/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class AliMCEventHandler // This class gives access to MC truth during the analysis. // Monte Carlo truth is containe in the kinematics tree (produced particles) and // the tree of reference hits. // // Origin: Andreas Morsch, CERN, andreas.morsch@cern.ch //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "AliMCEventHandler.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliMCParticle.h" #include "AliPDG.h" #include "AliTrackReference.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(AliMCEventHandler) AliMCEventHandler::AliMCEventHandler() : AliInputEventHandler(), fMCEvent(new AliMCEvent()), fFileE(0), fFileK(0), fFileTR(0), fTreeE(0), fTreeK(0), fTreeTR(0), fDirK(0), fDirTR(0), fParticleSelected(0), fLabelMap(0), fNEvent(-1), fEvent(-1), fPathName(new TString("./")), fkExtension(""), fFileNumber(0), fEventsPerFile(0), fReadTR(kTRUE), fInitOk(kFALSE), fSubsidiaryHandlers(0), fEventsInContainer(0), fPreReadMode(kNoPreRead), fCacheSize(0), fCacheTK(0), fCacheTR(0) { // // Default constructor // // Be sure to add all particles to the PDG database AliPDG::AddParticlesToPdgDataBase(); } AliMCEventHandler::AliMCEventHandler(const char* name, const char* title) : AliInputEventHandler(name, title), fMCEvent(new AliMCEvent()), fFileE(0), fFileK(0), fFileTR(0), fTreeE(0), fTreeK(0), fTreeTR(0), fDirK(0), fDirTR(0), fParticleSelected(0), fLabelMap(0), fNEvent(-1), fEvent(-1), fPathName(new TString("./")), fkExtension(""), fFileNumber(0), fEventsPerFile(0), fReadTR(kTRUE), fInitOk(kFALSE), fSubsidiaryHandlers(0), fEventsInContainer(0), fPreReadMode(kNoPreRead), fCacheSize(0), fCacheTK(0), fCacheTR(0) { // // Constructor // // Be sure to add all particles to the PDG database AliPDG::AddParticlesToPdgDataBase(); } AliMCEventHandler::~AliMCEventHandler() { // Destructor delete fPathName; delete fMCEvent; delete fFileE; delete fFileK; delete fFileTR; delete fCacheTK; delete fCacheTR; } Bool_t AliMCEventHandler::Init(Option_t* opt) { // Initialize input // if (!(strcmp(opt, "proof")) || !(strcmp(opt, "local"))) return kTRUE; // fFileE = TFile::Open(Form("%sgalice.root", fPathName->Data())); if (!fFileE) { AliError(Form("AliMCEventHandler:galice.root not found in directory %s ! \n", fPathName->Data())); fInitOk = kFALSE; return kFALSE; } // // Tree E fFileE->GetObject("TE", fTreeE); // Connect Tree E to the MCEvent fMCEvent->ConnectTreeE(fTreeE); fNEvent = fTreeE->GetEntries(); // // Tree K fFileK = TFile::Open(Form("%sKinematics%s.root", fPathName->Data(), fkExtension)); if (!fFileK) { AliError(Form("AliMCEventHandler:Kinematics.root not found in directory %s ! \n", fPathName->Data())); fInitOk = kFALSE; return kTRUE; } fEventsPerFile = fFileK->GetNkeys() - fFileK->GetNProcessIDs(); // // Tree TR if (fReadTR) { fFileTR = TFile::Open(Form("%sTrackRefs%s.root", fPathName->Data(), fkExtension)); if (!fFileTR) { AliError(Form("AliMCEventHandler:TrackRefs.root not found in directory %s ! \n", fPathName->Data())); fInitOk = kFALSE; return kTRUE; } } // // Reset the event number fEvent = -1; fFileNumber = 0; AliInfo(Form("Number of events in this directory %5d \n", fNEvent)); fInitOk = kTRUE; if (fSubsidiaryHandlers) { TIter next(fSubsidiaryHandlers); AliMCEventHandler *handler; while((handler = (AliMCEventHandler*)next())) { handler->Init(opt); handler->SetNumberOfEventsInContainer(fNEvent); } } return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliMCEventHandler::LoadEvent(Int_t iev) { // Load the event number iev // // Calculate the file number if (!fInitOk) return kFALSE; Int_t inew = iev / fEventsPerFile; Bool_t firsttree = (fTreeK==0) ? kTRUE : kFALSE; // Bool_t newtree = firsttree; if (inew != fFileNumber) { // newtree = kTRUE; fFileNumber = inew; if (!OpenFile(fFileNumber)){ return kFALSE; } } // Folder name char folder[20]; snprintf(folder, 20, "Event%d", iev); // TreeE fTreeE->GetEntry(iev); // Tree K fFileK->GetObject(folder, fDirK); if (!fDirK) { AliWarning(Form("AliMCEventHandler: Event #%5d - Cannot get kinematics\n", iev)); return kFALSE; } fDirK ->GetObject("TreeK", fTreeK); if (!fTreeK) { AliError(Form("AliMCEventHandler: Event #%5d - Cannot get TreeK\n",iev)); return kFALSE; } // Connect TreeK to MCEvent fMCEvent->ConnectTreeK(fTreeK); //Tree TR if (fFileTR) { // Check which format has been read fFileTR->GetObject(folder, fDirTR); if (!fDirTR) { AliError(Form("AliMCEventHandler: Event #%5d - Cannot get track references\n",iev)); return kFALSE; } fDirTR->GetObject("TreeTR", fTreeTR); // if (!fTreeTR) { AliError(Form("AliMCEventHandler: Event #%5d - Cannot get TreeTR\n",iev)); return kFALSE; } // Connect TR to MCEvent fMCEvent->ConnectTreeTR(fTreeTR); } // Now setup the caches if not yet done if (fCacheSize) { fTreeK->SetCacheSize(fCacheSize); fCacheTK = (TTreeCache*) fFileK->GetCacheRead(fTreeK); TTreeCache::SetLearnEntries(1); fTreeK->AddBranchToCache("*",kTRUE); if (firsttree) Info("LoadEvent","Read cache enabled %lld bytes for TreeK",fCacheSize); if (fTreeTR) { fTreeTR->SetCacheSize(fCacheSize); fCacheTR = (TTreeCache*) fFileTR->GetCacheRead(fTreeTR); TTreeCache::SetLearnEntries(1); fTreeTR->AddBranchToCache("*",kTRUE); if (firsttree) Info("LoadEvent","Read cache enabled %lld bytes for TreeTR",fCacheSize); } // } else { // We need to reuse the previous caches and every new event is a new tree // if (fCacheTK) { // fCacheTK->ResetCache(); // if (fFileK) fFileK->SetCacheRead(fCacheTK, fTreeK); // fCacheTK->UpdateBranches(fTreeK); // } // if (fCacheTR) { // fCacheTR->ResetCache(); // if (fFileTR) fFileTR->SetCacheRead(fCacheTR, fTreeTR); // fCacheTR->UpdateBranches(fTreeTR); // } } return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliMCEventHandler::OpenFile(Int_t i) { // Open file i if (i > 0) { fkExtension = Form("%d", i); } else { fkExtension = ""; } if (fFileK && fCacheTK) fFileK->SetCacheRead(0, fTreeK); delete fFileK; fFileK = TFile::Open(Form("%sKinematics%s.root", fPathName->Data(), fkExtension)); if (!fFileK) { AliError(Form("AliMCEventHandler:Kinematics%s.root not found in directory %s ! \n", fkExtension, fPathName->Data())); fInitOk = kFALSE; return kFALSE; } if (fReadTR) { if (fFileTR && fCacheTR) fFileTR->SetCacheRead(0, fTreeTR); delete fFileTR; fFileTR = TFile::Open(Form("%sTrackRefs%s.root", fPathName->Data(), fkExtension)); if (!fFileTR) { AliWarning(Form("AliMCEventHandler:TrackRefs%s.root not found in directory %s ! \n", fkExtension, fPathName->Data())); fInitOk = kFALSE; return kFALSE; } } fInitOk = kTRUE; return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliMCEventHandler::BeginEvent(Long64_t entry) { // Begin event fParticleSelected.Delete(); fLabelMap.Delete(); // Read the next event if (fEventsInContainer != 0) { entry = (Long64_t) ( entry * Float_t(fNEvent) / Float_t (fEventsInContainer)); } if (entry == -1) { fEvent++; entry = fEvent; } else { fEvent = entry; } if (entry >= fNEvent) { AliWarning(Form("AliMCEventHandler: Event number out of range %5lld %5d\n", entry, fNEvent)); return kFALSE; } Bool_t result = LoadEvent(entry); if (fSubsidiaryHandlers) { TIter next(fSubsidiaryHandlers); AliMCEventHandler *handler; while((handler = (AliMCEventHandler*)next())) { handler->BeginEvent(entry); } next.Reset(); while((handler = (AliMCEventHandler*)next())) { fMCEvent->AddSubsidiaryEvent(handler->MCEvent()); } fMCEvent->InitEvent(); } if (fPreReadMode == kLmPreRead) { fMCEvent->PreReadAll(); } return result; } void AliMCEventHandler::SelectParticle(Int_t i){ // taking the absolute values here, need to take care // of negative daughter and mother // IDs when setting! if (TMath::Abs(i) >= AliMCEvent::BgLabelOffset()) i = fMCEvent->BgLabelToIndex(TMath::Abs(i)); if(!IsParticleSelected(TMath::Abs(i)))fParticleSelected.Add(TMath::Abs(i),1); } Bool_t AliMCEventHandler::IsParticleSelected(Int_t i) { // taking the absolute values here, need to take // care with negative daughter and mother // IDs when setting! return (fParticleSelected.GetValue(TMath::Abs(i))==1); } void AliMCEventHandler::CreateLabelMap(){ // // this should be called once all selections where done // fLabelMap.Delete(); if(!fMCEvent){ fParticleSelected.Delete(); return; } VerifySelectedParticles(); Int_t iNew = 0; for(int i = 0;i < fMCEvent->GetNumberOfTracks();++i){ if(IsParticleSelected(i)){ fLabelMap.Add(i,iNew); iNew++; } } } Int_t AliMCEventHandler::GetNewLabel(Int_t i) { // Gets the label from the new created Map // Call CreatLabelMap before // otherwise only 0 returned return fLabelMap.GetValue(TMath::Abs(i)); } void AliMCEventHandler::VerifySelectedParticles(){ // // Make sure that each particle has at least it's predecessors // selected so that we have the complete ancestry tree // Private, should be only called by CreateLabelMap if(!fMCEvent){ fParticleSelected.Delete(); return; } Int_t nprim = fMCEvent->GetNumberOfPrimaries(); for(int i = 0;i < fMCEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); ++i){ if(i < nprim){ SelectParticle(i);// take all primaries continue; } if(!IsParticleSelected(i))continue; AliMCParticle* mcpart = (AliMCParticle*) fMCEvent->GetTrack(i); Int_t imo = mcpart->GetMother(); while((imo >= nprim)&&!IsParticleSelected(imo)){ // Mother not yet selected SelectParticle(imo); mcpart = (AliMCParticle*) fMCEvent->GetTrack(imo); imo = mcpart->GetMother(); } // after last step we may have an unselected primary // mother if(imo>=0){ if(!IsParticleSelected(imo)) SelectParticle(imo); } }// loop over all tracks } Int_t AliMCEventHandler::GetParticleAndTR(Int_t i, TParticle*& particle, TClonesArray*& trefs) { // Retrieve entry i if (!fInitOk) { return 0; } else { return (fMCEvent->GetParticleAndTR(i, particle, trefs)); } } void AliMCEventHandler::DrawCheck(Int_t i, Int_t search) { // Retrieve entry i and draw momentum vector and hits fMCEvent->DrawCheck(i, search); } Bool_t AliMCEventHandler::Notify(const char *path) { // Notify about directory change // The directory is taken from the 'path' argument // Reconnect trees TString fileName(path); TString dirname = gSystem->DirName(fileName); TString basename = gSystem->BaseName(fileName); Int_t index = basename.Index("#"); basename = basename(0, index+1); fileName = dirname; fileName += "/"; fileName += basename; if (fileName.BeginsWith("root:")) { fileName.Append("?ZIP="); } *fPathName = fileName; AliInfo(Form("Path: -%s-\n", fPathName->Data())); ResetIO(); InitIO(""); // Handle subsidiary handlers if (fSubsidiaryHandlers) { TIter next(fSubsidiaryHandlers); AliMCEventHandler *handler; while((handler = (AliMCEventHandler*) next())) { TString* spath = handler->GetInputPath(); if (spath->Contains("merged")) { if (! fPathName->IsNull()) { handler->Notify(Form("%s/../.", fPathName->Data())); } else { handler->Notify("../"); } } } } return kTRUE; } void AliMCEventHandler::ResetIO() { // Clear header and stack if (fInitOk) fMCEvent->Clean(); // Delete Tree E delete fTreeE; fTreeE = 0; // Reset files if (fFileE) {delete fFileE; fFileE = 0;} if (fFileK) {delete fFileK; fFileK = 0;} if (fFileTR) {delete fFileTR; fFileTR = 0;} fkExtension=""; fInitOk = kFALSE; if (fSubsidiaryHandlers) { TIter next(fSubsidiaryHandlers); AliMCEventHandler *handler; while((handler = (AliMCEventHandler*)next())) { handler->ResetIO(); } } } Bool_t AliMCEventHandler::FinishEvent() { // Clean-up after each event if (fFileK && fCacheTK) { fTreeK->SetCacheSize(0); fCacheTK = 0; fFileK->SetCacheRead(0, fTreeK); } if (fFileTR && fCacheTR) { fTreeTR->SetCacheSize(0); fCacheTR = 0; fFileTR->SetCacheRead(0, fTreeTR); } delete fDirTR; fDirTR = 0; delete fDirK; fDirK = 0; if (fInitOk) fMCEvent->FinishEvent(); if (fSubsidiaryHandlers) { TIter next(fSubsidiaryHandlers); AliMCEventHandler *handler; while((handler = (AliMCEventHandler*)next())) { handler->FinishEvent(); } } return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliMCEventHandler::Terminate() { // Dummy return kTRUE; } Bool_t AliMCEventHandler::TerminateIO() { // Dummy return kTRUE; } void AliMCEventHandler::SetInputPath(const char* fname) { // Set the input path name delete fPathName; fPathName = new TString(fname); } void AliMCEventHandler::AddSubsidiaryHandler(AliMCEventHandler* handler) { // Add a subsidiary handler. For example for background events if (!fSubsidiaryHandlers) fSubsidiaryHandlers = new TList(); fSubsidiaryHandlers->Add(handler); }