/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of the TPC PID class // Very naive one... Should be made better by the detector experts... // Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch // With many additions and modifications suggested by // Alexander Kalweit, GSI, alexander.philipp.kalweit@cern.ch // Dariusz Miskowiec, GSI, D.Miskowiec@gsi.de // ...and some modifications by // Mikolaj Krzewicki, GSI, mikolaj.krzewicki@cern.ch // ...and some modifications plus eta correction functions by // Benjamin Hess, University of Tuebingen, bhess@cern.ch //----------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliExternalTrackParam.h" #include "AliVTrack.h" #include "AliTPCPIDResponse.h" #include "AliTPCdEdxInfo.h" ClassImp(AliTPCPIDResponse); const char* AliTPCPIDResponse::fgkGainScenarioName[fgkNumberOfGainScenarios+1]= { "", //default - no name "1", //all high "2", //OROC only "unknown" }; //_________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCPIDResponse::AliTPCPIDResponse(): TNamed(), fMIP(50.), fRes0(), fResN2(), fKp1(0.0283086), fKp2(2.63394e+01), fKp3(5.04114e-11), fKp4(2.12543), fKp5(4.88663), fUseDatabase(kFALSE), fResponseFunctions(fgkNumberOfParticleSpecies*fgkNumberOfGainScenarios), fVoltageMap(72), fLowGainIROCthreshold(-40), fBadIROCthreshhold(-70), fLowGainOROCthreshold(-40), fBadOROCthreshhold(-40), fMaxBadLengthFraction(0.5), fMagField(0.), fhEtaCorr(0x0), fhEtaSigmaPar1(0x0), fSigmaPar0(0.0) { // // The default constructor // for (Int_t i=0; iSetDirectory(0); } if (that.fhEtaSigmaPar1) { fhEtaSigmaPar1 = new TH2D(*(that.fhEtaSigmaPar1)); fhEtaSigmaPar1->SetDirectory(0); } } //_________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCPIDResponse& AliTPCPIDResponse::operator=(const AliTPCPIDResponse& that) { //assignment if (&that==this) return *this; TNamed::operator=(that); fMIP=that.fMIP; fKp1=that.fKp1; fKp2=that.fKp2; fKp3=that.fKp3; fKp4=that.fKp4; fKp5=that.fKp5; fUseDatabase=that.fUseDatabase; fResponseFunctions=that.fResponseFunctions; fVoltageMap=that.fVoltageMap; fLowGainIROCthreshold=that.fLowGainIROCthreshold; fBadIROCthreshhold=that.fBadIROCthreshhold; fLowGainOROCthreshold=that.fLowGainOROCthreshold; fBadOROCthreshhold=that.fBadOROCthreshhold; fMaxBadLengthFraction=that.fMaxBadLengthFraction; fMagField=that.fMagField; for (Int_t i=0; iSetDirectory(0); } delete fhEtaSigmaPar1; fhEtaSigmaPar1=0x0; if (that.fhEtaSigmaPar1) { fhEtaSigmaPar1 = new TH2D(*(that.fhEtaSigmaPar1)); fhEtaSigmaPar1->SetDirectory(0); } fSigmaPar0 = that.fSigmaPar0; return *this; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCPIDResponse::Bethe(Double_t betaGamma) const { // // This is the Bethe-Bloch function normalised to 1 at the minimum // WARNING // Simulated and reconstructed Bethe-Bloch differs // Simulated curve is the dNprim/dx // Reconstructed is proportianal dNtot/dx // Temporary fix for production - Simple linear correction function // Future 2 Bethe Bloch formulas needed // 1. for simulation // 2. for reconstructed PID // // const Float_t kmeanCorrection =0.1; Double_t bb= AliExternalTrackParam::BetheBlochAleph(betaGamma,fKp1,fKp2,fKp3,fKp4,fKp5); return bb*fMIP; } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCPIDResponse::SetBetheBlochParameters(Double_t kp1, Double_t kp2, Double_t kp3, Double_t kp4, Double_t kp5) { // // Set the parameters of the ALEPH Bethe-Bloch formula // fKp1=kp1; fKp2=kp2; fKp3=kp3; fKp4=kp4; fKp5=kp5; } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCPIDResponse::SetSigma(Float_t res0, Float_t resN2) { // // Set the relative resolution sigma_rel = res0 * sqrt(1+resN2/npoint) // for (Int_t i=0; iEval(mom/mass)*chargeFactor; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetExpectedSigma(const Float_t mom, const Int_t nPoints, AliPID::EParticleType n) const { // // Deprecated function (for backward compatibility). Please use // GetExpectedSigma(onst AliVTrack* track, AliPID::EParticleType species, // ETPCdEdxSource dedxSource, Bool_t correctEta) instead! // // // Calculates the expected sigma of the PID signal as the function of // the information stored in the track, for the specified particle type // if (nPoints != 0) return GetExpectedSignal(mom,n)*fRes0[0]*sqrt(1. + fResN2[0]/nPoints); else return GetExpectedSignal(mom,n)*fRes0[0]; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////NEW////////////////////////////// //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCPIDResponse::SetSigma(Float_t res0, Float_t resN2, ETPCgainScenario gainScenario) { // // Set the relative resolution sigma_rel = res0 * sqrt(1+resN2/npoint) // if ((Int_t)gainScenario>(Int_t)fgkNumberOfGainScenarios) return; //TODO: better handling! fRes0[gainScenario]=res0; fResN2[gainScenario]=resN2; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetExpectedSignal(const AliVTrack* track, AliPID::EParticleType species, Double_t /*dEdx*/, const TSpline3* responseFunction, Bool_t correctEta) const { // Calculates the expected PID signal as the function of // the information stored in the track and the given parameters, // for the specified particle type // // At the moment, these signals are just the results of calling the // Bethe-Bloch formula plus, if desired, taking into account the eta dependence. // This can be improved. By taking into account the number of // assigned clusters and/or the track dip angle, for example. // Double_t mom=track->GetTPCmomentum(); Double_t mass=AliPID::ParticleMassZ(species); //charge factor. BB goes with z^2, however in reality it is slightly larger (calibration, threshold effects, ...) // !!! Splines for light nuclei need to be normalised to this factor !!! const Double_t chargeFactor = TMath::Power(AliPID::ParticleCharge(species),2.3); if (!responseFunction) return Bethe(mom/mass) * chargeFactor; Double_t dEdxSplines = fMIP*responseFunction->Eval(mom/mass) * chargeFactor; if (!correctEta) return dEdxSplines; //TODO Alternatively take current track dEdx //return dEdxSplines * GetEtaCorrection(track, dEdx); return dEdxSplines * GetEtaCorrection(track, dEdxSplines); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetExpectedSignal(const AliVTrack* track, AliPID::EParticleType species, ETPCdEdxSource dedxSource, Bool_t correctEta) const { // Calculates the expected PID signal as the function of // the information stored in the track, for the specified particle type // // At the moment, these signals are just the results of calling the // Bethe-Bloch formula plus, if desired, taking into account the eta dependence. // This can be improved. By taking into account the number of // assigned clusters and/or the track dip angle, for example. // if (!fUseDatabase) { //charge factor. BB goes with z^2, however in reality it is slightly larger (calibration, threshold effects, ...) // !!! Splines for light nuclei need to be normalised to this factor !!! const Double_t chargeFactor = TMath::Power(AliPID::ParticleCharge(species),2.3); return Bethe(track->GetTPCmomentum() / AliPID::ParticleMassZ(species)) * chargeFactor; } Double_t dEdx = -1; Int_t nPoints = -1; ETPCgainScenario gainScenario = kGainScenarioInvalid; TSpline3* responseFunction = 0x0; if (!ResponseFunctiondEdxN(track, species, dedxSource, dEdx, nPoints, gainScenario, &responseFunction)) { // Something is wrong with the track -> Return obviously invalid value return -999; } // Charge factor already taken into account inside the following function call return GetExpectedSignal(track, species, dEdx, responseFunction, correctEta); } //_________________________________________________________________________ TSpline3* AliTPCPIDResponse::GetResponseFunction( AliPID::EParticleType type, AliTPCPIDResponse::ETPCgainScenario gainScenario ) const { //get response function return dynamic_cast(fResponseFunctions.At(ResponseFunctionIndex(type,gainScenario))); } //_________________________________________________________________________ TSpline3* AliTPCPIDResponse::GetResponseFunction( const AliVTrack* track, AliPID::EParticleType species, ETPCdEdxSource dedxSource) const { //the splines are stored in an array, different scenarios Double_t dEdx = -1; Int_t nPoints = -1; ETPCgainScenario gainScenario = kGainScenarioInvalid; TSpline3* responseFunction = 0x0; if (ResponseFunctiondEdxN(track, species, dedxSource, dEdx, nPoints, gainScenario, &responseFunction)) return responseFunction; return NULL; } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCPIDResponse::ResetSplines() { //reset the array with splines for (Int_t i=0;i 0) { Double_t sigmaPar1 = GetSigmaPar1(track, species, dEdx, responseFunction); return GetExpectedSignal(track, species, dEdx, responseFunction, kTRUE)*sqrt(fSigmaPar0 * fSigmaPar0 + sigmaPar1 * sigmaPar1 / nPoints); } else { // One should never have/take tracks with 0 dEdx clusters! return 999; } } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetExpectedSigma(const AliVTrack* track, AliPID::EParticleType species, ETPCdEdxSource dedxSource, Bool_t correctEta) const { // Calculates the expected sigma of the PID signal as the function of // the information stored in the track, for the specified particle type // and dedx scenario // Double_t dEdx = -1; Int_t nPoints = -1; ETPCgainScenario gainScenario = kGainScenarioInvalid; TSpline3* responseFunction = 0x0; if (!ResponseFunctiondEdxN(track, species, dedxSource, dEdx, nPoints, gainScenario, &responseFunction)) return 999; //TODO: better handling! return GetExpectedSigma(track, species, gainScenario, dEdx, nPoints, responseFunction, correctEta); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetNumberOfSigmas(const AliVTrack* track, AliPID::EParticleType species, ETPCdEdxSource dedxSource, Bool_t correctEta) const { //Calculates the number of sigmas of the PID signal from the expected value //for a given particle species in the presence of multiple gain scenarios //inside the TPC Double_t dEdx = -1; Int_t nPoints = -1; ETPCgainScenario gainScenario = kGainScenarioInvalid; TSpline3* responseFunction = 0x0; if (!ResponseFunctiondEdxN(track, species, dedxSource, dEdx, nPoints, gainScenario, &responseFunction)) return -999; //TODO: Better handling! Double_t bethe = GetExpectedSignal(track, species, dEdx, responseFunction, correctEta); Double_t sigma = GetExpectedSigma(track, species, gainScenario, dEdx, nPoints, responseFunction, correctEta); // 999 will be returned by GetExpectedSigma e.g. in case of 0 dEdx clusters if (sigma >= 998) return -999; else return (dEdx-bethe)/sigma; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetSignalDelta(const AliVTrack* track, AliPID::EParticleType species, ETPCdEdxSource dedxSource, Bool_t correctEta) const { //Calculates the number of sigmas of the PID signal from the expected value //for a given particle species in the presence of multiple gain scenarios //inside the TPC Double_t dEdx = -1; Int_t nPoints = -1; ETPCgainScenario gainScenario = kGainScenarioInvalid; TSpline3* responseFunction = 0x0; if (!ResponseFunctiondEdxN(track, species, dedxSource, dEdx, nPoints, gainScenario, &responseFunction)) return -9999.; //TODO: Better handling! Double_t bethe = GetExpectedSignal(track, species, dEdx, responseFunction, correctEta); // 999 will be returned by GetExpectedSigma e.g. in case of 0 dEdx clusters return dEdx-bethe; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTPCPIDResponse::ResponseFunctiondEdxN( const AliVTrack* track, AliPID::EParticleType species, ETPCdEdxSource dedxSource, Double_t& dEdx, Int_t& nPoints, ETPCgainScenario& gainScenario, TSpline3** responseFunction) const { // Calculates the right parameters for PID // dEdx parametrization for the proper gain scenario, dEdx // and NPoints used for dEdx // based on the track geometry (which chambers it crosses) for the specified particle type // and preferred source of dedx. // returns true on success if (dedxSource == kdEdxDefault) { // Fast handling for default case. In addition: Keep it simple (don't call additional functions) to // avoid possible bugs // GetTPCsignalTunedOnData will be non-positive, if it has not been set (i.e. in case of MC NOT tuned to data). // If this is the case, just take the normal signal dEdx = track->GetTPCsignalTunedOnData(); if (dEdx <= 0) { dEdx = track->GetTPCsignal(); } nPoints = track->GetTPCsignalN(); gainScenario = kDefault; TObject* obj = fResponseFunctions.UncheckedAt(ResponseFunctionIndex(species,gainScenario)); *responseFunction = dynamic_cast(obj); //TODO:maybe static cast? return kTRUE; } //TODO Proper handle of tuneMConData for other dEdx sources Double32_t signal[4]; //0: IROC, 1: OROC medium, 2:OROC long, 3: OROC all (def. truncation used) Char_t ncl[3]; //same Char_t nrows[3]; //same const AliTPCdEdxInfo* dEdxInfo = track->GetTPCdEdxInfo(); if (!dEdxInfo && dedxSource!=kdEdxDefault) //in one case its ok if we dont have the info { AliError("AliTPCdEdxInfo not available"); return kFALSE; } if (dEdxInfo) dEdxInfo->GetTPCSignalRegionInfo(signal,ncl,nrows); //check if we cross a bad OROC in which case we reject EChamberStatus trackOROCStatus = TrackStatus(track,2); if (trackOROCStatus==kChamberOff || trackOROCStatus==kChamberLowGain) { return kFALSE; } switch (dedxSource) { case kdEdxOROC: { if (trackOROCStatus==kChamberInvalid) return kFALSE; //never reached OROC dEdx = signal[3]; nPoints = ncl[2]+ncl[1]; gainScenario = kOROChigh; break; } case kdEdxHybrid: { //if we cross a bad IROC we use OROC dedx, if we dont we use combined EChamberStatus status = TrackStatus(track,1); if (status!=kChamberHighGain) { dEdx = signal[3]; nPoints = ncl[2]+ncl[1]; gainScenario = kOROChigh; } else { dEdx = track->GetTPCsignal(); nPoints = track->GetTPCsignalN(); gainScenario = kALLhigh; } break; } default: { dEdx = 0.; nPoints = 0; gainScenario = kGainScenarioInvalid; return kFALSE; } } TObject* obj = fResponseFunctions.UncheckedAt(ResponseFunctionIndex(species,gainScenario)); *responseFunction = dynamic_cast(obj); //TODO:maybe static cast? return kTRUE; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetEtaCorrection(const AliVTrack *track, Double_t dEdxSplines) const { // // Get eta correction for the given parameters. // if (!fhEtaCorr) return 1.; Double_t tpcSignal = dEdxSplines; if (tpcSignal < 1.) return 1.; // For ESD tracks, the local tanTheta could be used (esdTrack->GetInnerParam()->GetTgl()). // However, this value is not available for AODs and, thus, not for AliVTrack. // Fortunately, the following formula allows to approximate the local tanTheta with the // global theta angle -> This is for by far most of the tracks the same, but gives at // maybe the percent level differences within +- 0.2 in tanTheta -> Which is still ok. Double_t tanTheta = TMath::Tan(-track->Theta() + TMath::Pi() / 2.0); Int_t binX = fhEtaCorr->GetXaxis()->FindBin(tanTheta); Int_t binY = fhEtaCorr->GetYaxis()->FindBin(1. / tpcSignal); if (binX == 0) binX = 1; if (binX > fhEtaCorr->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()) binX = fhEtaCorr->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); if (binY == 0) binY = 1; if (binY > fhEtaCorr->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()) binY = fhEtaCorr->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); return fhEtaCorr->GetBinContent(binX, binY); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetEtaCorrection(const AliVTrack *track, AliPID::EParticleType species, ETPCdEdxSource dedxSource) const { // // Get eta correction for the given track. // if (!fhEtaCorr) return 1.; Double_t dEdx = -1; Int_t nPoints = -1; ETPCgainScenario gainScenario = kGainScenarioInvalid; TSpline3* responseFunction = 0x0; if (!ResponseFunctiondEdxN(track, species, dedxSource, dEdx, nPoints, gainScenario, &responseFunction)) return 1.; Double_t dEdxSplines = GetExpectedSignal(track, species, dEdx, responseFunction, kFALSE); //TODO Alternatively take current track dEdx //return GetEtaCorrection(track, dEdx); return GetEtaCorrection(track, dEdxSplines); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetEtaCorrectedTrackdEdx(const AliVTrack *track, AliPID::EParticleType species, ETPCdEdxSource dedxSource) const { // // Get eta corrected dEdx for the given track. For the correction, the expected dEdx of // the specified species will be used. If the species is set to AliPID::kUnknown, the // dEdx of the track is used instead. // WARNING: In the latter case, the eta correction might not be as good as if the // expected dEdx is used, which is the way the correction factor is designed // for. // In any case, one has to decide carefully to which expected signal one wants to // compare the corrected value - to the corrected or uncorrected. // Anyhow, a safer way of looking e.g. at the n-sigma is to call // the corresponding function GetNumberOfSigmas! // Double_t dEdx = -1; Int_t nPoints = -1; ETPCgainScenario gainScenario = kGainScenarioInvalid; TSpline3* responseFunction = 0x0; // Note: In case of species == AliPID::kUnknown, the responseFunction might not be set. However, in this case // it is not used anyway, so this causes no trouble. if (!ResponseFunctiondEdxN(track, species, dedxSource, dEdx, nPoints, gainScenario, &responseFunction)) return -1.; Double_t etaCorr = 0.; if (species < AliPID::kUnknown) { Double_t dEdxSplines = GetExpectedSignal(track, species, dEdx, responseFunction, kFALSE); etaCorr = GetEtaCorrection(track, dEdxSplines); } else { etaCorr = GetEtaCorrection(track, dEdx); } if (etaCorr <= 0) return -1.; return dEdx / etaCorr; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetSigmaPar1(const AliVTrack *track, AliPID::EParticleType species, Double_t dEdx, const TSpline3* responseFunction) const { // // Get parameter 1 of sigma parametrisation of TPC dEdx from the histogram for the given track. // if (!fhEtaSigmaPar1) return 999; // The sigma maps are created with data sets that are already eta corrected and for which the // splines have been re-created. Therefore, the value for the lookup needs to be the value of // the splines without any additional eta correction. // NOTE: This is due to the method the maps are created. The track dEdx (not the expected one!) // is corrected to uniquely related a momemtum bin with an expected dEdx, where the expected dEdx // equals the track dEdx for all eta (thanks to the correction and the re-fit of the splines). // Consequently, looking up the uncorrected expected dEdx at a given tanTheta yields the correct // sigma parameter! // Also: It has to be the spline dEdx, since one wants to get the sigma for the assumption(!) // of such a particle, which by assumption then has this dEdx value Double_t dEdxExpected = GetExpectedSignal(track, species, dEdx, responseFunction, kFALSE); if (dEdxExpected < 1.) return 999; // For ESD tracks, the local tanTheta could be used (esdTrack->GetInnerParam()->GetTgl()). // However, this value is not available for AODs and, thus, not or AliVTrack. // Fortunately, the following formula allows to approximate the local tanTheta with the // global theta angle -> This is for by far most of the tracks the same, but gives at // maybe the percent level differences within +- 0.2 in tanTheta -> Which is still ok. Double_t tanTheta = TMath::Tan(-track->Theta() + TMath::Pi() / 2.0); Int_t binX = fhEtaSigmaPar1->GetXaxis()->FindBin(tanTheta); Int_t binY = fhEtaSigmaPar1->GetYaxis()->FindBin(1. / dEdxExpected); if (binX == 0) binX = 1; if (binX > fhEtaSigmaPar1->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()) binX = fhEtaSigmaPar1->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); if (binY == 0) binY = 1; if (binY > fhEtaSigmaPar1->GetYaxis()->GetNbins()) binY = fhEtaSigmaPar1->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); return fhEtaSigmaPar1->GetBinContent(binX, binY); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliTPCPIDResponse::GetSigmaPar1(const AliVTrack *track, AliPID::EParticleType species, ETPCdEdxSource dedxSource) const { // // Get eta correction for the given track. // if (!fhEtaSigmaPar1) return 999; Double_t dEdx = -1; Int_t nPoints = -1; ETPCgainScenario gainScenario = kGainScenarioInvalid; TSpline3* responseFunction = 0x0; if (!ResponseFunctiondEdxN(track, species, dedxSource, dEdx, nPoints, gainScenario, &responseFunction)) return 999; return GetSigmaPar1(track, species, dEdx, responseFunction); } //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTPCPIDResponse::SetEtaCorrMap(TH2D* hMap) { // // Load map for TPC eta correction (a copy is stored and will be deleted automatically). // If hMap is 0x0,the eta correction will be disabled and kFALSE is returned. // If the map can be set, kTRUE is returned. // delete fhEtaCorr; if (!hMap) { fhEtaCorr = 0x0; return kFALSE; } fhEtaCorr = (TH2D*)(hMap->Clone()); fhEtaCorr->SetDirectory(0); return kTRUE; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTPCPIDResponse::SetSigmaParams(TH2D* hSigmaPar1Map, Double_t sigmaPar0) { // // Load map for TPC sigma map (a copy is stored and will be deleted automatically): // Parameter 1 is stored as a 2D map (1/dEdx vs. tanTheta_local) and parameter 0 is // a constant. If hSigmaPar1Map is 0x0, the old sigma parametrisation will be used // (and sigmaPar0 is ignored!) and kFALSE is returned. // If the map can be set, sigmaPar0 is also set and kTRUE will be returned. // delete fhEtaSigmaPar1; if (!hSigmaPar1Map) { fhEtaSigmaPar1 = 0x0; fSigmaPar0 = 0.0; return kFALSE; } fhEtaSigmaPar1 = (TH2D*)(hSigmaPar1Map->Clone()); fhEtaSigmaPar1->SetDirectory(0); fSigmaPar0 = sigmaPar0; return kTRUE; } //_________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTPCPIDResponse::sectorNumbersInOut(Double_t* trackPositionInner, Double_t* trackPositionOuter, Float_t& inphi, Float_t& outphi, Int_t& in, Int_t& out ) const { //calculate the sector numbers (equivalent to IROC chamber numbers) a track crosses //for OROC chamber numbers add 36 //returned angles are between (0,2pi) inphi = TMath::ATan2(trackPositionInner[1],trackPositionInner[0]); outphi = TMath::ATan2(trackPositionOuter[1], trackPositionOuter[0]); if (inphi<0) {inphi+=TMath::TwoPi();} //because ATan2 gives angles between -pi,pi if (outphi<0) {outphi+=TMath::TwoPi();} //because ATan2 gives angles between -pi,pi in = sectorNumber(inphi); out = sectorNumber(outphi); //for the C side (positive z) offset by 18 if (trackPositionInner[2]>0.0) { in+=18; out+=18; } return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliTPCPIDResponse::sectorNumber(Double_t phi) const { //calculate sector number const Float_t width=TMath::TwoPi()/18.; return TMath::Floor(phi/width); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCPIDResponse::Print(Option_t* /*option*/) const { //Print info fResponseFunctions.Print(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCPIDResponse::EChamberStatus AliTPCPIDResponse::TrackStatus(const AliVTrack* track, Int_t layer) const { //status of the track: if it crosses any bad chambers return kChamberOff; //IROC:layer=1, OROC:layer=2 if (layer<1 || layer>2) layer=1; Int_t in=0; Int_t out=0; Float_t inphi=0.; Float_t outphi=0.; Float_t innerRadius = (layer==1)?83.0:133.7; Float_t outerRadius = (layer==1)?133.5:247.7; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //find out where track enters and leaves the layer. // Double_t trackPositionInner[3]; Double_t trackPositionOuter[3]; //if there is no inner param this could mean we're using the AOD track, //we still can extrapolate from the vertex - so use those params. const AliExternalTrackParam* ip = track->GetInnerParam(); if (ip) track=ip; Bool_t trackAtInner = track->GetXYZAt(innerRadius, fMagField, trackPositionInner); Bool_t trackAtOuter = track->GetXYZAt(outerRadius, fMagField, trackPositionOuter); if (!trackAtInner) { //if we dont even enter inner radius we do nothing and return invalid inphi=0.0; outphi=0.0; in=0; out=0; return kChamberInvalid; } if (!trackAtOuter) { //if we don't reach the outer radius check that the apex is indeed within the outer radius and use apex position Bool_t haveApex = TrackApex(track, fMagField, trackPositionOuter); Float_t apexRadius = TMath::Sqrt(trackPositionOuter[0]*trackPositionOuter[0]+trackPositionOuter[1]*trackPositionOuter[1]); if ( haveApex && apexRadius<=outerRadius && apexRadius>innerRadius) { //printf("pt: %.2f, apexRadius: %.2f(%s), x: %.2f, y: %.2f\n",track->Pt(),apexRadius,(haveApex)?"OK":"BAD",trackPositionOuter[0],trackPositionOuter[1]); } else { inphi=0.0; outphi=0.0; in=0; out=0; return kChamberInvalid; } } if (!sectorNumbersInOut(trackPositionInner, trackPositionOuter, inphi, outphi, in, out)) return kChamberInvalid; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //now we have the location of the track we can check //if it is in a good/bad chamber // Bool_t sideA = kTRUE; if (((in/18)%2==1) && ((out/18)%2==1)) sideA=kFALSE; in=in%18; out=out%18; if (TMath::Abs(in-out)>9) { if (TMath::Max(in,out)==out) { Int_t tmp=out; out = in; in = tmp; Float_t tmpphi=outphi; outphi=inphi; inphi=tmpphi; } in-=18; inphi-=TMath::TwoPi(); } else { if (TMath::Max(in,out)==in) { Int_t tmp=out; out=in; in=tmp; Float_t tmpphi=outphi; outphi=inphi; inphi=tmpphi; } } Float_t trackLengthInBad = 0.; Float_t trackLengthInLowGain = 0.; Float_t trackLengthTotal = TMath::Abs(outphi-inphi); Float_t lengthFractionInBadSectors = 0.; const Float_t sectorWidth = TMath::TwoPi()/18.; for (Int_t i=in; i<=out; i++) { int j=i; if (i<0) j+=18; //correct for the negative values if (!sideA) j+=18; //move to the correct side Float_t deltaPhi = 0.; Float_t phiEdge=sectorWidth*i; if (inphi>phiEdge) {deltaPhi=phiEdge+sectorWidth-inphi;} else if ((outphi>=phiEdge) && (outphi<(phiEdge+sectorWidth))) {deltaPhi=outphi-phiEdge;} else {deltaPhi=sectorWidth;} Float_t v = fVoltageMap[(layer==1)?(j):(j+36)]; if (v<=fBadIROCthreshhold) { trackLengthInBad+=deltaPhi; lengthFractionInBadSectors=1.; } if (v<=fLowGainIROCthreshold && v>fBadIROCthreshhold) { trackLengthInLowGain+=deltaPhi; lengthFractionInBadSectors=1.; } } //for now low gain and bad (off) chambers are treated equally if (trackLengthTotal>0) lengthFractionInBadSectors = (trackLengthInLowGain+trackLengthInBad)/trackLengthTotal; //printf("### side: %s, pt: %.2f, pz: %.2f, in: %i, out: %i, phiIN: %.2f, phiOUT: %.2f, rIN: %.2f, rOUT: %.2f\n",(sideA)?"A":"C",track->Pt(),track->Pz(),in,out,inphi,outphi,innerRadius,outerRadius); if (lengthFractionInBadSectors>fMaxBadLengthFraction) { //printf("%%%%%%%% %s kChamberLowGain\n",(layer==1)?"IROC":"OROC"); return kChamberLowGain; } return kChamberHighGain; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliTPCPIDResponse::MaxClusterRadius(const AliVTrack* track) const { //return the radius of the outermost padrow containing a cluster in TPC //for the track const TBits* clusterMap=track->GetTPCClusterMapPtr(); if (!clusterMap) return 0.; //from AliTPCParam, radius of first IROC row const Float_t rfirstIROC = 8.52249984741210938e+01; const Float_t padrowHeightIROC = 0.75; const Float_t rfirstOROC0 = 1.35100006103515625e+02; const Float_t padrowHeightOROC0 = 1.0; const Float_t rfirstOROC1 = 1.99350006103515625e+02; const Float_t padrowHeightOROC1 = 1.5; Int_t maxPadRow=160; while ((--maxPadRow)>0 && !clusterMap->TestBitNumber(maxPadRow)){} if (maxPadRow>126) return rfirstOROC1+(maxPadRow-126-1)*padrowHeightOROC1; if (maxPadRow>62) return rfirstOROC0+(maxPadRow-62-1)*padrowHeightOROC0; if (maxPadRow>0) return rfirstIROC+(maxPadRow-1)*padrowHeightIROC; return 0.0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliTPCPIDResponse::TrackApex(const AliVTrack* track, Float_t magField, Double_t position[3]) const { //calculate the coordinates of the apex of the track Double_t x[3]; track->GetXYZ(x); Double_t p[3]; track->GetPxPyPz(p); Double_t r = 1./track->OneOverPt()/0.0299792458/magField; //signed - will determine the direction of b //printf("b: %.2f, x:%.2f, y:%.2f, pt: %.2f, px:%.2f, py%.2f, r: %.2f\n",magField, x[0],x[1],track->Pt(), p[0],p[1],r); //find orthogonal vector (Gram-Schmidt) Double_t alpha = (p[0]*x[0] + p[1]*x[1])/(p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1]); Double_t b[2]; b[0]=x[0]-alpha*p[0]; b[1]=x[1]-alpha*p[1]; Double_t norm = TMath::Sqrt(b[0]*b[0]+b[1]*b[1]); if (TMath::AreEqualAbs(norm,0.0,1e-10)) return kFALSE; b[0]/=norm; b[1]/=norm; b[0]*=r; b[1]*=r; b[0]+=x[0]; b[1]+=x[1]; //printf("center: x:%.2f, y:%.2f\n",b[0],b[1]); norm = TMath::Sqrt(b[0]*b[0]+b[1]*b[1]); if (TMath::AreEqualAbs(norm,0.0,1e-10)) return kFALSE; position[0]=b[0]+b[0]*TMath::Abs(r)/norm; position[1]=b[1]+b[1]*TMath::Abs(r)/norm; position[2]=0.; return kTRUE; }