mB[1][0]*mV[0] + mB[1][1]*mV[1] + mB[1][2]*mV[3] - mC[10]; d1= mB[1][0]*mV[1] + mB[1][1]*mV[2] + mB[1][2]*mV[4] - mC[11]; d2= mB[1][0]*mV[3] + mB[1][1]*mV[4] + mB[1][2]*mV[5] - mC[12]; //fC[10]+= mC[10]+ d0; //fC[11]+= mC[11]+ d1; //fC[12]+= mC[12]+ d2; fC[13]+= mC[13]+ d0*mB[0][0] + d1*mB[0][1] + d2*mB[0][2]; fC[14]+= mC[14]+ d0*mB[1][0] + d1*mB[1][1] + d2*mB[1][2]; d0= mB[2][0]*mV[0] + mB[2][1]*mV[1] + mB[2][2]*mV[3] - mC[15]; d1= mB[2][0]*mV[1] + mB[2][1]*mV[2] + mB[2][2]*mV[4] - mC[16]; d2= mB[2][0]*mV[3] + mB[2][1]*mV[4] + mB[2][2]*mV[5] - mC[17]; //fC[15]+= mC[15]+ d0; //fC[16]+= mC[16]+ d1; //fC[17]+= mC[17]+ d2; fC[18]+= mC[18]+ d0*mB[0][0] + d1*mB[0][1] + d2*mB[0][2]; fC[19]+= mC[19]+ d0*mB[1][0] + d1*mB[1][1] + d2*mB[1][2]; fC[20]+= mC[20]+ d0*mB[2][0] + d1*mB[2][1] + d2*mB[2][2]; d0= mB[3][0]*mV[0] + mB[3][1]*mV[1] + mB[3][2]*mV[3] - mC[21]; d1= mB[3][0]*mV[1] + mB[3][1]*mV[2] + mB[3][2]*mV[4] - mC[22]; d2= mB[3][0]*mV[3] + mB[3][1]*mV[4] + mB[3][2]*mV[5] - mC[23]; //fC[21]+= mC[21] + d0; //fC[22]+= mC[22] + d1; //fC[23]+= mC[23] + d2; fC[24]+= mC[24] + d0*mB[0][0] + d1*mB[0][1] + d2*mB[0][2]; fC[25]+= mC[25] + d0*mB[1][0] + d1*mB[1][1] + d2*mB[1][2]; fC[26]+= mC[26] + d0*mB[2][0] + d1*mB[2][1] + d2*mB[2][2]; fC[27]+= mC[27] + d0*mB[3][0] + d1*mB[3][1] + d2*mB[3][2]; } // SetMassConstraint(0,0); SetNonlinearMassConstraint(0); } void AliKFParticleBase::GetArmenterosPodolanski(AliKFParticleBase& positive, AliKFParticleBase& negative, Double_t QtAlfa[2] ) { // example: // AliKFParticle PosParticle(...) // AliKFParticle NegParticle(...) // Gamma.ConstructGamma(PosParticle, NegParticle); // Double_t VertexGamma[3] = {Gamma.GetX(), Gamma.GetY(), Gamma.GetZ()}; // PosParticle.TransportToPoint(VertexGamma); // NegParticle.TransportToPoint(VertexGamma); // Double_t armenterosQtAlfa[2] = {0.}; // AliKFParticle::GetArmenterosPodolanski(PosParticle, NegParticle, armenterosQtAlfa ); Double_t alpha = 0., qt = 0.; Double_t spx = positive.GetPx() + negative.GetPx(); Double_t spy = positive.GetPy() + negative.GetPy(); Double_t spz = positive.GetPz() + negative.GetPz(); Double_t sp = sqrt(spx*spx + spy*spy + spz*spz); if( sp == 0.0) return; Double_t pn, pln, plp; // ,pp; pn = TMath::Sqrt(negative.GetPx()*negative.GetPx() + negative.GetPy()*negative.GetPy() + negative.GetPz()*negative.GetPz()); // pp = TMath::Sqrt(positive.GetPx()*positive.GetPx() + positive.GetPy()*positive.GetPy() + positive.GetPz()*positive.GetPz()); pln = (negative.GetPx()*spx+negative.GetPy()*spy+negative.GetPz()*spz)/sp; plp = (positive.GetPx()*spx+positive.GetPy()*spy+positive.GetPz()*spz)/sp; if( pn == 0.0) return; Double_t ptm = (1.-((pln/pn)*(pln/pn))); qt= (ptm>=0.)? pn*sqrt(ptm) :0; alpha = (plp-pln)/(plp+pln); QtAlfa[0] = qt; QtAlfa[1] = alpha; } void AliKFParticleBase::RotateXY(Double_t angle, Double_t Vtx[3]) { // Rotates the KFParticle object around OZ axis, OZ axis is set by the vertex position // Double_t angle - angle of rotation in XY plane in [rad] // Double_t Vtx[3] - position of the vertex in [cm] // Before rotation the center of the coordinat system should be moved to the vertex position; move back after rotation X() = X() - Vtx[0]; Y() = Y() - Vtx[1]; Z() = Z() - Vtx[2]; // Rotate the kf particle Double_t c = TMath::Cos(angle); Double_t s = TMath::Sin(angle); Double_t mA[8][ 8]; for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++ ){ for( Int_t j=0; j<8; j++){ mA[i][j] = 0; } } for( int i=0; i<8; i++ ){ mA[i][i] = 1; } mA[0][0] = c; mA[0][1] = s; mA[1][0] = -s; mA[1][1] = c; mA[3][3] = c; mA[3][4] = s; mA[4][3] = -s; mA[4][4] = c; Double_t mAC[8][8]; Double_t mAp[8]; for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++ ){ mAp[i] = 0; for( Int_t k=0; k<8; k++){ mAp[i]+=mA[i][k] * fP[k]; } } for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++){ fP[i] = mAp[i]; } for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++ ){ for( Int_t j=0; j<8; j++ ){ mAC[i][j] = 0; for( Int_t k=0; k<8; k++ ){ mAC[i][j]+= mA[i][k] * GetCovariance(k,j); } } } for( Int_t i=0; i<8; i++ ){ for( Int_t j=0; j<=i; j++ ){ Double_t xx = 0; for( Int_t k=0; k<8; k++){ xx+= mAC[i][k]*mA[j][k]; } Covariance(i,j) = xx; } } X() = GetX() + Vtx[0]; Y() = GetY() + Vtx[1]; Z() = GetZ() + Vtx[2]; } Bool_t AliKFParticleBase::InvertSym3( const Double_t A[], Double_t Ai[] ) { //* Invert symmetric matric stored in low-triagonal form bool ret = 0; double a0 = A[0], a1 = A[1], a2 = A[2], a3 = A[3]; Ai[0] = a2*A[5] - A[4]*A[4]; Ai[1] = a3*A[4] - a1*A[5]; Ai[3] = a1*A[4] - a2*a3; Double_t det = (a0*Ai[0] + a1*Ai[1] + a3*Ai[3]); if( TMath::Abs(det)>1.e-20 ) det = 1./det; else{ det = 0; ret = 1; } Ai[0] *= det; Ai[1] *= det; Ai[3] *= det; Ai[2] = ( a0*A[5] - a3*a3 )*det; Ai[4] = ( a1*a3 - a0*A[4] )*det; Ai[5] = ( a0*a2 - a1*a1 )*det; return ret; } void AliKFParticleBase::MultQSQt( const Double_t Q[], const Double_t S[], Double_t SOut[] ) { //* Matrix multiplication Q*S*Q^T, Q - square matrix, S - symmetric const Int_t kN= 8; Double_t mA[kN*kN]; for( Int_t i=0, ij=0; i