/************************************************************************** * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. * * * * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. * * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ /* $Id$ */ /********************************************************************* * T0 reconstruction and filling ESD * - reconstruct mean time (interation time) * - vertex position * - multiplicity ********************************************************************/ #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliT0RecPoint.h" #include "AliRawReader.h" #include "AliT0RawReader.h" #include "AliT0digit.h" #include "AliT0Reconstructor.h" #include "AliT0Parameters.h" #include "AliT0Calibrator.h" #include #include #include #include ClassImp(AliT0Reconstructor) AliT0Reconstructor:: AliT0Reconstructor(): AliReconstructor(), fdZonA(0), fdZonC(0), fZposition(0), fParam(NULL), fAmpLEDrec(), fQTC(0), fAmpLED(0), fCalib() { //constructor fParam = AliT0Parameters::Instance(); fParam->Init(); for (Int_t i=0; i<24; i++){ TGraph* gr = fParam ->GetAmpLEDRec(i); if (gr) fAmpLEDrec.AddAtAndExpand(gr,i) ; TGraph* gr1 = fParam ->GetAmpLED(i); if (gr1) fAmpLED.AddAtAndExpand(gr1,i) ; TGraph* gr2 = fParam ->GetQTC(i); if (gr2) fQTC.AddAtAndExpand(gr2,i) ; } // fdZonC = TMath::Abs(fParam->GetZPositionShift("T0/C/PMT1")); //fdZonA = TMath::Abs(fParam->GetZPositionShift("T0/A/PMT15")); fCalib = new AliT0Calibrator(); } //_____________________________________________________________________________ void AliT0Reconstructor::Reconstruct(TTree*digitsTree, TTree*clustersTree) const { // T0 digits reconstruction Int_t refAmp = GetRecoParam()->GetRefAmp(); TArrayI * timeCFD = new TArrayI(24); TArrayI * timeLED = new TArrayI(24); TArrayI * chargeQT0 = new TArrayI(24); TArrayI * chargeQT1 = new TArrayI(24); Float_t channelWidth = fParam->GetChannelWidth() ; Float_t meanVertex = fParam->GetMeanVertex(); Float_t c = 0.0299792; // cm/ps Double32_t vertex = 9999999; Double32_t timeDiff=999999, meanTime=999999, timeclock=999999; AliDebug(1,Form("Start DIGITS reconstruction ")); TBranch *brDigits=digitsTree->GetBranch("T0"); AliT0digit *fDigits = new AliT0digit() ; if (brDigits) { brDigits->SetAddress(&fDigits); }else{ AliError(Form("EXEC Branch T0 digits not found")); return; } digitsTree->GetEvent(0); digitsTree->GetEntry(0); brDigits->GetEntry(0); fDigits->GetTimeCFD(*timeCFD); fDigits->GetTimeLED(*timeLED); fDigits->GetQT0(*chargeQT0); fDigits->GetQT1(*chargeQT1); Int_t onlineMean = fDigits->MeanTime(); Bool_t tr[5]; for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) tr[i]=false; Double32_t besttimeA=999999; Double32_t besttimeC=999999; Int_t pmtBestA=99999; Int_t pmtBestC=99999; AliT0RecPoint* frecpoints= new AliT0RecPoint (); clustersTree->Branch( "T0", "AliT0RecPoint" ,&frecpoints, 405,1); Float_t time[24], adc[24]; for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<24; ipmt++) { if(timeCFD->At(ipmt)>0 ){ if(( chargeQT1->At(ipmt) - chargeQT0->At(ipmt))>0) adc[ipmt] = chargeQT1->At(ipmt) - chargeQT0->At(ipmt); else adc[ipmt] = 0; // time[ipmt] = fCalib-> WalkCorrection(refAmp, ipmt, adc[ipmt], timeCFD->At(ipmt)) ; Double_t sl = Double_t(timeLED->At(ipmt) - timeCFD->At(ipmt)); time[ipmt] = fCalib-> WalkCorrection( refAmp,ipmt, Int_t(sl), timeCFD->At(ipmt) ) ; AliDebug(10,Form(" ipmt %i QTC %i , time in chann %i (led-cfd) %i ", ipmt, Int_t(adc[ipmt]) ,Int_t(time[ipmt]),Int_t( sl))); Double_t ampMip =((TGraph*)fAmpLED.At(ipmt))->Eval(sl); Double_t qtMip = ((TGraph*)fQTC.At(ipmt))->Eval(adc[ipmt]); AliDebug(10,Form(" Amlitude in MIPS LED %f , QTC %f in channels %i\n ",ampMip,qtMip, adc[ipmt])); frecpoints->SetTime(ipmt, Float_t(time[ipmt]) ); frecpoints->SetAmp(ipmt, Float_t( ampMip)); //for cosmic &pp beam frecpoints->SetAmpLED(ipmt, Float_t(qtMip)); } else { time[ipmt] = 0; adc[ipmt] = 0; } } for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<12; ipmt++){ if(time[ipmt] > 1 ) { if(time[ipmt] 1) { if(time[ipmt]SetTimeBestA(Int_t(besttimeA *channelWidth)); tr[1]=true; } if( besttimeC < 999999 ) { frecpoints->SetTimeBestC(Int_t(besttimeC *channelWidth)); tr[2]=true; } AliDebug(10,Form(" besttimeA %f ch, besttimeC %f ch",besttimeA, besttimeC)); if(besttimeA <999999 && besttimeC < 999999 ){ // timeDiff = (besttimeC - besttimeA)*channelWidth; timeDiff = (besttimeA - besttimeC)*channelWidth; meanTime = (besttimeA + besttimeC)/2;// * channelWidth); timeclock = meanTime *channelWidth ; vertex = meanVertex - c*(timeDiff)/2.;// + (fdZonA - fdZonC)/2; tr[0]=true; } frecpoints->SetVertex(vertex); frecpoints->SetMeanTime(meanTime); frecpoints->SetT0clock(timeclock); frecpoints->SetT0Trig(tr); for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) { printf(" T0 trigers %i ",tr[i]); } printf(" \n "); //online mean frecpoints->SetOnlineMean(Int_t(onlineMean)); AliDebug(10,Form(" timeDiff %i #channel, meanTime %i #channel, vertex %f cm online mean %i timeclock %i ps",timeDiff, meanTime,vertex, Int_t(onlineMean), timeclock)); clustersTree->Fill(); delete timeCFD; delete timeLED; delete chargeQT0; delete chargeQT1; } //_______________________________________________________________________ void AliT0Reconstructor::Reconstruct(AliRawReader* rawReader, TTree*recTree) const { // T0 raw -> // // reference amplitude and time ref. point from reco param Int_t refAmp = GetRecoParam()->GetRefAmp(); Int_t refPoint = GetRecoParam()->GetRefPoint(); Float_t latencyL1 = GetRecoParam()->GetLatencyL1(); Float_t latencyHPTDC = GetRecoParam()->GetLatencyHPTDC(); Float_t vertexshift = GetRecoParam()->GetVertexShift(); Int_t allData[110][5]; Int_t timeCFD[24], timeLED[24], chargeQT0[24], chargeQT1[24]; Double32_t timeDiff=999999, meanTime=999999, timeclock=999999; Float_t c = 29.9792458; // cm/ns Double32_t vertex = 9999999; Int_t onlineMean=0; for (Int_t i0=0; i0<105; i0++) { for (Int_t j0=0; j0<5; j0++) allData[i0][j0]=0; } Double32_t besttimeA=9999999; Double32_t besttimeC=9999999; Int_t pmtBestA=99999; Int_t pmtBestC=99999; Float_t meanVertex = fParam->GetMeanVertex(); AliT0RecPoint* frecpoints= new AliT0RecPoint (); recTree->Branch( "T0", "AliT0RecPoint" ,&frecpoints, 405,1); AliDebug(10," before read data "); AliT0RawReader myrawreader(rawReader); UInt_t type =rawReader->GetType(); if (!myrawreader.Next()) AliDebug(1,Form(" no raw data found!!")); else { if(type == 7) { //only physics for (Int_t i=0; i<105; i++) { for (Int_t iHit=0; iHit<5; iHit++) { allData[i][iHit] = myrawreader.GetData(i,iHit); } } Int_t ref=0; if (refPoint>0) ref = allData[refPoint][0]-5000; Float_t channelWidth = fParam->GetChannelWidth() ; // Int_t meanT0 = fParam->GetMeanT0(); for (Int_t in=0; in<12; in++) { timeCFD[in] = allData[in+1][0] ; timeCFD[in+12] = allData[in+56+1][0] ; timeLED[in] = allData[in+12+1][0] ; timeLED[in+12] = allData[in+68+1][0] ; AliDebug(10, Form(" readed i %i cfdC %i cfdA %i ledC %i ledA%i ", in, timeCFD[in],timeCFD[in+12],timeLED[in], timeLED[in+12])); } for (Int_t in=0; in<12; in++) { chargeQT0[in]=allData[2*in+25][0]; chargeQT1[in]=allData[2*in+26][0]; } for (Int_t in=12; in<24; in++) { chargeQT0[in]=allData[2*in+57][0]; chargeQT1[in]=allData[2*in+58][0]; } // } //cosmic with physics event for (Int_t in=0; in<24; in++) AliDebug(10, Form(" readed Raw %i %i %i %i %i", in, timeLED[in],timeCFD[in],chargeQT0[in],chargeQT1[in])); onlineMean = allData[49][0]; Double32_t time[24], adc[24]; for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<24; ipmt++) { if(timeCFD[ipmt]>0 && timeLED[ipmt]>0){ //for simulated data //for physics data if(( chargeQT1[ipmt] - chargeQT0[ipmt])>0) adc[ipmt] = chargeQT0[ipmt] - chargeQT1[ipmt]; else adc[ipmt] = 0; // time[ipmt] = fCalib-> WalkCorrection(refAmp, ipmt, adc[ipmt], timeCFD[ipmt] ) ; Double_t sl = timeLED[ipmt] - timeCFD[ipmt]; time[ipmt] = fCalib-> WalkCorrection( refAmp,ipmt, Int_t(sl), timeCFD[ipmt] ) ; AliDebug(10,Form(" ipmt %i QTC %i , time in chann %i (led-cfd) %i ", ipmt, Int_t(adc[ipmt]) ,Int_t(time[ipmt]),Int_t( sl))); Double_t ampMip =( (TGraph*)fAmpLED.At(ipmt))->Eval(sl); Double_t qtMip = ((TGraph*)fQTC.At(ipmt))->Eval(adc[ipmt]); AliDebug(10,Form(" Amlitude in MIPS LED %f ; QTC %f; in channels %i\n ",ampMip,qtMip, adc[ipmt])); // frecpoints->SetTime(ipmt, Float_t(time[ipmt]) ); frecpoints->SetTime(ipmt,Double32_t(timeCFD[ipmt])); frecpoints->SetAmpLED(ipmt, Double32_t( qtMip)); //for cosmic &pp beam frecpoints->SetAmp(ipmt, Double32_t(ampMip)); } else { time[ipmt] = 0; adc[ipmt] = 0; } } for (Int_t ipmt=0; ipmt<12; ipmt++){ if(time[ipmt] > 1 ) { if(time[ipmt] 1) { if(time[ipmt]SetTimeBestA( 0.001 * besttimeA * channelWidth - latencyHPTDC + latencyL1); if( besttimeC < 999999 ) frecpoints->SetTimeBestC(0.001 * besttimeC * channelWidth - latencyHPTDC + latencyL1); AliDebug(10,Form(" pmtA %i besttimeA %f ps, pmtC %i besttimeC %f ps", pmtBestA,besttimeA, pmtBestC, besttimeC)); if(besttimeA <999999 && besttimeC < 999999 ){ timeDiff = ( besttimeA - besttimeC) *0.001 * channelWidth; timeclock = 0.001 * channelWidth * Float_t(besttimeA+besttimeC)/2. - latencyHPTDC + latencyL1; meanTime = (besttimeA+besttimeC-2.*Float_t(ref))/2.; vertex = meanVertex - c*(timeDiff)/2. + vertexshift; //+ (fdZonA - fdZonC)/2; } } //if phys event AliDebug(5,Form(" timeDiff %f #channel, meanTime %f #channel, TOFmean%f vertex %f cm meanVertex %f online mean %i \n",timeDiff, meanTime,timeclock, vertex,meanVertex, onlineMean)); frecpoints->SetT0clock(timeclock); frecpoints->SetVertex(vertex); frecpoints->SetMeanTime(meanTime); frecpoints->SetOnlineMean(Int_t(onlineMean)); // Set triggers Bool_t tr[5]; Int_t trchan[5]= {50,51,52,55,56}; for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) tr[i]=false; for (Int_t itr=0; itr<5; itr++) { if(allData[trchan[itr]][0]>0) tr[itr]=true; frecpoints->SetT0Trig(tr); } for (Int_t i=0; i<5; i++) printf(" T0 trigers %i ",tr[i]); printf(" \n "); } // if (else )raw data recTree->Fill(); if(frecpoints) delete frecpoints; } //____________________________________________________________ void AliT0Reconstructor::FillESD(TTree */*digitsTree*/, TTree *clustersTree, AliESDEvent *pESD) const { /*************************************************** Resonstruct digits to vertex position ****************************************************/ AliDebug(1,Form("Start FillESD T0")); Float_t channelWidth = 0.0244; Float_t c = 29.9792458; // cm/ns Float_t currentVertex=0, shift=0; Int_t ncont=0; const AliESDVertex* vertex = pESD->GetPrimaryVertex(); if (!vertex) vertex = pESD->GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); if (!vertex) vertex = pESD->GetPrimaryVertexTPC(); if (!vertex) vertex = pESD->GetVertex(); if (vertex) { AliDebug(2, Form("Got %s (%s) from ESD: %f", vertex->GetName(), vertex->GetTitle(), vertex->GetZ())); currentVertex = vertex->GetZ(); ncont = vertex->GetNContributors(); // cout<<" spdver "<3 ) { // hVertexSPD->Fill(spdver); shift = currentVertex/c; // cout<<" vertex shif "<IsFromVertexer3D()<> no recpoints found"); return; } AliDebug(1,Form("Start FillESD T0")); TBranch *brRec = treeR->GetBranch("T0"); if (brRec) { brRec->SetAddress(&frecpoints); }else{ AliError(Form("EXEC Branch T0 rec not found")); return; } brRec->GetEntry(0); Double32_t amp[24], time[24]; Double32_t timeClock[3]; Double32_t zPosition = frecpoints -> GetVertex(); Double32_t timeStart = frecpoints -> GetMeanTime(); timeClock[0] = frecpoints -> GetT0clock() ; timeClock[1] = frecpoints -> GetBestTimeA() + shift; timeClock[2] = frecpoints -> GetBestTimeC() - shift; for ( Int_t i=0; i<24; i++) { time[i] = frecpoints -> GetTime(i); // ps to ns amp[i] = frecpoints -> GetAmp(i); } Int_t trig= frecpoints ->GetT0Trig(); pESD->SetT0Trig(trig); pESD->SetT0zVertex(zPosition); //vertex Z position pESD->SetT0(timeStart); // interaction time for(Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) pESD->SetT0TOF(i,timeClock[i]); // interaction time (ns) pESD->SetT0time(time); // best TOF on each PMT pESD->SetT0amplitude(amp); // number of particles(MIPs) on each PMT pESD->Print(); AliDebug(1,Form("T0: Vertex %f (T0A+T0C)/2 %f #channels T0signal %f ns OrA %f ns OrC %f T0trig %i\n",zPosition, timeStart, timeClock[0], timeClock[1], timeClock[2], trig)); } // vertex in 3 sigma