#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliRun.h" #include "AliRunLoader.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliPDG.h" #include "AliGenAmpt.h" #include "TAmpt.h" #endif class MyHeader { public: MyHeader() : fNATT(0), fEATT(0),fJATT(0),fNT(0),fNP(0),fN0(0),fN01(0),fN10(0),fN11(0),fBB(0),fRP(0) {;} virtual ~MyHeader() {;} Int_t fNATT; Float_t fEATT; Int_t fJATT; Int_t fNT; Int_t fNP; Int_t fN0; Int_t fN01; Int_t fN10; Int_t fN11; Float_t fBB; Float_t fRP; ClassDef(MyHeader,1) // My header class }; class MyNuc : public TObject { public: MyNuc(Int_t pid=0, Int_t st=0, Int_t type=0, Double_t x=0, Double_t y=0, Double_t z=0) : TObject(), fPid(pid), fSt(st), fType(type), fX(x), fY(y), fZ(z) {;} Double_t X() const { return fX; } Double_t Y() const { return fY; } Double_t Z() const { return fZ; } Int_t Pid() const { return fPid; } Int_t St() const { return fSt; } Int_t Type() const { return fType; } protected: Int_t fPid; Int_t fSt; Int_t fType; Double32_t fX; Double32_t fY; Double32_t fZ; ClassDef(MyNuc,1) // My nucleon class in cartesian coordinates }; class MyPart : public TObject { public: MyPart(Int_t pid=0, Int_t st=0, Int_t type=0, Double_t pt=0, Double_t eta=0, Double_t phi=0) : TObject(), fPid(pid), fSt(st), fType(type), fPt(pt), fEta(eta), fPhi(phi) {;} Double_t Px() const { return fPt*TMath::Cos(fPhi); } Double_t Py() const { return fPt*TMath::Sin(fPhi); } Double_t Pz() const { return fPt*TMath::SinH(fEta); } Double_t Pt() const { return fPt; } Double_t Eta() const { return fEta; } Double_t Phi() const { return fPhi; } Int_t Pid() const { return fPid; } Int_t St() const { return fSt; } Int_t Type() const { return fType; } protected: Int_t fPid; Int_t fSt; Int_t fType; Double32_t fPt; Double32_t fEta; Double32_t fPhi; ClassDef(MyPart,1) // My particle class in cylindrical coordinates }; void createAmptMC(Int_t nEvents, const char *outFileName = "amptout.root"); void anaAmptMC(Int_t nEvents, const char *inFileNames = "/eliza6/alice/loizides/ampt/run_1/ampt*.root"); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void createAmptMC(Int_t nEvents, const char *outFileName) { TClass::GetClass("MyNuc")->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); TClass::GetClass("MyPart")->IgnoreTObjectStreamer(); AliPDG::AddParticlesToPdgDataBase(); TDatabasePDG::Instance(); // Run loader TFolder *folder = new TFolder("myfolder","myfolder"); AliRunLoader* rl = new AliRunLoader(folder); rl->MakeHeader(); rl->MakeStack(); AliStack* stack = rl->Stack(); //AliHeader* rheader = rl->GetHeader(); AliGenAmpt *genHi = new AliGenAmpt(-1); genHi->SetStack(stack); genHi->SetEnergyCMS(2760); genHi->SetReferenceFrame("CMS"); genHi->SetProjectile("A", 208, 82); genHi->SetTarget ("A", 208, 82); genHi->SetPtHardMin (2); genHi->SetImpactParameterRange(0,30); genHi->SetJetQuenching(0); // enable jet quenching genHi->SetShadowing(1); // enable shadowing genHi->SetDecaysOff(1); // neutral pion and heavy particle decays switched off genHi->SetSpectators(0); // track spectators genHi->SetIsoft(4); // 4=string melting, 1=standard AMPT genHi->SetXmu(3.2264); // parton xsection genHi->SetNtMax(150); // time bins if (0) { //RHIC settings genHi->SetAlpha(0.47140452); genHi->SetStringFrag(2.2,0.5); } genHi->Init(); TClonesArray *inucs = new TClonesArray("TParticle",10000); TClonesArray *parts = new TClonesArray("MyPart",10000); TClonesArray *nucs = new TClonesArray("MyNuc",500); MyHeader *myheader = new MyHeader; TFile *outFile = TFile::Open(outFileName, "RECREATE"); outFile->SetCompressionLevel(5); TDirectory::TContext context(outFile); TTree *tree = new TTree("ampt", "AMPT tree"); tree->Branch("parts",&parts, 256*1024, 99); tree->Branch("nucs",&nucs, 64*1024, 99); tree->Branch("info",&myheader, 32*1024, 99); // create events and fill them for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < nEvents; ++iEvent) { cout << "Event " << iEvent+1 << "/" << nEvents << endl;; stack->Reset(); genHi->Generate(); parts->Clear(); const TClonesArray *iarr = genHi->GetParticles(); if (iarr) { for(Int_t i=0;iGetEntriesFast();++i) { TParticle *p = (TParticle*)iarr->At(i); new((*parts)[i]) MyPart(p->GetPdgCode(), p->GetStatusCode(), p->GetUniqueID(), p->Pt(), p->Eta(), p->Phi()); } } TAmpt *ampt = genHi->Ampt(); if (ampt) { ampt->ImportNucleons(inucs); nucs->Clear(); for(Int_t i=0;iGetEntriesFast();++i) { TParticle *p = (TParticle*)inucs->At(i); new((*nucs)[i]) MyNuc(p->GetPdgCode(), p->GetStatusCode(), p->GetUniqueID(), p->Vx(), p->Vy(), p->Vz()); } myheader->fNATT=ampt->GetNATT(); myheader->fEATT=ampt->GetEATT(); myheader->fJATT=ampt->GetJATT(); myheader->fNT=ampt->GetNT(); myheader->fNP=ampt->GetNP(); myheader->fN0=ampt->GetN0(); myheader->fN01=ampt->GetN01(); myheader->fN10=ampt->GetN10(); myheader->fN11=ampt->GetN11(); myheader->fBB=ampt->GetBB(); myheader->fRP=ampt->GetPhi(); } tree->Fill(); } // end of event loop tree->Write(); outFile->Close(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void anaAmptMC(Int_t nEvents, const char *inFileNames) { TChain *c = new TChain("ampt"); c->Add(inFileNames); TClonesArray *parts = 0; TClonesArray *nucs = 0; MyHeader *info = 0; c->SetBranchAddress("info",&info); c->SetBranchAddress("nucs",&nucs); c->SetBranchAddress("parts",&parts); Int_t nRead = nEvents; if (nRead<0) nRead = c->GetEntries(); else if (0 && (nRead>c->GetEntries())) nRead = c->GetEntries(); for (Int_t ev=0;evGetEntry(ev); Int_t fAN=0, fBN=0, fAStat[250], fBStat[250]; Double_t fXA[250], fXB[250], fYA[250], fYB[250]; for (Int_t k=0;kGetEntries();++k) { MyNuc *n = (MyNuc*)nucs->At(k); if (n->Type()>0) { fAStat[fAN] =0; fXA[fAN] = n->X(); fYA[fAN] = n->Y(); ++fAN; } else { fBStat[fBN] =0; fXB[fBN] = n->X(); fYB[fBN] = n->Y(); ++fBN; } } // Glauber calculation Double_t fXSect = 65; //mbarn Double_t d2 = (Double_t)fXSect/(TMath::Pi()*10); // in fm^2 // For each of the A nucleons in nucleus B for (Int_t i = 0; i0) { npart++; } } for (Int_t i = 0; i0) { npart++; } } cout << ev << " : " << info->fBB << " np " << npart << " vs " << info->fNP+info->fNT << endl; } }