#include "AliT0Preprocessor.h" #include "AliCDBMetaData.h" #include "AliDCSValue.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliT0Calc.h" #include #include #include #include #include "AliT0Dqclass.h" ClassImp(AliT0Preprocessor) //____________________________________________________ AliT0Preprocessor::AliT0Preprocessor(AliShuttleInterface* shuttle) : AliPreprocessor("T00", shuttle) { } AliT0Preprocessor::~AliT0Preprocessor() { } UInt_t AliT0Preprocessor::Process(TMap* dcsAliasMap ) { if(!dcsAliasMap) return 1; TObjArray *aliasArr; // AliDCSValue *aValue; Float_t hv[24]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; for(int j=0; j<24; j++){ TString aliasName =Form("T0HV%d",j); // printf("aliasname: %s\n",aliasName.Data()); aliasArr = dynamic_cast (dcsAliasMap->GetValue(aliasName.Data())); if(!aliasArr){ AliError(Form("Alias %s not found!", aliasName.Data())); continue; } AliDCSValue *aValue=dynamic_cast (aliasArr->At(0)); // printf("I'm here! %f %x\n", aValue->GetFloat(), aValue->GetTimeStamp()); hv[j]= aValue->GetFloat()*100; //Float_t timestamp= (Float_t) (aValue->GetTimeStamp()); // printf("hello! hv = %f timestamp = %f\n" ,hv[j], timestamp); } Float_t numbers[24]; AliT0Calc *calibdata = new AliT0Calc(); TList* list = GetFileSources(kDAQ, "TIME"); if (list) { TIter iter(list); TObjString *source; while ((source = dynamic_cast (iter.Next()))) { const char* TimefileName = GetFile(kDAQ, "TIME", source->GetName()); if (TimefileName) { Log(Form("File with Id TIME found in source %s!", source->GetName())); TFile *file = TFile::Open(TimefileName); if(!file || !file->IsOpen()) { Log(Form("Error opening file with Id TIME from source %s!", source->GetName())); return 1; } AliT0Dqclass *tempdata = dynamic_cast (file->Get("Time")); if (!tempdata) { Log("Could not find key \"Time\" in DAQ file!"); return 1; } for(Int_t i=0;i<24;i++){ numbers[i] = tempdata->GetTime(i); // printf("\nnumbers: %f\n",numbers[i]); } file->Close(); delete tempdata; } else { Log(Form("Could not find file with Id TIME in source %s!", source->GetName())); return 1; } calibdata->SetTime(numbers, hv); calibdata->Print(); } } else { Log("No sources for Id TIME found!"); } AliCDBMetaData metaData; metaData.SetBeamPeriod(0); metaData.SetResponsible("Tomek&Michal"); metaData.SetComment("This preprocessor returns time to be used for reconstruction."); Bool_t result = Store("Calib","Data", calibdata, &metaData); delete calibdata; if(result == kTRUE) {return 0;} else {return 1;} }