c.................... linana.f c======================================================================= c 10/26/01 update freezeout positions in case of interactions: clin-3/2009 Note: freezeout spacetime values cannot be trusted for K0S & K0L c as K0S/K0L are converted from K+/K- by hand at the end of hadron cascade. cms cms dlw & gsfs Commented out output file writing cms subroutine hbtout(nnew,nt,ntmax) c PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001,MAXR=1) clin-5/2008 give tolerance to regular particles (perturbative probability 1): PARAMETER (oneminus=0.99999,oneplus=1.00001) dimension lastkp(MAXSTR), newkp(MAXSTR),xnew(3) common /para7/ ioscar,nsmbbbar,nsmmeson cc SAVE /para7/ COMMON/hbt/lblast(MAXSTR),xlast(4,MAXSTR),plast(4,MAXSTR),nlast cc SAVE /hbt/ common/input1/ MASSPR,MASSTA,ISEED,IAVOID,DT cc SAVE /input1/ COMMON /AA/ R(3,MAXSTR) cc SAVE /AA/ COMMON /BB/ P(3,MAXSTR) cc SAVE /BB/ COMMON /CC/ E(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /CC/ COMMON /EE/ ID(MAXSTR),LB(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /EE/ common /lastt/itimeh,bimp cc SAVE /lastt/ COMMON/tdecay/tfdcy(MAXSTR),tfdpi(MAXSTR,MAXR),tft(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /tdecay/ COMMON /AREVT/ IAEVT, IARUN, MISS cc SAVE /AREVT/ common/snn/efrm,npart1,npart2 cc SAVE /snn/ COMMON/HJGLBR/NELT,NINTHJ,NELP,NINP cc SAVE /HJGLBR/ COMMON/FTMAX/ftsv(MAXSTR),ftsvt(MAXSTR, MAXR) COMMON /dpert/dpertt(MAXSTR,MAXR),dpertp(MAXSTR),dplast(MAXSTR), 1 dpdcy(MAXSTR),dpdpi(MAXSTR,MAXR),dpt(MAXSTR, MAXR), 2 dpp1(MAXSTR,MAXR),dppion(MAXSTR,MAXR) clin-12/14/03: COMMON/HPARNT/HIPR1(100),IHPR2(50),HINT1(100),IHNT2(50) EXTERNAL IARFLV, INVFLV common /para8/ idpert,npertd,idxsec SAVE c do 1001 i=1,max0(nlast,nnew) lastkp(i)=0 1001 continue do 1002 i=1,nnew newkp(i)=0 1002 continue c for each of the particles, search the freezeout record (common /hbt/) c to find & keep those which do not have interactions during this timestep: do 100 ip=1,nnew do 1004 iplast=1,nlast if(p(1,ip).eq.plast(1,iplast).and. 1 p(2,ip).eq.plast(2,iplast).and. 2 p(3,ip).eq.plast(3,iplast).and. 3 e(ip).eq.plast(4,iplast).and. 4 lb(ip).eq.lblast(iplast).and. 5 dpertp(ip).eq.dplast(iplast).and.lastkp(iplast).eq.0) then clin-5/2008 modified below to the above in case we have perturbative particles: c 5 lastkp(iplast).eq.0) then deltat=nt*dt-xlast(4,iplast) ene=sqrt(plast(1,iplast)**2+plast(2,iplast)**2 1 +plast(3,iplast)**2+plast(4,iplast)**2) c xnew gives the coordinate if a particle free-streams to current time: do 1003 ii=1,3 xnew(ii)=xlast(ii,iplast)+plast(ii,iplast)/ene*deltat 1003 continue dr=sqrt((r(1,ip)-xnew(1))**2+(r(2,ip)-xnew(2))**2 1 +(r(3,ip)-xnew(3))**2) c find particles with dp=0 and dr<0.01, considered to be those c without any interactions during this timestep, c thus keep their last positions and time: if(dr.le.0.01) then lastkp(iplast)=1 newkp(ip)=1 c if(lb(ip).eq.41) then c write(95,*) 'nt,ip,px,x=',nt,ip,p(1,ip),r(1,ip),ftsv(ip) c write(95,*) 'xnew=',xnew(1),xnew(2),xnew(3),xlast(4,ip) c endif clin-5/2009 Take care of formation time of particles read in at nt=ntmax-1: if(nt.eq.ntmax.and.ftsv(ip).gt.((ntmax-1)*dt)) 1 xlast(4,iplast)=ftsv(ip) goto 100 endif endif 1004 continue 100 continue c for current particles with interactions, fill their current info in c the freezeout record (if that record entry needs not to be kept): do 150 ip=1,nnew if(newkp(ip).eq.0) then do 1005 iplast=1,nnew if(lastkp(iplast).eq.0) then ctest off: write collision info c if(lb(ip).eq.41) then c write(95,*) 'nt,lb(ip)=',nt,lb(ip) c write(95,*) ' last p=',plast(1,iplast), c 1 plast(2,iplast),plast(3,iplast),plast(4,iplast) c write(95,*) ' after p=',p(1,ip),p(2,ip),p(3,ip),e(ip) c write(95,*) 'after x=',r(1,ip),r(2,ip),r(3,ip),ftsv(ip) c endif c xlast(1,iplast)=r(1,ip) xlast(2,iplast)=r(2,ip) xlast(3,iplast)=r(3,ip) xlast(4,iplast)=nt*dt c if(nt.eq.ntmax) then c freezeout time for decay daughters at the last timestep c needs to include the decay time of the parent: if(tfdcy(ip).gt.(ntmax*dt+0.001)) then xlast(4,iplast)=tfdcy(ip) c freezeout time for particles unformed at the next-to-last timestep c needs to be their formation time instead of (ntmax*dt): elseif(ftsv(ip).gt.((ntmax-1)*dt)) then xlast(4,iplast)=ftsv(ip) endif endif plast(1,iplast)=p(1,ip) plast(2,iplast)=p(2,ip) plast(3,iplast)=p(3,ip) plast(4,iplast)=e(ip) lblast(iplast)=lb(ip) lastkp(iplast)=1 clin-5/2008: dplast(iplast)=dpertp(ip) goto 150 endif 1005 continue endif 150 continue c if the current particle list is shorter than the freezeout record, c condense the last-collision record by filling new record from 1 to nnew, c and label these entries as keep: if(nnew.lt.nlast) then do 170 iplast=1,nlast if(lastkp(iplast).eq.0) then do 1006 ip2=iplast+1,nlast if(lastkp(ip2).eq.1) then xlast(1,iplast)=xlast(1,ip2) xlast(2,iplast)=xlast(2,ip2) xlast(3,iplast)=xlast(3,ip2) xlast(4,iplast)=xlast(4,ip2) plast(1,iplast)=plast(1,ip2) plast(2,iplast)=plast(2,ip2) plast(3,iplast)=plast(3,ip2) plast(4,iplast)=plast(4,ip2) lblast(iplast)=lblast(ip2) lastkp(iplast)=1 clin-5/2008: dplast(iplast)=dplast(ip2) goto 170 endif 1006 continue endif 170 continue endif nlast=nnew ctest off look inside each NT timestep (for debugging purpose): c do ip=1,nlast c if(nt.eq.5000) then c write(95,*) ' p ',nt,ip,INVFLV(lblast(ip)),plast(1,ip), c 1 plast(2,ip),plast(3,ip),plast(4,ip),dplast(ip) c write(95,*) ' x ',nt,ip,INVFLV(lblast(ip)),xlast(1,ip), c 1 xlast(2,ip),xlast(3,ip),xlast(4,ip),dplast(ip) c endif c enddo c if(nt.eq.ntmax) then clin-5/2008 find final number of perturbative particles (deuterons only): ndpert=0 do ip=1,nlast if(dplast(ip).gt.oneminus.and.dplast(ip).lt.oneplus) then else ndpert=ndpert+1 endif enddo c c write(16,190) IAEVT,IARUN,nlast,bimp,npart1,npart2, c 1 NELP,NINP,NELT,NINTHJ c write(16,190) IAEVT,IARUN,nlast-ndpert,bimp,npart1,npart2, c 1 NELP,NINP,NELT,NINTHJ clin-5/2008 write out perturbatively-produced particles (deuterons only): c if(idpert.eq.1.or.idpert.eq.2) c 1 write(90,190) IAEVT,IARUN,ndpert,bimp,npart1,npart2, c 2 NELP,NINP,NELT,NINTHJ c do 1007 ip=1,nlast clin-12/14/03 No formation time for spectator projectile or target nucleons, c see ARINI1 in 'amptsub.f': clin-3/2009 To be consistent with new particles produced in hadron cascade c that are limited by the time-resolution (DT) of the hadron cascade, c freezeout time of spectator projectile or target nucleons is written as c DT as they are read at the 1st timestep and then propagated to time DT: c if(plast(1,ip).eq.0.and.plast(2,ip).eq.0 c 1 .and.(sqrt(plast(3,ip)**2+plast(4,ip)**2)*2/HINT1(1)) c 2 .gt.0.99.and.(lblast(ip).eq.1.or.lblast(ip).eq.2)) then clin-5/2008 perturbatively-produced particles (currently only deuterons) c are written to ana/ampt_pert.dat (without the column for the mass); c ana/ampt.dat has regularly-produced particles (including deuterons); c these two sets of deuteron data are close to each other(but not the same c because of the bias from triggering the perturbative production); c ONLY use one data set for analysis to avoid double-counting: c if(dplast(ip).gt.oneminus.and.dplast(ip).lt.oneplus) then c write(16,200) INVFLV(lblast(ip)), plast(1,ip), c 1 plast(2,ip),plast(3,ip),plast(4,ip), c 2 xlast(1,ip),xlast(2,ip),xlast(3,ip), c 3 xlast(4,ip) clin-12/14/03-end c else c if(idpert.eq.1.or.idpert.eq.2) then c write(90,250) INVFLV(lblast(ip)), plast(1,ip), c 1 plast(2,ip),plast(3,ip), c 2 xlast(1,ip),xlast(2,ip),xlast(3,ip), c 3 xlast(4,ip) c else c write(99,*) 'Unexpected perturbative particles' c endif c endif c elseif(amax1(abs(xlast(1,ip)),abs(xlast(2,ip)), c 1 abs(xlast(3,ip)),abs(xlast(4,ip))).lt.9999) then c if(dplast(ip).gt.oneminus.and.dplast(ip).lt.oneplus) then c write(16,200) INVFLV(lblast(ip)), plast(1,ip), c 1 plast(2,ip),plast(3,ip),plast(4,ip), c 2 xlast(1,ip),xlast(2,ip),xlast(3,ip),xlast(4,ip) c else c if(idpert.eq.1.or.idpert.eq.2) then c write(90,250) INVFLV(lblast(ip)),plast(1,ip), c 1 plast(2,ip),plast(3,ip), c 2 xlast(1,ip),xlast(2,ip),xlast(3,ip),xlast(4,ip), c 3 dplast(ip) c else c write(99,*) 'Unexpected perturbative particles' c endif c endif c else c change format for large numbers: c if(dplast(ip).gt.oneminus.and.dplast(ip).lt.oneplus) then c write(16,201) INVFLV(lblast(ip)), plast(1,ip), c 1 plast(2,ip),plast(3,ip),plast(4,ip), c 2 xlast(1,ip),xlast(2,ip),xlast(3,ip),xlast(4,ip) c else c if(idpert.eq.1.or.idpert.eq.2) then c write(90,251) INVFLV(lblast(ip)), plast(1,ip), c 1 plast(2,ip),plast(3,ip), c 2 xlast(1,ip),xlast(2,ip),xlast(3,ip),xlast(4,ip), c 3 dplast(ip) c else c write(99,*) 'Unexpected perturbative particles' c endif c endif c endif c 1007 continue if(ioscar.eq.1) call hoscar endif 190 format(3(i7),f10.4,5x,6(i4)) clin-3/2009 improve the output accuracy of Pz 200 format(I6,2(1x,f8.3),1x,f11.4,1x,f6.3,4(1x,f8.2)) 201 format(I6,2(1x,f8.3),1x,f11.4,1x,f6.3,4(1x,e8.2)) 250 format(I5,2(1x,f8.3),1x,f10.3,2(1x,f7.1),1x,f8.2,1x,f7.2,1x,e10.4) 251 format(I5,2(1x,f8.3),1x,f10.3,4(1x,e8.2),1x,e10.4) c return end c======================================================================= SUBROUTINE decomp(px0,py0,pz0,xm0,i,itq1) c IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(D) DOUBLE PRECISION enenew, pxnew, pynew, pznew DOUBLE PRECISION de0, beta2, gam common /lora/ enenew, pxnew, pynew, pznew cc SAVE /lora/ COMMON/HPARNT/HIPR1(100),IHPR2(50),HINT1(100),IHNT2(50) cc SAVE /HPARNT/ common /decom/ptwo(2,5) cc SAVE /decom/ COMMON/RNDF77/NSEED cc SAVE /RNDF77/ COMMON/HMAIN1/EATT,JATT,NATT,NT,NP,N0,N01,N10,N11 common/embed/iembed,pxqembd,pyqembd,xembd,yembd SAVE c itq1=itq1 dcth=dble(RANART(NSEED))*2.d0-1.d0 dPHI=dble(RANART(NSEED)*HIPR1(40))*2.d0 clin-6/2009 Added if embedding a high-Pt quark pair after string melting: if(iembed.eq.1) then c Decompose the parent high-Pt pion to q and qbar with an internal momentum c parallel to the pion direction so that one parton has ~the same hight Pt c and the other parton has a very soft Pt: c Note: htop() decomposes a meson to q as it(1) followed by qbar as it(2): if(i.eq.(natt-1).or.i.eq.natt) then dcth=0.d0 dphi=dble(acos(pxqembd/sqrt(pxqembd**2+pyqembd**2))) if(pyqembd.lt.0) dphi=HIPR1(40)*2.d0-dphi endif endif c ds=dble(xm0)**2 dpcm=dsqrt((ds-dble(ptwo(1,5)+ptwo(2,5))**2) 1 *(ds-dble(ptwo(1,5)-ptwo(2,5))**2)/ds/4d0) dpz=dpcm*dcth dpx=dpcm*dsqrt(1.d0-dcth**2)*dcos(dphi) dpy=dpcm*dsqrt(1.d0-dcth**2)*dsin(dphi) de1=dsqrt(dble(ptwo(1,5))**2+dpcm**2) de2=dsqrt(dble(ptwo(2,5))**2+dpcm**2) c de0=dsqrt(dble(px0)**2+dble(py0)**2+dble(pz0)**2+dble(xm0)**2) dbex=dble(px0)/de0 dbey=dble(py0)/de0 dbez=dble(pz0)/de0 c boost the reference frame up by beta (pznew=gam(pz+beta e)): beta2 = dbex ** 2 + dbey ** 2 + dbez ** 2 gam = 1.d0 / dsqrt(1.d0 - beta2) if(beta2.ge.0.9999999999999d0) then write(6,*) '1',dbex,dbey,dbez,beta2,gam endif c call lorenza(de1,dpx,dpy,dpz,-dbex,-dbey,-dbez) ptwo(1,1)=sngl(pxnew) ptwo(1,2)=sngl(pynew) ptwo(1,3)=sngl(pznew) ptwo(1,4)=sngl(enenew) call lorenza(de2,-dpx,-dpy,-dpz,-dbex,-dbey,-dbez) ptwo(2,1)=sngl(pxnew) ptwo(2,2)=sngl(pynew) ptwo(2,3)=sngl(pznew) ptwo(2,4)=sngl(enenew) c RETURN END c======================================================================= SUBROUTINE HTOP c PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001) PARAMETER (MAXPTN=400001) PARAMETER (MAXIDL=4001) DOUBLE PRECISION GX0, GY0, GZ0, FT0, PX0, PY0, PZ0, E0, XMASS0 DOUBLE PRECISION PXSGS,PYSGS,PZSGS,PESGS,PMSGS, 1 GXSGS,GYSGS,GZSGS,FTSGS dimension it(4) COMMON/HMAIN2/KATT(MAXSTR,4),PATT(MAXSTR,4) cwei DOUBLE PRECISION PATT cc SAVE /HMAIN2/ COMMON/HMAIN1/EATT,JATT,NATT,NT,NP,N0,N01,N10,N11 cc SAVE /HMAIN1/ COMMON /PARA1/ MUL cc SAVE /PARA1/ COMMON /prec1/GX0(MAXPTN),GY0(MAXPTN),GZ0(MAXPTN),FT0(MAXPTN), & PX0(MAXPTN), PY0(MAXPTN), PZ0(MAXPTN), E0(MAXPTN), & XMASS0(MAXPTN), ITYP0(MAXPTN) cc SAVE /prec1/ COMMON /ilist7/ LSTRG0(MAXPTN), LPART0(MAXPTN) cc SAVE /ilist7/ COMMON /ARPRC/ ITYPAR(MAXSTR), & GXAR(MAXSTR), GYAR(MAXSTR), GZAR(MAXSTR), FTAR(MAXSTR), & PXAR(MAXSTR), PYAR(MAXSTR), PZAR(MAXSTR), PEAR(MAXSTR), & XMAR(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /ARPRC/ common /decom/ptwo(2,5) cc SAVE /decom/ COMMON/RNDF77/NSEED cc SAVE /RNDF77/ COMMON /NOPREC/ NNOZPC, ITYPN(MAXIDL), & GXN(MAXIDL), GYN(MAXIDL), GZN(MAXIDL), FTN(MAXIDL), & PXN(MAXIDL), PYN(MAXIDL), PZN(MAXIDL), EEN(MAXIDL), & XMN(MAXIDL) cc SAVE /NOPREC/ COMMON/HPARNT/HIPR1(100),IHPR2(50),HINT1(100),IHNT2(50) cc SAVE /HPARNT/ c 7/20/01: use double precision c otherwise sometimes beta>1 and gamma diverge in lorenza(): COMMON/SOFT/PXSGS(MAXSTR,3),PYSGS(MAXSTR,3),PZSGS(MAXSTR,3), & PESGS(MAXSTR,3),PMSGS(MAXSTR,3),GXSGS(MAXSTR,3), & GYSGS(MAXSTR,3),GZSGS(MAXSTR,3),FTSGS(MAXSTR,3), & K1SGS(MAXSTR,3),K2SGS(MAXSTR,3),NJSGS(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /SOFT/ common/anim/nevent,isoft,isflag,izpc cc SAVE /anim/ DOUBLE PRECISION vxp0,vyp0,vzp0 common /precpa/ vxp0(MAXPTN), vyp0(MAXPTN), vzp0(MAXPTN) cc SAVE /precpa/ common /para7/ ioscar,nsmbbbar,nsmmeson COMMON /AREVT/ IAEVT, IARUN, MISS SAVE c npar=0 nnozpc=0 clin-5b/2008 calculate the number of hadrons to be converted to q/qbar: if((isoft.eq.4.or.isoft.eq.5).and.(ioscar.eq.2.or.ioscar.eq.3)) 1 then nsmbbbar=0 nsmmeson=0 do i=1,natt id=ITYPAR(i) idabs=iabs(id) i2=MOD(idabs/10,10) if(PXAR(i).eq.0.and.PYAR(i).eq.0.and.PEAR(i) 1 .ge.(HINT1(1)/2*0.99).and. 2 ((id.eq.2112).or.(id.eq.2212))) then c proj or targ nucleons without interactions, do not enter ZPC: elseif(idabs.gt.1000.and.i2.ne.0) then c baryons to be converted to q/qbar: nsmbbbar=nsmbbbar+1 elseif((idabs.gt.100.and.idabs.lt.1000) 1 .or.idabs.gt.10000) then c mesons to be converted to q/qbar: nsmmeson=nsmmeson+1 endif enddo clin-6/2009: if(ioscar.eq.2.or.ioscar.eq.3) then write(92,*) iaevt,miss,3*nsmbbbar+2*nsmmeson, 1 nsmbbbar,nsmmeson,natt,natt-nsmbbbar-nsmmeson endif c write(92,*) iaevt, 3*nsmbbbar+2*nsmmeson c write(92,*) ' event#, total # of initial partons after string c 1 melting' c write(92,*) 'String melting converts ',nsmbbbar, ' baryons &' c 1, nsmmeson, ' mesons' c write(92,*) 'Total # of initial particles= ',natt c write(92,*) 'Total # of initial particles (gamma,e,muon,...) c 1 not entering ZPC= ',natt-nsmbbbar-nsmmeson endif clin-5b/2008-over do 100 i=1,natt id=ITYPAR(i) idabs=iabs(id) i4=MOD(idabs/1000,10) i3=MOD(idabs/100,10) i2=MOD(idabs/10,10) i1=MOD(idabs,10) rnum=RANART(NSEED) ftime=0.197*PEAR(i)/(PXAR(i)**2+PYAR(i)**2+XMAR(i)**2) inozpc=0 it(1)=0 it(2)=0 it(3)=0 it(4)=0 c if(PXAR(i).eq.0.and.PYAR(i).eq.0.and.PEAR(i) 1 .ge.(HINT1(1)/2*0.99).and.((id.eq.2112).or.(id.eq.2212))) then c proj or targ nucleons without interactions, do not enter ZPC: inozpc=1 elseif(idabs.gt.1000.and.i2.ne.0) then c baryons: if(((i4.eq.1.or.i4.eq.2).and.i4.eq.i3) 1 .or.(i4.eq.3.and.i3.eq.3)) then if(i1.eq.2) then if(rnum.le.(1./2.)) then it(1)=i4 it(2)=i3*1000+i2*100+1 elseif(rnum.le.(2./3.)) then it(1)=i4 it(2)=i3*1000+i2*100+3 else it(1)=i2 it(2)=i4*1000+i3*100+3 endif elseif(i1.eq.4) then if(rnum.le.(2./3.)) then it(1)=i4 it(2)=i3*1000+i2*100+3 else it(1)=i2 it(2)=i4*1000+i3*100+3 endif endif elseif(i4.eq.1.or.i4.eq.2) then if(i1.eq.2) then if(rnum.le.(1./2.)) then it(1)=i2 it(2)=i4*1000+i3*100+1 elseif(rnum.le.(2./3.)) then it(1)=i2 it(2)=i4*1000+i3*100+3 else it(1)=i4 it(2)=i3*1000+i2*100+3 endif elseif(i1.eq.4) then if(rnum.le.(2./3.)) then it(1)=i2 it(2)=i4*1000+i3*100+3 else it(1)=i4 it(2)=i3*1000+i2*100+3 endif endif elseif(i4.ge.3) then it(1)=i4 if(i3.lt.i2) then it(2)=i2*1000+i3*100+1 else it(2)=i3*1000+i2*100+3 endif endif c antibaryons: if(id.lt.0) then it(1)=-it(1) it(2)=-it(2) endif c isoft=4or5 decompose diquark flavor it(2) to two quarks it(3)&(4): if(isoft.eq.4.or.isoft.eq.5) then it(3)=MOD(it(2)/1000,10) it(4)=MOD(it(2)/100,10) endif elseif((idabs.gt.100.and.idabs.lt.1000) 1 .or.idabs.gt.10000) then c mesons: if(i3.eq.i2) then if(i3.eq.1.or.i3.eq.2) then if(rnum.le.0.5) then it(1)=1 it(2)=-1 else it(1)=2 it(2)=-2 endif else it(1)=i3 it(2)=-i3 endif else if((isign(1,id)*(-1)**i3).eq.1) then it(1)=i3 it(2)=-i2 else it(1)=i2 it(2)=-i3 endif endif else c save other particles (leptons and photons) outside of ZPC: inozpc=1 endif c if(inozpc.eq.1) then NJSGS(i)=0 nnozpc=nnozpc+1 itypn(nnozpc)=ITYPAR(i) pxn(nnozpc)=PXAR(i) pyn(nnozpc)=PYAR(i) pzn(nnozpc)=PZAR(i) een(nnozpc)=PEAR(i) xmn(nnozpc)=XMAR(i) gxn(nnozpc)=GXAR(i) gyn(nnozpc)=GYAR(i) gzn(nnozpc)=GZAR(i) ftn(nnozpc)=FTAR(i) else NJSGS(i)=2 ptwo(1,5)=ulmass(it(1)) ptwo(2,5)=ulmass(it(2)) call decomp(patt(i,1),patt(i,2),patt(i,3),XMAR(i),i,it(1)) ipamax=2 if((isoft.eq.4.or.isoft.eq.5) 1 .and.iabs(it(2)).gt.1000) ipamax=1 do 1001 ipar=1,ipamax npar=npar+1 ityp0(npar)=it(ipar) px0(npar)=dble(ptwo(ipar,1)) py0(npar)=dble(ptwo(ipar,2)) pz0(npar)=dble(ptwo(ipar,3)) e0(npar)=dble(ptwo(ipar,4)) xmass0(npar)=dble(ptwo(ipar,5)) gx0(npar)=dble(GXAR(i)) gy0(npar)=dble(GYAR(i)) gz0(npar)=dble(GZAR(i)) ft0(npar)=dble(ftime) lstrg0(npar)=i lpart0(npar)=ipar vxp0(npar)=dble(patt(i,1)/patt(i,4)) vyp0(npar)=dble(patt(i,2)/patt(i,4)) vzp0(npar)=dble(patt(i,3)/patt(i,4)) 1001 continue cyy 200 format(I6,2(1x,f8.3),1x,f10.3,1x,f6.3,4(1x,f8.2)) cyy 201 format(I6,2(1x,f8.3),1x,f10.3,1x,f6.3,4(1x,e8.2)) c if((isoft.eq.4.or.isoft.eq.5) 1 .and.iabs(it(2)).gt.1000) then NJSGS(i)=3 xmdq=ptwo(2,5) ptwo(1,5)=ulmass(it(3)) ptwo(2,5)=ulmass(it(4)) c 8/19/02 avoid actual argument in common blocks of DECOMP: c call decomp(ptwo(2,1),ptwo(2,2),ptwo(2,3),xmdq) ptwox=ptwo(2,1) ptwoy=ptwo(2,2) ptwoz=ptwo(2,3) call decomp(ptwox,ptwoy,ptwoz,xmdq,i,it(1)) c do 1002 ipar=1,2 npar=npar+1 ityp0(npar)=it(ipar+2) px0(npar)=dble(ptwo(ipar,1)) py0(npar)=dble(ptwo(ipar,2)) pz0(npar)=dble(ptwo(ipar,3)) e0(npar)=dble(ptwo(ipar,4)) xmass0(npar)=dble(ptwo(ipar,5)) gx0(npar)=dble(GXAR(i)) gy0(npar)=dble(GYAR(i)) gz0(npar)=dble(GZAR(i)) ft0(npar)=dble(ftime) lstrg0(npar)=i lpart0(npar)=ipar+1 vxp0(npar)=dble(patt(i,1)/patt(i,4)) vyp0(npar)=dble(patt(i,2)/patt(i,4)) vzp0(npar)=dble(patt(i,3)/patt(i,4)) 1002 continue endif c endif 100 continue MUL=NPAR c clin-5b/2008: if((isoft.eq.4.or.isoft.eq.5).and.(ioscar.eq.2.or.ioscar.eq.3)) 1 then if((natt-nsmbbbar-nsmmeson).ne.nnozpc) 1 write(92,*) 'Problem with the total # of initial particles 2 (gamma,e,muon,...) not entering ZPC' if((3*nsmbbbar+2*nsmmeson).ne.npar) 1 write(92,*) 'Problem with the total # of initial partons 2 after string melting' endif c RETURN END c======================================================================= SUBROUTINE PTOH c PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001) DOUBLE PRECISION gxp,gyp,gzp,ftp,pxp,pyp,pzp,pep,pmp DOUBLE PRECISION gxp0,gyp0,gzp0,ft0fom,drlocl DOUBLE PRECISION enenew, pxnew, pynew, pznew, beta2, gam DOUBLE PRECISION ftavg0,gxavg0,gyavg0,gzavg0,bex,bey,bez DOUBLE PRECISION PXSGS,PYSGS,PZSGS,PESGS,PMSGS, 1 GXSGS,GYSGS,GZSGS,FTSGS DOUBLE PRECISION xmdiag,px1,py1,pz1,e1,px2,py2,pz2,e2, 1 px3,py3,pz3,e3,xmpair,etot common /loclco/gxp(3),gyp(3),gzp(3),ftp(3), 1 pxp(3),pyp(3),pzp(3),pep(3),pmp(3) cc SAVE /loclco/ COMMON/HMAIN1/EATT,JATT,NATT,NT,NP,N0,N01,N10,N11 cc SAVE /HMAIN1/ COMMON/HMAIN2/KATT(MAXSTR,4),PATT(MAXSTR,4) cc SAVE /HMAIN2/ COMMON/HJJET2/NSG,NJSG(MAXSTR),IASG(MAXSTR,3),K1SG(MAXSTR,100), & K2SG(MAXSTR,100),PXSG(MAXSTR,100),PYSG(MAXSTR,100), & PZSG(MAXSTR,100),PESG(MAXSTR,100),PMSG(MAXSTR,100) cc SAVE /HJJET2/ COMMON /ARPRNT/ ARPAR1(100), IAPAR2(50), ARINT1(100), IAINT2(50) cc SAVE /ARPRNT/ COMMON /ARPRC/ ITYPAR(MAXSTR), & GXAR(MAXSTR), GYAR(MAXSTR), GZAR(MAXSTR), FTAR(MAXSTR), & PXAR(MAXSTR), PYAR(MAXSTR), PZAR(MAXSTR), PEAR(MAXSTR), & XMAR(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /ARPRC/ COMMON/SOFT/PXSGS(MAXSTR,3),PYSGS(MAXSTR,3),PZSGS(MAXSTR,3), & PESGS(MAXSTR,3),PMSGS(MAXSTR,3),GXSGS(MAXSTR,3), & GYSGS(MAXSTR,3),GZSGS(MAXSTR,3),FTSGS(MAXSTR,3), & K1SGS(MAXSTR,3),K2SGS(MAXSTR,3),NJSGS(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /SOFT/ COMMON/RNDF77/NSEED cc SAVE /RNDF77/ common/anim/nevent,isoft,isflag,izpc cc SAVE /anim/ common /prtn23/ gxp0(3),gyp0(3),gzp0(3),ft0fom cc SAVE /prtn23/ common /nzpc/nattzp cc SAVE /nzpc/ common /lora/ enenew, pxnew, pynew, pznew cc SAVE /lora/ COMMON/LUDAT1A/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) cc SAVE /LUDAT1A/ clin 4/19/2006 common /lastt/itimeh,bimp COMMON/HJGLBR/NELT,NINTHJ,NELP,NINP COMMON /AREVT/ IAEVT, IARUN, MISS common /para7/ ioscar,nsmbbbar,nsmmeson c dimension xmdiag(MAXSTR),indx(MAXSTR),ndiag(MAXSTR) cwei DOUBLE PRECISION PATT SAVE c call coales c obtain particle mass here without broadening by Breit-Wigner width: mstj24=MSTJ(24) MSTJ(24)=0 nuudd=0 npich=0 nrhoch=0 ppi0=1. prho0=0. c determine hadron flavor except (pi0,rho0,eta,omega): DO 1001 ISG = 1, NSG if(NJSGS(ISG).ne.0) then NATT=NATT+1 K1=K2SGS(ISG,1) k1abs=iabs(k1) PX1=PXSGS(ISG,1) PY1=PYSGS(ISG,1) PZ1=PZSGS(ISG,1) K2=K2SGS(ISG,2) k2abs=iabs(k2) PX2=PXSGS(ISG,2) PY2=PYSGS(ISG,2) PZ2=PZSGS(ISG,2) c 5/02/01 try lowest spin states as first choices, c i.e. octet baryons and pseudoscalar mesons (ibs=2*baryonspin+1): e1=PESGS(ISG,1) e2=PESGS(ISG,2) xmpair=dsqrt((e1+e2)**2-(px1+px2)**2-(py1+py2)**2 1 -(pz1+pz2)**2) ibs=2 imspin=0 if(k1.eq.-k2.and.iabs(k1).le.2. 1 and.NJSGS(ISG).eq.2) then nuudd=nuudd+1 xmdiag(nuudd)=xmpair ndiag(nuudd)=natt endif K3=0 if((isoft.eq.4.or.isoft.eq.5).and.NJSGS(ISG).eq.3) then K3=K2SGS(ISG,3) k3abs=iabs(k3) PX3=PXSGS(ISG,3) PY3=PYSGS(ISG,3) PZ3=PZSGS(ISG,3) e3=PESGS(ISG,3) xmpair=dsqrt((e1+e2+e3)**2-(px1+px2+px3)**2 1 -(py1+py2+py3)**2-(pz1+pz2+pz3)**2) endif c***** isoft=3 baryon decomposition is different: if(isoft.eq.3.and. 1 (k1abs.gt.1000.or.k2abs.gt.1000)) then if(k1abs.gt.1000) then kdq=k1abs kk=k2abs else kdq=k2abs kk=k1abs endif ki=MOD(kdq/1000,10) kj=MOD(kdq/100,10) if(MOD(kdq,10).eq.1) then idqspn=0 else idqspn=1 endif c if(kk.gt.ki) then ktemp=kk kk=kj kj=ki ki=ktemp elseif(kk.gt.kj) then ktemp=kk kk=kj kj=ktemp endif c if(ki.ne.kj.and.ki.ne.kk.and.kj.ne.kk) then if(idqspn.eq.0) then kf=1000*ki+100*kk+10*kj+ibs else kf=1000*ki+100*kj+10*kk+ibs endif elseif(ki.eq.kj.and.ki.eq.kk) then c can only be decuplet baryons: kf=1000*ki+100*kj+10*kk+4 else kf=1000*ki+100*kj+10*kk+ibs endif c form a decuplet baryon if the q+diquark mass is closer to its mass c (and if the diquark has spin 1): cc for now only include Delta, which is present in ART: cc if(idqspn.eq.1.and.MOD(kf,10).eq.2) then if(kf.eq.2112.or.kf.eq.2212) then if(abs(sngl(xmpair)-ULMASS(kf)).gt. 1 abs(sngl(xmpair)-ULMASS(kf+2))) kf=kf+2 endif if(k1.lt.0) kf=-kf clin-6/22/01 isoft=4or5 baryons: elseif((isoft.eq.4.or.isoft.eq.5).and.NJSGS(ISG).eq.3) 1 then if(k1abs.gt.k2abs) then ki=k1abs kk=k2abs else ki=k2abs kk=k1abs endif if(k3abs.gt.ki) then kj=ki ki=k3abs elseif(k3abs.lt.kk) then kj=kk kk=k3abs else kj=k3abs endif c if(ki.eq.kj.and.ki.eq.kk) then c can only be decuplet baryons (Delta-,++, Omega): ibs=4 kf=1000*ki+100*kj+10*kk+ibs elseif(ki.ne.kj.and.ki.ne.kk.and.kj.ne.kk) then c form Lambda or Sigma according to 3-quark mass, c for now neglect decuplet (Sigma*0 etc) which is absent in ART: ibs=2 kf1=1000*ki+100*kj+10*kk+ibs kf2=1000*ki+100*kk+10*kj+ibs kf=kf1 if(abs(sngl(xmpair)-ULMASS(kf1)).gt. 1 abs(sngl(xmpair)-ULMASS(kf2))) kf=kf2 else ibs=2 kf=1000*ki+100*kj+10*kk+ibs cc for now only include Delta0,+ as decuplets, which are present in ART: if(kf.eq.2112.or.kf.eq.2212) then if(abs(sngl(xmpair)-ULMASS(kf)).gt. 1 abs(sngl(xmpair)-ULMASS(kf+2))) kf=kf+2 endif endif if(k1.lt.0) kf=-kf c***** mesons: else if(k1abs.eq.k2abs) then if(k1abs.le.2) then c treat diagonal mesons later in the subroutine: kf=0 elseif(k1abs.le.3) then c do not form eta', only form phi from s-sbar, since no eta' in ART: kf=333 else kf=100*k1abs+10*k1abs+2*imspin+1 endif else if(k1abs.gt.k2abs) then kmax=k1abs kmin=k2abs elseif(k1abs.lt.k2abs) then kmax=k2abs kmin=k1abs endif kf=(100*kmax+10*kmin+2*imspin+1) 1 *isign(1,k1+k2)*(-1)**kmax c form a vector meson if the q+qbar mass is closer to its mass: if(MOD(iabs(kf),10).eq.1) then if(abs(sngl(xmpair)-ULMASS(iabs(kf))).gt. 1 abs(sngl(xmpair)-ULMASS(iabs(kf)+2))) 2 kf=(iabs(kf)+2)*isign(1,kf) endif endif endif ITYPAR(NATT)=kf KATT(NATT,1)=kf if(iabs(kf).eq.211) then npich=npich+1 elseif(iabs(kf).eq.213) then nrhoch=nrhoch+1 endif endif 1001 CONTINUE c assume Npi0=(Npi+ + Npi-)/2, Nrho0=(Nrho+ + Nrho-)/2 on the average: if(nuudd.ne.0) then ppi0=float(npich/2)/float(nuudd) prho0=float(nrhoch/2)/float(nuudd) endif c determine diagonal mesons (pi0,rho0,eta and omega) from uubar/ddbar: npi0=0 DO 1002 ISG = 1, NSG if(K2SGS(ISG,1).eq.-K2SGS(ISG,2) 1 .and.iabs(K2SGS(ISG,1)).le.2.and.NJSGS(ISG).eq.2) then if(RANART(NSEED).le.ppi0) npi0=npi0+1 endif 1002 CONTINUE c if(nuudd.gt.1) then call index1(MAXSTR,nuudd,xmdiag,indx) else indx(1)=1 end if c DO 1003 ix=1,nuudd iuudd=indx(ix) inatt=ndiag(iuudd) if(ix.le.npi0) then kf=111 elseif(RANART(NSEED).le.(prho0/(1-ppi0+0.00001))) then kf=113 else c at T=150MeV, thermal weights for eta and omega(spin1) are about the same: if(RANART(NSEED).le.0.5) then kf=221 else kf=223 endif endif ITYPAR(inatt)=kf KATT(inatt,1)=kf 1003 CONTINUE c determine hadron formation time, position and momentum: inatt=0 clin-6/2009 write out parton info after coalescence: if(ioscar.eq.3) then WRITE (85, 395) IAEVT, 3*nsmbbbar+2*nsmmeson,nsmbbbar,nsmmeson, 1 bimp, NELP,NINP,NELT,NINTHJ,MISS endif 395 format(4I8,f10.4,5I5) c DO 1006 ISG = 1, NSG if(NJSGS(ISG).ne.0) then inatt=inatt+1 K1=K2SGS(ISG,1) k1abs=iabs(k1) PX1=PXSGS(ISG,1) PY1=PYSGS(ISG,1) PZ1=PZSGS(ISG,1) K2=K2SGS(ISG,2) k2abs=iabs(k2) PX2=PXSGS(ISG,2) PY2=PYSGS(ISG,2) PZ2=PZSGS(ISG,2) e1=PESGS(ISG,1) e2=PESGS(ISG,2) c if(NJSGS(ISG).eq.2) then PXAR(inatt)=sngl(px1+px2) PYAR(inatt)=sngl(py1+py2) PZAR(inatt)=sngl(pz1+pz2) PATT(inatt,1)=PXAR(inatt) PATT(inatt,2)=PYAR(inatt) PATT(inatt,3)=PZAR(inatt) etot=e1+e2 elseif((isoft.eq.4.or.isoft.eq.5).and.NJSGS(ISG).eq.3) 1 then PX3=PXSGS(ISG,3) PY3=PYSGS(ISG,3) PZ3=PZSGS(ISG,3) e3=PESGS(ISG,3) PXAR(inatt)=sngl(px1+px2+px3) PYAR(inatt)=sngl(py1+py2+py3) PZAR(inatt)=sngl(pz1+pz2+pz3) PATT(inatt,1)=PXAR(inatt) PATT(inatt,2)=PYAR(inatt) PATT(inatt,3)=PZAR(inatt) etot=e1+e2+e3 endif XMAR(inatt)=ULMASS(ITYPAR(inatt)) PEAR(inatt)=sqrt(PXAR(inatt)**2+PYAR(inatt)**2 1 +PZAR(inatt)**2+XMAR(inatt)**2) PATT(inatt,4)=PEAR(inatt) EATT=EATT+PEAR(inatt) ipartn=NJSGS(ISG) DO 1004 i=1,ipartn ftp(i)=ftsgs(isg,i) gxp(i)=gxsgs(isg,i) gyp(i)=gysgs(isg,i) gzp(i)=gzsgs(isg,i) pxp(i)=pxsgs(isg,i) pyp(i)=pysgs(isg,i) pzp(i)=pzsgs(isg,i) pmp(i)=pmsgs(isg,i) pep(i)=pesgs(isg,i) 1004 CONTINUE call locldr(ipartn,drlocl) c tau0=ARPAR1(1) ftavg0=ft0fom+dble(tau0) gxavg0=0d0 gyavg0=0d0 gzavg0=0d0 DO 1005 i=1,ipartn gxavg0=gxavg0+gxp0(i)/ipartn gyavg0=gyavg0+gyp0(i)/ipartn gzavg0=gzavg0+gzp0(i)/ipartn 1005 CONTINUE bex=dble(PXAR(inatt))/etot bey=dble(PYAR(inatt))/etot bez=dble(PZAR(inatt))/etot beta2 = bex ** 2 + bey ** 2 + bez ** 2 gam = 1.d0 / dsqrt(1.d0 - beta2) if(beta2.ge.0.9999999999999d0) then write(6,*) '2',bex,bey,bez,beta2,gam endif c call lorenza(ftavg0,gxavg0,gyavg0,gzavg0,-bex,-bey,-bez) GXAR(inatt)=sngl(pxnew) GYAR(inatt)=sngl(pynew) GZAR(inatt)=sngl(pznew) FTAR(inatt)=sngl(enenew) clin 4/19/2006 write out parton info after coalescence: if(ioscar.eq.3) then WRITE (85, 312) K2SGS(ISG,1),px1,py1,pz1,PMSGS(ISG,1), 1 inatt,katt(inatt,1) WRITE (85, 312) K2SGS(ISG,2),px2,py2,pz2,PMSGS(ISG,2), 1 inatt,katt(inatt,1) if(NJSGS(ISG).eq.3) WRITE (85, 312) K2SGS(ISG,3), 1 px3,py3,pz3,PMSGS(ISG,3),inatt,katt(inatt,1) endif 312 FORMAT(I6,4(1X,F10.3),1X,I6,1X,I6) c endif 1006 CONTINUE c number of hadrons formed from partons inside ZPC: nattzp=natt MSTJ(24)=mstj24 c RETURN END c======================================================================= SUBROUTINE coales PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(D) DOUBLE PRECISION gxp,gyp,gzp,ftp,pxp,pyp,pzp,pep,pmp DIMENSION IOVER(MAXSTR),dp1(2:3),dr1(2:3) DOUBLE PRECISION PXSGS,PYSGS,PZSGS,PESGS,PMSGS, 1 GXSGS,GYSGS,GZSGS,FTSGS double precision dpcoal,drcoal,ecritl COMMON/SOFT/PXSGS(MAXSTR,3),PYSGS(MAXSTR,3),PZSGS(MAXSTR,3), & PESGS(MAXSTR,3),PMSGS(MAXSTR,3),GXSGS(MAXSTR,3), & GYSGS(MAXSTR,3),GZSGS(MAXSTR,3),FTSGS(MAXSTR,3), & K1SGS(MAXSTR,3),K2SGS(MAXSTR,3),NJSGS(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /SOFT/ common /coal/dpcoal,drcoal,ecritl cc SAVE /coal/ common /loclco/gxp(3),gyp(3),gzp(3),ftp(3), 1 pxp(3),pyp(3),pzp(3),pep(3),pmp(3) cc SAVE /loclco/ COMMON/HJJET2/NSG,NJSG(MAXSTR),IASG(MAXSTR,3),K1SG(MAXSTR,100), & K2SG(MAXSTR,100),PXSG(MAXSTR,100),PYSG(MAXSTR,100), & PZSG(MAXSTR,100),PESG(MAXSTR,100),PMSG(MAXSTR,100) cc SAVE /HJJET2/ SAVE c do 1001 ISG=1, NSG IOVER(ISG)=0 1001 continue C1 meson q coalesce with all available qbar: do 150 ISG=1,NSG if(NJSGS(ISG).ne.2.or.IOVER(ISG).eq.1) goto 150 C DETERMINE CURRENT RELATIVE DISTANCE AND MOMENTUM: if(K2SGS(ISG,1).lt.0) then write(6,*) 'Antiquark appears in quark loop; stop' stop endif c do 1002 j=1,2 ftp(j)=ftsgs(isg,j) gxp(j)=gxsgs(isg,j) gyp(j)=gysgs(isg,j) gzp(j)=gzsgs(isg,j) pxp(j)=pxsgs(isg,j) pyp(j)=pysgs(isg,j) pzp(j)=pzsgs(isg,j) pmp(j)=pmsgs(isg,j) pep(j)=pesgs(isg,j) 1002 continue call locldr(2,drlocl) dr0=drlocl c dp0^2 defined as (p1+p2)^2-(m1+m2)^2: dp0=dsqrt(2*(pep(1)*pep(2)-pxp(1)*pxp(2) & -pyp(1)*pyp(2)-pzp(1)*pzp(2)-pmp(1)*pmp(2))) c do 120 JSG=1,NSG c skip default or unavailable antiquarks: if(JSG.eq.ISG.or.IOVER(JSG).eq.1) goto 120 if(NJSGS(JSG).eq.2) then ipmin=2 ipmax=2 elseif(NJSGS(JSG).eq.3.and.K2SGS(JSG,1).lt.0) then ipmin=1 ipmax=3 else goto 120 endif do 100 ip=ipmin,ipmax dplocl=dsqrt(2*(pep(1)*pesgs(jsg,ip) 1 -pxp(1)*pxsgs(jsg,ip) 2 -pyp(1)*pysgs(jsg,ip) 3 -pzp(1)*pzsgs(jsg,ip) 4 -pmp(1)*pmsgs(jsg,ip))) c skip if outside of momentum radius: if(dplocl.gt.dpcoal) goto 120 ftp(2)=ftsgs(jsg,ip) gxp(2)=gxsgs(jsg,ip) gyp(2)=gysgs(jsg,ip) gzp(2)=gzsgs(jsg,ip) pxp(2)=pxsgs(jsg,ip) pyp(2)=pysgs(jsg,ip) pzp(2)=pzsgs(jsg,ip) pmp(2)=pmsgs(jsg,ip) pep(2)=pesgs(jsg,ip) call locldr(2,drlocl) c skip if outside of spatial radius: if(drlocl.gt.drcoal) goto 120 c q_isg coalesces with qbar_jsg: if((dp0.gt.dpcoal.or.dr0.gt.drcoal) 1 .or.(drlocl.lt.dr0)) then dp0=dplocl dr0=drlocl call exchge(isg,2,jsg,ip) endif 100 continue 120 continue if(dp0.le.dpcoal.and.dr0.le.drcoal) IOVER(ISG)=1 150 continue c C2 meson qbar coalesce with all available q: do 250 ISG=1,NSG if(NJSGS(ISG).ne.2.or.IOVER(ISG).eq.1) goto 250 C DETERMINE CURRENT RELATIVE DISTANCE AND MOMENTUM: do 1003 j=1,2 ftp(j)=ftsgs(isg,j) gxp(j)=gxsgs(isg,j) gyp(j)=gysgs(isg,j) gzp(j)=gzsgs(isg,j) pxp(j)=pxsgs(isg,j) pyp(j)=pysgs(isg,j) pzp(j)=pzsgs(isg,j) pmp(j)=pmsgs(isg,j) pep(j)=pesgs(isg,j) 1003 continue call locldr(2,drlocl) dr0=drlocl dp0=dsqrt(2*(pep(1)*pep(2)-pxp(1)*pxp(2) & -pyp(1)*pyp(2)-pzp(1)*pzp(2)-pmp(1)*pmp(2))) c do 220 JSG=1,NSG if(JSG.eq.ISG.or.IOVER(JSG).eq.1) goto 220 if(NJSGS(JSG).eq.2) then ipmin=1 ipmax=1 elseif(NJSGS(JSG).eq.3.and.K2SGS(JSG,1).gt.0) then ipmin=1 ipmax=3 else goto 220 endif do 200 ip=ipmin,ipmax dplocl=dsqrt(2*(pep(2)*pesgs(jsg,ip) 1 -pxp(2)*pxsgs(jsg,ip) 2 -pyp(2)*pysgs(jsg,ip) 3 -pzp(2)*pzsgs(jsg,ip) 4 -pmp(2)*pmsgs(jsg,ip))) c skip if outside of momentum radius: if(dplocl.gt.dpcoal) goto 220 ftp(1)=ftsgs(jsg,ip) gxp(1)=gxsgs(jsg,ip) gyp(1)=gysgs(jsg,ip) gzp(1)=gzsgs(jsg,ip) pxp(1)=pxsgs(jsg,ip) pyp(1)=pysgs(jsg,ip) pzp(1)=pzsgs(jsg,ip) pmp(1)=pmsgs(jsg,ip) pep(1)=pesgs(jsg,ip) call locldr(2,drlocl) c skip if outside of spatial radius: if(drlocl.gt.drcoal) goto 220 c qbar_isg coalesces with q_jsg: if((dp0.gt.dpcoal.or.dr0.gt.drcoal) 1 .or.(drlocl.lt.dr0)) then dp0=dplocl dr0=drlocl call exchge(isg,1,jsg,ip) endif 200 continue 220 continue if(dp0.le.dpcoal.and.dr0.le.drcoal) IOVER(ISG)=1 250 continue c C3 baryon q (antibaryon qbar) coalesce with all available q (qbar): do 350 ISG=1,NSG if(NJSGS(ISG).ne.3.or.IOVER(ISG).eq.1) goto 350 ibaryn=K2SGS(ISG,1) C DETERMINE CURRENT RELATIVE DISTANCE AND MOMENTUM: do 1004 j=1,2 ftp(j)=ftsgs(isg,j) gxp(j)=gxsgs(isg,j) gyp(j)=gysgs(isg,j) gzp(j)=gzsgs(isg,j) pxp(j)=pxsgs(isg,j) pyp(j)=pysgs(isg,j) pzp(j)=pzsgs(isg,j) pmp(j)=pmsgs(isg,j) pep(j)=pesgs(isg,j) 1004 continue call locldr(2,drlocl) dr1(2)=drlocl dp1(2)=dsqrt(2*(pep(1)*pep(2)-pxp(1)*pxp(2) & -pyp(1)*pyp(2)-pzp(1)*pzp(2)-pmp(1)*pmp(2))) c ftp(2)=ftsgs(isg,3) gxp(2)=gxsgs(isg,3) gyp(2)=gysgs(isg,3) gzp(2)=gzsgs(isg,3) pxp(2)=pxsgs(isg,3) pyp(2)=pysgs(isg,3) pzp(2)=pzsgs(isg,3) pmp(2)=pmsgs(isg,3) pep(2)=pesgs(isg,3) call locldr(2,drlocl) dr1(3)=drlocl dp1(3)=dsqrt(2*(pep(1)*pep(2)-pxp(1)*pxp(2) & -pyp(1)*pyp(2)-pzp(1)*pzp(2)-pmp(1)*pmp(2))) c do 320 JSG=1,NSG if(JSG.eq.ISG.or.IOVER(JSG).eq.1) goto 320 if(NJSGS(JSG).eq.2) then if(ibaryn.gt.0) then ipmin=1 else ipmin=2 endif ipmax=ipmin elseif(NJSGS(JSG).eq.3.and. 1 (ibaryn*K2SGS(JSG,1)).gt.0) then ipmin=1 ipmax=3 else goto 320 endif do 300 ip=ipmin,ipmax dplocl=dsqrt(2*(pep(1)*pesgs(jsg,ip) 1 -pxp(1)*pxsgs(jsg,ip) 2 -pyp(1)*pysgs(jsg,ip) 3 -pzp(1)*pzsgs(jsg,ip) 4 -pmp(1)*pmsgs(jsg,ip))) c skip if outside of momentum radius: if(dplocl.gt.dpcoal) goto 320 ftp(2)=ftsgs(jsg,ip) gxp(2)=gxsgs(jsg,ip) gyp(2)=gysgs(jsg,ip) gzp(2)=gzsgs(jsg,ip) pxp(2)=pxsgs(jsg,ip) pyp(2)=pysgs(jsg,ip) pzp(2)=pzsgs(jsg,ip) pmp(2)=pmsgs(jsg,ip) pep(2)=pesgs(jsg,ip) call locldr(2,drlocl) c skip if outside of spatial radius: if(drlocl.gt.drcoal) goto 320 c q_isg may coalesce with q_jsg for a baryon: ipi=0 if(dp1(2).gt.dpcoal.or.dr1(2).gt.drcoal) then ipi=2 if((dp1(3).gt.dpcoal.or.dr1(3).gt.drcoal) 1 .and.dr1(3).gt.dr1(2)) ipi=3 elseif(dp1(3).gt.dpcoal.or.dr1(3).gt.drcoal) then ipi=3 elseif(dr1(2).lt.dr1(3)) then if(drlocl.lt.dr1(3)) ipi=3 elseif(dr1(3).le.dr1(2)) then if(drlocl.lt.dr1(2)) ipi=2 endif if(ipi.ne.0) then dp1(ipi)=dplocl dr1(ipi)=drlocl call exchge(isg,ipi,jsg,ip) endif 300 continue 320 continue if(dp1(2).le.dpcoal.and.dr1(2).le.drcoal 1 .and.dp1(3).le.dpcoal.and.dr1(3).le.drcoal) 2 IOVER(ISG)=1 350 continue c RETURN END c======================================================================= SUBROUTINE exchge(isg,ipi,jsg,ipj) c implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001) COMMON/SOFT/PXSGS(MAXSTR,3),PYSGS(MAXSTR,3),PZSGS(MAXSTR,3), & PESGS(MAXSTR,3),PMSGS(MAXSTR,3),GXSGS(MAXSTR,3), & GYSGS(MAXSTR,3),GZSGS(MAXSTR,3),FTSGS(MAXSTR,3), & K1SGS(MAXSTR,3),K2SGS(MAXSTR,3),NJSGS(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /SOFT/ SAVE c k1=K1SGS(isg,ipi) k2=K2SGS(isg,ipi) px=PXSGS(isg,ipi) py=PYSGS(isg,ipi) pz=PZSGS(isg,ipi) pe=PESGS(isg,ipi) pm=PMSGS(isg,ipi) gx=GXSGS(isg,ipi) gy=GYSGS(isg,ipi) gz=GZSGS(isg,ipi) ft=FTSGS(isg,ipi) K1SGS(isg,ipi)=K1SGS(jsg,ipj) K2SGS(isg,ipi)=K2SGS(jsg,ipj) PXSGS(isg,ipi)=PXSGS(jsg,ipj) PYSGS(isg,ipi)=PYSGS(jsg,ipj) PZSGS(isg,ipi)=PZSGS(jsg,ipj) PESGS(isg,ipi)=PESGS(jsg,ipj) PMSGS(isg,ipi)=PMSGS(jsg,ipj) GXSGS(isg,ipi)=GXSGS(jsg,ipj) GYSGS(isg,ipi)=GYSGS(jsg,ipj) GZSGS(isg,ipi)=GZSGS(jsg,ipj) FTSGS(isg,ipi)=FTSGS(jsg,ipj) K1SGS(jsg,ipj)=k1 K2SGS(jsg,ipj)=k2 PXSGS(jsg,ipj)=px PYSGS(jsg,ipj)=py PZSGS(jsg,ipj)=pz PESGS(jsg,ipj)=pe PMSGS(jsg,ipj)=pm GXSGS(jsg,ipj)=gx GYSGS(jsg,ipj)=gy GZSGS(jsg,ipj)=gz FTSGS(jsg,ipj)=ft c RETURN END c======================================================================= SUBROUTINE locldr(icall,drlocl) c implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) dimension ftp0(3),pxp0(3),pyp0(3),pzp0(3),pep0(3) common /loclco/gxp(3),gyp(3),gzp(3),ftp(3), 1 pxp(3),pyp(3),pzp(3),pep(3),pmp(3) cc SAVE /loclco/ common /prtn23/ gxp0(3),gyp0(3),gzp0(3),ft0fom cc SAVE /prtn23/ common /lora/ enenew, pxnew, pynew, pznew cc SAVE /lora/ SAVE c for 2-body kinematics: if(icall.eq.2) then etot=pep(1)+pep(2) bex=(pxp(1)+pxp(2))/etot bey=(pyp(1)+pyp(2))/etot bez=(pzp(1)+pzp(2))/etot c boost the reference frame down by beta to get to the pair rest frame: do 1001 j=1,2 beta2 = bex ** 2 + bey ** 2 + bez ** 2 gam = 1.d0 / dsqrt(1.d0 - beta2) if(beta2.ge.0.9999999999999d0) then write(6,*) '4',pxp(1),pxp(2),pyp(1),pyp(2), 1 pzp(1),pzp(2),pep(1),pep(2),pmp(1),pmp(2), 2 dsqrt(pxp(1)**2+pyp(1)**2+pzp(1)**2+pmp(1)**2)/pep(1), 3 dsqrt(pxp(1)**2+pyp(1)**2+pzp(1)**2)/pep(1) write(6,*) '4a',pxp(1)+pxp(2),pyp(1)+pyp(2), 1 pzp(1)+pzp(2),etot write(6,*) '4b',bex,bey,bez,beta2,gam endif c call lorenza(ftp(j),gxp(j),gyp(j),gzp(j),bex,bey,bez) gxp0(j)=pxnew gyp0(j)=pynew gzp0(j)=pznew ftp0(j)=enenew call lorenza(pep(j),pxp(j),pyp(j),pzp(j),bex,bey,bez) pxp0(j)=pxnew pyp0(j)=pynew pzp0(j)=pznew pep0(j)=enenew 1001 continue c if(ftp0(1).ge.ftp0(2)) then ilate=1 iearly=2 else ilate=2 iearly=1 endif ft0fom=ftp0(ilate) c dt0=ftp0(ilate)-ftp0(iearly) gxp0(iearly)=gxp0(iearly)+pxp0(iearly)/pep0(iearly)*dt0 gyp0(iearly)=gyp0(iearly)+pyp0(iearly)/pep0(iearly)*dt0 gzp0(iearly)=gzp0(iearly)+pzp0(iearly)/pep0(iearly)*dt0 drlocl=dsqrt((gxp0(ilate)-gxp0(iearly))**2 1 +(gyp0(ilate)-gyp0(iearly))**2 2 +(gzp0(ilate)-gzp0(iearly))**2) c for 3-body kinematics, used for baryons formation: elseif(icall.eq.3) then etot=pep(1)+pep(2)+pep(3) bex=(pxp(1)+pxp(2)+pxp(3))/etot bey=(pyp(1)+pyp(2)+pyp(3))/etot bez=(pzp(1)+pzp(2)+pzp(3))/etot beta2 = bex ** 2 + bey ** 2 + bez ** 2 gam = 1.d0 / dsqrt(1.d0 - beta2) if(beta2.ge.0.9999999999999d0) then write(6,*) '5',bex,bey,bez,beta2,gam endif c boost the reference frame down by beta to get to the 3-parton rest frame: do 1002 j=1,3 call lorenza(ftp(j),gxp(j),gyp(j),gzp(j),bex,bey,bez) gxp0(j)=pxnew gyp0(j)=pynew gzp0(j)=pznew ftp0(j)=enenew call lorenza(pep(j),pxp(j),pyp(j),pzp(j),bex,bey,bez) pxp0(j)=pxnew pyp0(j)=pynew pzp0(j)=pznew pep0(j)=enenew 1002 continue c if(ftp0(1).gt.ftp0(2)) then ilate=1 if(ftp0(3).gt.ftp0(1)) ilate=3 else ilate=2 if(ftp0(3).ge.ftp0(2)) ilate=3 endif ft0fom=ftp0(ilate) c if(ilate.eq.1) then imin=2 imax=3 istep=1 elseif(ilate.eq.2) then imin=1 imax=3 istep=2 elseif(ilate.eq.3) then imin=1 imax=2 istep=1 endif c do 1003 iearly=imin,imax,istep dt0=ftp0(ilate)-ftp0(iearly) gxp0(iearly)=gxp0(iearly)+pxp0(iearly)/pep0(iearly)*dt0 gyp0(iearly)=gyp0(iearly)+pyp0(iearly)/pep0(iearly)*dt0 gzp0(iearly)=gzp0(iearly)+pzp0(iearly)/pep0(iearly)*dt0 1003 continue endif c RETURN END c======================================================================= subroutine hoscar c parameter (MAXSTR=150001,AMN=0.939457,AMP=0.93828) character*8 code, reffra, FRAME character*25 amptvn common/snn/efrm,npart1,npart2 cc SAVE /snn/ common /lastt/itimeh,bimp cc SAVE /lastt/ COMMON/hbt/lblast(MAXSTR),xlast(4,MAXSTR),plast(4,MAXSTR),nlast cc SAVE /hbt/ common/oscar1/iap,izp,iat,izt cc SAVE /oscar1/ common/oscar2/FRAME,amptvn cc SAVE /oscar2/ SAVE data nff/0/ c c file header if(nff.eq.0) then write (19, 101) 'OSCAR1997A' write (19, 111) 'final_id_p_x' code = 'AMPT' if(FRAME.eq.'CMS') then reffra = 'nncm' xmp=(amp*izp+amn*(iap-izp))/iap xmt=(amp*izt+amn*(iat-izt))/iat ebeam=(efrm**2-xmp**2-xmt**2)/2./xmt elseif(FRAME.eq.'LAB') then reffra = 'lab' ebeam=efrm else reffra = 'unknown' ebeam=0. endif ntestp = 1 write (19, 102) code, amptvn, iap, izp, iat, izt, & reffra, ebeam, ntestp nff = 1 ievent = 1 phi = 0. if(FRAME.eq.'CMS') write(19,112) efrm endif c comment c event header write (19, 103) ievent, nlast, bimp, phi c particles do 99 i = 1, nlast ene=sqrt(plast(1,i)**2+plast(2,i)**2+plast(3,i)**2 1 +plast(4,i)**2) write (19, 104) i, INVFLV(lblast(i)), plast(1,i), 1 plast(2,i),plast(3,i),ene,plast(4,i), 2 xlast(1,i),xlast(2,i),xlast(3,i),xlast(4,i) 99 continue ievent = ievent + 1 101 format (a10) 111 format (a12) 102 format (a4,1x,a20,1x,'(', i3, ',', i3, ')+(', i3, ',', & i3, ')', 2x, a4, 2x, e10.4, 2x, i8) 103 format (i10, 2x, i10, 2x, f8.3, 2x, f8.3) 104 format (i10, 2x, i10, 2x, 9(e12.6, 2x)) 112 format ('# Center-of-mass energy/nucleon-pair is', & f12.3,'GeV') c return end c======================================================================= subroutine getnp PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001) COMMON/HMAIN1/EATT,JATT,NATT,NT,NP,N0,N01,N10,N11 cc SAVE /HMAIN1/ COMMON/HMAIN2/KATT(MAXSTR,4),PATT(MAXSTR,4) cc SAVE /HMAIN2/ COMMON /HPARNT/HIPR1(100), IHPR2(50), HINT1(100), IHNT2(50) cc SAVE /HPARNT/ common/snn/efrm,npart1,npart2 cc SAVE /snn/ cwei DOUBLE PRECISION PATT COMMON/EXTRACENT/BB SAVE BB = HINT1(19) if(NATT.eq.0) then npart1=0 npart2=0 return endif c PZPROJ=SQRT(HINT1(6)**2-HINT1(8)**2) PZTARG=SQRT(HINT1(7)**2-HINT1(9)**2) epsiln=0.01 c nspec1=0 nspec2=0 DO 1000 I = 1, NATT if((KATT(I,1).eq.2112.or.KATT(I,1).eq.2212) 1 .and.PATT(I, 1).eq.0.and.PATT(I, 2).eq.0) then if(PATT(I, 3).gt.amax1(0.,PZPROJ-epsiln)) then nspec1=nspec1+1 elseif(PATT(I, 3).lt.(-PZTARG+epsiln)) then nspec2=nspec2+1 endif endif 1000 CONTINUE npart1=IHNT2(1)-nspec1 npart2=IHNT2(3)-nspec2 return end c======================================================================= c 2/18/03 use PYTHIA to decay eta,rho,omega,k*,phi and Delta subroutine resdec(i1,nt,nnn,wid,idecay) PARAMETER (hbarc=0.19733) PARAMETER (AK0=0.498,APICH=0.140,API0=0.135,AN=0.940,ADDM=0.02) PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001, MAXR=1) COMMON /INPUT2/ ILAB, MANYB, NTMAX, ICOLL, INSYS, IPOT, MODE, & IMOMEN, NFREQ, ICFLOW, ICRHO, ICOU, KPOTEN, KMUL cc SAVE /INPUT2/ COMMON/LUJETSA/N,K(9000,5),P(9000,5),V(9000,5) cc SAVE /LUJETSA/ COMMON/LUDAT1A/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) cc SAVE /LUDAT1A/ COMMON/LUDAT2A/KCHG(500,3),PMAS(500,4),PARF(2000),VCKM(4,4) cc SAVE /LUDAT2A/ COMMON/LUDAT3A/MDCY(500,3),MDME(2000,2),BRAT(2000),KFDP(2000,5) cc SAVE /LUDAT3A/ COMMON /CC/ E(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /CC/ COMMON /EE/ ID(MAXSTR),LB(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /EE/ COMMON /PA/RPION(3,MAXSTR,MAXR) cc SAVE /PA/ COMMON /PB/PPION(3,MAXSTR,MAXR) cc SAVE /PB/ COMMON /PC/EPION(MAXSTR,MAXR) cc SAVE /PC/ COMMON /PD/LPION(MAXSTR,MAXR) cc SAVE /PD/ common/input1/ MASSPR,MASSTA,ISEED,IAVOID,DT cc SAVE /input1/ common/resdcy/NSAV,iksdcy cc SAVE /resdcy/ common/leadng/lb1,px1,py1,pz1,em1,e1,xfnl,yfnl,zfnl,tfnl, 1 px1n,py1n,pz1n,dp1n cc SAVE /leadng/ EXTERNAL IARFLV, INVFLV COMMON/tdecay/tfdcy(MAXSTR),tfdpi(MAXSTR,MAXR),tft(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /tdecay/ COMMON/RNDF77/NSEED COMMON /dpert/dpertt(MAXSTR,MAXR),dpertp(MAXSTR),dplast(MAXSTR), 1 dpdcy(MAXSTR),dpdpi(MAXSTR,MAXR),dpt(MAXSTR, MAXR), 2 dpp1(MAXSTR,MAXR),dppion(MAXSTR,MAXR) cc SAVE /RNDF77/ SAVE irun=idecay if(lb1.eq.0.or.lb1.eq.25.or.lb1.eq.26.or.lb1.eq.27 & .or.lb1.eq.28.or.lb1.eq.29.or.iabs(lb1).eq.30 & .or.lb1.eq.24.or.(iabs(lb1).ge.6.and.iabs(lb1).le.9) & .or.iabs(lb1).eq.16) then kf=INVFLV(lb1) else return endif c IP=1 c label as undecayed and the only particle in the record: N=1 K(IP,1)=1 K(IP,3)=0 K(IP,4)=0 K(IP,5)=0 c K(IP,2)=kf P(IP,1)=px1 P(IP,2)=py1 P(IP,3)=pz1 em1a=em1 c eta or omega in ART may be below or too close to (pi+pi-pi0) mass, c causing LUDECY error,thus increase their mass ADDM above this thresh, c noting that rho (m=0.281) too close to 2pi thrshold fails to decay: if((lb1.eq.0.or.lb1.eq.28).and.em1.lt.(2*APICH+API0+ADDM)) then em1=2*APICH+API0+ADDM c rho elseif(lb1.ge.25.and.lb1.le.27.and.em1.lt.(2*APICH+ADDM)) then em1=2*APICH+ADDM c K* elseif(iabs(lb1).eq.30.and.em1.lt.(APICH+AK0+ADDM)) then em1=APICH+AK0+ADDM c Delta created in ART may be below (n+pich) mass, causing LUDECY error: elseif(iabs(lb1).ge.6.and.iabs(lb1).le.9 1 .and.em1.lt.(APICH+AN+ADDM)) then em1=APICH+AN+ADDM endif c if(em1.ge.(em1a+0.01)) write (6,*) c 1 'Mass increase in resdec():',nt,em1-em1a,lb1 e1=SQRT(EM1**2+PX1**2+PY1**2+PZ1**2) P(IP,4)=e1 P(IP,5)=em1 clin-5/2008: dpdecp=dpertp(i1) call ludecy(IP) c add decay time to daughter's formation time at the last timestep: if(nt.eq.ntmax) then tau0=hbarc/wid taudcy=tau0*(-1.)*alog(1.-RANART(NSEED)) ndaut=n-nsav if(ndaut.le.1) then write(10,*) 'note: ndaut(<1)=',ndaut write(89,*) 'note: ndaut(<1)=',ndaut call lulist(2) stop endif c lorentz boost: taudcy=taudcy*e1/em1 tfnl=tfnl+taudcy xfnl=xfnl+px1/e1*taudcy yfnl=yfnl+py1/e1*taudcy zfnl=zfnl+pz1/e1*taudcy c at the last timestep, assign rho, K0S or eta (decay daughter) c to lb(i1) only (not to lpion) in order to decay them again: if(n.ge.(nsav+2)) then do 1001 idau=nsav+2,n kdaut=K(idau,2) if(kdaut.eq.221.or.kdaut.eq.113 1 .or.kdaut.eq.213.or.kdaut.eq.-213 2 .or.kdaut.eq.310) then c switch idau and i1(nsav+1): ksave=kdaut pxsave=p(idau,1) pysave=p(idau,2) pzsave=p(idau,3) esave=p(idau,4) xmsave=p(idau,5) K(idau,2)=K(nsav+1,2) p(idau,1)=p(nsav+1,1) p(idau,2)=p(nsav+1,2) p(idau,3)=p(nsav+1,3) p(idau,4)=p(nsav+1,4) p(idau,5)=p(nsav+1,5) K(nsav+1,2)=ksave p(nsav+1,1)=pxsave p(nsav+1,2)=pysave p(nsav+1,3)=pzsave p(nsav+1,4)=esave p(nsav+1,5)=xmsave c note: phi decay may produce rho, K0s or eta, N*(1535) decay may produce c eta, but only one daughter may be rho, K0s or eta: goto 111 endif 1001 continue endif 111 continue c enet=0. do 1002 idau=nsav+1,n enet=enet+p(idau,4) 1002 continue c if(abs(enet-e1).gt.0.02) c 1 write(93,*) 'resdec(): nt=',nt,enet-e1,lb1 endif cyy 200 format(a20,3(1x,i6)) cyy 210 format(i6,5(1x,f8.3)) cyy 220 format(a2,i5,5(1x,f8.3)) do 1003 idau=nsav+1,n kdaut=K(idau,2) lbdaut=IARFLV(kdaut) c K0S and K0L are named K+/K- during hadron cascade, and only c at the last timestep they keep their real LB # before output; c K0/K0bar (from K* decay) converted to K0S and K0L at the last timestep: if(nt.eq.ntmax.and.(kdaut.eq.130.or.kdaut.eq.310 1 .or.iabs(kdaut).eq.311)) then if(kdaut.eq.130) then lbdaut=22 elseif(kdaut.eq.310) then lbdaut=24 elseif(iabs(kdaut).eq.311) then if(RANART(NSEED).lt.0.5) then lbdaut=22 else lbdaut=24 endif endif endif c if(idau.eq.(nsav+1)) then LB(i1)=lbdaut E(i1)=p(idau,5) px1n=p(idau,1) py1n=p(idau,2) pz1n=p(idau,3) clin-5/2008: dp1n=dpdecp else nnn=nnn+1 LPION(NNN,IRUN)=lbdaut EPION(NNN,IRUN)=p(idau,5) PPION(1,NNN,IRUN)=p(idau,1) PPION(2,NNN,IRUN)=p(idau,2) PPION(3,NNN,IRUN)=p(idau,3) RPION(1,NNN,IRUN)=xfnl RPION(2,NNN,IRUN)=yfnl RPION(3,NNN,IRUN)=zfnl tfdpi(NNN,IRUN)=tfnl clin-5/2008: dppion(NNN,IRUN)=dpdecp endif 1003 continue cyy 230 format(a2,i5,5(1x,e8.2)) return end c======================================================================= subroutine inidcy COMMON/LUJETSA/N,K(9000,5),P(9000,5),V(9000,5) cc SAVE /LUJETSA/ common/resdcy/NSAV,iksdcy cc SAVE /resdcy/ SAVE N=1 NSAV=N return end c======================================================================= clin-6/06/02 local parton freezeout motivated from critical density: subroutine local(t) c implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) PARAMETER (MAXPTN=400001) PARAMETER (r0=1d0) COMMON /para1/ mul cc SAVE /para1/ COMMON /prec2/GX5(MAXPTN),GY5(MAXPTN),GZ5(MAXPTN),FT5(MAXPTN), & PX5(MAXPTN), PY5(MAXPTN), PZ5(MAXPTN), E5(MAXPTN), & XMASS5(MAXPTN), ITYP5(MAXPTN) cc SAVE /prec2/ common /frzprc/ & gxfrz(MAXPTN), gyfrz(MAXPTN), gzfrz(MAXPTN), ftfrz(MAXPTN), & pxfrz(MAXPTN), pyfrz(MAXPTN), pzfrz(MAXPTN), efrz(MAXPTN), & xmfrz(MAXPTN), & tfrz(302), ifrz(MAXPTN), idfrz(MAXPTN), itlast cc SAVE /frzprc/ common /prec4/ vx(MAXPTN), vy(MAXPTN), vz(MAXPTN) cc SAVE /prec4/ common /prec5/ eta(MAXPTN), rap(MAXPTN), tau(MAXPTN) cc SAVE /prec5/ common /coal/dpcoal,drcoal,ecritl cc SAVE /coal/ SAVE c do 1001 it=1,301 if(t.ge.tfrz(it).and.t.lt.tfrz(it+1)) then if(it.eq.itlast) then return else itlast=it goto 50 endif endif 1001 continue write(1,*) 'local time out of range in LOCAL, stop',t,it stop 50 continue c do 200 ip=1,mul c skip partons which have frozen out: if(ifrz(ip).eq.1) goto 200 if(it.eq.301) then c freezeout all the left partons beyond the time of 3000 fm: etcrit=1d6 goto 150 else c freezeout when transverse energy density < etcrit: etcrit=(ecritl*2d0/3d0) endif c skip partons which have not yet formed: if(t.lt.FT5(ip)) goto 200 rap0=rap(ip) eta0=eta(ip) x0=GX5(ip)+vx(ip)*(t-FT5(ip)) y0=GY5(ip)+vy(ip)*(t-FT5(ip)) detdy=0d0 do 100 itest=1,mul c skip self and partons which have not yet formed: if(itest.eq.ip.or.t.lt.FT5(itest)) goto 100 ettest=eta(itest) xtest=GX5(itest)+vx(itest)*(t-FT5(itest)) ytest=GY5(itest)+vy(itest)*(t-FT5(itest)) drt=sqrt((xtest-x0)**2+(ytest-y0)**2) c count partons within drt<1 and -1<(eta-eta0)<1: if(dabs(ettest-eta0).le.1d0.and.drt.le.r0) 1 detdy=detdy+dsqrt(PX5(itest)**2+PY5(itest)**2 2 +XMASS5(itest)**2)*0.5d0 100 continue detdy=detdy*(dcosh(eta0)**2)/(t*3.1416d0*r0**2*dcosh(rap0)) c when density is below critical density for phase transition, freeze out: 150 if(detdy.le.etcrit) then ifrz(ip)=1 idfrz(ip)=ITYP5(ip) pxfrz(ip)=PX5(ip) pyfrz(ip)=PY5(ip) pzfrz(ip)=PZ5(ip) efrz(ip)=E5(ip) xmfrz(ip)=XMASS5(ip) if(t.gt.FT5(ip)) then gxfrz(ip)=x0 gyfrz(ip)=y0 gzfrz(ip)=GZ5(ip)+vz(ip)*(t-FT5(ip)) ftfrz(ip)=t else c if this freezeout time < formation time, use formation time & positions. c This ensures the recovery of default hadron when e_crit=infty: gxfrz(ip)=GX5(ip) gyfrz(ip)=GY5(ip) gzfrz(ip)=GZ5(ip) ftfrz(ip)=FT5(ip) endif endif 200 continue c return end c======================================================================= clin-6/06/02 initialization for local parton freezeout subroutine inifrz c implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) PARAMETER (MAXPTN=400001) common /ilist5/ ct(MAXPTN), ot(MAXPTN), tlarge cc SAVE /ilist5/ common /frzprc/ & gxfrz(MAXPTN), gyfrz(MAXPTN), gzfrz(MAXPTN), ftfrz(MAXPTN), & pxfrz(MAXPTN), pyfrz(MAXPTN), pzfrz(MAXPTN), efrz(MAXPTN), & xmfrz(MAXPTN), & tfrz(302), ifrz(MAXPTN), idfrz(MAXPTN), itlast cc SAVE /frzprc/ SAVE c c for freezeout time 0-10fm, use interval of 0.1fm; c for 10-100fm, use interval of 1fm; c for 100-1000fm, use interval of 10fm; c for 1000-3000fm, use interval of 100fm: step1=0.1d0 step2=1d0 step3=10d0 step4=100d0 c do 1001 it=1,101 tfrz(it)=0d0+dble(it-1)*step1 1001 continue do 1002 it=102,191 tfrz(it)=10d0+dble(it-101)*step2 1002 continue do 1003 it=192,281 tfrz(it)=100d0+dble(it-191)*step3 1003 continue do 1004 it=282,301 tfrz(it)=1000d0+dble(it-281)*step4 1004 continue tfrz(302)=tlarge c return end clin-5/2009 ctest on v2 analysis c======================================================================= c idd=0,1,2,3 specifies different subroutines for partonic flow analysis. subroutine flowp(idd) c implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) real dt parameter (MAXPTN=400001) csp parameter (bmt=0.05d0) dimension nlfile(3),nsfile(3),nmfile(3) c dimension v2pp(3),xnpp(3),v2psum(3),v2p2sm(3),nfile(3) dimension tsp(31),v2pevt(3),v2pavg(3),varv2p(3) common /ilist1/ & iscat, jscat, next(MAXPTN), last(MAXPTN), & ictype, icsta(MAXPTN), & nic(MAXPTN), icels(MAXPTN) cc SAVE /ilist1/ COMMON /para1/ mul cc SAVE /para1/ COMMON /prec2/GX5(MAXPTN),GY5(MAXPTN),GZ5(MAXPTN),FT5(MAXPTN), & PX5(MAXPTN), PY5(MAXPTN), PZ5(MAXPTN), E5(MAXPTN), & XMASS5(MAXPTN), ITYP5(MAXPTN) cc SAVE /prec2/ COMMON /pflow/ v2p(30,3),xnpart(30,3),etp(30,3), 1 s2p(30,3),v2p2(30,3),nevt(30) cc SAVE /pflow/ COMMON /pflowf/ v2pf(30,3),xnpf(30,3),etpf(30,3), 1 xncoll(30),s2pf(30,3),v2pf2(30,3) cc SAVE /pflowf/ COMMON /pfrz/ v2pfrz(30,3),xnpfrz(30,3),etpfrz(30,3), 1 s2pfrz(30,3),v2p2fz(30,3),tscatt(31), 2 nevtfz(30),iscatt(30) cc SAVE /pfrz/ COMMON /hflow/ v2h(30,3),xnhadr(30,3),eth(30,3), 1 v2h2(30,3),s2h(30,3) cc SAVE /hflow/ COMMON /AREVT/ IAEVT, IARUN, MISS cc SAVE /AREVT/ common/anim/nevent,isoft,isflag,izpc cc SAVE /anim/ common/input1/ MASSPR,MASSTA,ISEED,IAVOID,DT cc SAVE /input1/ COMMON /INPUT2/ ILAB, MANYB, NTMAX, ICOLL, INSYS, IPOT, MODE, & IMOMEN, NFREQ, ICFLOW, ICRHO, ICOU, KPOTEN, KMUL cc SAVE /INPUT2/ cc SAVE itimep,iaevtp,v2pp,xnpp,v2psum,v2p2sm cc SAVE nfile,itanim,nlfile,nsfile,nmfile SAVE csp dimension etpl(30,3),etps(30,3),etplf(30,3),etpsf(30,3), & etlfrz(30,3),etsfrz(30,3), & xnpl(30,3),xnps(30,3),xnplf(30,3),xnpsf(30,3), & xnlfrz(30,3),xnsfrz(30,3), & v2pl(30,3),v2ps(30,3),v2plf(30,3),v2psf(30,3), & s2pl(30,3),s2ps(30,3),s2plf(30,3),s2psf(30,3), & DMYil(50,3),DMYfl(50,3), & DMYis(50,3),DMYfs(50,3) data tsp/0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, & 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, & 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30/ c idd=0: initialization for flow analysis, called by artdri.f: if(idd.eq.0) then nfile(1)=60 nfile(2)=64 nfile(3)=20 cms OPEN (nfile(1),FILE='ana1/v2p.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(1)+1, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/v2p-formed.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(1)+2, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/v2p-active.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(1)+3, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/v2ph.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(2),FILE='ana1/v2p-y2.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(2)+1, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/v2p-formed2.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(2)+2, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/v2p-active2.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(2)+3, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/v2ph-y2.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(3),FILE='ana1/v2p-y1.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(3)+1, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/v2p-formed1.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(3)+2, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/v2p-active1.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nfile(3)+3, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/v2ph-y1.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (49, FILE = 'ana1/v2p-ebe.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms write(49, *) ' ievt, v2p, v2p_y2, v2p_y1' c cms OPEN (59, FILE = 'ana1/v2h.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (68, FILE = 'ana1/v2h-y2.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (69, FILE = 'ana1/v2h-y1.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (88, FILE = 'ana1/v2h-ebe.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms write(88, *) ' ievt, v2h, v2h_y2, v2h_y1' csp07/05 nlfile(1)=70 nlfile(2)=72 nlfile(3)=74 cms OPEN (nlfile(1),FILE='ana1/mtl.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nlfile(1)+1, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/mtl-formed.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nlfile(2),FILE='ana1/mtl-y2.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nlfile(2)+1, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/mtl-formed2.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nlfile(3),FILE='ana1/mtl-y1.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nlfile(3)+1, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/mtl-formed1.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') nsfile(1)=76 nsfile(2)=78 nsfile(3)=80 cms OPEN (nsfile(1),FILE='ana1/mts.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nsfile(1)+1, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/mts-formed.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nsfile(2),FILE='ana1/mts-y2.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nsfile(2)+1, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/mts-formed2.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nsfile(3),FILE='ana1/mts-y1.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nsfile(3)+1, cms 1 FILE = 'ana1/mts-formed1.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') nmfile(1)=82 nmfile(2)=83 nmfile(3)=84 cms OPEN (nmfile(1),FILE='ana1/Nmt.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nmfile(2),FILE='ana1/Nmt-y2.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (nmfile(3),FILE='ana1/Nmt-y1.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') clin-11/27/00 for animation: if(nevent.eq.1) then cms OPEN (91, FILE = 'ana1/h-animate.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms write(91,*) ntmax, dt cms OPEN (92, FILE = 'ana1/p-animate.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (93, FILE = 'ana1/p-finalft.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') endif c itimep=0 itanim=0 iaevtp=0 csp do 1002 ii=1,50 do 1001 iy=1,3 DMYil(ii,iy) = 0d0 DMYfl(ii,iy) = 0d0 DMYis(ii,iy) = 0d0 DMYfs(ii,iy) = 0d0 1001 continue 1002 continue c do 1003 ii=1,31 tscatt(ii)=0d0 1003 continue do 1005 ii=1,30 nevt(ii)=0 xncoll(ii)=0d0 nevtfz(ii)=0 iscatt(ii)=0 do 1004 iy=1,3 v2p(ii,iy)=0d0 v2p2(ii,iy)=0d0 s2p(ii,iy)=0d0 etp(ii,iy)=0d0 xnpart(ii,iy)=0d0 v2pf(ii,iy)=0d0 v2pf2(ii,iy)=0d0 s2pf(ii,iy)=0d0 etpf(ii,iy)=0d0 xnpf(ii,iy)=0d0 v2pfrz(ii,iy)=0d0 v2p2fz(ii,iy)=0d0 s2pfrz(ii,iy)=0d0 etpfrz(ii,iy)=0d0 xnpfrz(ii,iy)=0d0 csp07/05 etpl(ii,iy)=0d0 etps(ii,iy)=0d0 etplf(ii,iy)=0d0 etpsf(ii,iy)=0d0 etlfrz(ii,iy)=0d0 etsfrz(ii,iy)=0d0 xnpl(ii,iy)=0d0 xnps(ii,iy)=0d0 xnplf(ii,iy)=0d0 xnpsf(ii,iy)=0d0 xnlfrz(ii,iy)=0d0 xnsfrz(ii,iy)=0d0 v2pl(ii,iy)=0d0 v2ps(ii,iy)=0d0 v2plf(ii,iy)=0d0 v2psf(ii,iy)=0d0 s2pl(ii,iy)=0d0 s2ps(ii,iy)=0d0 s2plf(ii,iy)=0d0 s2psf(ii,iy)=0d0 1004 continue 1005 continue do 1006 iy=1,3 v2pevt(iy)=0d0 v2pavg(iy)=0d0 varv2p(iy)=0d0 v2pp(iy)=0.d0 xnpp(iy)=0d0 v2psum(iy)=0.d0 v2p2sm(iy)=0.d0 1006 continue c idd=1: calculate parton elliptic flow, called by zpc.f: else if(idd.eq.1) then t2time = FT5(iscat) do 1008 ianp = 1, 30 if (t2time.lt.tsp(ianp+1).and.t2time.ge.tsp(ianp)) then c write flow info only once at each fixed time: xncoll(ianp)=xncoll(ianp)+1d0 c to prevent an earlier t2time comes later in the same event c and mess up nevt: if(ianp.le.itimep.and.iaevt.eq.iaevtp) goto 101 nevt(ianp)=nevt(ianp)+1 tscatt(ianp+1)=t2time iscatt(ianp)=1 nevtfz(ianp)=nevtfz(ianp)+1 do 100 I=1,mul ypartn=0.5d0*dlog((E5(i)+PZ5(i))/(E5(i)-PZ5(i)+1.d-8)) pt2=PX5(I)**2+PY5(I)**2 ctest off: initial (pt,y) and (x,y) distribution: c idtime=1 c if(ianp.eq.idtime) then c iityp=iabs(ITYP5(I)) c if(iityp.eq.1.or.iityp.eq.2) then c write(651,*) dsqrt(pt2),ypartn c write(654,*) GX5(I),GY5(I) c elseif(iityp.eq.1103.or.iityp.eq.2101 c 1 .or.iityp.eq.2103.or.iityp.eq.2203. c 2 .or.iityp.eq.3101.or.iityp.eq.3103. c 3 .or.iityp.eq.3201.or.iityp.eq.3203.or.iityp.eq.3303) c 4 then c write(652,*) dsqrt(pt2),ypartn c write(655,*) GX5(I),GY5(I) c elseif(iityp.eq.21) then c write(653,*) dsqrt(pt2),ypartn c write(656,*) GX5(I),GY5(I) c endif c endif ctest-end ctest off density with 2fm radius and z:(-0.1*t,0.1*t): c gx_now=GX5(i)+(t2time-FT5(i))*PX5(i)/E5(i) c gy_now=GY5(i)+(t2time-FT5(i))*PY5(i)/E5(i) c gz_now=GZ5(i)+(t2time-FT5(i))*PZ5(i)/E5(i) c rt_now=dsqrt(gx_now**2+gy_now**2) c zmax=0.1d0*t2time c volume=3.1416d0*(2d0**2)*(2*zmax) c if(rt_now.gt.2d0.or.dabs(gz_now).gt.zmax) c 1 goto 100 ctest-end iloop=1 if(dabs(ypartn).le.1d0) then iloop=2 if(dabs(ypartn).le.0.5d0) then iloop=3 endif endif do 50 iy=1,iloop if(pt2.gt.0.) then v2prtn=(PX5(I)**2-PY5(I)**2)/pt2 if(abs(v2prtn).gt.1.) 1 write(nfile(iy),*) 'v2prtn>1',v2prtn v2p(ianp,iy)=v2p(ianp,iy)+v2prtn v2p2(ianp,iy)=v2p2(ianp,iy)+v2prtn**2 endif xperp2=GX5(I)**2+GY5(I)**2 if(xperp2.gt.0.) 1 s2p(ianp,iy)=s2p(ianp,iy)+(GX5(I)**2-GY5(I)**2)/xperp2 xnpart(ianp,iy)=xnpart(ianp,iy)+1d0 etp(ianp,iy)=etp(ianp,iy)+dsqrt(pt2+XMASS5(I)**2) ctest off density: c etp(ianp,iy)=etp(ianp,iy) c 1 +dsqrt(pt2+XMASS5(I)**2+PZ5(i)**2)/volume clin-2/22/00 to write out parton info only for formed ones: if(FT5(I).le.t2time) then v2pf(ianp,iy)=v2pf(ianp,iy)+v2prtn v2pf2(ianp,iy)=v2pf2(ianp,iy)+v2prtn**2 if(xperp2.gt.0.) 1 s2pf(ianp,iy)=s2pf(ianp,iy)+(GX5(I)**2-GY5(I)**2)/xperp2 xnpf(ianp,iy)=xnpf(ianp,iy)+1d0 etpf(ianp,iy)=etpf(ianp,iy)+dsqrt(pt2+XMASS5(I)**2) ctest off density: c etpf(ianp,iy)=etpf(ianp,iy) c 1 +dsqrt(pt2+XMASS5(I)**2+PZ5(i)**2)/volume endif 50 continue 100 continue itimep=ianp iaevtp=iaevt clin-3/30/00 ebe v2 variables: if(ianp.eq.30) then do 1007 iy=1,3 npartn=IDINT(xnpart(ianp,iy)-xnpp(iy)) if(npartn.ne.0) then v2pevt(iy)=(v2p(ianp,iy)-v2pp(iy))/npartn v2psum(iy)=v2psum(iy)+v2pevt(iy) v2p2sm(iy)=v2p2sm(iy)+v2pevt(iy)**2 v2pp(iy)=v2p(ianp,iy) xnpp(iy)=xnpart(ianp,iy) endif 1007 continue write(49, 160) iaevt,v2pevt endif goto 101 endif 1008 continue clin-11/28/00 for animation: 101 if(nevent.eq.1) then do 110 nt = 1, ntmax time1=dble(nt*dt) time2=dble((nt+1)*dt) if (t2time.lt.time2.and.t2time.ge.time1) then if(nt.le.itanim) return c write(92,*) t2time iform=0 do 1009 I=1,mul c write out parton info only for formed ones: if(FT5(I).le.t2time) then iform=iform+1 endif 1009 continue c write(92,*) iform do 120 I=1,mul if(FT5(I).le.t2time) then clin-11/29/00-ctest off calculate parton coordinates after propagation: c gx_now=GX5(i)+(t2time-FT5(i))*PX5(i)/E5(i) c gy_now=GY5(i)+(t2time-FT5(i))*PY5(i)/E5(i) c gz_now=GZ5(i)+(t2time-FT5(i))*PZ5(i)/E5(i) c write(92,140) ITYP5(i),GX5(i),GY5(i),GZ5(i),FT5(i) c write(92,180) ITYP5(i),GX5(i),GY5(i),GZ5(i),FT5(i), c 1 PX5(i),PY5(i),PZ5(i),E5(i) ctest-end endif 120 continue itanim=nt endif 110 continue endif c 140 format(i10,4(2x,f7.2)) 160 format(i10,3(2x,f9.5)) c 180 format(i6,8(1x,f7.2)) clin-5/17/01 calculate v2 for active partons (which have not frozen out): c idd=3, called at end of zpc.f: else if(idd.eq.3) then do 1010 ianp=1,30 if(iscatt(ianp).eq.0) tscatt(ianp+1)=tscatt(ianp) 1010 continue do 350 I=1,mul ypartn=0.5d0*dlog((E5(i)+PZ5(i)+1.d-8) 1 /(E5(i)-PZ5(i)+1.d-8)) pt2=PX5(I)**2+PY5(I)**2 iloop=1 if(dabs(ypartn).le.1d0) then iloop=2 if(dabs(ypartn).le.0.5d0) then iloop=3 endif endif c do 325 ianp=1,30 if(iscatt(ianp).ne.0) then if(FT5(I).lt.tscatt(ianp+1) 1 .and.FT5(I).ge.tscatt(ianp)) then do 1011 iy=1,iloop if(pt2.gt.0.) then v2prtn=(PX5(I)**2-PY5(I)**2)/pt2 v2pfrz(ianp,iy)=v2pfrz(ianp,iy)+v2prtn v2p2fz(ianp,iy)=v2p2fz(ianp,iy)+v2prtn**2 endif xperp2=GX5(I)**2+GY5(I)**2 if(xperp2.gt.0.) s2pfrz(ianp,iy)= 1 s2pfrz(ianp,iy)+(GX5(I)**2-GY5(I)**2)/xperp2 etpfrz(ianp,iy)=etpfrz(ianp,iy)+dsqrt(pt2+XMASS5(I)**2) xnpfrz(ianp,iy)=xnpfrz(ianp,iy)+1d0 ctest off density: c etpfrz(ianp,iy)=etpfrz(ianp,iy) c 1 +dsqrt(pt2+XMASS5(I)**2+PZ5(i)**2)/volume csp07/05 if(ITYP5(I).eq.1.or.ITYP5(I).eq.2)then etlfrz(ianp,iy)=etlfrz(ianp,iy)+dsqrt(pt2+XMASS5(I)**2) xnlfrz(ianp,iy)=xnlfrz(ianp,iy)+1d0 elseif(ITYP5(I).eq.3)then etsfrz(ianp,iy)=etsfrz(ianp,iy)+dsqrt(pt2+XMASS5(I)**2) xnsfrz(ianp,iy)=xnsfrz(ianp,iy)+1d0 endif csp07/05 end 1011 continue c parton freezeout info taken, proceed to next parton: goto 350 endif endif 325 continue 350 continue c idd=2: calculate average partonic elliptic flow, called from artdri.f, else if(idd.eq.2) then do 1012 i=1,3 cms write(nfile(i),*) ' tsp, v2p, v2p2, '// cms 1 ' s2p, etp, xmult, nevt, xnctot' cms write ((nfile(i)+1),*) ' tsp, v2pf, v2pf2, '// cms 1 ' s2pf, etpf, xnform, xcrate' cms write ((nfile(i)+2),*) ' tsp, v2pa, v2pa2, '// cms 1 ' s2pa, etpa, xmult_ap, xnform, nevt' cms write ((nfile(i)+3),*) ' tsph, v2ph, v2ph2, '// cms 1 ' s2ph, etph, xmult_(ap/2+h),xmult_ap/2,nevt' csp cms write(nlfile(i),*) ' tsp, v2, s2, etp, xmul' cms write(nsfile(i),*) ' tsp, v2, s2, etp, xmul' cms write(nlfile(i)+1,*) ' tsp, v2, s2, etp, xmul' cms write(nsfile(i)+1,*) ' tsp, v2, s2, etp, xmul' c 1012 continue clin-3/30/00 ensemble average & variance of v2 (over particles in all events): do 150 ii=1, 30 if(nevt(ii).eq.0) goto 150 do 1014 iy=1,3 if(xnpart(ii,iy).gt.1) then v2p(ii,iy)=v2p(ii,iy)/xnpart(ii,iy) v2p2(ii,iy)=dsqrt((v2p2(ii,iy)/xnpart(ii,iy) 1 -v2p(ii,iy)**2)/(xnpart(ii,iy)-1)) s2p(ii,iy)=s2p(ii,iy)/xnpart(ii,iy) c xmult and etp are multiplicity and et for an averaged event: xmult=dble(xnpart(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii))) etp(ii,iy)=etp(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii)) csp etpl(ii,iy)=etpl(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii)) etps(ii,iy)=etps(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii)) c xnctot=0d0 do 1013 inum=1,ii xnctot=xnctot+xncoll(inum) 1013 continue if(nevt(1).ne.0) xnctot=xnctot/nevt(1) cms write (nfile(iy),200) tsp(ii),v2p(ii,iy), cms 1 v2p2(ii,iy),s2p(ii,iy),etp(ii,iy),xmult,nevt(ii),xnctot endif if(nevt(ii).ne.0) 1 xcrate=xncoll(ii)/(tsp(ii+1)-tsp(ii))/nevt(ii) c if(xnpf(ii,iy).gt.1) then v2pf(ii,iy)=v2pf(ii,iy)/xnpf(ii,iy) v2pf2(ii,iy)=dsqrt((v2pf2(ii,iy)/xnpf(ii,iy) 1 -v2pf(ii,iy)**2)/(xnpf(ii,iy)-1)) s2pf(ii,iy)=s2pf(ii,iy)/xnpf(ii,iy) xnform=dble(xnpf(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii))) etpf(ii,iy)=etpf(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii)) csp etplf(ii,iy)=etplf(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii)) etpsf(ii,iy)=etpsf(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii)) c cms write (nfile(iy)+1, 210) tsp(ii),v2pf(ii,iy), cms 1 v2pf2(ii,iy),s2pf(ii,iy),etpf(ii,iy),xnform,xcrate endif csp if(xnpl(ii,iy).gt.1) then v2pl(ii,iy)=v2pl(ii,iy)/xnpl(ii,iy) s2pl(ii,iy)=s2pl(ii,iy)/xnpl(ii,iy) xmult=dble(xnpl(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii))) etpl(ii,iy)=etpl(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii)) cms write (nlfile(iy),201) tsp(ii),v2pl(ii,iy), cms 1 s2pl(ii,iy),etpl(ii,iy),xmult endif if(xnps(ii,iy).gt.1) then v2ps(ii,iy)=v2ps(ii,iy)/xnps(ii,iy) s2ps(ii,iy)=s2ps(ii,iy)/xnps(ii,iy) xmult=dble(xnps(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii))) etps(ii,iy)=etps(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii)) cms write (nsfile(iy),201) tsp(ii),v2ps(ii,iy), cms 1 s2ps(ii,iy),etps(ii,iy),xmult endif if(xnplf(ii,iy).gt.1) then v2plf(ii,iy)=v2plf(ii,iy)/xnplf(ii,iy) s2plf(ii,iy)=s2plf(ii,iy)/xnplf(ii,iy) xmult=dble(xnplf(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii))) etplf(ii,iy)=etplf(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii)) cms write (nlfile(iy)+1,201) tsp(ii),v2plf(ii,iy), cms 1 s2plf(ii,iy),etplf(ii,iy),xmult endif if(xnpsf(ii,iy).gt.1) then v2psf(ii,iy)=v2psf(ii,iy)/xnpsf(ii,iy) s2psf(ii,iy)=s2psf(ii,iy)/xnpsf(ii,iy) xmult=dble(xnpsf(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii))) etpsf(ii,iy)=etpsf(ii,iy)/dble(nevt(ii)) cms write (nsfile(iy)+1,201) tsp(ii),v2psf(ii,iy), cms 1 s2psf(ii,iy),etpsf(ii,iy),xmult endif csp-end 1014 continue 150 continue csp07/05 initial & final mt distrb scalei=0d0 scalef=0d0 if(nevt(1).ne.0) SCALEi = 1d0 / dble(nevt(1)) / BMT if(nevt(30).ne.0) SCALEf = 1d0 / dble(nevt(30)) / BMT do 1016 iy=2,3 yra = 1d0 if(iy .eq. 2)yra = 2d0 do 1015 i=1,50 cms WRITE(nmfile(iy),251) BMT*dble(I - 0.5), cms & SCALEi*DMYil(I,iy)/yra, SCALEf*DMYfl(I,iy)/yra, cms & SCALEi*DMYis(I,iy)/yra, SCALEf*DMYfs(I,iy)/yra 1015 continue 1016 continue csp07/05 end clin-3/30/00 event-by-event average & variance of v2: if(nevt(30).ge.1) then do 1017 iy=1,3 v2pavg(iy)=v2psum(iy)/nevt(30) v2var0=v2p2sm(iy)/nevt(30)-v2pavg(iy)**2 if(v2var0.gt.0) varv2p(iy)=dsqrt(v2var0) 1017 continue write(49, 240) 'EBE v2p,v2p(y2),v2p(y1): avg=', v2pavg write(49, 240) 'EBE v2p,v2p(y2),v2p(y1): var=', varv2p endif clin-11/28/00 for animation: if(nevent.eq.1) then do 1018 I=1,mul if(FT5(I).le.t2time) then write(93,140) ITYP5(i),GX5(i),GY5(i),GZ5(i),FT5(i) endif 1018 continue clin-11/29/00 signal the end of animation file: c write(91,*) -10. c write(91,*) 0 c write(92,*) -10. c write(92,*) 0 c close (91) c close (92) close (93) endif clin-5/18/01 calculate v2 for active partons: do 450 ianp=1,30 do 400 iy=1,3 v2pact=0d0 v2p2ac=0d0 s2pact=0d0 etpact=0d0 xnacti=0d0 if(xnpf(ianp,iy).gt.1) then c reconstruct the sum of v2p, v2p2, s2p, etp, and xnp for formed partons: v2pact=v2pf(ianp,iy)*xnpf(ianp,iy) v2p2ac=(v2pf2(ianp,iy)**2*(xnpf(ianp,iy)-1) 1 +v2pf(ianp,iy)**2)*xnpf(ianp,iy) s2pact=s2pf(ianp,iy)*xnpf(ianp,iy) etpact=etpf(ianp,iy)*dble(nevt(ianp)) xnpact=xnpf(ianp,iy) c do 1019 kanp=1,ianp v2pact=v2pact-v2pfrz(kanp,iy) v2p2ac=v2p2ac-v2p2fz(kanp,iy) s2pact=s2pact-s2pfrz(kanp,iy) etpact=etpact-etpfrz(kanp,iy) xnpact=xnpact-xnpfrz(kanp,iy) 1019 continue c save the sum of v2p, v2p2, s2p, etp, and xnp for formed partons: v2ph=v2pact v2ph2=v2p2ac s2ph=s2pact etph=etpact xnp2=xnpact/2d0 c if(xnpact.gt.1.and.nevt(ianp).ne.0) then v2pact=v2pact/xnpact v2p2ac=dsqrt((v2p2ac/xnpact 1 -v2pact**2)/(xnpact-1)) s2pact=s2pact/xnpact xnacti=dble(xnpact/dble(nevt(ianp))) etpact=etpact/dble(nevt(ianp)) cms write (nfile(iy)+2, 250) tsp(ianp),v2pact, cms 1 v2p2ac,s2pact,etpact,xnacti, cms 2 xnpf(ianp,iy)/dble(nevt(ianp)),nevt(ianp) endif endif c To calculate combined v2 for active partons plus formed hadrons, c add the sum of v2h, v2h2, s2h, eth, and xnh for formed hadrons: c scale the hadron part in case nevt(ianp) != nevent: shadr=dble(nevt(ianp))/dble(nevent) ianh=ianp v2ph=v2ph+v2h(ianh,iy)*xnhadr(ianh,iy)*shadr v2ph2=v2ph2+(v2h2(ianh,iy)**2*(xnhadr(ianh,iy)-1) 1 +v2h(ianh,iy)**2)*xnhadr(ianh,iy)*shadr s2ph=s2ph+s2h(ianh,iy)*xnhadr(ianh,iy)*shadr etph=etph+eth(ianh,iy)*dble(nevent)*shadr xnph=xnpact+xnhadr(ianh,iy)*shadr xnp2h=xnp2+xnhadr(ianh,iy)*shadr if(xnph.gt.1) then v2ph=v2ph/xnph v2ph2=dsqrt((v2ph2/xnph-v2ph**2)/(xnph-1)) s2ph=s2ph/xnph etph=etph/dble(nevt(ianp)) xnp2=xnp2/dble(nevt(ianp)) xnp2h=xnp2h/dble(nevent) cms if(tsp(ianp).le.(ntmax*dt)) cms 1 write (nfile(iy)+3, 250) tsp(ianp),v2ph, cms 2 v2ph2,s2ph,etph,xnp2h,xnp2,nevt(ianp) endif c 400 continue 450 continue do 550 ianp=1,30 do 500 iy=1,3 v2pact=0d0 v2p2ac=0d0 s2pact=0d0 etpact=0d0 xnacti=0d0 c reconstruct the sum of v2p, v2p2, s2p, etp, and xnp for formed partons: v2pact=v2pf(ianp,iy)*xnpf(ianp,iy) v2p2ac=(v2pf2(ianp,iy)**2*(xnpf(ianp,iy)-1) 1 +v2pf(ianp,iy)**2)*xnpf(ianp,iy) s2pact=s2pf(ianp,iy)*xnpf(ianp,iy) etpact=etpf(ianp,iy)*dble(nevt(ianp)) xnpact=xnpf(ianp,iy) 500 continue 550 continue cms close (620) cms close (630) do 1021 nf=1,3 do 1020 ifile=0,3 cms close(nfile(nf)+ifile) 1020 continue 1021 continue do 1022 nf=1,3 cms close(740+nf) 1022 continue endif cyy 200 format(2x,f5.2,3(2x,f7.4),2(2x,f9.2),i6,2x,f9.2) cyy 210 format(2x,f5.2,3(2x,f7.4),3(2x,f9.2)) 240 format(a30,3(2x,f9.5)) cyy 250 format(2x,f5.2,3(2x,f7.4),3(2x,f9.2),i6) csp cyy 201 format(2x,f5.2,4(2x,f9.2)) cyy 251 format(5e15.5) c return end c======================================================================= c Calculate flow from formed hadrons, called by art1e.f: c Note: numbers in art not in double precision! subroutine flowh(ct) PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001, MAXR=1) dimension tsh(31) DOUBLE PRECISION v2h,xnhadr,eth,v2h2,s2h DOUBLE PRECISION v2hp,xnhadp,v2hsum,v2h2sm,v2hevt(3) DOUBLE PRECISION pt2, v2hadr COMMON /hflow/ v2h(30,3),xnhadr(30,3),eth(30,3), 1 v2h2(30,3),s2h(30,3) cc SAVE /hflow/ common/ebe/v2hp(3),xnhadp(3),v2hsum(3),v2h2sm(3) cc SAVE /ebe/ common /lastt/itimeh,bimp cc SAVE /lastt/ COMMON /RUN/ NUM cc SAVE /RUN/ COMMON /AA/ R(3,MAXSTR) cc SAVE /AA/ COMMON /BB/ P(3,MAXSTR) cc SAVE /BB/ COMMON /CC/ E(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /CC/ COMMON /EE/ ID(MAXSTR),LB(MAXSTR) cc SAVE /EE/ COMMON /RR/ MASSR(0:MAXR) cc SAVE /RR/ common/anim/nevent,isoft,isflag,izpc cc SAVE /anim/ COMMON /AREVT/ IAEVT, IARUN, MISS cc SAVE /AREVT/ SAVE c do 1001 ii = 1, 31 tsh(ii)=float(ii-1) 1001 continue c do 1004 ianh = 1, 30 if ((ct+0.0001).lt.tsh(ianh+1) 1 .and.(ct+0.0001).ge.tsh(ianh)) then if(ianh.eq.itimeh) goto 101 IA = 0 DO 1002 J = 1, NUM mult=MASSR(J) IA = IA + MASSR(J - 1) DO 100 IC = 1, mult I = IA + IC c 5/04/01 exclude leptons and photons: if(iabs(LB(I)-10000).lt.100) goto 100 px=p(1,i) py=p(2,i) pt2=dble(px)**2+dble(py)**2 c 2/18/00 Note: e(i) gives the mass in ART: ene=sqrt(e(i)**2+sngl(pt2)+p(3,i)**2) RAP=0.5*alog((ene+p(3,i))/(ene-p(3,i))) ctest off density with 2fm radius and z:(-0.1*t,0.1*t): c rt_now=sqrt(r(1,i)**2+r(2,i)**2) c gz_now=r(3,i) c zmax=0.1*ct c volume=3.1416*(2.**2)*2*zmax c if(rt_now.gt.2.or.abs(gz_now).gt.zmax) c 1 goto 100 iloop=1 if(abs(rap).le.1) then iloop=2 if(abs(rap).le.0.5) then iloop=3 endif endif do 50 iy=1,iloop if(pt2.gt.0d0) then v2hadr=(dble(px)**2-dble(py)**2)/pt2 v2h(ianh,iy)=v2h(ianh,iy)+v2hadr v2h2(ianh,iy)=v2h2(ianh,iy)+v2hadr**2 if(dabs(v2hadr).gt.1d0) 1 write(1,*) 'v2hadr>1',v2hadr,px,py endif xperp2=r(1,I)**2+r(2,I)**2 if(xperp2.gt.0.) 1 s2h(ianh,iy)=s2h(ianh,iy)+dble((r(1,I)**2-r(2,I)**2)/xperp2) eth(ianh,iy)=eth(ianh,iy)+dble(SQRT(e(i)**2+sngl(pt2))) ctest off density: c eth(ianh,iy)=eth(ianh,iy) c 1 +dble(SQRT(e(i)**2+sngl(pt2)+p(3,i)**2))/volume xnhadr(ianh,iy)=xnhadr(ianh,iy)+1d0 50 continue 100 continue 1002 CONTINUE itimeh=ianh clin-5/04/01 ebe v2 variables: if(ianh.eq.30) then do 1003 iy=1,3 nhadrn=IDINT(xnhadr(ianh,iy)-xnhadp(iy)) if(nhadrn.ne.0) then v2hevt(iy)=(v2h(ianh,iy)-v2hp(iy))/dble(nhadrn) v2hsum(iy)=v2hsum(iy)+v2hevt(iy) v2h2sm(iy)=v2h2sm(iy)+v2hevt(iy)**2 v2hp(iy)=v2h(ianh,iy) xnhadp(iy)=xnhadr(ianh,iy) endif 1003 continue write(88, 160) iaevt,v2hevt endif goto 101 endif 1004 continue 160 format(i10,3(2x,f9.5)) clin-11/27/00 for animation: 101 if(nevent.eq.1) then IA = 0 do 1005 J = 1, NUM mult=MASSR(J) IA = IA + MASSR(J - 1) c write(91,*) ct c write(91,*) mult DO 150 IC = 1, mult I = IA + IC c write(91,210) LB(i),r(1,i),r(2,i),r(3,i), c 1 p(1,i),p(2,i),p(3,i),e(i) 150 continue 1005 continue return endif c 210 format(i6,7(1x,f8.3)) return end c======================================================================= subroutine flowh0(NEVNT,idd) c dimension tsh(31) DOUBLE PRECISION v2h,xnhadr,eth,v2h2,s2h DOUBLE PRECISION v2hp,xnhadp,v2hsum,v2h2sm, 1 v2havg(3),varv2h(3) COMMON /hflow/ v2h(30,3),xnhadr(30,3),eth(30,3), 1 v2h2(30,3),s2h(30,3) cc SAVE /hflow/ common/ebe/v2hp(3),xnhadp(3),v2hsum(3),v2h2sm(3) cc SAVE /ebe/ common/input1/ MASSPR,MASSTA,ISEED,IAVOID,DT cc SAVE /input1/ COMMON /INPUT2/ ILAB, MANYB, NTMAX, ICOLL, INSYS, IPOT, MODE, & IMOMEN, NFREQ, ICFLOW, ICRHO, ICOU, KPOTEN, KMUL cc SAVE /INPUT2/ common /lastt/itimeh,bimp cc SAVE /lastt/ SAVE c idd=0: initialization for flow analysis, called by artdri.f:: if(idd.eq.0) then itimeh=0 c do 1001 ii = 1, 31 tsh(ii)=float(ii-1) 1001 continue c do 1003 ii=1,30 do 1002 iy=1,3 v2h(ii,iy)=0d0 xnhadr(ii,iy)=0d0 eth(ii,iy)=0d0 v2h2(ii,iy)=0d0 s2h(ii,iy)=0d0 1002 continue 1003 continue do 1004 iy=1,3 v2hp(iy)=0d0 xnhadp(iy)=0d0 v2hsum(iy)=0d0 v2h2sm(iy)=0d0 if(iy.eq.1) then nunit=59 elseif(iy.eq.2) then nunit=68 else nunit=69 endif write(nunit,*) ' tsh, v2h, v2h2, s2h, '// 1 ' eth, xmulth' 1004 continue c idd=2: calculate average hadronic elliptic flow, called by artdri.f: else if(idd.eq.2) then do 100 ii=1, 30 do 1005 iy=1,3 if(xnhadr(ii,iy).eq.0) then xmulth=0. elseif(xnhadr(ii,iy).gt.1) then v2h(ii,iy)=v2h(ii,iy)/xnhadr(ii,iy) eth(ii,iy)=eth(ii,iy)/dble(NEVNT) v2h2(ii,iy)=dsqrt((v2h2(ii,iy)/xnhadr(ii,iy) 1 -v2h(ii,iy)**2)/(xnhadr(ii,iy)-1)) s2h(ii,iy)=s2h(ii,iy)/xnhadr(ii,iy) xmulth=sngl(xnhadr(ii,iy)/NEVNT) endif if(iy.eq.1) then nunit=59 elseif(iy.eq.2) then nunit=68 else nunit=69 endif if(tsh(ii).le.(ntmax*dt)) 1 write (nunit,200) tsh(ii),v2h(ii,iy), 2 v2h2(ii,iy),s2h(ii,iy),eth(ii,iy),xmulth 1005 continue 100 continue c event-by-event average & variance of v2h: do 1006 iy=1,3 v2havg(iy)=v2hsum(iy)/dble(NEVNT) varv2h(iy)=dsqrt(v2h2sm(iy)/dble(NEVNT)-v2havg(iy)**2) 1006 continue write(88, 240) 'EBE v2h,v2h(y2),v2h(y1): avg=', v2havg write(88, 240) 'EBE v2h,v2h(y2),v2h(y1): var=', varv2h endif 200 format(2x,f5.2,3(2x,f7.4),2(2x,f9.2)) 240 format(a30,3(2x,f9.5)) return end c======================================================================= c 2/23/00 flow from all initial hadrons just before entering ARTMN: subroutine iniflw(NEVNT,idd) PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001, MAXR=1) DOUBLE PRECISION v2i,eti,xmulti,v2mi,s2mi,xmmult, 1 v2bi,s2bi,xbmult COMMON /RUN/ NUM cc SAVE /RUN/ COMMON /ARERC1/MULTI1(MAXR) cc SAVE /ARERC1/ COMMON /ARPRC1/ITYP1(MAXSTR, MAXR), & GX1(MAXSTR, MAXR), GY1(MAXSTR, MAXR), GZ1(MAXSTR, MAXR), & FT1(MAXSTR, MAXR), & PX1(MAXSTR, MAXR), PY1(MAXSTR, MAXR), PZ1(MAXSTR, MAXR), & EE1(MAXSTR, MAXR), XM1(MAXSTR, MAXR) cc SAVE /ARPRC1/ COMMON/iflow/v2i,eti,xmulti,v2mi,s2mi,xmmult,v2bi,s2bi,xbmult cc SAVE /iflow/ SAVE c if(idd.eq.0) then v2i=0d0 eti=0d0 xmulti=0d0 v2mi=0d0 s2mi=0d0 xmmult=0d0 v2bi=0d0 s2bi=0d0 xbmult=0d0 else if(idd.eq.1) then do 1002 J = 1, NUM do 1001 I = 1, MULTI1(J) ITYP = ITYP1(I, J) c all hadrons: IF (ITYP .GT. -100 .AND. ITYP .LT. 100) GOTO 100 xmulti=xmulti+1.d0 PX = PX1(I, J) PY = PY1(I, J) XM = XM1(I, J) pt2=px**2+py**2 xh=gx1(I,J) yh=gy1(I,J) xt2=xh**2+yh**2 if(pt2.gt.0) v2i=v2i+dble((px**2-py**2)/pt2) eti=eti+dble(SQRT(PX ** 2 + PY ** 2 + XM ** 2)) c baryons only: IF (ITYP .LT. -1000 .or. ITYP .GT. 1000) then xbmult=xbmult+1.d0 if(pt2.gt.0) v2bi=v2bi+dble((px**2-py**2)/pt2) if(xt2.gt.0) s2bi=s2bi+dble((xh**2-yh**2)/xt2) c mesons only: else xmmult=xmmult+1.d0 if(pt2.gt.0) v2mi=v2mi+dble((px**2-py**2)/pt2) if(xt2.gt.0) s2mi=s2mi+dble((xh**2-yh**2)/xt2) endif 100 continue 1001 continue 1002 continue else if(idd.eq.2) then if(xmulti.ne.0) v2i=v2i/xmulti eti=eti/dble(NEVNT) xmulti=xmulti/dble(NEVNT) if(xmmult.ne.0) then v2mi=v2mi/xmmult s2mi=s2mi/xmmult endif xmmult=xmmult/dble(NEVNT) if(xbmult.ne.0) then v2bi=v2bi/xbmult s2bi=s2bi/xbmult endif xbmult=xbmult/dble(NEVNT) endif c return end c======================================================================= c 2/25/00 dN/dt analysis for production (before ZPCMN) c and freezeout (right after ZPCMN) for all partons. subroutine frztm(NEVNT,idd) c implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) PARAMETER (MAXPTN=400001) dimension tsf(31) COMMON /PARA1/ MUL cc SAVE /PARA1/ COMMON /prec1/GX0(MAXPTN),GY0(MAXPTN),GZ0(MAXPTN),FT0(MAXPTN), & PX0(MAXPTN), PY0(MAXPTN), PZ0(MAXPTN), E0(MAXPTN), & XMASS0(MAXPTN), ITYP0(MAXPTN) cc SAVE /prec1/ COMMON /prec2/GX5(MAXPTN),GY5(MAXPTN),GZ5(MAXPTN),FT5(MAXPTN), & PX5(MAXPTN), PY5(MAXPTN), PZ5(MAXPTN), E5(MAXPTN), & XMASS5(MAXPTN), ITYP5(MAXPTN) cc SAVE /prec2/ COMMON /frzout/ xnprod(30),etprod(30),xnfrz(30),etfrz(30), & dnprod(30),detpro(30),dnfrz(30),detfrz(30) cc SAVE /frzout/ SAVE data tsf/0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, & 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, & 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30/ c if(idd.eq.0) then do 1001 ii=1,30 xnprod(ii)=0d0 etprod(ii)=0d0 xnfrz(ii)=0d0 etfrz(ii)=0d0 dnprod(ii)=0d0 detpro(ii)=0d0 dnfrz(ii)=0d0 detfrz(ii)=0d0 1001 continue cms OPEN (86, FILE = 'ana1/production.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') cms OPEN (87, FILE = 'ana1/freezeout.dat', STATUS = 'UNKNOWN') else if(idd.eq.1) then DO 100 ip = 1, MUL do 1002 ii=1,30 eth0=dSQRT(PX0(ip)**2+PY0(ip)**2+XMASS0(ip)**2) eth2=dSQRT(PX5(ip)**2+PY5(ip)**2+XMASS5(ip)**2) c total number and Et produced by time tsf(ii): if (ft0(ip).lt.tsf(ii+1)) then xnprod(ii)=xnprod(ii)+1d0 etprod(ii)=etprod(ii)+eth0 c number and Et produced from time tsf(ii) to tsf(ii+1): if (ft0(ip).ge.tsf(ii)) then dnprod(ii)=dnprod(ii)+1d0 detpro(ii)=detpro(ii)+eth0 endif endif c total number and Et freezed out by time tsf(ii): if (FT5(ip).lt.tsf(ii+1)) then xnfrz(ii)=xnfrz(ii)+1d0 etfrz(ii)=etfrz(ii)+eth2 c number and Et freezed out from time tsf(ii) to tsf(ii+1): if (FT5(ip).ge.tsf(ii)) then dnfrz(ii)=dnfrz(ii)+1d0 detfrz(ii)=detfrz(ii)+eth2 endif endif 1002 continue 100 continue else if(idd.eq.2) then cms write (86,*) ' t, np, dnp/dt, etp '// cms 1 ' detp/dt' cms write (87,*) ' t, nf, dnf/dt, etf '// cms 1 ' detf/dt' do 1003 ii=1,30 xnp=xnprod(ii)/dble(NEVNT) xnf=xnfrz(ii)/dble(NEVNT) etp=etprod(ii)/dble(NEVNT) etf=etfrz(ii)/dble(NEVNT) dxnp=dnprod(ii)/dble(NEVNT)/(tsf(ii+1)-tsf(ii)) dxnf=dnfrz(ii)/dble(NEVNT)/(tsf(ii+1)-tsf(ii)) detp=detpro(ii)/dble(NEVNT)/(tsf(ii+1)-tsf(ii)) detf=detfrz(ii)/dble(NEVNT)/(tsf(ii+1)-tsf(ii)) cms write (86, 200) cms 1 tsf(ii+1),xnp,dxnp,etp,detp cms write (87, 200) cms 1 tsf(ii+1),xnf,dxnf,etf,detf 1003 continue endif cyy 200 format(2x,f9.2,4(2x,f10.2)) c return end c======================================================================= clin-6/2009 write out initial minijet information c before propagating to its formation time: subroutine minijet_out(BB) PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001) COMMON/HPARNT/HIPR1(100),IHPR2(50),HINT1(100),IHNT2(50) COMMON/hjcrdn/YP(3,300),YT(3,300) COMMON/HJJET1/NPJ(300),KFPJ(300,500),PJPX(300,500), & PJPY(300,500),PJPZ(300,500),PJPE(300,500), & PJPM(300,500),NTJ(300),KFTJ(300,500), & PJTX(300,500),PJTY(300,500),PJTZ(300,500), & PJTE(300,500),PJTM(300,500) COMMON/HJJET2/NSG,NJSG(MAXSTR),IASG(MAXSTR,3),K1SG(MAXSTR,100), & K2SG(MAXSTR,100),PXSG(MAXSTR,100),PYSG(MAXSTR,100), & PZSG(MAXSTR,100),PESG(MAXSTR,100),PMSG(MAXSTR,100) COMMON /AREVT/ IAEVT, IARUN, MISS common /para7/ ioscar,nsmbbbar,nsmmeson common/phidcy/iphidcy,pttrig,ntrig,maxmiss SAVE ntrig=0 do I = 1, IHNT2(1) do J = 1, NPJ(I) pt=sqrt(PJPX(I,J)**2+PJPY(I,J)**2) if(pt.ge.pttrig) ntrig=ntrig+1 enddo enddo do I = 1, IHNT2(3) do J = 1, NTJ(I) pt=sqrt(PJTX(I,J)**2+PJTY(I,J)**2) if(pt.ge.pttrig) ntrig=ntrig+1 enddo enddo do I = 1, NSG do J = 1, NJSG(I) pt=sqrt(PXSG(I,J)**2+PYSG(I,J)**2) if(pt.ge.pttrig) ntrig=ntrig+1 enddo enddo c Require at least 1 initial minijet parton above the trigger Pt value: if(ntrig.eq.0) return c.....transfer data from HIJING to ZPC if(ioscar.eq.3) write(96,*) IAEVT,MISS,IHNT2(1),IHNT2(3) DO 1008 I = 1, IHNT2(1) DO 1007 J = 1, NPJ(I) ityp=KFPJ(I,J) c write out not only gluons: c if(ityp.ne.21) goto 1007 gx=YP(1,I)+0.5*BB gy=YP(2,I) gz=0d0 ft=0d0 px=PJPX(I,J) py=PJPY(I,J) pz=PJPZ(I,J) xmass=PJPM(I,J) if(ioscar.eq.3) then if(amax1(abs(gx),abs(gy), 1 abs(gz),abs(ft)).lt.9999) then write(96,200) ityp,px,py,pz,xmass,gx,gy,gz,ft,1 else write(96,201) ityp,px,py,pz,xmass,gx,gy,gz,ft,1 endif endif 1007 CONTINUE 1008 CONTINUE DO 1010 I = 1, IHNT2(3) DO 1009 J = 1, NTJ(I) ityp=KFTJ(I,J) c if(ityp.ne.21) goto 1009 gx=YT(1,I)-0.5*BB gy=YT(2,I) gz=0d0 ft=0d0 px=PJTX(I,J) py=PJTY(I,J) pz=PJTZ(I,J) xmass=PJTM(I,J) if(ioscar.eq.3) then if(amax1(abs(gx),abs(gy), 1 abs(gz),abs(ft)).lt.9999) then write(96,200) ityp,px,py,pz,xmass,gx,gy,gz,ft,2 else write(96,201) ityp,px,py,pz,xmass,gx,gy,gz,ft,2 endif endif 1009 CONTINUE 1010 CONTINUE DO 1012 I = 1, NSG DO 1011 J = 1, NJSG(I) ityp=K2SG(I,J) c if(ityp.ne.21) goto 1011 gx=0.5*(YP(1,IASG(I,1))+YT(1,IASG(I,2))) gy=0.5*(YP(2,IASG(I,1))+YT(2,IASG(I,2))) gz=0d0 ft=0d0 px=PXSG(I,J) py=PYSG(I,J) pz=PZSG(I,J) xmass=PMSG(I,J) if(ioscar.eq.3) then if(amax1(abs(gx),abs(gy), 1 abs(gz),abs(ft)).lt.9999) then write(96,200) ityp,px,py,pz,xmass,gx,gy,gz,ft,3 else write(96,201) ityp,px,py,pz,xmass,gx,gy,gz,ft,3 endif endif 1011 CONTINUE 1012 CONTINUE 200 format(I6,2(1x,f8.3),1x,f10.3,1x,f6.3,2(1x,f8.2),2(2x,f2.0),2x,I2) 201 format(I6,2(1x,f8.3),1x,f10.3,1x,f6.3,2(1x,e8.2),2(2x,f2.0),2x,I2) c return end c======================================================================= clin-6/2009 embed back-to-back high-Pt quark/antiquark pair c via embedding back-to-back high-Pt pion pair then melting the pion pair c by generating the internal quark and antiquark momentum parallel to c the pion momentum (in order to produce a high-Pt and a low Pt parton): subroutine embedHighPt PARAMETER (MAXSTR=150001,MAXR=1,pichmass=0.140) common/embed/iembed,pxqembd,pyqembd,xembd,yembd COMMON/RNDF77/NSEED COMMON/HMAIN1/EATT,JATT,NATT,NT,NP,N0,N01,N10,N11 COMMON/HMAIN2/KATT(MAXSTR,4),PATT(MAXSTR,4) COMMON /ARPRC/ ITYPAR(MAXSTR), & GXAR(MAXSTR), GYAR(MAXSTR), GZAR(MAXSTR), FTAR(MAXSTR), & PXAR(MAXSTR), PYAR(MAXSTR), PZAR(MAXSTR), PEAR(MAXSTR), & XMAR(MAXSTR) cwei DOUBLE PRECISION PATT SAVE c if(iembed.ne.1) return ptq=sqrt(pxqembd**2+pyqembd**2) if(ptq.lt.(pichmass/2.)) then print *, 'Embedded quark transverse momentum is too small' stop endif c Randomly embed u/ubar or d/dbar at high Pt: idqembd=1+int(2*RANART(NSEED)) c Flavor content for the charged pion that contains the leading quark: if(idqembd.eq.1) then idqsoft=-2 idpi=-211 elseif(idqembd.eq.2) then idqsoft=-1 idpi=211 else print *, 'Wrong quark flavor embedded' stop endif c Caculate transverse momentum of the parent charged pion: xmq=ulmass(idqembd) xmqsoft=ulmass(idqsoft) ptpi=((pichmass**2+xmq**2-xmqsoft**2)*ptq 1 -sqrt((xmq**2+ptq**2)*(pichmass**4 2 -2.*pichmass**2*(xmq**2+xmqsoft**2)+(xmq**2-xmqsoft**2)**2))) 3 /(2.*xmq**2) pxpi=ptpi*pxqembd/ptq pypi=ptpi*pyqembd/ptq c Embedded quark/antiquark are assumed to have pz=0: pzpi=0. c Insert the two parent charged pions, c ipion=1 for the pion containing the leading quark, c ipion=2 for the pion containing the leading antiquark of the same flavor: do ipion=1,2 if(ipion.eq.2) then idpi=-idpi pxpi=-pxpi pypi=-pypi pzpi=-pzpi endif NATT=NATT+1 KATT(NATT,1)=idpi KATT(NATT,2)=40 KATT(NATT,3)=0 PATT(NATT,1)=pxpi PATT(NATT,2)=pypi PATT(NATT,3)=pzpi PATT(NATT,4)=sqrt(pxpi**2+pypi**2+pzpi**2+pichmass**2) EATT=EATT+PATT(NATT,4) GXAR(NATT)=xembd GYAR(NATT)=yembd GZAR(NATT)=0. FTAR(NATT)=0. ITYPAR(NATT)=KATT(NATT,1) PXAR(NATT)=PATT(NATT,1) PYAR(NATT)=PATT(NATT,2) PZAR(NATT)=PATT(NATT,3) PEAR(NATT)=PATT(NATT,4) XMAR(NATT)=pichmass enddo c return end