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/* $Id$ */
// //
// T0 (T-Zero) Detector //
// This class contains the base procedures for the T0 //
// detector //
// //
The responsible person for this module is
Alla Maevskaia.
*/ //End_Html // // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliMC.h" #include "AliLoader.h" #include "AliRun.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "AliT0.h" #include "AliT0Loader.h" #include "AliT0digit.h" #include "AliT0hit.h" #include "AliT0Digitizer.h" #include "AliT0RawData.h" #include "AliT0RecPoint.h" #include "AliT0Parameters.h" #include "AliLog.h" ClassImp(AliT0) //static AliT0digit *digits; //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliT0::AliT0() : AliDetector(), fIdSens(0), fDigits(NULL), fRecPoints(NULL) { // // Default constructor for class AliT0 // fIshunt = 1; fHits = 0; fDigits = 0; fRecPoints = 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliT0::AliT0(const char *name, const char *title) : AliDetector(name,title), fIdSens(0), fDigits(new AliT0digit()), fRecPoints(new AliT0RecPoint()) { // // Standard constructor for T0 Detector // // // Initialise Hit array fHits = new TClonesArray("AliT0hit", 405); gAlice->GetMCApp()->AddHitList(fHits); // fDigits = new AliT0digit(); // fRecPoints = new AliT0RecPoint(); fIshunt = 1; // fIdSens = 0; //PH SetMarkerColor(kRed); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliT0::~AliT0() { if (fHits) { fHits->Delete(); delete fHits; } /* if (fDigits) { fDigits->Delete(); delete fDigits; cout<<" delete fDigits; "< Delete(); delete fRecPoints; cout<<" delete fRecPoints; "< SetTimeBestA(besttimeright); fDigits->SetTimeBestC(besttimeleft); fDigits-> SetMeanTime(meantime); fDigits-> SetDiffTime(timediff); fDigits-> SetSumMult(sumMult); fDigits->SetTimeCFD(*timeCFD); fDigits->SetTimeLED(*timeLED); fDigits->SetQT0(*qt0); fDigits->SetQT1(*qt1); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0::BuildGeometry() { // // Build simple ROOT TNode geometry for event display // TNode *node, *top; const int kColorT0 = 19; top=gAlice->GetGeometry()->GetNode("alice"); // T0 define the different volumes new TRotMatrix("rotx999","rot999", 90,0,90,90,180,0); new TTUBE("S_0ST1","T0 volume 1","void",5.,10.7,5.3); top->cd(); node = new TNode("0ST1","0ST01","S_0ST1",0,0,-69.7,""); node->SetLineColor(kColorT0); fNodes->Add(node); new TTUBE("S_0ST2","T0 volume 2","void",5.,10.7,5.3); top->cd(); node = new TNode("0ST2","0ST2","S_0ST2",0,0,350,"rotx999"); node->SetLineColor(kColorT0); fNodes->Add(node); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliT0::DistanceToPrimitive(Int_t /*px*/, Int_t /*py*/) { // // Calculate the distance from the mouse to the T0 on the screen // Dummy routine // return 9999; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliT0::Init() { // // Initialis the T0 after it has been built Int_t i; // if(AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel()>0) { printf("\n%s: ",ClassName()); for(i=0;i<35;i++) printf("*"); printf(" T0_INIT "); for(i=0;i<35;i++) printf("*"); printf("\n%s: ",ClassName()); // // Here the T0 initialisation code (if any!) for(i=0;i<80;i++) printf("*"); printf("\n"); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliT0::MakeBranch(Option_t* option) { // // Create Tree branches for the T0. // Options: // // H Make a branch of TClonesArray of AliT0Hit's // D Make a branch of TClonesArray of AliT0Digit's // // R Make a branch of AliT0RecPoints // char branchname[20]; sprintf(branchname,"%s",GetName()); const char *cH = strstr(option,"H"); const char *cD = strstr(option,"D"); const char *cR = strstr(option,"R"); if (cH && fLoader->TreeH()) { if (fHits == 0x0) fHits = new TClonesArray("AliT0hit", 405); AliDetector::MakeBranch(option); } if (cD && fLoader->TreeD()) { if (fDigits == 0x0) fDigits = new AliT0digit(); // MakeBranchInTree(fLoader->TreeD(), branchname, // &fDigits, 405, 0); fLoader->TreeD()->Branch(branchname,"AliT0digit",&fDigits,405,1); // fLoader->TreeD()->Print(); } if (cR && fLoader->TreeR()) { if (fRecPoints == 0x0) fRecPoints = new AliT0RecPoint(); MakeBranchInTree(fLoader->TreeR(), branchname, &fRecPoints, 405, 0); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0::ResetHits() { AliDetector::ResetHits(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliT0::ResetDigits() { // // Reset number of digits and the digits array for this detector // if (fDigits) fDigits->Clear(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0::SetTreeAddress() { TTree *treeH; treeH = TreeH(); if (treeH) { if (fHits == 0x0) fHits = new TClonesArray("AliT0hit", 405); } AliDetector::SetTreeAddress(); TTree *treeD = fLoader->TreeD(); if (treeD) { if (fDigits == 0x0) fDigits = new AliT0digit(); TBranch* branch = treeD->GetBranch ("T0"); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fDigits); } TTree *treeR = fLoader->TreeR(); if (treeR) { if (fRecPoints == 0x0) fRecPoints = new AliT0RecPoint() ; TBranch* branch = treeR->GetBranch ("T0"); if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fRecPoints); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0::MakeBranchInTreeD(TTree *treeD, const char *file) { // // Create TreeD branches for the FMD // const Int_t kBufferSize = 4000; char branchname[20]; sprintf(branchname,"%s",GetName()); if(treeD) { MakeBranchInTree(treeD, branchname,&fDigits, kBufferSize, file); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________ AliDigitizer* AliT0::CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const { return new AliT0Digitizer(manager); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0::Digits2Raw() { // // Starting from the T0 digits, writes the Raw Data objects // // AliT0Loader* pStartLoader = (AliT0Loader*)fLoader; fLoader ->LoadDigits("read"); TTree* treeD = fLoader->TreeD(); if (!treeD) { AliError("no digits tree"); return; } if (fDigits == 0x0) fDigits = new AliT0digit(); TBranch *branch = treeD->GetBranch("T0"); if (branch) { branch->SetAddress(&fDigits); }else{ AliError("Branch T0 DIGIT not found"); exit(111); } AliT0RawData rawWriter; rawWriter.SetVerbose(0); AliDebug(2,Form(" Formatting raw data for T0 ")); branch->GetEntry(0); // rawWriter.RawDataT0(treeD->GetBranch("T0")); rawWriter.RawDataT0(fDigits); fLoader->UnloadDigits(); } //____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0::Raw2Digits(AliRawReader *rawReader,TTree* digitsTree) { //T0 raw data-> digits conversion // reconstruct time information from raw data // cout<<" AliT0::Raw2Digits(AliRawReader *rawReader,TTree* digitsTree) "<< // rawReader<<" "< Branch("T0","AliT0digit",&fDigits,405,1); TArrayI *timeLED = new TArrayI(24); TArrayI * timeCFD = new TArrayI(24); TArrayI *chargeQT0 = new TArrayI(24); TArrayI *chargeQT1 = new TArrayI(24); for (Int_t in=0; in<24; in++) { timeLED->AddAt(allData[in+1][0],in); timeCFD->AddAt(allData[in+25][0],in); chargeQT0->AddAt(allData[in+55][0],in); chargeQT1->AddAt(allData[in+79][0],in); AliDebug(2, Form(" readed Raw %i %i %i %i %i", in, timeLED->At(in),timeCFD->At(in),chargeQT0->At(in),chargeQT1->At(in))); } fDigits->SetTimeCFD(*timeCFD); fDigits->SetQT0(*chargeQT1); fDigits->SetTimeLED(*timeLED); fDigits->SetQT1(*chargeQT1); fDigits->SetMeanTime(allData[49][0]); fDigits->SetDiffTime(allData[50][0]); fDigits->SetTimeBestA(allData[51][0]); fDigits->SetTimeBestC(allData[52][0]); digitsTree->Fill(); fDigits->Write(); delete timeCFD ; delete chargeQT0; delete timeLED ; delete chargeQT1; }