/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //-----------------------------------------------------------------// // // // Implementation of the TOF PID class // // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch // // // //-----------------------------------------------------------------// #include "TMath.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TH1D.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "AliTOFPIDResponse.h" ClassImp(AliTOFPIDResponse) TF1 *AliTOFPIDResponse::fTOFtailResponse = NULL; // function to generate a TOF tail TH1F *AliTOFPIDResponse::fHmismTOF = NULL; // TOF mismatch distribution TH1D *AliTOFPIDResponse::fHchannelTOFdistr=NULL; // TOF channel distance distribution //_________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFPIDResponse::AliTOFPIDResponse(): fSigma(0), fPmax(0), // zero at 0.5 GeV/c for pp fTime0(0) { fPar[0] = 0.008; fPar[1] = 0.008; fPar[2] = 0.002; fPar[3] = 40.0; if(!fTOFtailResponse){ fTOFtailResponse = new TF1("fTOFtail","[0]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[1])*(x-[1])/2/[2]/[2])* (x < [1]+[3]*[2]) + (x > [1]+[3]*[2])*[0]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[1]-[3]*[2]*0.5)*[3]/[2] * 0.0111)*0.018",-1000,1000); fTOFtailResponse->SetParameter(0,1); fTOFtailResponse->SetParameter(1,-26); fTOFtailResponse->SetParameter(2,1); fTOFtailResponse->SetParameter(3,0.89); fTOFtailResponse->SetNpx(10000); } // Reset T0 info ResetT0info(); SetMomBoundary(); } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliTOFPIDResponse::AliTOFPIDResponse(Double_t *param): fSigma(param[0]), fPmax(0), // zero at 0.5 GeV/c for pp fTime0(0) { // // The main constructor // // //fPmax=TMath::Exp(-0.5*3*3)/fSigma; // ~3 sigma at 0.5 GeV/c for PbPb fPar[0] = 0.008; fPar[1] = 0.008; fPar[2] = 0.002; fPar[3] = 40.0; if(!fTOFtailResponse){ fTOFtailResponse = new TF1("fTOFtail","[0]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[1])*(x-[1])/2/[2]/[2])* (x < [1]+[3]*[2]) + (x > [1]+[3]*[2])*[0]*TMath::Exp(-(x-[1]-[3]*[2]*0.5)*[3]/[2] * 0.0111)*0.018",-1000,1000); fTOFtailResponse->SetParameter(0,1); fTOFtailResponse->SetParameter(1,-26); fTOFtailResponse->SetParameter(2,1); fTOFtailResponse->SetParameter(3,0.89); fTOFtailResponse->SetNpx(10000); } // Reset T0 info ResetT0info(); SetMomBoundary(); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTOFPIDResponse::GetMismatchProbability(Double_t p, Double_t mass) const { // // Returns the probability of mismatching // assuming 1/(p*beta)^2 scaling // const Double_t km=0.5; // "reference" momentum (GeV/c) Double_t ref2=km*km*km*km/(km*km + mass*mass);// "reference" (p*beta)^2 Double_t p2beta2=p*p*p*p/(p*p + mass*mass); return fPmax*ref2/p2beta2; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTOFPIDResponse::GetExpectedSigma(Float_t mom, Float_t time, Float_t mass) const { // // Return the expected sigma of the PID signal for the specified // particle mass/Z. // If the operation is not possible, return a negative value. // Double_t dpp=fPar[0] + fPar[1]*mom + fPar[2]*mass/mom; //mean relative pt resolution; Double_t sigma = dpp*time/(1.+ mom*mom/(mass*mass)); Int_t index = GetMomBin(mom); Double_t t0res = fT0resolution[index]; return TMath::Sqrt(sigma*sigma + fPar[3]*fPar[3]/mom/mom + fSigma*fSigma + t0res*t0res); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTOFPIDResponse::GetExpectedSigma(Float_t mom, Float_t time, AliPID::EParticleType type) const { // // Return the expected sigma of the PID signal for the specified // particle type. // If the operation is not possible, return a negative value. // Double_t mass = AliPID::ParticleMassZ(type); Double_t dpp=fPar[0] + fPar[1]*mom + fPar[2]*mass/mom; //mean relative pt resolution; Double_t sigma = dpp*time/(1.+ mom*mom/(mass*mass)); Int_t index = GetMomBin(mom); Double_t t0res = fT0resolution[index]; return TMath::Sqrt(sigma*sigma + fPar[3]*fPar[3]/mom/mom + fSigma*fSigma + t0res*t0res); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTOFPIDResponse::GetExpectedSignal(const AliVTrack* track,AliPID::EParticleType type) const { // // Return the expected signal of the PID signal for the particle type // If the operation is not possible, return a negative value. // Double_t expt[5]; track->GetIntegratedTimes(expt); if (type<=AliPID::kProton) return expt[type]; else { Double_t p = track->P(); Double_t massZ = AliPID::ParticleMassZ(type); return expt[0]/p*massZ*TMath::Sqrt(1.+p*p/massZ/massZ); } } //_________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTOFPIDResponse::GetMomBin(Float_t p) const{ // // Returns the momentum bin index // Int_t i=0; while(p > fPCutMin[i] && i < fNmomBins) i++; if(i > 0) i--; return i; } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliTOFPIDResponse::SetMomBoundary(){ // // Set boundaries for momentum bins // fPCutMin[0] = 0.3; fPCutMin[1] = 0.5; fPCutMin[2] = 0.6; fPCutMin[3] = 0.7; fPCutMin[4] = 0.8; fPCutMin[5] = 0.9; fPCutMin[6] = 1; fPCutMin[7] = 1.2; fPCutMin[8] = 1.5; fPCutMin[9] = 2; fPCutMin[10] = 3; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliTOFPIDResponse::GetStartTime(Float_t mom) const { // // Returns event_time value as estimated by TOF combinatorial algorithm // Int_t ibin = GetMomBin(mom); return GetT0bin(ibin); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliTOFPIDResponse::GetStartTimeRes(Float_t mom) const { // // Returns event_time resolution as estimated by TOF combinatorial algorithm // Int_t ibin = GetMomBin(mom); return GetT0binRes(ibin); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTOFPIDResponse::GetStartTimeMask(Float_t mom) const { // // Returns event_time mask // Int_t ibin = GetMomBin(mom); return GetT0binMask(ibin); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTOFPIDResponse::GetTailRandomValue() // generate a random value to add a tail to TOF time (for MC analyses) { if(fTOFtailResponse) return fTOFtailResponse->GetRandom(); else return 0.0; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTOFPIDResponse::GetMismatchRandomValue(Float_t eta) // generate a random value for mismatched tracks (for MC analyses) { if(!fHmismTOF){ TFile *fmism = new TFile("$ALICE_ROOT/TOF/data/TOFmismatchDistr.root"); if(fmism) fHmismTOF = (TH1F *) fmism->Get("TOFmismDistr"); if(!fHmismTOF){ printf("I cannot retrive TOF mismatch histos... skipped!"); return -10000.; } TFile *fchDist = new TFile("$ALICE_ROOT/TOF/data/TOFchannelDist.root"); if(fchDist) fHchannelTOFdistr = (TH1D *) fchDist->Get("hTOFchanDist"); if(!fHchannelTOFdistr){ printf("I cannot retrive TOF channel distance distribution... skipped!"); return -10000.; } } Float_t etaAbs = TMath::Abs(eta); Int_t channel = Int_t(4334.09 - 4758.36 * etaAbs -1989.71 * etaAbs*etaAbs + 1957.62*etaAbs*etaAbs*etaAbs); if(channel < 1 || etaAbs > 1) channel = 1; Float_t distIP = fHchannelTOFdistr->GetBinContent(channel); return fHmismTOF->GetRandom() + distIP*3.35655419905265973e+01; }